tv News4 Midday NBC June 5, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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new atmi ay, we're hearing from the d.c. man who followed a suspected rapist after hearing his neighbors scream. why he's not a hero. president trump honors service members who took part in the d-day landing 75 years ago. the words of another president that he shared today during the solemn ceremony. and it is a little on the cloudy side out there right now. but wve got a few light showers out there, more rain to come. we'll talk more about the timing of the rain. it is weather alert for today. that is coming u >> announcer: "news4 midday" starts now. good morning.
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i'm molette green. welddome to "news4 mi." >> i'm aaron gilchrist. we begin with breaking news on he roads. chopper4 over an accident on the inner loop of the beltway beforo esville road involving a truck. you see fuel leaking there on the ground. traffic is already starting to back up. crews areorkingo get one lane open. but if you can, you want to avoid the inner loop of the beltway nearil colesv road. maybe they have that lane open and a little bit of traffic starting to work by but obviously the back-ups are pretty severe at this point in that area. >> doesn't take long. oh, my goodness. we'll stay on top of that. and now to the wereaan d mentioned. storm team 4 tracking a risk of severe weather this afternoon ahead of the storms. we are in for a much warmer day and the return of a little bit of humidity. >> lauryn, get caught up. at do we need to know going into the afternoon? >> the good thing is that we have this cloud cover out there. a little bit of haze and that i coming from the pacific
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northwest. yeah. in smoke from wildfires pacific northwest. catching a rid and moving in here to the mitic atlant. so again a little bit of dirty moisture, i guess i should say, out there across the area as well as cloud cover. but you could seethis cloud cover helps to keep us me stabilized so i do believe that we'll have a threat for severe weather this afternoon. iut i think it is gong to be more isolated than widespread. 8 is the temperature now. that southerlywind will continue to pick up through the afternoon is also enhancing our humidity a little bit. so definitely feels on the muggy side out there. now we had a few showers tohe west. they're slowly moving east. when i say showers, light stuff. a few sprinkles trying to get into the beltway right now. all of this is weakening. but again you may have felt a few sprinkles and you may feel a few iyou are headed out today. but a couple of lile disturbances will roll by. so, again, we are expecting som possiblvere weather and i think really south and east is going to have the best chance to see some stronger storms. so we'll show you that in a
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future-cast. and let's talk about yoe wend because things are looking up. we have big changes. we'll talk about that coming up in 15 minutes. >> that is something to look foard to. thank you, lauryn. in just a few minutes, d.c. mayor muriel bowser will ask for help finding a 15-year-old'sll ki. maurice scott was shot and killed over memorial day weekend in southeast d.c. someone shot the teen outside of a convenience store. he was an honor student at somerset prep at 11:15 the mayor will give an update on the case and ask for the help to identify a suspect involved in the murder. we're learning more about the man accused of raping a 12-year-old in montgomery countries. wtop reports that james booker was able to work a construction ob at wheaton high school despite the history of felony charges. his past convictions for robbery and drug distribution should have barred him from being on school property or in contact with students. he's now charged with the rape of a 12-year-old grl who he
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picked up during a thunderstorm as she walked home from a nearby school. the two did not know each other. >>ct in the distri a suspected sexual predator is in jail. two cused of assaulting women in the same block in northwest d.c.we but now 're also learning the suspect has terdrized that neighborhoo before. police say that is 58-year-old lester wilkerson walking through an alley in the 1600 block of irving street last month. he is the suspect in two break-ins where women told we police they robbed and sexually assaulted. on monday a woman and daughter found themselves confronting a man in their home. >> i st instinctively turned around and hope i wouldn't be shot dead on the spot, unlocked the door and ran into the foyer and screamed even louder than i had before and for my daughter to run out. run, run, get out, get out. >> now ane ighbor heard the screams and followed wilkerson as he left down the. alley police tracked him down in the
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alley. records show wilkerson wasar sted in 2007 on kidnap charges on that same block and is still on court for that conviction. he only been out of prison for a month when the first break-in happened and has other assndlt abreak-in convictions going back to the early '80s. jackie bensen heard from the neighbor who followed wilkerson. he said, quote, when i heard my neibor scream for help, and saw him fleeing their house, i instinctively knew i couldn'tlo alhim to get away. the neighbor told benson he does not considerhimself a ro. he said, i think my neighbor is the hero for getting herself and her daughter out of the house. we're tracking new developments now in the virginia beach mass shooting. city leaders are mulling over what to doith the municipal building where a gunman killed 12 people last friday. > while the rest of the sprawling complex has reopened, building two, the scene of the mass shooting, remains closed
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and all nonessential staff who work there have not returned to work. >> meanwhile, a memorial service just wrapped up for a employee in sha shooting. chris is live there with the latest. >> reporter: aaron and molette, we are here at the stafford county armed services memorial and moments ago a sad tribute to th former director of public works here, christopher kelly rapp as well as the1 others killed last friday in virginia beach. it ended with a bagpiper playing amazing grace. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: when chs rapp moved to virginia beach he joined a band called the tight water pipes and drums. band members say music always brought a smile to his face. christopher rapp leaves behind
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his wife betsy and parents. stafford countyeaders are paying tribute to the of he vicims ll bthe gunm whoy died orafter m anem exchange of gunfire with police. >> well, i would say it is a very emotional time for all of us. he was with us about two years but the type oferson that just grew on you. to see him just a kind and gentle unassuming man to leave the world the way e did is horrific. >> report: now attendees here wore these purple ribbons and were asked to wear blue in support of virginia beach. virginia beach planning ai mem for all 12 victims tomorrow that will be attended by virginia governor ralph m nortnd many others. that is the latest live from stuford conty, virginia, back to you. >> chris gordon live for us. thank you. today family and friends are holding a funeral for prince
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george's countyolice officer davon mckenzie killed in a crash last week on the beltway. in addition to being a patrol officer, he w also a school resource officer at william wart middle school in riverdale. his funeral service started at 11:00 a.m. at spirit of faith christian center in brandywine. right now the maryland state board of public works is meeting and planning to vote on a llproposal to add t lanes along i-270 in maryland's side of the beltway. the vote would allow private mpanies to bid on the $11 billion project. it is an idea conceived by governor larry hogan but not without controversy. some are pushing for alternative ideas like improving traffic flow on other roads that connect to the beltway. adam ortation reporter tuss is at the meeting in annapolis and follow him on twitter for the very latest. also happening today, an offingal ground-brea for a roject aimed ateasing congestion near fredericksburg. it will extend the 95 express
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uth to keep es traffic moving. project managers say it will also improve safety. the area has been described as one of the worst bottlenecks in our region. president trump is wrapping up his state visit to the united kingdom and his visit has been full of pageantry, politics and protests. >> the president spent the morning at an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of d-day which is home. here is news4's jay gray. >> reporter: good afternoon. you know the commitment, the of so and the sacrifice many from d-day is evident wh really overming from the moment you set foot on the solemn grous. ay those soldiers, sailors and airmen honored from the place where tens of thousands left for the invasion, port smith, england. president trump, the queen of england and the dignitarills frm ae ad nation gathered as
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part of a sirm -- ceremony to honor those who give their livtr. president p reading from a prayer that franklin d. lt rooseve shared in a radio address during the insion. >> they will lead thy blessings for the enemy is strong. he may hurl back our forces, but we shall return again and again. and we know that by thy grace and by the righteous of our cause our sons will triumph. >> reporter: final preparations underway here and you couldbfeel of a tension with the crews trying to get things together. wanting to make sure that everything goes off just as planned, that things are perfect gave o honor so many who their lives. that is the latest from here in normandy, france, jay gray, back to you now. >> such a stunning background to jay gray there. >> wonderful tribute over the next few days. we have new information this demorning on a ty arrested for
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welcome back. you're looking at some live pictures coming from chopper4 from an accident scene as you could see obviously a fire ir vehicle, adepartment vehicle involved in a -- it looks like a minor collision with another truck but we're told at thist poere are some medical evaluations happening. that infortion from the montgomery count fire department. this is at the intersection of powder mill road and new hampshiravenue, right off the beltway here. some lanes as you could see are lyblocked, traffic slow getting by to one side. as the scene is just starting to be evaluated and folks are being
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evaluated as well. if we learn more information before the end of the broadcast we'll bring that to you. new information in this morning. a flu judge has ordered a former sheriff's deputy to stay behind bars for now. >> scot peterson was the school resource officer at marjory stoneman douglas high school. he is accused of standing outside of theschool while a gunman killed 17 people. peterson was arrested yesterday and charged with child neglect and culpable negligence and perjury. investigators s despite hearing the gunshots he refused to investigate and ordered other officer ato stay 500 feey from the building where the shooting was happening. aearent of on of the 17 people killed praised investigators. >> needs to serve aif letime in prison for not going in that day and taking down the threat and that led to the death of our loved ones. >> now the judge said peterson
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has to stale in jail until he surrendered his passport and post a $102,000 bond. he is facing 11 charges after a 14-month investigation. new this morning, we've learned the man shot by police in anne arundel county has died. chopper4 flew over thriscene on fay near route 50. 56-year-old martin goodierrom bowie was a firefighter. police say he was armed with a knife, threatened officers and did not follow commands. lice shot him. he was taken to the hospital where he died on tuesday. an autopsy is scheduled for today. a news4 i-team investigation exposed lack of records an failure to investigate special police officers after repeated complaints from the public. >> now that could change with new legislation to take responsibility away from d.c. police. investigative reporteri jod fleischer has more on what the i-team uncovered.
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>> we've been trying to follo the mpd paper trail since last december but there isn't it five months for the agency to tell us they had no complaints against special police officers but they didn't keep tck or investigate them. they sent the complaints to the security companies that employee the officers and letting them police themselves. it all started with this video. amin willson said his encounter with an officer changed his life forever. >> he was verynd aggressive a not a person you want to run across. >> reporter: other residents and guests at the frederick douglas apartments in southeast had similar encounters with simon. they all say he pepper sprayed them and then had them arrested saying they assaulted him. prosecutors dropped alle thre cases and all three tied to file complaints against the officer. >> i called back to followup, no answer or noan hing. >> reporter: the i-team had trouble getting answers too.
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st filed a freedom of information requack in december and mpd finally responded in april. w ak after we aired three news stories on simon's behavior, including new lawsuits from the citizens. >>fficer simon we would like to speak with you. >> reporter: he didn't want to answer questions and at the time mpd didn't either, denyin our request for complaints against simon calling it an invasion of persnal privacy. it took another month and a half dozen more emails for the agency to admit it did not maintain a f record complaints made against spo's. >> if you have three people with those complaints and it goes bto the ether, that is a ken>> reporter: we shared mpd responses with d.c. councilman charles allen who chairs the public safety committee and he was particularly concerned about the revelation that any complaints received were referred to the company for which the subject spo was employed. >> that doesn't tend to lead t gooutcomes. >> police police officers could arrests on and make
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the property they are designed to protect, a private arm of metro police but the citizens who complained about the officer told us spore complaints a not handled like those against mpd officers. >> if we don't have accountable for those individuals it will remain unchecked. >> reporter: mike tobin runs the office of police complaints investigating mpd officers and now councilman allen has moved legislation to move spo complaints to that office too but it is already stretched thin two two dozeneems handing 800 case a year. >> wenyon't know how ma resources we need to allocate. >> reporter: he said mpd should be tracking every use of force by a special police officer like it does for actual mpd officers. >> today i'm proud to introduce with unanimous cointroduction from my colleagues, the special olice officer over sig amendment act of 2019. >> reporter: councilman allen hop greater accountability will breed greater trust from
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the community. >> it will make sure that residents have confidence if they have a concern or been abuse of power, they now have an outlet. reporter: these three citizens came forward hoping their story would make a difference and the new legislation is a great first step. >> toen happ to somebody else and before it does i want it stopped. >> reporter: the entire d.c. council signed on to support the new legislation and mpd said they started tracking complaints about spo's after we asked out itd so we filed a new records request a month ago to see how many complaints there were this ye mpd has not jet responded. jodi fleischer, nbc4 i-team. have you been at a fon way stop ad had to wave the other driver to go. i know. i'm the one that goes usually. well that could bean chng thanks to technology. >> automakers are racing to deploy new technology to allow cars to talk to everything around them basically. transportation report adam
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tuss has an up close look at how this would work. >> reporter: cars are getting smarter. we know that. but how about cars that not only talk to one another and talk to traffic signals, but they also talk tou. for instance, as the scooter comes from out oig s -- >> we can't see who is co from the side but as we pull up here, we could see that we got a messa here on our system, there was a lot of beeping and on our heads up display depending on the light that there is a scoot thaer we needed avoid. >> reporter: this is ford's latest rollout whi should be in car in about three yearsca led cvx. >> it does everything. >> reporter: that is right. everything ound you like a lane closed for construction or a pedestrian that simply wants to cross the road. all talking to thecar. and it could also help with some, let's just say, less than cordial situations. >> so we've all been in thisio scenarhere you come to a
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four-way stop and nobody knows who will go first and all of the cars are counicating and that one gets the greenll dot and te this is one to go and now this one getse green dot to tell it to go because those cars were here before we were in the intersection. we're still at the stop and now told to go and we get to go through and everybody is safe. >> reporter: and the connected car drivers are being asked to enter into an agreement note to br the rules or else they y could possibl be reported. we have a first-land look on a closed d.c. parking lot, they insist this isn't pie in the sky but there are hurdles to clear. >> the reasons we're here in d.c. to talk to policymakers because our technology is not allowed to operate within that spectrum. >> reporter: today a sign of the changing times as the car industry shifts to the next gear. in the district, adam tuss, nbc4. >> okay. what do you think? >> amazing what the machines will do.
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welcome back. look at -- you might get dizzy looking at this. you could imagine? there is a 75-year-old woman spinning in the air. he apparently had fallen on a trail in arizona and had to be airlifted out. the basket pulling her started spinning out of control. you could see it there. firefighters who work on the helicopter say they tried to use an extra cable so it wouldn't happen. just didn't work this time. >> oh, my goodness. >> as you would imagine, the woman in the basket complained about dizziness when this was all
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but she wa seriously hurt from the fall or from the ride to the hospital. >> she's got a story to tell. >> and we hear about -- i remember after the navy yard shooting hearing about people airlifted in a stretcher like that and you see the coastuard rescues and usually the cables will keep them from spinning because they are -- connected on two sides. >> didn't happen here. >> they had a down draft. that is what i'm thinking. because there are so manys rescued helicopters have down draft and that is what they stead the culprit of that was. >> and i think they said they do 200 of these rescues and that is the only second time that happened. >> wow! i'm glad she's >> i am too. >> so -- >> we're okay today. listen, i'm -- a little bit. looks good. >> it looks gross outside but the cloud cover is keeping us stab so i don't think we'll have widespread severe weather. i think there could be one or two storms that pop that could h bringvy downpours. i do believe there is goincato be sered showers out there
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later on this afternoon and tonight. but don't think we'll see widespread severe weather acros. our area that does look ominous out there. but, again we have light showers and a live wave passing by our area so you saw showers thisorning west of d.c. and a few showers around the d.c.rea but they are light showers and a few sprinkles but that is about it. so, scattered showers and storms this afte oon. a few of those could be strong. and that is why we're weather alert. anything we do see definitely bringing heavy rain. that us why the humidity is a little bit. so of course that humidity has to go somewhere and it has to come down in heavy rin form. but we're staying hot and humid tomorrow. friday and saturday the humidity drops and i'm dropping rain chances for friday and saturday. so, again,ere is a look at light showers out there right now. a few sprinkles across the area. nothing really to write home about. buten you widhis back out and, again, we have disturbances to flow by this weekend over the
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mountains and runningto in more stable air. so scattered showers and thunderstorms and some could be strong. not looking like it did nday with all of that hail. again, heavy rain and some strong winds will be the main culprit. currenttemperatures, stuck in the 70s and low to mid-80s for daytime highs today and any time after about 3:00 we'll se rt to sesome storms. so if you areeaded down to eats park, hopefully you're on the road becaus that game is at 1:05 and it is 11:30 taking on the white sox and people are asking, most of the game will be dry. y have to worry about later innings for scatter showers and storm. and we have aus -- we have usa j playingaica tonight. we'll talk about that coming up. >> we have plans. thank you, lauryn. white house summit. the work ing done to try to solve the escalating trade dispute with mexico as some of therepuicans tugain t tariff plan. >> days after a local couple in the dominican republicord of
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>> announcer: you're watching "news4 midday." new developments in the investigation of a deth of a local couple in the dominican republic and we know a third eserican died days earlier. >> all three cauf death are the same. and while the third person was staying at another hotel, both properties were owned by the same company. nathaniel holmes and cynth day from prince george's county died of respiratory failure on may 30th. police say carbon monoxide poisoning may be lame. they were staying at the bahia principal hotel.-y ear-old miranda schaup-werner of pennsylvania had a drink from the mini bar and then collapsed. her cause of death also has been
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listed as respiratory failure. the deaths occurred five days apart. despite explanations from the dominican authorities, neither family is satisfied. >> i know for a fact that my sister was not sick, and i know for a fact that she was healthy and i know t for a factat she did not take blood pressure medication. i know for a fact. >> both families pn on having autopsies conducted once the bodies are returned to the u.s. lnews4 broke this storyst week and we're staying on top of it along with our partners at nd tele 44. the reporter is on his way to the dominican republic. you could see his reports here on nbc4 and on telemundo 44 starting later today. this afternoon mexican and u.s. negotiators will have a ee high-stakes mng at the white house. mexican leaders will try to convince the u.s. from slapping a 5% tariff on mexican goods. tracie potts reports a growing number of republicans want to stop the tariffs.
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>> reporter: mexico's foreign minister is bringing an immigration proposal to the white house today. he's hoping to convince vice president mike pence not to impose a 5% tax on mexican goods starting monday. >> we are going to have our best effort to avoid complications for tariffs situation next week. >> if they will meet the demands of the administration we don't need tariffs. if they don't, putri ts on. >> reporter: the meeting includes secretary of state and homeland security and the vice president chief of staff and a white house lawyer. president trump threatening tariffs escalating to 25% by october to force mexico to crack down on central american migrants crossing the border into the u.s. >> i believe that he will back off when faced with the opposition among business, among his own republicans and when he sees what adu move he's made. >> we're not fans of tariffs. we're still hoping that this could be avoided.
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>> reporter: repuicans may have the 20 votes needed to override a national emergency and stop the tariffs. >> i don't think they will do that. i think if they do it is foolish. >> reporter: doing so could also threaten billions in funding for the president's border wall. but the president tweets this morning that wall construction is already underway. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. we're working for your health this mning. is become common, friends and family and even ads encouraging to walk at least 10,000 stepsy ever day. but doctors say that number isn't based on scientific evidence. it actually came from a marketing strategy that sellspe dometers and don't we all havewh one someere in our house or desk drawer. new research shows older womenn only to walk half that distance to reduce risk of death by 41%. >> you know what, it is a good
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marketing campaign. they got us. >> it worked. >> and we're looking at -- just short of 10,00 now we're off the hook. if you are think being hoping -- opesng a busines but need to get into the room with the right people. we have a place for you. >> and a good shot in the arm. the money to make it woppen. we're ing for the community this morning. we have some details on an economic empowerment summit for minority women and it is happening this saturday. check it out.'r weright in the middle of lauryn's cooldown class. she left the legal field for her dream job ofeing a fitness coach. lauren, come talk to me. you got a grant to be able to ild up your business. how did it help you? >> i used the grant to hire a social specialist to ho in on my ideal climate and i made a transition to the health area and this grant helps me take my business to the next level. >> reporter: most women stsst
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busine in great numbers. the key is to give resources and she got what she nded from the national coalition of 100 black women and a powerful summit this weekend will help more business owners and people ding of starting their business. mary could tell us about the plan to help people. >> absolutely. we're super excited this saturday we're going to be ability to help women who want so start a bess or women already in business and as well as the bosses in business. >> reporter: i tha and it all starts saturday at 8:00 a.m. and people can still come if they haven't regstered. >> absolutely. on-site registration d we look forward to the people and social media -- >> reporter: i love it.f the business owners here. [ cheering and applause ] >> a good deal. >> a great idea. need a little help and ther it is. well he is used to delivering speeches at the state house. now maryland lawmaker knows how it feels to deliver a baby.
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a maryland lawmaker has quite the story to tell. take a look. house minority leader knick kip can i said his wife woke him up early inthe moring and told him to call the midwife, she's in labor. they're daughter didn't want to wait. healthy little girl himself. >> she said you need to call the midwife, which i did. and then she said, when i hung up, she said she isn't going to get here in time, you're going to have to deliver the baby. it just happened so quick. you don't have time to think about fear, you justo it. > look at this. you could see he and his wife have little helpers with the new
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baby. big brother loves her. look at that. the midwife did arrive about 10 minutes after the baby girl was born. the baby is so cute. >> he needs a hands-on dad, in more ways than one. i'm so great. >> well get ready for a blast from the past. another old nbc show getting the reboot treatment. ♪ >> lauryn ricketts is oving this. in case you don't remember that theme song, it is from punky brewster.0s '8 star soleil moon fry will ta resrt a boot and play a single mom trying to get her life back on track when she meets a young girl who reminds her of her younger self. no word on when the show will hit the small screen. >> oh, i love it. >> should be fun.
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a little nostalgia. >> i had a doll and everything. we loved punky in our house. >> it was a cartoon. >> it was -- in the middle there is a cartoon. but i also saw that sign that g said ei avocados for $1. >> that is so not now. >> so '80s. iove it. all right, guys, we're watching for storms later on this afternoon. i don't think they'll be all that bad becauseof the cloud cover out there now. but we are going to see a few out there. scattered showers and a few thunderstorms now some of those could be strong to severe. and it is not like we're in the clear. we're still going to get rain but agau we'll j not have widespread severe weather. nothing like on sunday when we had all of the hail around the area. but again, we'ds got the clou out there right now. and you could see a few rain showers, mainly to the south now. just some light ufst a few sprinkles and a few just inside of the district now. falling out. but widening out, a few disturbances passing the area.
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and showers thunderstorms. some few could be strong to severe. a lot of this will weaken as it goes over then mountains ait has the blue ridge and then, again, a few through the afternoon. other little e round late tonight and into the overnight hours. current temperatures out there right now, stuck in the 70s. daytime highs fromhe upper 70s to out west to the mid-80s. if you are headed to the usa game tonight, they're taking on jamaica at aldi field. i believe there could be isolated storms at 5:00, 6:00, if you are going to tailgate. and then by the afternoon -- or by the later game we are going toee probably after halftime maybe a stray shower or two but i don't think a lot of storms during that game. exceptg or possibly durinhe beginning of it and if you are tailgating. so here we go. after about 4:00, 5:00, that is when we see iy coming b so if you are going to that nats game, again we could have a few. we're dry at 6:30 and that is why a stray er or a storm out there and then a few passing showers as we get through the
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later evening and then again b morrow morning we're looking dry, thank goodness. and tomorrow most of the day is dry. about a 30% chance of seeing showers or thunderstorms. take the rain out of friday. yes, i did do athat, saturday, too. so friday and saturday look good. of course saturday is pride. m we'll talkre about that oeekend frecast and that stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger i..being a typical kid. despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier ... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger.
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welcome back. d.c.'s favo culinary tour dine and dash is back. the annual crawl raises moneyfo r world central kitchen to end hunger and poverty across the globe. now we have chef johan from del roy and michael saconi with ricky tnt and they are here for this event. thank you for coming in. chef, you have done dine and dash before. so tell us how it all works for those of us who have never done it. >> so it isma ang because world central kitchen from jose
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andres does a job of supporting poverty and hunger. this annual event has over 30 restaurants participating in penn quarter, on 14th street and then the wharf where tiki tnt is. ald you buy your ticket online and leave your wlet at home. >> you already got your ticket. >> and you sen shally -- essentially getto do a large bar crawl around.c. and try food and drinks from all of the restaurants. >> so you are excited. michael, jump in on this. >> we'r excited to be in a new neighborhood for dine and dash and expand it throughout the rscity. >> fi let's talk about the food. chef johan, what do you have for us here? what are you doing. >> i'llfave a bunch o different dishes to be able to try at toimoi and this is a green salad inspired by cambodia and we use a peppercorn. >> so go back. what all did you add in ere? have some wonderful sliced
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tngo and some mandolin rainbow carrots anden the crunch with the wonderfulrn pepp and then we have these amazing cashews that we make in house. they're wok tossed and then thai basil and they come together with a great dressing that we have with a little bit of fish sauce and lime juice. kind of mix it altogether and it is refreshing. and also the cambodian corn. a bunchref other dishes a going to be there. >> so we have the food right here. and then we havethe drink. michael, take it away. >> this is called tadda wants to be tit i sois tito's vodka and then sh have a distillery where we make thras rum. this is thrashers spiced rum and then to that we'll add a hibiscus, freshne piple and lime juice.
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>> okay. and when someone drinks that, should they just have one and me then get soood right away. >> i think you can do one or two. >> one or two? >> we have strongers cocktail on the menu as well. >> okay. it is really a refresng looking drink. >> i love this. >> people love this kind of stuff in the city. i mean, it's the -- the weathera is nice people want to eat and we have the best restaurants, i think, we've ever had in my life being a native washingtonian. sum this up, why it is exciting and the introducing new flavor. >> that is the exciting part because youet to try something from each restaurant. we have a lot of restaurants that are amazing in d.c. and this allows you to get a taste of maybe the restaurants you were thinking of going to but haven't had the time and to he ry single one and try different neighborhoods that you don't normally go to with this event. so it is exciting. >> i'm so excit about this. what is the name of this salad?
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>> it is a cambodian green mango salad. >> it is delicious. and let me tell you how you get on board. you pay and then don't take your wallet. dine and dash taking place on june 12th that will include 30 staurants in the penn quarter, the 14th street neighborhood and the wharf as well. ticke available at dine and thank you very much. keeping your pet safe. coming up, aeps to tke now just in case ur pet goes yo
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welcome back. i'm chuck bell. our pet segment today, a look at what to if your pet is lost. maureen sosa from the humane rescue alliance is here with the dos and don'ts on what to do and there are important first steps to take right away in case you lose your pet. but before we geto that, we art with our dog of the week. who do we have here. >> biscuit, one of our adoptable dogs. >> how old is bise'it. >> shabout 7 years old. >> and surrendered i'm guessing by people who couldn't take care of her any more. >> and we have here. >> and she's calm, cool and collected. she's coach potato mate'ial. >> sh my kind of dog. >> chicken and gravy and binguits, ready for anyt that involved dinner. >> absolutely. >> so 7 1/2 years old and just the sweetest little and all about a belly rub and a nice pat on the side so hopefully we'll have no trouble
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finding her. if you need a slightlylder dog and you don't want to be of dog walkinges and training, this is a great older dog who is readoptable and just a big fan of yours if you were to take them. . >> absolutely >> so give us the most important things of what to do and how quick if your pet becomes lost. >> so time is of t essence any time a pet -- pet goes missing. so calling your local shelter au soon as y notice your pet isn't home or in the yard or where it should bev, calling all of your local shelters is important. >> should you make sure they have a picture of your dog as well. >> yes. we will ask for a picture. a description and details,ch mic information and did they have a collar on. so all the details are important. the next thing is flyers. get a lot of flyers up and getting the word out in your neighborhood. rt the out. >> and if not in your -- wherever the dog was lost. because some dogs are amazing and the ability to find their way back home. if you did lose it in your back
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or front yard, notnly surrounding area where you lost the dog but i'm guessing any kind of a path from there back to your place baz animals are pretty clever about finding -- >> yeah, they move. just getting the word out there someonght be out walking your dog and see your dog and have no idea and then they see the flyer and make the connection and it could get thui back home qly. >> and the best way to ensure they get back to you is microchiping. >> absolutely. we encourage people to microchip when be get animals at the shelter. tat is the first thing we do, scan to see ifere is a microchip and that just will connect them to you. we could call and get yourat informn and get them back home right away. >> that is very important stuff for sure. there is a lot of great -- never a bat time to adopt a new time but this weekend is pride weekend here in washington. and you guys are running a special adoption rate because of that. >> we are. we're very excied for pride. and so this weekend we are running a special adoption
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protion, name your own adoption fee and we'reu enging everyone to come in and -- >> and so you if just won the powerball you name it a million dollars. but important thing is to make sure that as many dogs and cats and great little critters of th world could find a new home. so good luck to you with that. thisnd coming weeke a big clear the shelters event coming up in august as we try to adopt out tens of thousands nationwide, our partner between you and comcast corporate. so any time you could do anything to help us or help you with the dogs, that will be awesome. find out morenformation by going to or the nbc. washington a >> good tips there. thanks to chuck. lauryn, how is it looking? >> well it is looking on the cloudy and hazy side out there right now. listen, weather alert today. we'll have some scattered showers and thunderstorms, any time after 3:00. we're seeing sprinkles right now. isolated chance that some could be song to severe.
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for three things for severe weather, we have to have hail over an inch and i don't think l that wbe that big today. damaging winds, winds over 58 mile-per-hours or isolated tornados so we'll have wind and definitely downpours. so i don't think that widespread chance will be that big. tomorrow morning looking a little d out there. but maybe a 30% chance throughout the day. friday and saturday, mainly dry with a little bit lowerhu idity. so looking good for pride. we'll all be out there for thato see you saturday and sunday. small chances of rain on sunday and better chances monday and tuesday. >> thank you, lauryn. that is going to do it for "news4 midday." thanks for joining us. wre back on the air this afternoon first at 4:00. >> get news and weather updates any time with the nbc washington app. have a great day,'lverybody. wesee you back here tomorrow morning. 'r
12:00 pm
live in five, four, three, two, one. ♪ people -- [ cheers and applause ] >> you want to leave a footprint. i'm going to give you the foot print you need to leave. ♪ >> that wasn't even in slow motion. that's how it went down. how howie giving the golden buzzer. this showets us every time. >> welcome bac
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