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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  March 8, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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michael cohen and president trump lobbing grenades on twitter. while president trump responds to the sentence for his former campaign chairman. >> i feel badly for paul manafort. and invisible threat. >> this is a new frontier for us. >> only on news4 police officers talk about a new danger they're facing every day. >> i didn't think there was a risk to me. i thought i was there to help somebody. we begin this friday night tracking snow. it'sut coming down there as we get ready to start the weekend. >> you can see some are seeing snow, others rain but all of us end the weekend with o a taste spring. >> we like that. this was the scene out many of our windows today. huge flakes coming down for a time in gaithersburg but notol quite enough to cause problems on the roads. >> let's look live outside of our studios in northwest dco. it is stilng down and doug kammerer is here to explain when
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we're going to notice a change in these colder conditions. >> you know we're going to notice a change in the next cole urs, one everything is going to come to an end and the warm up happens tomorrow into the day into sunday. we have the snow area wide now. down to the south of fredericksburg and parts of southern maryland around the k north earn n where you see the rain/snow. 's been coming down at a good clip. most areas picking up a coating to half inch. in some locations we could see an inch. but the roads have been fine. that may change just a little bit now that the sun i down. we could see slick spots but the main roads should beokay. this is the end here, i think we have another hour at the most and then it's all moving through the region. can't rule out a couple showers, but most of it is out of here. 33 hagerstown, 34 in d.c. still above freezing. just about everywhere at or
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ove. the road temperatures are a little bit above freezing too. at's good news that's why we have not seen problems on area roads. however even wet roads in our city mean a lot of traffic. we've seen traffic. ok at the cameras this afternoon, yeah, it's a mess our e. we're talking nearsu 70 on ay. see you back in a minute. if you're wondering wha wear or what it's going to be like this weekend. remember we have the nbc washington app with the hour by hour forecast in the palm of your hand. > to breaking news in the district. a major break in a shooting. police are calling a case of mistaken identity. a father and sun gunned down just after christmas and now police haveed annou multiple arrests. >> cory smith is at d.c. headquarte with an update for us. >> reporter: this is a case police have been investigating for more tha two months. today, three people were arrested in connection with that
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shooting involving a father and son. again, as you said a shooting th police are calling a case of mistaken identity. let's show you aha scene from shooting. it happened on december 28th. we know tonight, three individuals are all in jail. matthews w arrested in ohio and is awaiting extradition. they've each been charged with assault with intent to kill while armed. chief newsham has talked about starting this family on t road to justice but something he cels is more important than bringingsure to these cases. listen to what he had to say. >> if you think about this 14-year-old boy, since a couple days after christmas have to be spending his timeehabbing injuries from a gun shot wound when the only thing he was doing onhat day was going to enjoy a sporting event with his dad and a friend, younow, it is
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satisfying to bring them to closure, it would be more satisfying if the violence would stop. >> reporter: each of the suspects charged with assault with intent to kill while armed. lice telling us the teenage boy is still recovering from injuries. we know police are still looking for two suspects in another shooting that we have been following. >> reporter: that's right. we'll remember this shootg because of surveillance video is frightening, this happened at a bar on eighth street, an afterhours party. one man sho in theleg. police have arrested one person but they're still looking for tworemore. these the people they're looking for antonio belltonnd tamara williams. it's believed bellton is the shooter. and williams is seen on surveillance video that many of us have seen allegedly going back into the bar and picking up the gun that was used.
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they are both wanted for assau with intent to kill. chief newshamli c for the public's help and he was trying to reassure the public that the police department ig tak this rise in violence we've seen this year seriously. here's what had to say. >> to see the type of gun violence that we actually could see in that video is very disturbing. i want toeassure folks in the district that members of the metropolitan police department, our detectives, patrol officers, our friends in prince george's coun, our federal partners, are doing everything that we possibly can to bring these cases to closu. >> reporter: thehief reiterating that the department needs the public's help to solve these cases. if you have any information, you are asked to call police. again, they're looking for the two suspects in the eighth street bar shooting. back to you. >> thank you, corey.
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more breaking news, "empire" actor jussiemollett has been indicted by a chicago grand jury on 16 felony counts after allegedly t lyingo police about being the victim of a hate crime. jussie smollett was charged last month with fing a false police report claiming he wasau aed by two men who hurled racist and homophobicrs s at him and poured what he believed was bleach over him and put a noose around his neck. he's denied the allegations. president trump and the first lady traveling toaneorgia alabama today to get a look at the destruction caused by last week's deadly tornados. after touring the strike zone by air, the president got at look the devastation on the ground. this powerful ef-4 twister sliced through ohe town beauregard with winds up to 170 miles an hour, cutting a nearly 70-mile-long path. >> before the president left
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washington he fielded questions about potential pardons for two of his formeres emplo who face lengthy prison sentences, paul manafort and michael cohen. blayne alexander joins us to break down the president's reaction. >> reporter: it's a different based on who he was talking about. it's almost the tail of two presidenal pardons one that is not off the table and the other, g to president trump, asked and rejected. president trump slamming his one-time attorney, michael cohen, tweeting he directly asked me for a pardon, i said no, he lied again. >> stone cold lie. andhe'sied about a lot of things. but when he lied about the pardon, that was really a rlie orter: cohen told congress last week. >> i have never asked for, nor od i accept a pardon fro president trump. >> reporter: even cohen's attorney contradicted that saying the legal team did explore the possibility. cohen soon headed to prison for
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lying toco ress, now firing back saying it's the president who's not truthful. meanwhile, president trump has not ruled out a f pardo paul anafort, his former campaign four years in prison on bank and tax fraud. >> i feel badly for paul manafort. it'hink is been a very, very tough time for him. >> reporter: manafort's charges brought by spe al counsel robert mueller. >> the judge said there was nolo russia. f ththine e btteg arurt trial. while the president is sympathetic to manafort. others outraged by his relatively light sentence, just a fraction of the possible 24 years. we've seen african-american sentenced far worseor les egregious actions than paul manafort did. we need to look at our justice system. >> reporter: next week paul manafort goes before a different judge for a second stejs
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sentencing hearing. and that relatively light sentence handed down during the first hearing is putting a lot of focus on next week, where manafort could get up to 1 years. >> blayne alexander, thank you blayne. if you are aestaurant or business in the district, time is running out. you have to get rid of thec plas straws. and city inspectors are going out to makeure you're obeying the ban. mark segraves has a look at the environmentaltyriendly alternatives. >> reporter: since the first of the year inspectors have been handing out warning notices and informational flyers to restaurants and other businesses. these are paper straws. >> shed, saving the environment. >> reporter: there are alternatives to plastic from straws made of metal to straws made of hey, like you find at
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hank's oyster bar. >> some of trdm are w out, it's a piece of hay but they're e, ready to use and environmentally friendly. >> it's notust straw compliance. d.c. has a ban on styrofoamas f the three years. since january 1st about 70 businesses have been inspected and about a third were in compliance. which is about the same compliance rate for when the syrofoam ban went in effect cree years ago,o how is that going? ompliance is high. we're seeing over 95% complianc >> reporter: inspectors will start issuing fines july 1st, they start at $100 and climb to $800. >> the average person doesn't need these small dispoisable plastic items that end up in our water ways or trash cans. >> reporter: mark segraves news4. federal investigators areo looking i long-time d.c. council member jacksi evans'
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ss relationships. they've issued subpoenas for the entire council andl mayor mur bowser. tom sherwood broke the news of the subpoenas. evans has issued several public apologies in the past week. on tuesday the cncilchairman recommend that evans be reprimanded for having his chief entaff send solicitations for outside employm from her government e-mail account. evs has insisted he did nothing illegal. the battle for d.c. statehd, it inched forward soday when the house passed hr 1. al known as the for the people act. a sweeping anti-corruption and voting rights bill thatal inclus a to make the district the nation's 51st state. yesterday chuck schumerin out g tatehood as a vot rights priority. but mitch mcconnell has made it clear he's not bringing this up for a vote in the senate.
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ware tracking a wintery blast to start the weekend. b you can see the divide on our storm team 4 radar. some people seeing snow, others seeing rain. and we're all going to see bch ges coming. securing our schools. districts across the country are spending millions in security after last year's mass shooting in parkland florida but one district is running into roadblocks. en> also did michael coh ask for a presidential pardon and -ah, the old crew! remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and st chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at thischool? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine?
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-ha. [ sighs ] -"box, have a great summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself. i'd with a special discount for a special girl. danielle, this one's for you.
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on where you live, you likely got hit with one of the two, if not both.
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a way to end a work week. but big chaes ahe for the weekend. doug's full forecast coming up. time for a deeper look behind this week's political headlines. >> you may not have thought it was possible but the bitter break up between president trump and michael cohen got even more toxic. >> but the president takes a ar softer tone t his former campaign manager, paul manafort. amid a lot of surprise reaction over a financial fraud sentence that goes far below federal guidelines. chuck todd is nbc news political director and moderator of "meet the press." checking for the latest information. >> always. i got caught. you know, it's friday. >> you're in the cafeteria like that. >> i am. i bump into people all the time. >> itlet's startthe public battle that played out today. the president got on air force once, tweeted that michael cohen directly asked him for a and he said no. and michael cohen firing back
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accusing theresident of lying and got in a dig abouttrump's treatment of women. what do you make of this? >> you're forgen if you don't know who to believe. michael cohen is an admitted liar, who will be going to prison for. and donald trump's track record is not so good. so you go, who do you believe here? the president self-admitting he's talking pardons with people after fbi raids happen i'm sure is going to be t of interes prosecutors in new york or the special counsel. when you're sitting in a situation and you're trying to figure out who's credible and who isn't. it has raised the question again do you realize if bob mueller bmits his report, it could have been today, h may do so without bringing the president in front of the the more you see these questions of him contradicting what oers are saying, i have to say why
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haven't you questioned the president as a citizen. why hasn'te been put before the grand jury if everybody else has been. and more dust ups like this raise the antenna. bob kes me think about is mueller going wait a minute is there more contractions. >> paul manafort's sentence could have been as high as 24 years he got barely four years. but let' listen to what the president said about a pardon. >> the only oness disg it is you. i feel badly for paul manafort, i think it's been a very, very tough time for him. >> how do you read that? >> by they, i wouldn't be looking at pardoning him. i'm i'd ask if he's going to commute the sentence. >> what is the difference? >> one you get your -- one the record is expunged and one
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isn't. >> either way you're getting out of jail? a get out of jail free card. yeah. by theway, paul manafort is appearing before another judge next week, this one having to do with lying to bob mueller. that sentence likely to be stacked on oop this one. d so you're likely looking at double digits and he is a 69-year-oldman. that tells me maybe the president isbe going to empathic there. i think it'sy politically ri for him. paul manafort, one of the things people have to remember, the weirdest interactions between the trump campaign and russia all took place afterma paul fort was in charge. was that all a coincidence? is it all manafort, there's a lot of questions. >> still a lot of questions to answer -- >> some day i'm going to book the re-dak or the, because the person redacting everything probably knows everything.
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>> ifhat magic marker could talk. >> yes. >> aside fromll the who's lying business, the economic news for ts president not good this week. >> the trade deficit andhe numbers -- this has got to be hitting his base at some point, or with it? let me set the jobs numbers aside. the first three months of eve lendar year are volatile. >> because of seasonal. >> you have the seasonal employment, post holiday. don't fort we had the government shutdown. in fairness, by the way, t average -- that jobs report, while the number wasn't high, the wage growth was good. it's the trade deficit. >> i was going to say. >> the ticde d is a bigger deal. the tariff auissue, b that trade deficit, the whole point of him was he was supposed to lower that. >> right. >> we know the economy inural iowa, especially the farming
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economy impacted by this tariff war with china, it has been impacted. and in those areas th president's leadership is in question. that's something hs,has to addrhich may be why we're starting to see whatever deal theyre looked like they coming to, maybe suddenly hek needs to lke he's fighting harder. "meetck todd thank you the press" sunday morning 10:30. >> we'll be here. no snow. then we can put our flip flops on and go running outside, it's going to be 70 degrees. snow, mathon, then worry flops. e flip >> we'll watch your show in flip flops how about that? it's ahr deadly tt officers are exposed to. just aheads local offic speaking to news4 about howsu spects caused them to overdose and how it has completely changed the way they do their
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jobs. >> plus doug breaks down this
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all right. doug said this was going to be conversational snow and we are talking about it way too much. >> we've been tking about it a lot. >> it's dominating. >> it's a longer conversation -- >> than we thought we were going to have. >> we said yesterday aon coatin grassy surfaces north and west of d.c. we are in d.c. proper we have a good coating out there. it's nice and it's really cominh down out e. if i said we would get about thisuch i think we got that much. so probably double what i was thinking. >> we're going to have a bigco ersation about that later.
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>> that's right. but the good news is as we said yesterday the roads would not be affected. that being said we could see issues the next few hrs. this is st. al ban's high school, sliding into first base. never slide into first. even though harper did it a couple times. they're practicing in the snow. this looks like me in college at colorado. th's where i was practicing, in colorado. you got to get the practice in. any time you get field time it's a good time. taking ofun-goes there in e estfield with snow coming down. snow conti across the area. look back to the west, though. put this in motion. there it is the backside of the storm. i told you it would be o out here around 7:00, that's what it looks like, 70, 7:30 coming to an end. some locations picking up a half an inch to an inch. 34 degrees winds northeast at 3
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miles an hour, no wind, no wind chill to talk about, but it is on the chillde the good news is most everybody above freezing. we are a freezing in manassas, martinsburg, winchester. these areas seeing the snow stop. if you're driving around, remember bridges andrp oses freeze quicker. sidewalks as well. watch out the next couple hours we could see slick spots. theain snow ending around 7:00, 7:30, wet for the evening commute. a've seen that. the roads wet. that's the case the next few hours. chilly for the night out. yes, you need the jacket as you makeo your way dinner. 48 degrees, captain marv want to see that. 48 on saturday. 68 on sunday. i had 7 i was really optimistic about it. i'm still optimistic about 68. is thattill okay, everybody? 62 on monday, 52 on tuesday.
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don't forget to spring forward tomorrow night with theclocks. we'll see you back here in a few minutes. schools acros the country are spending millions on security to keep students safe. >> but one district in our area said they've run io a problem with that. it began with a call f help at this hotel, it ended with four police officers overdosing. tonight only on news4, the officers involved share tir hest
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> here is a live look outside our studio in northwest d.c. ifus you're joining us at 6:30, the snow is still f in paras of our area. doug says it won't last much longer. stay tuned for live updates over the next half hour. police officers walk into unknown dangers every day. >> tonight police in fredericksburg warn of a invisible threat. one that caused fourer offto overdose. >> tonight only on news4, david culver looks at how the increasing usef drugs in our ea is exposing officers to a potentially deadly danger. >> reporter: when fredericksburg police officers hit the streets, they areocussed on the seemingly obvious dangers. >> we're trained to watch the hands and watch for threats. >> reporter: but in april last year, officers added a new threat to thelist, one you cannot see. it started as they responded to a call for help from this hotel. kortney burrohs dialled 911
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saying her husband james was struggling to breathe. >> at the time i didn't think there was aisk to me. i thought i was there to help somebody. >> we didn't know until at the end of this there was white powder almost all over everyns surfacee that room. we couldn't see it, it was dark inside. >> reporter: after securing the scene at the motel, the officers stayed until a search warrant was signed off on. all the while breathing in what was likely fentanyl. >> i don't know if high is the correct term. you felt under the influence of something. >> very light headed. i began to feel llreally, r hot. was sweating profusely. >> this is something that's a ne f frontier us. that officers are going to be threatened by something theyn' dot even see. >> reporter: two of the four ficers were treated with narcan. >> all you have to do is tear the back off. >> reporter: the department has issued e patrol officer and detective two narcans, one for
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drug users the other to usen a fellow cops. >> you have to look out for your coworkers, they're okay and you're okay so everyone goes home safe. >> reporter: a jury sentenced james burroughs to 19 years in prison, kortney 11 years. in the coming weeks jud will decide whether to uphold that sentence. meanti, the t of them are currently behind bars. david lver, news4. because the drugs can linger on clothing, the officers have gotten narcan for their homes in case theyry c drug rescue into their homes and expose the loved ones. fredericksburg police are hoping to make a training video, teaching officers how to avoid the hidden danger. chopper 4 was over the scene auge apartment fire in montgomery county this afternoon, several people had to be takenpi to the hl with
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smoke inhad laglationinhalation broking out breaking out at sunny brook terrace. the man accused of killing a jogger is now fit to stand tr l. police say anthony crawford stabbed wdy martinez to death. her family says today's decision is a t relief andy were prepared for are much diffent outcome. considering last month crawford was deemed unfit after a mental evaluation. remediate e able to him and get him to a place he's able to understand what's happening and he can participate in his defense. >> the psychogist suggests as long as crawford is on his medication he should be able to understand the proceedings in court. he's due back in court in may. a fauquier county man is going to spend0 ys in jail
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for selling goods made of hedangered wild life. news4 was t when federal agents raided the outpost, a store run by keith foster. last december he wasrdered t turn over the illegal merchandise and perform community service. in addit sn to the jailtence he was put on probation for a year. more security upgrades coming to schools a year after the shooting at parkland, florida. oneocal syste is adding cameras but is running intoro blocks. >> records and public testimony from officials county public schools show a growing effort to protect elementary schools. they're planning to add four to five surveillance cameras at one of each of its element y they want to keep a closer eye
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on mainlw hs and record images from incidents inside from after the fact. all will be complete by next school year. they're also upgrading the security vestiles and access control systems but they're running into a hurdle there. >> when parknd, florida occurred last year tragic cli, the entire industry was upended so there's a backlog for the items're talking about today, in terms of keeping pace, supply and sohahe t ts iclear, every scho right now has an access control system with the intercom and the camera, right? >> yes. >> every school. okay. >> the school system also added three more school resourc officers to help serve some of their middlschools. scott macfarlane, back to you. a new shoe isd relea marking international women's day, steph curry debuted his
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late name sake kicks which h codesigned with riley morrison. the 9-year-old called him out on twitter because he only sold boys shoes. the icon six has hidden messages. >> they know a good marketing opportunity when they see one, don't they?>> we want to thank you for the outpouring of support for our news4 family. >> we told you yesterday our former coworker joe krebs is battling cancer. after surry and chemotherapy he's undergoing radiation treatments now, but he's keeping his to cuss on what's fortunate him. >> i wt to lilive the best life possible. i want to live in the now. >> you canee barbara harrison's interview with joe in
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the nbc washington app. search joe krebs. and joe issi r money for pancreatic cancer. w yes, he is. there's ak on june 8th a lot of us are participating. if you want to join , please do. if you want to make a contribution, please do that as well. findti informa on the nbc washington app. > people in alabama lost relatives, homes, and their livelihoods in those awful rnados. >> today, president trump and the first lady got a firsthand ok at the devastation on the ground. for us tracking snow across the area, notice , ck to the weis is the end of it making its way through here. still have about an hour to go inside the d.c. metro area. inside the d.c. metro area. what a change from winte
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inside the d.c. metro area. what a change from winte dearest britain. we love you. maybe it's your big hearts. your sense of style. welcome to ba100. (ba100, you're clear for take-off). how you follow your own path. you've led revolutions... of all kinds. yet you won't shout about it.
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it's just not in your nature. instead, you'll quietly make history. cake. beds. poetry. trouble. love! hope! and rather a lot of tea. the best of britain, from the moment you step on board. this cld be complicated. you will soon needs a travel
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visa to visit most european countries. the commission ss the new requirements are going to start 2021, you can apply job lin y wir passport and a credit or debit card. it'll cost about 8 bucks. each visas will be good for three years. 0 others of nearly countries are going to need visas. they said this willelp curb illegal immigration and terrorism. ru president and the first lady in alabama to get a firsthd look at the destruction caused by the deadly tornados. the president vows help federal government. he got an upclose look at the deaf stationn the ground. the ef-4 twister sliced through beauregard, alabama with winds up to 170 miles an hour, cutting a path nearly 70 miles long. the president and the first ladr also od a moment of silence at a row of 23 crosses
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now setup, each one honoring a life lost. his had to happen like this? bovetonddyryha t tlove at one time. just that quick my m and dad and my brother were gone. i didn't have no idea i was seeing my mama for the last time. >>he president also visited a disaster relief center set up at a local church. he promised fema will stay on the ground as long as needed. america is one ste closer to launching astronauts into space from our soil. a spacex capsule landed off the coast of florida. it held a dummy named riley, but it's intended for seveneople since the space shuttle program ended in 2011 we've relied on russia to get americans to the space station. na nasa plans to do one more test
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before sending two restaurants into space in july. how can you forget her adorable face? she credits barbara harrison with finding her forev home. >> you used call her yourairy d mother? >>es. y the ross spring dress event is here-finally! so you can say yes to the biggest selection of the season. yes! seriously, 20 to 60 percent off department store prices! more new dresses means more reasons to say yes. at the ross spring dress event. on now!
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great minds shop alike? yes. that's yes for less. yep! yes, yes, yes ,yes, yes... yes. seriously, 20 to 60 percent off department store prices every day. at ross. yes for less. he as daylight is ending, is the snow ending soon as well? >> 20 or 30 minutes doug told >> maybe 33 more minutes. 33.5. >> doug's forecast is coming up,
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he's going to tk about the changes for the weekend. the welfare of our areas most vulnerable children has been a priority for us he at news4 history. >> our wednesday's child program. >> the the program, barbara harrison. i remember this little girl when she was a little girl. nice to see her grown up. >>here is nothing more rewarding for me than getting to find out what followed those kids' lives, in their lives that wed featu on wednesday's children. tonight we catch up with another. you may remember this darling little girl who spent her life in foster care at just 3 years old. >> happy birthday to me. >> that was brianna in 2001, a little girl f lookingward to her third birthday. while our visit to build a bear
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meant a friend to take home, what she needed most was a loving home to grow up in. a homeilling toake her and her 6-year-old brother so they wouldn't have to be separated. they had both bee in foster care most of theirlives. home early from work on that wednesday, carol pratt happenedn to be wat nbc 4. >> i remember looking at that segment saying they're darling. i hope they get a great home. >> do you remember when we first met? >> i remember usng to build a bear work shop because i got a ttle white bunny in adi w dress. and i made it say i love you. i love you over and over again. i love you. >> it would be a year later that brianna and fran cios would hear those wor i love you from their new momarol pratt. who went through the process and paperwork for adoption and got a callm fe children's social
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worker that would change all of their lives. >> come and pick up your kids. >> i remember going to the court and i remember the judge --ut >> she can't remember a time when her mom was not inheir lives. >> the earliest memory i have is being with her. >> in the years that followed ianna has tracked the major events in her life in a book her mom helped her keep filling up with notes and photos. >> more than 6,000 days have passed since the story ran, at least 200 months of growing , 18 years since she was almost three. today brianna is almt 21. she's finishing her degree in computer science at montgomery college. francios now lives and works on the west coast. brianna is the last still at home and often thinks how life might have been without their wednesday childor
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>> very grateful. >> do you remember for years you used to refer to her asr y fairy god mother? >> yes. >> i'm so happy to be a part of your life. ♪ happy birthday to me j >> she ist delicious. >> just amazing. >> adorable. >> and still is. she graduated from c chese high school. she has a job, she's been there since high yoschool. notice there is another child. >> yes. an older brother who's now california. and then i saw a younger brother? >> that brother is a little bit nna.r than br carol pratt discovered him after they calle the two, and said did you know there's another one? ey said bring him on >> what a wonderful family. good for her. look at the lives she's changed and how they changed her life as well. >> we want to see more of you out there if you were on es wey's child.
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we hope you'll give us a call. if you know someo who was just check it out on our website and you will be directed to where you can help us find those guys out there -- >> to come full circle. >> we want to see where they are now. >> yeah. good for you. >> it's great seeing- >> so many years later. >> thank you. >> thank you for all youdo. doug is back with a check on our weather. we're s waiting for thew to stop. >> should we set our watches? >> i have dinner reservations 7:35, it'll be over. i made sure. still snowing out there. i'll tell you, m a little bite than i was expecting, especially in parts of the city and areas to the south whe i thought wed'd see mtly rain it has been mostly snow out there. i love when it's more than i ic prd, anything less is never good. 32 in college park. 32 in dulles. this is key right here -- i don't know what's happening
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there. this is key because these are the temperatures what we're dealing with in gaithersburg, towards camp springs, 32 degrees. we're right at freezing, could see slick spots that's why i want to make sure we watch out for these. let me see if i can get rid of this guy here. hold on one second. happenednow what this thing popped up here so i want to pop it off here, if i can do that. hold on one seco. i got to do this and then i'm going to -- see i could have done -- you canell me what t do and i would have done it for you. right now we're looking at th snow coming through the region. but look past to the west it is over nowd the winchester area, martinsburg. still snowing around the d.c. area. i can't zoom out. i'll zoom in for us. i'll zoom intocoairfax ty. you can see the snow cing down, heavier snow in the darker purple here. and good big flakes, too. here's the back end of the storm syst making its way through the area.
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justetoads tonight if you're out and about. look at the cold air sitting around the ar. we had the 43 earlier now we dropped because of the snow.n look do the south. we want some of this to come our way. itl w move our direction tomorrow. not really going to get here tomorrow butunday it will with another storm system that moves in saturday night into sunday. thinking about getting out for theenwe exercise looking good both days. cool tomorrow but very nice sunday afternoon. skiing, yes, tomorrow is a tautiful day for skiing. i was talki my friends at ski liberty, they are perfect,v great base, it's been phenomenal sing in the month of february and early march looking good, too. slushy onunday wit warmer temperatures. get the car washed, you can do that on sundayecse it's quite nice. there's 48 tomorrow. set thelocks forward o hour before you go to bed tomorrow night and make sure you change thees batte in your smoke
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detectors, 68 degrees on sunday. if w get sun we can get to 70 i think. right now i'm thinking more in the way of cloud cover on sunday. 62 monday. nice weather monday, tuesday,y, wednesll looking nice. 58 on thursday, can't re out shower activity thursday night. and friday we'll see the rain with the high temperature of 66. next weekend looking cool, too. saturday night there is going to be rain. heading out to dinner tomorrow night, you will most likely get rained on. that's why i mad my reservations for tonight when the snow is over. looking forward to sunday. first place caps looking to stay red hot going for their row tonight a first here's lester holt with a look at what's ahead on nbc "nightly news." whoopie goldberg's major health scare and what we can learn from it. and w women over
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. are the caps hotter than the devils? >> see what you did, i like that. >> very nice. to answer your question, yes, they are. >> okay. i feel better. >> we know you want to be playinyour best hockey as the season winds down. just like last year at this time the capitals seem to be doing l thatt year after 67 games washington had two fewer wins ghan it does now. the caps ridin a five game itnning streaks going into a game tonightthe devils. finaling the stanley cup form taking on new jersey who's l t four games with a five-three win over the flyers wednesday, the caps sitting in top spot with the islanders. capitals looking to continue tonight going for six in a row. >>aving that mentality and that identity in the room trying
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to tun out what's going on. so we know yiwe're plang well, it needs to be better. the last couple games we've been playing andood team game doing the right thing andou everything expect and you need at this time of year. >> this year hasn't been easy and we've had to push ourselves in different ways. sos i -- as long as we keep putting the work in we'll give ourselves a chance. wizards only three games back in the final spot in e east traveling to charlotte ton take o the hornets w are two games ahead of them. they comff o a win against dallas wednesday. looking make the playoff pushal in the fin 18 games of the season. washington has won three of the past four, tip off 7:00 tonight on nbc sports washington plus. big ten regular season champs number 8 maryland taking on michigan state. marylandtarts off hot from behind the arch, taylor from wan
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town. good for three. nailing t wide open three.atson spartans however closed the half on a 12-1 run. but the second half belonged to the terps. nice block. maryland only allowing 10 point in the third quarter. charles scoring 16 of her game high 21 in the second half. maryland beating michigan state. 71 facing michigan tomorrow in the finals. tomoow, the redskins ands br agree to a trade for ca keenum. the deal will be official on march 1 when the new nfl season begins. this will be keenum fifth team in the last sevens, year completeing 62.5% of his passes 18 tds, 15 interceptions. the maryland's men
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basketball team taking on minnesota tonightinal home game of the season.>> thank you. doug, people are trying to decide whether to go out. >> do you think you' going to get your reservations, it could still beng sno then. >> trust me, no problem at all. this is just pretty. i'mse excited bec i'm about to leave and go home. i love driving in snow. it's wet roads, no ice out the, that's the good news. temperatures for the most part above freezing. let' look and show you the radar where the snow is. it's making its way throughhe area and will continue to do so, notice to the west, it is ending very, veryquickly. it did come through here very nice. about an inch in some locations we did pick up. i need about 6 more to make my winter forecast. >> you' hoping you're really wrong. >> i'm hoping it keeps snowing, but radar says no. >> all right. thank you, doug. s nbc "nightly news" starting in 60 seconds. we hope you have a good evening.
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7:00 pm
what would she do without me? breaking news tonight. iemajor new charges for ju smollett. a 16-count felony indictment against the actor accused of orchestrating a fake attack on himself that he caed racist and homophobic. tonight, wild new details. how prosecutors say it all went down. chelsea manning back behind bars tonight. a stunning turn of events for the former army private freed by president obama, now jailed again for refusing to testify to a grand jury investigating wikileaks and julian assange. president trump now claiming michael cohen asked him directly for a pardon. the explosive new allegation. a powerful group of women united. the u.s. women's soccer team taking a stand for equal pay and fairness on and off the field.ol and whoopierg shocks the audience by revealing a mel


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