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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  June 27, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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affic is moving again, a little slow here in this shot in prince georges county. but police say several drivers may r have over a man on the bw parkway overnight. the candidates came out swinging for the fir debate of the 2020 season. now the country gets are the for rot.d 2 tonigh i'm tracking our third day in a row. at this point it's now impacting our airquality. that,lwe plu'lsav h when we see those humidity levels really increase.
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good morning, i'm erica gonzalez. >> the heat wave is not over jut. >> we're going to check back with amelia in a few moments. >> the supreme court has started to rule in nresolved cases on its final day before summer break. >> and we're tracking the two decisionsrr geymandering claims in maryland and the census citizenship question. let's talk about the gerrymandering claims. the high court wrapped the two cases into one decision. he court says in a 5-4 vote that federal courts have no role to play in policing political districts drawn for partisan gain. the maryland case involves the state's democratic drawn sixth congressional district which stretches from monomery county all e way through western maryland.he next, tupreme court blocked
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theitizenship question as --fr going on the 2020 census. the trump administration's explanation is insufficient adding that the government does not have authority to put this question on the census form. tigation going on concerning this case in maryland, but the decision by the way, the last question. the last time the question was broadly ask was back in 1950. >> now to decision 2020. 10 of the top 20 presidential candidates facedoff on a wide range ofs isues last night. >> from the econy to the powerful response to a graphic photo of migrants owned at the mexico border. tracie potts reports. >> reporter: democrats argue the economy is rigged against
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working americans. >> the immigrants didn't do that to you. the big corporations did that to you. >> reporter: like insurance companies repeating big profits from expensive health care. >> look at the business model of an insurance company. it's to bring as many dollars as they can, iniu premms and to pay out as few dollars as possible for your health care. >> we know that not everyone is sharing in this prosperity. and donald trump sits in the white house and gloats. >> but they disagree whether elizabethwarren's medicare for all is the answer. >> i think we should be the party that keeps what's working and fixes what's broken. >> with trump supporters these 10 democrats launched an l out assault the president's policy. >> the biggest threat to the unit states is donald interrupt. >> and this president has kwliterally gone bds at a
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time when our economy needs >> on iran, cory booker explained why he alone would not rejoin the nuclear deal. >> if i have an opportunity to leverage a better deal, i'm going to do it. >> they weighed in on guns. >> they should belongn the battlefield, not in our communities. >> i'm going to choose common sense gun reform, i believe we're going to be able to get that done in 2021. >> the lesson that i'veovlearne the years, is that you have to stay engaged in these situations. > as a soldier, i will tell you, that answer is unacceptable. we have to bring our troops home from afghanistan. >> reporter: this first debate spirited but civil. round two is set for tonight. tracie potts nbc news miami. >> our covege does not end. we'll continue working for you with live reports from the debates.ight of
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we want to switchgears back to our weather. another hot day on tap, most of the d.c. area ormet electroarea will hit a high temperature above 90 degrees again today. >> the latest on our on going heat wave, it was still well month the 80s last night, amelia? >> absolutely. not only are we extremely hot during the days, we're not cooling off at nirt. temperatures are falling below that 80 degree mark at night, if they weren't, that's when w start to b concerned llout dangerous heat esiap yconditioning. our temperatures are in the mid to upper 80s. 88 in fredericksburg. we have hazy sunshine out there rit now, and with steal air in place, wseare eing an increase in ground levelozone. the air quality todayas rted poor. what this means is if you have respiratory issues, heart su ises, and young kids, you need to make sure they're taking it
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easy outdoors. you want to take itasy outdoors today. we'll see cool air quality out there again tomorrow. ay three of a pontially 12 day heat wave. i'll have much t more on heat, humidity and stormhances coming up. days. thank you, amelia. >> a deadly accident created a traffic headache for commute the bw parkway. th is some of the gridlock drivers weretuck in. >> a pedestrians was hit and killed by a driver who kept going last night. this happened around 11:30. the southbound lanere shut down at the beltway for six hours. traffic is moving again, but the work is just beginning for police. >> megan mcgrath has been at the crash scene all morning. what can you tell us, what kind of update have you gotten? > well, police are still looking for the driver or drivers that are responsible. it all happened down here on t
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southbound lanes of the baltimore/washington parkway here. you can see there's a backup right hhere, t's unrelated. that's for the ramp headed to the beltway, they've cleared the scene here on the bw parkway earlier this morning. we're getting more information about the pedestrians who was killed. he's been identified as 52-year-old mark johnson senior of baltimore, maryland. here's the video from earlier this morning. you can see how all the southbound lanes on the parkway were closed. allche trafas detoured on to the beltway, and police are still looking for the driver or drivers who hit mr.johnson. hit and killed him. the latest information is that it appears he was hit more than once. none of the drivers stayed on the scene. so all of them were gone by thei time arrived. now, it is unclear why johnson was on the parkway at that hour. it was about 11:30 la night. there was not a disabled car or a work zone in the area, that wasn't it. they don't know why he was on
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the side of the road here, what he was doing there. now, they do have broken pieces from some of the cars that they believe are involved in this hit and run. they're taking a look at that, investigtors are looking a those pieces, trying to figure r out more infmation about who may have been invybved. they can come up with a color of a vehicle, or the make and the model, because a this point there are no witnesses, nobody has come forward. they have no lookout for any of the vehicles tha were involved in all of this. so they are looking for people who may have driven through the area,aw something suspicious perhaps, seen a car or more than one car with damage that would be consistent with crashing into somebody on the parkway. if you have any information like that, investigators are asking you to come forward. at this point, all lanes are still -- are open, but we are seeing some delaysr an unrelated reason. back to you. >> megan mcgrath, thank you so much. that hit and run was the second deadly accident on the bw
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parkway this week. 27-year-olittany burks was killed monday night. we're hearing from her mother this morning. burks was sitting in her suv when a c slammed into her. killing her at the scene. she was a howard university student studying to a be dentist. her family rembers hers a sweet person with a good spirit. >> she shouldn't have been out the house after dark. i tell her that all the time. but -- she's my only child. >> policey darnell bassett hit burks, bassett was on the run from police monday night when hendear e her vehicle. and he is now in >>jail. > right now the metro board isic publ addressing the ethics scandal surrounding jack evans forhe first time in open session. meanwhile, evans wants the public to keep an open mind. and wait for his se of the story. mark seaes grav asked evans if
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he feels he's being treated fairly. the councilman paraphrased a line from the godfath two movie. >> this is the profession i've chosen, so whether it's fair or noir, who knows, i just want an opportunity to be able to address some of the concerns people have raised. >> mk sea graves is at this morning's meeting. itu can follow him on twr for updates throughout that. >> a councilmember is having an iact on the future of sports trbetting in the disict. >> members are split over whether to award the lucrative contract foro ml app to the same company that operates the lottery. evans pushed for the deal. betting at places like nats park betting l offer sports no matter what the council decides on the app. th include college sports teams, you will be allowed to bet on maryland football, but
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not georgetown basketball. betting restrictions will also apy to tv contests with judges like the voice or america's got talent. the democrats winning streak on the baseball diamond continues. they beat therepublican team last night 15-7 at nats park for the congressional baseball game. the annual game hasken on added significance beyond just putting aside partisanship. two years ago, you'll remember house minority whip steve scalise was shot and nearly killed during practice. he w back on the field last ht nig. >> nice to see them all come together. lawmakers are working to stop the crisis at the border. >> time is running out,et cong aide bills on the hill could bring bsellions to tho stuck at the border. of savings and service.
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whoa. travis in it made it. it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? it's pretty cool, isn't it? there's two of them. they're multiplying. no, guys, its me. see, i'm real. i'm real! nks he's real. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. z3a66z z16fz y3a66y y16fy
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president trump has arived in japan to take part in the g-20 summit. one issue ex to come up is trade with china. the two countries have been a odds for months. it's nclear whether the president will also meet wi vladimir putin. the presidess has exp interest, but as of now, there't no indicationat will happen. from japan,nt the preside will travel to south korea, where he'll address the stand-off with north korea over its nuclear weapons program. as the humanitarian crisis worsens, congress will try to agree on a the house and senate will begin working to reconcile differences on a pair of bills. >> federal funding -- or funding for federal agencies involved in helping migrant children is due to run out. c nbc'sig boswell has more from capitol hill.
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>> immigration advocates ask a federal judge to require immediate inspections and access for ar dids at over crowded border facilities. adding to the urgency surrounding theri humani crisis there, unless congress agrees on an emergency spendingi l, federal agencies say money to help immigrant children will run out. >> the yays are 84 and the nays are 8. >>the senate passed their version of the humanitarian aide bill. >> congress has to act, it has to start withn open and honest scussion. >>the senate measure now goes back to the house, where democrats want changes, favoring their own $4.5 billionp kage. the senate already rejected the plan and ther pident has vowed to veto. >> reporter: there were 283 deaths along the southern last year. democrats pointing to the drowning of a salvadoran father
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and daughter just this week. >> the president's actions at the border w are arlwind of incompetence, leading to pictures like this. >> both provide funding for services to migrant children. craig boswell, nbc news, washington. hundreds of wayfair employees are upset byhe company's decision to sell furniture to detention centers that house migrant children. this is a look t at turnout yesterday at the company's headquarters in boston. they're upset over a $2,000 order for bedroom furniture. wayfair has not madbl any puic comments. new this morning, the u.s. department of state isco nfirming another ameri n has died while traveling to the dominican republic. khalid atkins of colorado was in th country on june 25th. our nbcn affiliate denver reports that atkins fell ill and
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passed away, before being able to fly hoe. meanwhile, a funeral for nathaniel holmes on wednesday. he and his fiancee both from prince georges county, passed away in the dominican republic last month. autopsies were done in the caribbean, the families also had autopsies completed here in the u.s. the results of those tests won't be released until next month. and despite the recent reports, the state department says the number of americans who .ave died in the d.r delta airlines is responding to travelers concerned about going to the dominican epublic, the airline is waiving change fees for flights the. anyone with a fight booked into puntacana through august 14 legible. you can put the value of yr ticket to a future > trip. >>a scooter rider is so lucky to be alive after this.
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and it is hard to watch. the scooter rider goes right into the path of a car, flips over the hood and on to the pavement there. that car was turning into a parng lot on woodmonten avue in bethesda. that rideis a woman, and she was rushed to the hospital. because so manyiders n't we heets, scoot sheer is ve lucky she was not killed. the summer cycling season is in full swing. and people in montgomery county want to make sure you have a safe summer on your bike. >>el absol news 4's justin fih is in kensington this morning, where people are gathering for cycling in the circle this weekend. >> of course the summer season and riding your bike go hand in hand, you want to make sure that you're doing it safely, especially for your children. we're joined now by mayor tracy fuhrman. i know this would be an event based on what i'm seeing, that
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kids look forward to every year. >> absolutely. this is our first year and hopefully we'll have many more after this. it will become an annual event. we're really excited about it, happy to have the pump track, happy to have kids riding on it. the event is on sunday and we hope people come down and see it. >> we were just talking about tra sic guards aond ago. they look fun, but they also teach an important lesson. >> we use the traffic gardens to help kids learn how to navigate the city stree safely. and create the respect for other cyclists or drsovers. they look out for each other, because they've had these life lessons, and learning h the city streets are put together. not a lot of people know that. we had the kids helping put down thecrosswalks, the stop signs, myself and finula quinn hired by
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montgomery county departme of ansportation to come in and put this temporary traffic garden in to teach kids those lesslis. >> c in the circle, it starts on sunday june 30th from 10:00 1 to:00. in kensington,n justin fi, news 4, back inside to you. driving from the district tk new yo city usually takes more th fourhours. one company is working on a way to get you there in less than 30 minutes. >> say what? >> yes. >> virgin hyperloop one showcased its technology on capitol hill, they're hoping to get support among lawmakers for more funding. the hyperloop would zoom riders around at more than 600 miles per hour. a trip from d.c. to the big apple would take just 27 minutes. the company's ceo says he would like to be the first mpany to actually make this technology a reali eality.
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no break from the heat today >> not at all. >> will this intense heat hurt youree wkend plans. amea draper has a look at a steamy forecast. plus, the high seas arecoming to the stage right here, erica in d.c. >>hat's right, the cast of blackbea joins us aittle blackbea joins us aittle late
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why switch to fios now? er-optic network internet on the 100% f and now the best value from your tv package with the fios tv test drive. i love tv. once my kids go to bed, tv is my way to unwind. you'll get over 425 channels for 60 days. that sounds awesome. t you can unlo perfect tv package, so you pay for the plan you want. we get to see what we're actually using. i don't want to spend money on things that i don't need get access to over 425 channels for 60 days,
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including premium channels like showtime. after that, we'll recommend the perfect tv package based on what you watch. palike to know what i'm ying for. sports and entertainment fanatic, there's a pl for you. kids shows and news your thing? we've got you covered. switch to the best internet on the 100% fiber-optic network anilthe fios tv test drive wl unlock the perfect tv package, so you only pay for what you want. including fios gigabit connection, and a 2-year pri guarantee all for just $79.99 a month with a 2- ar agreement. plus, right now, you'll get a samsung chromebook 3 or $200 toward select samsung tech. that's fios.
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♪ can you belie it, we're just a week from the fourth of july, and it looks like we're in for a show. our region has never seen e. befor our news partners report this year's fireworks display is set to be the largest ever the nation's capital two of the gg country's bt fireworks firms will donate equipment and launched set to be from west potomac park a little after 9:00 p.m.t. love i no matter where you decide to
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see the fireworks next week, metro is likely to be your best option to get around. >> here's what they're planning for the 4th of july, all the stations are going to be open from 7:00 in the morning until mnight, 7:30. trains will run until 2:00 p.m. more trains will be addedto accommodate the crowd. parking will be free at all metro lots and garages. for a full guide of the different events and street closures happening on independence day, i know it's a lot to keep track of, we have it all for you by searching fourth of july. we're going to keep these 90s going. >> it's crazy this lyyear, fing by. we've had a few 90s so far this ear, we're talking about seeing our temratures in total at 90 r or higheor two wee . >> it's cool weather. >> it is summer, it's cool weather, we're not tracng any angerous heat. dangerous heatin our area
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s going to be windy. temperature and the humidity creates a feels like temperature of 100 to 105 degrees, especially closer to that 105 degree mark. at that point we see heat advisories issued. we're not really seeing that ut so this heat wave, far this year, we've had 10 days at or above 90 degrees, by months end we're looking at 14, to give you an idea, looking at 2018, we had 10 90 degree days by the end of theonmth. in 2015, w had 19 90 degree days by the end of june. thanks to chuck for all of that wonderful information. we're right on track there. we're currently at 87 degrees and we're looking at a high of 93. by 1:00 p.m. we'll be at 90, sunny skies out there, it is a bit humid especially compared to yesterday, there is noumidity in the air, noticing it tick up a little bit s hot, though, 5:00 tonight
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we're at 93 degrees. we're running a good five degrees above normal. and with that, i can't rule out an isolated thunderstorm, exactly what i'm tracking right now on srm team 4 radar, if you look down here into madison county, the heavy areas of rain, this is heading down to the south and east, heading on into parts of orangesp and resible ilvein ya potentially over the next few hours, also seeing a little bit of rain out around the charlottesville area. >> any isolated rain chances today are staying west of the d.c. metro ar'a. we going to be completely dry on your thursday, i want to show you future weather. here we are at 3:00 p.m., noticy on few clouds out there for the most part, plenty of sunshine. 5:00 p.m., notice a chance for thunderstorms developing overi the mounta with the heat and a little bit of humidity out there. 7:00 p.m., keeping these storm chances. as we move toward 9:00 p.m. tonight. the sun goes down. any isolated storm chances over
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the mountains are gone, we're tonight. there with temperatures in the low 60s to upper 70s. the heat stic f around again two weeks. what does that mean? i'll have that coming up at 11:40. >> when it's hot like this, i want to grill out, throw some chicken, ribsn the grill. you may have noticed that chicken isn't the cheap dinner option it used to be. >> and a new lawsuit says those price hikes are no aft the break, we're going to break down the allegations that the biggest poultry producers in the country have enrking together to take more of your money.
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the sound of bagpipes signal the start of a memoal service to pay tribute to the victims of
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a terrible mass shootingn virginia beach last month. a city engineer shot and killed nd critically injured four others. most of the victims were hiswo co-rkers in the department of public works. g tnman was killed in a shootout with police. a school community isur mong the loss of a popular educator who had a special relationshp with his students. he ined monday a crash in page county, virginia. news 4's darcie spencer reports. >> jonathan kite had been assistant the principal here at pry briar woods high school for two years. he was known for ability to have fun and his crazy socks. >> to say it's a shock is a huge understatement. jonathan, his impact on students is going to be felt far and wide. >> the shock? he died in a car crash afte
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leaving work monday afternoon. for unknown reasons, he crossed a median and collided with another car head on in page county. the other driver also died. kite wasrs yeold. >> it's going to be two or three people needed to replace just the sheer impae of the work h would provide to our students. >> kite is being remembered for the special way he was able to connect with students. whether it was something he was wearing or the snacks he kept if his oe. >> this was jonathan kite's office for the last two years. the noodle soup he'd give to students who were hungry, the candy to make a tough day a little easier. staff members can't believe he'll never walk-through this door again. lucia curry is a secretary at the school and cheerleing coach. she says everyone will miss him. >> he is so extraordinary, and just brought love, which is really the only thing that
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matters. and everyone felt that from him. >> administrators and staff arew talking aboutat they can do to honor kite's legacy, when students return if their summer break. in louden county, darcie e er, news 4. a police officer in virginia was seriously hurt in a sword attack overnight. this all happened when police were called to a home in rockingham county for a domesti situation. and a man barricaded in a house. an officer was able to get inside the house, but police say michael norquisted attackhe officer with a e officers shot and killed norquist. that officer is now out of the hospital and state police ati now investing a shooting. a heads up in virginia, newe laws ta effect monday july 1st, must be 21 year oldto buy tobacco, nicotine, vape or other smoking items.
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distilleries will open at 10:00 a.m. on sunday. t that' hours earlier. governor ralph northam signed >>e bill into law earlier this year. news 4 is working for you in the mmunity. i'm not sure if you know this or not, summer typically brings blood shortages, but we're told that this year is worse than usual. in oakes hospital, called in the national guard. embers of the 91st cyber brigade came out in full force t o donaten wednesday, they helped pump up blood supplies which are critically low. >> we're all activated soldiers. and we ju decided to come out and support the community in which we live and serve in every day. >> i you'd like to get in on this, lend a hand here. we have posted a list of the donation sites. you'll find that in our nbc washington app, just by
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searching blood. you mayave noticed that ic putting chken on the dinner table is getting more and more expensive. >> nbc's miguel almaguer ayplains how you m be paying thef price o a scheme involving some of e country's biggest poultry producers. >> it's the most popular meat on american plates. now federal investigators are lookheg into whether t country's biggest chicken producing companies, including tyson foods, pilgrims pride ando purdue pired to drive up prices on everything from chicken breasts to chicken tacos to chicken nuggets. owner t.j. ingram spends up to $2,000 a week chicken. but says higher prices have cut into profits. and forced him to make changes. >> what can i do with my chicken to make it go furtherr keep it on the menu without hurting our bottom line. >> americans spend about 90 billion a year o chicken.
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the federal investigation comes as several recent lawsuits, including oneby brought walmart have accused the industry of collusion. the suit alleged from 2008 to 2016 prices rose 50%. even as production costs were falling. the nbc news business unit estimates a typical american household uld pay an extra $210 a year. >> chicken is an american staple. and people notice the difference as much as they notice the price of milk, the price of bread,he price of orange juice. >> tonight all four companies deny allegations of collusion and promise a robst legal defense. as america's appetite for chicken continues to miguel almaguer reporting. temperatures and rain chances cr p up for theweekend. coming up, amelia has a look ahead. a boy fighting a rare disease refuses to let it stop im frovii jo lntisng h base andrews, dan
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weather rolling through the west coast. a masve bolt of lightning crashed through a tree yesterday. giant pieces of bark stripped off the tree. several neighbors say they felt bolt shake their homes. we're told no one was hurt in >> this. hat's crazy. it looks like a fireoing off there. >> and earlier, the first day of spring, steamboat colado had so much snowfall. we're talking about the heat wave in europ happening right now. yesterday france, the czechpu reblic, pole annedd angermany all set record high temper tures month of june. wre talking incredible. we'vereaddy a few heat waves across the world this year. think back to dia, where they
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saw temperatures for the most part around 110 degrees or hotter. for about three weeks. we head to the west coast, san francisco. you ladies remember tt. the earliest 100 degree day ever on record in san francisco hit this year. here we're talking about our own heat wave. it's definitelya extr large ice tea kind of heat out there. dangerous heat is where it's feeling like 105 degrees outside, however, when you get this hot steal air that's not moving around all that much, it minishes our air quality, today is a code orange air quality alert. we'll be in code orange probably teeough the nd. hopefully some rain chances wl help improve the air y.qualit here's your humidity levels today. it's a bit humid out there, and then you can see it's like a frown, a shock on saturday feeling muggy out there. monday we go back to feeling a little bit humid. for the most part we're not looking at any oppressive
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hudity levels during this almost two week long heat wave. today a high of 93. tomorrow a high of 95. so it's hot and humid out there tomorrow, there's the chance for isolated late day, thunderstorms especially back around the mountains, that risk is only about 20%. most of us areoi g to stay completely dry. i like to mention these small storm chances. i know there's going to be a few people out therethat want to stain their deck or do something where they can haveer dry weath in the forecast. i can't guarantee a completely dry day tomorrow. as we head on into the weekend. there's a 30% chance you' dealing with storms on saturday, and 40% on sunday. as the humidity levels fall throughout the day on sunday, we're at 96 for a high on saturday, 91 on sunday. if you're heading to the beaches, you hve the right idea. temperatures in the mid to upper 80s, maybe storms out there on sunday. 's for the most part looking dry at our local beaches.
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>> here's a look at your storm-team four 10-day forecastl k at all the 90s out there. 90 is the one day where we may not hit 90 degrees, we're so close. that's why we're seeing a 12 day long heat wave, meaning basically 90 orro higher thh next saturday. i want to point out the fourth of july, next thursday, we're keeping it dry, mostly sunny, with a hi of 94. >> i appreciate how much work you put into your graphics. did you notice the yeti sized iced tea in the graphic, it had it with a sprig of mint. >> next time, can we have iced tea on the set?t >> swee or unsweetened. >> a new delivery option for amazon, how the onlineretailer is teaming up with aaig nmed pharmacy. pirates, swots figh and a trip around the world, the new musical thatill have you on w
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♪ doesn't that look amazing, that's blackbeard playing now a thegnature theater. chris hoke and rory boyd are here with what audiences can pect. welcome to you both, thanks for joining us on news 4 midday. help me understand this. there are like 10 of you guys, but you play 60 different rol . howes that even happen. whoo dyou memorile so many es? >> through repetition. you know, we get dierent scripts often. ss're open now, through the rehearsal proce there's a lot of changes. just basically grinding it out. >> there's a whole crew of people backste that help make all those changes possible. that are sometimes very quick. >> have either of you ever done
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this particular show before, and what has it been like to do it? we should mention this is at the signature theater, what has it been like for you all. you're coming from new york to put on this show at signature theater. >> no one has ever done the show. it's a stone coldl originashow. haven't had any other du proion. so that's part of the real fun of it,is that you get to create with the writers and the director and that's a lot of fun. >> so talk to me about the hats that you play in this show, and owhat maybe one of favorites is, the character that you're really getting into, and what e you'joyed most about this. chris and i are the only actors who only play one role. >> okay. >> but i get to go on a wonderful journey. i'm a stoweaway on the ship who is the eyes and ears of the audience, who gets to learn the pirate life of blackbeard throughout. >> chris, yo are blackbeard?
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>> yeah. >> what has that been to play that kind of a big character? aracter. a big it's a little -- it's work. i mean, you just get kind ofne rvous when they come in, you're blackbeard, i'm going to be blackbeard, it's fine.ll we'llet through this, you've seen some of the footage now. >> we are seeing some of the footage. let's talk a little bit about the set, you have this giant ship which i would h thinklps bring the audience into the production. you guys were sword fighting up there, that's wild. >> it's really fun, the spa is intimate, i and so think the director's idea was to put them in the middle of the action, on the ship basically, the sword fighting is right next to. i remember during rehearsals, are we far enough away that no one's going to get -- it's fine. it's very excitingr ve-- >> what due think about kids going to see this? is there a particular thing you're going to think, they're going to love it when we do
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this? >> it's an exhilarating roller coaster ride, it's sort of like. if theagic of harry potter were to meet the pirates of the bcaribbean. link and you'll miss it, i think kids will be on the edge of their seats. >> we wish you guys -- break a leg and the show runs through july 14th. at the signature theater. thank you so much. it looks like a lot of fun. absolutely,hank u, guys. back over to you. >> thanks so much. well, this morning a 13-year-old is flying on cloud 9. yesterday hereceived a special honor, he became a pilot for the da at joint base andrews. news 4's drew wilder was there to s himworn in. >> inside joint base andrews, a boy lives out his dream, swearing-in 13-year-old owe riol off to be a pilot for the day.
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>> it's so comfy. >> first a little training in the same simulat the air force trains with. >> see how excited he is? >> a few years ago, orion developed a rare and terminal mito c mi mitocondrial brain disease. >> we canay ask for a d to see my child -- sorry. and to be able to do this. people don't realize what you have when you have it. and we don't. >> which is why the nonprofit selected orion for the biannual pilot for a day at andrews. >> we can't change what's happening to him. but wehe can replace tad memories with good ones. >> see the bracelets? he makes hem, sells them and
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donates the money to the children's hospital for funding for s disease. >> he'll only be a brigadier general for one day, but his service will change countless rlives foer. on joint base andrews, drew wilder, news 4. >> very special. our special bonds with animals coming up. a special good-bye for one service dog. service dog. >> and a w
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and our puppy's name is sunny. >> the "today" show bidding farewell to its third puppy witp a pue, sunny. for the past year and a half, the male yellow lab has trained as a guide dog. he's had help with a trainere dr m whic isrof a sister organization to america's vet dogs. he's learned everything he needs to know. how he's headed to the henry viscardi school in new york. he gets to serve as a teacher, as a mentor, as a model for great behavior. he gets to be their helper, and most of all, he ge to be their friend. >> sunny even has his own security badge at the schl. he spent 240 mornings with the "today" show, earned 7,000 treats and travelled 25,000 miles during his time with
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"today." good luck sunny. >> i'm suds the ki are loving him. >> he's ging to be a hit. now weha ve news about another service do this one went missing. n >>s 4s megan fitzgerald introducesto us local woman who had a scare with her own therapy dog. >> like mos people lifeas offered many ups and downs for morgan lucas. for years she struggled with anxiety. four years ago, she found hope and in some ways, a solution. she met ave. >> ave is my emotional support animal.s >> life so much better. but a few weeks ago, she was getting ready to leave for vacation. she boarded ave not far from her house. minutes after leaving, she received a call that ave ran away. scouring through fields in fairfax county. but on the seventh day. > i looked in my rearvie
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mirror of the truck, just glancing back. i saw the dog go over the bank. >> he found morgan's number on a missing dog flyer nearby. morgan stopped by to say thank you, proving why it's important to never give up hope. >> we're falling in love with animals this morning. we have a new edition to the national zoo. an endangered red panda cub was born this morning. but we're just seeing it now. the national zoo says the cub and mog moonli are doing well. moonlight has been nursing and grooming her cub, the cub will stay with moonlight until its one yearo to 18 mnths old. >> how cute? >> adorable. it's going to be a hot one,
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let's send things over to amelia with what you need to know for today. >> with our heat we're seeing our air quality diminsh. we have a poor air a qualitylert today. this meansyoung kids, adults ke need to it easy outdoors, if you have respiratory issues, heart issues, if you want to take it easy out there today.g drinkin lots of water in general through the weekend. maybe an isolated thunderstorm today, background i-81,ar simil threat tomorrow, most of us are dry, and then a better storm chance over twe kend, but still plenty of dry me,erica. >> thank you. that it for news 4 middar thank you fooining us, we're back on the air in the afternoon, first at 4:00. >> you can get weather
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12:00 pm


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