tv News4 at 11 NBC May 13, 2019 11:00pm-11:34pm EDT
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t this it's a made from those bold enough to brew it. for those bold enough to drink it. elevate your taste. yuengling traditional lager. spread your wings. st now at 11:00 the wor day on wall street in four months. >> we're down nearly 700 nts. >> president trump trade war with china could cost your family hundreds of dollars.
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>> a good deed cost aman his life. tht, hear from the grieving ffthe prince george rieving county police oer. killed while trying to help his neighbor. >> a crisis on campus. working for y with a warning dangerous trend or college campuses. a cold rainy dreary day. tomorrow. >> the month of may feeling like march. storm team 4 chief meteorologist is starting us off tonight. doug, what's it's going to be like when wen wake up ihe morning? it's nasty out there. >> tomorrow morning will be a cold start out there. weeks. temperatures in the low to mid-40s.og hours you see the showers through stafford
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county. and king george county. this is really the only shower as far as the area;nó showers. this is getting out of here]a (. the wider view showing that storm system drag in cooler air 40hmkjs. 46. i'll show you what to wake up to tomorrow morning and the rest of ek. >> thank you. ek. >> stay ahead of the cold temperatures with our app. we have hour by houru2jzp fore for your nehborhood.]rwv]7 and it turn on news 4 today when r"b temperatures go. it starts at 4:00 a.m. >> there is some breaking news thisvening outside the venezuela embassy here in georgetown. policeiu went inside to+m evict possibly arrestt some;1x protes rs. the5÷eá state department tells requested a assistance i clearing the embassy.
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police did cut the chains f locking thent gate. id activists i nobody was arrested. occupied this building.up theyrtaq(d the em battled socialist president. thenw protestors outsideh?/ s ñ presi. >> new at a 11:0 couple is awarded $2 billion tonight after a jury agreed the popular weed killer round up caused both of get cancer. wife were both diagnosed with limpitát maú"kp r california for three decades. they're.0qifz +umj bkñcrúqj-u parent company for not doing enoug to warn customers. >> it's changed our lives forter. used to be able to do.
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and we really resent them for that fact. tr8w end this way. there are more than 10,000 more plaintiff withnding lawsuits against the company. >> it's national pó'r week. tonight thousands[faj2ht# pouro the national mall for the candle light vigil for men and women killed in theói linev out of duh one of them police sergeant kioed while trying t protect his neighbor. we spoke to the sergeant's mother-in-law tonight. in an interview you'll only see here. &háhp &hc% l:e1í9ñy#ú >> reporter: thousands of law enforcement officers aheir families from around the u.s. around#uf3 andles skyward ina?.l memory of those who lost their lives in the line of duty. the ceremony was held on e national mall.
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>> it's a real honor to joinr with you. the survivors and members of the law enforcement family. >> reporter: among those being rinembered. prce george county police p r(t&háhp &hc% 2018 when he stepped into help a neighbor who was involved in a domestic dispute. 'sw husband. sergeant's mother-in-law spoke about what this event means to her family. verwhelming. something we didn't expect. and it's so sin veer. it just blesses our soul to see overwhelming fellowship. "w6ñamazing. >> prince george county plifs ñ noted the sergeant heroic 1"utó:8;@ame when hoee was qtk a choice. when we swear that oath, we86j
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saying we won't run away. stand and defend those ta a sow protect. >> also remember tonight )(q). he was killed in an on duty crash in november. last year. live on the national ÷fmalçli >> thank you. f bad nor drivers in northern virginia. part of the george washington park way is still closed because of a sink hole. closed tr route 123 to belt way. delang the effortso make the repair. fficialsp÷ñ thefi( lanes will stay csed atleast through tomorrow morning. rush hour. >> china strucké back!/6c hard against the u.s. unleashing 60 billion tlars in tariffs on american goods. your 401 k ma iqk)8k have felt
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squeeze. stock market taking a nosel)z.u. china's aouncement saw the dow close down 600 points. react tonight. >> they're heading in the wrong direction. .s. as worst day on the market in four months. japan and china have been open tr several hours. the shanghai are both downright now. the trade r could cost the average american family of our almost $800. tariffs kick in 18 days from now. and products made in the u.s. the back and forth between thet mp white house and china could cost more forem it like shoes and electronics. farmers could take a hit. many only survive if prices stop dropping and china starts buying. >> in order to keepa(b farming.
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we need to keep up with technology and production. in order to do that we need the chinese-wr market. >> president trump got claims china is to blame for the4sx collapse of the potential agreement the last minute >> all right. thank you. right now police are looking for a killer and a motive in a attacked about 5:00 friday night. this is a photograph from her linked infi proe.'r=z whenfer had just left work a pan walked up and shot her twice. >> the fact this was in broad daylight in front of multiple witnesses. whoever did it didn't seem to matter to the person who committed the crime. that is shocking. >> tol]á-ö6u8j learned that shs married to two differente the same time. actor.
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helps locate her. >> friends in maryland areñr trying to keep hope alive tomorrow night they will hold a hope vigil. in st. marycounty. at 7:30 p.m. to protest a ooliceicer. >> that white officer was caught ñ camera using a ra. we were at the rally. >> this incideis under investigation. police questioned and searched a group of young men outside m½cdonaldsw thursday. they waited to be picked up for work. police body camera and cell phone video taken by aññ man captured one of the officefkul,% using the n word. people need to understand that properly. >> what i'm concerned about was
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the level of professionalism. that i didn't see. in at counter. it's not just the word. >they were among a group of ÷ every day citizens who march in the to the police station in otest. thatencourages this behavior d" to protect the behavior. >> this is n@ç anñ4m!#÷ isolate incident. >> the police union says the officer was repeating language by the man stopped. the police department calls it department values. the coalition wants an independent investigation. >> what happened in this case, is that mcdonalds signed an allow the police to use trespass allow the police to use . spass they dot have to ask if anybody is being destructive or anybody. they can stop the people and go in. where else is that happening? >> the coalition says the word
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was a erproblem, the's a largers systemic i at hand. they feel that now as the county loo for a new permanent police chief is the perfect time to address it. le non-viont offenders in jail sentences will be reduced or e limb gnatted. for example. people wilr no longe be sent to jail for repeat non-violent alcohol related offensesájike drunk inw[
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as a result. >> formerors e8e+qár"entç5:éáj e his hip today. he's still hasn't lost his sense of humor. the 39th president was on the georgia. fractured his hip this morning. surgeons operated on him and said the surgery went well. bagging turkeys. according to hisúqw spokesman. he told him had hopes the state of georgia will carry over his to next year. >> planning ahead. >> when we come back, students exams. >> working for you into the growing druggeproblem on
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it'sug a dr some students are taking and dealingto get a1 competitive edge. so cases deadly forgñ peopleóro abuse them. a look at what happens once the medicationw wares]h>v lb[33 offy >> it made me feel like i was able to accomplish thingsq64 thi normally wouldn't be able too. and it made me extremely hyper focussed in the moment. >> it could be two( pillslz@e f weekend of writing papers. @?%q!!.ng studentsem using thl f14x and cram before big tests. there's a big misconception. >> itu marbt you smarter.
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>> the director of the national itute on drug abuse. health. she says the youthfu drugs intended to help people with attention deficit tc>=disorder widely and dangerously abused.l stay awake. even short term use can have long lasting sefzó÷[?8eiy effec rñéuñp low doses under a doctor they are safe and effective. drugs can have serious consequences for those using them without prescription.i)&si to study or party or lose weight. >> psychosis will emerge with >> delusionald:7é]8ñ thinking. hallucination. earing voices and other symptoms. a recent study linkedrs "ém new prescribed adder roll with psychotic f1 ohotic
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addiction. heartbl pros. severe depression. and anxiety. even death. t z borrowed and stolen. and abused and used. >> national studies show that one in threeocsog college stent mit to illegally trying or using these smart drugsswk6 t ahead. one in ten kidsñuz+.n abuse it will be addicted. lhe clinica psychologist and leadingon researcher the abusive f45aadhd drug. she thinks the>k&-n i medicat being over repscribed. >> there's no buy logical for marker for who has it. and whodoesn't. n the eye of the beholder. call it a one that will continue to grow if we don't8keywá]t students aw culture. >> they have been given a message. you must succeed or achieve.
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problemou have. it's soervasive. >>the b advice for parents. look for changes in9fdo your ch behavior. nd talk with them about the dangers of the drugs. most medications contain amphetamine. like kcocaine or meth. kids arek: mixing it with alco and energydrinks to get high. using a stimulant drug without a prescription is not only risky for your health. lead to felony charges. >> fans and friends areck7mz remembering the original girl the late legendary singerurned
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day mad hundreds of recordings+& she's known for her roles in calamity jane. pilloww3ó talk and her sit com. among the most popular songsse et love. and -- when day ódretired;he followed her dreams into animal activismzíçtç& and rescue. still hold up. >> she wasór amazing.á8rz >> so, no relief until maybe wednesday? >> yeah. wednesday is]g#e looking good. we havednad so -=mzr days.qpá we're due for a badu7$zñ one. you look back at all theu-) fridays. they have been rainy. >> taking note of that. >> all the wednesdays have been dry and sunny. >> you should have askeddy soho knows. let's look and show you what's
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been happening. dealing with rain over three inches in the wheaten area. two in d.c. over 70 inches of since this time last ye that is +w/tm/.incredible here's the thing, this is good[ news. we're looking dri than next few months. this kind of goes along with the summer forecast. on thursday. so wait for that. talking aboutwá$@ 90 degrees. and rainfall. how about the hurricane season. we havehat on thursday. it's just on the cool side. after the showers earlier. 54 degrees calm wds. mostly clear skies. already.6 54 in. the average low is 54 degrees in the city. we'll be be low l!!ks tonight. bel average today after af very cool afternoon. we have seenijuáy$í'; making their wayhe to south a couple have é disappeared.
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not much ng on. it. the showers tone for thee day.] r vivf/v the storm system cloud hañ;eyéry9txcover. ÷ day. most should be on the dry side. here's the big story. with the breeze tomorrow it will be a chilly day. athe bus stop 48 degrees inside the belt way. most stay in the dry side. the big deal is it cool and breezy. just note that. beautiful wednesday. 71. thursday is weather day at nationals park./aize join us. temperature around 74 degrees.
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75 degrees on friday. 30% chance of showers or a thunderstorm. look at the weekend. saturday and sundaydbisgm.: sat. 83oq(cl sday.>f is this our new car? it's a new buick envision. and i got of with wi-fi for all your wi-fi stuff, wireless charging for your phone. cool! wait til you check out the back! that's a lot of groceries.
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when you finance through gm financial. the big carriers are talking about their current 5g roll outs, but their efforts are limited to a few pockets in select cities or trying to convince consumers that 4g is actually 5g.g roll outs, they're neglecting small towns and rural communities, leaving them on the wrong side of the dital divide. if approved, only the combsed availableresourceof t-mobile and sprint can deliver on all the spectrum bands ne ed to quickly bring unprecedented 5g connectivity across the nation.
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over $4 million to fight leukemia. a geat event. not so great golfing by hamilton. meanwhile the head coach, or the camera. nice hit there.9áhm the society. honoring young studs. on stage there withn. kerri sporting the 91 jersey.=ñ doing well onre hisatment. he has the moves and he's dabbing. this is his fifth year hosting the tournament. dnfor cause he di know much5 ?çñ about. >> i would say i had several dividuals i got to meet. i wear his bracelet every who lois battle unfortunately. people like f1 3íp &hc%
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cure. >> he" is. he gets great su!bu7h0a/ááz the players and organization. any time we can come together ar do good foe community. >> we have to show you this. on the driving range before the event. offensive linejyáú(oág man. looking ready too=$w/!÷ hit. the perfect touch on this. trying to distract. unfazed. take another look. le. hits the ball and club. and still crushes it. >> nice concentration. >> we have more golf the scholarship class. former football coach. along with current coaches.:6!z this tournament helps fund
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baltimoreámcbqlñ orioles legen celebrating his 82nd birthday this saturday. orioles in new york lay the yankees. water. and t out field. the grounds crewm6+]'l tried to leaf blowers to get the field in playing condition. no luck. and this reminded us of this scene last year inyi philadelph÷ the crew brought out flame thrers to dry the field. they play a double header wednesday. eporting that kevin durant will miss tomorrow's game one against the trail blazersth a calf injury. injury. he missed the preous geico makes it easy to get help when you need it.
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