tv News4 at 5 NBC May 30, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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now you see down to the south, we still have axd warning technically, but no more severe calvert county just seeing the rai.bóow. it is now moving off to the east. we do have raini] back towards e west. this is the actual front back here. out ahead of it we are startingh to see sowers and thunderstormsá develop. we will see more thunderstorms throughout thea5 night, througt the evening hours, over the next uple hours. but i'mq not anticipatingñi sev will we see thunder? will we see lightning? yes. will we see wind? it's possible. of severe we'll t about when all this means. this is a game changer of a storm coming through right now. >> we'll staylp in close touch. we remind you now is a good time to download the free nbc washin. get the latest alerts wherever you live. ç occurred in spotsylvania county with a lpma
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fj'd dead in a home and whoever tonight. the bodiesa5 were found in amy home on arlenexd acres drivexd near fredericksburg. drew wilder joins us live. he hasails on the couple's children who were found unharmed. they were in the home, drew? >> reporter: yeah,wenny, that's absolutely right. yesterday we reported that the three victims were found dead inside the home, but today we're learninerthat there wt( two other kids inside as well. a toddler and an infant. a toddler anere unharmed. tonight we're also learning a little bit more about those threexd victims. as you mentioned, no new details about how they were killed or who killed them. the three people killed inside thissp sylvania home were 39-year-old michael coleman,lp s girlfriendññ1q 34-year-old rach kyrrus. rachel's father talkedlp with h
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daughter about nine days ago. >> we were watching up with wh's going on with the grand kids. >> reporter: grand kids still inside the home at the time of % the criñ they had a toddler and infantq together. police found both of them inside unharmed. but still no details about how the three were killed or by whos rachel dad says her ex,c kyrrus's father,fá discovered t bodies yesterday. >> he wa completely broke down and in tears sitting there trying to talkof to thcers @r(t&háhp &hc% said if '$bhey've recovered a weapon but itlp appears they we killed with a sharplp object. police have not said if they've arrested anyone., however they did say that they are not searching for anyxd suspects. for now,a5 that is the latest g live tonht in spotsylvania county. >> drew wilder, thank you. marylandt( governor larry h on know ise1 calling for an investigatihe intoñi t deadly
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olivia died last november. she was ae1 freshman at the college park campus. "the washington post" first reported the school waited two t( 3tltp)ents about taq outbreak. wee1 reached out for the action they say they notified students after hearing from the cdc and state health ofs!ials. their statement reads in part thejf university remains commitd to transparencyc andudts safety above all in the handlin >> mgm has issued pin slips to dozens of workers. reasons behind theseçó lay-ím d what's next for those fáemploye. >> reporter: from coast to coast mgm has been reorganizing its employees. dozens more were laid off. more than 60 here at mgm
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national harbor. >> this is just like would want to know more information.e why ar they laying people off. dozens of people are out ofp5 k here at mgm nationallp harbor. company wide +mgm laid off 222 people in the first round of layoffs mostly in las vegas. e were laid off. 62 here at mgm national harborx according to a company spokesperson. in a lettere1fá mgm ceo says th changes we are making today bring us closer to concluding the foundational work of mgm ñ operating model and reduce our salaried staff by over xd12. part of the problmise was jobç company spokesman sayxd the layoffs do not violate their agreement with prince ntorge's &háhp &hc% called the
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layoffs alp broken promise. krcommunities.romises to these home city just opened up an mgm last year and there's already as well. >> rep=jmre mgm spokesman said a little more thanñr halfg have been laid off areñr manage ut they would not s specifically what positions have been terminated. only saying that these are c off. according to the state, xdmgm national harbore1 sh ing a profit every quar÷x i'm tracee wilkins,t( news 4. >> and we have been told that employees who have beenc laid of will gett( two weeks of severan for each year of service and receivek a two weenonworking notice with health care and otherl benefits as wel careeru services for several months. more charges are expected against that stafford county psychologi sharonda avery is accused of working as a psychologist even
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degree. practicingithout a license andjf fraud. medical worked at a practice treating children with autism. today the commonwealth's7ñvr(t&% attorneyjf revealed nearlyxd 50 families have come forward sinc( avery's arrest. her attorney declined comment because she had just taken on the case the manlp who set himself o fire yesterday on the ellips his died. arnaud gupta of bethesda wasw3x flamed in t5%ni] -- when he set himself on fire and police did respond w)$inq minutes. earlier in the day gupta'sr family had reported him missing because they were concerned for him. over the next couple of months, d.c. attorney general karl racine isc asking the publc to weigh in on aokfá notorious edmund oversaw? one of the country's largest drug xd ions here in the distri during the height of the crack
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cocaine epidemic. he's linked to more thanfá two dozen murders. edmund is serving a life t sentence, thhápsq prosecutor's office that put him away says het( shoul get out on to bring down other violent criminals and narcoticsym operat9o'm9 a5ñr d.c. becomew3 the 51sti]ñ state? conw]fss will hold a hearing on tha question. still a long way qçuz becoming a reality, but as newsñi 4 mark segraves reports, localñi leade say they'reñi closer than ever. >> washington, d.c. isi] the nation'scapital,but it's also home toq more thanlp 700,000 people, u.s. citizens with no vote int( congress. now direor of veteran affairs for the d.c. government. he joined d.c. leaders at the war mngmorial urgi congress to make d.c.w3 the 51st street. >> the people aren't fully represented and u is a tragedy for the people that
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go to war and comec home and no represented. >> for the firstqçó 1993, a house committee will hold a hearing on d.c.'s statehood and whether to give member of the house. >> it is a disgrace to thec veterans who call our city home. >> the district has h9db a longf struggle÷n to voting rights. vote for president untilt( 1964. in 1961 they got a ngnonvoti delegate to congress. in 1974 they first elected their own mayor andnc cou. representation, in 1978 congress did pass a constitutionalxd ngamendment givi d.c. a full vote in congress, but that 'aq!he in 1993 t+ house of representatives held a vote on statehood which also failed. most rcently in 2009 a senate debate givingt( d.c. one house
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seat f1i#9 awakening tosoi ting rights andoter d.c., d.c. isq sortw3 of the ultimate voter suppression. we are one of the last colonies of america. >> now, the house hearing will be held on july 24th. mayor bowser urged d.c. room. the push for statehood got a big boost when-9 lennyc hoye3o wr op-ed and said he's ch'd his the vote. >> we've been watching this for a long time. what is the reality?c bese it has to go through a lot of hoop. >> it's a long way off if it were to become alp reality. house, which is democrat, you still facefá a republic senate.
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$1,000 grant to hold off before ndu start your freshman year also offering tuition reimbursement if you take classmu at a comty college for that freshman year. it's offering free classes next summer. students can apply to do this next month. >> you miss the feshman experience. >> and that extra 15 pounds. >> exactly. cing up next, a growing school system breaks ground on a new building, but it's not without controversy. why some families say students may be left behind when it opens. >> hundreds of teachers leaving our local schools each year and thei-team surveyed thousands tot ry to figure out why. >> iwas definitely more pressure than what i envisioned. >> coming up, an i-team rep t about teacher turnover and what it means for your child. andig changes at a shipping company because of the amount ofg shoppin people are amount ofg shoppin people are now doing online.
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but their efforts are limited to a few pockets in select cities or trying at convince consumers thg is actually 5g. they're neglecting small towns and rural communities, leaving them on the wrong side of the digital divide. if approved, only the combined availableresources of t-mobile d and sprint caniver on all the spectrum bands needed to quickly cing unprecedented 5gonnectivity across the nation.
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you see,hopper 4 is heading to frederick county, because there are reports of storm dage. 're going to bring you a live update and get an updated forecast from doug and amelia in just a couple of minutes. fchool is almost out summer, but districts across the region are bracing for hundreds of teachers to leave for good. >> according to an investigation by scott macfarlane and the news 4 i-team, the i-team surveyed several thousand local teachers to learn why so many say they're walking away. e >>erything is big in the refrigeration business. red works for his family company in frederick county, virginia. his previous job had some really heavy lifting. >> i thought driver's ed, p.e., coached baseball. >> jared and his wife carrie were both teachers.
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>> i lovedac interting with the kids. >> until they walked away. just like heather in frederick county, maryland, who is planting seeds for a new career. after a decade teaching math ats thomaohnson high, she left the classroom to start a farm with her husband and spend more time with her kids. >> i thoughtr 12 years and i think if i could have figured out a way to leave work at work, i would have figured itut in that period of time. >> the news 4 i-team reviewed state and district education reports and found ccerns about looming shortages of teachers. in virginia the problem is considered worsening. in maryland the shortages arel cal persistent and in d.c. which had the highest turnover rate in the area, a state board of etion member said the constant church is devastating. staffing reports show some local school districts losing between 8% and 13% in one year's time. to retiring, some movi another district and some
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leaving the profession all togeher. the i-t wanted to know what's behind the numbers, so we sur y surveyed teachersug throut the district. nearly 5,000 responses. more than 80%e of thos teachers acknowledd having considered changing careers in the past two years alone. nearly 40% cited stress as a factor followed by lack of support, student havior, and salary. many also blamed distractions of student cell phones and pressures from testing. when we asked what would make thm more likely to stay, the majority cited pay, more support, and better student behavior. >> we have not lifted up the role of teachers the same way in this society for the last 25 years that we should have. >> in fairfax county the superintendent says they're taking action to cut the losses with a 6% average pay hike. >>e put more expectations on
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teachers over the last 20 years than ever before. >> the school district signs some of the hgh school students to contractstuo re to teach after college. mm you get coitments before they graduate high school. to keep more of their own, fairfax county and maryland are also raising pay. while in loudon count, they rely on mentoring programs to help new teachers grow and stay. a formery milit spouse who just started her teaching career. >> you have support where needed and that's what keeps me going. i have people i can count on and it helps with the load. >> jared and carrie say they et don't regr leaving the classroom, but still miss what drew them there. working ith students. >> i think every teacher will tell you the actual teaching in the classroom ishat we all love. >> many of the teachers told us while pay is not their top concern, the costivofg does play into where they live and where they teach. when we asked if ey'd trade a longer commute for better pay,
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about half said yes. in the newsroom, scott macfarlane. news 4 i-team. >> scott, thanks so much. you can't pay them enough. it looks like the worst is over for right now. is there something coming in? are we ine clear? where are we standing? >> everything you just said is correct. the worst is over. >> all of the above. is something else coming in. but right now where we stand is in a little bit of a lull which is very nice.a ice rest of the evening for probably two hours before the next line moves in. >> wtop radio looking at the radio and already seeing showers in the panhandle of west virginia. more rain moving back in. >> the severe threat is over. there was severe stor coming through between about really 1:30 all the way through about 30 before they started to make their way across chesapeake bay. severe thunderstrm warning
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continue into parts of delaware. look at what we've got here. these arel severe thunderstorm reports. these are mostly trees down and high winds that are out of this. you see thisme one storm ca through frederick and howard county. this was multiple tornadoes in through frederick county and howard alontgomery county, northern montgomery county. this other storm down here in prince william county. in towards fairfax ounty. look at the wind. this gust right here, look at this one. prince william county, 71 esville, wind gusts of miles per hour. 71 will take down some trees. speaking of trees, how about this one right here? several reports of trees and wires down in and around damascus. a lot of power outages. we also have power outages in fairfax. this is around the damascus area. there goes that line of strong to severe stormings. here comes yete another ar back to the west in through west virginia. you see the first part of this o starting enter virginia. there is some lightning here too. because the first round of storms came through, pretty much
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area wide, it helped to cool and stabili atmosphere. we are not anticipating severe weather. will we see more storms? yes. some could have wind and heavy rain. but the severe thunderstorm threat is really, really low. that's very good news. tomorrow, however, another chance, but not for everybody. >> absolutely. owthe chance tomorris really south of washington and northern virginia. areas like fredericksburg, up into parts of southuqrn faer county, out through charlottesville with a high temperature of 85. overall awe really comfortable day as this cold front moves through. it will lower the humidity. mostly to partly sunny skies, but the chance for some isolated showers south of washington tomorrow. what do i mean by that? here's future weather at noon. only a few pockets of clouds. we hit,2:00 p.m. here comes that shower chance out around luray. 4:00 p.m. still completely dry. maybe showers into parts of
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fauquier county, down through parts of spotsylvania. you can see the d.c. metro area are to the north stay completely dry throughout the y.tire and a really nice day overall. just a few clouds out there later in the day. saturday we e going toep it completely dry. as we look to sunday, scattered thstorms around later in the day. some of those could be on the berong, maybe severe side. something we'll keeping an eye on. monday and tuesday are looking fantastic. monday we're talkier about tempures in the mid 70s for highs. >> kind of amazing. we're moving into june. we have been so hot over the last week or two. emperatures in the 90s. move into june. we actually cool. 85 tomorrow. beautiful day. i'll be out there at wolf trap live with my backyard weather. 87 on satuinay. lookgood there. 85 on sunday. chance of an afternoon shower or
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thunderstorm. some of those could be on the stronger side. area wide too. mond a high of 76. 79 on tuesday. as we make our way to the middne of week, the heat returns. so does the chance of thunderstorms on wednesday and r ay. out of the woods here as far as the biggest severe weather threat, but take the umbrella if you're heading out later tonight. >> thank you very much. ordering stuff online is just a way of life. now fed elex claims it's going improve our quality of life online starting next january when it will start delivering seven days a week just like it doesun arod the holidays. fedex says it will also stop using the post office to help it make some of those deliveries. the company says this move will increase its efficiency see aant the growing needs of online shoppers. when you drive for uber, you have to maintain a minimum rating. now the same poli may be applied to passengers. susan hogan explains e change
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trees and power lines down. a lot of people without power. we'll get the late frefst f dou and amelia. we have breaking news out of louisiana where the state's democratic governor has nowri signed new abortion bill into law breaking with his own party. lawmakers overwhelmingly passing a bill that bans abortion once a fetal heartbeats detected and that can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. there are no exceptions that sult from rape or incest. a similar bill in mississippi that's already been blocked by a federal judge. lawyers for planned parenthood in missouri are in court this afternoon fighting to keep missouri's remaining abortion clinic open. that clinic's license expires morrow. a ruling is expected sometime today because of that deadline. if the judge decides against planned parenthood, missouri will become the first state in this country with a nobortion
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clinic. a oowerful gustf wind and big play toy filled with ai it's never a good combo. how these children are doing after their bounce house got swept away. >> reporter: i'm julie carey in prince williamnty where a new high school is under construction, but that means talk of redistricting. coming up you'll har from parents and students at the most bodiverse high school aut why the plan may be unfair to them. a new l device thats the drivers behind you know exactly what you're thinking. i'm adam tuss. i'll tell you what this device is a everyone's got to listen to mom. when it comes to reducing the sugar in your family's diet, coke, dr pepper and pepsi hear you.
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we're working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at smr portion sizes, clear calorie labels and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller. this spring, it's out with the old and in with the awesome. as in, in with the fastest, most reliable internet from xfinity xfi. b so you canin with brilliantly connected devices in every room. and in with finding all your favorites on live tvg and streaminapps with just your voice. this spring it's out with the old, and in with simple, easy, awesome. don't miss the xfinit. get started with this limited time offer andyo ge choice of dvr or speed upgrade free for a year. click, call, or sit a store today.
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we've got a live picture again fromhopper 4 over frederick county. this is ijamesville. we've seen a lot of tree and power line damage there. >> that line of thunderstorms 3:00 ent through around really focused on that area and then went on down to calvert county and maryland. these are live pictures from chopper 4. we have a team headed that way and we will bring you that as soon as they arrive. doug says that right now we're in a nicelull. >> yeah, that's right. we have mo coming ourway as we make our way through. that same storm came through frederick county, through howard county and northern anne arundel and it had damage all the way. multiple treesatdown in t
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reeg. that same storm right here also made its way through howardn cou around the ellicott city area. there was a tornado warning storm at the time. this one prompted twoordo warnings, one in frederick county and ellicott city. look this. just incrediblke. can we ta the banner off there? that is just incredible. look at this. this is what's called a shelf cloud. you see it here. it looks like a torn, but this is what's called a shelf clend. what's hag is the storm is pushing air ahead of it and lifting it up and producing a cloud. that's what you see as a shelf moving your an omius looking view as we move on out. ust taking a look at the chopper shot too. it does look like another tree on a house in and around the ijamesville area. looks like numerous trees down. that's one, two trees down on yet another house. i saw a couple others down as well in and around that area. it looks to me like straight line wind.
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you see how the trees are in the same direction earlier with the columbia tornado. the tornado that happened in columbus. there you go. i'm just taking a look for this. widen out for see that tr right there. right there. see those two trees right there are actually sheared off at the dop. we may have ha a tornado come through her. if you just saw those large trees down you'd say maybe straight line winds. see the top tree, if i could draw on this, i'd love to draw on it, if you could draw a circle around both of those tree, you'd see what i'm talking about. those two trees chopped off and that means we could have seen a tornado in the ijamesville area. now, back to the maps, we see our orm system that continues to move on through here. the storms are out of here. but notice this. a severe thunderstorm warning now. this is rockingham county. this storm on its current path
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will move through culpeper county and there's a lto more go. we still are not out of the woods yet. if you have plans around 8:00, bring your urella. 6:00 for you folks back towards the i-81 corridor, you will see that moving in here over the next halfhour, 45 minutes. another high school is under construction in prince willam county. to meet the needs of that growing community. >> it's in the bristo area. the redistricting plan that comes lth it is drawing a of protest. >> from one high school community in particular, our northern virginia bureau chief julie carey has that story. >> the ceremonial ground breaking today for princeam wilcounty's 13th high school, the construction already under way in the bristow area. that means new high school attendance bo attendance boundaries, as usual an emotional issue. stonewall jackson highho s math teacher, one of the three
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schools impacted by the redistricting plan. but many in the stonewall community are speaking out about what they see as an unfair redistricting proposal. already by far the most diverse of the three schools, under the proposal, its percentage of students with limited english fromeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds and from minority groups would jump, ute other two schools a drop. many in the stonewall community argue diversity should be shared. >> i believe and 50 years studies have shown when you have greater diversity in a school system it's the rising tide. what we're doing with the plans currently in place is we're going against the tide. >> melissa is tone wa's pta president, her son getting ready to graduate. he's fighting for the school and a different redistricting plan that would allow more high schools to benefit from a diverse population. >> it would be a win win for all
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populations. >> they will hear from the public one more time in early june anden the vote on the redistricting plan is set for june 19th. i'm julie carey, news 4. >> this new high school is expected to open in the fall of 2021. speaking of opening, you like sicider? we know when the first craft cidery will open. it's planning a grand opening next saturday, j 8neh. the facility is located in a warehouse in the carlisle area.h ere is a development grant the city is matching. the hard cider is made from virginia apples. the herndon festival has moved because of all the construction going on downtown. the rides, the endors, the food trucks are set up on the grounds of the northwest federal credit union on spring straight. organizers say it's as big as ever despite being moved to a
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new loartion. >> we located at 200 spring street. we're about halfway between herndon and -- we've got a bike v valet. we'll safeou a seat on the >scrambler. you can take a shuttle bus from herndon high school and world gate. there are no coolers and no pets allow. to learn more, search herndon festival in the nbc washington app. from muhammad ali to colin kaepernick, athletes have long t used their plrm to push for change. the olympic sprinter behind a powerful protest that was at 1968 olympics. oui'm talking ab this it's time for our memorial day sale on the
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the severe weather threat has now exited the area for the d.c. metro area. we have one lone severe thunderstorm area out there for augusta and rockingham counties until 6:15. as theto storms continue move to the east, we're not going to be seeing anything like what we saw earlier today. for the mostrt we'll see rain and maybe a few isolated thunderstorms. the severe weather threat is over for tonight, but the rain is not. we'll have rain until 9:00 p.m. how thisimpacts tomorrow coming up. three children are in critical condition after a gust of wind lifted and then flippedn this bouce house. this occurredni this morng in russia. it nearly landed in front of cars at a nearby road.
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five kids were inside when itpp fli. investigators found that several of theat tires th were meant to hold the bounce house in place were not properly attached. well, they're among the most high profile people in society. thanks to sociald me, an athlete's ability to reach people has expanded significantly in recent years. this afternoon the atlantic dia group alongwith the washington mystics hosted a special forum on their role in activism in social justice. leon harris joins us now with details. >> as you know, athletes have been using their popularity and their media exposure to bring attention to important issues long before the creation of hashtag and that includes calls for equality and refm. ong the voices who have paved the way for younger generations, olympic track star john carlos, now revered as the symbol of the civil rights movement.
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back in 1968 him and fellow rinter tommymith caused an uproar en they took to the podium to receive their medals holding up those black fists for african-american strength and unity. carlos says that moment seen by an international audience even led to death threats when he returned home. did it d about why he and dealing with the criticism that came with it. >> ieant to make that statement for my kids and their peers. for your kids. once you find out who you are, no one can stop you. we're so busy looking at everybody else and not paying attention to who we are. once we realize our strengths, no one can stop you. this n move as high in life that you want to go. >> today's forum also focused on the fights for female threats to get equal pay for performance. fittingly it all took place in the washington mystics new
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entertainment center in southeast. they'll be playing their first game in thatr aa this saturday. >> i loved hearing what he had to that's the truth. thank you, leon help. it has been five years since the dinosaur haul at the museum of natural history closed. it's about to reopen and we went inside to take a look at all the raptors. plus uber is unveiling a new policy to kick riders with low ratings to the curb. our susan hogan with more on that and how youocanoostur b
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i'd be thrilled. this sounds like a, whole business package which would be incredible. so what are you guys waiting for? la let's do it. (ughs) comcast business gives you more. switch now and get fast, reliable internet for a new low price of $39.95 a month. plus, get free installation. better, faster? i mean sign me up. call today at 1-800-501-6000. comcast business. beyond fast. how many times ar you driving around and say toca anot what are you thinking? maybe worse. there may be a better way to communicate with fellow drivers. a m tuss is here to explain device known as road wave. what are folks telling you?
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>> reporter: well, you know, people are actually in suppoid of thia. you're going to see what it's all about in just a second. how out this? no more wondering what these other drivers out here are thinking. take a look. this is a rhetorical question, but have you ever wanted to tell that driver behind you exactly of them?think how would you describe the driers aroudr drivers around here? >> crazy, angry, not fun at all. >> everybody here likes to blow their horn. >> reporter: guilt as charged, butow about a kinder gentler experience on the road. a bright l.e.d. sign that you put on the back windshield and connectsluhe booth and lets the driver know more about what you arehinking. for example, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off or let me merge. >> i can deal with that. at the end of the day, not everyone is from the area. >> john stanley is the ceo of
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the company and he had this idea after his mother was the victim of rrage. >> it was created to let unknown drivers to make driving decisions. road rage cases can get out of control like this recent episode in the boston area where a man jumped on the od of the car that sideswiped him or here locally where this woman a attacked bus and then flung the bus driver off her car as he tried to jump on the the national highway traffic safety adnistration says 50% honk the horn, make rude gestures or south and 2% admit to revenge like tailgating, even attempts to run another driver off the road. >> if you have a cadillac or tes larks y -- tesla, you are going to run me off the road. >> reporter: never knew it
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really depended what kind of cah youe how you drive. that's the thing that we found out there. if you wantne of these guys, it will cost you about $100. we checked. no four-letter words allowed wendy rieger, no, it's not your device. >> how about i love you? that's four letter word? >> reporter: okay. just a heart. >> we were watching these people once again riding on the hoods of people's cars. a word like sorry may not be enough to diffuse that kind of i angere got a feeling. >> reporter: i don't think so. >> we could have a get off m car. hey, when's the last time you checked your uber rating? the ride share company says if you're not making the rade, you may get the boot. >> we were just saying they're not going to pick us up.
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susan hogan is working for you with something they just announc>> today. this is really interdisting. uber just announce that riders with a rating that's significantlybelow average could actually lose their bility to ride. the company does say it will give you several chances to lean upour act and they'll send you tips on how to improve your rating, but why wait uil then? we're working with four ways to improve your score with uber and lyft. be on ime. if you're running late, call or send a text to let the driver know you're on your way. double chk your location in the app to make re the pin is in the right place. your driver doesn't want to have to double back because yourph e thought you were on the next block. be respectful. not only towards the driver, but heir vehicle as well. don't make a mess and don't slam the door. follow the rules. that means buckle up. don't ask your driver to speed. don't carry open alcohol
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containers. and one more way for a good ratinghe with t driver. gratitude. if you're happy with the trip, beure to say shaunk whthank yoe you g out of the car. you see your uber rine g in the app. you can ask your driver for it or contact the company. you may not want to know. > good manners, we appreciate it. >> but they need to be -- i've had some pretty snarly and others who get in the car and sai,hi. >> h snarly. that's what's happening. >> i'm back to taking cabs. i'm so done. >> let's get the latest on the weather. adoug and amelia, you hve had a busy afternoon. how is the evening looking now? >> real busy, guys. we made our way through the afternoon. a lot of severe thunderstorm warnings, tornado warnings.
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we've had a lot of damage around the area. right now we're waiting on a second round. it's not going to be as strong. >> we'll see some rain impactinh area until about 9:00 'rnight. the damage we seeing is impressive. >> take a look. this area was under a tornado warning earlier in frederick county. you see this tree right on to a house here, but you also see numerous other trees in this area, a couple of which are sheared off at the tops of them. that tells me we could have seen a weak tornado come through. just some devastation as that tree is completely through the second fl that's why we tell you go to the bottom level of your house just in.ase a tree comes put as many walls between you and the tree and the outside as possible so that you can stay safe. orher trees down. i'm getting and more trees, more and more damage reported to me on twitter, on facebook, all from the ijamesville area.
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continuing to see pictures just like this one up there. jackie bensen is live on the scene. right now a live report from her coming up in about ten minutes. you see what's happening out there now. storms moving on through. those making their way off to the east. re weather moving in. we still have a severe thunderstorm warning. this is for rockingham county. this storm will move into parts of our area, in towards culpeper county, in towards spotsylvania. right now a few showers around the winchester region as well. most of them on the light side. the wider view showing a lot more rain. this is just plain rain, so invented thunder, no severe ather. you don't see any yellow boxes here. that means this will just be rain as we move on through the night. we'll continue to see that. this is a game changer. not just for us, but for the cosetry. we have so much in the way of severe weather, this was the end of a vy long stretch of severe weather.
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>> this is our 15th consecutive day nationally with severe thunderstorms. thankfully that threat diminishes as a cold front clears the area and a nice day tomorrow. the humidity levels are going to be low. it's still going to be warm but not as warmh as today wite high of 85. tomorrow we start off really nice. if you're going for a run, the weather is going to be g refreshinompared to this morning. 67 degrees at 7:00 a.m. around lunchtime, it's 80 degrees. it wille a spectacular day to enjoy your friday lunch. if you're sneaking out of the office early, most of us going to see it completely dry. however, areas southwest of the d.c. metro area, charlritesville, parts of pe william county, southern parts of the county on into fredericksburg, you could see some showers, maybe a few rumbles of thunder later in the da areas to t north stay completely dry tomorrow. on friday it's a gorgeous evening. 82 degrees tomorrow night at 7:00 in the evening.
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as we look at our temperature 79.d, our average we warm up a little bit on saturday. we're above normal on sunday. ythen monda and tuesday we're really refreshing. makes its way into the area. asfar as weekend storm chances, we're looking at a few storm chances later in the day. otherwise the weekend is looking dry. >> that storm on sunday sets up even nicer weather as we move into monday and tuesday. look at the tperatures the next couple of days. 85 tomorrow, 87 saturday. look at monday. 76 with sunshine. it is going to be rather breezy monday.ay as that storm sll looking very nice on tuesday. high temperature in the upper rain fore we see another chance coming up on wednesday and thursday. we'll keep you posted on all of it from the storm center. things calming aittle t, but keep the brellaum
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who knew how much we missed it? theau dinosr hall at the national history museum has been closed for five years. after the longwait, it felt like billions of years, it's set to reopen next week. >> nbc news got a sneak peek inside and it's bigger and better than ever. the $125 million renovation including more exhibits, more a
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fossils, more interactive feel. this will reopen a week from saturday. >> you know what's sad?al they're alive. it's been a while. we are a week away from t 75th anniversary of the d-day landing, summer of 1944. that force of 16000 men landing on the beaches of normandy and nazi occupied france. >> for many the mission was truly a leap of faith. today cory smith spoke with an army reserve member who plans to honor the thousands of brave men in the same way. >> we're all loadedhe up in t airplane, somebody opens the back door. when he tells us to go, we run out the back of the airplane. that fear never actual goes away. >> after 13 years active duty, it's not an adrenaline rush h's after. soon this army reserve memberwi ll trade his suit and tie for fatigues and a parachute ashe
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returns to the skies over normandy commemorate the anniversary of the d-day landing and honor the men who made the same leap on june 6, 1944. >> many of them didn't make it which is a sobering thought. >> more than 9,000 would be killed, but it changed the course of the war and history. >> it's in remembrance of a great moment in u.s. history where we did something that was --hat we didn't have to do to liberate people on the oer side of the world. >> even at 1,200 feet up, the emotions appeal otions pale in comparison to the feeling of landing safe on the ground. >> you meet people who are children, who didn't have the basic necessities that we have todaynd that they had at that time because they werei lving under occupation. >> and at a tim wht u.sen the u is lrling wod war ii veterans
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at a rapid pace, he knows there won't be many mopp oortunities to share in the comradery of being in the military, and so he jumps and even long after the last veterans of the greatest generation are gone. cory smith,. news 4 >> that jump is scheduled for june 9th. >> u.s. service members will be euined by military personnel from our ropean allies. ws 4 at 6:00 starts now. >> announcer: news 4 begins with a storm team 4 weather alert. now at0, 6:0 scary skies as stormsash our region leaving behind fallen trees and damaged homes. here's what itok like in columbia, maryland as those storms moved in. pretty scary. >> that will get your attention, won't it? you think that's bad? check this out. this is video from a viewer in ellicott city. a viewer tweeted us this video w saying sheas sheltered in place.
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>> here's what it looks like after the storm. these are live pictures from chopper 4 which is flying over ijamesville in frederick county. you can see these stkems pac a serious punch. >> we begin live team coverage on the ground in frederick county. jackie bensen justre arrived the on the scene. we know several homes have been damaged. tell us what you're seeing there. >> reporter: we are in ijamesville. we're right under where you saw those choppertu pics. take a look behind me here. this home has been very severely damaged by multiple large tree limbs and pieces of trees that have come down on the ground. ioflost count how many big tree limbs fell here. i can tell you and you may want to passis along, we saw this all the way coming down the road. that's where we are right now in the 5000 block, we saw damage like this. this is the worst, bu
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