tv News4 at 6 NBC April 15, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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pierced her ho in stafford county. and a new promise about the mueller report. we're now told to expect it on thursday. o democrats sein that and the presidens still hidden tax returns on this tax day.nn >> ancer: news 4 at 6:00 begins with breaking news. for centuries people from all over the world have been awestruck by the beauty of the notre dame cathedral in paris. >> today the icon went u in ames right at the beginning of holy week. >> the fire is now significantly weaker. french president emmanuel macron says it the towers and facades still standing and should be able to be saved. >> but the entire roof is gone and crews are rushing now to save priceless works of art inside. nbc has our update tonight. >>m flames shot fro the roof of theld centuries o cathedral and
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the smoke plume rose that could be see for miles. fire quickly engulfed the spire which collapsed, then the roof. the blaze also sent ash pouring on to tourists in the area. theor mayf paris said on twit tha -- twitter that paris firefighters tried to contain the fire. the fire brigade said it might be linked to a renovation. it was built in the 12th century and atracts millionsf tourists thery year. the sight of cathedral in the heart of paris in flames hard for manyo comprehend. french presidentmm euel macron canceled an address to the nation because of the fire and headed to the scene. his message to the french people on twitter, notre dame in flames. like all our compatriots, am sad to see this burn. nbc news. >> church bells areinging here
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in washington. you're seeing here live pictures of the basilica. the church began ringing its bells at 6:00 inrief and in prayer. the bells rin0 ng 5mes representing the 50 hail marys of the rosary. >> notre dame has stood for nearly 800 years. it f survivednch revolution and two world wars. inside three rows of stained glassws winhat still retained their original 13th century glass and other including rtifacts the building itself. the renovation project that put all that scaffolding up around the church involved replacing loose stone and restoring the building and sculptures. recently nine new bronze bells were brought in to replace old ones in the cathedrals twin towers. it the first major restoration project since the 1840s. president trump reacting to the news today in minneapolis. his initial response was a tweet
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that said, quote, so horrible to watch the massive firet notre dame cathedral in paris. perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. must act quickly. here's what he told the crowd in minneapolis a short time later. >> it's part of our growing up. it's a part of our culture. it's a part of our lives. that's a truly great cathedral and i've been there and i've seen it and there's no cathedral i think i can say, probably no cathedral in the world like it. it's a terrible scene. >> as for that idea about dropping water on the ca thiede dra from a plane? the french civil defense agency said that could have collapsed the entire structure and endangered firefighters and structures near the scene. it> back to live pictures from paris. s just after midnight. the fire has been burning for almost five hours. prer french officials say the two safe. are the fire fighting efforts are
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still focused on saving art work at the back of the cathedral. we now underst firefighter has been seriously hurt. no other casualties reported. we'll stay on top of this story all the way up until nbc nicely ne -- nightly news at 7:00. family and friends of a stafford woman are coming tgr ips with her sudden death. kathy tyler was killed when a huge tree f hl on house. julie carey spoke with her family and friends today. zbl >> reporter: a terrible sight. kathy and tom tyler were asleep when this tree came crashing down in the storm. tom says he was able to roll out of bed. kathy was pinned between the tree skpand was killed. they had been married for 62 years. >> her husband tried to give her mouth to mouth but it was too late. >> reporter: neighbor and long time friend was awakened by the storm, then saw the street full of emergency vehicles. >> just a fluke.
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i cannot believe the tree fell down andou went right thrgh the house and killed her. >> reporter: her husband and soon too broken up to speak on camera. here's what her son did want you to know. at 78 she wasn't at home sitting in a rocking chair. nstead she was here every day at his automobile restoration shop working right alongside him. her sonit i us inside to show us some of the projects she'd helped him with. years ago she started working here as his bookkeeper but he says she couldn't resist getting her hands dirty working on the cars themselves. >> if most women her age can do what shedi she was almost 80 years old. that's the only woman i know that can get underneath a car, pull out a transmission, rebuild it and put it back? >> reporter: those who knew kathy will remember that and as someone always willing to lend a hand. >> you don't have food in the she'll feed you. really, really nice lady. i'm going tmiss her.
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>> her 8year-old husband received minor injuries, but he can't move back in until significant repairs can be done. hison and neighbors focussed on how to take care of him. julie carey, news 4. we're not the only ones dealing with the aftermath of severe weather. the same system that hit us overnight has left ah deadly pat of destruction in the south and midwest. witnesses captured tornadoes on their cell atones. east eight people are dead and dozens of communities are in ruin. the torns cut through downs from texas to ohio. survivors have been searching t for anythiny can pull from the debris. >> that system may have moved out, but we are still in weather alert mode. g've gotting winds out there to deal with. >> let's go to amelia draper for what to expect. tonight is this blowing going to step down? >> it is as the sun goes down between 7:00 and 8:00 the winds
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will sub vieside. we've got potentially up to 55 miles an hour. again, for tbout more hours we could see some additional downed trees and some spotty power outages out there. more concerned about downedn trees tha power outages based on the latest wind gusts. last hour we had a wind gust up to 50 miles an hour. you can see the highest wind gust coming in out of annapolis about 45 miles anour. again, the winds subside this evening, but when we transitioned, we had dry air in place and clear skies. it means a chilly start tomorrow morning on your tuesday. right now wooe'redet 54 ees. i'm going to let you know what you can expect stepping out the door tomorrow and throughout the day coming up at about 6:15. new information tonight about when we'll finally see special counsel robert mueller's report. the justice department announced today the redacted version will lic and toto the p congress on thursday.
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tonight the trump administration already planning for the release. nbc's blayne alexander is at the white house with more. hi, blayne. >> reporter: three days from now, doreen. that is the expected release date according to the department of justice. speaking to nbc news today, one of president trump's a orneys is appearing confident and prepared for that release. thursday morning, that's when the justice department says attorney general william barr is expected to make special counsel robert mueller's redacted report public. >> this t produy've really known of its importance and they've been pain stakingly going over it for weeks. >> reporter: president trump immediately lashing out on twitter. democrats long demanding the full unredacted report. today the president's legal team huddling to finalize their strategy. a so-called counter report ready to go but no decision on what weather to release it. meanwhile in minnetrta president ump spending this tax day touting his 2017 tax cuts. >> and it's the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in
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american history. over 80% of american families now are receiving that big tax cut. >> reporter: but the president's signature policy achievement, getting mixed review. >> it was good for me, yes. >> we owe way more money this year than we did last year. >> reporter: a poll shows only 17% of people believe they are benefiting from it. millions of americans scramble to file their own tax returns, democrats mounting a renewed push to see ptrsident p's. today from the white house. >> the presidentot releasing his tax forms today. he's under audit. >> an ongoing auditoes not prevent those returns from being released. house democrats giving the irs a deadli of next week. the president's legal team pushing back calling democrats request illegal. >> reporter: and tt issue of tax returns is certain to be a major one along the 2020 campaign trail. in fact, on, just within the
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past ten minutes or so, one democratic candidate, senator bernie sanders relsed ten years worth of his tax returns. he's one of six candidates to do soith more expected to follow. back to you. >> thank you, blayne. here we're looking at another campaign. a campaign for ather stanley cup. our kuzie bobble head leading the way as the capsead in the way in thelayoffs. check out this time lapsed videf drivingm our station in d.c. down to raleigh, north carolina. that'shere weind news 4's sherree burruss just an hour before puckrop. >> fans are just starting to enter pnca -- pnc arena. we have spotted capitals fans rocking red of their own. the cap tals took care of busin
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winning both games at capital one arenaend now tim tlesteal a coupn the road. it won't be easy. it's the first t e the hurricanes will host a playoff game in ten years. they're also trailing two games to non in this series. the caps know that means carolina is putting everythg on the line. >> tonight is very important for both teams. we just have to play the same way. play simple and use our chance. >> anytime you get down in a series one game, two games, it doesn't matter. your level of compete tends to go up a little bit. we hree to be prepa for that. we have to try to mat that. exceed it if we can. really just not give them anything easy. >> and the's an old sports adage that says it's not really a series until the road team steals a win. so tonig s theies can get that much more serious, more involved. caps can say perfect in the
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postseason. back t gyou. >> thed thing for us is we've been down this road before. they know how to win on thead ro we'll see what happens tonight. thanks, sherree. we're still staying on top of the breaking news o of paris. the fight to save as much as possible at notre dame cathedral. wee following updates from french officials and getting new reaction here in washington. house speaker nancy pelosi asking for added security for congresswoman i congresswoman ill lan omar. one of eight children rip away from his family by a deadly stabbing over the weeke
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everyone's got to listen to mom. when it comes to reducing the sugar in your family's diet, coke, dr pepper and pepsi hear you. we're working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, nd clear calorie labels a reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. balanceuorg
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french president emmanuel macron just finished addressing his nation about the fire at notre dame cathedral in paris. he says the building's facade and bell tower have not collapsed. he's also promising to rebuild and he'll seek sber nationinter help to do so. the organization responsible for construction released a statement saying the roof is fully destroyed but the flames did not appearo be into the tower of the church or to the organ or the stained glass wo s windows there. we'll bring you more updates as we get them through.t the hour it's a problem police have been dealing with. brazen daytime violence. >>r ove the weekend a man who had been turning his life around troubled ne for his past became the latest homicide
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victim. >> this case on southern avenue and the family say they are devastated. >> reporter: murder number 48 so far this year in our city, but there's a storyehind that number. in fact, it's a book. southern avenue and wheeler road is the scene of yet another daytime murder in our tity. bu victim here is no stranger to violence. you see, he did time for murdere rote a book about it. and in the last chapter of chester bellfield's life, he became a victim of murder. stabbed to death on the d.c.f side o southern avenue. >> i am lost. i am numb.
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my family is hurt. >> reporter: that's 46-year-old chester bellfield in the center, one of eight children. the are a lot of success stories here. government workers, police officers, military men, a professional boxer. chester's life was not like that. his family says he did time for murder. how much time did he do? >> 23 years. >> reporter: he did it for murderuh >> uh. >> reporter: when did he get out? >> 2011. >> reporter: and he wrote a book about that experience, didn't he? >> yes. >> reporter: what did he call it? >> he wanted to give back to the younger kids. o>> referee: after he got, chester started working on that book. he called it drastic measures. a story about his life and trouble. that's what that book was all
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about. the story of his life. >> his life. >> reporter: telling peopleakot to m the same mistakes he made. >> not to make the same mistakes he made. >> reporter: so far no suspect. no arrest in this case of murder. doreen, back to you. >> thankpa you. collins. speaker of house nancy pelosi has asked for enhanced security for minnesota congresswomanan ilh omar. a freshman democrat says she's fatsi fa facing threats after president trump tweeted a video of comments she made after 9/11 enter cut with images. critics say omar down played the attacks. "the new york times" reports she'seived dozens of threats even before the president's tweet. omar is not thest fir member of congress who has needed extra security. capital police have received more than 400 requests for
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enhanced protection just in the past year. scott macfarlane is in our newsroom to break down what he learned aut that toda scott. >> good evening. at least 460 cases in 2018 alone according to congressional capital police helped arange enhanced security for events staged by or attended by members of congress either by oanizing local police out of town or sending their own dignity protection unit officers from d.c. capital police also report about 100 events in the d.c. nair they helped guard and protect. that includes the congressional baseball game andractices. u'll recall the shooting at a republican baseball practice in alexandria. earlier this month the u.s. capital police chief told members of the u.s. house enhanced protection is available to any of them concerned about threats. >> if you have an event, if you provide us with the schedule, the venue, we will do a workup. we'll look at it both through op sources and through classified to see if there's any
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type of threat assigned or assessed. if you have any particular individuals that you know of who could be disruptive, we'll certainly look at that as well. >> investigation into threats of members of congress nearly doubled in 2017 as social media provides a new avenue to target. >> thank you for that, scott. today the powerful would be the winds. i saw my newspaper blowingth do e driveway in the bag. >>nd they came in big last night but they still are with us tonight. >> yh. we're still tracking strong w d winds out there. overnightews is tonight the winds do subside. we'll have light winds overnight and they're really not an issue tomorrow. what you'll notice tomorrow as you step out the door, the chill in the air. mid to uer 30sn the suburbs. low 40s here in washington.
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make sure you grab the light jacket. headingut tomorrow morning. by lunchtime probably not going to need it. coming hom definitely notoing to need it. it is shaping up to be a really nice tuesday overall. now on wed chance for a shower, especially north of washington. it's not a huge threat. it's not a big deal. the risk is there. th being said, i'm really watching friday closely for the chance for strong to severe thunderstorms, especially later in day during the evening and overnight hours. i'm seeing the potential forea very h rainfall and gusty damaging winds. again, that's mainly friday night into very early saturday rning. so you want to stay tuned for that as i continue to update and refine the forecast throughout the week. currently our temperatures in the 40s and mid 50s from 55 in quantico to 54 in washington.55 egrees over in annapolis. tomorrow morning at the bus stop, 43 degrees in washington. again, mid to upper 30s in the suburbs with the sunrise time now at about 6:30. recess definitely outdoors for
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the kids. it's sunny. it's comfortably cool. pickup is pleasant with sunshine and high tomorrow around 70. as we look to wednesday, about a 30% chanceou're dealing with ash ower. otherwise plenty of clouds throughout the day. highs on wednesday s the mid to upper 60s. 67 for a high on wednesday. adk as we looo friday, we'll be in a storm team 4 weather alert based on what i'm seeing now. potential for strong to severe thunderstorms. then easter weekend. saturday maybe a shower here or there, but most if not all of saturday is looking mainly dry. easter sunday is looking dry. a chilly start, though, and temperatures warming into the 60s. i'm going to have much more on the holiday weekend coming up at 6:50, but for now here's your storm team 4 4-day forecast. 67 on wedneay with a shower or two possible. plenty of clouds on thursday. warm to near 80 degree
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then friday potentially a weather alert day with that risk for strong to severe storms in the forecast. >> amelia, thank rou. tomor is emancipation day in the district. coming up, your once a year chance to see the documents that freed slaves here and around the country. as we get new information about the fight to safe ohat's left notre dame cathedral in paris, aesge. paris, aesge. solidasari
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there are two documents that changed america. they helped end slavery and preserve our union. >> we're talking about the ancipation proclamation. mark segraves got to see them today and he explains why they spend most of the year kepr unde wraps. >> it doesn't get out much. in fact, it only sees the light for about 36 hours each year. it's one of the most important documents in our country's history. theio emancipat proclamation. >> it affectete any sta still in rebellion tgainst union. >> the document that led to the end of slavery is so delicate and fragile it has to be kept in a dark vault, put it in a frame
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and then inside a saled box. it's only taken out about once a year. today they were lining up at the national arkiefs to get a chance to see it just as americans lined up for generations to view what abraham lincoln said was his greatest accomplish nt. >> it'sinspiring. very touching to know that that was said and believed and should be today. >> while it is on display, you're only going to see half of the original document because of the way it was written. >> the document is written on both sides of pages of paper so we could never show both. >> this school group from minnesota didn't mind waiting in the line. >> it's a part of history. we talk abllt this a the time with the june celebrations. so to be here and witness it and see it with our own eyes is amazing. >> with tomorrow being emancipation day in the district, the d.c. emancipation act is also o display. that act was the first act by
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congress to free slaves. not only did the d.c. emrecipation act nearly 3,000 slaves hel in td in the capital, it made -- >> this occurred mongs priths po the emancipation proclamation. >> tomorrow is the last chance to see them until nt year at this time. another piece of history battling destruction tonight. you see here tce snes in paris. when we come back, a somber moment there on the streets. crowds gathering and beginning to sing while the fire burns. we'll go to annapolis where the late speakerf the maryland house of delegates michael busch is lying in state. >> and a wind advisory still in effect. elia is trackamin
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welcome back on this monday evening. we continue to be in storm team ather alert mode with a wind advisory still in effect for most of the area. the entire d.c. metro area unti. 8:00 p.m tonight. still the potential for winds gusting up to 55 miles an hour. that could lead to some downed trees and maybe a few isolated power outages. the winds subside overight. ou average high 67 degrees. we're running above normal tomorrow. right around normal on wednesday. and then well above normal thursday. evri on into fy. as we warm up, i'm tracking the threat for severe thunderstorms later in the workweek. more on that plusetling the weekend forecast coming up at 6:50. we are continuing to follow this breaking news out of paris.
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there's been a lot of proess putting out the fire at notre dame. >> the french secretary says both of the towers there are safe now. and the structure has been saved we hear. for now the fire has stopped spreading. >> at least one firefighter has been hurt of the 400 who were battling this fire. many of those firefighters were rushing to safe priceless works of argument inside the cathedral. >> tonight people have gathered together singing hymns nearby. ♪ this is a really heartbreaking thing for the city, f catholics worldwide, and the millions of people who visit this iconic cath especially during holy week. easter sunday six days away. >> scott macfarlane joins us now with more on the signiescance andnse here in washington. scott. >> doreen, the dean of the national cathedral here in d.c. said they've been in the process of installing new fire alarm
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systems and emergencyighting at the cathedral. here are some live pictures from paris where it is now 12:30 a.m. parisian time. we'll give you the pictures as soon as they're available. the people outside the cathedral, in fact, the entire world have been monitoring what's takin place. that includes folks here in d.c. the ringing of the bells at the basilica about 30 minutes ago. they rang their bells 50 times to stand i solidarity with those who worship in notre dame paris. late today reverend randolph told reporters they are praying for those responding to the fire in parisnd the cathedral is among a small sisterhood of recognized cathedrals and a smaller number to recover from
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damages. there were repairs needed in the washington national cathedral after the 2011 earthquake here. speaking about the leaders, the cathedral in france, the dean said, yoequote, we know that cathedral has touched and inspired millionsf people around the world and that impact can never be destroyed. at the live desk, i'm scott macfarlane. back you to. happening right now in annapolis. two days of tributes to honor long time house speaker michael busch. >> hundreds filed in to pay respects to the longest serving house speaker. >> busch died earlier this month after servingore than three decades in office. >> darcy spencer is live in annapolis with more on how busch is being remembered there. darcy. >> reporter: people are continuing to show up here at the statehouse for this publicv ing. you can simply walk up the front
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steps of the statehouse and into the rotunda area to pay your anrespects and you c continue to do that for the next half hour. use speaker mike busch lying in repose in the statehouse in annapolis. people pay their respects as they viewed his casket draped in the maryland flag. his wife and family greeted and thanked for his dedication to the people of maryland after a politica t careert spanned three decades. >> he gave me my first subcommittee chairmanship and i believe heng saw somethin me that i didn't see in myself and i just really appreciate the fact that his family let him spend so much time grooming and mentoring us. >> it's so bitter and mean out there, but mike was a person of civility. when you think about the integrity and the effectiveness of the civility, that's the real thing. >> lawmakers lined the steps of the capital to witness the
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speaker's final arrival. >> we now return him to the statehouse, the ven knue he lov and where he accomplished so much. >> busch was the state's longest serving speaker. he died of pneumonia a day before the final day of the session. >> one thing he was great about was always asking me about my three kids and how they were doing particularly when it came to sports. >> he will lie in repose until 7:00 this evening and then from 8:00 to 10:00 tuesday. it was also joyful as the man who championed the chesapeake bay, education, the sbierenviro and so many more issues. >> this is a somber occasion, but als an occasion of joy. knowing you can leave a legacy like this, it fills you with hope. >> reporter: speaker busch's funeral will be held here in annapolis tomorrow morning at 11:00. back to you.
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"thcapital gazette" was honored today with a pulitzer prize special citation. five of their co-workers were murdered in the shooting last june. they awarded the gazette for the mmitment to theommunity and the time of unspeakable grief. it is the first special citation awarded by the pulitzer board since 2011. new data on measles outbreak. it's now the second largest in 20 years. >> where we are seeing the disease in our areas and rumors on line hurting the fight to slow down measles. when you get behind the wheel, are you as focussed as you should be? i'm adam tuss. a local police department is starting a new traffic stronger is blasting her tumors... without risking her bos. it's training her good cells... to fight the bad guys. stronger is less pain... new hope... more fight.
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click, call or visit a store today. news 4 working for your health aseasles cases continue r toe. >> the centers for disease control says there were 90 new cases just within the lasri wee. that bng the total number of measles cas to the u.s. to 555. >> several communities have now banned unvaccinated children
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from public schools but the anti-vac community has only grown near a vocals myths about vaccines spread online. coming up tonight on nbc nightly news, lester holtpeaks with a nurse on the front lines of the battle. she's particularly qualified because she once fears vaccines herself. >> do you change minds? >> yes, but it's not an overnight thing. i establish a relationship with these people. they know they can come to me with their questions and. concerns i was one of them. i understand how you can be taken for a ride, even though who are college educated. >> you can hear more about the myths surrounding vaccines and n the most com questions nurses like melody gets from patients. that's tonight at 7y0 on nightl news. danger and some of our local roads. local leaders are taking new action to keep our roads safe. and amelia joinss u
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beat him..... lants? know what's really great? the low prices at aldi. save on select countryside creamery butter. now just $1.99 aldi. shop differentli. >> faces of shock and disbelief in paris as people watch the cathedral of notre dame burn this evening. >> firefighters are making progress as they rush to put the blaze out. frenchff oials say that both of the building's iconic towers save and the iconic structure has been saved. >> french president emmanuel macron addressed the nation
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vowing to rebuild the structure. at least one firefighter has been hurt battling the many of the firefighters were rushing to save priceless works of art inside the cathedral. stay with us. nbc nightly news will have continuing coverage rjs some of the deadliest and most heartbreaking crashes on local roads lately, it happened in prince george's county. >> fromd distracte driving to drinking and driving to not wearing seat belts. they want all drivers to be smarter. >> tonight traugnsportation reporter adam tuss is riding along with police as they begin a new safety crack down. >> reporter: police want you to know they're watching you. this driver at a stoplight right next to our police cruiser quickly realizing that she should be putting her phone down while behind the wheel. she moves on with just stern look from this officer. but others not so lucky. one pulled over for paying too much attention to his phone behind the wheel. >> you caughte at that 1%.
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but, yeah, it happens. >> reporter: another pulled over for looking at the gps while driving and she's not thrilled. >> i didn't look down for more than a few seconds. everybody uses gps. i don't think i was a danger to self or anyone else on the road. >> reporter: on a ride-along today, officers tell us the danger isea rl. the distraction is real. they see it in every part of the county. after a series of recent deadly crashes in the county includingt two where le kids were killed, the county isg startin a new initiative to get drivers to be as safe as possible. making sur they pay attention, drive aober andbsolutely leckle up. the troubd indian head highway corridor or route some extra focus with new mobile speed cameras. >> do you know why you're stopped? >> police kichief and countyec ive out on duty making sure drives are focused. >> we want you to be safe that's
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what this is about. it happens to us. that's what this is about. reminding you it only takes a second for either your life to be lost or someonee you car about. >> reporter: the new campaign called drive focused, sober and safe, something every one of us should remember before getting behind the wheel. in largo, adam tuss, news 4. >> it will be a few more months before y can et that amazing view from a top the washington monument. it will reopen in august. right now construction of a new se building screening is under way. completion of the building is delayed because crews had to d soil.contamina the new elevator is installedee and n final testing and certification. the monument has been closed sie 2016. >> you're probably getting trees
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blown around. s >> i some of the highest gusts coming in around 55 miles an hour. kind of all over the area. from stafford to montgomery. that wind also blowing around the pollen which is why i sound this. we get this from today. they count the different type of pollen in the area and compare that to normal, what we would expect this time of year and here's what we're seeing. the trees have been high. they're still running high with all the rain overhe weekend. mold spores also coming in high today, so if your allergies are bothering you, that's why. the weeds are absent, coming in low. we're looking at a really pleasant day out there after a chilly start. we're going to see the cold air moving in tonight as the winds subside. 54 degrees right now. winds die down around:0 8 p.m.
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we start off our tuesday in the 30s in the suburbs. i don't think we hit freezing, but some of us could be close. in washington at 7:00 a.m., temperature around 40. laterds winwe warm up nicely. around lunchtime we're at 60 degrees. tomorrow night great for dining soutdoors, taking the kido the playground if you have extra time. the weather having a low impact on yourm tuesday fro the commute to outdoor recess toer a exerci. looking awesome out there. a little chilly with the wind. as we look to the holiday weekend, on saturday maybe a few ngering showers. i'm seeing some strong to severe thunderstorms in the forecast friday ding the late afternoon, evening and overnight hours. gusty, damaging winds. that's friday night. maybe a lingering shower out
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there early saturday. most of the day is looking mainly dry. plenty of clouds and breezy. we warm to around 70 on saturday. sunday morning for theasr egg hunts heading off to church service, 55 degrees. then sunday afternoon and ening we warm to about 66 with a mix of clouds and sunshine. overall pretty pleasant out there. but again, i do think we'll be 4 weather alert mode based on what i'm seeing right now on friday with some very heavy rainfall and some really strong winds. 70 tomorrowit really nice. okay on wednesday. 67. maybe a few isolated showers, especially north of washington. despite plenty of clouds on thursday, we warm to near 80 degrees. on fridayse again is when we the strong to severe thunderstorms. the weekend now looking seasonable with a few isola d showers on saturday. >> a little bit of everything in the days ahead. >> i think the voice works.
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amelia the lounge singer. >> oh >> comg up, the capitals hoping an old tradition leads to some new success. we're i raleigh n it'sah on! get to the ross sprig shoe event to score the latest styles for the whole family... ...and sething for you. oh yeah. that's yes for less. you heard me - 20 to 60 percent off department store prices! at theoss spring shoe event. on now!
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score the st spring dresses at 20% to 60% off department store prices, every day. at ross. yes for less. >> announcer: this is the xfinity sports desk. >> caps on the road after handling business here at home. if they're not sitting pretty, they're sitting pretty good. they are. they love it on the whatever it this team knows how to get it don on the road. that's a big part of th story. claiming their first stanley yup lastr, the capitals made themselveseel right at home in the other team'sarn or building as they like to say in hockey. ten of the capitals6 victories and their successful cupuest were a quay frway from hom tonight -- tough to say cupch qu by the way. tonight in raleigh the capitals first road test of th this postseason. why am i doing a liberation? i that the right word?
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aneresting start to the day. alex t ovechkin hado wait to take the ice until the zamboni doors closed. capitals looking to take a commanding three game series lead tonigh but it's not going to be easy. theyo first pla games the hurricanes have hosted inen years. fan base electric all season. no doubt their barn will be jumping tonight. something the capitals are actually looking forward to. >> it's better to play on this whenhe t the game. it doesn'tter where you're playing. when it's an atmosphere like that, y enjoy it. >> we've been in hostile buildings before. we can use that experience and try to use that as motivation sometimes when the other barn is pretty loud. you take a little pride in trying to quiet them down. >> love the use of the word barn. the capitals trying to quiet rolina fans and hope to bring back one of last season's playoff tradions.
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sherree burruss has more on that in raleigh. >> the capitals found success away from home when they came to winning the stanley cup last season with a road recor of 10-3. they say part of the success starts at morning skate with the hot lap. captain alex ovechkin takingouhe first lap the rink before practice starts. this superstition started last year. back. they brought it >> it's been working last year, so we decided to stay with it. >> we got lot of stit ns on this team the guys call them. that's one we wa to stick with. he led us today in the morning skate. it's fun to have it back. >> i just hope i don't get asked to do it. it takes me five or ten minutes. >> i'm going to have to work on my skating a little bit. hopefully it will provide an emotional lift for us and get us focuse right from this morning and push us through to having some success tonight.
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>> with a winto ght, ovie probably back doing the hot lap on thursday for game four. have, back to you. >> as long as you the purple jacket, you're okay. march madness is over. brackets have long bee tossed away. there's no dance. players thinking about the nba draft. today two maryland players and one from the national champion virginia cavaliersed announc their intentions. they hired agents and preparing for the nba draft. fernando one of the terrapins. averaged over 13 points and 10 ebounds a game. he isected to be a first roundick. now, junior anthony cowanlso making his announcement. 's started every game since stepping on kansas three years ago. also virginia's ty jeromeg. declarin remember the ncaa tournament averaging team highs of 16.5 points and six assists per game. under new ncaa rules hiring an agent does not mean a player
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loses eligibility, so all could return to school. the royals visiting the red sox. jackie robinson day. every player wearing his number 42 to honor the legend. hot dog vendors put that number 42 on. topthe eighth chris davisf o snapped his 0 for 54 slump and with a man on crushes. the orioles a 2-1 shot for davis. beat the red sox 8-1. fl split the four game series. the nationals are off tonight. they're back at it tomorrow. we'll order wings so we're ready for the game tonight. we've been talking about a win since 11:00. >> you have to find a barn that rves wings. >> i've never heard that expression before >> it's a barn or a building. yes never an arena. just trying to get you back into playoff mojo. >> okay >> we're off now to find the wing barn. thanks for joining us.
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t,>> breaking news tonigh the entire world watching in shock and sadness. th iconic notre dame cathedral in paris, one of history's eatest treasures in an inferno, collapsing and irreplaceable recs going up in flames and as the fire rages into the night, hundreds of firefighteattling to save what's left. richard engel made his way to the scene. also tonight, the measles emergency soaring again. now on pace to be the worst in 25 years, and i'm on the front lines with a nurse desperately trying to convince parents not to believe the myths she once believed herself. the things you initiall o
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