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tv   News4 Today  NBC  July 13, 2019 8:30am-9:31am EDT

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a tip from a viewer helped launch one of the largest projects the news 4 i-team has ever investigated. congressional hearing. >> it shouldn't take an
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investigative team from news 4 to help ushe fix t problems. >> the head of the medical center answered tough questionss from the oveht committee and announced fixes are in the works for what you're about to see. over the next half hour we'reou taking y inside our investigation to dissect how the scandalirst erupted and what has changed since. among the tens of thousands of men and women who walked through these drs in the last year -- >> i was having complicationsth wi multiple sclerosis. >> what the doctors saw made clear to them they needed admit nu. >> righeeded to stay there. >> right. >> last 4th of july the air-conditioning failed inside. and the temperature w unbearable. >> 36 s later you're walking out. >> right. >> one of a series of problems in the last threeea y. we found temperature problems, also spoiled thousands of flu ots, and ruined supplies in the blood bank. there were also supply
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sportages, some so severe doctors cancelled procedures. one patient had to be aken from anaesthesia because they couldn't find thede need equipment for a procedure. >> not in this quantity. >> problems withte slizing equipment, all aggravated by a culture of complacency according to the va's inspector general. he put out of his own report. >> they had to improvise and take stopgap measures at every step. >> there was improvising going on. >> there was. >> that's not common at va medical centers? >> it shouldn't be. >> a 2013 report written by a contractor hired found shortcomings that needed to be addressed. something we pressed the then va secretary david shulkin about weeks before he resigner. >> there w warnings about this as far back01s 23. some of these problems are
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significant in size, and you were here, long before 2017, how is any of this what you call a surprise? >> fir of all i think you're exactly right, these are issues like you find throughout much of the va, long standing issues. i was not aware of those issues. i was not aware until the inspector general actually picked up the phone. >> five different men have headed this troubled facility since 2017. michael himle is on the job right now. he sat down with the i-team a few weeks into the job to address the uphill battle he faced. >> every veteran in the community should understand that we take their trust in us very, very seriously. michael himle knew all eyes were watching him.t >> it jus seems tragic, the flag ship medical center of the va is considered among wor if not the worst in the nation. >> absolutely, and it shouldn't be thatway. what i want is a health care
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system that i am comfortable, that i trust with my care. >> reporter: when we spoke to him last fall he admitted fixes quickly. come >> i've told the staff we've got a five-year plan and it will really be a ve-year plan to get the organization to where i want to see it perform. >> reporter: a scathing audit last march found dozens of deficiencies, but an i-team review shows only a hdful were corrected. >> you have concerns about the building itself. how do you fix that? >> it takes time. it takes scheduling of projects. and it takes funding. >> reporter: himle is trying to hire more employees t address problems with sterilization and postponed surgeries. >> every single one of them we take a hard look at where our process broke down so that that se had to be cancelled and what we'll change in our process today so it doesn't happen
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tomorrow. repor whi at the same keeping motivated. >> our staff's been through an awful lot. they know the ig report's out they see pieces in the media. and staff gets beat down over that. >> reporter: a few mon that interview the i-team began hearing from other insiders, including urrent employees who felt the need to speak out about progress being made. you're a veteran. do you receive care there? >> i do,ut i will not get any procedure done there. >> reporter: striking words from veterans who know firsthand what it's like inside this hospital trying to repair its reputation. >> reporter: why do you stay? >> for the vets. >> reporter: they need you. >> i am one, so it's hard. >> reporter: we're not showing their faces because they're also current employees of the medical center. and they worry about retaliation forg speakinout. >> we're crying out for help ans we're jnot getting the resources that we need. >> reporter: it's been one year since internal va investigators dropped a bombshell report about this facility. revealing widespread
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mismanagement, supply shortages, postned procedures and wasted money. >> this isn't a one-month, six-month, one-year rebuilding, this is three to five years to bring this facility back to where it should be. >> reporter: himle spoke with us stecond time this spreng. he said they've had improved sterilization, and fewerd or po procedures. >> we have not had a procedure postponed due to equipment availability really since early december. >> there have been that have been postponed or cancelled due to supply shortages. >> repor recently, this spring? >> recently, yes. >> reporter: but employees say there are still postponements due to supply itiues and scrambling. >> there times that people districts have to run to other facilities and get supply that a pedient >> reporter: do you have enough helping you? >> no, no, not at all. it's a challenge, every day to
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figure out what to do. >> reporter: employees say many of the continuedem probls stem from chronic staffing shortages and problems in human re somethg noted in the 2018 inspector general report even mt the hospital are broken. >> reporter: this cilian employee sis some co-workers are struh issues due to added workload and weeks of o the slack. >> we know how hard they're in work >> repor himle admits there needs to be improvement in hr, a challenge across the entire agency. 136 new staff were hired in 2019 and contractors are being used to fill the gaps. employees who spoke outgeorry nt isn't listening enough to those on the front lines. >> i feel scared as a patient at this medical facility, as an employee it's a place that it's the worst place i've ever seen. >> reporter: at the recent eacongressional hng the director said they've eliminated the backlog for a prosthetics created standard operating
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procedures for the staff. when we come back, devastated families wondering if more could have been their loved ones after visiting america's flag ship veterans and an alarming escape, how did a psychiatric patient manage to sneak out of a hospital .n employee to call him a cab? z3d2uz z16fz
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>> wood row was a jokester sometimes, he was family oriented. >> the annual familyut og at haynes point didn't seem the same. >> because he wasn't there. >>he says the grief of losing her brother was made worse by
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how the navy veteran died, hours of receiving care at the d.cva medical center. >> when he didn't return home in 2018, his family became concerned and called the hospital but says n one could locate him. the next day loretta decided to go look for herself. >> as soon as i turned in there was his car. my heart was bting. sometimes you get this feeling or this sense of something. reporter: she spotted his vehicle parked in a handicap spot, her brother still inside, but gone. of death was mixed intoxication, and ruled accidental. >> why couldn't they find the car? it was right there. >> reporter: but our i-team investigation revealed that's not the only recent death that has troubled workers and veterans inside this major medical center. >> willy davis under went a lung
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biopsy in he immediately complained of pain a coughing. rushed that night to the george washington university hospital e.r., he died hours later. his daughter declined to discuss th case on camera but says they never heard from the va after their father's biopsy. agency sources tell the i-team dae medical center didn't learn about s's death until the other hospital sent the va a bill. >> why are some of these deaths not found first by your medical center? >> i can't speak toed what happenefore i got here. i'm familiar with both of those cases. himle, the medical center director, says hospital procedures are under review and changes will be made if necessary. >> if we did somethi wrong we've got an obligation to disclose that to the patient and the fately. >> repor he admits the medical center failed earlier is year. on february 6th the vet who f sufferm opioid addiction enters the emergency room. he asks staff to admit him to the hospital but after evaluating the man the medical center teams released him and
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gave him a february 8th follow-up appointment in anie outpatnt program. february 12th, the man shot himself inside his home. there was some type of breakdown in the pcess at the medical center. >> absolutely. that w a veteran that came to us for help and we failed. >> we checked datases. whent comes to communicating with patients recovering at home, the medical center is below averagey nationall and almost exactly average in d.c. a new issue uncovered by the i-team that impacted patients and the public when a psychiatric patient at the va managed to escape. internal va records obtained by the i-team sayar a 29-yeld man escape it had psychiatric ward at the d.c. va medical center fter entering the shower in may. by removing the ceiling tiles, removing the ceiling ventilation and crawling to a neighboring office outside the locked space. here's what happened next according to a relative.
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>> he went through the emergency room and asked someone in the emergency room, the staff at the hospital to call a taxi cab. >> and they called him a cab. >> they called him a cab. >> hwas wearing his hospital clothes. >> he was wearing his scrub bottoms and a tank top. >> the relative did not want to be identified because the man is accused of taking that cab ride he home in manassas where held a woman he knew against her will and assaulted her. prince william county police arrested him. the hospital told the i-team they quickly identified the veteran'on location and ctacted police. the relative told us something else getting c in theab the patient called home to alert family he was out. the relative called va hospital twice to warn them the man escaped but they couldn't even confirm he was a patient. >> yar tried to them he'd escaped. and they didn't go look? >> , they didn't even bother walking in to check his room. >> after that incident the internal va records show staff were rrained on how to better
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identify escape risk, also tamper resistant fasteners were put on the ceiling tiles and the facility also plans to install locks on the covers. the patient was hospitalized in virginia aftereing charged by police but he's since been released. >> reporter: problems not just inside the, but also outside as veterans struggle to make appointments and the parking crunch. we
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it was a story about the local hava hospital tt stuck with a lot of viewers, veterans struggling to get around forced to walk long distances to see their doctors, because of a hugn park problem facing the medical center here in d.c. getting most places takes just a little longer for sequoia
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pointer. >> when you have a dramatic situation happen to you you just don't recover as fast as they think. >> reporte three decadese fter serving u.s. army pointer is fighting another battle, recovering from a stroke and still struggles to use his left arm and leg. you set aside 30 minutes tod fin parking. >> just to find parking. >> 30 minutes? >> yes, at least 30 minutes. >> getting to aointments lately has turned into a lesson in patience. he h unloaded scooter and made the long trek from the back of the lot to get back inside. to fight through traffic and fight for a parking space and then he's going to have to fight to get in there and get where he's going. i've walked those halls with >> reporter: when we first met jonathan warwk he was navigating a hill. >> he had two hips replaced, a fractured spine, did it occur to you i shouldn't be walking this far to get to m doctor? >> in a sense, yes, i shouldn't,
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i shouldn't have to be talking that far. >> reporter: the newsfo 4 i-tea d patient after patient forced to walk long distances after a long search for a spot, just howar? we measured from the backow r to the front door, more than 3 1/2 football fieldeach way, a third of a mile round trip. >> parking lot access is somethinghat we hear about a lot. >> reporr: heather ansley says this is a growing complaint at va medical centers. a parking challenge means some veterans may not bry ting to go. >> exactly. >> internal va records obtained by the i-team show they've been aware of this problem, calling it an unacceptable deficiency and identifying dozens of other parking issues at medical centers nationwide. there's a big list of needs nationwide. does that surprise you?at >> unfortuny, no. >> good news in april, the d.c.v.a. opened a new parking
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garage that has a shuttle service. a mesge to d.c. veterans from the head of the agency when this news 4 i-team spec a message to o
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the director of the d.c. va medica h center says theree been positive developments, especially with supply shortages and the sterilizationf equipment. the inspector general of the u.s. department of veterans affairs charged with watchdogging this medical centes says a progr report will come in at the end of october of this year. at the very top of the agency the secretary of vetans affairs says progress is being mademe at the cal center, and he did so in a recent sitdown interview witamthe i-te where he talked with the va and about this facility. >> the good news about d.c. is that, and you've certainly covered it the last few years, is that the ratings have gone up. it's now no longer a one star facility. it's a two star facility. we have a dedicated women's
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health clinic. our mortality rates are as good or better than any in metropolitan washington, d.c. and that is a huge step forward. we finally put in placerm peent leadership. i can't speak to the crises that you reported onthe last few years. wasn't here. but i can tell you that we are focusing on it should be the flag ship, and i do think it is improved greatly. >> the permanentr directo you referenced says this is a fix that will takear not months. does that sound acceptable? >> well, i don't know. i didn't see that comment. but i hope it doesn't. and it's my goal across the country to make sure that those things don't happen >> whato you say to the d.c. veterans? >> i say first, thank you for volunteering to serve your cotry. come to us. not only come to us but tell us htat you need, tell us what you see that is rignd tell us what you see that is wrong.
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this is not your grandfather's va anymore. we are changing with the population of tevens. >> the news 4 i-team would also like to hear from many of the stories you've seen come from veterans, families and employees. if you have something we should benvestigating with the va there are many ways to reach us. you see the phone number and the email on your screen. call us at 202-885-4444 or send usn email at tips @news 4 i from our entire news 4 i-team and all the women and men of nbc 4, we thank you for joining us 'm
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iara gore, and welcome to open house. this week, we are just off union square to check out a chic duplex penthouse with its very own rooftop conservatory. and architect bob henry shows why you should bring your dancing shoes to his recentlyle compted downtown plus-- penouse living la style with views to die for. but first, designer melissa warner rothblum shows how she made a traditional beverly hills home feel fresh and modern. so after we finish the main house, we built a whole separate structure th our clients like to call the man cave. welcome topen house. today, i'm coming to you from this unique tplex penthouse in manhattan's kips bay neighborhood.
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the modern open-floor plan of this spacious corner great room allows for effortless entertaining between the living area, dining, and the kitchen. and natural light pours through floor-to-ceiling windows that frame spectacular views-- views you can also enjoy from the ample outdoor spaces, which make the home feel much larger than its already spacious 4,500 square feet. let's get started in beverly hills with designe melissa warner rothblum. ly see how she completeupdatee from the 1940s while maintaining its original detail and charm. the results are open and airy spaces that feel fresh, textured, and most of all, vibrant [music playing] hi, everyone. i'm melissa warner rothblum from interior design firm massucco waeser miller from los angel i'm so excited you're here today to see one of my favorite client's homes in beverly hills. i never can resist color and pattern, and wis house is brimmingith it. come on in and take a ok.
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[music playing] melissa warner rothblum (voiceover):li the ving room is the first room you see when you enter the home, i we wanted it to feelnviting and definitely give a sensehe. we decided to keep most of the largerieces upholstered in neutral fabrics and then save the pops for the accent pieces like the stools under the consoles, the lounge chairs, and the pillows. although when you first see th room it's full of pop color and personality,cl when you looely, it's really all the small details that make it shine. with so many pairs in the room, i tried to spice it up a bit by upholstering the back of the chairs with different parts the fabric. one is centered on the yellow, and the other is centered on the fuchsia.s to me, thiom feels approachable and full of personality. [music playing] melissa warner rothblum: i normally save the best for last. but i do love this dining room, and i couldn't wait to get you in here. because a family lives here, we wanted to make sure to address their needs and that the space was not only chic, but functional, as well. in here, we upholstered the inside of all the chairse in a wfaux leather. and on the outsides, we added a contrast fabric.
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although orange in here gives a big bang, it's actually used in quite a small way. by bringing it outhe candlew the color in the wallpaperin and also theilting detail on these accent to add sextra spunk to the room, we added this whimsical chandelier. my rule of thumb is that there's no such thing as t many patterns in a space. if you look closely in here, nearly every piece p istern, down to the tonal rug on the floor. but together, and all works. [music playing] because the kitchen is the hub the house, having seating be comfortable-- and even a bit loungey-- is always a plus. with all of the natural light in the kitchen, we wanted to be sure to take advantage of it when we did the layout for this space. the main cat is the perfect place to sit and take a iew of the backyard. because the kitchen is so open and airy, we wanted to be sure it had a good anchor point. this island is the perfect place to perch, or to chat it up with your family and friends. this is the more publicou . but if you're looking for a little downtime, it's perfect to head upstairs to the master. so the master bedroom feels consistent with the rest
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of the house. but we wanted to make it a little bit more serene and relaxing. although we still usedots of pattern, we've really dialed it down in terms of color to make it a bit more tranquil. athe wallpaper in heredds so much. i just love how the texture and the tonal palette adds an extra layer and punch to this space. [music playing] so after we finished the main house, we built a whole separateenstrus like to call the man cave. although we wanted the space to feel consistente, with the main e also wanted to give it its own special something-- these materials that are a little richerin , and more handsome. having fun in this space was really important, right from the start. and so we actually built the window-positioning around our client's vintage piall machines. who doesn't love a good game of pool? in here, we skipped the green feltd and insteaopted for gray. and if a movie is on the agenda, these motorized shades make it easy to set the mood. a kitchen and bar areaacelp minimize trips bk and forth to the main house and keeps the room completely self-contained. overall, this room id functional, cozy, anchic-- to the main house and keeps the perfect for entertaining.ained. also a great place to end our tour. [music playing]
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i hope you enjoyed the tour as much as i did. i had so much fun showing you all around, h and reallye it inspires you to add a little more color and paern into your home. thanks so much for joining me. bye. coming up in just a few minutes, we are taking it to the top with penthouse living, cali style. [music playing] narrator: open house is sponsored in part by coldwell banker, dedicated to the love of people and homes since 1906. find your home at
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welcome back to open house. well, we don't see penthouse living too often in los angeles. but that's just what we have here with this luxurious residence in westwood. e twoframe panoramic vistasn ens from the city to the sea. but there's plenty of other design surprises in this
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nearly [music playing]ot home. hlo. i'm lm pagano, and i'm so thrilled to welcome you to this penthouse. when i was presented with this project, i knew that the client wanted something that was more parisian, more new york, but here in los angeles. it's elegant, romantic, and it's a perfect place . for entertaining there's so much to see. i can't wait to show you around, so let's go. [music playing] what i firnt notice when i walk ithis room is the expanse of these ceilings in here. it has a very loft-like feel, even with such an elegant interior. i love standing up on the landing, because you feel like the president of the world. and you're looking down onto this super, super inviting living space. so this is the family hangthe guest hang.
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and when you have some private time, you go to the office. [music playing] well, it's a little bit difficult to wk when you have this view. it strikes me every time i walk into this room. i mean, you just want torsph and look at it, right? this is a space i created for her husband. i made it more masculine. we have a lot of shagreen details in here-- shagreen in the it gives us a texture without being in your face. it's not too much of a pattern. and when you want to change the mood in this room, you just put the privacy shades down. [music playing] this kitchen is a ppy place. i want it to be an open plan so that-- if you were sitting watching tv over here in this faly area, sitting in the booth-- you could talk to whoever was cooking something wonderful and yummy in here. this is honed calcutta gold. it was the perfect creamy, inviting stone that we wanted here in this space.
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it's kind of like a moroccan-frenchfl-market . [music playing] at the top of the stairs is the landing. and it's one of my favorite partsar of this aptment-- framing these custom couches, a library space, a little cabinet. and this is phillip jeffries' wallpaper. it's silver-leafed silk, so you wouldn't think to touch it. but you should, because it's fun.] [music playi the master bedroom-- i really got to indulge myself, interior design-wise, for this client. we have custom, d lver-leafed, hand-painte gournay paper on the the blossoms fall down into this bed-- into the headboard, the pillows, the base, and even the floor.s the other side of the room, the chaise is a patterned velvet. we've got fortuny fabric throw pillows on there
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and a cashmere throw. probably the biggest indulgence besides the wallpaper in this master is this unbelievable vanity, comprised of three sections-- those two giant armoires d a center makeup vanityth . and to compliment this room, i wrapped the wallpaper all the way through the hallway to another magical place-- to a closet. [music playing] there's three chandeliers. and when you turn around and go outof t and into her bathroom, you have a world of jewels on the ceiling. in this free-standing tub, soaking away the dayrelaxing. it's truly romantic. and no penthouse would be complete without a patio. and this one ito die for. and no penthouse would be complete[music playing]o. this outdoor patio is something that you almost never get with any apartments, let alone a penthouse,
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in los angeles. it's a 2000-square-ft deck. it's extraordinary. [music playing] thank you so much for coming on this tour with me f at penthouseive. i hope you enjoyed the designs. i hope you enjoyed all of theabulous things about this apartment. see you. bye. [music playing] g sarae: coming up after the break, put on your dancing shoes. you're going to need them. you'll see why in just a few.
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welcome back. now we're with architect, bob henry, who highlights one of his favorite projects inof lower manhattanhood bob wanted every element in the home to reflectonhe owner's dynamic peities and interests-- which includes, as it turns out, the tango. [music playing] hi, i'm bob henry, founder of rert d. henry architects. and welcome to one of my favorite projects. [music playing] this is a 2,400-square-foot loft. i ndsigned this for ludaictor conti. we worked closely with luda. and he's a competitive ballroom dancer, and wanted to create an energized dance studio and a relaxed, healthy home. [music playing] when you first enter the loft, you come upon the kitchen.
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we wanted to give it an open feel. this island countertop was made of a solid slab of carrara marble. it's 12 feet lheg and extends into tining space. and you'll also notice that the same marble was used on the backsplash. one of my favorite pieces is this 20-foot long custom chandelier. 1,248 hand-strung crystals create a cosmic constellation. it's an ethereal experience of floating, dancing orbs, instant glamor, and architectural jewelry. [music playing] the living room has windowon three exposures, and has these incredible views of manttan and the waterway. and i wanted to bring that drama into the room itself, because this room is not only a living room, but doubles as a ballroom. [music playing] but doubles as a ballroom. the ballroom requires specific floors. it's a dark walnut sprung floor with underlayment
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. of rubberized material it provides an acoustic insulation, which makes it more comfortable for dancing and makes you a thoughtful neighbor. [music playing] anchoring the living room is a vintage white d. b dwin grand piano. and i know luda has had some incredible dance parties here. [music playi] and where the living room was about entertaing, the bedroom area's about relaxation and wellness.he , we changed the palate to that chocolate mocha-- an earth tone that provides that calming effect. nelarge, glass, sliding pal separates the bathroom area we paid a lot of aon frto that master bath. it was super important to integrate spa-like features in the bathroom.
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a deep, steeping t for a luxurious bath where you can soak up to your neck and relax tired dance muscles. we included two alessi sculural sinks. that backlit mirror's providing soft lhting. every space in the loft has to have some architectural jewelry. so in the bathroom, we did this chain-link chandelier. ultimately, we wanted to create this sensuous wellness experience for my client. [music playing] when i design a space, i want every day to feel like a celebration. and next time, please remember your dancing shoes. [music playing] well, it's not a party until someone dances across the kitchen island, right? thanks to owner luda conti and famed dance pro tony dovolani for showing us exactly why that space is perfect for tripping the light fantastic. are you inspired by anything you've seen so far? well, we've curated collections on amazon so you can shop the looks. just visit
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don't go anywhere because, just after the break,we are checking out a union square duplex filled with surprises.
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welcome bacto open house. now we're just off union square for a peek inside a duplex penthouse designed to impress both inside and out. notice how the pre-war details mix perfectly with eye[music playing] touches. my name is cherie henson. i'm at sotheby's international. we're here at 10 east 14th street. and i'm looking forward to taking you on a tour of this beautiful property today. [music playing] ivwalking out of the pre elevator, into this stunning, pre-war loft. it has 14 to 17-foot ceilings. the dining area is situated directly underneath a dramatic opening, showing
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off the glass atrium above. the exposed brick is a key feature, with its rich color. this gas fireplace instantly warms the room. it's perfect for a winter's night cup of cocoa or glass of champagne. one of my ablute favorite things about this unique property is the hand-painted walls and the venetian plaster treatment throughout. it really adds extra warmth to this space. and now, i'd like to show you the kitchen [music playing] a marble wet bar and plenty of storage space make this kitchen a chef's dream. with a giant amount of work space, it's the perfect setup for any holiday-- or even a dinner party with your friends. and thanksgiving gets done even faster with twoan ovens d two dishwashers. the specially made mirrored cabinets are second only to the most beautiful hand-painted cherry blossom tiles that make up the backsplash. [music playing] the master bedroom is a lovely extension of the great room. it's bold and luxurious. it features beautiful hand-painted red walls,
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custom wood paneling, and accents of cherry blossoms throughout. customthe master bath has beautiful black and whites tiled floors, freestanding tub, dual sinks, and huge steam shower. but just when you thought we were finished, i have the grand finale. so come with me. [music playing] and now for the best part-- your own private atrium. the atrium itself is its own second living room-- or, as i would like to call it, she cave. the atrium is surrounded with silk curtains, if youxte looking for some e privacy. and you can look down, through this opening, to see the party dowbelow. it has sliding doors on the north and south side. the second set of doors open into the bigger outdoor space, complete with another wet bar and gas-powered grill. past the barbecue is a seating area, a dining room table, and a fire pit. it's perfect for barbecu, birthday parties, or if you just want to enjoy some outdo time. [music playing]
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sthank you for taking thi tour s unique, e-of-a-kind property. see you soon. sara gore: coming up, we take a look at why customer service is one of the mos important aspects to look for when deciding on a real-estate professional. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. ofessionalstate, it's important to have a on your side, guiding you through what can be the biggest transaction of your life. now we take a look at what sets coldwell banker's real-estate tofessionals apart when i comes to serving their clients, and what you should look for in an agent-- whether you're buying, or selling. [music playing] hi, i'm liz gehringerief og officer of coldwell banker. i've spent my career focused on ethical conduct and building trusting relationships with customers. customer service in real estate used to be a lot about how a real-estate agent could provide information to a customer. and that's still true, but the information that an agent can provtie is much more sophisted today. and it really helps our agents target that an agent can provtie is the market for our buyers..
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[music playing] as much information in available online, an agent brings a certain level of expertise that you really can't get on your own. our agents, for example, have access to oducts delivering artificial intelligence-- information about where a buyer is lso you know what h, or who will be available for sale.m our agents can connect you to information you wouldn't otherwise have. i think, when you're looking for an agent,u ould look for somebody who's got fantastic communication skills that match yours. you want somebody who has a really strong handle on technology, because that is where there is so mucinformation available. you want to find an agent who is connected to a broad network. at coldwell banker, we have 92,000 agents,os worldwide, acrs 44 cntou.ateseae shared across a broad audience. it's more potential traffic for your home sale. a real-estate purchase, buying or selling a home-- it's suchg a ansaction in your life. it's often the most important transaction somebody will make. you want to know that the aperson who's representing you can be trusted.
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[music playing] oftentimessopeople might pick just mebody they know as their agent. but it's important to do your homework. for example, at coldwell banker, we get a price premium. our homes sell at a higher prie than other homes in thrket. it's act tlly 16.5% higher thanhe national average, so you stand to benefit by working with a coldwell banker agent., for our agentsit's less about getting a house sale done or doing one transaction, and it's more about building a relationship. think that it's really important to many buyersom to work with a cpany abothat's not only ethical,ip. but that's having an impact on the community. at coldwell banker, we have a long tradition of many charitable endeavors. i our agents are aolved, we in their local communities so many ways. [music playing] coldwell banker agents are the best in the business. whether you're buying or selling, they are truly here to help you. they're smart, they're trusted, and they're armed with great information.
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so head on over to to ge started. ut that's all for now, be hope you enjoyed the show. if you're like me and just can't get enough beautiful homes and stunning design, then head to the open house tv youtube channel and tap the bell icon so you're notified now, of course, you can also find us on twitter, instagram, or facebook at open house tv. thanks for watching, and i'll see you next week. [music playing]
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