tv News4 at 6 NBC June 6, 2019 6:00pm-6:50pm EDT
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construction equipment taking off. and then flipped on to its roof from the runway. chopper 4 just flew over the scene. this is the frederick airport. we're told two people who were on boardare okay. we're also covering some breaking news in the district. police have found at body ahe blue plains water treatment facility in southwest. d.c. water tells us the body was found beneath the ground in the filtration system. the spokesperson says the victim is not a d.c. water employee. we'll keep you updated aswe learn more. ,>> now to that mystery the dominican republic officials o are trying treassure tourists from around the globe that the a country is e. >> but today those same officials offer few answers about howam three icans died, including a couple from prince ty that were staying at a popular resort down there. we have team coverage for you tonight. >> erika gonzalez is monitori the new developments from our live desk. erika. >> doreen, tourism officials would not say whether they have
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seen a spike in trip cancellations to the dominican republic but reiterated as you said that the dominican repu is safe. many reporters asking when we'll get concret answers into how three americans died at different properties days apart from one another. that includes nathaniel holmes and cynthia day from prince george's county and the snnsylvania woman who died suddenly while was there vacationing with her husband. tourism officials say it will be atntleast a mo before toxicology reports are confirmed and we get some real solid answers. >> we've never had this happen before, to manage something like this and talk to the pressabout it because really we're the safest nation. coincidence or whatever happeneh in cases, some of them aree mor clearer than others for
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sure. we have to wait until the information comes back complete. >> recently a delaware woman poed on facebook that she was brutally beaten at a hotel in the dr and left for dead. however, tourism officials s e and her husband have given conflicting reports about what happened and demanded money before going public. so lots of questions and it could be still some time before we get those concrete answers. back over o you. >> erika, thank you. news 4 and telemundo 44 on the ground tonight in the dominican republic trying to get some of r those answ for you. we're going to check in with alberto who spoke wi local authorities this afternoon. that's comin up right here at 6:30. a new warning after a ild infected with the measles visits a local airport and some other crowded public places. virginia health officials tell us the child got measles after traveling out of the country, then arrived backou in region already sick and infected. they can't say much more than that because of privacy
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concerns, but we do have a detailed timeline of the places that child visited. that includes the terminal and baggage claim areas at dulles international airport this past sunday night. later that night the child went to the emergency room at the haymarket medical center, then on tuesday he was in the waiting room at inov affair oaks hospital in fairfax. me measles is a highly co tagtagio but spreadable disease. you can get it by being in the same room up to two hours after that person left tom ro symptoms are a high fever, cough, runny nose or a rash. this year's measles outbreak the worst in 27 years with more ts than 1,000 confirmed cases in the u.s. rjs a family expecting to gain a sense of csure
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instead left aou chouse with some fresh wounds in a case that's more than a ear-old. at the charged in the murder of a 16-year-old mt. vernon high school student declined the plea agreement th had been in the works for some time.ns jackie been was at that hearing and she joins us live with a closer look at this shocking twist today. >> reporter: jim, this had to be so difficult for them. the judge's surprise announcem jt came asly moussa's family was already in the courtroom expecting this ea. now they have to prepare themselves again for the agony of a trial. >> the suspect in the courtroom and the prosecutor told the judge he h a history of rtuctuating back and foh. with that, the man chared in the murder of 16-year-old joely moussa was sent back to his jail cell to await ial again. joely disappeared under mysterious circumstances from her home in early january of
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2018. her family including her twin sister were beside themselves with worry because it was so very out of character for her. >> she was doing my hair, then she stopped for a good minute to text some more. then out of nowhere, she was, like, i've got to go. >> after the discovery of joely's body in a fairfax county park almost two weeks later, her then 17-year-old boyfriend immediately became a susasct. helready facing charges of physically assaulting her a few weeks earlier. he was arrested in august of 2018 after he finished serving time for the earlier assault. police say he confessed to uring joely out of the house with a snapchat conversation the night she disappeared, then sent her twin a particulars usg her phone saying she'd gone to rich mon for a party. since joely's death, h family members ve become advocates, urging authorities across the u.s. to use caution in how they handle the cases of missing teenagers. >> when joely went missing, she was being called a runaway.
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en you hear the term runaway you get negative connotations of a child who is wild and loose and unruly and that was so not our child. >> a hearing will be held next week to decide a new trial date. the trial itself could now be au as two months away. live in fairfax county, jackie bensen, new >> jackie, thank you. turning to our weather, don't let the sunny skies out there at the moment fool you. some o you may need your umbrella this evening. doug is tracking it as well as this heat. doug, it looks perfectly fine t us. >> yeah. we saw a couple showers in spotsylvania county. that's it. the rest of us dry. actually not a bad night, but the heat is definitely on. we hit a high temperature of 90. that's the sixth 90 degree day so far this season. we've got a few more coming our way, but not anytime soon. as a matter of fact, big changes coming in the next couple of
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days. 88 right now. 86 hagerstown. 87 richmond. you mentiod the chance of howers way down south of fredericksburg. that's the only area we've seen. the rest of us haveeen on the dry side. unsettled to saynhe least parts of the southeast and all of that unsettled weather is moving our way. that means you will need the umbrellas and talking much cooler temper.ures too we'll talk about it. see you back he in a couple minutes. >> doug, thank you. they were so young and they remind us that bavery isot the absence of fear. it is moving forward despite the fear. ao it was on d-y 75 years ago. the soldiers, sailors and airmen of the allied expeditionary force stormed the beaches of dy norman and occupied france. their overall mission to liberate western europe from nazi tyranny. today among the very same beach where so much american bloodas spilled world leaders came to
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pay tribute to the world allies who change course of history. jay gray was at that ceremony. he joins us now from normandy. jay. >> reporter: good evening, jim. that ceremony has been over for a while. light rain and silence falling over these solemn grounds, a place that honors the memories of the men whose fearless dedication changed the course of history. sun rise on omaha beach, thepl ce where 75 years ago e thousands gav their lives for freedom. ut the mortar fire, the flyovers on this day are part of a celebration. thousands gathering to honor these rugged wurriors retning to a battle field that's now a sacred burial ground. >> it's good to be back. >> back with their brothers who didn't get the luxury of growing
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old. the more than 4,000 american whose died during the invasion were teenagers. >> thinking about all these that didn't have a girlfriend or wife and they haven't lived like i have lived all these yes. >> reporter: the sacrifice of all who fought here honored today by their chief. der in >> you are among the very greatest americans whoill ever live. you are the pride of our nation. you are the glory of our republic. and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. >> reporter: the gratitude shared by a new generation. service, courage, and strength. forever etched in stone here. you know, the cost of the fight here was really overwhelming, a
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debt that those of us who reap the benefits of their service and actions can never repay. well said. jay gray, thank you very much. just 4 years old at the a bedford, virginia woman remembers vividly the day her brother went off to war and the day that her mother learned he died. our northern bureau chief julie carey traveled there and we'll hear about little jack through the sise erft behind. >> the man who shot and nearly killed an alexandria police officer six years ago is back in jail tonight facing arson charges.hi police say b tried to set fire to the home and car of one of his caseworkers last june. and they say a subsequent search of his apartment turned up two handguns and silencers. news 4's derrick ward reports. >> reporter: the man who shot former zapped police officer back in 2013 was found not
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guilty by reason of ina nity. but beeshir is back in jail and rsoking at possible hard time on weapons and charges. last year he waseleased from a state mental institution and has been living on hisn. ow he couldn't travel more than 50 miles from his home and had daily visits from mental health caseworkers. today the brijudge heard enough testimonyrom the caseworker to go forward with the arson charge. oe ordered bashir and his attorney back to ct on june21 to hear about the weapons police found in his home. a violation of the terms of his release. bashir was able to purchase the guns legally. bashir's name was never entered into a statewide do not sell list which would have keptim om purchasing the guns. mr. leboy told me when she was
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recovered, he was deemed a disabled officer. police contacted him and within hours his badge and gun had been confiscated. ironic the man found not guilty by reason of insanity was able to get guns. albeit by mistake, he was able to buy themlegally nonetheless. deick ward, news 4. virginia state police are concerned bashir wasn't the only person inadvertentlykay to purchase a weapon aftergu not lty by reason of insanity a conviction. eparate investigation into that is already under way.wh we come back tonight on news 4 at 6:00, a fast food run turnsnto a fright nipg situati -- frightening situation for some local teenagers. >> and the whole thing was caught on camera. tell me your airport style. do you gly here e and wait or do you run right to the plane? i'm adam tuss. going to tell you the
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. while president trump was in normandy, he gave an interview to fox's laura ingram slamming ancy pelosi. >> the full interview has not yet aired, p but thesident also appeared confused about the status of special counse robert mueller who has yet to testify before congress. >> do you mine -- mind if he testifies? before you said you didn't care. >> what people don't understand, the letoer he had t do to straighten out his testimony because his testimony was wrongi nancy pe i call her nervous
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nancy, nancy pelosi doesn't talk about him. nancy pelosi is a disaster. she's a disaster. >> again, robertmu eller has not testified. the cemetery behind the president containsthe remains of nearly 9,400 american service members who died onench soil during the normandy landing and the battles that followed. in an interview with nbc'sdr mitchell, speaker pelosi declined to criticize the president. she focused instead on the large bipartisan congressional delegation that traved with her to normandy. 1/3 of them are veteran another day of tariff talks with mexico. no deal to report yet. still u.s. officials are ot striking a n of optimism that a deal can be reached before monday when president trump's threatened tariffs would go into effect t still, he h final word. craig boswell is tracking the negotiations andjoins us with the latest. hi,eraig. >> do how you doing? good to talk to everyone. another round of talks that ust got under way at the white ey house, t move now from the
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white house over to the state departmene at the whithouse sarah sanders says as of now these tariffs are on for monday. >> mexican soldiers blocked hundreds of migrants including families crossing into southern mexico bound for the u.s. border. just one example of what mexico says it is doing to cut off illegal immigration at th border. president trump says it is not enough, threatening to punish mexico with tariffs beginning monday. >> we've told mexico the tariffs > the president traveling in europe dismissed republican opposition in congress. >> a lot of people, senators included, they have no idea what they're talking abou when it comes to tariffs. >> in washingt u.s. and mexican negotiators talked for a second day. >> yes, we have been making progress. so far no deal. >> we need mexico to do more. my hope is as these discussions continue that mexico wll step up.
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>> the threatened 5% tariffs escalate to 25% by october, o increasing cs for american consumers, not just on fruits and veggies.e th u.s. imports cars, blue jeans, tvs and medical equipment. >> mexico is our strongest, our biggest market for export of goods and services from the united states. my argument is why mess that up when it's going so well. >> on another front. >> i think china wants to make a deal badly. >> but the president threatened china with more. >> you mean wher i am going to put the extra $325 billion worth of tariffs? i will make that decision i would say ov the next two weeks. >> trade talks between washington and beijing collapsed last month. president trump will meet with thene chise president at the g20 meeting later this month. >> craig, thankyou. if you're in the road for 4th of july holiday, relief is at the pump.
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aaa tells us prices could fall 10 cents a gallon and the summ prices may have already peaked. nationally the average cost of a galon of gas sits at $2.70. the wild card, though, and it's a big one, those trade tensionsa could imp prices. here's a story we're all talking about. when it comes to the airport, how early do you like to get there? do you allow yourself plenty of time so it's calm or do you wait until the last minute and the walk right on to the plane? it's a debate that can split a family apart and transportationa reporter tuss is finding out there are lots ofe travel on both sides. >> there are two types of airport travelers in this world. those w get to the airport early. and those who don't. early or late, what is it? >> late unfortunately. >> early. very early. a flight is at5 ti:30. i'm heret 1:00.
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>> the atlantic wrote a report punctuality.igm of how early is early? hour? two hours? day before? >> i would say i like to get an enur and a half. >> donna's fri is the opposite. last minute. listen to this situation she found herself in while racing for a flight. >the cab locked my baggage in the trunk. they locked the car keys when they stopped to get gas. >> stop it. >> yeah. they locked the trunk keys. the policeman tried to shoot it open. >> he tried to shoot it open? >> yes. >> somehow sue made that flight with her luggage. psychologists have actually commented on this. the early arriver is not any different. we're all just trying to cope with the anxiety of a stressful
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situation like flying in different ways. we heard from families whe husbands and wives will take separate cars because one wants to be early and theot er late. mia is a late arriver. she has nothing against the early bids, it's just that she burned yet. >> everybody thinks i'm ridiculous. >> how close are we talking? do you ever just walk straight o the plane? >> usually with about 5 or 10 minutes to boarding. >> and let's just say i don't disagree. as for me, don't be surprised if you see me running hrough the airport at reagan national. adam tuss, news 4. >> just remember to top at the hecurity check points. >> i like t plan, take different cars. >> can't agree, don't let the other person stress you out. if you or k somebody youow has a garden, you want to listen to this. >> a rare and tiny inect is threatening some of your favorite foods before they can even get off the vine. the precaution officials want you to take to keep it from spreading. we're almost to the weekends
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the big carriers are talking about their current 5g roll outs, but their efforts are limited to a few pockets in select cities or trying to convince consumers that 4g actually 5g. they're neglecting small towns and rural communities, leaving them on the wrong side of the digital divide. if approved, only the combined availableresources of t-mobile and sprint can dumiver on all the specands needed to quickly bring unprecedented 5gheonnectivity across tation.
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it looks like doug is kind of bored if we don't have any weather drama. i thought it was perfectly lovely today. >> i'm glad. for me -- >> be bored. we like it when you're bored. >> i like a lot of action. it has been a boring day and i tnk we're moving into a boring period here weather it's good for everybody. we hit 90 today. this is the sixth day so far ts year of 90 degrees. that m if my summer forecast is correct, we have 4490 degree days to go everybody. i'm not predicting any of them for the next ten days.
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we're moving into an unsettled pattern. this is not a seen we're going to see for a while. sunshine skd blue s, i don't see that happening again until maybe the middle of next week. we've got a lot of clouds moving our way right now a gorgeous afternoon. it's hot. 88 degrees. we did hit that 90 degree mark. still sitting close to 90 in some areas. 88 right now in manassas. 86 over towards huntingtown. everybody into the mid to upper 80stoday. a really nice afternoon. it's been humid too, but nothing like what we normally get in july or august. we're not talking that kind of heat. right now nothing on the radar. e do have showers moving south of fredericksburg, but they'rein contito move south. another boundary to the north. you can see a few shower there is too. wot going to see any of that. what i mean by the unsettled pattern, just take a look. look at all the clouds from close to colorado all the way to the ocean here, to the atlantic. very rainy pattern. a lot of flooding goingn right now into parts of arkansas,
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parts of oklahoma. that unsettled pattern is moving our way. we're going to see a lot more in the way of cloud cover. lots of clouds. chance of showers just about every single day. no real heat anytime soon. we're going to be below average for most of next week. tomorrow, though, above84 avera. 85 on saturday. then we really see that unsettled pattern move in. 77 for a high on sunday. cal t capital pride weekend, half and half. 83 coming up on monday. chance of showers again on monday. maybe a thunderstorm. i've got the rest of the 10-day forecast for you as well. thfe's a couple o cooler days. cool? relatively speaking. 84. average high is >> yeah. that sounds okay to me. >> yeah. thank you, doug. it's the story that has sparked international intrigue. three americans die aythin of each other at the same resort. >> now their families want to know what happened in thpu dominican ic.
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news 4 and telemundo 44 the only station in town with a reporter on the ground asking the tough questions tonight. i'm tracee wilkins. coming up on news 4, some answers ay they want after their teen sons were after their teen sons were chased away from this popeye after their teen sons were chased away from this popeye ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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pope . now at 6:30, caught on camera, a group of local students say a securityuard pulled a weapon on them outside a popeye's in capital heights. >> the teens say the guard racially profiled them and refused tot them into the restaurant. >> prince george's county bureau chief tracee wilkins has reaction from one of the teens' parent and the security guard's employer. >> you can judge a book from its cover. you have to read the book.
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>> reporter: these parents say their son who is an honor a student his friends were racially profiled saturday night at this popeye's. >> he's in a plgram and he graduate high school with an society associate's degree. he's a 4.0 student. >> these teens did a double take afer they were told by security that the popeye's was closed. when they saw others goh in, tey questioned therdsecurity gua. things took a turn. >> here's how one mom explains it. >> he just told them to back up, get out of e, fac backup. the next one he pulled out his weapon. >> the kids ran thinking the guard was pulling a gun from his holster. a spokesperson says that was not a gun in his holster, it was a taser and he does not have a license for a gun. in a statement the spokesperson went on to stay it was an unfortunate situation. f i feel bad the parents. no one was harmed or injured and iwill let the police sort this out. the parents of one of the kids
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has filed a police report and complaint with popeye's. ayeyey sntth b wealieve h te n fired from all security until he can get some proper training. >> those are my kids. they play basketball. they are scholars. th know that they were looked at as potential ugs or something other than what they were, it made me upset. >> reporter: prce george's ounty police are continuing their investigation into this incident, but as it stands, they say it appears the security guard was operating within the law and that popeye's had a right to close the door to customers if it chose to. capital heights, i'm tracee wilkins, news 4. dominican authorities answered questions for the first time today a dout theth of three americans, including a couple from prince george's county. they insist the island is safeo tourists and say we won't deaths t caused those until toxicology tests come back in about a month. it is news that is doing to
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little calm relatives and tourists alike. news 4 and telemundo are in the don tonight. alberto joins us live with what he's learned so far today. alberto. >> reporter: hey, jim. first, we are right outside of the office of the attorney general here in the dominican republic. this is the agency that is ading this investigation. just today they've released some new information, but there was nothing new in there that could hed some light on this mystery. the dominican government is facing the press today in a barrage of questions about the passing of three american tourists in this resort. we asked the minister of tourism is this all a coincidence? he says the truth is this is sad, but this unfortunately happens. peop die in hotels. today in a news conference the highest tourism official in the country says no judgment can be
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made until the investigation is finished. on may 30th nathaniel holmes and cynthia day from prince george'd county were fead in a room. they refused the preliminary results of the autopsy and they nclude a long list of medical notes, but they died of respiratory failure. dominican police telling us on camera there was no violence involved. we also asked tourism officials here how long until the investigation is completed. ioen are we going to have this final investigat >> the doctors have told us that it takes bout a month. >> she also sent this message to american tourists. >> minican republic is still a very safe nation. over 2.7 million americans come every yearo the dominican
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republic. >> so today the minister of tourismco was asked if this d affect a number of visitors to this island and the only thing he said is that they can only stick to the truth and they can only talk to the media and share the details they have in this situation. just share the truth with the media. that's what the minister has said earlier today. tim and doreen, back to you. >> the truth -- the facts are what we're still waiting for. albert, to thank you. we have more information on some of the complicated medical terms used in today's autopsy report. >> we talked to nbc news medical correspondent tofy clariome of the information rsegarding the recent death of a pennsylvania woman and the couple from prince george's county. >> what the autopsy showed is the individual woman died from a heart atiack. t also showed us that the couple when they died it resulted from pulmonary edema
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meaning a buildupf fluid inside the lungs. they also found pain medication in their room. that pain medication, the combination, could cause these type of symptoms, but so could other thing, other types of poi poisons. we think some type of poison, some kind of injection caused their symptoms and ultimately their death. have to wait for the full autopsy report including toxicology results to fine out exactly what caused that. >> dr. torrez said based on the report,ru officials have not d out the possibility of foul play. stay tuned for more on the developing story tonight on nbc nightly news and then again on news 4 at 11:00. she was just attle girl when her brother died for his country. how she's honoring her brother's memory 75 yers to the day since he and thousands of his fellow soldiers fought bravely in the d-day vasion. >> also ahead we have a heads up if you have a garden, a pesky
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virginia is trying to stop the threat a species that threatens e state's wine industry. the state has established a quarantine aimed at containing the spotted lantern fly. thrivi winchester and frederick counties. officials are trying to keep it from moving east. now you'll need a permit to move items like potted plants or dog county.utside the agriculture workers also want you toheck your trees and tell them if you see anythi that looks suspicious. for the first time the mgm
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cano at national harbor has a year-to-year decline in gaming revenue. our news partners with wtop reports the casino netted just may.$59 million in that's down from last may. maryland gaming officials said hey're not worried about the drop. the news coming a week after mgm announced 62 people at national harbor would lose theio bs as part of company wide layoffs. half a century after a controversial police raid on a new york city guy bar, the nyps ha issued an official apology. the city's police commissioner was talking about the raid at the stonewall inn this happened ai years ago this month. he called the rd and the law at the time discriminatory and said, quote, the tions takenby the nypd were wrong. speaking of which, d.c.
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celebrates capital pride this weekend. be sure to look for all of nus saturd -- us in saturday's parad and sunday's festival. there's the mayor right there. you can learn more about all the events soyo u can map it oall ot in our nbc washington app. rcjust seah pride guide. >> always a fun event. as the world marks 75 years since the d-day invisioasion, w remembering some of the people who gave everything. >> and for oneirginia woman the day hits home. >> i said where has he gone to and she said he's gone to heaven. >> how she's determined to keep her older brother's memory alive. hot and humi t doug'scking when we can see doug'scking when we can see our next chance for
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and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and ifb,ou've had tb, hepati are prone to infections, or ve flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citratfree. he to you.
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this is the xfinity sports desk. >> drama free day almost at mini camp. >> that's correct. guys, i have a question for u. hat are signs of a good leer? >> setting a good example. >> yes. >> precisely,. doreen ding, ding. so one of the big things for me personally is buying co-workers doughnuts, the big oor f me. that shows leadership. but as doreen said, putting in that extra effort and that's what redskins rookie quarterback dwayne haskins has been doing. ive been the last offe player on the field for all three days at redskins mini camp. you love to see that. meanwhile, josh inrman sh his leadership qualities off the field. shrree burruss has the details. >> redskins mini camp ends with one veteran making his presence known. josh rman kicking off two passes in two days. what he's doing off the field is
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even more. in march normanve out thousands of cases of water to families in need in flint, mi higan. >> why not get involved in something that is pretty much the lowest poverty area when you look at it geographically in the united states of america. >> then in apr traveled to xas. he visited the mexican border helping provide resources for asylum-seeking family. >> we have a border s.crie i've been over there to try to help the kids. they want fedom. you know what i'm saying? you've got to be concerned about. let's cuthem a break. habits and where they're living in, we should be serving them the most necessary necesr,ties. wat bed, food. we put on our shoes and go to
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work. don't even have a cot to sleep on. understand there's a lot of people out there worse off. >> josh plans to visit afghanistan and his hometown in south carolina to build an after schoolacility. from redskins park, sherree burruss, news 4 sports. >> thanks, sherree. other news out of redskins park, the team asigned their third round pick, former ohio state receiver, teammate with dwayne haskins. the redskins ha now signed all ten of their draft picks. the red hot nationals down san diego facing the padres tonightnsnd with nine wi in their last seven games, the nats deserve to reward themselves with a san diego staple, somel caifornia burrito. if you don'tkn w, it's your normal burrito, but filled with french fries and tastes like happiness. at's right. yeah. that's exactly what happiness tastes like. natsns fa full of happiness
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thanks to trey turner's walkoff. tonight they start a six game road trip beginning with the pads. patrick corbin on the mound. first pitch, 10:10 p.'s the l e quarterfinals.d 17-year-ol from new jersey taking on samona halep with match point and wins. the 17-year-old wins in straiht set, 6-2, 6-4. the youngest woman to reach ara gnd slam final since venus williams in 1997. game five of the stanley c final, the blues and bruins tonight. boston trying to take a 3-2es seri lead. you can watch it here on nbc 4 followed by news 4 at 11:00. i want to show you this last thinto the rap took a 2-1 seaies d against the warriors, but that's not what everyone is
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