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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  March 24, 2019 10:30am-11:31am EDT

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this su, the mueller report. after 675 days, it's now in attorney general bill barr's has. >> the justice department isgr alerting coness that the investigation is over.en so what ha now? >> democrats are demanding transparency. absolutely imperative that the trumpma administrationke that report public. >> that report needs to bebl ma . >> yes! >> as the president spends his week appearing agitated over the coming report. >> there was no collusion. there was no oerstruction. evybody knows it. it's all a big hoax. it's like all a witch hunt. >> what's in the report. how e?ch will the public will there be a court fight? >> my guest this morning jerry
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nadler of new york and marco rubio of flori . plus now indictments. >> cheers of the president's supporters. >> if therwas noluge found it strongly vindicates president trump, butt's mr. trump's real fear about the report might say about possible obstruction of justice. also yet mueller investigation might explain the continue attacks on john mccain. >> i was never a fan of john ercain and i n will be. joining me for analysis are kristen welker, steve ball, former senator claire mccaskill of missouri and carlos cabello of florida. welcome to sunday and a special edition of "meet thepress". >> from nbc news in washington, the longest running show in television history, this is a special editn of "meet the press" with chuck todd. good sunday morning. the wait i over. now we wait again.
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attorney general bill barr could send congress a pedia file of robert mueller's principal conclusions. we have anticiped lot of unanswered questions for mueller to complete his report and now that he's turnedr his conclusions to bill barr and recommended no new indictments with that report, we're waiting, speculating and anticipating any, ye with still lots of unanswered questions. for instance. how much of the reportar will release to the public and to congress. will democrath be satisfied what is made available or will they go to court to gather supporting evidence. will president cim executive privilege torevent the release of parts of the report. what does the report say about possible obstruction or collusion and are those two things intertwined? sincthe departmentf justice guidelines holds that a president cannot be indicte while in office, if mueller has found evidence of criminality will the public ever know that
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evidence. will mueller testify himself anr if bar testifies how soon will that happen. will supporters or opponents president trump be satisfied with whatever is made public? >> the long-awaited mueller report has just been submitted. >> robert mueller's work is over. >> after a 675-daynv iestigation into russia's interference in the 2016 election and after criminally charging 34 people including six former trump associates, robert mueller delivered his report. now it's up to attorney general bill barr to decide what to do ne. i will commit to providing as much information as i can consistent with the regulations. >> but barr has discrion and democratic leaders of the house and senate are already issuing warnings, preparing for a battle over executive privilege. >> the president himself has called, without qualification, for the report to be made public.
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>> and democrats are transparency a 2020 issue. >> barr should be called tode testify oath before the united states congress. >> make that report pubc as soon as possible. >> ultimately, i believe, this wi be decided at the ballot box in 2020. >> the president and his allies the claimed they want report released. >> let it come out. let people see it. that's up to the attorney general. >> just put it all out there. ? put it all out there. how about don't redact anything. >> still, for nearly two years the president has been relentless in opposition to the mueller probe. a deputy that didn't get any vote appoints a man that didn't get any votes and he'll report on me. >> is it possible obstruction of justice. >> from the d fbi'sector james comey back in may of 2017 to the misleading statement domestic tated by the statement, about
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the june 2016 trump tower meeting with russians connected to the kremlin. a >> my son onderful young man. i think from a practical standpoint most people would have taken that meeting. >> t president repeatedly berated jeff sessions for >>cusing himself in the russia probe. he attorney general said i'm going to recuse myself. >> floated the idea of firg mueller. >> i know that he's conflicted, and i know that hisd best fri is comey who is a bad cop. >> called the investigation a witch hunt on twitter at least 183 times and suggested, along with his lawyers, pardoning his form aides. >> i've not offered any pardons and i think they ask for whatever, would you? i said i'm not taking anything off the table. >> now democrats who have delayed questions about impeachmentg sayiney're waiting for mueller will be pressed to decide. >>an do you think it affect
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the election in 2020. >> it divides the country. >> and joining me now from new york is the chairman of the ho jeiciary committee, democrat gerald na congressman nadler, welcome back to "meet the press qwe" sir. >> good morning. >> what do you believe is the definition of principal conclusion? >> well, i don't know. i don't know what's in the mueller report, and we'll just have to wait and see, but here's know. do what i know is that it's critical that everhing in that report and the underlying bedence be in the public and open to the american people and that transparency is key. america needs answers as to what's been going on and i hope the department of justice will not leave things hanging by seeking to keep things secret. i also know that the dpartment of justice believes that it
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cannot, under any circumstances indict a president for anything. >> right. they believe they cannot hold a sitting president accountable and accordingly, the only other institution that can is congress and congress must get all of the evidence that the department of justice may ha in order to exercise our function of being able to hold the presidt accountable. if we don't do that and can't do that then e president effectively is above the law. >> that brings us to this ambiguous phse, right? executive privilege. i'm just curious, who gets to decide -- who gets to arbitrate this? is this up to the attorney neral? >> well, no. the president must personally privilege, anive i do not believe it exists here at all because as we learn from he nixon tapes case, executive privilege cannot be used to hide wrongdoing, and ithat case the supreme court 9-0 ordered that
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all the claims of eecutive privilege be overwritten and the tapes be public, so i don't think -- the president may try to assert it and may try to hide things behind it. i will say we know other thing which arendelevant here we know that the president pressured the fbi director to go easy and to drop the investigation on mike flynn and some others and we know that he fired the fbi director for not giving the personal loyalty that he demanded and for not dropping those investigations. we know that many of the president's closest associates, his national securityvi r have been convicted of krims ae and he's waged a two-year campaign to attack the fbi, the special prosecutor, all to demean the power --
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>> so don't you have enough evidence? >> -- of those pedle to h him accountable. >> do you have enough evidence? do you need to see the mueller report- you have the indictments that mueller has issued. you have the narratives in those indictments and you have pieces, you know exactly a lot, probably, of what's going to be in this report. it sounds like youaladyer believe s enough out there to prove obstruction. >> there may be evidence that goes the other way. there might be evidence that tends to be exonerating. we need to see all the evidence and we don't -- we shouldn't have to wande our timehe public's time and money re-creating thesame information by interviewing all of the same witnesses. there's no need for that duplication at all. >> nowyo do interpret the no new indictments decision by the special counsel? >> well, t i don't know how
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interpret that at this point. first of all, the special l, coun we know there are lots of investigations going on, a by other agencies and the southern district of new york and oe eastern district virginia and there may be indictments fromhem. th story is not over. beyond that, we don't know the reasons again and the public needs to see the report. >> will you accept bob mueller't conclusions report once you read the whole thing? >> i assume bob mueller being a very good and thorough professional that there will be good and adequate documentation and reasoning in the report to support his conclusions in which case it will assert them. if they don't have documentation they don't do it. >> if he didn't find edence of collusion here, does that make you temper some of your vestigations? >> i don't think it tempers the
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investigation. we have to look at whatever loose ends there are, and we have to look at whatever we don't know. >> do you plan oalng bob mueller to testify before your committee? >> if very big if. that's a >> why would you say you wouldn't want to hear from him. i'll be honest, as an american citizen and as a taxpayer w t helpe care of this report part of me would like to hear from him directly. >> that would be very pleasant, but the fct is he gave his report, he speaks through that report. if that reportrs ans all our questions there would be no need to call him and if that report is all public. if that report is not public, if large reports are not made public or it leaves a lot of questions then we'd have a necessity. >> you don'tall witnesses unnecessarily. >>ou don't call him if you feel the justice department isn't giving him the report. >> or if there are questions after reading the report.
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>> how closely are you working with your senate committee, colleague on the judiciary side of things anday lin graham. i ask that because it is judiciary that is dealing with this is there any way that you two can work together or is the arlitics too >> i don't know. we'll be trying that and we haven't worked together vry much ye but we'll see. >> senator graham believes there needs to be an investigation into how the fbi handled the clinton administration as well as the trump investigation. would you ever be open to something like that? >> no. i think it's totally unnecessary. en the republica controlled the judiciary commitet and oversight committee and the house, in other words, last year, they did an extensive investigation of that and found nothing, just a lot of innuendo. as far as we can tell the hillary investigationas done
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professionally and properlynd the mueller report had the genesis ofussian interference in our election. >> you put document requests to 81 entities and individuals. i feel like in the beginning of the week you started to get cooperation and then it was clear the white house isn't cooperating. is a subpoena coming? are subpoenas next? >> if necessary. right now we're getting a lot of good cooperation from a lot of different people, but not from the whit house. not just our committee and not just those 81 e quests. ite house is simply treating congress in generally in contempt. they'r not bothering to respond to letters even with a perfunctory, we received your letter and we'll review y't. >> t simply ignoring. >> do you have a deadline, how much time you're giving them f fore you consider subpoenas? >> not e top of my head, but beale -- we'll act when we have to. >> chairman nadler, it's the beginning of what could be an
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extraordinarily long year for you and a lot of us, chairman nadler, democrat from new york. thanks very much. joining me now is republican senator marco rubio of florida who the way, sits on the intelligence committee which has its ownig inveion into eessian interference. welcome back to the press wet can ." >> thank you. >> the wall street journal didn't trust mueller or the president. it said release the whole thing as much as possible, is that where you stand? >> absolutely. in fac i want to see all of it. what was the criminal -- what was the underlying criminal predicate for the entire leinvestigation. s see the fisa investigations because this isr an edinary use of government surveillance power and we have legal reason yes you might be able tose it, but show us what those were.
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wh was the underlying predicate for the fisa applications. let's see all of that and put all of that out there so we can pass judgment about how the investigation was conducted or at least theed pate for the investigation was conducted during the obama years. one thing that's difficult for the public is going to be does the president get to see the report before congress a it does seem as if that's a rabbit hole that potentially the attorney general would have to go down. how doen you pr that? >> first of all, prosecution and everything that has to do with prosecution and counterintelligence is an executive function and soy frankl the president does have the power to fire the prosecutor if they so choose. the president politically accountable and second of all, president if they've done things to abuse power they can be impeached and if the white house wants to make that argument they can. that hasn't happened yet, but i think that's separate from the mueller report and s warate from
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whl be released from the public. i would suspect that at the end of the day they'll release t report. they will redact classified information and they're not going to put things in there about people that is damaging to people that they chose not to b prosecut that's not unique to the president. that is the way the justice department handles every case. they don't go out there and mear people and say we chose not to prosecute. >> it was written with a floor of transparency and not a ceiling. so it is up to the discussion of the attorney general. would you look tpresident not to invoke executive privilege here? >> it depends on what will be invoked on. there are things like deliberations inside the administration, because then it would be difficult for the president to talk to people, but i would ask the president to lean towards transparency because i've been very clear from the beginning. >> i wanted the mueller probe and i wanted it to be cwiducted out interference and you can go back to the tape and find me saying this for two years, twht it was all said and done, the best thing for the country
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and for the president is for ovthis probe to forward and to be concluded and that's ntat's happened now. so we w to learn as much as we possibly can that's allowed and permissible under justice department policyse and of co the law of the country. >> what is the end of the ea mueller report for the intelligence committee's investigations? there had been that there was some -- you needed the mueller report before finishing some of those conclusions. what does this mea going forward now? >> i don't think we'll see it before anyedy els any senior congressional leadership might and second of all, that's a good question about that part, but let me tell you what the he relevance of mueller report is to the congressional investigation and the relevance of it is there are witnesses that the investigators and that the committee wants to do talk to, but they have not wanted us to talk to them because they feel that the testimony in order to get a man might conflict with
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the repts and the end means there should nobody out there, and there shouldn't be anyone out there that we shouldn't be llowed to interview fueler especially after mueller wrapped up and said he's not gog after anyone for new charges. there's no reason for anyone to not ta to us. >> i want to first ask you about northorea and the confusion, but new sanctions that the treasury department issued. the president putting out this tweet was announced today by the u.s. treasury and the additional largscale sanctions would b added to those already existing tnctions of north korea and i've order withdrawal of those additional sanctions. when asked for an explanation from the white house, president likes chairman kim a doesn't think these sanctions will be necessary. it was a24 our rebuke. what does this incident do for the reliability of the united states on sanctions regimes overall? fore ve never seen that b
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from this or any administration so something happened here. >> thosein have to be approved and they know that they ar and th go through a process signed off by the president so something happened bere the time it was announced and the time the president put out that statement. i don't know the answer, to be honest. i don't know why it happened the way it did. it's unusual. >> does it at all introduce any concern? >> will he be there? you have talked him into doing more than a lot of people excted. >> do you trust him now on venezuela considering what he did with north korea? >> it's a little different. the presidenten has b involved in nowme engas with north korea. i would love kim jong-un to give up his a weapo everything else. i would. i don't criticize the president for trying. i just never believed he would,i andon't believe he will. this is a young dictator who has toold on to power. i'm not skeptical because i want
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him to fail. i'm skeptical because i believe it will fail. how this happened, you have to ask the whi house. i don't know how he issued this and suddenly he changed his mind and i don't know the rationale and maybe it's a good reason, but it's not the way it's dtne. >> woes this mean? we're trying to get more of the world to align on sanctions when it comes to venezuela and maduro. >> yeah. least with part a north korea it's not helpful, right? to have the treasury department and do something that's been vetted and discussed. less they got ahead of themselves it doesn't make sense that in a fewminutes or a few hours later the president will revoke them and it doesn't make sense if itha would happen way, from now on when they hear about sanctions they're going to ask for a double confirmation from the weihite hse and i wish it hadn't up >> i want to ask you about ther
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refrom the president about john mccain. inside the populist wing of the party, encapsulating everything that voters have come to loathe about by attacking mccain, he is stoking the emotions and the gop elite. what is it about john -- what portion of your party so loathes john mccain that they cheer ?h >> yeah. >> there is a chunk of it. do you understand it? >> no. john mccain is not here to defend himlf and there's reason not to use him as that. second of all, i don't get it. i don't understand it. i didn't agree with john mccain onin every so what? but i honored and i respected the service to our country and he did things he felt passionate about and whether you agreed with him ornot, it wasn't for
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some nefarious purpose awa it a man who was deeply influenced by his experience, and i ademired john mccain as a man and what he did a states senate and i don't understand the feeling about him and i don't think frankly, he's the person that should be singled out for these attacks and i don't get it. i don't understand it. frankly, i don't know how it furthers anything in terms of what we're trying to get done. at the end my job is to represent the people of florida i don've my country and know why this any of this furthers that objective for me or anybody else out there? >> i think you're not alone in that aspectthere. >> senator marco rubio, republican fromlorida. ll leave it there. i appreciate you coming in. >> manyeclare victory before the report is made public. there's more we don't know yet there's more we don't know yet including if there is plants capture co2. what if other kinds of plants captured it too?
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michaelen of axios wrote yesterday that there are two inds of, quote, collusion delusion. one, the belief amongtr preside p's most ardent supporters. the no collusion indictments means that the witch hunts have been vindicated and in a second he wrote the bitter reality that this probe has spawned many others stretching far beyond russia. it's delusional to think itds simply ith no collusion. joining me to look at some of the legal implicatio of the mueller report is ari melber and host of the beat and former fbi official chuck rosenberg. >> i want to start with you. the no new idictments with the conclusion of the mueller report was greeted as a moment of vindicatn by the president's most ardent supporters. why shouldn't theyd, feel go at least, about that fact?? >> they can feel somewhat good ncause it shows that bob mueller has found a
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chargeable election conspiracy. notai t donald trump and the people around him so that tells you something. the reason why pres rent trump haained quiet and most people are still waiting is the report can ultimately surface a lot of otheriabad mat about poor judgments or even attempter es without charging them. >> chuck rosenberg, principalsi concs and you've worked in the justice department. you know how different people interpret different phrases. what's your sense of what bill barr means by that? >> he promised it quickly, chuck and he strikes me that it would begh reasonably level meaning all of the stuff we want to see in the report, a of the interesting details and probably not. >> you expect a veryarrow scope here. reasonably narrow because he prised it so quickly and there is a lot to work through before you can decide whether all of the other stuff could be public. >> it's collusion versus obstruction and can you come to a collusion conclusion?
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apologies for that illiteratiif obstruction took place, ari? >> you definitely can shed more light on what were the reasons that donald trump seemed to repeatedly interfere with theser es, instruct people to mislead or lie, was there somethingg? underly and the theory had been that might be the collusion. it might be other related problems that national security officials cares about or the congress cares about that are not what has beenalled collusion. for example, if somebody high on the government owes a foreign power a lot of money and that has corrupted foreign policy that's a big deal, but tmit t not be the thing a speciall counarges. >> we have an array of issues in ublic that we've covered that have some people believing that an obstruction -- you have the suggestion of comey to drop the flynn probe. you have the firing of comey when he cited the russia thing, calling for the attorney general
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to fire mueller, dangling the possibility of pardons and this is the public record. do you expect mueller, if -- do you expect him to be so focused on his charge that he lists the evidence witho making a conclusion? meaning he'll list all of the struction evidence and basically, chuck rosenberg, it's up to you to conclude whether that's obstruction. >> there is a difference betweet ou find and to describe. i worked for the man. i expectim to describe it and not to characterize it so it will be for usssnd for cong and journalists to decide whether what muellerhas found amounts to obstruction. he will describe it. he will lay out the evidence. he will give you an evidentiary foundation. i believe it will be for others to characterize. >> that leads to tolitical challenge, i think, for the house jiciaryommittee and that's why you heard hesitance.
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>>tibsolutely. tely the materials that come from bob mueller to the congresswhether that is sooner or later, are going to put forward questions of whetheis resident abused his power in such a way that the congress wants to do something about it, and at's significant even in the absence of collusion indictment. so you have both things happening, chuck. on the one hand, people who had longssumed or hoped that this d esident clearly and edgi legitimately obtaie presidency and there's no chargeable collusion and the white house would ha consider the facts about potential obstruction. >> let me get to executive privilege here because this to me is this robert hole. how do you know what to assert about executive privilege without reading the report. >> who reads it? >> there's this odd te here? >> the justice department is part of the executive branch. the president runs the executive branch.
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>> the attorney general of the united states reports to the president. if there's stuff in that report and p aside classified information and grand jury information and all those other categori if there's stuff in that report over which executive privilege can be genuinely and legitimately asserted someone will have to see it before they can make the assertion. i assume white houl coun will go through the report and see whether or not an assertion is valid. remember, privileges are qualified and they've been overcome in the past and it may be overcome here. >> gerald nadler seems to think that the white house has no case hihere. do you they have a case? >> it's a very hard argument to thinghat bob mueller got from people through a lawful process. >> voluntarily, though, and the white house's lawyers had always said they reserve the right. >> they said they reserve the right and this say lawf process and no judge rejected the tools and mething very special that donald trump put in his own written answers subject
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to his owned quali statement that he later wanted to revoke. it's hard to see the bulk of this being subject to privilege. >> you have a way of reminding us, what is it about the mueller report that is important to ople that we're not seducin discussing. >> it's a counterintelligence investigation. what did our adversary russia do to us in the 2016 election and what do they hope dto us down the road? >> is that wrapped up? does that mean it's alsorapped up, too, the counterintelligence investigation? >> i would be surprised if that was wrapped up and here's why. this is an ongoing strussle between and western democracies. they didn't stop doing what they do whenel bob r finished his report and whether it's mueller or the counterintelligence of the fbi and this is a serious ongoing concern. >> but at some point the justice department has to be a part of ending the cloud over the presidency and letting the
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congress and anyone else make judgments. >> all right. ari melber, thank you for sharing your expertise. maria ramirez? hi. maria ramirez! mom! maria! maria ramirez... mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams. this is decision tech. it's screening technology that helps you find a stock based on what's trending orn investing goal. it's real-time insights and information,
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welcome back. panel here. quite a bit to talk about. carlos cabello, now an nbc political analyst. clara mccaskill, also a politicalnalyst. first time on "meet the press". >> thank you.nd >> the washington post. er here's what he wrote about the mue report. the mueller report will be ueling calls for the president's impeachment or providing him fodder to claim vindication or possibly in this live in your own reality moment both at the same time. i was thinking about this today. carlos and claire you were both on the campaign trail in '18 and botheave said want to wait for the mueller report. mueller report is here and how are folks in missouri receiving it this morning? >> i have to tell you the truth.
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they're not as focused on it as we a >> not surprised. >> i honestly believe the people that will decidealhe presidenlection inne 2020 mueller will not be at the top of their list and that's something that the candidates need to keep in mind that this isn't as big a deal people's lives as it is for all of us who have followed it very closely. having said that, you know, i just think the democratic party has to be veryeful here and focus on what's hiding in plain sight. over 17 members of the trump campaign, advisors or officials had over 100 contacts with one of our biggest foreign enemies in the world during the campaign. that is extraordinary and 36 people were charged and six of them were officials of the trump campaign. over 200 charges were brought. focusing on the report, ihi t, we have to be very careful and not lose sight what the american
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people need to be reminded of is this is really bad stuff. >> so, carlos, what are folks in your district going to be saying today?he >> are no winners. the republicans didn't win and the democrats didn't is some good news here and people in south florida appreciate that. ourdi institution work. >> how do you know? >> this is a probe that the president did not want to see. he called it a witch hunt. it's clear that it was anything, but a witch hunt. bob mueller was professional, deliberative, sober in his approach to this and now this is going -- at some point it's going to be made open to the public for people to analyze and see and opine o this is a big deal. this is something weor take granted in this country and it does not happen in venezuela, cuba or anywhere else. >> the president sent out a few tweets t a great day.ying have his advisers are saying do not comment publicly. will he listen?
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we'll have to wait and see, but they know it's too soon to spike the football and whethink about the scope of this and this goes back t cleaaire's point an think about his former advisers are cooperating with muler and you have rick gates just to name a few. you have his putsic statem about russia. so they know that there's potentially th possibility that there's still damaging information in there, and i think that's why you are gog see a fight about how much will be made public. >> i have to say. the conclusions have been drawn by the public. i don't know what would isve to be in eport that you think >>uld change the mindset of the public. have no idea unless he lays out a case on obstructi of justice and in a sense, handing it on a platter to the house judiciary committee to go forward with it. i'm not saying we should expect that. >> i thinkuc it's what c rosenberg outlined and he put the facts in there and you decide if it is. > on that front, people have
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already decided. i think senator, you're absolutely rigt. r most people this is not top of mind and to the extent it is they already t know whaty think about him, and about what happened, andi s think the test going forward will be how the democrats in the house handle the furtherio investig? >> so -- i think there is an important question here.e we know th question's base is never going to abandon him, but wh happens to the democratic base if the worst that comes out of this is the indictments we've seen. we know for a lot of demo gats this wng to be a way to get rid of donald trump. this was the instrument, the eller probe to verturn the 2016 election that a lot of people couldn't explain aft it happened. if the worse that we see is these indictments is that base going to be deflated and swing voters and therb su districts they know really well. those swing voters, if democrats try it on take this into overigme is the f worse
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and do people start abandoning democrs? >> i think democrats have to be careful, but you said this isn't like vezuela. let's be really clear here. if they use executive power and executive privilege and what we have is the respect for a rule of law and the line between the executive power and the rule of law. trump crossed that norm and behaved in bizarre ways rpeatedly and if theort focuses on that, it is a little bit like venezuela and these e countries whhe president controls the rule of law, we don't let our prident control the rule of law and if he tried to here, i ink it will have -- non-ending consequences for the president. >> kristen, emett flood is basically the white house lawyer that may be interacting the most with this. is he going to be able to read the report before gerald nadler? >> that is their expectation? >> they think they can see it
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first? constitutionally i guess they do. >> they think so because they do think there are significant questions about executive privilege. will that happen, though? we'll have to see, what is barr going do? that's why you have leadership saying we cannot start talking impeachment yet and it's too soon it will wckfire. >> o the president showed -- is to atta john mccain. it is directly related to mueller and it is allin john mchat got james comey to investigate and here is hise tastof increasing anger at mccain throughout the week. >> i was never a fan of john mccain and i never will be. >> not my kindof guy. badly hurting the republican party, badly hurting our tion. he was horrible what he did with repeal and replac what he did to the republican party and to the nation, but you shouldn't have brought it up. actually i thought you weren't supposed to bring it up, but yoat's okay. know, fake news.
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>> it was interesting there. not expecting the mccain question. i want to k the two of you, mccain is better to invoke with democrats than it ith republicans and you heard -- you heard that. first, i want to ask you, what the senators really think when he trashes john mccain? >> it hurts everybody's heart. john mccain and i had battles. he battled with all ofs at one time or another, but he was an incredible man, and what he went through -- i don't know what's wrong with this guy? how do you punch down to someone who was a p.o.w. and is dead the same week you reverse sanctions against a guy b sause you you like him who starves his people and kills his family for power? it is beyond weird, and i think it shows some real mental problems with this president th that he feel need to go after somebody who is dead. >> carlos, there is a virus, and part of the republican party .
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that cheers th they're excited when it happens and they send crazy notes to cindyccain and meghan mccain and people like that. >> that's right. part of the base is politically intoxicated and when did it become normal or okay in our untry to criticize, to attack at a personal level. this is not a policy disagreement, but toon pely attack someone who sacrificed for our couny and i was happy to hear marco rubio to say he disagreed with it today and republicans seem to be stronger. >> you knowwhy they're not -- >> at some point you have to lead and whether or not you have a primary challenge and i think that's on both sides, a primary challenge, but at what point do you sacrifice your core values and humanity to avoid ama p challenge. you shouldn't. >> way to end that in thaten se when we come back, we'll change itcr a bit. demos don't like the
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electoral college. we h e a way tomake it more way. how can chging the electoral system change the results? that's next.
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♪ the kenya tea development agency is an organization that is owned by tea farmers. every week we sell this tea, we get paid in multiple accounts. we were looking for a nk to provide a a sa efficient technology platform to pay our farmers. citi was the only one that was able to ensure that this was done seamlessly. and today, at the touch of a button, all the farmers are able to get ththeir standard of ae with citi, we see a bright future for our farmers and their families. ♪
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♪ >> welcome back. data download time. a growing number of 2020 candidates are floating the idea of abolishing the electoral college. no surprise because in two of the last five presidential elections democrats havn the popular vote and still lost the election. take 2016, hillary clinton got over 65 million votes while president trump got just under 63 million, but it was president trump who won the precedence we 306 electoral votes over clinton's 232. the idea behind thelectoral college was to keep small states rom being ignored by presidential candidate, but in reality the presidential race is always decided by the battleground states. in 2016, just 14 of the most competitive states received % of the campaign ad spending and 95% of visits by the candidates on the campaign trail, and it had nothing to do with pulation. some were small like new hampshire and mane, bine, but somewhere bigger like florida
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and ohio. what's more not electoral votes count the same. gets an h state electoral vote, wye onlying with a population of 577,0 people gets three electoral votes. that breaks down to one elecral votefor every 192,000 people now look at the state of california where nearly 40 million people get only 55ec ral votes. per is one electoral vote every 719,000 people, but what if we made the number of electoral votes proportional to each ste's population? >> using wyoming's standard one vote per 192,000 people it would keep its three votes and california would wind up with a whopping 205 electoral votes. now, do that for every state and there would be almost 1700 electoral votes in play, makg the new magic number 850 to w. so would that have changed the
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2016 result? actually, . donald trump would still have won. options. are other electoral votes can be distributed proportional to each state's popular vote o simply by congressional district, but for now at least the candidates will have to win the old-fashioned way when we come back the 2020 presidential race and michael bloomberg's complaint that democrats are too quick to apologize, well, for anything. >> everybody else and beto, whatever his name is. whatever his name is. he's essential for pine trees, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened.
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the network operations center for comcast. we are working to make things simple, easy and awesome. e neighbors... loved ones. living with diseases like cancer, epilepsy, mental health conditions anhiv. maybe you're one of them. but new medicare rules could deny access to the latest, most effective therapies... therapies that keep them healthy. are medicare cuts that save less than one pcent worth the risk to millions of patients?
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president trump promised protect medicare... we need him to keep his word. ♪ ♪ apologizing forma being , over 50, white, apologize for the one piece of legislation which is aretty good anti-crime bill wch is the liberals would read it most of the things they like are in that bill. they should read it. >> wcome back time for endgame an that was former new york city mayor michael bloomberg this week going after democrats for others called an apology tour. he decided not to run not because he didn't want to be president, but he didn't think he could win in the primary. >> i think he's right on. i think strength wins and not
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apologizing. biden could have easily pivoted and said you know what was in that bill? community policing what we desperately need right now to re-establish trust in neighborhoods between police ant the peopley serve. >> you're with michael bloomberg. >> violence against women's act. >> you were the prosecutor. >> i wasor the prosececause of that bill. we finally had money to support domestic violence victims so we could get them into court and put the perpetrators behind bars. in this rush to be politically correct they're leaving some strength over there on the side of the road and we've got to have strength if we're going to beat this guy. with not going to beat him anybody. we'll have to beat him with someone that reassures america n that wence again be envied by thef reste world instead of ridiculed and we can be strong and hold the. midd >> my question is when did mickal bloomberg become a
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democrat when it was tough for voices like his to come out of primaries and why did he become aredemocrat, w maybe, just maybe he's a middle lane for howard sldultz and it c have been for michael bloomberg.nt i to put up joe biden's people have been talking perhap ch because we now know all of their hand wringing. on one hand they're self-aware and he's thinkinng of pic at a vp early and stacy abrams was out there and maybe it's a one-term pledge. if you like joe biden you should be glad that he's thinking about wat could run to problems in the democratic nomination. on the other hand this is introducing your campaign by starting with the weaknesses. compensateattempt to from weaknesses and i think it is a recognition on their h par the has to answer for. the pty of joe biden has grown up with and in many ways hasd defiver different heards of time and they have to wrestle
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with that, and i think that the other question th they're grappling with is how do you make somebody who has been on the public stage for 40 years put asideow old he is at 76? how do you make a person like that seemh? fr one way to do it is to run a campaign that's different thanr ot campaigns have been run and that's what they're trying - i n do, but they've got - don't quite know what happened with the stacy abrams vp thing, but boy, they've had to roll it back quickly. >> he may have offered her to be her running mate a this point. >> right. and a lot of people are saying, look, the mere fact that this has gotten so much attention really undercuts his strength as heontially enters this race because it looks like a hail ma, almost, at the front end. >> and he's the leading poll guy and oh, my god, i might lose. >> theact check as i was talking to people close to him, look, the reality is that's not something that's being seriously considering right now and they
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are considering half a dozen different things as he enters this race and an acknowledgement and also the fact that the field is moreprogressive. how does he enter the field, fit in, and change the near tiff. >> i want to play beto rourke's response yesterday to the mueller report. take a listen to what he said. >> this is an unprecedented attack on this country and on our democracy and we are owed the factand if we do not receive them 243 years in there is nothing that guarantees us a 244th. >> slightlyth alarmiste referring to seeing the mueller report. beto o'rourke, you served with him, carlos, claire mccaskill, is he rea to be your party's standard bearer? >> i don't know. you're asking mei to the bracket for next year's tournament. >> you don't know if missouri gets invited. >> right. probably not, but the point is thiss goingo be a time where we have a large field and they're going to battle for inspiring people. they're going to battle for
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donorsespecially low donors. they're going to battle for the living rooms of iowa and we'll see who emerges from this and if they are -- they have to be substaive. you can't be all show and no go. >> yeah. >> beto needs to get some meat on the bones here and not just be inirational. is he a moderate? did you consider him a moderate when you serv with him. >> kind of. he's a good guy. by the way,he's a good chef. >> oh, really? >> no, he is. he actually is. he is a little scrted and he needs to be more himself and be more authentic. >> thank you, guys. what a week. that's a thank you for watching. good luck with the brackets and sly mccaskill is out of hers. we'll be back next week fort sw 16 weekend because if it's sunday it's "meet the press."
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hi, i'm jeff. in my johnsonville commercial, we open up in the forest. i'm out in the wild eating my breakfast. and all of a sudden, raccoon come up and asked me, i'm out in the wild "are thi said, "yep."ties?" wolf comes in and says, and we had a good "wowlaugh about that. sausage." (laughing)


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