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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  June 25, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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killing an innocent woman. >> now, this waseally big chain of events that started in d.c. when the suspect slammed into a police cruiser that was along coral street northeast. the suspect took oh from t place and sped down the baltimore-washington parkway and ended up l near the innerp. pat collins is back where it all began in northwest d.c. pat, tell us all about this? leon, this is where it started the intersection of quarles street and kenworth avenue in northeast. a car hits a police vehicle and then takes off. policet st what they call a follow. the car goes on to the bw dark parkway and gets involved if had a fatal accident. a woman just on the sidef the road gets hit and killed right there on the bw-parkway. now, sheas not been officially identified, but we found some interesting things at tda scene to
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the bw-parkway, scene of the crash, a serious find. notes that appeared to have come from a dental school and items that appear to be used by a dentist. the victim in the crash described as a woman iner 20s. her crv car stopped on the a shoulder red suddenly by a man on the run from police. the victim's car broke apart by the collision. the victim pronounced dead at the scene. the parkway northbound lanes shut down for about five hours.e this is tspot, the spot of that terrible crash on the bw-parkway. now, over there is the entrance to the beltway's inner loop. back here the crash se itself, the point of impact, and here today car glass a first aid supplies scattered all about.
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the suspect driving an in niti car. he was injured in the crash and is recovering in the hospital. now this all began last night at quarles street a kenworth avenue in northeast. police say the suspect ran into a k-9 vehicle and then police start what had they called a follow after the suspect car. it's unclear as to whether or not that follow contributed to the fatal crash. now, d.c. police have some very strict rules about car chases and pursuits. generally it mu involved life and death sittions. this that happened here last night is under investigation by the department of internal affairs. they are looking at what happened here lat night to see if all the procedures were
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properly followed. pat and . leon, back to you >> all right. quite a mess there on the parkway. thank you, pat collins. a confrontation in prince george's county goes viral. ayo black women s a white man harassed them atl local poo and then recorded and stalked hhem after they leftpool. >> you can see that viral video here. they say this man that you see there following this women, even lled the police on them. news 4's derrick ward joins us from hyatssville who has as history, it turns out, of posting his confrontationsthlik on social media. derrick? >> reporter: yeah. indeed, the person at the center of this is no stranger to controversy. came across the story from a couple years ago. we actually sued aes rurant because they wouldn't allow him to wear his google glass into their establishment. you remember the google glass with cameras in them. he's in our area now. he's not using google glass but a kell phon but is at the center of yet another
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controversy. >> ease get out of my face. [ bleep ]. >> these two women were considering moving into the addition, an apartment in hyatssville, almost in, aln'st. >> i did expect going to sign my lease would turn into such a rhaos. >> reporter: afte a sunday afternoon tour of the facilities, the leasing agent told them tofeel free to use the pool. >> just to kind of get a feel for the place. >> reporter: went her friend's house nearby, got into swimwear, got some snacks and took him up on their offer and that's when s saw a man watching them from his balcony. >> which at first i thought was okay and he's home and then it went . >> reporter: that man was nick starr-street, he's been desibed as a google influencer, provocateur, and he took issue with the women havin a glassttle at the pool. >> the leguard said it was okay. >> reporter: starr left the apartment and confronted the women. aude says that they left after that and starr-street f tllowed themhrough the lobby on to
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east-west highway when it got frightening. they looked for a public place where there would be more people around. >> so the -- the home depot was -- i undersornd. >> repr: she says starr-street followed them and p calledolice. >> he started calling us names, homophobic, racists, i didn't even know the man was gay. like i don't know him. >> reporter: we reached out to starr-street for a comment and we've gotten no response. claude says the incident ended a when security home depot intervened and police arrived and now she's taken out a restraining order with starr-stre and gone public with the video. >> as a form of awareness. >> reporter: and no longer plans to move into the addion. >> now, no one was arrested in this, and there have been no charges that weg know of anst either of these people, and we did hear from the management at the addition. they said they are aware of the uation. they don't condon't actions of their tenant and that corrective
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measures are bein taken. live in hyatssville, derrick ward, news 4. >> they lost money because of tha b they should willing to step in and do something about this. >> unbelievable. >> boy, unbelievable. >> derrick ward reporting live. now to a developing story in frederick county. route 26, liberty road, remains closed in mt. airy because of a crash there that killed the driver of the car. two others were injured. detours are in place and we're working to find out exactly what use that had crash. now let's get at first check of the forecast. the heat and humidity if you've been outside, it's really ramping up out there. >> the heat is on. doug kammerer is in the storm center. how hot do we get, doug? >> temperatures in the mid-90s by later on this week. yeah, we're starting a heat wave as we make our way most likely into the day tomorrow all the way through the end of the weekend. take a lock outside right now. no 90s just yet. we've seen a little bit of cloud
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cover today which has kept temperatures down a little b om the 80-degree range. 87 in d.c. and ocean city, 86, a perfect beach day if you have friend out that way, yeah, yeah, just perfect for them. cloud cover, we've seen enough cloud cover to keep the heat at bay. one shower right now. that shower coming right through stafford county. we'll show u that radar coming up in a few minute and the big deal coming up over the next couple of days is the heat. a long heat wave isxpected in five or six days and then staying rather dry during that period, too. that's not the only heat wave ie the day forecast. much more on this. see you back here in about ten minutes. >> thank you, doug, and as our heat and humidity kick no high gear the air quality in our neighborhoods is deteriorating. a little later, amelia joins us with a aloser look our changing climate and its impact on our ability to breathe easy. >> now an update to a story that we've been following for several days. the chief of metro transit police is now asking the u.s. attorney's office to independently review this stun
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gun incident you see here. yesterday we told you about this. we told youar s were dropped against the man stunned by a transit overs over the weekess. the pager says that he was teens to the aid of some he thought were being treated unairly by the police. that man inally said had been -- was interfering with the investigation before they dropped those charges yesterdayn and arrest this afternoon in an apartment building. arson caught on figure. lakeisha hazlewood of southwest d.c. is accused of setting a fire that danged a build o pennsylvania avenue southst last wednesday. there were no injuries, but some residents told news 4 there were flames and they were frightened. more than a dozen windows were blown out and there was smoke damage throughout building. police say tips from the public helped them make the arrest. two big stafing changes with the trump administration to report today. first lady melania trump announced via twitter that her ommunications director stephanie grisham has been
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tapped to be the next white house press secretary and will fill the job left behind by sarah sanders and grisham will be the press secretary and white house communications director and in addition to thas she will alcontinue to continue as spokeswoman for the first lady. grisham has been with the trump team since 2015, longer than him any other member. and the administration is also losing a top official. the acting commissioner of customs and border protection is stepping down. in a message to employees, john d nders announceat he would resign on july 5th. the agency has been under intense scrutiny of late because of questionable conditions at facilities on the u.s.-mexico border. sarah sanders recently -- john sanders, i should say, recently pushed congress to approve more humanitarian funding for border horvices. ring an american hero, just a few minutes ago president trump awarded a medal of honor for the first time to a living iraq war veteran. bmy staff sergeant david belavilla who isng honored
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for his heroic actions during the second battle of fallujah,a ions that saved the lives of his entire squad. bellavia hosts aaily talk show and he works on behalf of a conservative veteran advocacy group. >> president trump served anotheta verbal at on iran as the tensions continue to escalate. the president warned against, quote, attacking anything american saying, quote, it will be met with great and overwhelming force. president trump had been encouraging talks tween the u.s. and tehran after putting new sanctions in place yesterday. that sparked outrage from iran. during a televised address president hassan rouhani said the dite house mental problems. d.c. council member jack evans isde nding his name for the first time since the fbi raided his home last week. today evansed surpris his council colleagues by demanding an opportunity to give his side of the story before they vote to strip him of a powerful
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committee post. despite that, news 1's mark epgraves reports evans still isn't talking to rorters. it was near thehe end of t regularly scheduled d.c. council breakfa meeting. council member jack evans asked to be heard. >> i have the right to present e my side of t story and to answer any questions from my fellow council members before any action is taken. >> reporter: since the fbi raid at his home friday morning, evans and his rney have declined to make any public comments, even in the wake of the council chairman recommending that evans be stripped of his chairmanship on the council's finance commitse. at thi morning's meeting, evans spoke for about three minutes reading from a written statement, making the casee th deserves due process. i >> believe that if my colleagues hear my side of the story and i respond to all of ti your quess, you will not take any action at this time. >> reporter: evans provided few details about what his defense would be, but he did call into question the memo written by a
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law firm hired by the metro ethics committee that sparked many of the calls for him to be sanctioned. in the district, mark graves, news 4. only on news 4, a new chapter for the catholic church. >> as washington's new archbishop sits down with ore dor gensler for his first local television interview. he'll restore t t faith for faithful here. >> get ready to shop. amazon is set to offer the best deals of the year next month. what will be different about prime day this time around? >> and bring on the heat. doug is tracking a heat wave doug is tracking a heat wave that couldix las s straitgh
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come see what's new this summer at busch gardens doug is tracking a heat wave that couldix las s straitgh and water country ar 80 feet high on the new finnegan's flyer.n then blast off othe cutback water coaster. and experience a whole different park after dar at busch gardens summer nights.
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enjotoyour favorite thrills intt with new entertainment each week featurin stars from america'sgot talent. visit now for only $30 per day. busch gardens and water country usa.
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storm team 4 is tracking a heat wave for this last week of june. doug will be back with how hot we'reoing to get. now let's turn to a story you'll see only here on news 4. it's the beginning of a new chapter for the catholic church as archbishop wilson gregory reflects on his first month here ng washington sdh he's taking the helm duri a time of turmoil at the church and in his first local television interview, he talks about his plan to help catholics heal from recent sexual abuse scandals and restore their faith in the church. news 4's doreen gentzler joins us now with more on their conversation. reen? >> you guys, archbishop wilton gregory is trying to meet with
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as many priests and parishioners atcr ds heiocese asface-to-face connection and really listenile to is important to him. he's steppi in after his two ugpredecessors were caht up in a sescual abuse dal, one defro ed for sexual abuseand the other accused of not doing enough to report it. archbishop gregory says his ne message is o of hope and healing. i got to sit down with him after mass at st. john's the baptist church in silver spring this past sunday. we talked about how he plans to help restore people's faith in the church and navigate the political pressure that comes along with the role that he's taken on i our nation's oapital. >> they want me know how deeply embarrassed, scandalized nd ashamed this past year has been for them, and they want me to know that -- that that pain is real, but so is the depth of their faith. >> there's another big challenge for you taking over this role in
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the archdiocese of washington. you arrive as our election is already under way. there's so much politics, and we are so divided. how -- how will you address those issues? >> i don't envision myself getting down into the weeds with the political wrangle. i can and will do this. i willry to model civility in how i speak to and about other peop people. issues drive my conversation, not personalities. >> wilton gregory is the very first african-american archbishop here a time of growing racial tension nationwide. tming on "news 4 at 5:00," he talks abouthe deep divide that so many inouhisry feel as many look to him for guidance. he also shares some personalry histo with us, too. you might bern surprised to that he wasn't raised in the
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catholic church. plus, where you might find him out in our communityying some of his favorite pastimes. i'm looking forward to sharing more of that interview with you ahead on "news 4: at 5:00." he's a very warm and engaging personality, watching him interact with poem from the congregation, everyone wanted to take their picture with him and touch himnd greet him, and he just -- just watching him interact. >> and the cnection seems sincere. >> can't wait to hear more that have. >> thanks, doreen. >> next hour, all right. well, switching gears now. amazon doubles down. this year's prime day is going to be a two-day event set for july 15th and 16th. prime members have a chance to get deals on more than a million items. amazon says bargain will pop as often as every five minutes, and it's promising new product launches by major brands. whole fos, by the way, will also have deals for you. >> whole foods sell ice? >> sells lotsee >> we'll n a lot of it.
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>> yeah. i told my wife that prime day was cancelled this year. >> did you. >> made sure she can't watch it. she doesn't know. >> she will figure it out. >> that's notnice, doug. >> i know, but, you know, we've got hotom weather cing out here the next couple ofys today the clouds kept us a little bit cooler than i weeks pecting. a 91gh of and so far 87, 88, but still you need to stay cool. here's a good way to do it. here ais the way that the kids are doing i a. greatrea to get out in the park and bring the kid area, come on in and a takelook at this. really cooling off here in northwest d.c. for sure after a hot day today. guess what e've got a lot more coming over the next couple of days. that place is going to be packed. out there right now you can see exactly what i'm talking about. the cumulus clouds, and look high in the sky. that's the high cirrus clouds and that's obscure the sun a little bit. temperatures sting at 87
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degrees with winds out of the west at 12 miles per hour. the warmest spot is normally d.c. itself or maybe fredericksburg. today thougly it's actual annapolis coming in at 90. only 90 on the map. 88 in leesburg, 88 fredericksburg. could still warm a degree or two but that's about it. the 90s will move in tomorrow. out there on the radar, not much to show you. we do have one shower now right ound the whitewater area along i-95 south of stafford. just south of quantico, ing to make its way across 224 and towards lake charles county in the next hour o so if it does stay together. that's the only shower in the game. last night, man, i was waking ut :00 a.m. last night. did you hear the showers and thunderstorms that came through? torrential rain. half an inch to an inch of rain coming in just t about 15 20 minutes. nasty storms. that storm system is now way up here towards around the boston area, but it brought us about .8 inches of rain. close to an inch of rain over
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towards the wheaton area and back to the west, this is what i'm watching now. you don't see a lothe across t country but this has been a big change, jet stream, to the south. really in the center portion of the country over to st. louis around our area, and it's got everybody to the north of that on the cool side. we've been about average with this pattern, much above average or at least warm if not hot down towds the south. here's the pattern change. the jet stream finally moving to the north, and here comes the heat across much of the nation. up towards minneapolis and chicago and up towards the new england area and back towards denver on the cool side. the hot air is really going to be here for the next couple of weeks, and that's why we're talking about the heat wave starting tomorrow. si thought it wouldrt today and it looks like tomorrow will be the day with a high of 93. 72 at 9:00 a.m. and 8re deg and looking pretty good as far as lunch is concerned. i think we're okay to get outdoors and it will be on thet hond rather humid side. 93 on thursday. back-yard weather on thursday so, of course, i'll see you there. 96 on friday and 94 degrees
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coming on saturday and 30% chance of showers and storms and 90s each day. i'll show you how this heat wave goes. we've got another one next week. see you back a here 4:45. >> i hospital folks are red for you to invade their backyard. >> i do. i guarantee you they are ready. >> backyard weather time, baby. >> try to keep your cool, doug. thank you. well, we've been telling you about the mysterious deaths in the dominican republic. a little later, a new look at the impact those tragedies could have on the future of travel to the tropics. but first, have you seen this yet? newvideo showing jussie smollett moments after the attack. what he told police wen hhe
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more documents and hours of video have been released in the jussie smollett case. police body camev recording show the actor with a noose around his neck. dick johnson from nbc chicago takes a closer look at the video. >> reporter: this is police body cam video of officersri enteng jussie smollett's apartment building to ask the first questions about the actor's claim of a hate crime attack.
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> his creative director is leading the officers to the elevator giving him his take. >> that thing that makes me emotional make a makeshift noose around his [ bleep ] neck sunshine side the apartment, smollett emerges with the supposed noose still draped around his aneck, his f blurred because at that time he's presumed to be a victim. >> you want to take it off? >> yeah, i just wanted you to see it. they put this on me. >> this is all being audio and visually recorded. >> they're filminyou. >> like audio, i guess when i -- i don't want to be filmed. >> reporter: eventually the case began to unravel. ingestigators discoveri smollett knew his attackers and tllegedly paid them to carry it out.
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se two brothers seen here in haz-mat suits polic say arriving near smollett's apartment and then running awayo havin what he supposedly requested beginning with this text four days before. might need your help on the low. you around to meet up and talk fielder's choice to face and then not long after this scene in smollett's apartment he gets a text from the same two brothers feigning shock and empathy. bro, say itin a true. i'm praying for a speedy recovery. wild. >> that was dick johnson reporting. we've got a story about quick thinking actis that likely saved the life of a child in maryland. the moment lifeguards knew something was wrong and advice toss parents this summer who are at the pool. >> reporter: plus, a major kd cracown on those annoying robo calls. new steps theeds are taking today to team up against the calls.
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if you're just joining us at
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caught up get you with four things to know. an innocent woman dead after a suspect on the run from police crashes into her car. d.c. police say this started when the man ramed into a police cruiser on quarles street in northeast d.c. last night. the police followed him on to the bw parkway where he hit the woman's c the ramp to 495. that victim still has not been id rtified. te 26, liberty road, still closed in mt. airy because of a deadly crash there. police say a car and tanker truck crashed this afternoon killing the driver of the car. two others are injured. detours are in place. 9/11 first responders are meeting at the capitol righ now with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. that meeting follows weeks jabs by comedian jon stewart over congressional inaction on the september 11th victim compensation fund. th t fund is set permanently expire next year unless congress
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does something. stewarhas been blasting lawmakers for their lack of urgency in replenishing that fund. f> the white house didn't have to look for a new press secretary. stephanie grisham has been tapped to take over for sarah sanders. grisham is currently the first lady's communications director. she will now take on those responsibilities int the wes wing as well. she's been with the trump team since 2015. longer than most. back here. >> thanks, wendy. >> thanks,wendy. now to democrats and the first debate of the 2020 presidential race hosted by nbc news, msnbc and our spanish language partners at telemundo. >> that's right. right now they are putting the u finishing tes on the debate stage as you see right there. that's where every candidate hopes to make a lasting impression when they get their chance. he's nbc's sarah dolloff.
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>> reporter: candidateswill likely face questions on immigration and the standoff with iran. a newl straw p from shows senator elizabeth warren as top pick of members of the prp.ressive grou behind her senator bernie sanders trailing by 21 points. however, the two won't be sharing the stage. the candidate field is so crowd it had had to bed. divid one group set to debate wednesda and a second thursday. and another poll, this one of early primary state voters, puts former vice president joe biden in the lead. >> a lot of people still think he's the guy that can beat donald trump, especially given the fact that trump keeps attacking him. >> reporterahead of the debate, candidates attempting to upstage one another. bernie sanders proposing a plan to erase all student loan debt through new taxesn wall street. beto o'rouke unveiling his idea veterans he ture can air by taxing wealthy
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families without members serving in the in and south bend indiana mayor pete buttigieg juggling the debate and rising racial tensions back home. >> did you ask me if black lives matter? >> we want to hear you say it >> ofcourse, black lives matter. >> reporter: hot button issues debate on the street and soon on the stage. >> news 4's aaron gilchrist has just arrived in miami to cover the first democratic debate. he's working on his report right now. he's going to air it tonight on "news 4 at 11:00." aaron will also be joining us live tomorrow and thursday before and after the debate, and we hope you're going to watch both nights of the debate with us startinght tomorrow nig at 9:00 right here on nbc 4.>> some quick thinking action on part of a lifeguard saved a child from drowning in a pool in montgomery county. >> news 4's meagan fitzgerald has more on this close call. >> reporter: montgomery county fire officials will tell you this is their busiest time of year ghen they calls for possible drownings. sometimes they arrive and it'so
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tolate but yesterday they got on scene to find an 18-year-old who they arcalling a hero. a parentsnd lifeguas know it only takes seconds for a child to slip under the water and drawn. it almost happened at stonebridge community pool in gaithersburg yesterday. >> the lifeguard thought that the child was going down to retrieve something that may have allen to the bottom of the pool, but when the child didn't, you know, return to the surface in a timely faation, th's what engaged thed. lifeguar >> reporter: a 4-year-old child ould have drowned by battalion chief calvin thomas says a well-trained 18-year-old lifeguard on duty aed quickly diving in, pulling the child out and immediately started cpr. first responders say the teenager's actions are the reason the child is still alive. >> you can't become a bigger hero th that and actually taking part in saving someonli' fe, and we believe that's what
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happened. >> reporter: meagan fitzgerald, news 4. >> thank goodness for the lifeguard. >> absolutely. that's a summer job that most -- you take that kind of thing for granted as an 18-year-old. >> yeah. >> but y can actually make a huge difference with a job like that. >> critical job. >> very good, man. couple, local police department struggling to anmbat overload of cyber crimes. >> stick around for "news 4 a 5:00" when we'll show you how criminals are getting more sophistiteted online hand to take to protect your family. >> reporter: plus a first in the health industry. what experts want doctors to start telling your chil eren about tigarettes. >> and here's a look your temperature trend through the weekend as temperatures go up. our air quality likely going down. i'm going to have that forecaha plus w you can do to help air qualit
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f the quality ohe air we brate is deteriorating as heat and humidity builds in our area.
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>> and there's new evidence that our changing climate isn't helping us breathe easier. meteorologist amelia draper is here to explain that and share what we can do aboutt. amelia? >> first, your air quality forecast for tomorrow. the air quality out there today partners ut clean air saying tomorrow we'll see ourr ai quality likely deteriorate to the poor level. whatthis means if you have heart or lung issues, young kids and the elderly, you want to take it easy outside tomorrow. what we say and what i mean when we talk about bad air quality this, actually means an increase in ground level ozone. here's some simple thinca you do to help out our area. use public transit or car pools. if telecommuting is at option th a great way to help improve the air quality, and also turn off lights when you're not using them and another thing you ca dlook online for more
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posts there with more tips from our clean air partners. >>li thanks, ame >> we're working with you in in-depth coverage of our changing climate. go to the nbc washington app to learn how t packets you, your family, your health and even your commute. just search clima change. the ftc is going after them coies responsible for making millions of robo calls. why officials think that will help those calls from going to your phone. >> and tragedy in paradise. how the myste
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all right, folks. look at the numbers and read them and weep. not one buto heat waves on the ten-day forecast. doug and amelia back with how long that's going to last for us here.
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a recent spike in american deaths in the dominican republic has shaken up that country'sou tsm industry. >> sure has. the u.s. travel agency say they are seeing a spike in cancelled tickets for this summer. news 4 was first to report about the prince george's county couple who died in the d.r. last month. a memorial service held yesterday for cynthia day and there will be a service for her fiance tomorrow. cnbc's seema mody has taken a look at howle many peop have cancelled their plans. >> reporter: 60% have cancelled trips to the dominican republic in the last week. data which analyzesover 17 million flight bookings a day paints a similar picture with flight cancellations up 45% in the first half of june compared to the same period last year. this nmes at a inopportune time for the travel and leisure industry which has been investing and building new properties ond the isla over the past couple of years.
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analysts at sun trust expect a decline in tourism to have a negative impact on companies like playa hotels which has 20% exposure to the island. cruise operators carnival and royal caribbean, both of which have stops in the dominican republic, are monitoring the recent even and reviewing the information from the state department. hnline p travellatform says wile it has seen an increase in cancellations to the dominican republic, many of its customers have rebooked trips to other caribbean islands and mexico. for cnbc business news, seema mody. >> and some hotels are actually making changes to reassure their guests. hard rock hotels says it's removing in-suite mini bars from guest rooms and will continue to make alcohol available 24 hours a day. >> news 4 workingou for y in the community and putting the during t on go-go musi black music month. local musicians gathering for a
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go-go celebration ad celebration. easy street moderated the panel. nbc's black employee network organized that event. bet they had fun, too. >> i bet they did. great day to have funin the sun if you like the hot. how much longer is it going to be hot like this? >> we predicted about close to 50 90-degree days and had close to ten of those and we' get lot more making our way throught the neten days. wave.ntioned a heat i think we've got two coming up the next ten days separated by just one day. out there right now, temperatures just below that 90-degree threshold and here y.take a look out towards reston. notice the cloud cover. we do have a lot of sun now. we've had cloud cover around the area, and you can see the cloud cover, cumulus clouds right there, a few of the puffy clouds and more of the high cloud cirrus variety, enough to scure the sun, just enough over the last day or so, and that's why the temperature is
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down below0. 9 87 in d.c. and 48 degrees by 7:00 and dropping through the 80s and into the upper 70s by 11:00. a nice night and not really humid either. that's good news. 89 in rockville and 88 at college park and 89 towards fortt belvar and temperatures tomorrow will be four or five degrees higher because there will be more sunshine. oneavhing we h't seen at all is thunderstorms. a couple of strong storms yesterday, and last night everybody, just about everybody, saw the rain and some of thos stronger storms. the only shower we have is now well down into southern charles county making its way in towards the potomac again. it came across the river from around just sought of quantico and was a little heavier along i-95 and make its way and dying off as it moves down to the south. the heat will be a major playere over tnext couple of days. all the kids, hey, they are out of school so they are fine with it and they have hopefully, hopefully places to go. we saw earlier at the water park, amelia, we're talking pools, aren't we? >> tomorrow, dog, is going to
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be a perfect pool day, hot, not too tombed, the sun is shining so make sure you have the sunscreen and bring plenty o water for the kids. in fact, thursday and friday also looking like fantastic pool days out there with plenty of sunshine and for the most part everybody isoing to remain completely dry throughout the west of the workweek especially in the d.c. metro area. here's your planner for tomorroo with mild start out there. i went for a run early this morning. it was already warm. same situatn already tomorrow morning. 72 degrees at 7:00 a.m. and by lunchtime, maybe a little bit t humid, but i bearable, especially for d.c. standards. we're at 87 degrees around lunchtimem. by 4:00 p.we hit our high tomorrow of about 91 and 93 degrees. we'll see highs in the low 90s,d so asug was saying a few degrees warmer than today and tomorrow night most of us completely dry and however west of the metro area, areas like loudon and frett frederick county and maryland might seen isolated thundershower. 89 degrees, otherwise, thinking
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about getting the car washed, probably want to go ahead and do that. we're looking at mainly dry conditions, doug, until we hit the weekend and then we have some storm chances out there but plenty of dry time as well. >> a lot of dry time, and we're expecting this to be a very hot pattern and dry pattern. backyard weather on thursday if you want me to come to your backyard. go togt and search backyard weather. 96 on friday. 94 on saturday and then take a look at all of the 90 n intoxt week as well. we have a little reprieve on enmonday and next week maybe even hotter. look at next wednesday. a high of 97. that even could be close to 100 degrees next wednesday. thursday, of course, the fourth of july looking good, but, yes, on the hot side for sure. so with a heat wave coming we thought you would like to cool off just a little b w. and're not talking the pool here, we're talking colorado. take a look at this. up oh, man. >> snow piling in colorado. a et of this fall on th first day of the summer. >> bunelievable.
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>> roque mountain national park. a lot of snow over the last couple of days. steamboat, one of my favorite ski resorts out there, 20 inches of snow. >> you're kidding. >> the last couple of days,and, no, they don't get this much snow during the summer months but they have seen it before and a lot of ski resorts this year, they saw snow and a lot of them stayed opened through parts of june.he >> not just tnow because the wind out there has been craze. >> oh, yeah. >> seen some reports about snowplows not out there on the roads because there's been 50-mile-per-hour wind gusts. crasi vility. >> not just wind. ice is also a problem. conditions are expected to remain hazardous in that area for days to come. >> want to see the back-yard weather. >> this heat wave is looking pretty darn good, isn't it? you don't have to scrape the heat off your car. >> crazy. >> bring back spring. >> we'll be wanting that in a week or two. >> for sure.
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>> here's what'scoming up. we've got a busy afternoon and ahead at 5:00, a rise about scams coming across the internet. >> fairfax county police say they have so many they can't cape and the things that you're doing on social media keept pung you at risk. keep doing that every day and a news 4 consumer investigation. the problem our team discovered while lookg into a story involving those guardrails on the side of the road. >> just ahead at 5:00, the action that was taken afr we brought this issue to the attention of transptation officials. we'll see you in a couple of inutes with thosem
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as compare comct business to your current provider. my current service provider does not provide half of what you provide. and to know that i could save money? i'd be thrilled. this sounds like a whole business package, which would be incredible. so what are you ys waiting for? let's do it. (laughs) comcast business gives you more. switch now and get fast, reliable internet for a new low price of $39.95 a month. plus, get free installation. st better, fa? i mean sign me up. .call today at 1-800-501- comcast business. beyond fast.
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well, it's a little cloudy as we take a live look outside. doug says that's actually keeping our temperatures in check, but he also says we hit 90 today so the heat wave has officially begun. doug is tracking two heat waves with only a one-day break in between. he's back at 5:00 to tell us how long the heat wave lasts. well, if you love coffee, drink up. a new study out of the university of nottingham may help you loose wait by stimulatingour body's fat cellsfo usuallynd in hibernating animals. helps generate body heat b burning calories and by stimulating the brown fat cells in humans researchers think
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coee could help increase blood the brown fat is the hardest to get rid of. wraps around youran org >> that's the tough stuff. >> and doctors have been asked to talk to children about the dangers of tobacco and they want to look at e-cigarettes as well. most try their fir cigarette before they turn 18. new studies show 1 million high school smokers and three million high school vapers. >> today the federal trade commission is tracking down the worst robo call offenders. nbc's liz mclaughlin explait . je i goa call from a company. >> reporter: ri is still reeling from a financial headache that all started with a robo call. she's just one of the millions of americans bombarded with robo calls every day. >> our colltive message to
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robo callers is simple. it's time to call it quits. >> reporter: the federal trade commission announced a collaboration with law enrcement today called operation call it quits cracking down on those insufferable pre-recorded telemarketing calls. >> i have a message concerning important personal business. >> reporter: with 94ctions against operations responsible for more than 1 billion ro robocalls. >> we l never stem the tide until we prove we have the resolve and wherewithal to make offenders pay. >> the latest enforcement sweep is a step in the right direction. compcating that effort many of those offenders operate oversea making up a large part of the 25 billion robocalls already placed this year >> if you hear a recorded sales pitch when you pick up the phone, hang it up. pe call is illegally. >> reporter: avoiessing buttons or speaking which could confirm an active number and lead to m evene calls.ft has tips to reduce phone spam including how to remove blocking apps and if a
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robocall gets through report it to the ftc. >> the more data we receive about the call, the better wean target our law enforcement efforts. >> reporter: an ongoing fight in the battle to take down the robocall offensive. liz mclaughlin, nbc news. >> okay. crossed.e fingers >> jim and wendy, make sure you on't pick aup frtom it go to voice mail. >> and my phone has an app within it that will tell meet risk of it being spam is, so i just won't even answer it. >> that's handy. >> every bit helps. >> every bit. >> thank guys. we've got a lot to get to this afternoon. "news 4 at 5:00" starts rht now. and now at 5:00, a police chase with a violent and a tragic ending. go. i'm wen rieger.
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>> an innocent woman is killed. >> and that crash killed down the bw parkway for hours and it all started in the district when the suspect clammed into a police cruiser on quarles street in northeast d.c. t >> man took off and flew down the bw parkway where it aln nner loop. >> pat collins is live where all of this started town fold. pat? >> reporter: ndy, police are calling it a follow, but was it really more of a pursuit, and did it have anything to do with that fatal crash that took the life of an innocent young woman? this is what we knowo far. 9:20 p.m., a car hits a police vehicle at quarles street and with enworth avenue northeast, and then the car takes off. police start what they call a
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follow. the suspect car goes down the bw parkway and rams into a honda cr-v on the side of the road. a woman killed in the crash pronounced the scene. she's not been officially ideesified. sourc say she was in her 20s. now on the scene today we found some interesting things, notes that appear to have come from a d ntal school and items that appear to be use a dentist. th sus mpect car. he was injured and is recovering in the hospital. traffic onhe northbound lanes last night shut down for about five hours. c far no charges have been filed in thease. it's unclear as to whether or not that police follow contributed to this fatal crash. now d.c. police haverict rules about pursuits and chases. generally it has to


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