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tv   News4 Today  NBC  June 8, 2019 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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n nnz. >> announcer: "news4 today" starts now. 8:00 on this saturday morning. following for you, yeah, streets shutting down soon for another capital pride parade. we're getting you ready. >> and the president ends the tariff standoff with mexico saying they're fixing the border crisis. and learning more about the problems beneath a pavement that caused a terrible geyser at a maryland complex. good morning and welcome in on this saturday orning. thank you so much for being with us. i'm adam tuss. looking at a bright start to our saturday. possibly a few raindrops depending where you are and if traveling, check in with lauryn ricketts. the pride parade, we got soccer
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games. we got farmers' markets. all going on. >> all going on on this saturday morning and really not a bad saturday morning to do anything outside. sunday, maybe a little different. again, a few sprinkles possible mainly to the south. talking about northern neck, even south of fredericksburg, re but it you'traveling especially virginia beach and north carolina, that's where yoh d into rain as the frontal system draped itself across north carolina right now.h rain well to south, but eventually that rain moves to the north. peeks of sunshine for u closer to home. again, we'll have clouds out there today and i think mainly clouds out there, but, again, so.e sun at times 60s and low 70s. cool out in the shenandoah valley. made need a light jacket this morning. 82, headed to that, the breezy side and rain to the south. stays sew the south. gardening tips today, butterflies actively laying eggs
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on milkweed, theclusive food store. plant these to get a little mort brfly action. rain is coming tomorrow. time it out. >> what a tip. thank you. this morning nbc sponsoring a walk for pancreatic cancer. many of our team and more walking the 5k course to help raise awaeness andupport those fighting that type of cancer. and live at freedom park this morning. festivities under way. good morning, eun. >> are you guys ready? >> reporter: adam, good morning! team nbc and telemundo 44 assembled here at freedom plaza for the purple stride walk to end pan crazy kanscreatic cance. ul wonderf event and the stage just announced doreen gentzler
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as the emcee. you see teambc 4 assembled here and we are really here for our belov friend and colleague joe krebs diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and still fighting this deadly disease. here with his family and in orters and going to walk this walk today. and we, his nbc 4 family, is going to walk with him. not only for this event today, for the entire battle againstre pancic cancer. you know, pancreatic cancer one of the deadliest forms of cancer. 95% of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer don't have a long chance of living's so it's not just our community but a large community of supporters and advocates and survivors and family members are here to raise awareness and raise funds to e.ght this dise i think this turnout is fantastic. the weather is fantastic and we're here to be with joe krein. dog it for him.
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adam, back to you. >> as we heard earlier, joe krebs is actually doing well in his diagnosis. that is good news with that report. capiisl pride happening th weekend. finally here. thousands expected to pack streets across our region and, of course, that means traffic closures you need to know about. startst jusst of dupont circle marches through the streets ends near logan circle. several roads in that area shut down much of t afternoon and evening. plan on going down there, parking is tight. metro is yourt. bet speaking of the parade, nbc 4 and telemundo 44, yeah, been there before. before there again working for yo before festivities begin. learn more about all the events and map it out in our nbc washington app. search is pride guide. we've got it allor you there. such a fun time. heads up also for metro riders in virginia. work on the silver line extension closes a busy station through the end of the weekend.
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metro shuts down the wheelie reston east station today and tomorrow. all so crews can connect the existing track with the new part of the line eventually taking passengers into loudoun county. the six new stations are expected to op next year. meantime, metro says it will run fr shuttle buses. this to get y around the closure. also tell you this morning, expecting to learn more about that maj deal in politics between the trump administration and mexico to avoid tariffs in exchange the u.s. says mexico will launch a big campaign cracking down on migrants at the southern border. last night tde presi tweeting that mexico agreed to take strong measures. if it deal had n been reached president trump planned to impose a 5% tax or goods monday. with epublicans disagreed the plan. highlights according to the state department. asylum seekers crossinged border in u.s. rapidly returned to
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mexico. mexico allowing people into their country for humanitarian reasons awaiting assume lu inin claims pe.ocessed ther the deal will be re-evaluated in 90 days. this is in our nbc washington time 8:06. new this morning, a man found shot to death inside a car involved in a crash in annapolis. take a look. what we know so far. policefalled for report o a shooting on fars drive near newtown drive. they found a man inside the car who was shot and dead. so far no arrests made and we'll post the latest in our nbc washington app when we get more. also learning more about a disturbing murder/suicide that happened here in northwest d.c. officers called to ae on wyndham place for a welfare check yesteay morning.
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we're told police actually had to force their way in to the house and found 51-year-old jason reiff holding a gun. authorities tried to talk tbuhim he later shot himself and died. police searched the home and found his wife as well. 45-year-old lola golamova shot and killed there also. neighbors who knew the couple say they're shocked. >> it's heartbreaking to hear something so close to home. >> according to the court documents the couple was in the process of a divorce. in fact, they were supposed to have a child custody hearing set for yesterday. that pair hadma two kids were in school at the time of the shooting. the family now flying in to take care of those children. hmm. terrifying moments at an elementary school in prgz count prince george's county. placed on lockdown. this happened yesterday in upper rlboro. ricardo joseph campbell allegedly entered the school and started making threatens statements there. witnees tell us he apparently took off some of his clothes as
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he left the scene. police say arill lighter was mistaken for a gun. no one hurt, thankfully and bell placed in custody later. today is, mai imarking eighs since that awful shooting a a virginia beach municipal building. now a survivor story may play in to the hands of a measure governor northam is introducing. he set july 9th as the date for the special session. the shots didn't sound like gunfire, it was said. they delayed people particul eeg for cover because it didn't sound like gunfire. n we knoww because the shooter was usingsi lencer. that to be considered at that special session the governorte appoin along with universal background checks and a ban on assault rifles.
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republican leaderste ll news they have their own ideas about curbing gun violence and they'll put forward in that special session. stay tuned noor. bathing inanhe morn light the glow there. glowing a differentas color lt night. orange lit that way as part of national gun violence awareness day. o amend wearrange weekend. it's rang out there, thehe catdral rang the bells more than 100 times in memory of americans who die from gunfire daily in our county. wear orange started in memory of who was -- a 15-year-old chicago girl who was gunned down a week after nt obama's in presi second inaugural parade. we now know what caused this
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masive geyser that opened up at a parking lot in gaithersburg on thursday. old pipe is said to be responsible. the water main likely broke because's wed tear. one family lived there more than 20 years. their home deemed unsafe and likely a total loss. >> the experience is trauma, i guess. my kids as we you know, for kids especially, it's a very traumatic experience. >> good news. nobody hurt. the red cross is repping those families displaced and theam filies are getting help navigating the insurance claim process. time now is 8:10. coming up after the eak, joined live by one of the grand martials of today's pride parade. you're going to immediate brandon wolfe, also an amazing story to share with us. that's coming up next on "news4 today."
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welcome back. 8:12. hey, pride weekend here in our area, and joined now by a special guest in studio. joined by brandon wolfe, a media relations manager at equity florida, also vice president and co-founder of the drew project. and also at the orlando pulse nightclubri and lost two fds in that awful shooting. we're sorry about that and obviously it'san awful experience but may have spurned this that'sn uder way. tell us what's going on with the drew project? >> right after the ooting, we wanted to do something. my best friend was the most incredible person anybody me the social glue in most of the city of orlando. a few of us got around a table and said what are thebest parts of him to keep alive? one thing he was really proud of, mahe had a masters in clinil
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psycholo psychology. passionate about youth and set up a foundation to do that. over the last three years we've created curriculum for gay/straight alliances in public schools and given away just over $50,000 in scholarship. >> this has come a long way. w do you see it shaping in this day in age? celebrating events here in washington. a huge activist community and all get out there and try to support. where do you see it personally where we are? >> a good question. i think there's a poll inthe community right now to get back to the activists advocate roots of pride. an the reason is, you know, in 2015 i think the lgbtq community was a lit lulled to sleep when marriage equality passed in the supreme court. elebrating in the streets, white house lit in rainbows, felt the community arrived, but marriage equality was just the
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first brick for lack of a better analo analogy. and what we've seen in just the couple of years that the trum administration -- it's very easy to roll back protections and stip away rights. the trans community is under attack every single day. trans women ofolor are murdered every single day. a lot of work to do. i'm really excited to see that capital pride bught in activists advocate voices, because it's not just about rainbow logos on bank of america. it's really about what are wedo g to move the community forward? >> we have just a couple of seconds left. any message that you want to leave everybody with as arople in town and looking forward to a celebratory day today? >> my mantra, honor my best friends not just with words and thoughts and prayers but with action. i tncourage everyone toke that on and honor all victims from stonewall from pulse. >> have you been to the parade? >> i've not. i love d.c. but it's my first time.
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>> see you down there. brandon wolfe, thank you very much. founder of the drew project. thank him for coming in andvi sly a lot going on around the region today. the region today. pr the big carriers are talking about their current 5g roll outs, the region today. pr but thtor efforts are limited a few pockets in select cities c or trying vince consumers that 4g is actually 5g. they're neglecting small towns and rural communities, leaving them on the wrong side of the digital divide.
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ineeded to quickly ingr on all cunprecedented 5g connectivity tacross the nation.
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welcome back. this was a bizarre burglary at a d.c. music store to say the least. check it out. ameras catching the suspect thief's every move. he swipe as special saxophone.
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now thewnhop o tells news 4 p jackie bensen this isn't the first time that suspect tried to rip her off. >> not towards one of the larges tenor sax or any guitars. no, no. this is a sax player. >> reporter: herself an internationally recognized musician, myrna sislen knew exactly who oke into her store in tenleytown at about 12:30 thursday morning. >> it's a very special instrument. it is maybe the most famous of the cannonball series. the jared albright is what evyone wants. >> reporter: in fact, sislen never before had a break-in at the store she's owned ance 2002 has hunch three similar break-in attempts since last august whe the work of that same man obsessed with the workmanship of a very special saxophone which commands a significant price. ke $4,400. >> reporter: as shs a
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watchful eye on the busy store h haven h has budding musicians, stocks everything for the professionals, she worries of a -- as a small business owner. will her insurance pay for a fourth $600 door repair? she can't even think about the financial loss of the saxophone and hopes it will somehow be recovered. >> it's a very distinctive horn. if anybody sees that, call the police. tell mebody, because there ar not that many players in town who have that horn. we're thinking there's nobody who has it, except this one guy. >> reporter: the music store burglar also stole one other thing. a modestly priced flute. sislen tells us it is not uncommon for professional saxophone players to also play the flute. in northwest, jackie bensen, news 4. >> stealing saxophones. find the guy playing it, you
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know who stole it. unless he sells it >> i would probably think he would do that. >> nice detective work. >> absolutely. >> be a terrible detective. >> is it going to be sunny today? >> a great day to play outside. >> oh! >> playing instruments outside. >> can't get this kind of entertainment anywhere else. >> welcome to your saturday morning. hey, listen, adam and i are going down to the parade today. going to be really nice out there in terms of walking in hat parade. walking with me this time. >> go to brunch first. >> okay. you don't have to twist my arm. all right! all rit. i actually already had breakfast. you want to go? got a kid's birthday to go to. >> come on! >> outside, not that bad right now. cloud cover out te. got a few streaks of sunshine. this is the way it's going to be out there today. mostly dry through today. overnight tonight is when the showers start coming in. listen, i say mostly dry.
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i've kept a chance of a shower or sprinkle. fred dringsbeericksburg and ext hern maryland but looks like most of that is actually moving well to the south. i do think our area will be dry out there toda tomorrow, a different story. waves of rain moving through the area. scattered showers through your area, through your neighborhood, tomorrow and even into monday. a it'ool morning out there. temperatures are in the 60s and low 70s right now. the humidity is actually decreasing as we go through the day the breezeom will c up. a little breezy this afternoon, but, again, dry out there as we top out in the upper70s and low 80s today. we're dry, but the rain moving in overnight. widespread showers for your sunday and even into monday. some of those last into tuesday morning and we dry out tuesday evening. now, wednesday morning look going, but then wednesday afternn and evening, rain comes back. as far as your weekend outlook, heading out to the pool scene,
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not a bad day for that. not a ton of sun. still put on the sun block. today k, get it done because of rain tomorrow. go ahead and plan for outside dining today, but tomorrow, hmm. no. because of this rain. rain dangerously close to us. a frontal system strewn itself er north carolina. over charleston and west virginia. again, nbc comes out, tons of beads. thousands of beads. a lot more than we did last yearand adam and i will hand that out along with others. chuck bell down in. tons of us there, a fun time. come say hi. temperatures in the low 80s with low humidity. again, we're dry today, but watch as we head into the over night hours when the rain showers move through. rain tomorrow morning andho rai srs continue here and there. could be heavy at times through your monday a into tuesday.
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rain chances into thursday-friday. temperatures not that bad this week. week. rit around normalgh
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there we go. dry today. cloudy out there today. breezy. but rain chances through the day tomorrow. rain chances through the day on monday. then tuesday morning also rain. not the best forecast heading throughhe ek. >> at least it's not like 95 and humid. >> exactly. we'll be down at the pride parade, and anybody graduating today, you have a commencement speech you're doing on monday. people graduating today, too. not looking bad for that. >> excellent. thanks, lauryn and thank you all for joining us for "news4 today." catch u p honey, this gig-speed internet is ridiculously fast. we are seriously s.eping up with the jonese
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[ cheers and applause ] s dents from jefferson -- langley -- andgs sandy sprfriends. today on "it's academic." i love a raucous crowd. hello, everybody. i'm hillary howard. t this is opening round. you know how it works. each team begins with 100 points. 10 for a right 1 answer down wrong answer. contestants don't see what you do on screens at home. let begin. find that man.
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all your answers here have, must d in the letters man or mann. fewer than 4 million people live in this arabian -- sandy springs. >> iman. >> that is right. this german composer -- yes. very good. jefferson. this 19enth cry german -- jefferson. >> schleman. >> right. similar to an alligator -- pj? answer? >> cayman. >> answer's ending in man. hundreds of men slaves freed by this woman. jefferson? >> tubman. >> that's it. 1917 a germanni foreign er -- sandy springs. >> mmerman. that's it. >> bruce wayne real name of -- langley? >> batman. >> that is right. that's the end of the und. [ applause ]
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>> "it's academic" in its 58th season and 50 years proudly sponsored by -- giant. >> that is the wildebeest from sahoy springs friends and tmas underneath that wildebeest head. hello, everybody. so glad you're with us on the first semifinalatch of the season. each team has already won their first-round match and a hotly contested playoff now the winner today will go on to compete in the championship round for a share of $10,000 in scholarship money for their school from giant food! [ applause ] >> and we have some special guests asking questions a little later on, but first let's meet the teams. we begin with thomas josephson
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high school from fairfax county, and the first person we'reo talk is fred. how you doing, fred? >> i'm fred. 18-year-old senior from thomas jefferson and would like to thank our coachebe >> hi. >> hey. i'm ben. i'm an 18-year-old senior at jefferson and would like to thank our assistant principal mr. frank for being here supporting us today. >> wonderful. he has cool glasses. by the way. williams? >> hi. i'm william. a 16-year-d junior at thomas jefferson and would like to thank teammates for support. >> gentlemen, 20 points. nothing for an incorrect answer. data hit is key. study tis data and see f you can find in this phrase the name of what polynesian isld whose capital is -- >> tahiti. >> yes. >> part of the alphabet and a pistol. wh same word would satisfy both of these definitions? >> tter. >> yeah. in romeo and jewuliet events sp
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out of control after what witty character is killed -- that's it. crimea, melee. which of these peninsulas extends into the black sea? yes. a frog thinks its puddle is a great sea. you'd have to cross theea to visit the source of this proverb. what stheast asian country also known at burma? >> myanmar. >> that's it. nice job. tj, 240 points. [ applause ] from mclean, virginia, langley high school. how you doing, dan? >> well. you? >> well. hem us about yourself. >> i'd like to thank those whou came o tousupport . >> my name's matt. thank our sponsors and
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ministration for supporting us. >> selena? >> i'm selena, a 17-year-old junior and would like to thank our friends and famils for supporting us. >> okay, guys. is japan the one? we don't know if japan is the one but you can find within this question the name of what circular roman tsple honor all the guards. >> pantheon. > following after first, 13 hundredth of an hour. what sameor wd fits these definitions? >> second. >> right. a not a z if you fill in the blanks to name an island group off the coast of portugal. >> azores. >> yes. full dinner pale, full house, full cookie jar. which slowing ton win an election victory? answer? >> full dinner pale. >> you got it. nice. if you live in the river, you should make friends with the crocodile. this proverb
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large nation on the asian subcontinent that shares the indess river with pakistan? >> india . >> it is. nice job. 210 points. [ applause ] >> from sandy springs friends, from sandy springs, maryland. michelle, how are you? well. i'm an 18-year-old senior and thank everybody who came out to >> justice? >> an 18-year-old senior and thank our teachers for inspiration. >> and finally last, not least,e aln. >> i'm allen byrd, 18-year-old senior at sandy springs friends and would like to thank our friends and family for kindness and support and giant for making this acadec possible for all of us. >> yeah, giant, as always. thank you. a taco look carefully at this phrase and see if you can find the
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hidden name of what apache chief- >> co-cheez. >> it is. >> and touche, a famousfungus, what four-letter word fits both of these definitions? >> mold. >> it is. and jason's mythical ship, add more letrs and name what kind of monstrous-looking water spout seen on gothic cathedrals? >> gar goil. >> right. >> minorbird, canary, parrot. all can be found in pet shops. which appears in the book "treasure island"? answer? >> canary. >> nope. it's parrot. thinking is strenuous art. few people practice it. th was the thoughtful observation of david ben-gurion, the firstr prime ministef what middle east country whe tel aviv is a major city? >> israel. >> it is. nice job. sandy springs friends. 200 points. [ applause ] we'll be right back.
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[ cheers and applause ] welcome back, everyone.s today' contestants will receive tickets to the museum and sculpture garden featuring exhibit manifesto art and agency including a truth booth. check them out on their website. and while there's a museum, please head to our facebook page and like us. all right. it is time forhe picture perfect round. questions worth 20 points up or down in this particular round. ladies and gentlemen, here we go. this cigar galaxy isocated in what constellation known in english as the great bear? jefferson? that's it. a joint scan by rearranging the
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letters in this phrase you can naha what battle tt ended in the defeat of mexican forces -- sandy springs? that is it. in the background of this painting you can see mount -- an active volcano -- >> mexico. >> no. ecuador. the ex-coordinate of this? jefferson? >> 2. >> no. it's negative 2. here you see a 19th century painting of what initial belgium city -- sandy springs? that is right. this music takes its title "come into the garden maude" from author of -- >> tenison. >> it is. used in highway flares the carbonate of what element? jefferson? rontium. >> that's right. anderhat french gen lost his life at the -- sandy springs?
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that is correct, and that's also the end of the round. we'll be right back.
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hello, everyone. as you can see, these are very od teams. let's meet the a faculty coaches thatelped prepare them for this competition. jefferson? with you? >> r ahtssistant principal mr. frank and on my left is our coach mr. laffey and the other coach is in the stands today. >> great to have you guys. as always. [ applause ] from langley, matt a crowd behind you? >> right. left to right, coach and history teacher and coach and math teacher and our principal ms. greer. >> great to have you guys. [ applause ]
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we have an equally big crowd and the wildebeest, sandy springs friends. justice, who's behind you? >> to my right academic dean, and behind me our head of school, and next we have our coach and head of the global languages department and finally ththe wildebeest as parrish. [ applause ] >> all right. so as you know, this is the fun part of the competition. we have these three packets. eight questions in each packet. whoever gets them all right gets a 25-point bonus and jefferson will answer questions first. langley chooses which packet they will answer questions from. >> packet one.>> packet one. in 1903 a man named c.f. cody
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crossed the english channel in a boat pulled by what high-flying children's toy ben franklin used in a famous experiment? >> a kite. >> it was a kite. legs are s front folded as in prayer what predatory an secretary has the word praying part of its name? >> praying mantas. >> register in advance if you nt to cli what u.s. mountain highest in the country? >> denali. >> that's it. science question. hmm-hmm-hmm. the battle that forms both aus l l carbonate and sulfate is which of these? >> barium? >> no. it i sodium. drones that bark like dogs are now being used to herd cattle when what country? >> new zealand. >> lord and ladies common in literature. what lord aears in a classic novel by joseph conrad? yes. math question.
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what is the value of this expression, giving your answer as a positive integer? >> 27. >>hat is right. and now here is your guest question from maine senator angus >>se of his humanitarian efforts, maine native a diplomat allahu washburn was praised by both sides in what 70 18 war involving the siege of paris? >> gentlemen? >> franco pregk oppression tt i. langley's sandy springs nds which packet? two or . ree? >> three >> three. ooh. it's tough. langley -- though biologists are still mourning the death of george the snail, the last of his species,
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scientists hope tois re-create kind using what c initialled process tra created dolly the sheep? >> cloning. >> cloning is it. in 1933 hugh gray claims have taken the first photographe of legendary monster of what scottish lake? >> lock nesh. >> and whatumber of moons -- >> two. >> that is right. science question -- which of these creatures does not experience a metamorphosis in its life cycle? >> earthworms. >> yep. you won't see a lot of cheerful paintings if you visit this museum in what norwegian capital city? >> oslo. >> yeah. what type of structuood in --
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>> bridge. >> that is right. math question -- taking positive roots, evaluate this expression. yes. here is your question from maryland senator chris van hollen. >> in 2017, after 289 days in space, american astronaut peggy whitson received a bouquet of flowers w her space capsule landed in what country whose capital is astona. >> >>kazakhstan. yes. 25 bonus points for langley. [ cheers and applause ] nice. >> pack the two for sandy springs friends. in the early 1800s, ate hunr shot pennsylvania's last example
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of what large, shaggy animal that appeared on nickel coins for many years? answer? >> bison. >> yeah. that's it. recent stuwnes have sho an increased ability to withstand pain among people who consume whatommon alkaloid stimulant found in coffee, tea and chocolate? >> caffeine. >> i shouldn't be feeling anything! if that's the truth. may not be the greatest novel ever written but this book has the distinction written b general -- >> napoleon. >> science question. located near the nucleus of animal cells is what small cylindrical or nicheaganism tha as role in cell division? answer? that's it. the floors of the king's palace
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were covered in gold in the m - medieval -- that stretched to what african desert? >> kalahari. >> that's right. in 1970 critics handed the huk oh and nebula awas tohe left hand of darkness by what american author of the earth sea books? answer? is -- >> tyson. >> good guess. no, ursula la quinn. and math question. solve the x. >> x queequals 12. >> x does equal 12. an arabic phrase gives us what name for the largest city and administrativ capital of
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tanzania. >> that is right. sandy springs friend 400 points, coming back for the grab bag round. don't go away.
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[ chee and applause ] the grab bag round. quick recap of scores. jefferson 420. langley, 375, sandy springs friends 400. a close game. [ applause ] >> questions are worth 20 points. 30 points for the visual w there no way to forestall the spanish-american war after that -- sandy springs? >> the main. >> the main was the ship. yes. composer rimsky set the musical key of e major was t equivalen the blue of what gemstone --
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jefferson? >> safire. >> it is. answer? in three, two -- >> braille? >> no. on your screens for 30 points. this battle took place during the 1857 india mutiny. yeah. rebellion. in 1860 what state voted for presidential candidate john -- sandy springs? >> kentucky. >> yes. born in kentucky. very nice. if you were building a model of a neutrally charged helium adam how many -- sandy springs? >> two. >> two is it. our unusual love story -- no. sual love story involve what's unuon mythical sculptor fell inove with -- jefferson? >> pigmalion. >> it is. on your screens for 30 points.
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hot icing camera. unscramble these letters and you'll have the two-word name for what nes grant wood painting. sandy springs? >> american gothic. >> it is american gothic. a dooramouse n zareefa a favorite pet of what british woman who wrote and strated the "peter rabbit" books? >> potter. >> bees tris patrice potter. yes. the -- je8.erson. >> >> 8 is right. in 1796, 8-year-old reived the first vaccination for smallpox, sandy springs? >> jenner. >> that's right. on your screen, 30 points. this is what 18th century frenchmen who gathered together the best minds of his time -- sandy springs? answer? >> dirow what sort of person died many
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times before his death according to juliuses ca? the answer, coward. and edgar theerlder refd to the son of what anglo-saxon alfred. the >> as tall as a seven story building weighing 77 tons one dinosaur is named for what mythical family of giants overthrown byzeus? jefferson? answer? >> titans. >> that is among the african-americans who made a mark in the 1920s, with what -- langley. >> garvey. >> right. rrect. to encourage newborn chicks to imprint on birds instead of humans zookeepers dressed up like -- >> crane. >> nice, langley. 2345 is the end of the round. [ cheers a applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] that was an exciting game, you fabulous teams. let's do this thing and make these scores official. again with langley from mclean,g ia. selena, matt and dan. 435 points. [ applause ] from fairfax county, jefferson high school fred, ben, william. 520 points. [ applause ] and coming back for the championship round later this nth we have sandy springs friends from sandy springs, maryland, michelle, justice and allen with support from the wildebeest, 550 points. [ applause ] >> a little bit of excitement there. make sure w youch our next
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semifinal match at 10:30 next saturday. we'll have rockville, t.c. williams and st. anselm's. so glad you were here. i'millary howard. come on down, everyone.
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