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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  July 20, 2019 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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right now at 6:00, we've been alerting you to the dangerous heat, here's one of the reasons .cwhy, d firefighters treated for heat exhaustion. we're going tore reveal whe the heat index reached 118 degrees in our area. that means we're in weatr alert mode folks. we have new details on the breaking news we brought you last night, a father and son ot in the head and killed inside a d.c. home. what investigators did not find at the scene. 50 years to the day since mankin walked on the moon. coming up, how our nation's capitol is marking this historic day.
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the heat inx reached 110 degrees in d.c. if you think that is hot, it felt like 118 in quantico, virginia today. people doing whatever they could to stay cool. and that includes enjoying the fire hydrants re along the national mal but the dangerous heat is sparking a storm team 4 weather alert. let's get right to it. am coverage.t what are we in for the rest of the afternoon and evening? >> we're in for more heat, to think, temperatures are only going to be in the # 0s, it's going to be not only hot today, warm overnight. anki we could be tal more heat tomorrow. this is the actual mperature, 96 degrees out there in washington, d.c., right now. 97 in manassas, 97 in leesburg.
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everyone's getting in on the heat in our entire region. here's what it feels like, it feels like 105 in washington, d.c., right now. 108 in manassas, up toward frederick,fe ing like 107 blistering degrees. this has prompted an excessive heat warning until 9:00 p.m. e that'sryone here, we also have an excessive heat watch going into effect tomorrow becausee could be talking triple digit feels like temperatures. rriple digit temperatures as we head through yousunday. we have a look at storms coming up that could potentiallympact ur sunday evening plan. i'll have the details in the breakdown for you. >> for those working in the heat, it's unbearable. in southwest d.c., several firefighters suffered heat exhaustion, several other firefighters had to be evaluated at the firefightwere trying to put out a fire at an apartment on i
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street. smoke could be seen severalor flo up into the building. they had to evacuate residents. no word on what causedhe fire, the heat and humidity is so miserable, you don't want to be outside. he you do, we know where you want to be, t pool. you want to be by the pool, to get some sort of relief. derek ward caught up with one man wearing a suit. >> reporter: people still tend to their gardensd took in some sights. they did those things quicker. this woman knows her tomatoes need tlc too but in this weather, it's everything in moderation. >> i just ca to throw water on my garden. >> reporter: the gat outdoors felt like a great big oven. the regional youth baseball tournament has cooling breaks built in. the parents were watching for the signs of heat stroke.
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>> kids have to be careful. me could be dangerous for them. >> with anyone who exerts themselves. >> comfortable, i can go out and run right now. >> in a suit?in >> a suit. a black suit at that. the idea for ron carson's cool actions that came to him while sweating out presidential hit. secret service types love it. >> anyone in these hot temperatures in d.c. have to wear a suit, not necessarily because they want to, because they have to. >> swimsuits in this pool in ft. washington. they're mobilizing for the heat, offering a few free hours of pool time this weekend as well as 16 cooling centers. common sense is free too. >>please be safe. >> don't over exert yourself, stayydrated and look out for others who may be in distress from the heat. >> if you're out with the mobil it to be able to identify individuals who are in need of shelter. >> derek ward, news 4.
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>> heat stroke can set in pretty quickly on days like today. lack of sweating, rapid heartbeat. if you or someone with you has experienced these, you may wa to call 911. please be careful. sorry about that, folks, having a little bit of technical difficulties. in otherews tonight, d.c. police need help solving the murders of a father and son, at rela discovering the bodies yesterday, their home on queen street in northeast d.c., hugh washington and his 17-year-old son both shot in the e teen was a senior at dunbar high school. a representative says the school
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will hold a vigil friday evening. police don't have any information about who may have committed these murders. tensions are rising in the gulf after iran seized a british oil tanker and now iran's revolutiary guard is releasing new video, they say shows the dramatic moment when they took tanker. ali arouzi is in iran with the mtest. >> reporter: thereed reports as to why the tanker is seized. it collided with a fishing boat and ignored the fishing boat's distress signal. earlier today, they had taken ip rec kohl action because they seized its supertanker illegally on the 4th of july in gibraltar. authorities in gibraltar announced yesterday they were impounding their iranian supertanker for a further month. and almost immediately afterwards, iran seized two
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ships. when the supertanker was seized by the u.k. it provoked a furious response from the leadership here, who said this act of piracy by thebritish won't go unanswered. the revolutionary guard released footage showing the swarm of those speed boats surrounding tha britisher while helicopters were flyinganabove, members of the guard to the d sh aple maepchinereld guns and wearing ski masks. it was provocative, it was dramatic, and it was aggressive, and that's exactly what iran wanted everyone to see. was a message to the global community that if iran is hampered in its own backyard, if they can't sell their own oil, it's going to make it very expensive for everyone else that wants to use the straigts of hormuz to transport their oil. u.s. central command sent
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out a statement friday to increase surveillance and security in the middle east. >> maryland's governor. find out how governor larry hogan's plan could affect you. world cup fever i not over, i'm kerry snow coming up in sports. the return of the
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friends and family sang a finalll farewe to a young woman. family and friends gathered to say good-bye to ronette, she was killed two weeks ago while driving home from a friend's house. a driver in a pickup truck was going the wrong way. he struck hersuv. she died at the scene. the other driver has been identified asig ml gomez. alcohol played a role in this accident. maryland governor larry hogan says he wants to save you money while using the tolls. the baltimo sun reporting his propos is not around across the board cut that the governor pushed through in 2015. one proposal would cut tolerates
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for motorcycles and vehicles tong one axle and two axle trailers. the governor hopes to generate up to $25 million and help save drivers more than 5 $1/2 million a year during that time. so our top story is this extreme heat. we're going to show you the feels like temperatures coming up tomorrow. 105 in d.c., 118 in quantico virginia. tamara is standing by with an update. the heat not keeping folks away from an historic celebration. people are getting ready to mark people are getting ready to mark 50 years since mank
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current gm owners can get over $5,100 below msrp on this equinox. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. 50 years ago today,00 6 million earthlings were glued to their sets watching as man walked on the moon for the very first time. nasa iseb celrating the 50th annivsary of the apollo 11 mission by re-creating the launch tonight of aat nional mall. news 4' amy cho is live outside on this hotday. with a preview of what's going to be going on tonight. it will be worth it, though. >> just a few hours to go until that big celebratio let me tell you, this heat out here is absolutely brutal. it feels like it's going
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swimming in humidity, it's almost hard tobreathe, the oppressive heat has not stopped folks to come out to the national mall to celebrate a hugment in hume around history. tonight, marks 50 years to the day that mankind landed on the moon. each night this week, the washington monument has been prjected an image of the saturn 5 rocket. they have also been putting on a show that re-enacts the landing. nasa has also been giving outdy god bags. earlier we met a yng woman who's interning at nasa this summer. a big part of their work has been learning from the past and using thaowledge to move forward in the future. >> it's incredible to see everyone. there are equally as many people who nevesaw it. >> there will be a big countdown
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at the washington monument tonight at 10:56 p.m. that is the exact minute neil armstrong first walked on the more than. >> stay hydrated out there, and anyone that's going to be headi out there this evening still apply the sunscre y'all. you can find more information about tonight's show including the best spot to see it. search apollo 11. it does not get hotter than what it is today. if you have spent any amount of time you know, that today is brutal. the feels like temperatures, i mean, 1:18 in quantico. that's nuts. >> insane and dangerous. you have to be careful out there. you don't want to risk it, today is not the only day we're going to be feeling this heat, we're looking at this heat stinging around through sunday. let's go ahead and take a look at what we're dealing with
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outside. we are weather alert red because of this heat. temperatures right now, in washington, d.c., 96 degrees, we're at 97 in manassas. that number has been volleying a bit. we are in the upper 90s, near vi100 in fredericksburg, inia right now. this is much cooler, nearly 11 degrees lower than what it felts like thafternoon, look up toward frederick maryland, usually we're on the cooler side of the .spectrum feeling like 107 degrees in frederick, maryland. stepping up tonight. there is a 1345u8 rain chance it's going to be between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m.of some s may not see anything at all. we could see an isolated shower between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. temperatures in the 80s itovernight. 's going to be a warm night as
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well. your forecast for tomorrow. we may be a little on the hotter .side than it was today tomorrow we could -- we have a good run at 98, 99 for your summer. >> tomorrow i'm going to up the chances for the storms, maybe 20% chance tomorrow, we have a 30% chance of showers and storms. let's start at 9:00 p.m., try to see this develop here. maybe a storm, a few rumbles around 5:00, then we're dry, by sunday morning, this is rush time. by lunchtime, still pretty quiet, and then we start to see that chance for showers and storms bubble up around 7:00 8:00 tomorrow night. keep that in mindef you hav any plans for sunday evening. the secondhalf of your evening, not only are y going to be dealing with heat, but you wou also be dealing with a few storms out there. the temperature trend ahead isr
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on ouside, we have to make it through sunday. monday will feel like a relief. tuesday will feel like wier. temperatures in the low 80s on tuesday. the norm for this time of year, around 89 degrees. wednesday starting to work our way back up. storm team 4 10-day outlook. take a look at these numbers, folks. finally in the 80s by tuesday. and beyond that, we're upper 80s, low 90s, rain chances are reay high monday and tuesday. you may see a few sunday, i'm confident we'll see stuff monday and tuesday. >> the heat is so bad, he's even affecting tonight's washington spirit soccer game. plus, the team is welcoming two women's world cup winners back to the squad. we have a lot to talk to you about, carrie is live at t
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we're still talking about this heat, carr is live at the washington spirit game in germantown, maryland. two women's world cup winners play o the team. carrie's been out there. hello, my friend, don't move a
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whole lot,therwise you're going to go through that shirt and you may just fall out on uso talk us about the teammates and why the game had to get pushed back? >> reporter: you mentioned the heat, i heard you talking about the swimming pools earlier. i think my undershirt is currently a swimming pool. >> i could have done without that. >> reporter: can you feel it? >> yes. >> reporter: that is world cup fever. surrounding me at the maryland soccer complex. i think the tech nick 58 feels like out here is a billion degrees. it's supposed to start at 7:00,
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iting to be 8:00. the team has helped fansba le. you can bring water bottles from home there's going to be filling stations all around here,g includaved ice. here's the deal. pugh and labelle had quite the world wind exrience after winning the world cup, today is their firs game back in the spirit. the team looking for their first win since early june. they've always been off since july 6th. she will not be playing as she dealing with an injured ha tring. here's the thing, there's sixp yers on the team who participated in the world cup.
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the australian national team was well represented by the spirit. mid fielder amy harrison. here's richie burke onhat it rds win watching the the cup. >> when our play was interrupted. she plays on our team. and they're playing flat. >> it was a great moment for us. it means a lot to our football club. it means a lot. and we've got that back in our midst. >> now, celebrating a win on the plane is one thing, but the heat is a serious matter. the strategy might be affected by the weather. p >>nty of hydration from our support staff, it's going to be a difficult one.
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the match is going to be difficult players we're going to beery cautious in our set. knowing full well it's going to be a test. >> as mentioned, the game starts at 8:00, after the match, there's going to be a special celebration, a video presentation to honor all six world cup participants. it's quite hot, but across the pond not so mu. 148 open championships in in hern ireland round 3 beautiful ireland. it was irish man shane lowry he kept piling on the birdies. that's a course record 63. and a four shot lead over tommy
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heading into tomorrow's final rounds. tiger woods, phil mickelson and rory mcilroy all out. that's what's going down. the washington nationals, they go -- they play at 7:20 tonight. sanchez going to be on the hill. the big takeaway. it's not that hot, guys. >> your lighting looks wonderful.
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tonight, deadly heat. etwo-thirds of th nation sweltering in dangerous mperatures. areas hitting higher than 110. >> it's exhausting and it's hot. >> it is real, real hot. powers ds of without power. our medical correspondent with a demonstration. >> i'm starting to feel a little light-headed. new video from laran. they the moment they seized the british oil tanker, e th u.k. c


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