tv News4 at 6 NBC March 5, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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devastating, the victims range in age from 6 to 89. authorities say they have notified all the victims' familiars. president trump set to visit on friday. jay gray starts us off in alabama. >> reporter: this is the kind of devastation that so many survivors are coming back to across the strike zone, entire neighborhoods like this one ripped apart, unrecognizable after the storm here. the scars clawed out by a string ofs tornado stretched for miles, splint erred wood, twisted metal and broken glass all that's left. >> when y see the devastation, it's hard to fathom something can be this powerful. >> reporter:athe national r service confirming an ef-4 twister with winds up to 170 miles an hour was on the ground likelys. for 70 mi
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chewing up and spitting out everything in its path. but the loss here cuts deeper than the rubble that's replaced communities in east alabama. >> the neighbors back here, dn here, everybody's dead. >> reporter: at least 23 people have been lost, including seven all from one family. the age rangef the victims 6 to 89. dozens are injed. and handful of residents are still unaccounted for. search teams targeting the hardest hit neighborhoods now. >> sifting through piles of debris where there may be people orh animals s as that there. we haven't given up hope. we're still searching. >> reporter: while many begin the difficult task of clearing and cleaning up what they can. >>d it's destrot we'll get it back. >> reporter: the storm taking almost everything here except e will and spirit of survivors. two days after the strike now
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and you get the sense for survivors the sho is now beginning to give way to the realization of how long, how difficult the recovery is to be here. jim, wendy. >> it is astonishing. just astyoishing. than jay. let's turn now to o local weather. if you like it frigid folks, do we have a forecast for you. chief meteorologist doug kammerer is in our storm cent i. >> how lon it going to last? >> let's see by a show of hands out therho loves it frigid? there's seven of you out of the hundre something thousand. who out there wants warmer temperatures? unfortunately we don't have many of those coming any time soon. when we do,it they come storms. look at what we've got right now. cold win for sure. those wind chills, 34 d.c., 19 the currentind chilln hagerstown. 7 back towards pittsburgh. we've got another atic front making its way our way, with that we'll see a very cold day
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tomorrow and a cold night tonight, too. coldest day of the week rr to. still cold thursday and friday. and watching the weekend for rain chances. we get into the 60s on sunday but that comes with the potential for a lot of rain. we'll talk about that and much more about the friday system, too. l aittle rain/snow mix coming in. we're back here in about 10 minutes. let's look at the investigations into president trump and what happened today. attorney general william barr will not be recusing himself from overseeing the special counsel's russia investigation. democrats and the white house are sparring over jared kushner's security clearance. and the houseic jry chairman says his committee's first priority is to protect the of law. all of this as president trump is insisting the democrats are harassing him. blayne alexander joins us to break it down tur us on this day. >> reporter: the president lashing out on twitter and speaking to reporters today at the democrats who are now
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opening more investigations. the house democrats are ming it clear that even when special counsel robert mueller wraps up his russia probe these investigations into the white house will not end soon. >> job and -- >> reporter: to house hitting back against a massive new investigation by house >>democrats. it's a shame. and the people understand it. when they look at it, they just say presidential harassment. >> reporter: spokeswoman sarah sanders calling it disgraceful and abusive. their response to a request by the house judiciary committee for documents from 81 entities. >> welcome to another tuesday in our worlit is what it is, brian. these s people are desperate. >> reporter: from the democrat leading the committee -- >> wtehave to investind hold hearings and lay out for the merican people if administration is involved in abuses of power or obstruction of justice. >> reporter: som republicans slamming democrats as
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politically motivated. >> they're worried the mueller report will come up with basically nothing against the president as regards to collusion. that's why i think they're launching this assault. >> reporter: for president trump more turbulence on the national emergency he declared. >> i advised the president not to take this route, but he's decided to do that, and there are a lot of different opinions. >> reporter: the to pass a resolution blocking that declaration because of the support of som republicans. republican leader mitch mcconnell has no choice but to bring it to th floor. likely next ek. forcing a public split in his caucus and almost certainly leading to the president's first veto. back to william barr's decision to not recuse himself. they're pointing to ethics officials that say he should not step the question remains what he will make public once that comes
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down. former fbi director jamesot com an op-ed in "the washington post" urging him to make the findings public. new trouble for a well connected local politician accused of peddling his gain.ence for personal jack evans now facing a reprimand from his fellow council members. and that's just one of the controversies he's t, for the first time, evans is offering an apbuogy. as news4's mark segraves reports the troubles swirling around evans and t d.c. council is far from over. >> i want to take this opportunity to apologize to my constituents, to the residents of the distric of columbia, and to my colleagues. >> reporter: ans' apology came minutes after phil mendleson's office put out press release announcing the plan to ask the d.c. council to vote to reprimand the longest-serving elected official in d.c.'s
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history. >> we're able to act immediately with regard to the issue of the e-mails about which it's clear that there was a violation of the code of conduct. >> in retrospect i would have done a lot of things different. certainly made some major mistakes. >> reporter: the reprimand is for evans having his chief of aff use her government e-mail account to send out business proposals to law firms seeking outside work for evans. they touted his infence as a council member. he also came undery skroou in matters related to a digital sign company trying to do business with the bpcity. nas in that investigation have been issued to the city and some of evans'clients. while it's legal to earn outside income. this councilman believes evans stepped outside the ne. >> he peddled influence with tha e and revenue committee, he should no longer be in
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of that committee. >> reporter: as for evans, while he apologized and said he made mistakes, he would notwh clarif he was apologizing for, the use of government e-mails or the issues surrounding the federal investigation. as reporters tried to ask, evans walked away. >> that's all i he to say. >> what would you have done differently? >> are you going to run for reelection? >> are you talking about the e-mails or other matter? >> reporter: through his attorney he has maintained he's done nothing mark seg news4. evans is also the chairman of the metro board of directors, the ethics office for metro launched its own review of the matter to seef he violated its code of ethics the d.c. council is set to vote on the reprind in two weeks. the d.c. council giving acting chancellor dr. lewis ferebee the job earlier today. he's been superintendent of indianapolis public schools and
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durham f of staff at public schools. he earned his masters from gw here. and said he's visited every school in the district and i ready to be their, quote, chief champion. >> montgomery county police have ed an elementary school teacher for possessionf child pornography. he taught physical edge education at ash burton elementary school. he's a 28 year veteran of the school district. police say the investigation does not appear to involve any images of students. a letter sent home to parents saidhe school put him on leave when they found out a investigation in january and they are fully cooperating with that investigation. there is concern tonight about the way montgomery county police officers a investigated when they take someone's life. civil rights groups want more
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transparency and will be pushing for changes in about an hour at a hearing. news4 chris gordon joins us live to explain. chri >> reporter:wendy, tonight's montgomery county council hearing was prompted bhe police shooting of robert whitej last summert off sligo creek parkway in a residential neighborhood. a police officer saidsp looked icious, acted aggressively and refused the police officer's order to stop. body cam video shows the events leading up to the shooting of 41-year-old robert white last june ia silver spring parking lot. a montgomery county police officer thoughthite was armed the as reaching f officer's gun. >> sir, i do not want to shoot you. >> rpoorter: white rtedly hit the officer and yelled do it, do it again.e th officer shot several times killing white. marvin witfieldaid t video doesn't show the robert white he knew for 35 years. a man healls his brother. >> he was the godfather of mych
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d. and she has a life in which it was enriched with everything that he did for her. e was a preacher's kid and had morals and respect for everyone that he came across. >> reporter: the shooting was investigated by montgomery county police department's homicide unit. the evidence was turned over to prosec in howard county, which cleared the officer of any wrong doing. now the montgomery county council is considering a bill requiring an independent police investigation. requiring thead results to be public. >> i think we have a real crisis around this country of confidence in policing. we have a terrifi department in montgomery county but we can make improtement. >> rep marvin witfield will testify in sport of independent investigations of police shootings. >> i want to shed a light on things that have been held out in the dark. nobody should go throughhe ordeal that robert's family went through in which ty were only told an afterthought in terms of
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what went on in the investigatn. >> reporter: it turns out that robert white was unarmed when he was shot to death. and i'm told we have demonstrators starting to congregate for tonight'ry montgoounty hearing. we will have an update for you tonight on news4 at 11:00. wendy, back to you. il chris gordon, thank you, chris. ahead, breaking news in the race for the white house. a potential candidate says he's going to stay out of the 2020 campaign but he's not going to stay quiet. new outbreak puts the debate over vaccinations back in the spotlight. today a teenager explains how he de defied his mother. and a mother talking to news4 upset how a white princip princip principal used the n word
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w leon harris at the w live eh the latest on thr bombs found today in london. investigators are describing them as small improvised explosive devices, ieds they were designed to ignite amall fire when opened and that's what happened when the first package was opened. the other were not opened. no on was injured but counte counterterrorism officers are investigating it appears two of theka ps
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were sent from ireland. we have peasle outbreaks popping up account the country and today senators talked about vaccinations and a parent's right to choose. speaking before them today, a teenager who defied his mother's anti-vaccination beliefs. nly facebook -- >> where do you get your information? >> from not facebook. reporter: that's high school senior ethan lindenberger telling a senate committee how he pursued scientific facts about vaccines and made the eccision to bome fully inoculated when he turned 18, defying hisher who ethan sa developed strong v anti-vacciws largely from social media. >> more my mother her love a"fox & iends" -- her love, affection and care as a parent was used to spread misinformation.
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>> reporter: the testimony came amid ongoing outbreaks of measles. so far in 2019 the cdc has reported 206 cases of measles ih 11 states, woutbreaks in illinois, new york, texas and washington state. >> thank you for your testimony. at reporter: tuesday's s hearing had one voice of dissent senator rand paul nho did ask questions of the panel of he tors and experts, using t ti n argue against mandatory vaccinations. >> i do not favor giving up on liberty for a false sense of security. >> reporter: yet another huge study, this one of nearly 700,000 children has once again debunked the claim that there is any link between vaccines and autism. frustrated medical experts say that unfounded theory compels some parents to listen to fear
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rather than fact. erika edwards, nbc news. breaking news in the racete for the whouse. michael bloombuerg said he will not run in 2020. he released a statement he's going to focus instead on electing a democrat to thendhite house moving america toward ith00% clean energy economy a campaign he calls beyond carbon. he also acknowlged that he would face an uphill battle to win the democratic nomination in a crowded field. 12 democrats havey announced t are running. so far. chang coming to the trump administration. the head of the food and drug administration is stepping down, scott gottlieb submitted his resignationaying he wants to spend more time with his family in connecticut. under his watch the fda has had to tackle difficult public health issues including the
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opioid csis and teenage vaping. he'll stay on the job for another>>month. a british man has become the second adult worldwide known to have been cleared of hiv. the patient received a patient of bonew mar stem cells about three years ago from an hiv resistant donor. this is a similar treatment to one that helped an american man be the first known adult be cleared of hiv, this was in 2007. but neither wasintended to treat hiv. >> both of caem have blood ers so they were being treated for leukemia and lympho lymphoma, they were g marrow transplant to treathat cancer, not hiv. the remission of the hiv virus is a side effect from this very intensive cancer treatment. >> you can catch her full report on this interesting break through. it's tonight o nbc "nightly
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news" with lester holt at 7:00 right here on nbc 4. a gocup of house makers leading an effort to make paid family leave law f federal workers. within the last two hours, a news conference was held calling for reform. >> new parents need time to bond with their children and establish the routines of parenthood. this is the policy in my office. this is not something new for us, it won't affect us because we do this. >> the new billiv would federal workers 12 weeks paid leave for a new child, illne or care giving. president trump only wants six weeks. veat the state six states and d.c. have passed paid family leave laws. in d.c. there is eight weeks for parental leave, six weeks for family care, and two weeks for a serious health condition. have you seen memorial bridge and the construction going on today?
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it is cut open. you know when the bridge is put together it's one of the most beautiful structures we have here. but in the middle of this massiv makeover, it is currently in pieces. toy transportation reporter adam tuss got a look at the work to bring this bridge back to its former glory. >> reporter: no doubt about it the memorial bridge is going through surgery, that surgery has opened up the briane but impo pieces like thegr anite have been removed from here along the banks of the potomac and thoseieces come here to a yard in upper marlboro where they're getting new life, refurbished and piece by piece each one will go back ight on thbridge. in this nondescript unassuming stone yard there's a lot of history. this is theemorial bridge, if you can believe it. pieces of it. carved up like a legoset, set aside to be cleaned and repaired. >> we don'tant it to look
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brand new. that wasn't the point of any of this cleaning. >> reporter: lindy with the national park service watches over the pieces carefully, shes architecture conserverit the park service which means she knowshhere ef these pieces oes, and they will go back in specific locatiothe bridge. >> the granite is in really good condition. br reporter: the memorial ge opened in 1932 back then it cost just over $7 million to build it. right now the bridge is in the rehab of a $223 million and a facelift to restore all of it to its glor >> ey're here for a short period of time and hopefully they'll be back. >> reporte right now the south half of the bridge getting replaced. it'sut p back in the fall. and the the north side gets its turn. in upper marlboro, adam tuss when we come right back on
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news4 at:0 a local principal admits to our tracee wilkins that she used the n word in front of children at her school. tonight the mother of one of rsose kids talks to news4 about the difficult conion she had to have with her child. up nextd a c start to the month of march and it's going to get lder, folks. doug is back to tell you what you can -ah, the old crew! remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at this school? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. [ sighs ] -"box, have a great summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself.
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>>aybe may. we're looking at the long-term pattern here, amelia and were checking it out earlier for the cherry blossoms, it looks like march is going to be on the cool side of thing. overall, march is going to end nup cooler. this cold all through morj? >> no. this is a one time shot i thk. arctic air makes its way in tonight intmo the day ow. here's a pretty shot towards the reston live camera. you can see the blue ridge to the west, a few clouds and clear skies. temperature wise we're sitting at the airport, right now41 a degrees. winds out of the west at 12 mills per hour. we'll see aice evening tonight. look at the current wind chill, 34 d.c. 18 in martinsburg. a lot cooler back to the west. we'll continue to see that cooler air move in. nothing on the radar.
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satellite and radar s showinge snow showers coming down with the fr,t. look at thhrough the great lakes towards our region. we'll see the winds pick up overnight into early tomorrow morning and throughout the day tomorrow we'll see winds. look at th wind chill across the country. 34 d.c., it's 31 in atlanta. nashville, tennessee colder. chicago you know that, 3 degrees right there. g it a grip across much of the nation. sticking around tomorrowith a high of 35, wind chills in the teens all day. 42n your thursday. 40% chance of rain or snow on friday. nothing i'm concerned about. temperatures around 44 degrees, roads should be fine just on the wt side. 52 on saturday aare going into the 60s. we'll talk more about the rest of the weekend, the next chance at a storm and next week, too. i'll see you at 6:45. coming up at 6:30 a vote coming soon on the deal that
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arlington county madendith amaz what it's going to tell us about how quickly amazon plans toui up its new headquarters. check out this video showing an atm heist that did not go as planned. the story as only pat collins could tell is. i'm tracee wilkins, a white principal at a maryland school uses the n word during a black history month program. she tells meai why she s it and we hea [music playing] (sashimi) psst. hey, you! the one with the designer dog collar. wondering how i upgraded to this sweet pad? a 1,200-square-foot bathroom, and my very own spa. all i had to do was give my human "the look". with wells fargo's 3% down payment on a fixed-rate loan
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during a black history month assembly. >> tracee wilkins reports the principal at new hope academy is apologizing and explaining. >> reporte . >> she referenced it three times. >> this motr does not want to be identified. she said her child is upset after her principal used the n word. >> during her speech she referred to the n word but she didn't say the n word, she said out.ord ful >> reporter: the comments were made by principal joy morrow at theew hope academy private school during its black history month program. she admitted to during a phone conversation with me. she told me she did not use itnd maliciously was using it to make a point explaining the racism she witnessed growing up. she told me i've apologized. i look at ithi and i could
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have handled that differently. please d w't misst i was trying to say. this parent says her apologies have fallen flat especially for this minority majority school: i don't thinkasn apology coming until the complaints came in. >> what would you like to see t happen wits principal? >> in a perfect world she would see that's so totally unacceptable, it may be time to tire and get new leadership in. >> reporter: no word yet on the cipal future at this school. while she spoke to me by phone she did not agree to go on camera. she submitted a statement explaining what happened on that day. to read that statement go to nbc washington and search principal racial slur. i'm tracee wilkins, news4. a man convicted of kidle napping and killing a d-year-old girl in maryl is free. matthew bethea walked out of prison
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dnnce linked him to the murder of nia owens. she was raped and strangled in 196. bethea had been sentenced t 15 years but thanks to good behavior credit he got out after serving less than nine. in top pros cue or thes prince george's county said she's disappointed but because of the state law she could not prevent this early release. arlington county release details of its agreement with amazon and it lays out incentives and growth of amazon in the county over the next 15 years. leon harris isere wit more. >> what's interesting is incentives for amazon, how much office space the company is going to need to create. if they hit the benchmarks, amazon will get a slice of thel hoax revenue. by july they need to occupy
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abou 64,000 feet. by july of 2021, amazon needs to grow more, occupyingbo a quarter million square feet, almost four white houses. and by on 2034, ye lastr of incentive payments, amazon needs to takep more thanil 5.5 mon square feet, about 83 white houses worth of space. that gives you an idea how quickly they'r supposed to ramp up and how big they're supposed to get. there are no specific requirements for amazon when it comes to hiring contractorsr how much those contractors should be paid. not clear how big a stumbling block thaill be. the county will vote on the deal on march 16th. we'll let you know what happens there. a new poll shows maryland governor larry hoganboy is he popular. his overall approval rating in maryland,%.
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one point higher than his support in the same poll last month. he's also keeping his options open about a potential primary challenge to pre adent trump. interviewed with the associated press last night, hogan sd he does not think trump is vulnerable to a primary challenge right now. but acknowledged things could change and his words, quote, you never say never. they tried and failed to steal an atm in the district, but you can't call them quitters. tonight we're learning about a group of would be thieves who did not wor out all the kinks before making their next attempt in montgomery county. here's news4's pat collinsith that story. >> reporter: see these big yellow pipes here, they'rerand new. they're filled with concrete. in when you hear this story, you'll derstand where they're here. it was february 15th, the day after valentine's day, some guys
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steal a pickup truck and set out to steal an atm, come to the seven eleven on bladensburg road and they back the truck into the store. they try and try and try again to pick up that atm machine. nothing. so they take off. so you know what they say, if at first you don't succeed, well, theseho guysd have just given up. but two days later, same kind of pickup truck, same o. seven eleven on new hampshire avenue, boom. in goes the truck. boom. downoes the atm. out come the thieves. then things go sideways. they left and they pull, and they push that money machine trying to get it onto a hand truck. it appears they koonlt get
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their act together as far as what they wanted to do and how p they wanted tl off the theft. >> reporter: the driver of the pickup, he gets impatient,o he takes off. >> the getaway car gotaway. >> reporter: finally the three suspects muscle the machine out the store but the atm and falls on the leg of one of eie guys. then they realize getaway is gone. words are said. the suspects, the suspects leave on foot. but wait, the hand truck, we may need that again. better get it. if they try -- they're not going to try it again.bu t if they do try it again, chances are they won't go back to that seven eleven on bladensburroad. i'm pat collins, news4 washington. hurts just a ride little bit too. >> the three stooges are alive and ll
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jeff bezos sits atop the forbes billionaire list. how his impending divorce can lead toth changes a top. we're going to go back live to eastern alabama and gabe gutierrez is going to join us with the preview of the story he's working on nbc "nightly news." 42 degrees in d.c. look how much colderst it was to the west of the mountains. your updated forecast and what to expectd.his weeken to expectd.his weeken
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people aren't talking about giant's to expectd.his weeken fresh grab and go salads and sandwiches. they're not talking, because they're eating. oh, hello. at giant, it's the little things that make mealtime easy, so you have more time with the people you love. forbes is out with its analyst of billionaires. for the second year in a row the name at e top i amazon founder jeff bezos. he and his famil have a fortune worth $131 billion. the second richest man bill gates worth $96.5 billion.
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and warren buffett rounds out the top three with aned estim fortune of $82.5 billion. isep in mind, jeff bezos and h y fehe e are divorcing after 25 years of marriage. if they split their assets in half, forbes reports she'll become the richest woman in the rld. speaking of wealthykyomen, celebrlie jenner became the youngest self-mad billionaire ever she's 21 and aty estimate her net worth an even 1 billion. and president trump's estimated e remained flat at $3.1 billion. es c in 70th on the list of the world's biggest rners. this is not something you see every day. a florida man tryg to take a grenade launcher through airport security. yep, a grenade launcher.
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tsa agents obviously stopped him. this was in allentown, pennsylvania. it wasn't t functional and grenade was a replica, so he thought it was okay to take it on board. but taking replicas can cost violators up to $13,000. >> can you imagine their eyes ho they poppe up. plenty more to come. we turn back to o top story and the her row stories of alabama. >> gabe gutierrez is going to join us from the disaster zone where survivors are sharing their near-death experiences. the colst day odef
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we are back now with some desk,ng news at the live this just came in. we have to show you this video, chopper 4 managed to fly over the scene of a parking lot that looks like the backstret of a nascar track. we have several car piled up. montgomery county firefighters say one vehicle struck several other vehicles. one is on the siwalk, we don't know if that was driving there or that's where it ended upst at lne person is injured. that's all we can tell you at this point. no word on what caused this scene. we'll keep an eye on itnd let you know what we learn. back to the devastation in the deep south caused by the tornados killing nearly two dozen people. >> asea theh for survivors
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winds down, clean up is getting started. >> gabe gutierrez jns us from alabama where you're learning more about the victi w. >> reporteare learning more about the victims. authorities identified them today we know they range in age from 6 yea old to 89 years old. as youhe mentioned t search for survivors may be starting to wind down here but teams are still looking for about a half dozen people still unaccounted for. this has been so devastati for so manyeople in this community. behind me you can see a home ripped apart near here. tere was another mobile home just tossed acros yard. one man road out the storm in a pickup truck his daughter told us and he managed to make it out alive. there's been so much devastation here. 23 people dead, more than 90 people injured in the disaster. and the jcleanup effortt beginning. >> what are you hearing from these people? we heardbout a family of seven
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killed from one family. do we know anything about that family or where they were trying to shelter when they lost their lives? >> reporter: well, i this rural area you had many family members that live near each other. yes, they said today that seven members of one extended family are among the dead. we're looking f more details on that family. we spoke with a man yesterday who told us about a woman who had been his partner for 20 years she had several members that died, she was confirmed among the dead today, she was 57 years old and lived hereor much of her life. horrifying to hear her long-tim partner come to the house and have to sift through the rubble. just so devastating for that family and so many others here trying t copeith the loss. >> looking at the pictures from behind you and above it's hard to imagine anyone surviving there. gabe gutierrez thanks forg joinus. >> look for more of gabe's
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reporting ahead at the top of the hour on nbc "nightly news." doug joins us now -- >> our cold we can't complain. we're lucky we only have some cold. >> absolutely. this is the time of yearee we the severe storms come through parts of the area. that's going to be the case as we move on through here. hold on. i just switched -- >> battery is frozen? sedo you want to mine? >> see if that worked. is it working now? just fyi amelia once changed tec batte and did the for at tamhemee s see. that's what happens. >> it was impressive. >> i just changed thebatteries. anyway, let's look and show you what's happening because now it is worki just fine, everybody. what do we have today, guys? we're talking abouthe cold making its way in, talking about the fact that, you know, they've seen so much o that down to the south, this is the time of year we're going to continue to seen the c for strong storms through the south and continue
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to see the fluctuation of temperatures we'll see. we'll way down tomorrow, farther down tomorrow, dropping to about 31 by 11:00 tonigh ase move through the region. not seeing much here. look like snow showers toward the hagerstown area, thiis the front hitting the area. right along 15, that's where ski liberty is, towards round top, white tail, they may pick up a little bit and thell be making snow over the next couple days. here's the feels like temperature. the mountains act as a difference here, 34 in d.c. to the west, 18 in martinsburg, 17 winchester. the winds are starting to pick up too behind the frontal boundary. look at the temperatures, these are not wind chills, these are temperatures. 30 hagerstown, 17 in pittsburgh, 19 in state college. this is an arctic front that
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drops the temperatures during the night tonight and into the day tomorrow. as we look at it tomorrow, 24 digits feels like single tomorrow morning between zero and ten for the wind chill. recess 30 degrees but feeling like teens and 20s. and around 20 degrees --y shoul teens to around 20. it's t goingbe that cold stepping out the front door tomorrow and all afternoon. here's your fure wind chills. 17 tonight, d.c. by 11:00. intohe single digits by 11:00 tonight that's how much we cool an winds pick up. early tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m., 1 in frederick, 2 below in hagers 6 many manassas. that's cold air in the mor ng nd it doesn't warm all that much. by 1:00 in the afternoon, most everybody in the teens so a cold wednesday. fortunately this cold is short lived. 42 on thursday.
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44 rain snow on friday, only a 40% chance not a big storm. there's the 64 i was telling you about with rai on sunday. believe it or not, that storm partsalso bring storms to of the mississippi valley. we'll talk about that over the next couple days for us64. coming up, 50 and fabulous. >> alex ovechkin is close to reaching another milestone and why the caps surstaras his h for top-quality floors at rock-bottom prices, come to floor & decor. the largest tile and wood place i've ever seen in my life. it's every color. it's every style. it's a one-stop-shop. we got exactly what we wanted and we paid the price that we were looking for. why wouldn't you want to save money
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it doesn't even matter how many you are. ♪ restaurants come to you. delicious at your door. download doordash. first order, no delivery fee. at opening day, just sounds like spring. >> hard to believe. >>t'15 dries out there tomorrow. >> i can't think about that. the count down to opening day down to three weeks and two days. for the nationals they're about two thirds through their spring training games. wins and losses don't count.
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the goal is tkeep everyone althy in preparation for when nats dealing with the first injury of the day. but happy max scherzer day, not a good day. kendrick ruptured his akechille last season, but here he pulled a muscle. hiherzer allows five runs in three and a innings. red sox our daily bryce harper news, there he is on the right in the phillies dugout yucking it up with his tmmates day. he's expected to make disebut saturday against the blue jays. no surprise the game is a sellout. it won't take m bryce harper to
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see him formerat teamm when the phillies visit the nats a week into the season. something the sportsunes asked about today. >> april 2nd is going to be inresting. >> it's going to be fun. >> it's going to be must see tv, my friend. >> people talk about it -- >> the scouting report. >> could y imagine me telling max, we're going to walk -- >> right. that ain't happening. >> that's what he wants you to do. >> he wants you to walk him every time. >> max is going after him. >> that is'll be a fight in theg yous. >> i d't think we'll see scherzer against harper the first time. the capitals currently on the third longest winning streak tonight they're in philadelphia. there's only fe wee left to go in the regular. seas alex ovechkin has his eyes on another stanley cup but also close to more history. he leads the leagueith 45
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goals this season, five away from 50. he has reached t seven times in his career but hasn't hit since 2016. came up one goal shy last year. he's not focussing solely on that mark but saying he wouldn't be happy. >> when you have a chance to scoreit 50 's nice. unfortunately i didn't score last yearve but if i a chance to score, why not. >>0 goals is a -- i mean, an amazing, amazing year, and he st continues to do it. despite getting a year older and despite having a long season the year before, he's pretty remarkable. iic aipate him scoring it. do i talk about it with me? not at pull. > whatever works to get him to those goals. so everyone has their pregame routine. this kid getting up close and personal with the glass. alex ovechkin practicing the nja moves. but braden holtby, i thought i saw you doing the eye exercise
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before. >> i don't get it. >> you have to visual ice. oshie giving friendly taps. they know how crazy their routines may be,they're important to keep things loose. >> i think you'd be blown away wiow many hand shakes and all that stuff that goes onre behe game. you get to see some of it caught on camera, but this kind of routine keepst light before the game and have fun, i guess. >> teams that get along off the ice and have a good bond off th up winning in the long run. especial championship teams, guys will say this is one of the closest teams i've played on, i wasn't here last year, but around these guys this is what ey d. >> they said oshie might have one with every player. that's a lot of hand shakes. >> we have to work on ours. this is good. >> we can all play fake
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breaking news breaking news tonight. new satellite images show rapid rebuilding range rocket site in north korea. also tonight, london on osive devices sent through the mail and found at two major airports, and a train station. one of them going off at heathrow. n edgealifornia as prosecutors announce no charges will be filed against officers who shot an unarmed man in his own family's bayard. 18 seconds of horror, new clues gh to the crash of a boeing 767 flying for amazon. what the black boxes reveal and what's leaving investigators still
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