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tv   News4 Your Sunday  NBC  April 14, 2019 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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hello. i'm pat lawson muse. you could t a musical explosion, an explosion of voices all over from the dmv. community organizations throughout the dmv and baltimore are tuning up their voices for the second annual one voice regional gospelseshow here to tell us all about it are tim bowman jr., grammy-nominated gospel singer of one voice, janet marketing for comcast northeast division. so.xciting to hear about th cat wait to hear all about it. it's a super exciting competition, voice competition.
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tim, how would you describe it? >> one voice is -- this isnd th seear doing it. >> yes. >> i'm more excited than ever because this is anni oppor for the community to be highlighted, to show. we're looking for community choirs. we're looking for church choirs. last year it was just churches and ministries b w opened it up to community choirs. if you'vt a thing that you started, you can particite but it's a local showcase for the m mv area. n event takes place on the 28th athe brand spanking new prince george's community for the arts. we'll talk b about that the kickoff begins this week. janet tell usbout at. >> yes.
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today is the kickoff. next friday, good friday, we're going to go out to all churchesn send email out to them and contact them one on one to tell them about this year's event and solicit participation in our showcase. we are excited to be here on your show announcing the official kickoff of one m voice >> ytioned gospel groups, praise teams, churches and community organizations. what exact g looking for this year? >> great question. one thing i want to stress to everybody is originali authenticity. i think it's subconscious thing that we get tho aht process or an idea of what a choir or praise team is supposed to look like. and we try to emulate it and think that that's going to get you through. but we're looking for originality. we're looking for uniqueness, however way your team presents, bring that to us. last year, we had 50, a little
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over 50 submissions. we then narrowed that down to five that participated in the actual show. and the winner, of course, won the prize. this year we're expecting far more from around the whole dmv. we opened it up past churches this year, but community groups and community praise team this is year can now participate. >> so, janet, it's an opportune the bestta nt in this area. you are with comcast? >> yes. >> and this is very iortant to kpt. >> yes. >> tell us why. >> weecognize the importance of the african-american consumer. a couple of yea ago we discovered the tenanets wed to go and connect with, and that was faith, family and community. this ws our in giving back
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to the community. sometimes we can be so siloed i our own churches, our own faith. but this is together and not only praise the lord but have fun at t sametime. >> celebration of talent and community. >> that's right. becau that'shat an event like this promotes. so those who participate in the preevent, we're talking about an online engagement. they will be eligible for the big show in september but what they've got to do is meet the conditions. first of all, they need to be unique. >> yes. >> but they have to submit their performances on video, corr t? >>yes, to one voice gospel one is not o-n-e but the nonber voice gospel submit your video. >> rehearse pfirst. ase rehearse. plea rehearse. >> get it together. bring what you'v got. >> got to rehearse.
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make it look good. put your good clotheson. make it look like you want to win this $5,000 for yourself, your church, your ministry. put forth the effort. look lik where you feel like you're going and that's my advice to new upcomi choirs and groups. you have to see yourself there before you actually get there. you start to operate, govern yourse in acco to that. act like this is thegrammy awards and submit the video accordingly. submit the video. w narrow that down to ten. out of tt ten we'll narrow it down to five who perform at the showcase and be eligible to win the $5,000. >> you'll be looking atll- yo be one of the judges looking at the videos? >> absolutely. >> i can tell you're pretty critical. and after you choose theive finalists, they get two rehearsals only? >> ty get two but by the time they get to therehearsals,
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i'll -- me, along with my band, we have with, some of the best country around the have been assembled for this event. xfinity, comcast, didn'tt to spare any expense. we didn't want to say i didn't st becau i didn't have a band. no, you have the best band available to you. we'll do that,it rehearse you, personally get you ready nd make sure you're looking polished. that way you have the best chance to win the money. so pleased to have bowman jr. back with us again this year and fred hammond, kyra is returning and dr. bobby jones as well. coming to perform? >> yes. >> we're talking about the gospel one voice showcase coming up in september, kicking off orday. we'll tell you about it when we come back af
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onewe are talking about the voice gospel showcase coming up in september at the expanded prince george's community college center for the performing arts. joining d us noector of auar service management for prince george's communi college where this is all going to happen. this is such an exciting not onlyse the show is going to be exciting, the showcase but because of where g this isng to take place. >> we are very excited to have this partnersh at our newly rtsted center performing here at prince george's community college. it's going to mean so mu c to s and ty to see this hopefully long term on this event. we're very excited to he them. >> have to ask you about the expansion. >> yes. >> yourieed in size.
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>> yes. we've got from one theater, 5700 seats, to three theaters, art gallery, conference center. s we'reling tickets on site. resightal hall. we've expanded this buildalg to includ be offering academically butal all the different programming we'll offer just for the com,unity. >> what's it going to be like to put this performance on, this shoase on at this expanded facility? >> i talk toud earlier about how xfinity cut no corners from a musicalhe aspect didn't do that as well with this building. state of the art,est sound, best lighting package. i can't wait to stand ont with >> wait, perform or direct?
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>> as a mus director, i'll be performing and maybe a surprise -- not a surprise now but a performance with me, fred and kyra at the end but i'll be on stage guiding each groupoi a through. if they need anything, because i would have already rehearsed withhem twice. i'll be there, likewh training ls, to get tm through the performance and directing the band. like i said, this building that has been newly minted and expanded has gotten me excited and i can wait. >> janet, he said you spared no expense. this was pretty important to you. sos meaningful? >> right. prince george's community erllegr performing arts is this pre venue, i think, in prince george's county. we cannot waito partner with them. we have impact television network, first faith-based network, african-american faith-based network that will be joining us as wells nbc 4 is a partner as well. we a all looking forward to the great event inour
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performing arts center. >> yes and, as a matter of fact news 4's shomari stone will be joining you for the live the expanded fality, is it the grand opening? >> it is a celebration of the opening. we open our season in septemberr we open septe 26th, which is a thursday. just to bring everybody into the ilding and see it for the first time and show the different partnerships that we have wit a the students having the students perform. we're really excited about our opening reception and culminating friday, we have diffdent events on saturday we've got our blue birds blues festival and we hav this gre event close iing out th excited week of events a saturday we have a brunch we'll be doing with lake jazz arts festival. doing lots of great things. >> yes. >> as far as the showcase is m, concerned, tell us how to get in.
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>> absolutely. against that's the number one invoice gospel very simp the work will be getting your group and choir together and filming it. i encour everyone to consider put that much s or the america effort into it, upload your video and take a look at it. >> janet, the prize for t winner out of the group of five finalists, $5,000 for their church or organization? >> that's co is of thr choice, that's going to gord tohat and hopefully to help improve the communities around thedm or baltimore area, since we're opening up to baltimore as well and als an appearance on dr. bobby jones' show in nashville. >> d't want toorget that. all righty. janet uthman, tim bowman jr. and
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sharee, thank you for joining us. i know a whole lotfolks who will be sending you videos. thank you all so much. >> texnk you. >> an expo just from kids, from tots to tee. nothing says spring like fresh flowers,
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so let's promote our spring travel deal on like this: (sneezes) earn one free night when you stay just twice this spring. allergies.
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or.. badda book. badda boom. book now at >>is one of the most exciting and anticipated events of the year for youngsters from tots to teens. it is the tots to teens expo. taylor thomas, executive director, joins us. no stranger to audience here, our viewers. tayl, tell us what the tots to teens expo is all about. >> this is an excitin one-day event that's free and open to the community. everybody can come out. it's for infants all the way up to 17 years old. and thisvent really connects families with resources.
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educational resources, vacationing resources resources as well. so, we're so excited to be back for t sixth year. >> this is the second year that we, nbc 4 and telemundo 34 will be joi. hopefully, folk also come by and say hello. >>. why did you start this expo. >> as a mother with a daughter i always want to keep her busy. i led an incredible childhood myself i was s exposed tomany thi th my father is militar, my mot is english. for those who can't venture out of the couny, why not bring some cultural things to the expt lso we're so techie now, it seems we're missing that human intera and sometimes a parent just wants to walk up to a person, see your face, shake your hand, findut what you're doing, how you can help your child, whether you have specialeeds or no so you can have every gamut,
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places toveo tng to the summer for services that you may ces that you may or just need with your child. >> all the information and resources that a parent of a child or teenager would need. >> yeah, really. y going?n the household and keep >> then you get to meet them face to face. you create thatconnection. and let's remember, these are homegrown businesses right here in our community. >> you have a combination of businesses. >> yes. youngsterse ce the youngste from? are they primarily prince george's county? >> we have a strong pulling from the district of columbia and northern virginia is really paying attention. it's right off the beltway, the spo llrking. it's r convenient for a lot of people. invitations d out or use social media? how do parents find out about this? >> i'm glad that you ask. our big partner has been social media,mo working with y bloggers and also we have a
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wonderfulocial media team. we have a video goi ining out o facebook now. it is free. know a couple of b montore the expo next year and then the week t'before. >> incredibly popular. it's amazing the number ofpa nts and kids who come every year. >> over 13,000 every year come for this one-day free event. it really has everything. cooking stage for ds,itness cage -- fitness stage for kids, tennis for kids. we have a huge stem zone, which i'll talk about that too. over 100 interactive booths. it's not a s place to don't touch that, don't touch that. they can touch, feel, brea >> not the no-touch zone. >> no. >> you have a lot of new exhibits thisyear. you've got horses. >> yes. >> i know you have ponies and ir
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understand y getting more horses this year. >> yes, yes. we need larger, hors some mom and dad -- >> more or larger? both. actually both. kids love the pony rndes then the horse rides for mom and dads w want to ven on that, too. prince george's county police department is bringing in their srensic zone. they're going t up a crime scene. it takes about 15 minutes but believe me i'm going to be one of those big kids in lte to take p of it. >> tots to teens expo coming up atshe spo and learning complex in prince squorgeorge coun, and the stem zone she referred to, coming . z35k8z z16fz
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16 y35k8y stronger is caring for at cha baby's heartnal, in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. and a future when prenatal pediatrics leads to healthier children. it's being the number one newborn intensive care unit in the country. and giving parents peace of mind. it's less recovering in our bed, and more jumping on yours. stronger is standing out and standing proud. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger.
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we are talking now about the bigots to teens expo that akes place every year at t
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prince george's sports and learning complex this year saturday may 4th. taylor thomas, you are just a super woman in my opinion, because you do this every year. you're a mother. your daughter is 14 years old. >> >>yes. ou integrate the teenagers, your daughter and others, into the running of theprogram. >> yes. >>e have what we call kid reporters, fashion show. we take kids from the community. they audition. we teach them how toold a mic, stand up properly. you'll see them moving through the expo and kids who are interested next year, go to the website and you, too, ca o of our kid reporters. we do the performances and make acknowledge nomts, the kids do that. they bring out the performers, the sponsors. important for the able to independent themselves in a large group like that. a lot of parents came back to m and said my child was show shy believed in him or she went on stage and now she
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doesn't want to leave and these veds come back year and they're amazing. they're amazing. >> one of the amazing this that you'r doing this year is the stem zone. >> yes. that is the heartbeat of the tots/teen expo. that is where we wanteo m sure our children are familiar with the many opportunities that they have. i know we're talking about kids and i know we're talking about toddlers but i want the science, technology, engineering and math to be part of who ty are. have a lot of components at the expo. i t ank we mentionut bringing in forensic science, doing rotics, bit box will be there, gaming, science experiments. it's just a place for kids to go. and anything they're interested in, they'll fin aorner in that expo to grow their thoughts or answer their questions about it. e stays really, really busy. it's absolutely thfree. e are so many things going on. i want to make sure i mention
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our reading lounge. we have a hu red rug and pillows and we bring in celebrity and guest readers and authors to read their books. i'm telli you, there's something for everyone to do. >> what if you don't registerf ahead time. >> simply, i've got you covered, you'll register right there. we need to register so we can send you the updates and connect with us as well when we feature events. >> you can't do that, obviously, all by yourself. >> you're right. >> you have good partners. tell us w about thederful folks that you're working with, who actually pull this allth to. >> i have a wonderful team of volunteers that help thisro not organization put this one day event on. it's a massive, massive sp sibility, but at the end of the day when you seed kids their parents come on, we've got to go, and they're crying because they're not finished with their experiment or boxing or tennis, it moves your heart. there are peopleco in the unity who just want to give
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back. anita, who has a dance studiorm and perg arts studio. she helps with that area on the performance stage. we have a young lady out of baltimore who has a videography services. every year she comes in, volunteers her times and records the kids for our kids reporters. i have to thank our volunteers but also nbc 4, washington gas and giant food who see the value in exposin our kids early to the many wonderful worlds of science and rchnology,ding and just a world of entertainment. >> you make me want t come. >> you should. >> and it's not just for kids. no. it's fun for the whole family. that is the tots to teens expo. >> yes. >> saturday m 4th, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.? >> yes. >> at the sports complex in landov landoverhayou. we'll see you o week. >> yes you will. >> thank you for being with us.
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to see any of our "news 4 your sunday" programs go to pat lawson muse. see you next wee
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5:59 am
it all started that one family night in dumfries, virginia. family night is for everybody, it's a time for families to do crafts together. the kids just love going to chick-fil-a for dinner. being a single mom and getting everybody ready - it was tough. we would get there a little bit late, like on the tail end of it. helen saw that i was having trouble getting them to chick-fil-a for the family night on time and actually got it extended another hour. noticing things like that, i never really told her how much she affected me but she did. love you. [all] moo!
6:00 am
"news 4 today" starts now.0 >> 6 on this sunday rng. here's what we're following for you on "news 4 today." storm team 4 has weather alert today with your s forecast. gunfire and deadly violence ripples across a busy roadway separatinging d.c. and maryland. now police in prince george's county and the district are searching for answers. fightoutside a d.c. nightclub between two pro athletes, now a super bowl champ is facing a possible suspension while a wizards player is left looking for a new team.el me in at 6:00 on this sunday morning. thank you very much fong here with us. i'm adam tuss. look who we drug out of bed on y su morning.


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