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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  May 10, 2019 4:00pm-4:54pm EDT

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parents. >> announcer: news 4 at 4:00ar now. and we start with the storm team 4 weather alert as we come on the air. i'm leon harris. >> i'm pat lawson muse. or thexth friday in a row, we have rain on the radar. depending on where you live, you can see a whole lot o&]yç tonight. >> storm team 4 chief meteorologist doug kammerer is tracking all thatll that for us storm center. >> very heavy rain right now falling into parts of the metro region. one thing to note ore, we d not have any severe thunderstorms just yet. we have 30, 40 mile an hour winds g you need to over 50 to get severe weather. we have not had that. that's good news. but it is going to be rainy across parts of the area tonight. we've already seen it in parts of loudon county. we're watching very heavy rain come through montgomery county and prince ntorge's cou we're going to +hut&édñ to watch as this moves off to the south and east. you can see this coming right
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througníjñw downtown, right t arlington and5o,> alexandria. vxáát)ing spring fa very heavy rain"1úd!jç atsocie m we've tot another line the west. and another farther back to theñ west. all of these are going to coth another couple''pk'viuát)r'gs as that is concerd?3y and then e get to the weekend. this all weekend'r long. we talking about a chance of w rain tomorro and sunday. byóg;9x to take you hour hour coming up in my full forecast. >> sounds good. thanks,úc doug. that's our weather coverage jus gettingstarted. there is nothing severe y, but that can ch÷÷! in an if we get any warning, wez7tí gt back doug immedi!é9v'c we can also track storms using our interactive radar with the nbc washingtonvtm app every[@8x of the d new reaction this afternoon
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from police ande elected icficialsall the condemning of montgomery countyofficer officer who used the "n" word. f >> that oficer captured by cell phone and her own body camera during an interaction with ap grf men in white oak. >> news 4 darcyk#=-ñ spencer le &háhp &hc% the first place. she's live where this all unfolded. darcy. >> reporter: that's right, leon. montgomery county police tell me they've had problems in this with,ñ loitering and thecontgomery nty spotted the four men standing outsideon the mcdald's yesterday and initiated that stop. call or a citizen complaint. capturing montgomery county police questioning and searchinñ four young men who say they were waiting for a ride to work in white oak. there is a lot of banter between
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sual in nature and not appropriate for tv. >>/"g7ñ repeating yourself over over again and not listening >> reporter: several minutes in heard using the nchlgr"n" wod. it was captured on the body camera and cell phone video recorded. >> for four people you [ bleep ] been trying to do something. >> one of themng ch his word. >> those wereour words. >> reporter: police say there will be a thorough review of tht entire incide >> it was hard to watch. we saw ubçathat. we were notified yesterday. the event occurred yesterday. and we initiated our internal inv> tigation. >porter: the officer's actinóúhave drawn criticism  leaders to private citizen. >> it was disturbing and troubling and so the troubling with the ease in which it was said which to3étcn][.b5m liks
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>> reporter: the men told news 4 they were;sr9ñ cited for trespa )jju for possession of marijuana, a civi% z'c=mñ the men said theyik felt l they were profiled. >> i cannot believe -- i couldn't believe h face. she thought it was actually a cool thing to say.vú8o9" >>reporter: wesked montgomery county police todabkñ what is t investigation? police told us they could not say because it is@$x a personn matter. back to you. >> darcy spencer. ÷kkáiutt on news 4. the parents ofrd a thi grader killed in a tragic accident at his school are.é)ñ sharing thei sto >> consumer reporter susan hogan has been following this storyax for a year now and she s down with the couple at their hom earlier this week and she joins us now. how are they doing? >> this is such a t÷épheartbrea sty as you can only imagine. as a'4z parent, it is so hard t imagine what this mom and dad
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have been going through this past year. their 9-year-old son wesley was lled last may while helping teacher operate aoi partition at5gñfranconia for the first time we're hearing from josh and they descri wesley as a little ball of energy with a9op big hr zb >> wesley was a very kindoy. picked the kids that didn't get picked for a team or for your lab partner or something ou that. >> tonight y'll hear much more from wesley's parents including reaction to a thw lawt was just passed in virginia and i being named after wesley. the governor wtol be in wn to sign it next week and we help protther students in theñffcñ >> it's an important story.
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>> so important and we're glad us enough to tell their story of wesley. >> and they' got so&s much strength to be able to share with you. >> they do. holding hands and the love that they have for one another is othrough this themn and the interview that you'll hear at 5:00, it's heart zaibreg but at the sameime there's so much hope there too. >> thank qñ,qñaçsusan. now we want to turn tosome ineaking news. an alarmg case in the/> county school district. at the live desk with more on this. >> five students? fairfax county are facing child porn charges. police say they found a nude images of underage girls on an anonymous snapchat account. this is the story that our ef julie carey has been working. brad dockry seconda and wt
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woodson high school. police started investigationing in february after two victims said they found nude images of themselves online. the juveniles arrested are harges including child porn possession and illegallhzçyv filming. some victims have been notifiedn hev.#vwp videos. back over to you in the studio. during a week meant to celebrate the hard working of teachers,%ñnm8÷ another loudon educator is taken out of the classroom and sent to jail. >> a p.e. teacher is accused of being dunk on the job. >> david culver discovered the arrest thatjwh shocked the loc parents and his. peers >> reporter: the most recent sterling. on thursday morning deputies here in loudon county say they arresd gary goodwin who is a
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40-year-old physical educati either drinkingçñ ordsp]ñ posin alcohol here on theqq school campus. what's most disturbing is this is a second teacher arrested under similar alcohol-related charges in just a xxgjweek's tiw lastk we told you about brian chamer,may a special education teacher in loudon county. he was tak into%/sqúbu"zih cust school property after deputies noticed he, too, was allegedly intoxicated on campus. the news 4 i-team uncovered recent incidents that this, toortoo, has occurred dating back to april of 2017. a sterling middle school teacher was charged with dui and a few months later at the same school a teacher arrived drinking d accused of in the classroom. in those cases the educators had their virginia teaching licensey revoked. it's worth noting in this most e involving gary goodwin hereyárq at horizon
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elementary school, he was also a soccer coach att connected to him who know him as a fellowue colleagor as parents who interacted with him shocking for many in this community. they call it pomñheartbreaking. teacher appreciation week of all time. repoing in sterling, virginia. david culver, newss/2ó 4. and wegabyíoz reached out n county public schools to see they offer subance abuse or mental health counseling toea tchers and staff. lay referred u toheir employee assistance program who which is availablsw>9ñ toyr4lz 24/7. h>> uber has gone?ykí public ane stock went soutn this first day. slipping from its initial public offering of $45 a share to $41. t)p& officer says today w tough, but that uber is looking forward to how
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the stock grows over time. uber is theecond ride share company to go public. lyft went public back in march from fruit to nuts and from sneakers to smartphones, get ready to pay more and part with% president trump just unleashed a ssive hike in tariffs. he spiked a 25% surcharge on an array of chinese productt presidentw&s5áráuq" money flows into the u.s. treasury, hikeskgpdñbñpa are usually ed o you. blayne alexander joins us to plain. >> reporter: just the latest two super powers and now it's only escalating. n in washington try g toach a deal but today they walked away trade talks been the u.s. and china finished for now4xnaç but no resolution. >> there were discussions
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between both rtpas. >> reporter: the u.s. escalating overnight raising tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200 billion worth of imported chinese goods. for president trump a bargainiol to. >> i happen to think the tariffs for our country are very powerful. >> reporter: this morning the president defending his strategy writing the talks were moving in aongenial manner. there is no need to rush adding tariffs will bring in far more weaeh to th u.s. >> despite what the president says, we know from history going back to the 1930s and other periods where you s a full recession. it can cause the global etionom to over. it's a dangerous game to play. >> reporter: what can&çtñv÷ inc for you? higher prices for everything from cars and appliances to smartphones and shoes and china can further retaliate raising on some farmers saying bad news.
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considering we've had the low prices and now the prices are over andhen on top of that we're having a really bad spring. ter: enough to send stock markets falling. a chinese state newspaper reporting the two parties have agreed to meet again and president tweeted confirming that both sides havecontinued andópkoqkyf.ç conversations wi in the future. about the farmer, agriculture secretary's2st tweeted today th president trump asked him to rtme up with some so of a planf to help farmers during$gk this trade war. that's on topl billionqnñ plan.úofqz pat and leon. blayne,e want to wish y well on your new gig with nbc news. you're moving to atlanta and you're leavinus. >> i am. >> we+]h: miss i already. >> i miss you guys too, but i'm not going far. i'm just mong over to network,@u
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so you'll see me in a different form. >> you're staying in the family. that's whathat's important. >> you'll always be in my hearts at 4:00. >> thanks, blayne. newswjfí 4 working for your health with a promising new >> coming up, see how doctors here are adding years torh5ot pants lives across the country. plus confusion for drivers in maryland. the next time you ge pulled #ti%  m. deflating party city's business. and i'm tracking this line of srmong sto very heavy rainfall coming shrough about .7 of an inchfz% wheaton as thi moves around the bowie area along route 50, downo through fairfax county. heads up, this moving on through heads up, this moving on through the area>sñ and you know when you're at ross
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and you find that perfect spring dress athat "oh, yeah" price? yes! that's yes for less. score the latest spring dresses at 20% to 60% off department store prices, every day. at ross. extly what you need...
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yes. ...for your growing family? that's yes for less. everything your pet needs at 20 to 60 percent off specialty store prices. at ross. yes foless. back with a super soaker fridayt look atis live look outside right now. this is radar we're looking at here. strong storms bringing heavyo 5ñf area. more wet weather coming in for the".$zñ weekend. doug kammerer is timing it all out for you just ahead. we are working for your health with news of a new sx[@ that suggests the quality of care your get f your doctor your appointment.&apez
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a b!lpm÷ study suáñr7 you're moy liko get potentially life-saving cancer screenings if you visit the doctor in the;ñ"m morning. university of nnsylvania researchers studied records from nearly three dozen medical practices. esey found doctors were more sc cancer for patients they saw sc scieists believe afternoon appointments tend to be shorter as doctors try to get back on schedule resulting in a less thoroughamination. no1sñ now to a promising new treatment for pancreatic cancer. at med stao georget hospital is one of 15 u.s. medical centers doing this. developers say it could bring a longer and more comfortable lfe nbc's ian cole reports on the treatment for cancer that strikes 56,000 americans each year. >> armen was married to the love of his life ma jane for 58 years. >> she's just a wonderful girl and we never argued in the whole time we were married.
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>>e@cvy the two metorking at lockheed martin, but five years ago mary jane was diagnosed with stage fo pancreatic cancer, given a fewscg+x months to live >> she took it like a champ. she was treated so well. youxz"vñ can't imagine. =@ cure,hey e isuz'o"f connected with doctors about a newú74l÷ predure developed. c pancreatic cancer is notx2u common in about$&kt 3% of all cancershebut is one of deadliest. >> the doctor is on the team that developed a procedure that delivers chemotherapy j5tñb to pancreatic tumor instead of across the entire body. >> we'll test inject it with a little contrast dye thathows the blood vessel and here we's blood vesselíhg?#á$áuqp&s the chemotherapy. here we're removing the balloond back and the kechemo is between
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the two ports and soaking the tumor. >> thedoctor says it's shown success.fkf >> it kept her alive and happy. ohaer than t she would have wasted away like cancer/d)$gfl a does. >> she was given three months to live but survived threenccñ ex years. arman says the procedure was >>invaluable. to have her one more day, you know, it was worth it. >> ian cole, nbc news, san jose californi clinical strialscheduled to continue through 2021. turned nasty out there. ahat's the lst on the storm. >> if you've already seen it, you're dne for a while but not done for themr7r entire night. that's the good news. let's take a look and show you what's happening ÷2ksbyhqerr ri now. we're got the rain coming
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through. porti háhp &hc% on down through fairfax, prince william county,0u)wú luray. some heavy downpours a soml wind. in the way of strong storms here. none of these are severe, but again, they a pretty strong making their way on through. let's take a look and show you here's the beltway right 2j&ñhe. this is right towards parts of northeast into fairfax county along route one and mt. vernon. these are moving to the east about5 miles an hour. 4:. then you move downó4i to we've also got rain around manassas. just out fairfax, around burk and clift right along the fairfax county parkway.
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some very heavy raingva! righte right along the beltway, or rather 95. woodbridge, you'll see that rain moving into yourkt, area. we've got a couple different lines of3r'4ñó storms. here's nehe first li th've got another line right here. is is going to kick off some moree-sñ storms because now we parts of loudoun and th the final line right in here. we've got to wait for all of plis to move through before the rain is cely done. then we look at this storm here. doese4?&c look like much. then this storm here. this is the bigger one's thor sunday. let's take a look at your forecast tomorrow. 66 degrees and rain. but dry early. rain moving in during the afternoon. the heaviest rain will be . overnight how about tonight? we've got the rain in here. by around 9:00, another line developing. by tomorrow morning. tomorrow morning welymay actual have some sun in our northern zones. plenty of clouds to the south and a dry start.
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dry right on through about uu6gñ 1:00. if you have anyo activities to d tomorrow, i'm going to try to get out to dokf my lawn tomorr morning, you might be able to do after that point here comes the rain. by around 4:00, someçjk7/ of th through 9:00 you see where the heavieb5a" through 9:00 you see where the showers moving on through. again, showersff and on all afternoon. look at the overnight. very heavy >ó99ñva6 this is now sunday morning, 8:00 a.m. how about sun'ry when we trying to take mom out.oe÷ right there around noon, some of the heaviest rain coming on through and right w i'm predicting about 1 to 2 inches ñ through the day also 61. many areas staying in the 50s on sunday. that's a nasty day. e4 monday with a chance of rain. then a littl bit cool but not >> uh-huh. >> thanks, doug. connecting police with the community they serve. >> still ahead, project hope. how local students are ilding
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a relationship withgdexp/lolaaw enforcement through art. for
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the big t rriers are talking abeir current 5g roll outs, but their efforts are limited to a few pockets in sect cities or trying to convince consumers thatg is actually 5g. they're neglecting small towns and rural communities, em leaving th on the wrong side of the digital divide. approved, only the combined availableresources of t-mobile and sprint can deliver on all the spectrum bands needed to quickly bring unprecedented 5gheonnectivity across t nation.
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building a relationship between law enforcement and the community one paint stroke at a time. >> molette green reports from southeast withls on beautiful redone girls bathroom with a+j porful theme. we've got the artist whoò designed it. wave your h;ly so people can wave your h;ly ou are.le can this is project hope and buil1s relationship in the community between law+&z enforcement and folks in the community. littlest one. emmanuel back there did the boyh bathroom which a superhero theme. emmanuel, thank you so much for your incrediblevw,p÷t"design. so let's talk about how this
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impacted the children who colored in and wndor oethes scl ont can tz':t,< a little bit more about your role with the project. >> so i serve as a director here with the national center for children a@ ֎>xfamilies. nk it's important this narrative is told. many times there is a negative narrative between police officers and ourdhi students bu this is positive and magical. let's tell the story that is happeningb here. ecause we are what? red hot. >> you mentioned code three. retired law enforcement officers, that organization paid this.ll of of course, working with active officers, retired officers, kevin copeland canjrmi talk@xi& that important works)(e beyond murals, the relationship. >> absolutely right. we took an oath to protect and serve and the thing now thavr[q we're doing is serving the communitg we're tryin be')7] a part of change. change is not wha you say. change is what you do and we're
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doers. as you can see, we have a bunch of doers here today. we wt to thank all our partners who came out to help us to make this happen. >> thank you all for making this happen. don't you love your murals? six bathrooms at this school. making things beautiful inside and 9 all?je x wn right. goodbye from j.c.nalle. >> they are beautiful. >> they'vexyr-a[ got some re l talent. >> and getting a great lesson at the same time. coming up, cracking secret code. >> tommy plmcfly shows2yhqñ uso you'll find at the new spy m. museu and years ago she put her education aside to care for her family. now she's about to put on her hear one local woman's incredible journey to7÷0 grduation.
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>> i'm just so proudmyf myself anamily. s>> and the sun barely visible through the cloud as the ra in
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is this our new car? it's a ne. and i got it with wi-fi for all of your wi-fi stuff,
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wireless charging for your phone. cool! wait til you check out the back! that's a lot of groceries. look at my strong man! don't patronize me... the new buick envision is full of surprises. get up to 16 percent below msrp on most of these 2019 buick models when you finance through gm financial. that's just over 7 thousand on this envision premium. another friday afternoon full of downpoursand windshield wipers. o this. getting used >> unfortunately. >> let's go back to doug in the
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storm ts>ñlécenter. where is the storm now? >> it's only sixed froms in a row. we're right now in weather alert mode. we've got rain and thunderstorms coming through. nothing strong or severe. couple of strong, but nothing at these coming through montgomery county or s prince george'county. that's where the heaviest rain is. down towards fairfax county. let's look in, i want to look right here. this is right aloni6eb 202 and bright view road. you see where the heaviest rain is. o here. you see what i'm talngbout. that rain still coming down, just coming to an end though. the road i definitely the wet side. making for a very wet commute. that's going to be the case throughout the night tonight. i'm tracking not just one but three lines. one here, one here starting to form in our area, especially right over this way and then nother one back towards t west that will come through tonight. much more in the way of rain. a very wet weekend. got that hour by hour forecast qli minutes.
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ac;guñ teenager accused ofq shooting his girlfriend together +e by. he killed scott brickernd daughter. the parents were concerned that t she was÷omv allegedly a nazi supporter. today a judge ruled he is competent to stand trial andrn tuown a defense request for another evaluation. a fairfax county mother accused of killing her two daughters will go on trial in their murder.ó+&igl#z6q9.3r(óg an calling video a showing montgomery county officer using
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tho÷ah officer recorded both on cell phone and onñh@ hmxiixñ o am used a slur during an status, but they say they are not commenting &háhp &hc% fls!"zsu0u
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him several times. d he laterd. the victim's father who shares his son's name struggled to comprehend the shooting. >> i see what they go through and it hurts real bad. to lose someone that's good. >> officers found the spect's car but still it made no arrest. news 4 derrick ward is getting more information on the investigation. you will see his livengeport cop on news 4 at 5:00. if you are planning summer parties, you may have a hard time finding balloons. >> it's so bad it's forcing one party supply company to close down some of their stores. hasan, what's the issue here? >> it all to do with a global helium shortage. now party city says it will have
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to close 45 stores across the country to stabilize profits in the coming months, so right now it's not clear whichst ores will actually close, but the company has confirmed closures in walifornia, illinois, connecticut, and ington state. the ceo says the company typically closes 10 to 15 stores a year, but the helium shortage made this year particularly tough. the world's helium only comes fromee thr places. qatar, wyoming and texas. the nationalelium reserve in texas they say is running low. helium isn't just used for party balloons. this is news f all of us. it's actually used in mri machines and for certain medical devices. party city says it is working to supplier.w all those parties, what are you going to do? >> we've got to start stockpiling balloon animals. thank you, susan. well, everyone's journey to
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getting an education is nfferent. but the end hard work pays off. shomari stone tells us how one woman overcame the odds and earned her diploma. >> reporter: theime is now. outstanding student radiation award. >> reporter: the moment claudia has waited years for. >> it's been a long journey. a little challenges, but i'm excited. >> claudia > obang. >porter: she smiles at her si howard univerty graduation as she accepts her bachelor of science degree in radiation therapy and an outstanding student award. >> it' a big obstacle for me and i'm so proud of myself. >> reporter: she has a right to be proud. she overcame adversity. claudia's mother became very sick when claudia was a teen. >> at thege of 15 my mother
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got dinosed with lupus and she could no longer take care of us. >> reporter: claudia stepped in help. they sometimes ate at food banks and she worked minimum wage jobs. she graduated from high school in 2011 but put her college dream on hold for a year. >> i had to pick up t responsibility and work and help support my family. >> reporter: she enrolled at howardiv in 2012 drg 100 miles every day from stafford, virginia >> that wasn't easy? >> it's been difficult. ro reporter: her mother and professor are p. >> claudia was the leader of her class. she was a true joy to teach. inspires pes her story you. >> do not give up. cu might feel like the road is never going toome to an end, but everything in life s an end and you will finish what you started. >> reporter: at howard university, i'm shomari stone, news
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>> ch perseverance. >> i love that. >> to drive that far? work that hard. >> there's a commencement speech in that story right there. ight.u're >> way to go. a rainy weekend ahead of us, but tre are still plenty of things to do. >> tommy mcfly takes us insi the new spy museum and takes
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maybe it's time to take your secret to rehab storage. >> tommy mcfly has some yesterday for youree wkend. >> baby moms into espionage. i'm tommy mcfly with what's up. the spy museum reopens in thr and new location bringing all those spy events back to life. >> oh, the intrigue. the espionage. it's spying. what's more cool than that? >> you've got to say i love you back. >> dad, are you serious? >> i want to hear it. dad, i love you. >> dad, i love you. theannual movie is in full swing at national harbor. start lining up your lawn chai nday at 6:00 right in front of the awakening on that giant screen as we watch "spider man into the spider verse" .an
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exhibit where you interact with giant blossom cloud. there's also plants that will respond to augmented reality experiences on maryland avenue in southwest d.c. nbcwashingtocom always has plenty of events foryour eekend and they are talking about the first weekend of the world's largest bounce house. wt's happening at rose cross raceway in ft. ashington and you can go. adults only to bounce, enjoy, and check out basically the largest party for adults throughout the month of may. i'm tommy mcfly with what's up if your webcend on n sports. >> lots to do. >> going to be a wet bounce house. >> yeah. storm team 4 is tracking strong storms just to start the thweekend. >>rain isn't ending anytime soon, right, doug? >> it really isn't. heavy rain right now from bowie right on dn 301 towards upper
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marlboro, back towards the woodbridge area. weve got more in the rain in the next couple days. a few more showers tonight. you won't even need the umbrella this weekend. keremost li
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we'ack now at 4:45 with a live look at the radar. the heaviest rain right now in parts of prince george's and y.ince william cou we'll have more from doug just ahead. four well decades, we've been watching barbara hrison introduce children in the foster care system all around the washington region. >> the have been little ones, te teenagers and all ages in 21. all of them in need of a home and a family to grow up with. >> we'veg been catch up with some of them. part of my job, findi i reovcognize most of them when i see they've changed but not that
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much. some of the younger children n we've itroduced over the years have had a pretty rough start in s sehaken baby syndrome case,oc the sial workers have to warn perspective parents that the child could have developmental issues. tonight we revisit a child we met when he was just 3 years old. we find out why the family decided to ignore the warning he was just 3 years old when we first met jaron, a foster child since birthh diagnosed wit shaken baby syndrome. any perspective adopted familyw d be told he could have developmental delays but one family watching wednesday's child that day saw something special in jaron. the day i saw him was television on your show and for some reason it was like a mag that we want that child. >> earl taylor and his wife sarah both active in the air force had been thinking about adopting before being transferred here from colorado.
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>> we had just started the process when we got an assignment here to the washington, d.c. area. >> they had found a home but timing was wrong. they needed to get settled, but sarah called to as about jaron anyway. >> we knew that that was the one that we wanted to try to adopt. >> if i can't havethat one, then i don't want anyone c >> thel led to several visits with jaron. earl says from the very first he knew there was no turning back. >> in the first day that i saw him, he came up to me and asked me are you my daddy, and i said yes, i am. >> sarah was convinced jaron's first overnight visit. >> that one evening we were in mydroom watching television w,d he looked up at me and he says, you i love you. y that just,ou know, i just didn't know what to do after that. >> ashough social worker hi warned about the long-term effects of jaron's mistreem atm as an infant, the taylors decided to use their own brand
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offo healing their new son. >> the ladies were advocating that he was adhd and i told nem no, all he needs is love and d attention andirection. >> they brought him home to this house and more than 20 years seemed to just fly by. jaron still comes home regularly when he gets off work. >> jaron. >> hello. >> do you know who i am? >> yes, ma'am. >> he's now a police officer in aanne arundel county, mryland and he still remembers things about coming here the first time at 3 years old. >> it would probably be in the driveway asking my dad are my dad. >> do you remember asking him that? >> uh-huh. >> what did he say? >> he said yes, i am. >> were they tough parents? pushy.h but not they got the job done. here i am now. >> his parents are very proud of him. >> he was the victim of shaken
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baby syndrome. so a lot of things they told us that he couldn't do or he wouldn't be able to do he's done. he'll never be able to he'll neve able to ride a bike. well, when you're a police officer, you have to run. >> we watched together and we remembered a story that began nearly a quarter century ago. a story of love at first sight. jaron's mom might calltc a mamade in >>heaven. i love watching that. jaron and his mom are both teaching martial arts to kids ai a commuty center. jaron feels so gratefulor the life that he was able to live and he likes to give back in any can.e he's out there all the time working with kids. >> you want to talk about the power of love. >> i know. isn't it amazing? >> if only they could teach other parents. >> they're a very happy family. she's going to have a great
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mother's day. >> here's hoping. >> i hope we'll hear from more kids, more grown ups. >> please get iouch with this lady. >> way to hold the fact that he was a police officer now >> i know how to tell a story. >> thank you, barbara. now you've got a story to tell, a wet one. >> we've got show ws. it i one. it's not going to be all at bad tonight. really tomorrow morning. mi think weight get away with a coule hours. then here comes the real rain. as we make our way outside, take a look. this is not the best friday night for sure, but the rain is done in the d.c. -- in downtown d.c. off to the north and west, though, or to the south and east, that's where we're looking at the rain. you can t see rain coming along i-95 from baltimore down towards annapolis. towards andrews ai force base. right on back to the south. you follow that line right on
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back towards luray. very heavy rainfall in parts of anne arundel county, right along route 50, down 301, around upper marlboro. there's clinton. andrews air force base right there. waldorf, you can get in on over the next hour or so. heavy rain from fairfax county begins then we move toward the west and you can see culpeper, this area of of heavy rain moving right in. we've got other showers too. these are just forming and we'i go to start to see these continue to form as another line is still back to the west. m we've gote showers tonight. take the umbrella with you. we're going to see periods of rain tonight. thousand wtrack two systems. one right here around memphis. you can see the spin there. then another one back here around the albuquerque, i should have taken a left at albuquerque, or a right. either way, that storm making it our way. here are the two storms i'm going to be watching. this one is coming in during tho day tomor mostly in the
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afternoon. i think we stay dry until 1:00 in the afternoon. if you have activities tomorrow morning, you may be able to get them done. watch what happens. here comes the rain heavy times. then the second storm moves in on sunday. sunday is the day i think will be a complete washout. we may see af little bit o a break here and there, but we're still going to see rather wet conditions. look how much rain i'm thinking. this is one computer model. an inch and a half to 2 inches. yeah, it's possiblewe could see localized flooding from that if we do, in fact, get 2 inces of rain. we'll be watching that for you. high temperatures much cooler. only 61 on sunday. some of youay on sunday stay in the 50s with that rain. a nasty mother's day. 64 degrees on your monday with e chance for s shower activity as well during the afternoon. 65 on tuesday. we stay rather cool. weather day at nats part also a chance of showers during the time we're goi be down to the park. i'm hoping that forecast
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changed. last year we had a spe acular afternoon. we do not get aboveer aagve. ne. what do you notice about that 10-day forecast? >> it's fda snyn ay o we might get a nice friday. how about that? >> we are so overdue. check this one out. sosme ti a fboys. that was the case for a dog named hugo. >> last week he ran away from his gnome st. louis county, missouri. instead he ran straight to the doggy day sre. >>urveillance video shows hugo sprinting right through the front door and going up to another dog, boy or girl we're not sure. his owner was called to come pick him up. all he could do was laugh. the owner, of course said wow, he knew how to get to the day care. >> and he had a key. he was able to get in. >> just wanted to see his
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frieney. >> and thharged the owners for that one runaround. for a play date. >> my dog would much rather be in day care than at the house. they know right where to go. >> what's up, guys?o friday cng up, there is a big deadline coming that could affect thousands of drives around our area. >> cominup, whyhey're at risk to have their driver's license confiscated if they do get pulled over. >> mark segraves shedssome light on this issue comingp just a fewminutes. also we havs ary 4. the parents of the little boy who was killed in an accident in his fairfax county classroom are talking to susan hogan. > the emotional intervi 5:00. and the new law protecting all kids after our consumer investigation. >> we're going to see inew s f mfriday.


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