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tv   Early Today  NBC  June 11, 2019 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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humble and another reason to remember you have to be kind and understanding and that everybody is a little different. won't you please join us as we offer a moment of reflection, thought and prayers for a complete viewing and a full f recovery our beloved big papi >>da honoring vid ortiz as he was rushed from the dominican republic to boston general as he gets emergency care for gunshot wounds >> new information surrounding thcre deadly helicopteh atop a 54-story sky scraper in mid to manhattan >> 25 years after the murders of nicole brown simpson and ronald gold. n, o.jmpson is speaking out about his comfortable life, daily golf and outlook on life. >> a new nbc news political series, my big idea, explores the presidentialth candidates a e one idea that separates them
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from the pack. this morning, bernie sanders >> paralyzed as a 2-year-old, today a broadway tony winner we'll have the inspiring story of ali stroker ♪ ♪ >> suckers brothers keeping it simple with jimmy fallon "early today" starts right now >> good tuesday morning. i'm phillip mena >> and i'm frances breaews overnight, big papi is back in boston david orz arrived at massachusettthgeneral hospital wi a police escort after being shot in the dominican republic just 24 hours ago. the red sox arranged for a jet to bring the legendary slugger back to the states his shooting sent shock waves around the country in fenway park, the red sox honored him with a moment ofon
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reflecti players and fans pausing for a moment of prayer before their game against the rangers new england's patriots stam quarterback tobrady tweeting, papi defines boston strong get well soon, my friend anard former president bk obama shared this photo of the time he got a personalized him a speedy recovery. wishing nbc's morgan chesky has more >> reporter: frightening moments captur on security camera. a gunman walking into a crowded restaurant shooting baseball star david ortiz in the back the same bullet also striking his friend in the leg. at the hospital, the ten-time all-star reportedly saidt please don't me die i'm a good man the suects get away stopped short outside, beating him before handingpoim to lice the other suspect able to run of authorities say they don't believe this was a robbery but would not comment as to whtiher orz and his friend were specifically targeted. his spokesperson describing a
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six-hour op rangs. doctors removing his gallbladderand intestine to stl bleeding his father says 's out of danger according to the red sox, the man known as papi is in serious condition. e team sent a plane to bring him to mass general for treatment. >> be hard-pressed to think of anyone more beloved than david, and you can imagine how this has impacted the red sox organization >> rorter: the three-time world series champion known for being a giant on and off the field, after the marathon bombings, ortiz's pregame spch helped his city heal >> we work today it doesn't sayed sox, it say boston >> reporter: fans pulling for big papi to get home sely. and we're on the very block where this shooting took place we did check with the establishment that ortiz was inside when he was shot. we're told the state police have temporarily closed it. frances? >> all right, morgan chesky. morgan, thanks
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>> a deadlciy innt here in the heart of new york cityloparked a t of fear and anxiety. a helicopter crash landing on top a sky scraper causing smoke to billow over the manhattan skyline and forcing the evacuation of office workers. here's nbc ron allen >> reporter: horrifying moments in the heart of manhattan turnec the luime rush >> we have what appears to be a helicopter that crashed into the roof the helicopter is on fire.ep >> rorter: a helicopter crash landing just before 2:00 p.m. on the top of a sky saper, leaving one dead, the pilot identified by a manager at at this palomino mccormick >> we went to the roof and saw the debris was on fire >> reporter: terrified office workers evacuating immediately, no idea what happened. >> we felt the building shake. >> you don't know what's going on, just go. >> reporter: the fouatrainy weher adding to the sense of chaos. a massive police and fire response through the dense midday trafficon sce in four minutes. >> there's no indication at this
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timehat this was an act of terror, and there is no ongoing thitat to new york cy. >> reporter: but for many new yorkers, it brought back painful memories >> everybody was running out it was very scary. everybody had to run out th thought it was like 9/11. 750 foot building sits blocks from times square antrump tower, where air space is severely restricted. the pilot had just dropped off a paenger at a helipad on 34th streof when he took f amid rain and clouds. 11 minutes laterhappening just two key questions for or investigats, why was the helicopter flying in such murky weather, and who cleared it to fly. all this is especially terrifying because when the alarms and sirens started so, ding one really knew what had happened. initial reports said a plane had crashed here on the streets of mid town bringing back disturbing memories of evacuees poured into the streets. o the end a feelingf relief it all could have been much worse. phillip? >> all right, ron, thank you
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>> the man who was killed in that crash is being described as a highly experienced commercial pilot who has flown in this area for manyears and now two law enforcement sources tell nbc news, the pilot told workers at the east riverho helipad he tht he had a clearing to make it, but once in k sayinghe radioed bac he may need to return. nbc's tom costello has more. >> reporter: from the hudson river to the east river, newark t laguardiao jfk airports new york has some of the tight ily contron ed air space ie country. helicopters flying over manhattan must communicate with controllers. since president trump was electe s the airce over trump tower and mid town manhattan is a temporary flight restricted zone or t.f.r rob angelo of wnbc's helicopter >> he would t be able to fly over that air space d the presidenti presidential t.f.r. without proper authorization from air
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traffic control. >> reporter: he wouldn't need it if staying over the east river faa says controllers were not handling the flight. the question, did the pilot stray into restricted air space in the middle of an emergency? >> to go into that area, a helicopter would need the approval of laguardia tower, and we nee td to find out ift happened or not here we do noist know at point >> all right thanks to tom costello for that report >> president trump iads g to the heart land today to tour a renewable energy facility it in council bluffs and later speak in des moines at the republican party at iowa's annual dinner. but back in d.c. he's facing a fighrot on twos as top democrats blast his mexico threat aa distraction from thee russia investigation it comes amid a major victory for democrats in their probe of possibleti obstruc from the president. let's bring in nbc's tracie potts. tracie, good morning the juste department agreed to turnover key evidence from the mueller investigation.or >> repter: right, phillip, they are going to allow it the republicans on the judtoiary
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committee see the underlying evidence, the documents behind the mueller report that relate to president trump and obstruction of justice there was a subpoena from these documents. initially the justice department said no, but hours before a contempt vote was supposed to happen today from the attorney general bill barr, the justice department agreed to allow them to see these documents it also happened just before ain hearg where democrats were digging into this mueller report giand brin in a key watergate figure to explain what obstruction is all about president trump dismissed that testimony and the report >> you can't impeach somebody when there's never been anything done wrong we have noe ollusion, we hav anything when you look at past impeachments, whether itas president clinton or i guess esident nixonever got there. he left. i don't leave. >> i would say the trump administration is in fast
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competition with what happened to the nixon administration. >> reporter: that was the ta democrat's sr witness john dean brought in to try to semble what democrats are putting together here, comparing the nixon administration to the trump administration and speaking of president trump, he's also defending this trade immigration deal with mexico critics say 's nothing new these are things mexico agreed months ago to do thpresident tweeted and alluded to some so of secret deal that mexico dies, but the president says if they don't follow through, those tariffs could still be on the table. phillip? >> all right, tracie potts getting us up to speed todayan tryou. >> almost 25 years to the day of the grisly murders of nicole brown simpson and ronald goldman that led to e trial of the century, o.j. simpson said he is happy and healthy living in vegas. simpson was ultimately acqtted in that case but later spent
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nine years in prison for robbery and kidnapping simpson said he plays golf nearly every day and still keeps in touch with his kids he adds that neither of themha bring upened on june 12th of 1994 >> new yorbecould come the first state to fully decriminalize prostitution democratic lawmakers introduced the bill titled, the stop violence in the sex trades act it would decriminalize sex trades in new yo and make it legal to enge in the consensual sale of section seksz. itat would ue parts of the law that address prostitution. currently prostitution is mia emeanor punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine of up to $500. >> all of the mcdonald's in toronto are hurting after the raptors season they would giveaway free fries if they hit three's. local mcdonald's gave away more than 5 1/2 million dollars in
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freees fri now last night's game five of the nba finals, the raptors chce to put away the warriors for their first nba title, after inring his calf almost a month ago, warriors golden state star kevin durant injured himself raptors tried to take advantage of hisbsence, but there is nothing they can do abt the warriors three-point shooting. toronto has a chance do win it right at the buzzer. but then got the shot -- misses. alwarriors stae in the series to win game five, 106-105. >> there is going to be a northern california indoors because we're dealing with heet. also in that part of the country, gg.d morn >> amazing, 100 degrees in san francisco yesterday. never happened in our recorded history in the month of june before pretty rarified air there. 38 million people under advisor from portland to the desert southwest. today phoenix about 110. gas 105. sacramento 103
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this is mid summer-like heat wave for this region of the country. we are watching nice weather in thf e middle oe country from the east coast umbrellas early today then a fantastic afternoon. that's a look at the big weather story of the day now here's a closer look at your day ahead. well, the great weather is going to be with you all day long today in the ohio valley. beautiful conditions, highs in the 70s, low humidity, too we will still see showers and storms along the south carola and georgicoast line and also right through the i-4 corridor we'll take a look at that east coast rain when we come back >> sounds good, ibm. thank you. >> in today's quick hits, steven spielberg is writing a new horror series for ne service and to make it even scarier, viewers will only be able to view it when it'rks da when the sun is up, it will disappear from the user's phone >> a look at the highly anticipated mar develovel's aves video game a new threat in san francisco, the game launches next may
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>> krispkreme is coming to new york square in 2020. waterfl.feature glazed wl on /7al i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to. is trulicity or people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. a i take it once week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain and decreased apwhtite, h lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems.
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i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity. wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. prunbeatable protection ent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. every day, visionaries are creating the future. ♪ so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. ♪ the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ because the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it.
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because the future only happens with people i'm truly amazed at the effect thathank you, bob!ple. in 15 days, nbc will host the first 2020 democratic presidential primaryeb de, and we want to know what sets each candidate apart before they take the stage in miami so in thcoming days, nbc's harry smith will sit down with the contenders t to hearir big idea first up, senar bernie sanders. >>hat's your big idea? >> medicare for all. >> does that mean all? >> yeah, that's all. let's be clear it's not aadical idea. together, we have stood with the workers -- >> reporter: perhaps because bernie sanders has been livering much the same message for more than 30 years >> we're going up, not down. >> reporter: here's sanders,
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then mayor of burlington, vermont, on the today show in 1981 >> you have maybe 2% of the population that owns one-third of the entire wealth of america. >> reporter: we met e senator on capitol hill. >> yeah, burn ee >> reporter: in a tiny d.c. campaign office. >> bottom ines medicare is the most popular health insurance program in america, far more popular than harvard health insurance policies. we think if we expand medicare over four-year period to all people, you're going to see a lot of people being satisfied. >> reporter: americans would pay nothing at the doctor's office, no copays at the e.r he's even throwing in dental and vision care. companies would no lon offer private health care to employs. the , in the trillions with a t. >> if i want to, can i opt out >> no. >> reporter: the world that come from republicans ials sociism. >> that or may not be. but as it happens, this is not a socialist program.
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you know what is a socialist program? the veterans administration. you know what's a socialist program? your police department, your fire department. those are government-run programs >> reporter: medicare for all, that's bernie sanders' big idea. harry smith, nbcews, washington >> next up, senatohakamala >> still to come, crush thwhe br e you crush the competition. mier light's new can that doubles as a video game controller >> cool. scent blast detergent, she loved it. her son loves it, and her husband loves it, too. and the delivery woman? awkward... new gain scent blast. love it or hate it, it's intense.
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take 25% off our best active brands! save on young men's under armour tees. women's nike shorts - just $26.25... kids' nikes - only $39 dollars... and men's adidas -56.24... plus - get kohl's cash! and men's kohl's.-56.24... that i won the "best of" i casweepstakes it. and i get to be in this geico commercial? let's do the eyebrows first, just tease it a little. slather it a over, don't hold back. well, the squirrels followed me all the way out to california! and there's a very strange badger staring at me... no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. uh-huh, where's the camel? "mr. big shot's" got his own trailer. ♪ ee wheeeee! believe it! geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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♪ ♪ ♪ all right. jonas brothers, jimmpey orming "sucker" with classroom instruments. always cool no matter what got watch him, too >> every tim, i'm likeey're not going to make that sound cool they do it every single time >> they do >> do you have a work spouse, a colleague with who am you have strong bond? you can discuss work problems and maybe personal issues with a new survey finds over half of women and over 40% of men do have work spouse also 57% of men and 69% of women have introduced their work spouseo their significant other. the survey also finds that 84% of men work moderately attracted
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to their work spouse while 61% of win felt the same >> that's kind of interesting, that laspart there but it happens all the time. >> that's where you go wrong you're not able to talk and have the same conversations any i mo. >>happens all the time we call them tv husband, tv wife has gotten a lot more high tech since you played beer pong in your college dorm. >> it's a beer can, it's a controller, it's a can-troller >> a wireless gamingr controlle that comes filled with beer. miller light says its can-troller has a 3-hour battery life and can connect to multiple consoles you're not going to see it in stores, though the only way to score one is to win a game of street fighter against comedian eric andre at the e3 gaming expo in l.a. but wow, it's a trophy to bring
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home >> it's a cool novelty item. hard to get. stop before you drink, great idea still ahead on "early today," the tony winner making history. u' wchg ar tod."
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ooohhhh ♪ trrin advancedfor a dry srepair lotion.u it helps stop dryness from recurring by going beyond ceramides with natural moisturizing factors found in skin eucerin advanced repair lotion for healthier looking skin. welcome back grab that umbrella as you're heading out the door in areas of southern new england and right along the mid-atlantic coast it will clear out, thoh, for a beautiful afternoon in many areas. stay tuned for more news here on "early tay." is ♪
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now on "news4 today," newin rmation about the pilot of a he bicopter thaturst into flames on top of a new york city skyscraper. this is not the first time he's rede the news. chicken call.
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a popular frozen fd brand sa a product served in cafeterias could be dangerous to eat. and if you're trying to watch your weight, you may want to turn off one common household item before you go to sleep. it's 4:00 a.m. good morning, everyone, i'm aaron gilchrist. >> i'm eun yang.le s begin with a check on your forecast and commute. melissa mollet is standing boy with your first 4 traffic. >> storm team 4's lauryn ricketts is in for chuck bell ta get us redy for the weather ahead. lauryn? >> hi, guys. we had storms as we headed into night.ernight last ugw we're looking at much drier conditions, althoh you are going to encounter wet roads, maybe ponding on the rds. none of that flooding that we ay thought m would happen last night. as far as the live tower cam, we have cloudy skies and had some rain. look at that pushing out of here. still some rain showers left for our friends in southern


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