tv News4 at 6 NBC March 19, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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first at 6:00, the president welcomed his brazilian counterpart to the white house today, a man some have called th trump of the tropics. >> as the pair addressed media in the rose garden it quickly became apparent how some could draw that comparison. brazil's president even using the phrase fake news. >> after a weekend with four dozen posts on his twitter account. he slammed social media platforms. >> blayne alexander joins us now live from capol hill with details. hi, blayne.or >> rr: doreen and jim, president trump spoke on a wide range of e topics,rything from the unrest in venezuela to social media. but it was those cments he made again about senator john mccain that are raising some eyebrows. today president trump with the president of brazi during a
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joint news conference slamming social mediarm plat including facebook and twitter saying the companies are working to silence republicans. >> it seems to be if they're conservative, if they're republicans, if they're in a certain group there's discrimination and big discriminati discrimination. we use the term collusion loosely all the time and i will tell you there is collusion with respect to that. >> reporter: preggdent trump ting those companies should be held liable for content on theirs. platfo >> something is happening with those groups of folks that are running facebook and google and twitter and i think we have to get to theottom of it. >> reporter: the president touching on unrest in wvenezuel. >> all options are open. i think of all possibilities all options are open. r: earlier in the oval office president trump answering questions about his own twitter tirade.ic specly his tweets targeting senator john mccain nearly seven months afteris
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death. the president referencing mccain'sn thumbs d vote on obamacare repeal. >> that's disgraceful. i was never a fan of john mccain and i never will be. >> reporter: his tweets getting criticism from democrats on the 2020 trail. >> justnother example of his moral vandalism. >> reporter: makg tone and civility central issues in their campaign againsttrump. and some democrats in the 2020 race are not ruling outpo the ibility of adding seats to the supreme court. president trump was asked about that t and he said that will never happen. doreen? >> blayne alexander rethrting. k you, blayne. the federal appeals court in richmondumoday heard ats in a lawsuit surrounding the trump international hotel downtown, attorneys general from maryland and d.c. sue arguing the president is violating the emoluments cuse that bars federal officials from accepting
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benefits from foreign or state governments. they argue that the president improperly benefits from foreign dignitaries pa tro newsing the hotel, which theyas say an unfair advantage over local hotel chains. we need the best talent to run for office, whether people haveorked in media, private sector or public sector. we also need people most importantly who will follow the rule of law. >> the president's attorneys say both washington and jefferson sold cropsgno forei countries while they were in office. they argue the ags lack authority to sue mr. trump. an arrest in the murder of a man in lanham. osman kalokoh is in custody of baltimore police r sht now. they he showed up at a hospital this this morning on a golf cart. an officer there was able to determine who he s and took him into custody.
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police say osman kalokoh killed his 69-year-old uncle and shot his uncle's wife after an argument on sunday. she is eected to survive. also breaking tonight, the bus driver involved in a deadly ash on i-95 in virginia early this morning has just been arrested. yu man chow of staslnd will be charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter, two people died and dozens mafacture injured in the crash on i-95 in kingwood. state police say preliminary investigation said speed may have been a factor. people on the bus said it happened so t quicklyre was no time to react. >> i kind of dozed off s a litt biewhere -- i guess we had just entered virginia. i wake up and it's like i'm in the spin cycle in somebody's dryer. the bus is just flipping. it flipped about four times.
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>> state police say 57 people were on board. the bus was operated by tos travel. video from chopper 4 showing a house destroyed by fire. one firefighter was injured here in this fire. the call went out about 4:30 this afternoon. prince george's county fire spokesman markai brady the fire started outside the house and spread up the side and into the roof. causedl don't know what this fire or whether anyone else was hurt. buildings under water, homes under water as far as the eye can the midwest tonight dealing with that historic .floodi vice president mike pence just landed in omaha to tour theth damage wit governors of both nebraska and iowa. he touched down less than an hour ago. the vice president said the federal government is prepared to help a those impacted. >> we're with you.
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and the american people are going to stand with people across nebraska, across iowa, across all of the eight states that have been impacted by this severe weather and this flooding. >> floodwaters have been blamed fort least three deaths across the midwest so far. right now there are still areas fully submerged and fully cut off frompe dtely needed help. roads and bridges destroyed, families are worried about how long they'll be stuck in their homes. >> just wants the k to be closer to doctors and resources, and just with i don't want to get stuck>> her verybody out here wanted to live on an island, but this isn't what we were talking about. >> the financial cost of this storic flooding is real as well. in nebraska alone, farm and ranch losses couldotal more than $1 billion. nbc "nightly news" with lester holt will have a live update
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from the flood zone at 7:00 more breaking news in the investigation of two plane crashes involving boeing 737 max 8 jets. transportation secretary elaine chao requested an audit in the process they used to certify the aircraft. nine days ago it was a 737 max eight that crashed for ethiopia airlines killing all 157 people on board. less than six months earlier, 189 people died aboard a ln air crash in indonesia. investigators believe are similarities in the two crashes involving the same model of aircraft. possibly related to a flight control system on the n planes. the u.s. wasas the l country to ground the aircraft amid international outcry last week. also today the white house announced its pick to lead the
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federal aviation administration. steve dixon is a fmer delta airlines officer, he'll be dominated to serveor five years. the faa had been run by an acting administration since january. a 16-year-old high school student will be charged as an adult for having a loaded gun at school. he was caught this morning. thesheriff's department tells us a teacher noticed the student peared to be high. school officials searched his backpack and found marijuana anh loaded handgun. his name hasn't been released yet. la play a high school sent a letter home ant the arrest. embarrassing and painful is how jack evans talked about the dents today. council members took their
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reprimand vote a step further than expected, as darcy spencer ex. >> the ayes have it unanimously. >> reporter: the vote to reprimand d.c. council member jack evans came without objection after an emotional statement from jack evans himself. he appeared to choke up as he spoke before the vote. >> this is a very difficult time for this council and a very difficult tein for myself. retro specific i would havedo things differently. >> reporter: he was reprimanded for violating the council's code of conduct accused of using his government e-mail to seek business opportunities with law firms that lobby thegovernment. >> we are showing to the public and ourselves that that kd of behavior will not be tolerated. >> i want to thank you for king action. >> reporter: evans a wase to hang onto his perful position as chair of the finance and
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revenue committee but an amendment strips important agencies from under the committee, including the sports and ntertainment authority arts and humanities. >> to lose the ability to erate in those arenas is to me very painful. >> reporter: evans also chairs the metro board and he's under r separate f investigation. a former news4 reporter and wamu politil analyst tom sherwood said there could be much more to come. >> this is an embarrassment for council member evans and the city. and it's far from over. >> reporter: the council chair did leave the door open for possible future action depending on what comes of the federal investigation. darcy spencer news4. the stanley cup champion caps will visit the white house this coming monday. the washington post" was first c reports development which news4 hasfirmed with the capitals. the team will meet with trump to celebrate their 2018 stanley cup.
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the first in franchise history. the mtingomes right before the 2019 playoffs, which begin in early april. coming up, new reaction to the bizarre defense strategy in a local murder trial,icriends of thtim emotional and angry as they talk about the werewolf insanity defense. i'm david culver in clark county, virginia where tonightt virginia solice are looking for a killer. e're looking more about the victim, a man who was beloved here in clark county and neighboring loudon county. ahead tonight,he president's twitter war with the husban of one of his closest advisers. george conway not going iquiet. >> tracking two storm systems one back to the west, another down into florida. these are gng to com together up the coast to give us a pretty up the coast to give us a pretty big
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t manccused of stabbing and beating to death aal popula andria store manager was talking about killing wolves in the hours after theattack. attorneys for the man are using an insanity defense and maintai their client thought his victim was a werewolf. he was in a sigh cot tic state they say. julie carey reports. >> reporter: fordr ea, talking about her friend's death about the painful testimony in court brings tears. brad jkson was well known figure in old town, often sicking to and from work, a friendly face at local bars. the defense suggestion his
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killer was insane and should bey found not guiough to take. >> if this guy is sick, it would be a shame to see a man die because of something a man was sick. >> reporter: defense attorneys say pankaj bhasin was in the midst of a psychotic break down when he drove tnd alexaa last july he entered this office and attacked brad jackson a total stranger. he used a box cutter to inflict more than 50 wounds, beating jackson, breaking his neck. av brad was a great guy. he would never instigated anything with anyone, i would never see this coming from him. to have this guy beat the life out of him and stab him is disgusting. >> reporter: the victim's friends also struggling with the claim that the killer attacked because he thought the victim was a werewolf. >> don't buy it. >> reporter: defense attorneys pressed the lead detective asking if he'd been told what g refences to wolves andyin s
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dinosaurs? i was told that said the detective. and there was some reference where heut said something a killing the wolf? that's what i was informed, replied the detective. >> the prosecution rested its caseda the final witness the medical examiner talking about the many wounds seen in gruesome autopsy photos. the defense starts calling witnesses tomorrow we expect to hear from psychogists and psychiatrists who will talk about the accused's mental state. >>in we're lea more about a group of men charged in a brutal gangurder in virginia. immigrations official tell usre all five members of ms-13 and came into the country illeg illegally. ear-old jacson chicas was found dead earlier this month he had been stabbed dozens of times his body set on fire. the victim's mother said they
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fled el salvador after their son had been forced to join the gang. the reported gang leader had been deported once before. three of them were identifie as unaccompanied minors. i.c.e. said it has detainers on three of the men. kellyanne conway is a top aide to president trump. her husband george conway is disputing a series of tweets by the president as mr. trump refers t him as a, quote, total loser. george conwayas been a frequent twitter critic of his wife's he's posted a series of tweets qutioning the president's mental health. asked about her husband's tweets, kellyanne conway has this to say. >> i don't sharehose concerns. i have four kids and i was getting outhi of the house morning and i didn't talk to the president so i may not be up to
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speed >> all of them. n an interview with "the washington post," conway responded to the pr attacks calling it maddening to watch what he calls incompetence. conway's posts are to move on with the day so i don't end up screaming at her about it. a new report suggests those intimate photos between jeff bay sews and a woman he had an affair with may have included a x figure pay out. michael hesanchez, brother of her, sold them for $200,000. nbc news has not indepdently confirmed either report. in a statement sanchez said he, quote, didn't dignify the rumors last month, adding he wouldn't do so now. how do you get investors to build in communities that don't have development? tonight the state of maryland is
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hoping tax breaks do thetrick. >> if the new federal program is ccessful, itould lead to major changes in prince george's county. >> as tracee wilkins reports yl now, mard's governor is all in. e. now it's like the next ph >> reporter: maryland governor larry hogan and prince george's county executive angela osar brook are seeing the future. >> it would be so convene vent to live here, jump on a ortrain >> rr: they're standing inside part of a multi-million dollar development in new carrollton made possible by a federal government program. new karlton is csidered an opportunity zone meaning when investors invest here, they get tax breaks, increasing their return, helping communities in need of their money. >> it's going to transform some of these communities.
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>> reporter: there are federal opportunity zones acrosshe country, 129 in maryland, 25 in prince george's county. including prince geor plaza metro, landover, largo town center metro, capitol heights metro -- >> i gets more problematic for the traditional bank to loan you the moneys you need to continue to grow. >> reporter: his hotel laundry business is in an opportunity zone in capitol heights he's hoping that will mean investment dollars he's needing. >> it's going to open doors i don't have right now private money. >> what we're really talking about would be how we affect these communities and the people whoive in those communities. >> you're looking at what would be the site of a new apartment complex with mixed developments. they tell me they're expecting some new 10,000 residents to lior andk here because of this being an opportunity zone.
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in new carrollton, i'm tracee wilkins news4. sll to come, what new england patriotst owner rob charges e to do to get against him droppe [ ding ] show me the crown. [ ding ] show me homecoming. [ ding ] baby sloth videos on youtube. amy, do you, uh, mind giving someone else a turn? oh, yeah i made myself a little comfortable here. i got a pizza for amy! yes, that's me! xfinity lets you search netflix, prime video, and youtube with the sound of your voice. and i don't have my wallet. so...
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officials don't know how long it will take to extinguish a massive chemical fir burning outside of houston. that fire began sunday morning, soline,ls used to make nail polish remover, glue and paint thinner are burning here. officials say air quality is nor das to people living in the area but they're worried about fog rolling in torrow and pushing that smoke closer to
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the ground. that is an ugly scene there. >> i don't remember seeing smoke from a factory fire so dark and dense. that looks like dangerous stuff. that's because of what's burning there. you'veeen these kindf fires before where they have to let them burn. somemes -- they were talking the other day two days. sometimes they go upwards of a week or longer. they don't know how much stuff they have in there. >> and weather could interfere -- >> you have wind and you ntioned fog, the smoke can't get out. let's hope that im oves for them. for us improving weather, yeah -- >> and then not. >> i was trying to do a transition. tomorrow we're going to go up twoegrees b we have more cloud cover. i'd rather have the sunshine today, and we had that sunshine. look along the potomac, you notice those green trees righte
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thn the foreground. here they are right there. these trees always blo rst. i think these are willy ones, i think they're weeping willows. if you know what they are, twe me, i think this is a weeping willow tree. i used to hang from it as a kid. not that particular tree. 52 degrees winds out of the north at 9 miles per hour. it's a cool day considering we should beer in the u 50s for this time of year. 47 towards huntington. herndon my hometown coming in at 50 degrees a i was there earlier visiting the kids of drainsville elementary. talked aut weather, tsendhe ygr. thank you for having me out there. seeing all those smart kids
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today. what are we dealing with as far as the radar icoerned. they wanted to know the next olme it's going to snow. i them december 17th or 18th of this year. >> okay. >> ihink that's it. we had a chance next week, i don't think we'll see that. now i'm watching a chance for rain, and a big chance, thi storm and this storm coming together, watch what i'm talking about, coming together not tomorrow, tomorrow is dry, coming together thursday to give us rain, and i'm talking a lot 2 inches, an inch to of rain. not bad tomorrow, increasing clou 55. rain, wind, then breezy and cool conditions fortu your ay. sunday looks good. i'll show you sunday and the rest of e ten day forecast at 6:45. >> we want all the good news at 6:45. > maryland's governor holds no purchls when talking about the potholes problem. >>e saidhe park service does a terrible job and he knows how to solve rit.
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orter: we want a better commute but what's it worth? toll roads, homesng g away? i'm adam tuss, i'll tell you about the plane that could cha things dramatically. things dramatically. a beloved business[f ale voiceover] with the penfed car buying service from penfed credit union, you can get rates as low as 1.49% apr on new vehicles. and everyone is welcome to apply. visit [music]
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[female voiceover] today, people across the nation are experiencing the benefits of joining penfed credit union. with the penfed car buying service, they're finding the right car at a better price. and everyone is welcome to apply. join today at now at 6:30 a man shot in the head and chend left for dead. right now virginia state police are trying torack down a killer. >> the person they say murdered a beloved business owner. david culver went to clark today rewhere investigators relying on witnesses to piece together
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this murder mystery. >> reporter: tonight thi small gravel lot off route 7 in.lark coun >> we're in shock and wanted to be here becausee's a great person. >> reporter: we met melissa and susan on the wayby, they first met jeff as clients ofis his auto service shop but like everyone m jeff they became friends. >> i can't imagine who wouldo this to him. >> reporter: sunday morning, state police say he drove his trucka here meeting someone fo business transaction. witnesses driving by saw a man wa minutes later he was shot. even show witnesses saye drove his pickup truck up here, around this street and drove across busy route 7 going into an
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embankment across the street. even more disturbing witnesses tell polic they saw the man run across four lanes of route 7, ran up to jeff's truck. it's not clear what he was doing there but by the time police showed up, jeff was dead. the medical examiner t ling us jeff had been shot in the chest and head. >> he was that guy that was always there. and now he's not. and it's weird. >> i mean, he's just a great guy. does everything and anybody for enybody. >> reporter: everyn the receiving end of jeff's kindness hopeful someone saw something that could lead to the killer. >> i want to know what happened to him and foris poor family. >> reporter: a beloved man killed in a m coldner leaving behind a community of broken hearts. in clark county, david culver news4. a murder outside a northwest d.c. night spot late last month and police think you can help solve it. look at this video, it shows
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four people and a vehicle of interest in the murder of david brandon of burtonsville, maryland. brandon and another man were shot. >> something occurred insideesf an blishment. individuals were moved to theof outsidhe establishment. and minutes later gun shots rang out. we know there w plenty of individuals that aended the event and were outside at the time of the homicide. >> a reward id. offe you can see the entire video in our nbc washington p. just search surveillance video. the time we spend every day comming can be awful. now maryland state leaders are looking atidening i-270 and the maryland beltway to help but doing so may come at a price in the form of tolls. the plan is contentious and as transportation reporter adam tuss tells us now, maryland officials cannot rule out the
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chance that expansion will mean tapeng away somele's homes. >> reporter: signs all over the montgomery county council chambers showing plenty of concern about this roadpr ect. the biggest worry will i-270 and the beltway be wened to make way for toll lanes? >> i believe we're going to be able to get through thisithout taking homes. but i -- i can't northern ireland out say it until we see what the proposers come back with. >> reporter: one little girl even presenting transportation secretary pete ron her own poster opposing toll lanes. and cticism from the county council about a lack of information with what's project.g with the >> people don't feel engaged. it's a lot of talking at, not o really anortunity for engagement. >> we need to get people to a place where they can feel comfortable inheir own homes and in their own neighborhoods. >> reporter: council member evan glass showing a book on traffic.
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>> those who have not read it, chapterwh 6 more roads lead to more traffic. >> reporter: some say they want more transit options, like a train system. while major change is likely going to come to 270 and the maryland beltway it's not clear at will happen yet. the state is studying exactly how the roads should change the state said it can do nothing here along 270 and the bel but if that happens then the speed with cars could drop consistently to below 15 miles an hour and soon. along 270 adam tuss, news4. maryland governor lar hogan pulled no punches today when it came to the pothole problems on the bw parkway. speaking to news4, governor hogan said while thegency is great with parks they're not so great at handling roads. earlier this month the national parks service lowered the speed
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limit on parts of the roadway to make itafer but they haven't been able to make serious repairs because of a lac of funding. governor hogan says that's unacceptle. >> if w controlled it we could do something but we're not alwed t fix the federal parkway. we have to get to the bottom o it. it's affecting people from across the state. we want it from washington to baltimore. >> governor hogan said he has a meeting next week to talk about possible options. a council member from montgomery county ihi p to make children's drinking water safer. news4 chris gordobo told us the effort yesterday. today there was a hearing on council member tomke hos bill to reduce lead in school drinking water. it would restrict the amountf leadc in water in pschools. after a review of school drinking fountains last year. it would make t thresholds lower than what's mandated by the state.
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a vote could come late this month at the earliest. ng expec to learn more tonight about the future of the solar fa supervisors are meeting right now to talk about it. lawmakers are t consideringee special use permits that need approval to continue with the nable power group, known as s.-power wants to put nearly 2 million solar panels o part of a 6,300 acre site. recent meetings have been jammed with supporters and critics. the owner n of theew england patriots could escape a prostitution scandal with no criminal charges. high school seniors around the district got the surprise of a lifetime toety. one of them that received a full ride. >> al f scholarship to washington university to samia beach. love that story every
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single year we do it. for this, something we e not going to love, another storm coming together but it's really two storms, one here one down in florida coming together to give us aretty big rain maker, a soaking later this week. i'll tell you when to expect that storm and what's comingr u our weekend. right now some nice
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for tile, wood, and stone, come to the nationwide low-price leader: floor and decor. the prices are the lowest you will find. not only did we find lots of options, but we were like, oh my gosh, it's so affordable. it's affordable no matter what your budget. i saved a lot of money at floor and decor. we came in under budget, way under budget. yeah. it's really the best pricing. you're getting an incredible product for an amazing price. why wouldn't you want to save money and make your house look great? i love to save money. who doesn't like to save money? floor and decor. you have to see it to believe it.
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the owner of the new england patriotsould plead his wayut of criminal charges in a florida prostitution sting. robert kraft is accused of soliciting a prostitute on the day of th afc championship game this past january. kraft denies doing anything illegal. prosecutors say surveillakse video bp the charges against him. they offered kraft and other men charged in the sting a plea deal today. it allows charges to be dropped if kraft admits tre's enough
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evidence to convict him and he enters a divsion program. no responseem from hioyers. your last chance to get registered for the marinert n starts tomorrow. a week from tomorrow runners will find out if they're selected. nbc 4 is a proud partner of the marathon. like every year you'ng see us ch runners on atile 4. the racect is oner 7th. you have plenty of time to start training but not register. this is one of our favorite stories every year. about a dozen local high school students surprised with a full ride scholarship. you'll meet one of them and her mother next. on't lethe sunshine fool you. we have potentially heavy rain we have potentially heavy rain coming our way before the wee
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no, like yoga... but hotter. i love it. with practically just your signature, you can get a 2019 volkswagen jetta for zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing. >> if you're just jning us, our top stories. president trump welcomed hisun rpart from brazil to the white house today. in some of his first comments in days mr. trump doubled down o the harsh words he had for senator john mccain. he added he never liked john mccain and never would. vicpresidentike pence is vowing support of the federal government as he flies to the midwest today. flooding has been blamed for at least three deaths soar and has done billions in damage.
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many aretuck in their homes and communities are cut off from help because roads and bridges .ave been destroyed. the d.c council voted unanimously today to reprimand councilman jack evans and strip f some of his responsibility. he's accusedf using his government e-mail address to seek work. now to a story that always puts a smile on our faces this time of year. 10 lucky d.c. high school students gotd the surprise of a lifetime today, a fully paid scholarship to george was university. drew wilder got to talk to one ofwahose students after she s surprised this morning. >> reporter: in front of her classmates a baluo high school student is surprised with a fulp scholars to george washington university. >> it's my pleasure to award a
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full closcholarship to george washington university to samia beach. >> she's overcome with tears and says gw has always been her goal. when i asked whaea it m to see how happy it me her family, she gave all the praise to her mother, who raised her kone. >> iw that my mom, she was ere for me and her being a single parent and a single mom that i -- i am becoming more >> it means the world to mear t er say that, to hear those words come out of her mouth. >> reporter: as formom, she's still beaming. >> it makes me feel good. like i did something right. make me feel like i can trust and believeo she'll d the right thing. >> reporter: she'll pursue a double major in interior design and busines management and minor in architecture, a huge goal for more than capable young woman. the surprise here is just one of
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ten scholarship surprises that george washington university will do in the district today. for a look at the entire list look for the story on >> years of hard work paying off. >> well done mom and daughter. >> indeed.> pring and summer storms, power outages or even atornado, are you ready if disaster strikes? fairfax county is one of two areasn ie nation with an downline preparedness guide and planner which can benefit anyone no matter where you live. it allows you to create your own emergency plan and prepare for 14 risks. >> i want you to prepare a kit, use the guide to help you develop a plan for you and your family. and then i want you to think about your community. and define the community however you want. and use this guide to help you develop a plan for how that community will respond if you'rm
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cted by disaster. >> hard copies of the guides available at county libraries and supervisors' offices. we have a link to the online version of the guide in the nbc washington app. search emergency guide. that's something we t all ought be looking at. >>t's fairfax countyut as you mentioned anybody in our area, doesn't matter if you're in fredericksburg or up in frederick, maryland you can useb that,ause the same 14 hazards would happen anywhere in the'region. we have a kid at home, one of the best things a noah weather radio, battery powered and you can get the one that crank incase you lose power, and the crank powers your cell phones, ho. you juste to sit there for a while. my son is 12 years old, keep going, buddy. what's coming our way now?
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another storm on tidrsday and of this week. right now, though, not bad out there at all. a lookin sunshine. we've seen sun all day. but it didn't help that much. the high temperature today only in the low 50s. right now at 52gr s. temperatures dropping through the 40s, down to about 42 b11 0 tonight. so another chilly night. some of you will see temperatures in the upper 20s to 30 degrees tomorrow morning. right now 48 in gaithersburg. 48 college park. annapolis coming in around 46 nothing on the radar currently but again we're watching two systems. one, two. ere's one right here around omaha. here's the other, downds towar florida. these come together and this o is going to pick this one up and move it up the coast and bring way.lorida moisture our wednesday night, no problem. tomorrow you will not need the umbrella. thursday however look what happens, by early thursday morning we haveain during the morning rush for most of us and
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heavy rain during th afternoon. that sticks around through possibly as long as the evening rush. here's 5:00 still sticking around much of our area. drying off to the west but more shower activity can't be ruled out during the evening hours. we're watching this system closely. t me show you what to expect. periods of heavy rain on thursday. 1o 2 inches possible. yet another soaker of a storm. we just need to stay dry for a couple weeks here we've seen so much rain. turning and chilly for friday. i have temperatures in the low 50s but it's not going to feel that nice on friday. tomorrow, wednesday at the bus stop, 35 degrees. this is inside thean beltway, of you colder than that. 47 at recess. 52 by the time pwe're picking the kids. notice we have the cloudy conditions making their way in here. so sun early then more clouds. a high of about55. 53 on thursday. cooler to the north and st 54 on friday in the city, some of you in the upper 40s with the
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wind. the wind chills are going to be chillyor this time of year. january, no big deal but this is march. we're looking at 52 on saturdayn fe more like 42, 43. some of you may u beer 30s for wind chills on saturday. 63 on sunday. that's better. sunshine moves across our area, high pressure around the region. then we get to nday, tracking yet another systemnd a big air a area of high pressure, and bring the temperatures down tuesday and wednesday, down to mid 40s for some of y o tuesday. overnight temperatures in the 30s. so a lot more cold than warm as we head into spring this time tomorrow night. doug, thank you. it's tournamentti . on the scene as the terps arrive inackson ville.
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how the team plans on having fun. here's lester holt with a he look at what's on nbc "nightly news." we have a story about surprise medical bills, four in te americans hav gotten them for procedures they thought we covered by insurance. the warning ♪ you know reliable support when you have it, and that dependability is what we want to give our customers.
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nnouncer: this is the xfinity sports desk. it's never too celebrate. how long's it been? they're going to the white house. >> ten months. check the championship, keg stands, swimming in georgetown fountain. finally the capitals checking off one of their finals to do as stanley cup champions nearly 10 months since but they're finally visiting the white house. this is still fun video to see, the capitals ending their 44 year wait and winning the stanley cup back in june. it has been tradition, the
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champions are set to visit the white house o monday. the caps will be the first d.c. .cosports team to visit the white house sin. united in 1997. e pen begins also visited after winning the stanley cup the past two years. asanwhile alex ovechkin h 48 goals, tom wilson is the latest member getti his 20th goal last week against the flyers. e first time he's reached that mark in his career, and the iurth to do it this season. the closest to reat next is brett connally. finished with5 1als each of the last two seons, sitting at 19 right now, hoping to cross that off hisucket list tonight against the devils. >> any player that's the number you start with andhipped away at it the last couple years, oot close, butbviously the season has gone very well for myself and my teaates have been good.
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everybody has been making it easy on me the last few years so hopefully i can get it done fast. >> i would tell you i'm surprised he'se knocking on th door. it's nice as a teammate when you can share that with each other. i'm happy for him. it's a good thing when he shooting the buck because he's a goal scorer for>>sure. caps up in new jersey tonight. the madness begins tonight with the first four play in ma and their fans will be watching as they play the winner of temple and belmont. earlier today the terps left for t so sunny florida boarding the buses at around noon today leaving college park for their flight at bwi. our cameras on the ground in jacksonville as they arrived at 5:00 am hotel just befor p.m. we'll know after tonight who the terps play in their first game on ursday. as for his team, coach says it's
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l about fun thi time of year. >> every person within our organization has to have a positive attitudend fun outlook and really enjoy the moment. if we do that we're going to play well i encourage the guys to be that way. we've been that way since our name popped up on sunday. now you're down here,nk i t the guys, the juices start g. flow >> we have to come in here, make the most of it, have positive energy which i think everybody has now, we need to start practicing and preparing and play the game. we are excited and pumped up to get it started. do you remember when bryce harper became the highest paid player in baseball, it lasted out 24 hours. los angeles angels and mike trout are finalizing the biggest contract in history. those reports say trouts signing a -year, $430 million extension with the angels. the 27-year-old's new deal
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crushing harper's $330 million deal, whos recruiting the new jersey native t join him with theie phills when trout'sp contract was after the 2020 season. but trout opting to stick with the team who drafted him for an chunk of change. so what could mike trout get with his new money, more than 8 nhl teams. he could p the entire eagles roster sai lary,ir salary cap is $171 million. he could also pay the entire nationals roster, 191is million th year. and trout a huge weather enthusiast like doug could buy the weather channel. so we'll have to wait and see what hepends it on. i think with that much money, the world is your oyer, buy it all, whatever you want. >> he could hire doug at the weather channel to do a second gig. >> mike! ou know i played baseball,too.
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breaking news tonight. prosecutors offered drop the charges against the billionaire owner of the new england patriots, robert kraft, accused of soliciting prostitutes in massage to what kraft has to do to get the plea deal. also tonight, the new federal investigation into that air disaster mystery, as captain sully, famous forhe miracle on the hudson, slams the and boeing. the toxic inferno still raging near housnen. w concerns about that thick, black, billing smoke as officials say they have no idea when it will end. the bizarre war of words beeen president trump and the husband of his top aide kellyanne conwa the president calling george conway a loser after conway questioned trump's mental state. "your money your
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