tv News4 at 5 NBC April 9, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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hero. the local ties and lifetime of service for a mare killed in action in afghanistan. and first tonight we are arting with that story. fellow firefighters say he's the guy you want to see coming for u if your house is burning down. >> today those comrades areme ering marine staff sergeant christopher slutman, a husband, a fa.ser, a service member. and a lifelong member of the kentland volunteer fire department. >> sergeant slutman was one of three service members who were killed during a roadsid bombing in afghanistan. news 4's cory smith joins us live outsi the fire house with the tributes that areouring in for this fallen colleague. cory. >> reporter: jim and wendy, there are only a few jobs more dangerous than firefighter. u.s. marine is one of them. as you mentioned, christopher slutman did both. he gave the ultimate sacrifice in protecting those at home and
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abroad. half a world away from where staff sergeant christopher slutman made the ultimate sacrifice, firefighters at the kentland volunteer fire department are honoring their fallen brother and the legacy service he left behind. >> he's exactly the guy you want next to you. >> lieutenant clifford regembers the l than life character whose unmistakable presence was alwayselt around the fire house. slutman joined the kentland volunteer force in 2000. he was a ladderer and captain. he also spent 15 years in the ne york city firedepartment. there he was awarded for his courage after pulling an unconscious woman from a burning build. >> he embodied every bit of the person you want coming for your orfamily. >> rr: when he wasn't serving his community, slutman was serving his country as a staff sgeant in the marine corp. clifford says perhaps his most treasured role was at home. >> as much of a firefighter as he was, as much of a marine as he was, he was such a lovinger
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fa and husband. >> reporter: though he's gone, slit m slutman's presenc can still be lt here. it's spelled out in the c-- >> i'm betteror having him paved the way to be here today. how he helped build this place in order to keep riding the fire trucks. >> reporter: back out here sve, yo the flag has been lowered to half staff and firefighters are carryg on th their day as they normally would, but make no mistake, the thoughts of these firefighters are definitely on the family o christopher slutman. back to you. any.hat a loss to so cory, thank you. we are learning new details this evening about the maryland man accused of plotting an isis-inspired attack at our national harbor. prosecutors tell a federal judge today that ronde henry wanted
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to kill as many people as possible and was prepared to die. news 4asark segraves in court today. his attorney paints a much different picre here. >> reporter: yeah. good evening, jim.ig that's. as his family sat in the courtroom, rondel henry sat there siltly and listened as prosecutors painted him as an isis-inspired terrorist on a suicide mission but his attorney vernment's version of ande go even reminding the judge that all he's charged with is ealing a van. in court today prosecutors saiss rondel henry was pnning a suicide attack and that he wanted blood, chaos and panic. his attorney said henry is an americanitizen whose rights were violated by the government who interrogated him forhours, then had him committed to a psychiatric ward without allowing him toree a law or notify his family.
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>> this defendant appears to ha formed a plot to harm large numbers of innocent people and has taken concrete steps to execute that plot. >> reporter: prosecutors say 28-year-old rondel henry was inspired by isis and wanted to kill as many quote/unquote disbelievers as possible. hthey say stole this u-haul lavan with a p to run over pedestrians similar to the truck attack in fnce in 2016. prosecutors allege henry first targeted dulles airport but was unable toreach security there. so he went to national harbor looking f crowds of pedestrians. when he found there weren't big enough crowds, police h say broke into a boat docked at national harbor where he spent e night. he was spotted the next morning by prince george's county police who were invesgating the stolen once they ban interviewing henry, prince george's county police alerted federal authorities. >> this case emphasizes our greatest threat right now is home grown violence extremists.
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those individuals who radicalized independently and alone in their own home with little to no warning. >> reporter: leaving the courthouse today, henry's pham and attorney declined to comment. now, prosecutors acknowledge that much of their case is built on henryon admis of what his intent was, but they also acknowledge that after the endh ofnterview henry told investigators that after being at national harbor andin s young innocent children in the crowd, he changed his mind. the judge decided to hold him without bond until his next hearing. that's the very latest. mck to you. k segraves. thank you, mark. some of the biggest names in social media were on capitol they're telling what they're going to do to combat hate speech and violence. policy leaders from facebook, from google, other companies condemned hate crimesut there were also victims who testified about how social media can spread hate across the globe.
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company executives defended their policy sayinghey work to remove as much hate speech as possible. >> they are using online platforms to recruit new members, activate followers, target communities, organize rallies, stream their murders and incite violce. >> we made significant i investments in artificial intelligence. >> just to show you what's out r youtube decided to disable the comment section during the live stream of today's hearing because that decision was made after racist and anti-semitic messages were being posted. we could days away from learning abouthe content in the special counsel report. that word from attorney bill barr today. today a redacted version could be available to congress within
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a week. barr's testimony came ding a budget hearing that seemed to focus more on other topics. >> did the white house see the report before your released y summarizing letter? has the white house seen it since then? have they been briefed on the content beyond what was in your arizing letter to the judiciary committee? >> i said what i'm going to say about the report today. >> let's take a closer look at all of this with nbc's jeffet be he joins us live from the hill. you heard barr there. does it seem like democratic lawmakers will be satisfied with a redacted report and there a questions about what's governing those redactions, right? >> you're right about that, jim. great to see you.t i think might be instructive to people to put the takway intowo columns. what the attorney general says he will provide to congress and what he says h won't provi to congress. he says he will turnover within days a redacted version of the
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mueller report. mr. barr today said tt for every redaction, for every black box he points it will also include color coded explanations helping people understand why that information was withheld. he will not turnover the thing democrats have been calling for for weeks. they want to see the entire document a all of the underlying evidence. the attorney general today said that the lawrevents himrom turning over grand jury testimony and the way that it will work, the attorney general says, iss that once t report, the redacted report is made public, he will then work with the heads of the house and senate judiciary committee, so on the house side democrat jerry nadler. on the senate side, republican li isey graham to see there's anything else apart from that grand jury testimony, anything else they want to see that was not included in the report. he says he will work to accommodate theirst req lindsey graham said that's fine with him. everyone should just move on from that. nad le
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nadler, those, has those subpoena subpoenas in his back pocket and will use themf he doesn't get the full report. >> the ag facing some questions about famil separations today. what do we know about zero tolerance posbly being reinstated at the same time that homeland security is hemorrhaging top officials? >> reporter: there's a stunning leadership voi at the dhs. my colleague and i reported yesterday that one of theas s why president trump pushed for the ouster ofen kirstjen nies because he was calling for and has been calling for it for months the reinstatement of the family separation policy and that she resisted not on any sort of moral ground, but she pointed out all the legal and logistical reasons of why heouldn't reinstate that policy. today the president said that he never said such a thing. that based on our reporting is not the case, but you can bet t that presidemp in this election year is going to return to this key issue, what he sees as a political winner for him,
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the president talking a lot about illegal immigration. >> all right. nbc's jeff bennett. jeff, thanks so much for joining us. keep it here for all of the latest from the nbc political team on the hill and at the white house ahead on "nightly news with lester holt". turning now to our forecast, a little bit of change coming. >> boy, do we. that polle is through the roof. these changes, is that going to help us or make it worse? i think it's going to help a little but not a whole lot. we need rain to keep the tree pollen down. tree pollen is going to be blooming everywhere, blossoming everywhere because we've had such nice warmemratures and we got them again today. 80 degrees the current number in d.c. 76 in hagerstown. 75 richmond. little bit of east flow. only 53 along the water in ocean city. o everybody els the nice side today. i am tracking a storm system. it's a cold f front. cont making its way our way. most of the showers with it are north of the
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pennsylvania/marylan border, t behind this we're all going to get a lot cooler during the dayit tomorrow. still going to be pretty nice. we'll talk about how much cooler and what to expect the week. of i'm tracking a bigger storm out to the west. >> you might be feeling tired today or maybe you're feeling pumped because you stayed a up la watched the virginia cavaliers become national champs. it was hard to get to sleep last night. i am floating on caffeine right now. they are floating off of cloud nine. they have just landed from minneapolis to charlottesville. the wahoo faithful celebrating the first ever men'sasketball title in school history. david culver has been on campus for all the excitement today and they are just out of their minds today. they've been waiting decades for this. >> reporter: oh, yeah. jim andwendy, this crowd is charged. here's the reality, though. this plane landed a little over a half hour ago. i don't know if they're takin the scenic route to get here. atience.testing the
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a lot of folks really want to see tamir te they're going to be coming up in a bus we'retold. they're going to arrive here. once they do they'll unload and walk down this long path, couple hundred feet all the wow to john paul arena, jones arena. there they're going to have time to say a few words, perhaps greet the crowd. say their thanks. the thing is, this is not even the official parade and celebration. that's not until saturday. this is just kind of a welcome home gatherind quite the gathering it is. you've got hundreds of folks who have piledn here. some have been here a couple hours already. the nice thing is it's good weher out. they're not dealing with too bad of conditions. they may be dealing with lack of sleep. i think that's the reality for a lot of folks here. students, staff,rossors staying up very late to celebrate an awesome victory. >> and you too? what did you get, 90 minutes, david? >> reporter: well, that's generous. i was going to say 80 minutes, but yeah. i'm feeling good, though. this wtle place,eeps you charged. there's something about it.
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it's electric. g and you lookd and that's important. >> s david, thanksmuch. we'll stay in touch. as soon as they roll up,e'll take i looks,om uncomfortable unwelcome touches, one in every five riders says they've been victims of some kind of hassment on metro. coming up, adam tuss explains the new campaign that'sotsking r riders to step in and help. i'm julie carey. voters are making a historic choice today.l they wlect the first person of color to the board of supervisors in the county's history. coming up, you'll hear from both candidates. lus the stakes were just raised for actress lori loughlin and the parts accused in that college admiionss
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yes, we are on wahoo watch. uva men's hoops team is expected to arrive to that anxiously awaiting crowd shortly. the plane h landed. they're on the buses. but they tend to be taking a little bit of time getting back home. b we're going tng it to you live right here o news 4 when they pullp. so stay tuned. >>y'here probably dragging a >>t, too, like that crowd out there. history is in the making in prince william county. voters in the dale city area are voting in a special election for supervisor. the winne will become the first person of color ever elected to the board. our bureau chief julie carey spent some time today wit both candidates and viewed their history making role very differently. >> it's evident even at the polling place prince william county is one of the mostas diverse a in the dmv. the county has always looked like this. no oco of r. and tha at'sut to change. >> we finally in our governing body finally have someone w
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looks like the majority of the community. it's incredible. it's earth shattering. it's great. v >>ing candidates for thect distri supervisor are men of color. they're vying to replace long time supervisor john jenkins who passed away in february. angry embraces thef prospect becoming the first minority member of the board hoping it spires kids to realize they,o to could lead some day. >>po just the opunity to see they couldi they could be something else in live today. >> singh is a businessman who owns four 7/11 franchises. the fact thate could make history unimportant to him. >> i am running this election as an american. i am not running on my race, color, religion or sex, no. >> in contrast the count's gop
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chairman would be happy to see a member of his party be a supervisor of r, but says another factor even more important, singh's conservative s,values. >> it's going to be historic, but let's make it historic with somebody that mirrors the values of th voters in the county. >> reporter: because this is a special election, whoever wins will have to stand for election again in november for a full but win or lose, both candidates say they plan to be on the ballot again in november. in prince william county,ju i'm e carey, news 4. >> after that june primary, chances are good there will be more candidates of color. david culver is out there. david? bus arrived, > so we are hearing a lot of cheers now and it sounds like the bus is pulling up. there it is. you guys might have a view of it coming here. the police escort just ahead of it. you've got charlottesville and police leading the way. a crowd of several hundred
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people. h you canr them behind me anxiously awaiting the national champions to pull up right here at john paul jones arena, their hometown arena here in charlottesville. you've got the motorcade pulling ,up. here it is. the crowd just taking this in. the team left minneapolis this morning. they flew across the country here to charlottesvie, landed about 45 minutes ago. had to get all their gear off the pne on to the bus. and listen to thehants. chanting } >> so david, we're assuming tont benns on that bus with all the players, correct? >> reporter: we are assuming
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that coach tony bennett is inde on board. we'll see who's coming off now. looks like we've got some team staff. you've got a photographer out there too documenting what is a historic win for this team. >> a lot of photographers. >> reporter: absolutely. they've got a whole camer crew with them. it's like they're preparing for a documentary. >> when kyle gets off, they are going to go wild. you know they're going to eruptr >> rr: this is so exciting. a lot of folks here have said they are so deserving of this. and here they come. >> they're recording it. >> reporter: the first five players off the bus, i tnk they've rehearsed how they're stepping off here.
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>> they all get their moment. >> i've positioned the young kids next to me so they can actual get their attention. it's seeming to work. i we'll see we can chat with a few of them. get the young local>> fan. those fans have been lining up for how long? >> the mvp bringing up the rear there. >> kyle guy. kyle. >> he stepped off right there. >> amazing. and here we go.
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>> he' got the trophy. coach tony bennett, here he comes. { crowd chanting } >> reporter: how abo that? >> just incredible. >> reporter: oh my gosh, these folks, they're feeling the energy. they were not disappointed getting off that bus. they're now moving down. we're going to t to make our way down there. they're going to head down there. they're going to say a few words. they didn't have many words to share as they were making their wayow u out'r th documenting this too. following their soecial media,
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they were up all night in minneapolis. now they're back here. the folks here have been partying all night. they have a lot of catching up. they're arriving aed little tir but recharged by all this er engy. >> they're going to be having a whole news conference you said? >> reporter: they're going to say a few words down there. we've got a position set up down there too, wendy. they're going to say a few this reminds me of when the capitals came in to town and we were at dheles airport as landed. you feel the energy and here, of course, the crowd is much, much bigger because it's the local folk out here enjoying it. >> all they had was us reporters when they got off the planes at dulles, the caps did. this is a little more vivacious. >> you're seeing a mix of not just students and alumni, but charlottes v esville residents, boy has this city needed this. for the past two years after that horrible defeat last year and all the drama.
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>> reporter: jim and wendy, let me tell you something. i have made several trips down to charlottesville over the past six and a half years working at channel 4. i've got to tell you, most of the trips have been negative news stories. they've been tough news story, difficult os at at. to be here in this environment and to see the joy and the smiles and people talk about this, wanting to share that joy, it's awesome. it >> we're going to take a quick commercial break and then we'll come back and listen to the guys up on the podium. david, stay there. >> reporter: i'm going toer hea ov
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just a beautiful dayth out e right now. a lot of sunshine today. probably the most we've seen all day. becae of that temperatures have shot up. look at all the green out there. really startingo see the leaves on the trees. winds out of the sougthwest, te miles an hour. a couple 80s out there. the rest of the area in mid to upper 70s. i think tomorrow is going to be just as nice, however it won'ting nearwon't be nearly as warm. showers and thunderstorms have all been to the north up here aroundpennsylvania, up towards parts of new york city. that cold front extending right on through our region. not giving us much from it other than cooler air during the day
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tomorrow. then we turn our attention back to theest. a big storm back here. i normally don't show you big storms back to theest. thisone's going to be a big one throughout the country. we're going to be talking about this one dors. we saw the flooding earlier from oregon. tomorrow it's the blizzard from denver to nminneapolis. some could pick up 2 feet of snowfall. this is a monster storm that eventually will come our way. with that storm comes the snow in the middle other past country. watch what happens for us. it brings in the warmer air. we're talking about temperatures back into the mid 70s. the frontal boundy mov through our area on friday. this gives us a chance of showers and thunderstorms although i'm not anticipating anything strong. consecutive consecuti 67 on wednesday. 67 on thursday. warm warmer conditions on friday. saturday looking great for that caps game at 3:00 righ
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his son. >> reporter: this is a picture perfect image of co-parenting, a father posing with his son's mother and her new boyfrien for years that lamar mccall says he thoughte things w good until he said his 6-year-old son started complaining about his mom's boyfriend. >> heill say his mom's boyfriend hits me in my face and hits me in my stomach. >> francesco is a prince p george's countice officer. lamar says after conversations with his kid's mom went nowhere, ry went to the internet to and contact francesco on his own last month. >> when i did a google search, i typed in his name and i came across an article. >> reporter: in fact, he came across a long list of orld teticles. he was ind by a prince george's grand jury for beating his son when he was 3 years old.
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what did y think when y heard the details of the case, when you saw what was reported? >> thats is outrageous. why and how can someone keep something in front of me for so hen that is my child? >> reporter: because lamar lives tside thed.c. region he was unaware of the case's coverage. the headlines read officers charged with abusing child after he soiled the bed. thenst e's attorney and the police chief released statements condemning officer marlette who was indicted and chargedith chil abuse and assault. lamar was able to retrieve his sos medical documents from children national and what is tailed in these pages explains why the officer was indicted by a grand jury. according to those records, the 3-year-old wasn spanked the buttocks by the boyfriend, the child's head hit the drywall and he began foaming at the mouth. the officer performedpr doctors say the child suffered head trauma. >> my son w uonscious for
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four minutes. he was foaming from the mouth. >> reporter: the medical report goes on to saye is a county officer and when other officers responded to the scene, they ruled it an accident so child protective services was not contacted. lamar says he also was not contacted when this happened three yes ago, not by the child's mother or anyone. did you get any mail from the e' st attorney's office? >> no, ma'am. >> any mail from social services in prince george's county? th no, ma'am. >> reporter: a m ago lamar won temporary custody of his son and a protective order against s son's mom. he's fighting for full custody but says he needsto an ey. he has a go fund me to raise money. >> my sonas suffering. he still was suffering until i was granted temporary custody. >> reporter: according toit sources knowledge of the case, the charges against the officer were dropped by an assistant state's attorney after he agreed to angeranagement. his record was expunged almost prince george's county police
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confirm he is back with the department. what is your reaction to no one contacting the biological father to let you know that your son was an alleged victim of abuse? how do you feelng about not b told? >> i feel like someone didn't do their job. >> tracee wilkins, news 4. >> maryland state law doesre no ire the biological parent to be contacted if the custodial parent chooses not to involve them. we contacted marlette's attorney who declined to comment. wheno he tried take out a protective order,t was dismissed. lamar heads back to court to defend his protective order against the mrt. one person isnjured after rear ending a maryland state highway vehicle on the beltay today. chopper 4 flying over the scene near route 1 in college park. police tell us a pickup nuck was i the left lane when they drove right into a flashing sig
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board truck, one of those sign board trucks that was parked on the shoulder. e driver was pickup was taken to the hospital but he's expected to be okay. officials say this is the third crash with their crews in as many days. it could become the spot or the n big health breakthrough is born. today in the district mayor muel bowser announcing a lab coming to theor fr walter reed medical centebesite. it wilhe first tenant on the first children national research and innovation campus. johnson & johnson fund to help biotech startups do cutting edge research. today mayorr bow explained why it is so important. >> this combinarion will discoveries that save lives, create jobs, and further strengthen d.c. status as the capital for inclusive innovation. >> children's national is ng redevelopi 12 acres of land at
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the walter reed site. the goal to create a research and innovation hub to drive discoveries that safe and improve the lives f children. it's a big issue on metro with one in every five train riders saying they've been harassed. ahead at 5:00, the new campaign metro is beginning to help stop it. >> and doreen gentzlereports he urgent healtharning w
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toni've got an urgent warning about a mysterious infection spreading around the world. working forler is your health with a closer look at the potential threat here. >> hi, jim. it's one of the most serious ani det infections out there. you've probably never even heard. it. here's why public health officials were so concerned. it is a drug resistant fungus which makes it difficult t eat and can make it difficult to diagnose and it is spreading quickly in hospitals and nursing homes in some parts of the u.s. the fungus preys on the elderly and people with compromised disease systems. that's why they're sounding the alarm calling it an urgent threat. they're hoping to raise awareness here and aroun the world too. >> it really is an infection sickest ong in the the sick. these are very medically experienced patients who have
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beenan hospitalized for days that have been in and out of hospitals or have received real medically invasive procedures. the good news is it still remains relatively rare. the bad news is with this particular candidate, it readily requires resistance to the anti-fungal medicine we use to treat it. >> it is highly invasive. there have been nearly 600 cases the u.s., mostly in new york, new jersey and illinois. jim and wendy, overuse of antibiotics i indicated as a reason this bacteria has gotten to >> and we've hearing that for years and years and we do nothinges to adit. >> we have indeed. >> all right. thank you, doreen. well, if you are done using th child car seat, it's been sitting in your garage or attic
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for the past f months, target has a solution starting later this month. the retailers have a car seat trade in from april 22nd to may 4th. you c bring in any type of car seat even if it's expired, even if it's damaged. target is going to recycle it. in exchange, you will get a coupon toward a new carseat, a stroller, some other baby gear, and that coupon is only going to be good until may 11th. you need tpay attention. alexa is by far the most popular. ahead, just how that popularity this a headache for little cutie pie.s she's 3 yearld and she is named alexa. so many people coming and going on the s metrotem and now a new anti-harassment campaign aimso keep everybody safe. i'm adam tuss. i'll tell y whyou
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five metro of every riders experiences some time of harassment on that system. either their personal space is bein invaded or they've been verbally assaulted. >> well, today the transit agency is launcng a new campaign. it's called stop as a way to prevent all types of harassment. our transportatio reporter adam tuss is talking to riders today who havetuad unfte experiences. >> followed me and stood right next to m and kept talking to me. i'm like what earth is going on here? >> reporter: what would you do if you saw someone beinged haran metro? it happenedo t katie dunback about six years ago, but even though that much time has passed, she replays the incident vividly in her mind. >> this guy sat down next to me and was touching m i'm not a small person, but i moved over a little to give him some room. he moved closer to make sure wch were touing the entire time. i was, like, what the hell is going on? >> reporter: episodes like
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katie's d o happen metro unfortunately. ri r amylenter in tweeted i was flaed by an older guy n totallyed with a trench coat. aday metro hanning out fliers to get word out about a new campaign calle stop. side track, tell metro police, observe the date andio loc and postpone by checking on the person being harassed. metro has hadanti-harassment campaigns in the past, but here's the thing that makes this one different. they want you to get involved if you're i aafe space to do so. >> most people want to speak out and help sf they harassment happening, but they're not sure what to do. we thought this time we would provide riders with a fewideas. >> reporter: katie wishes someone had trieto help as it s upfoldingro mtop sstop. >> i wish somebody stepped in to give myself space to think about what wasecoing onse he was
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consistently talking and it's really hard when you have the initial shock moment. if somebody does not give you the space to think. >> reporter: a reminder to all of us to be aware and i possible help those who may need it. in the district, adam tuss, news 4. >> metro says the riders who are familiarize themselves with these kinds of campaigns, they are more lely to repor these incidents. >>e've all go the t to get on board. technology shapes or culture and world. devices like amazon echo have become part of our day-to-day lives. a l alexa is certainly convenient, but what happens when it starts to encroach onnt your ideity in erika gonzalez has reaction from one localeamily. >> l and his wife lisa are parents to this nearly 3-year-old little girl. >> she's just ver outgoing,
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very talkative. i call her daddy's girl. >> like most parents the montgomery county couple thought long and hard about what they named their child. they settled on a name afterwo grandparents. the thing is that name became popular, really popular. >> tell me about her name. what is your daughter's name? >> her daughter is alexa. >> see where this is going? for the sake of not setting off every device in the viewing area, now will be a good time to turn off your you know what. good? let's continue. while the couple had heard of the device before their child's arrival, they didn't think much ofreit. >> we like, who know what it would become. just another passing technology. we had already fellthn love with name, so we named her alexa which we still love to this day. >> however, you imagine the jokes and the couple says they are over it. >> it doesn't happen anymore wi our friends. they you will know us now, but all the time with new pele. ke when we were -- when she was getting htonsils out the
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nurse actually said oh, your name is alexa, can i buy you, can you tell me the weathe >> it was one of the top 30 names in the country in 2015 just as the device was being released. every year after that,he name has steadily dropped in popularity. the couple saihey're now using >> what do your friends call you? what do they say about your name? lex. >> what do mommy and daddy call you? lexa. >> we don't know what's to come, so we're sort of taking a bold move to try and alleviate any future issues for her. >> in their house, there is onle alexa and that's the real one. but they do have a google home. >> okay, google, what's the weather today? >> they're so concerned in fact they actually wrote to the founder of amazon, jeff bezos and proposed renaming the device. >> somebody did get -- i did get aesnse.
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i did. >> somebody that works for jeff bezos. >> yeah. >> the company explained the name comes from aha library stored the knowledge of the ancient w world ale they would pass along the couple's suggestion, they have no plans on changing the famous name anytime soon. of change where these machines are being treated very similarly to the way we talk t eh other. and therefore, our kid is being sort of put in >> erika gonzalez, news 4. >> it's a good thing theyn' d go with google home. that would be a really confusing house. >> confungng. one t that really stick out there and i'm very upset about, she wi not give you the correct forecast. only doug. this is the y. >> i'm just telling you, you cannot ask. they will not give you tco ect forecast. you've got to tune in every day. >> you've got to. doug what is the forecast? >> i don't know.
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hold on a second. i'll show you what's happeniht outside rnow. it is a very nice day boy, are t changing during the day tomorrow. a mix of clouds and sun across the area more clouds earlier. more sun in the afternoon. current temperature sitting out there rkht now, l at all the green by the way. a lot of pollen suffers. 80 degrees the current number. 75 by dropnto the 60s by around 10:00, 11 :00. a really niceht. the cold front is moving through. you're not going to notice the temperate wise. 77 right now gaithersburg. 80 in manassas. huntingtown coming in at 77. stool even thereng pretty good at 70 degrees. the radar not showing anything r tly, but this does show the front and it's back to the north. it was a pretty good sno in parts of new england and pretty good thunderstorms just to the west of new york. you follow that front down and it comes through our area.
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we're not seeing any showers. now we're seeing that front move through. it should be a dry front as it moves on through the rest of the area. behind it we do cool just a little bit. temperatures tomorrow will be about 50 degrees cooler than they were during the d today. that puts us right around average.n i've bold a lot of times i like that you're average, doug. >> who tells you that? >> don't ask. >> alexa? i don't know. as we take a look at our temperature trend, i'm just moving on from that, an average high of 65 degrees. doug was saying we're cooling tomorrow by about 20 degrees. that being said, temperatures still running a few degrees above normal. tomorrow, thursday as well. then we really start to warm back up friday and saturday. temperatures saturday in the mid to maybe even upper 70s out still looking comfortable temperature wise on sunday, but i can't rule out some showers for the second half of thewe end. we're mainly dry out there tonight. we are going to be coole t
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tomorrow a cold front moves through. mainly dry as it does so. that means our c next realnce of rain holds off until friday with a high temperature of 72. most of the days going to be dry. some scattered late day showers and thunderstorms areosble. otherwise, plenty of clouds out there. bottom line, we're looking at pretty nice weather overall for the rest of the workweek onstnto at l the first half of the weekend. there's so manys weekend eve happening. we have the anacostia cleanup happening on saturday. heally comfortable out. a lot of parades including the cherry blossom parade on sagrday. lookeally nice for those. the nats at home saturday and fantastic bas weather out there on saturday. sunday maybe a few light showers ssible. this is perfect running weather. today i had such a treat. i was outrunning and doug, look at what i saw in washington. the infamous d.c.y turut there. it started out on that rail and then it jumped up into the trees there. i mean, this me my morning. how cool is that? a turkey in d.c.
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it's just running all around town. >> really? >> yeah. >> does it chase you? does it follo you? >> no it was running away from everybody taking pictures of it obviously. >> take a look atpr that. ty cool. temperature is 80. tomorrow we're back into the 60s. good for the caps game on thorsday. greathe caps on saturday if you're going to get downtown, maybe eat outdoors on saturday. 72, good chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm o friday. next week, hey, still on the mild side. temperatures at or above average all the way through next week. >> and a turkey in d.c. there's a joke in somewhere. >> oh, many. coming up, when you order a ride share, do you consider just how much you're sharing with the driver? >> coming up, a cautionary tale. because one driver dropped off passengers at the airport, then went back to their house and
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it's a crime raising new questions about how uber screens its drivers. >> police say the guy captured by surveillance cameras for the ride share company and recently oke into two homes. >> one of them a home where he had just picked up passengers. our sister station inan san sco has our story. >> the couple who live in tho th hou -- this house are trying tove peaceful night.
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this is home security video from lasthursday when this c-year-old made off with everything he coulry. the couple who asked not to be shown on camera watched the tape horrified. >> multiple trips in and o of the house, i want to say four or five times within the course of out four hours. >> at least four or five. >> with multiple handbags of mine filled with our stuff. >> scott and shawna were outraged when they found out he was an uber driver who had taken a family to the airport, then turned aroun and tried to burglarize the house before he picked them up. the house had an alarm thatar wilson off but then he cruised the neighborhood. the airbnb owner -- shawna says she later found out wilson had posted about serving social media. sources have verified that information to be accurate. >> he had been out of jail about six months for eight years in robbery. i was shocked.
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>> definitely thinking twice about takingide shares further after this. i mean, i think everybody should. is is a big deal. they use this to facilitate committing a crime. >> i think it's time fore r share to share that responsibility in doing background investigations on their drivers and holding them accountable. >> nbc and the bay area did reach out to uber wch says it does not know when the driver may have served time. >> by the way, the company also said it follows criteria set by state law when it comes to hing. news 4 a 6:00 starts right now. now at 6:00,he national champions are home. >> that's right. in just the last hourvhe u amen's basketball team returned to charlottesville. news 4 david culver is live there on the ground amongst that crowd. we'll get to him and hear from the players and head coach tony bennett today. plus awaiting the mueller report. attorney general william barr
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saysl hlea'll release it in le than a week. a formerolteer firefighter and water r fathfat remembered after he was killed by a roadside bomb in afghanistan. well, demons exercised, redemption achieved, and victory celebration now in progress. good evening. i'm doreen gentzler. >> a long awaited victory celebration. leon harris. the national champions have arrived back hom in charlottesville. that is some cherished hardware in his hands there. the virginia cavaliers got off the bus at john paul jones arena in the past 45 minutes or so. the team greeted by a couple thousand of the wahoo faithful. nny of who were out late celebrating lasht the win over texas tech. >> david culver was out there with him and he begins our live team f coveragm charlottesville. da
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