tv News4 at 6 NBC June 25, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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parkway until this all ended near the ramps to the inner loop. >> news 4's pat collins is livea in nor where all of this began. pat? >> reporter: it started right here, doreen, at the intersection of quarles street and kenworth eve northeast. a carhe hits t police vehicle and then takes off. police then start what they describeas a follow. there's a crash. an innocent woman is killed. now she hasn't been officially identified, but we found some interesting things at the scene. the bw parkway,en sc of the crash. a curious find, notes that appeared to have come from ade tal school and items that appear to be used by a dentist. the victim in the crash described as a woman in her 20s. her rcrv ca stopped on the shoulder, rammed suddenly by a
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man on the run from police. the victim's car broke apart by the collision. the victim pronounced dead at the scene, the park w with northbound lanes shut down for about five hours. this is the spot. theot of that terrible crash on the bw parkway. now over there is the entrance to the beltway's inner loop. back herehe crash site itself, the point of impact, and hereda toy car glass and first aid capplies scattered all about.iv thhe wasec injsuuredsprt din t recovering in the hospital. now this all began last night at quarles street and kenworth avenue in northeast. police say the suspect went into a k-9 vehicle and then police started what they called a follow after the suspect car. it's unclear as to whether or
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not that followed contribut to the fatal crash. >> now police have strict rules about pursuits and chases. generally it has to involve life or death situations. what happened here lst night, that's being investigated by internal affairs. reen, back toyou. >> all right. pat collins reporting from northeast d.c. thank you, pat. news.ow to some breaking police have returned to the scene where a body was found over the weekend in rston. chopper 4 just flew over the wooded area that you see here between hunter's wood plaza and breton court. police are looking for clues in the murder of24 ear-old jose guillen mejia.w e'll keep an eye on this situation and update you as we learn also breaking tonight, we just learned that a volunteer firefighter has died as he's responding to a deadly crash this afternoon. this was the scene earlier on
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route 26 in mt. airy. police say a car and a tanker truck crashed this afternoon killing the driver of the car. we've now learned liberty town volunteer firefighter michael powers had a medical emergency there on the scene. he was pronounced dead ated frerick memorial hospital, and we're still working to what caused that crash where powers was responded. d.c. council member jack evan isfending his name and he's now demanding an opportunity to give his si of the story before they vote to strip him of a powerful committee post.ey ere evans' first comments since this dramaic video of an fbi raid at his d.c. home, but despite today's plea for due rocess, mark segraves repor evans didn't say much to reporters. >> it was near the end of the regularly scheduled d.c. council breakfast meeting. council member jackev ns asked to be heard. >> i have the right to present my side of the >> reporter: since the fbi raid on his home friday rning,
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evans and his attorney have declined tobl make any comments, even in the wake of the council chairman recommending that evans be stripped of his chairmanship on the council's finance committee. at this morning's meeting evans spoke for three minutes reading from a written statement >> i believe that if my rlleaguehear my side of the story and ispond to all of your questions, you will not take any actiont this time.po >> reer: evans provided few details about what his defense would be, but he did call into question the memo written by a law firm hired by the metro ethics committee that sparked many of the calls for him to be sanctioned. >> i'm available starting right now and for however long it takes to answer any questions. >> reporter: while evans told his colleagues he would aswer anymi questions anyone ght have, when he reemerged from the meeting and reporters wanted to
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ask questions, he >> i think you're hearing a rumor. >> reporter: after evans' home was searched his council colleague marry cehh told reporters she thought evans betrayed her and the public trust, and today sh said she's ready to hear evans' side of the story. >> i'm really hoping and routing for him to be able to explain what that memorandum claimed. >> reporter: evans will meet with his council colleagues next tuesday to answer their nd questions ahen the council will decide whether evans should be sanctioned the following week. in the district, mark segraves, news 4. there are two big changes in president trump's adminihtration tonigincluding a new white house press secretary. >> first lady melania trump announced today byitter that her communications director stephanie grisham is going to be the president's new press secrery replacing sarah huckabee sanders. grisham joined the trump campaignn 2015 and also worked on mitt romney's campaign in 2012. e and the h of border and customs protection resigned
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today. he did not give a reason but his agen is under fire poter res of migrant children being held in filthy conditions near the border. signed, sanders has but president trump says he didn't ask for his resignation. some of the childn were moved out of the facilities, but some taken back in a place that lawyers called filthy and dangerous. >> people united. >> reporter: as immigration advocates protest o capitol hill, the acting u.s. customs and border protection commissner job sanders resigned. this comes after reports of migrant children living in in what's be described as deplorable conditions at two texas facilities. the house now trying to pass a $4.5 billion emergency bill to address the humanitarian crisis facing detained migrant children. >> so we can meet some of the needs that we have and also shamehat we should have if they don't have diapers and toothbrushes and care. am >> reporter: the
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controversy, 300 children were removed from the facilities, but about 100 have been returned. lawyers say the youngsters had no access to bas needs like soap. >> we met with children who hadn't changed for weeks. these are the mostpp aling conditions i have seen in my 12 years of representing children andho families are detained. >> reporter: president trump blaming democrats for the children being here. >> ask the democrats to give us help on asylum, help on all f theloopholes, the horrible loopholes. >> reporter: after a record 144,000 migrants were apprehended crossine border in may, the white house says president trump will likely veto any bill that doesn't include money for border ecurity. >> the president should be ashamed of himself for using children as political pawns. >> reporter: the trump administration under fire again as it now looks for another customs and border patrol chief. john sanders will step down officially july 5th. he lasted only two months as acting commissioner.
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live in 'mwashington, jennifer johnson. leon, back for you. >> all righty. jennifer. meanwhile here, we are counting down to the first democratic debate of the 2020 presidential mpaign season, and it's almost here. just a matter of hours we've been kng an eye on this shot all day. workers there putting the final touches on the deba stage in miami, and you can see there are ten podiums on that stage. 20 candidates qualified for this first debate, so it's been divide up into two nights. this is the largest and most diverse lineup democrats in history, and for come sand dates it's going to be a critical first chance to reach a national audience. that's not a worry for former vice presidentoe biden with national name recognition and he's leading t mospolls. >> a lot of people still think he's the guy that can beat donald trump, especially given the fact that trump keeps attacking him. >> reporter: as a front-runner he's got a target on his back. the candidates have all been
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prering by conducting mock debates using their staff members to stand in for the w rivals are going to be on that stage with them. the five moderators have also been working hard to be on top of everydi candate's position on every issue. here's nbc's lester holt on that process. >> tons of preparation go into moderating a debate. i've joked, it's almost like behog back in sc and studying for finals except this time you take the exam in front of millions of people. seriously, we have spent weeks working with our political teams, examining the issues and the candidates, their positionsh all with aim of making sure that we're asking questions that will help democratic and fdependent voters get to know who theselks are and really what they stand for. >> news 4's aaronil grist has just arrived in miami. his first report will air onight at 11:00. aaron will join us live tomorrow and thursday night, and we hope you'll watch both nights of the debate with us. coverage starts tomorrow night at 9:00 rightnhere o nbc 4
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followed by "news 4 at 11:00." >> back in our neck of the woods, they want the u.s. attorney'isoffice to review stun gun incident. yesterday we told you this and told you that the charges were dropped against this man who was stunned t aansit officer over the weekend. that man was actually coming to theid of teens he thought were being treated byunfairly the police. metro originally said that he was interfering with an investigation before dropping thosech ges yesterday. one minute a local woman is hanging out by the pool and the next minute she's followed by a stranger. >> and it was all caught onvi o. what started this whole thing and the surprising revelation about that guy's infamous past on the internet. and the fourth of july is just around the corner. we've got new details about street closures and the protests planned against president trump t-shirts. be free >> and on news 4 my conversation
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with washington's new archbishop as he talks about his personal life as well as racism and thes scandals that have shaken the church and hisua unus path to the priesthood. >> and it looks like it started today, the heat wave, that is. got up to 90 todatl mosy everybody else in the 80s but we go above 90 and the rest of the week and i've got the weekend, the fourthf july. g lot goin
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washiton for a month now. he's been visiting different parishes and schools across the archdiocese of washington toet me with people face to face. tonight in his first local television interview, he talked about his plan t mend deep-seeded wounds and rebuild trust amongat cholics whose faith have been tested. >> reporter: outside st. john the baptist church in silver spring everyone wants to meet the new archbishop of washington. wilton d. gregory. this face-to-face connection is a priority for him. >> reporter: listen to the people and understand them and find out what's on their heart and then try to respond as generously is and lovingly as you can. so that's what i'm doing. >> reporter: one by one they line up to share a hug or a handshake and to pose for pictures as he listens to their stories. >> okay. i'll pray for it. we'll see what happens >> reporter: it's been a time of urmoil for the catholic church here. parishioners and priests have told him how they are feeling. >> they want me to know how
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deeply izembarrassed, scandal and ashamed this past year has been for them, and they want me to know that -- that that pain is real but so is the depth of their fapoh. >> er: that pain stems from ehigh-profil sexual abuse scandals involving gregory's two predecessors. first a defrocking of new ex-cardinal theodore mccarrick after the vatican found him guilty of sexually abusang children adults, and then the resignation of cardinal a donald wuerlccused of not doing enough to punish predator priests when he served as bishop in pittsburgh. >> every bishop has to be a spokesperson for the church, and that's what i have to do. i have to do it in a particularly sensitive arena because this is the nation's capital and so much attention is paid to the events that take place here. > reporter: people inside a
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outside of the church are looking for his leadership. gregory arrives as the very first african-american archbishop here atme ti of growing racial tension nationwide. >> i hope i can provide the kind of example that shows people that i can shepherd the entire church. i was not assigned just for the african-americans. racism is like a cancer. it can metastasize. it can go dormant, but all it needs is a catyst to allow it to erupt again. so it's an ongoingug ste, and i think it will be an ongoing struggle. >> reporter: at 71 archbishop gregory is well respected in the catholic community, but his path to the priesthood was usual. he wasn't raised in the catholic church. growing up on chicago's south side gregory's mother and grandmother enrolled him in catholic school. they were hoping he would get a better education, but he quickly formed a special bond with the
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priests and ns there and chose to join the church. >> i was mesmerized by these people. hi no personal firsthand knowledge of catholicism, but they promoted and projecteduch a wonderful image that i was enamored by them and after about six weeks, seven weeks, two months in the catholic school i dengided i was g to be a priest. >> reporter: you were hoe old? >> 11. >> parents know that kids go through all kinds of vocational decisions. on monday he's going to be a fireman and on tuesday he's going to be a dentist and on wednesday a rocket scientist and on and on. >> reporter: 11-year-old wilton gregory never wavered. he became a priest at the age of 25. later a bishop. he's been the archbishop of atlanta for the past 14 years. ♪ >> reporter: he says his place now is here in the pews with his people. ♪ let us pray
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>> reporter: presiding over mass in the archdiocese of washington and onhis occasion baptizing a baby. >> and of the sun. >> reporter: and when he's not at church her, ewalking amo us in the city. you might find him shopping in the aisles of your local grocery store or maybe playi a round of golf. >> i'm a horrible golfer, absolutely horrible, but i love the game, and then when i go home i liketo put on casual clothes. now that it's nice and warm, washington summer weather, i like to put on shorts and flip flops, and i like to ctek. >> rep what do you cook? >> i lived for four years in italy doing my doctoral studies. love italian foodch the italians know how to dotet. >> rep will we see you out and about in your community in your shorts and flip flops. >> relaxing. >> you alrdy have. >> reporter: i haven't. >> well, some have. could to be a human being, to be someone who goes to safeway and
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buys bananas, who goes into starbucks and has a coffee, it's a humanizing experience for me, and i hope it lew people kno that, first of all, i'm very much at home. i very much have enjoyed this first month in washington, and i look forward to many, many more years of service. >> as for what the archbishop hopes his legacy will be here in washington. >> i hope that when pope francis says washington has had enough, i hope that i can leave a legacy of healing and bringing the people together in a more loving and peaceful relationship. >> the archdiocese of washington is home to more than 650,000 catholics. it's a powerful position and onu that c put archbishop gregory in line to become the country's first african-american cardinal. >> fascinating to see how easily
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he's able to let his guard down and be a regular person. >> very easy to, talk to and after the church service we went, to i watched him teract with -- with everybody. a huge variety of people, so congenial, everybody, taking selfies with him and all lly a warm and genuine man. >> i know one thing. i'm going to keep my eyes open now when i go to starbucks and the safeway. i might see him there. >> inviteim to play golf, yeah, maybe you can get an italian dinner out of it. >> there you go. we're both horrible s that could work. we could make that happen. all right. stay with us, folks. a lot more to come tonight only on news 4. hearrom the local dad whose family ran into a legal roadblock when they wanted kids, and find out how they turned their hurt into hope for future families. and we're in for a pretty big change that some people will love and some won't. doug is tracking what's ahead for our weather thiseek and w
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>> both of us got here before noon and it was really nice. >> it was lovely when we came back. >> the hot stuff is coming in a little bit later on during the e day, and w actually hit 990 degrees at 5:00 in the afternoon. >> whoa. >> so we've been inside the whole time but if you're out the you know what we're talking about. hot and humid conditions and not all that humid. that's really the good news. we did hit 90, but the heat index didn't get above that number. some cloud cover and some sunshine out there towards reston twn center. all the construction going on with the new reston station out there towards the silver line. yeahgo looking there. construction coming along nicely. now, temperatures high today 88 degrees in leesburg and 98 in d.c. and 91 in hey annapolis and baltimore, so, yes, we did have a couple of 90s. i think everybody gets there tomorrow, just about everybody. a few clouds now. uemperatures of 87 degrees now but dropping thro the 80s into the upper 70s by around 10:00, 11:00, a really nice night without the real humidity.
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more humidity yesterday. without thain today it's g to feel a little more comfortable this evening so if you'ou out and ab no problem. 85 gaithersburg and currently 84 degrees over towards huntingtown. annapolis 91 degrees with the offshore wind here. sometimes you rely on that cooler chesapeake bay water. it's even heating up now into the 70s. you know if you're out at the bay this weekend. do have a couple of showrs all in our southern zones all south and east of d.c. showers in calvert county and one iwestmoreland county and another east of fredericksbu. that's it. tomorrow something similar. may see one or two around most of us will remain on the dry side. the storm system itself, you can see what it's done here and that's got a frontal boundary and that's why we saw some clouds. fairly quiet back to the west, d that's when the heat really going to start to develop right on through the day. high of 93 tomorrow. sun and clouds, hot and once again not too humid. that's some really good news here. the humidity, however, will
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begin to creepup n thursday and friday. a very hot day of 96 and thursday back-yard weather. i' tl be outside in heat. going to be really hot. excited. that's what we do back here in the middle of the summer. 94 on saturday d 30% chance of showers or storms and even hotter weather though for next week and we're talking fourthjuf gment see you back here at 6:45. thank you. a strange confrontation caught on camera. >> la local woman followed by a stranger who turns out to be infamous on the internet. what happened in the moments before thatled to this baffling confrontation? >> reporter: plus a parent's nightmare. a 4-year-ol child goes din
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prince george's county. >> now in this vid two black women say a white man harassed them at a local pool, but they say he didn't stop sere. >> new4's derrick ward has more about the man who has had a history of posting his utnfrontations on social media. >> please get o of my face. >> reporter: it was supposed to be a quiett sunday b pool for two friends at their prospective new apartment home. didn't turn out that way. u tended with gail claude taking out a restraining order against a would-be neighbor at the addition apartments in sv hyatsle. >> i didn't expect going to sign my lease would turn into such -- such a chaos. >> reporr: claude had toured the building with a roommate and the leasing agent said they could come back and sit by the fpool and get aeel for the property and the potential nafnlts one of the potential neighbors took morehat be a passing interest. nick starr-street, a noted internet google provocateur and influencer had a problem witin the woman ha glass bottle
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at the pool. >> the lifeguard said it was okay. >> and there was a confrontation. >> please get out of my face. >> reporter: the women decided to leave and starr-streetde ded to follow. >> he started calling us names, homophobic, racist. i didn't even note man was guy. i mean, like, i don't know him. >> reporter: starr-street was involved in a similar incident at the same pool. video of that incident wasa tn site. om his >> what will make you comfortable?r: >> reportein gail claude's incident the police were calle and showed up and to one was arrested but when we caught up with her she just filed a restraining order against starr-street. for her the whole incident is it still puzzling. >> it's really hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that as people of color, we can't do anything, likely the rally. >> reporter: weutve reached o to nick starr-street and haven't gotten a response. the management at the edition
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says they don't condone of the actions of their tenantnd that corrective measures are being taken. in hyatssville, news 4, derrick ward. >> claude and her roommate have decided not to move intothat apartment building and police have responded to two different complaints involving glassware, one saturday and sund and on both occasions police declined to press charges against him. if you've been around the district on the fourth of july, you kn it's best to keep the car at home. here's y.take a look at all the road closures planned for the holiday. police begin closing things off at 4:00 in the morning on july th. if you're heading to the mall to see the fireworks, public access points will open at 10:00 a.m. and a ereminder ther will be additional events happening on the national mall next week. the national independent day parade on constitution avenue steps off just before noon. the salute to america, the event
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in whichresident trump is set to speak, starts at 6:30. those gates open at 3:30. the annualit cap forest concert starts from the west lawn of the capital at 8:00 and the fireworks show starts at 9:07 that night. and we're learning more about the protests planned for next thursday's festivities. t veterans organizations, both vets and rags of honor are raising money to distribute t-shirts featuring the "uss john mccain" and they will do it down around the national ou'll recall president trump not a fan of the late senator, even speaking ill of him after his death last year and last month the white house staffer reportedly asked for the "uss sight to be kept out o during the president's trip to japan. that's not the only protests oing are expected to be a on down there. yesterday we told you about the activist group code pink. they have a history disruptive conduct and they have asked the national park service for the nearest possible grassy space near the site. quick thinking action from a
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olfeguard saved a child from drowning in a po in montgomery coun y. news 4's mean fitzgerald reports on the close call. >> pools are usually one of the most popular places during the summ. but first responders will tell you they can als be dangerous if you're not watching. this is the time of year battalion chief calvin thomas with the montgomery county fire department says they get the most calls for near drowning. o f the latest incidents happened here at the stonebridge community pool in gaithersburg yesterday afternoon. >> the lifeguard thought that the child was going down to retrieve something that may havf len to the bottom. pool, but when the child, you know,idn't return to the surface, you know in, a timely fashion, that's what engaged th. lifeguar >> reporter: a 4-year-old child could have drowned, but thomas says a well-train-y 18ear-old lifeguard who was on duty actedn quickly, div in, pulling the child outnd immediately starting cpr. first responders say the teenager's actions are the
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reason the child is still alive. >> you can't become a bigger t hero thanat and actually taking part in saving someone's life, and webelieve that's what happened. >> reporter: meagan fitzgerald, news 4. a major commuting route in alexandria is going to be improved, but it may not lose any travel life. there's good news. planners are recommending seminary road between north howd street and seminary lane be repaved and have two pedestrian-activated control signals at it. after hearing public comment, there's been no attempt to reduce t v number ofehicle lanes. city council will make a decision on improvements in september. >> a search for a missing woman with local ties at a delaware teach and why her loved ones are frustrated with apple. >> and speaking of being frustrating, robocalls and what the federal government is doing to keep those calls from blowing up your phone. >> temperatures going way up
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happening now a search in delawareanor a missing wom with ties to montgomery county. >> 70-year-old linda bravo disappeared nearly two weeks agh in bethenny beach area, and volunteers have been searching there and the fenwick islandea ar for days now. bravo's family, some who live in rockville, hope that her iphone may have some more clues to help them in their sutrch, they say in spite of a police request and having her log-in information apple still has not given them copies of bravo's text messages. >> a crack in the federal trade commission announced a federal crackdown on nearly 100 robocallers thought to be responsible for more than 1 billion krals. the nationwideweep involved more than two dozen federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. robocalls is there increased as cheap software makes it eass to make mlls. the best defense is to block numbers on your smartphone or insta a call-blocking device an your landline.
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two prents ready for ail chd run into a major lal roadblock. how they turned their strugglet inction that could help local families for years to come. >> plus summer scorcher. doug is tracking intense heat. which day will be the hottest and when is our next chance for showers an storms? >> but, first, we look back on a day webe all remem so well. >> ten years ago tonight the world was stunned by the loss of not one but two iconic entertainers. actres ferreira fauc actress farrah fawcett made her way into bedrooms and homes that remains the best-selling poster of all time more than 40 years later. it made her style and hair instantly iconic and also lander h job on the hit 1970's show angels."s after a battle with cancer fawcett died on this day ten years ago. sh was 62. >> but then just a matter of hours later another bombshell, even bigger.
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the king of pop michael jackson was found dead in his l.a. home. jackson's star rose early in lifeith the jackson five and then shatteri sales record and his moonwalk dance became a hit. his later life was dominated by headlines about astic surgeries, his personal life, accusations of inappropriate conduct with young boys, although he was never convicted. jackson remains one of the best-selling musicians of all time. jackson died of an overdose as he prepared forar his fewell tour. he was0 years old. >> the two ent tapers never shared the stable or a shower, but many of us will remember the day these two left us ten years ago. honey, this gig-speed internet
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n they followed him on to the bwa parhere he eventually hit the woman's car near the ramp to 495. the victim hasn't been identified. >> meet the new white house press secretary. she is stephanie grisham, and ur she isntly the communications director for first lady melania trump. grisham will be the third press secretary in president trump's administration. she replaces sarah huckabee sanders who replaced sean spicer. the firs democratic debate of the 2020 presidential campaign is nearly upon us. 20 candidates qualified for this first debate, so it's been divided up into two nights, tomorrow and nurse. nbc news, msnbc and our spanish languageartners at telemundo are hosting the debate. win vite you to watch it us here on nbc 4 starting tomorrow night at 9:00. a new law in virginia will strengthen surrogacy laws for gay and straight couples. >> governor northiam se jacob's
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law after his father spent three years trying to get custody of him. >> and they say it's a fight no one should have to endure. >> reporter: if you have toy define the happy family you couldn't do better than the timmons clan. fathers tim and rick olson and daughters ellie and c.j. and this little guy 3-year-old jacob. hard to imagine why anyone wod want to tear this loving family apart. rick and jay couldn't until a judge in wisconsin was to six weeks before jacob was to be born via surrogacy. he left jacob orphan andut us on a four-year horrific journey. >> reporter: along the way he sacrificed is career at capital one in order to deal with the 14 lawyers needed to fight the case. >> it would take time through several courts before they would win permanent custody of jacob.y we asked to take us back to
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that moment. >>-o it was - it was a happy day, that's right. >> reporter: happy ending, storr ov right? >> wrong. >> reporter: jay and rick thought if this could happen to them, it could happen to another family, show they shared their story with house delegate rick f sullivan whoed legislation to protect parental rights of same-sex couples and single parents who use this area and made it to e governor's desk. >> i'm proud of the legislature for actually doing it because there was a lot of opposition from some very misinformed people. >> reporter: all that work, all those sleeple nights brought them here, in front of family, friends and their son's school markets the law that bears jacob's name was ceremonially sied into law. >> we want our children to have a hom where they are cared for and loved and that's what jacob has. >> reporter: a loving family that's a bit bigger and together >> and on this day, it was a long time in coming and we're real glad to see it. >> reporter: in arlington, corey smith. you guys want to say anything. >> reporter: you guys happy?
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>>ob jac rules! >> reporter: news 4. >> jacob rules. he could not be any cuter eipper. we're ha for that family. >> from where you sit the heat hand humidity rule. >> that could be the case right on through t next couple of days. we normally see a lot of potential for a lot of 90-degree days in june. they are coming towards the end of the month and july is afinitely going to strt off on a hot note. et's take a look to show you things outside. plenty of sunshine and, yes, the heat was on. take a look at this. all the kid ore the at the spray park today. outside d.c. get this. there's s least oneay park in every single warof d.c. just counted them. 24 in d.c. isn't that fantastic. >> they will e wellused. >> the one complaint about this one, not enough shade, especially for the pents sitting around. you read the reviews, you see that kind of thing. >> i see. >> reporter: let's get some shade out there for the parents outhere right now, what are we dealing with, a little shade in the form of cloud cover that make its way across the region.
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temperature wei temperature-wise, we hit 87. winds out of the north at 15 miles per hour. everybody now into the 80s. 85 martinsburg ad 58 culpepper. the only exception in annapolis still coming int 91. baltimore a highly temperature of 91 degrees. not much inaihe way of r a couple of showers in our southern zones. we could see this tomorrow. very few and far between. one over towards king george's county. most of us remain dry and that's the case tomorrow, too. this storm system that came through last night came through hard at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 a.m. and woke me up with very heavy rain and lightning, prolific lightning last night. that's now up towards the boston area and behind it a fairly quiet scene here. that's some very good news for us. we're going to see temperatures -- ie say v good news if you like it dry, but we can actually use a little bit more rain right now even though we'r above average for june.
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your lawn starting to get a little bit fried. we've been rather cool in the northern part of the country.o hot to the sh of the right around average in our area. but look what happens here. the cool air retreats and the heat realil b across much of the nationhere, including in our area, and that's whye we'r talking a heat wave, and as i mentioned it began today and will go right off tomorrow and probably right on through th weekend. downtown tomorrow, we're really anywhere in the area, starting off on the warm side at 7 it and 6 by 1:00 so if you're thinking getting out for lunch tomorrow. i think you're okay. know it going to be on the hot side. 93 degrees by 5:00. not a ton of humidity tomorrow which is a very big factor. humidiy starts to increase though on thursday and especially into friday and saturday. rather humid days here tomorrow and thursday. a high o 93 degrees. back-yard weather coming up on thursday. i'll be out in somebody's backyard in our area, and if you want me to come to your backyard follow me on facebook tell m there or why you want me to come. also go to
6:51 pm we go 90s again. late next week and a chance of storms nextednesday and thursday. july 4th coming in at 95 degrees. > i think you ought to go take backyard weather one of the spray parks. >> that would be awesome. >> that would be a good idea. >> th. would be f >> call me. >> d.c. >> all right. >> thanks, doug. >> coming cup, a big return in baltimore. manny machado plays his first game at camp den yards since being traded. i sherree up next in sports. >> but first here's lester holt with a live look at what's come up on the "nightly news." >> live in miami on the eve of the first democratic debate. president trump's border chief is out after migrant children were found detained in filthy conditions and thefe 's new
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the nationals who are taking a tour of the n.l. east right now in miami for a three-game series starting tonight against the marlins. max scherzer is still shining and takes the mound. in baltimore a familiar face will take theat field camden yards. the former o's superstar manny r machado retng nearly a year after being traded. manny spent seven seasons in nd charm city a signed that contract with the padres this off-season ad more on the emotions of mappy's return. >> reporter: 17-year-old number three overall pick in 2010, four all-star game appearances, three postseason appearances, two gold glove one alcs, countless standing os, but none of those numbers give manny machado an idea as to how he's going to feel when he walks out of this dugout for the first time at camden the visitor's dugout. it's going to be a lot different. everything has been different so far, you know, just going to be exciting to take that field
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again. playing baseball, going out there. going to bring back a lot of memories. e> definitely will keep the ball away from him he's playing in the field. seen him make a lot of great plays. it will be neat having him back and i'm thinking a hoping the crowd will give him a nice reception whenever he comes up to bat today. >> he's as durable as they come, and in this day and age that's gomething that you've t to give him a lot of credit because he toed the line when he was bged up and feeling less than his best and he always gave the best effort that he had that day. >> so many relationships that i built here, that you know, go above baseball, go a ve, you know, coming to this field every day, you know. those are the ones -- those are memories that you never forget. >> i asked machado one meal he had to have before leaving town and he said he already got it.s crabom l.t.'s steamers. got to be honest. ite that last night and thanks to the producer's recommendations manny is has got taste. our producer,ca chow, news 1.
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>> orioles facing off a big part of their past and welcoming a ng part of their future. introducing theirmber one overall pick addly rustchman. he'll receiving a record $1.8 million signing bonus. he's just the second overall pick in orioles history. pcher ben mcdonald back in 1989 was the first. now this time of year in the nhl, roster changes are expect. today one of the veterans on tha aps is lling his run a career. defense continue brooks orpikan nounced he's retiring. >> oh, no. >> the two-time stanley cup winner, one ofhe most respected players on the caps and in the nhl, known for the hard hits and toughness as a defenseman, we did see hi come up huge with gold in the playoffs, like an overtime winner against carolina entering last year's stanley cup vegas against vegas. he was nicknamed dad, and orpik
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played in over 1,00 games and 15 years in the league, the lst five with the caps, all as an alternate chaempt spoke today on the decision to hang up his skates. >> being at the rink every day and at home doing treatment on my knee and kids pulling me to do other stuff i couldn't do. i didn't want to play through the pain i pl ed through again last year. it was a pretty easyde cision to be honest with you. a lot of people struggle with it. i didn't struggle much. my goal here when i came here was to help the group win a stanley cup and i guess that was accomplished, i don't really have any regrets and i had agr t time here the five years i was here. >> yeah. his teulmates said they wo't have a stanley cup without brooks orpik so he will be missed in that room. >> winning the cup made the decision a lot easier. >> made a huge contribution. >> yeah. >> so long, brooks. thanks for joining us, folks. "nightly news" starts here in 60 seconds. >> and we hope to see you for
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breaking news tonight. president trump's border chief is out as outrage grows over detained migrant children. more than 100 taken back to a s tention center described appalling where attorneys say they were denied soap and toothbrushes. tonight new images of migrants confined in a tent city sweltering in the summ heat. the president's new warning to iran, teatening obliteration after iran blasts new u.s. sanctions as outrageous and idiotic and accuses the white house of suffering from a ment illness. dramatic body cam video of baby girabandoned side of the ro in a plastic bag. >> oh, i'm so sorry. >> deputies racing to pull off a mie rescue.
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