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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  April 1, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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threat to close out southern border and the possibility of unintended consequences. >> but first a white house whistle blower raises newns concbout protecting the nation's secrets. house democrats threen multiple subpoenas. >> the house oversight committee wants documents on the security clearance process for several senior white house officials that include the president's daughter ivanka trump, her husband jared kushner, and national security viser john bolton. the move follows a whistle blower's allegation that at least 25 employees were granted clearances after their applications had been denied by career security experts in thih deadline democrats have set for ttorney general william barr to turnover the full mueller report. arr has said he'll hav redacted version ready in t next couple of weeks. now he could face a subpoena as well. republicans are dismissing both subpoenas s part an attack and the white house remains focused on the border.
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>> blayne alander is at the white house with that story. >> reporter: let's start with thatim growinggration fight. today the trump administration announced they are moving resources to help with what they call a crisis at the southern border. democrats say they have to fight back saying thoseolutions are only creating more problems. today new orders from the trump atration reassigning hundreds of customs and border patthol personnel to deal w the highest number of migrant border crossings in more than a decade according to the agency. it follows a threat by president trump to close the southern border this week unless mexico does more to stop migrant crossings into the u.s. experts say that could deal a huge blow to the ec >> mexico is the third largest trading partner for the u.s. after china and canada. one the biggest product categories specifically that tht u.s. from mexico, beer and wine and snack foods. if we get fewer ofhe those and prices go up, that's something you could feel pretty soon.
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nt>> reporter: the presid tweeting homeland security is being so nice but not for long urgg congress to fix what he calls a major national emergency, something long sputed by democrats. >> this is an administration led obviously by the president that only knows how to use government to create chaos and to cate problenstead of solving problems. >> reporter: the president also nnouncing plans to cut off ai to three central american countries. guatemala, el salvador and t hondurashe origin of many asylum seeking family. many say it is counter productive and even some republicans not on board. >> i don't mindea t. i think you have to get people's attention. but at the end of the day do i w think it'se to rescind the aid? no. i think that stabilizes those regimes to some degree. >> reporter: d will fight the president's plan in congress. as forhe president threat to close large portions of the southern border, the white house says that thathreat is to be believed. let's talk about some of the people al aspects that
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would feel. keep in mind that nearly half of all imported segetables andme 40% of imported fruit comes from mexico and experts say thatur ng the winter all of the avocados nearly in the s. come from meks xico, so if the borde were to close the u.s. could run out of avocados within three weeks. >> no more kwauk -- guac for a while. the we the people membership summit is under way at the warner theater. several democratic candidates appeared at the forum and it was live streamed to union halls across the candidates took questions from the audience, many of whom areressive activists. senator amy klobuchar told thece audihe supports d.c. state hood while beto o'rourke said he iculd host a pub town hall meeting every month.
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former vice president joe biden is expected to enter the race, but he's alsopl grng with a last minute complication. two women accused him of unwanted contact. a connecticut woman says the vice president pulled her face close and rubbed noses with her at a fund-raiser in 2009. a former nevada state lawmaker who supported bernie sanders in 2016 says biden kissed her on the back of her head when the campaigned president on her behalf in 2014. both women say bide's contact was not sexual. >> it was unwanted. it was shocking because of the power difference. >> joe biden released tatement saying that in his many years inif publiche has offered countless handshakes, hugs and expressions of affection, support, and comfort. he says he never believed he actednd inappropriately if it is suggested that he did so, he will listensp rtfully but he says it was neverand fo rth betn
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virginia's lieenant governor justin fairfax and one of two women accusing him of sexual assault. fairfax denies the claims and thys the polygraph test proves he's telling truth. but this morning one of his accusers went on national television to tell h story. news 4's meagan fitzgerald r orts. >> reporter: it's been nearly two months since sexual assault surrounding lieutenant governor justin egatirionx is completely inlse. >> reporter: ever he strongly denied claims by meredith waut meredith watson and vanessa tyson. elived what tyson she described as a criminal encounter with fairfax in an interview with cbs news. >> i was so humiliated on so ma levels. virginia people need to know who it is that they elected. >> reporter: but this weekend fairfax announced he voluntarilm ted to a polygraph test using an expert his accuser's
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attorney used to te christine blasey ford who accused then supreme court nomineett b kavanaugh. fairfax said he passed the test which asked questions like,qu e, did you engage in any nenconsensual sexual activity with vsa tyson? lieutenant governor fairfax answered no. heedpolygraph examination sh that this was a truthful answer. while the result of polygraph tes tests aren't admissible in court in virginia, they're used by lad enforcement tect deception. fairfax says taking this type of examination was just another step in trying tois prove innocence. he released a statement which says in part, quote, i ha also called for a fair, full, and impartial investigation of the allegations and my denial. i am completely confident that ld h an investigation w exonerate me and clear my good name. in northern virginia, meagan 4. zgerald, news >> fairfax's a accusers have not sued or pressed charges, but s
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bod they will testify at a hearing if the general assembly sets one up. the chill in t air this evening not keeping visitors from enjoying the first day the cherry blossom trees are in peak >> t that. okbloom. is that beautiful or what? the water is blue. eit rth look sos beautiful. y this year it turns out you may have more time than usual to check out those blossoms. >> mark segraves is live tonight to explain why. mark. >> reporter: good evening, doreen. i guess this cold weather is good for something. it's great for the cherry blossoms. lly,s making it a little ch but that's not stopping the crowds from coming down. inn city of divided by politics, the national park service hopes the cherry blossoms can be something that brings us all together. >> cheomy bloseason is that one time of year where everybody in d.c. seems to agree oe rything for the next week or ten days. it's not going to be blue or red. everybody isocussed on pink.
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>> despite the chilly temperatures, throngs of people came to the tidal basin and were lucky enough to catch the first day of peak bloom >> it's chilly, but temperatures keep the blossoms from going on to the next stage which is the green leaves. >> reporter: like every year the park service wants to remind everyone that climbing on the trees or pulling off the bloois no no. even on a chilly weekday, traffic around the tidal basin was bumper to bumper. this man h been coming every year for the past 35 years to take in the blossoms. >> this is the blessing to come down and see this every people co about the crowds, but it'sut beaul. >> reporter: but this group traveled all the way from michigan to findve one special cherry blossom tree. btree that was dedicated to this woman'st friend who worked at the park service for years. she passed away ten years ago and the park p servicented a tree in her honor, so we're here today trying to find it.
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she loved the parks and the park service. >> reporter: take a look at this traffic over my shoulder. if you're thinking of coming down, maybe public transportation or one those scooters or a bike or walking. anything other than driving is probptly a bettern to get down here. you do have some time, though. the park seicestimates that peak bloom will last through the any nd if we don't get unusual weather between now and then. then in a few weeks, thoue's a second of blooms from a different cherry tree that will be blooming again. that starts in about two weeks. ndu've got time to catch the blossoms down arhe tidal basin. back to you guys. >> nice toget a little extra time. >> good to hear. now that ey are i peak bloom, the requesty is how long can we hang on to this? >> amelia draper has a first look at the forecast that includes some cold and some wind d rain. that wind isn't going to help, is it, amelia? >> no, doreen, unfortunately it is not. there's a live look from our cam down at t tidal basin.
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the camera on top of our live truck. peak bloom is when0% of the yoshino cherry trees have their blossoms out. mark was talking about a few different varieties. peak bloom is happening right nowvi the park s declared that today around lunchtime. what we don't want to see in thc ft is a temperature of 27 degrees or colder. thankfully i'm not tracking numbers that cold at the tidal basin. you don't want strong winds either. unfortunately i'm tracking stronger win the forecast on wednesday and potentially friday as well. we are goingo see some of the petals coming down. if you're heading down to the ti fal basin this upcoming weekend, it's still going to be really nice oon there saturday, even send not looking bad. right now a chilly 50 with winds out of the north at 10 miles an hour. those are subsiding right now, but our temperatures are going to plummet. some of us will hit 27 for a low. i'm going to have more of whatn you expect tomorrow morning. and forids at the bus stop
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coming up. >> thank you, amelia. a breakthrough for patients at one of the bregion'ssiest hospitals after a news 4 i-team investigation. as scott macfarlane reports, it will now be easier for local military veterans to get inside d.c.'s giant v.a. medical center. >> good evening. a few tonths back news 4 i-team showed you a big problem for so many of our local vets. there had been a severe parking shortage tt was worsened by construction. we found some veterans wth severe mobility challenges struggling to walk nearly a third of a mile to get in and out of the facility. the v.a. said it would open a new garage by april. today they kept tir promise. elevators inside aren't working. there is a shuttle to carry vets from their cars to the front door. the vets who recently told us they considered skipping doctors appointments becse of the hassle of getting inside, they
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now have new spots. arageirector said the new is part of improving access to care. >> it was a real pain point for our veterans as you know as they were coming here for care. we had a number of veterans that 7:00, 8:00 in at the morning and spen the day for their appointments. having an additional 380 parking spaces reallyis a long wayo meeting our customer service for ulr veterans. >> the garage sbe fully operational by november we're told. in the meantime, vterans who need assistance getting around can use shuttle service or the parking v parking valet. scott macfarlane, news 4 i-team. back to you. >> good to see the ogress. thank you, scott. a water main break over the weekend causing some big problems for thousands of people in prince george's county. still to kmrks an updacome, an much longer a boil alert will stay in effect.
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and what could keep hundreds >> jodie fleischer explains why people trying to file complaints people trying to file complaints about the special police
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snot evliybody can be a winnerng aldi.mportant. their products have won over 400 awards for quality. kind of like cooper's solar system. but hey we did great too. not aldi great, but regular great... beat him... ...plants? know what's really great? the low prices at aldi. save on fremont fish market large cooked shrimp, now just $5.49. aldi. shop differentli. ma scotarlane back with breaking news out of baltimore. the city's mayor is taking a leave of absence amid a scandal involving her dealings with the board and serving on the board d the university of maryl medical system. the mayor's office tells our baltimore affiliate sh'saking aindefbt leainite leave becauseo
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pna. also today kizer revealed they paid thousands of copies for ghes's book. those purchases came during a period when the health provider sought a city contract in baltimore. nbc news has called pugh's attorney and has not been immediately returned. baltimore city council president will take over as acting mayord ng pugh's leave. >> scott macfarlane, thank you. now to a news 4 i-team investigation. parts of this video are hard to tch. the ging hit says he still struggles with injuries nearly two years >>ter. ut when he went to file a complaint against this officer, this man says he wa turned away. and the news 4 i-team found that he is not alone. >> jodie fleischer is here with td.c. residents who sat system has to change. >> to be clear, we're talking about special police officers. they're similar to security
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guards. the metropolitan police department licenses them to help serve and seveople told us they needed protecting from an officer and could not get him investigated. even with the videos you are about to see. >> i asked you to leave. >> he was leaving. he was leaving. >> keep talking. >> i'm going to keep talking. >> as one of d.c.'s 7,500 special police off john simon was allowed to make arrests while on the property he was assigned to protect, in this case the douglas apartments in southeast antoine reed one of those arrested. >> nobody should have been treated that way. >> reed is the man on t ground in this video. he said it all started when he and his girlfriend were walking to her apartment with groceries to make dinner. they were talking about her new job as a security officer. reed make ant negative com about officer simon, that he overheard. >> he approached me and told met get o property. pushed me, shoved me. >> reed says his girlfriend grabbed her cell phone and
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started recording as he cried out in pain. >> i can't feel my wrist. my hand is >> you pushed him. he didn't touch you. >> reed went to jail for assalt and unlawful entry. prosecutors zpl prosecutors dismissed his charges 10 days later, but he says he's had nerve damage in his hand, surgery and therapy and wanted to press criminal charge >> at the front desk they told me you can't file any charge, nothing. >> next he went to mpd security officer management branch and filed a complaint but when he tried to get a copy months later there was no record on it. the i-team tried to get answers too. filing a freedomof information request in december. after nearly four months, mpd has provided no records, not on officer simon, the company he worked for, o evenow many total complaints the agency has handled telling us our request is still under review. >> i couldn't file a complaint. i couldn't make nothing. i got
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so basically i looked like the guilty one. >> she says s officeron accused her of assault in 2017 after an encounter in the doorway of her own apartment. >> i mean, banging on the door,, kicking hitting it with the baton, like, open up the door. >> she says her mother started recording after simon perp sprayed them. he was actually there to remove bun's girlfriend, nicole lucas, from the property, but he didn'e arrest . >> we were scared. her mom was there. >> they say simon aested bun later when she went to the ce management off to complain about him. >> i didn't do anything. i'mm.he victi >> bun toll the i-team she also tried to complain to mpd but was told she couldn't while her w char pending. once prosecutors dismissed it, she says mpd told her toomuch time had passed. when lucas called to complain, she got a voice mail back from an mpd sergeant saying simon'sf use pepper spray was being investigated but added this. >> make yourl act complaint to
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a & d security. >> the i-team found a & d security which employed officer simon at the time is owned by retired mpd officers. we tried to get answers at the complex, its management company and a & d security where one of the owners failed to show up for a scheduled interview. mr. wilson still has trouble talking about what happened to him in 2017 captured on video. he'd been removed from the complex before and officer simon had spotted him there again. he says he was in the alley next to the complex leaving when ht simon caug up to him, pulled his gun and pepper sprayed him and dragged him from hiscar. >> he was very aggressive. he's n y a personu want to run across. >> wilson admits he was trying to break free from theofficer's grip but says that's because simon kept hitting him with the baton while he was trying to wipe his eyes. check this out. once he's on the ground just before the video ends, you can see officer simon punch wilson
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>> i blacked out, then i woke back up and i'm in the ambulance. et me go, i just want to go home. >> instead he went to jail charged with assaulting officer simon and unlawful entry of the property. rosecutors later dropped those charges too. but just like the others, wilson told the i-team he was rned away when he tried to complain to mpd. >> you just need to listen to the person. hear both but it's like they don't do that. >> mpd declined our request for an on-camera interview but said it disciplin more than 100 special police officers last year. the head of that division said somb does not prohibit citizens from filing a complaint and he was unawarfhese incident. >> officer simon, we'd like tos k with you for a moment. >> officer sion drove away when we foundhioutside a & d's office last month even though the owner told us he no longer worked for him. since we started asking about his license, it's beened swit to inactive meaning he can't work in d.c. forow.
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mpd has not said whether he's ever been disciplined. >> i feel like the security badge is really saving himnd it's not fair. it's not fair at all. >> the company that manages the apartment complex told me it replaced a & d securityith another security company last august. but would not say whether these incidents had anything to do with that decision. the residents have now retained an attorney and aresi cring legal action. >> surprising nobody's willing to talk to you or answer your questions about this, jodie. >> we tried. >> you can frar more the residents by visiting ourbc app. a major weekend shutdown aomised relief for drivers main artery in prince george's county. the progress on the bw ark way. >> amelia is tracking rain chances in the forecast. we'll see how long we're going to have to wait for ano
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fast, reliable internet is crucial. does it every go down? yes. can't do my job. business grinds to a halt. our gig-speed network not only downloads files up to 20 times faster, we go beyond fast with 4g backup for complete reliability. so if the unexpected happens...
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(snaps fingers) you stay up and running. we lost power... but not to that. i want that. (laughing) start now and get a $500 prepaid card. call now. comcast business. beyond fast. it was a shock this morning. i know you warned us and i could hear the wind howling overnight, but it was still rely ld. >> it was deceptively beautiful. it just didn't feel like it. >> we had breezy winds throughout the entire day. wind chills were the 30s. the winds are subsiding, but that doesn't mean we're not in for a cold night. ttemperatures dippi around 30, mid 30s in washington. chilly again throughout the entire day tomorrow. so grab the jacket. grab the umbrella as welli' going to be tracking some spotty showers out there enmorrow during the late afternoon and g hours. especially around washington and
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areas all to the east. after tomorro though, warmer temperatures move in and stick with us through at least the weekend. impacting otentially us not just tomorrow but friday as well. here's a look at your future temperatures tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. talking about another cold start out there. the win's no d's not going as strong. temperatures in the suburbsnd ar freezing. a high temperature of only 43 degrees. that's abou 10 degrees below normal normal as clouds increase throughout the day. from this stormem that i'm tracking right now on storm team four radar, here we are at 7:00 p.m. with future weather. notice how this staorm moves up the coast. firstot brings clouds the area. by 3:00 p.m. tracking rain down? southern maryland and around the fredericksburg area. by 5:00 the evening commute etting under way tracking showers in spots. this computer model bringing
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rain out. i think a better likelihood we'll see rain around 95 and areas off to the eas showers tomorrow night could slow down your ride home tracking rain in spo until about 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. after that the storm system cools wn and it i noticeable breezy throughout the entire day on wednesday. that beingsaid, it's warmer. 67 on wednesday. ee're near 70 on thursday. i'll have more on weekend. it's a monday and we'relready thinking about it coming up at about 6:45. >> thanks amelia. water main repairs still going on tonight along the indian headay highw news 4 darcy spencer will join us live next with the impact on traffic. and when the water could be save to drink again. there are mor food deserts in prince george's counties than anywhere else in our region. the beauty supply, dollar store, and gem used to be a grocery store. the account executive says she wants to change this trend. that story next. and a collegetudent
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murdered after she mistakenly t into the wrong car. she thought it was an uber. she thought it was an uber.
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hi, i'm jeff. she thought it was an uber. in my johnsonville commercial, we open up in the forest. i'm out in the wild eating my breakfast. and all of a sudden, raccoon come up and asked me, i'm out in the wild "are those bigger patties?" "" wolf comes in and says, "wow, that's a lot of sausage." and we had a good laugh about that. (laughing)
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johnsonville breakfast sausage has 15% larger patties. fits on a biscuit. >> announcer: you'tching news 4 at 6:00. right now at:30, there's a water safety warning for parts of prince george's county because of this. a geyser opening up on indian head highway. >> the water mainne break hap on sunday, but 24 hours later a boil water alert is still in seffect tonight for tf thousands of people. >> take a look at your screen. you can see thereas that are impacted. news 4 darcy spencer is in ft. washington with more on when this warning could finally be lifted.
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what's the word, darcy? >> reporter: well, of course, everyone here in this part frt countyants to know that. i just talked to wsse, so i do have an update. we are right here on indian head highway where you see just one lane of traffic getting by here on the northbound side. the good news is wsse says they hope to have everything reoned here sometime tonight. but as for that boil water warning, that's goio stretch into tomorrow. it looked like a geyser, water n spewingo indian head highway in ft. washington. it was caused by a water main break sunday afternoon. as a precaution, a large section n prince george's county is under a boil water alert. >> boilinghe water for tea and bath. >> reporter: what did you think about that? >> it was really unconvenient, because i had to go out and buy dinner. i couldn't cook. >> reporter: the break initially shut down traffic on the busy ghway thatuns right by
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national harbor. eventually one northbound lane eas reopened. there are still traffic delays as crews from wsse make the repairs. >> i sat there for, like, 45 minutes yestday on sunday tting right here on 210 forever trying to get through the fftr. so yeah. >> reporter: when you got home you didn't have any water. >> no water and i was out of gas in my car too. my car was out of gas. just double trouble. >> reporter: wsse workers had to dig up the roadce and repla the pipe and a section of road will ave to be repaved. they're trying to get the work done so it doesn't stretch into another day. >> pressure went down yesterday to just a trickle. but at least we had a little bit. and then i guessbout an hou and a half, two hours later, it came back full. then weeard the report where we had to boil the ter. >> reporter: the boil water alert affects 23,000 customers. that's businesses and homesar the is highlighted on this map from the maryland line to the creek, from 210 west to the
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potomac river. >we're currently testing and once we know 100% sure that the waters completely 100% safe, that's when we'll lift that advisory. >> reporter: the alert issi ca some businesses to close, so if you have plans to go out to eat tonight, perhaps have a rervation here in this part of the kpu you call ahead to make sure they're open. back to you. >> it's a real inconvenience for so many peope. thank you, darcy. it could be a couple days before hundreds of people who live in a fairfax county high rise building a able to get back into their homes. a fire broke out this morning at the 26 story skyline plaza complex. that's in bileys crossroads. it caused serious damage to thai ing's transformer. thick smoke seeped into the building forcing firefighterso evacuate everybody. nobody was hurt, but dominion power says it could be a couple
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days c before th get the electricity back up and running. today marks 500 days since park police offi shaot during a traffic stop. his family have been working toh understan that happened and have received few answers. today they are demanding the answers. he fled an accident caused by another driver back in november oftwefb2017. park police officers shot him multiple times after he tried to take off again dung a traffic stop. ghaisar was not armed. taty are investg the incident but have not released many details. >> we are frustrated. we are sad. we e grieving. everything. >> 500 days of unbelievable pain. we are here to remind people that how much time has passed and we have had no justice. >> asa bipar group of
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lawmakers have also made calls s and sent lettelling the fbi it is time to release more details about what happened that night. t> commuting ohe baltimore washington park way should be a little smoother tonight. over the weekend road crews shut wn sections of t highway to repair a large field of huge potholes. this afternoon chopper 4 ouecks the progress between route 197 and 198 near uurel. an see the road still is not perfect. later this mont the nationalk parvice will begin a long-term repaving project. today a welcome change in prince george's county. a brand new grocery store is coming to the seat pleasant area in a spot thate desperat needs one. the goodet food ma will be build in addison plaza. tracee wilkins exains just how important today's announcement is for residents who live in what's considered a food desert. >>eporter: there was one grocery store in seat pleasant. in 2016 it closed its door and was not replace leaving no supermarkets between here and
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the d.c. line. >>e the st was used constantly. so when safeway closed, it was a real abyss that was created. > reporter: fa15% of prince george's county isnsidered a good desert. that means there are fewer healthy food options for residents. there are more deserts in prince george's county than anywhere else in our region. seat pleasant is higher rates of hea heart disease, and we struggle with poor health outcomes. >> we had right up on the end here a dialysisenter and i just want to be real about it. to tell you how hurt i was to e realizehad left the people of this community in that situation. >> reporter: today the county executive announced good food market will soon move into the addison road shopping center. the store's mission is to bui ere other retail grocers won't go. >> to making sure that your z
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de does not determine your haelg a health and wealth outcomes. >> reporter: the w for healthy food options has been unfair and too long. >> we jt need somebodyto come in and give us an opportunity to do what everybody needs to do. go to the store. get some vegetables. buy a nice piece of salmon. >> reporter: the super beauty, planet fitness, dollar tree, all of that is where the safeway used to be. it was a large store. this new grocery store is going in this one location bend the wells fargo atn. we have no specific date yet on when that's gog to happen. in seatnt pleasa i'm tracee wilkins, news 4. easing the pain of long lines with short stories. >> still to come, how a local d office and library system are partnering to make your wait a little more bearable. i'mss adam connecting your driving experience to the road around you right now. te'm going to you how you can change your driving experience today.
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plus here's your pollen report for today. trees coming in moderate. mold and weeds coming in low. i'm goingo have more on rain tomorrow. tomorrow. the timing, the
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we're really close. super close. but we don't live together anymore. we still do everything together, like stream shows on netflix. we have a system to watch it all at the same time. get ready, so we'll pick up 1,2,3 go. i think i was fastest? that was the same time! and since we're on fios, there's pretty much no lag for any of us.
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nobody misses anything. nobody misses anything unless they fall asleep. like angel. the best internet is even better with a year of netflix on us. switch now for our best price. only on fios. as police try to fine his ki aler, fans remembering rapper nipsey hussle as an artist who gave back. someone shot and killed him yesterday olode the cthing store he opened with his brother. the grammy nominated artist grew up in south l.a. and he acknowledged an association with gangs. he became known as supporting a number of projects in his community. he was just 33 years old. the death of a university of south carolina college student hits home for parents and ride shard users aro the country. a womly mistak jumped into a
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car she thought was the uber she had ordered to take her home late at night, but it was not an uber. pris s police y the driver kidnappe her and killed her. carrie sanders looks at a campaign at keeping you safe when taking a ride share. ar reporter: a 21-ld university of south carolina upt i student is dead. she had hailed an uber. she didn't realize she got into a wrong car. the driver, a predator had used the child locks on the door preventing her from getting out. her body was found 60 miles awayth now here a university of south carolina, they have tarted a campaig a simple one. what's my name? everybody they say across the fi country, spelly students, should learn before you get in a ride share, ask that question. what's miay name. i'll have those details coming up.
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>> kerry sanders, you can see more of his reporting coming up 7:00. new technology connecting your sm trtphone nearby traffic lights. it's supposed to improve your commute. tell you where it's already in use around here. >>d we'll tell you how much this costs. a few more chilly nights ahead before we start to warm back up. amelia is back with that and a cha ncob
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you've ly experienced distracted driving either by yourself or by someone near you, but now there's a new app called travel safely. keep your focus on the road. >> transrtation reporter adam tuss is in the passenger seat for a test drive. >> reporter: getting in an
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>> get ready for green. >> reporter: en the light's about to turn green. going too fast in a school zone? >> speeding in school zone. >> reporter: approaching a red light. >> red light. >> reporter: all t warningsat can be sent straight to your smartphone as intersections and roads become connected to new wireless technology. all of this is essentially making the roads smarter. >> there's a lot oys to make the infrastructure safer by giving alerts in ehool z speed zones, learning when emergency vehicles approached and what direction. >> reporter: some of this real time alert technology is making its way into cars, but it's now mostly used on smartphones. >> these cars don't know what's happening at the intersection, so they can't make decisions to stop. >> reporter: jeff wilson is with which is formati already wired up entire towns like marietta, georgia. think about this. at's actually helped first responders get to scenes faster. some studies show giving an
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ambulance a priority green light over a regular traffic can cut response time over a minute. critical time in emergencies. and more towns are jumping on board. even here in our area, arlington and howard county already using the school zone warning technology. >> speeding in school zone. >> it's a change of thinking with the aemgencies. this technology is coming. >> reporter: this technology isn't cheap.wo id cost about $5,000 per intersection, but consider this. a lot of intersections already costs tens ofnd thou of dollars to set up without the technology. in the meantime, while your car may not be getting sese kind of alerts just yet,our smartphone already can. another way the road experience is evolving. in arlington, am tuss. news 4. >> how about an art that would
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tell me if there's pizza nearby? if you'd like to start using the app, it's called travel safely and you can download it for free. check it out and let us know how it works. >> i'm pretty sure there's already an app for the nearest pizza. customers in one maryland motor vehicle administration office n have a new way to pass the time while they wait. >> the prince george's county memorial library system installed a new short story dis p -- dispenser. customers can get a short story to read while they're standing in line. the databasee of m than 100,000 customers, can esscale losing rums without their spot in line. they can choose the stories based on how long they take to read. five, three, or just one minute. >> they're bringing the library to them. at a sne stopp. where else to bring it to but mba. we've got the customebase. this is a great thing for us to team up together. >> anybody that came h e that got a one minute story has never
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been to mba. nobody is waiting for one minute. >> that's right. it's never a one minute wait. >> printout a batch of them. >> if the pilot program is successful, the coty hopes to install more dispensers and maybe longer stories too. amelia, this time of year the weather forecast takes on a higher level of importance. everybody's trying te their plans to see those blossoms. >> i think if you're heading down to the tidal basin during the workweek, it's going to be generally definitely chilly tomorrow. maybe showers. you might want to hold off heading down there o tuesday evening, or if you're just waiting for the evening like most of us, itlooking really nice for the upcoming weekend. look at our temperature trend. it's heading in the right direction. tomorrow another chilly day. average high 62. rsday,ok at wednesday, th friday, and saturday. every single day they're running abo normal. and we're likely hitting 70 degrees out there on thursday, saturday, and sunday as well. what to weart for the west o
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workweek, tomorrow the jacket, maybe even the puffy coat and grab the umbrella as wel i think wednesday it's going to be a chilly start, but the kids can probably get away with just long sleeves. same thines for thursday. it's going to be breezy on wednesday. on friday you want the jackethe and umbrella with some spotty showers possible throughout the entire dayurn friday. right now we're at 50 degrees. o 9:00 p.m. we'll be down about 46. even okay p.m. it's chilly, drat 43. we wake up tomorrow with temperatures ranging from mid 20so mid 30s. again, that's why the kids are going to want to bundle up tomorrow morning. sunrise time at 6:5'l start off with sunshine tomorrow. clouds built in throughout the day. it's dry at recess. it's outdoors. then we do have the rain chan towards pickup and especially after-school activities with the high tomorrow of 53 degrees. the cherry blossoms are now in peak bloom. stage six out ofsix. and again, peak is likely on into the weekend. you can make your trip down to the tidal base sin eithin eithe
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orsunday with weather looking nice both days. on the mild side saturday and sunday with high temperatures around 70. right now if we had a little more sunshine on saturday versus sunday, but that's kind of splittingbo hairs. om line, both weekend days are looking dry. here is a look at your four-day forecast. chilly tomorrow. 53 with some spotty showers around during the late afternoon and evening hour mainly between about 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. especially around washington and areas to the east. that rain with the coastal storm system. that makes this breezy on wednesday, but we're warmer with the high temperature of consecutiveeees. by thursday despite plenty of clouds, we're hitting a high of 70. on friday 60% chance for some showers throughout the entire day. otherwise, cloudy skies awe hi temperature 66. the chance for rain really falls at any point during theday. the weekend is looking quite nice. highs around 70. more cloudinesn sunday.
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then next monday maybe tracking some rin. even a few rumbles of tmiunder. ld temperatures in the mid 70s. >> amelia, thank you. coming up, bryce harper and benedict arnold. what notable nats fan tweeted out this picture t as new phillies star gets ready o return to d.c.
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make sure you get it with waffle fries, because that's my favorite. >> announcer: this is the xfinity sports desk. >> baseball season just started, so sherree is going to taltb about fl. >> why not? we're just getting in all of the sports. the 2019 nfl off-season workout surprisingly just around the corner. redskins starting on apri 15th. we may not see pro bowl offensive leman trent williams until training camp thanks to a health scare. ian rapoport reporting that trent had a procedure to remove a growth or tumor on his head. doctors were worried it was cancerous. teammates also worried about
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trent's health. but rapaport reporting everything went fine and trent should be ready fo off-season work. the team cautiou that is great news for trent. there is a big night for the capitals on the road. the caps can clinch their fourth iostraight metro divisn championship with a win tonighte against t panthers andn islanders regulation loss to the maple llsfs. the ca already clinched a playoff spot last week, but a win and a little bit of help gives them the division. puck drops from florida at 7:00 on nbc sports washington. ice, taying on the congratulations to the capital belt way warriors, champions of this weekend's disabled hockey festival in tampa. the team is made up of disabled veterans from the c. area and usa hockey helps put the festival on with sqomds around the country competing in a four game tournament. they hit the ice agai in october in las vegas to retain their title. s, switching ge bryce harper returning to nats park tomorrow for the first time as h
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ly and d.c. mayor muriel bowser, she let her feelings be nown on twitter as infamous traitor benedict nold. the mayor did take down the post, but scherzer is ready for the challengne. >> he's s there forever, basically, on the at least forever in my career. we're going to be facing each other a lot. whatever happens on tuesdayoi ongng to be the course of a career of facing him. this is really the first time, round one. >> or one miht say harper turned ho turned heel. tonight the final monday night raw before wrestlania which is like the super bowl of wwe. de dave johnson met with one of the stars previewing the big night. >> dave the dominator.
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that's an old story going back to college. this is drew mcintyr you go by the scottish psychopath. is that your name who gave yout name? i hope you like me saying that name. >> i didn't give myself the name. i was a scottish terminate or. come in and terminate my opponents. i like that. parently i get a littl crazy in the ring and they nicknamed me the psychopath. >> tiat are you expe from this monday night raw? >> it's going to be electric. we're in the billing now. i can't imagine how loud it's e going to tonight. every one of the superstars want to put in a final performance to let everyone know they're going to steal the show at wrestlemania. >> what's the best move? do you want to show me? what's your go to move? >> as i kick to the face, iba sically run at you and leave my feet and 265 pounds and kick you in the face. >> we'll leave it at thept descriion. demonstrate.
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that was a very good description. this is tom wilson throwing some d nches. do you think hemake it in thestling? >> at's pretty impressive punches. that's my favorite part. i don't kesow the r bi-i do enjoy the fight. >> tag team with you and tom wilson. that would be a hit here in d.c. >> you never know. >> thanks to dave the dominator. thankfully he's not on the receivingen of that move. >> that's rifgy movsky move ons part. ar would be afraid head s demonstrating. >> a guy call the psychopath what s move is. nice going, dave. >> thank you for joining us. >>nightly news starts here in 60 seconds. >> we hope to see you for news 4 at 11:00. >> enjoy the blossoms while you can.
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tonight, the deep impact on the rder. the ripple effect for american families and businesses if president trump shuts down ports of entry with mexico. >> if the border t closes we run avocados in the u.s. within three weeks. > the a second woman v comes forwarto accue president joe biden of inappropriate contact. both women say it wasn't sexual in nature butt wasn't ok. at biden is saying tonight. new developments in a murder mystery gripping los angeles. nipsey hussle killed in cold blood outde


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