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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  July 25, 2019 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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right now at 11:00, a pregnant woman attacked on the street, the suspect a serial groper we first told you about years ago. >> he has well over -- more an
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70 arrests. >> tonight more on the man back on the streets. >> we've seen nice weather the last couple of days but the heat mauking its way back in. we're talking another heat wave. and wood stock 50 in washington, d.c.'s backyard, why a festival celebrating the iconic weekend is moving to maryland. 'r when i heard the announcement i thought we totally going. >> news4 at 11:00 begins with breaking news. >> th breaking news, a house fire burning in maryland at this hour. crews are finally starting to get the upp hand. chopper 4 is flying over the scene. >> firefighters raced to this two story home in anne arundel county. that's about 12 miles south of annapolis. thorities tell us the area doesn't have any fire hydrants and they're having tough time getting access to water. >> two firefighters have
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suered minor injuries at this scene. also tonight we're looking into the past of a man accused of attang a pregnant woman on a d.c. sidewalk. >> his rap sheet one of the longer ones we have ever seen. more than 70 arrests. homari stone is live for us tonight. this is somebody we have warned people about before. >> reporter: that's right. my frien and colleague jackie benson actually reported on the suspect michael hilliard two years ago. h ge weo again in 2019 accused of similar crimes. tonight the pregnant woman who he allegedly tried to push and push down, well, she's at home with her husband right w. she is resting. she is 8 1/2 months pregnant. the suspect, michael hilliard, people are asking themselves why is he out on the streets. why is he not in jail? 70 aest ares, 300 charges over
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his life span for such crimes as sexual assault and kidnapping. d.c. detectives released thi photo of michael hilliard when they were looking for him two years ago. he was accused of groping three women in logan circle in northwest d.c.he as released from jail the nexreday and orded to undergo a mental evaluation and to stay away from the victims. less than two weeks later, he groped another woman. >> this individual has been committing thesetypes of offenses for more than two decades. he has well over -- more than 70 arrests,or20 or m which are for sexual offenses. >> reporter:ew n interviewed lieutenant john hains two years ago. >> we're doing our part trying to protect theun commy. and then literally, you know, friday, someone's arrested. saturday morning they're backou and recommitting within a day or eptwo.
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>> rter: police called him a serial groper back then. his latest charge, repeatedly shoving a 8 1/2 month pregnant woman in the stomach. he is back on the street even though he has been charged with similar crimes again.eo pe in the neighborhood wonder why he keeps getting released. >> frustrated with a syem that perpetuates this kind of environments. >> it's good to be aware of dhat's going on in your neighborhood an keep your eyes out especially at night. >> reporter: that's good advice. we are waiting for the u.s. attorney's office to oexplain t us why michael hilliard has been released, especially after what happened in 2017. as soon as we find out, we will immediately tell you and put it on our nbc washington app. live here at logan circle in d northwest., i'm shomari stone,ws ne4. >> michael hilliard is scheduled to be in court on august 21st. we have new video tonight of mourners remembering a father and son who were shot to death.
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h hughashington and akeelhi waston scruggs were found dead in their apartment last week. family and friends gather near the home toor hon the victims' memory. there was no sign of forced entry. they didn't find a gun at the scene either. keel played football at the dunbar high school. he was a well-liked kid who did well in school. another vigil is planned for tomorrow night at dunbar. turning now to the storm team 4 weaer forecast, pretty mild temperatures this week. and we needed it after that heat wave. >> boy, did we. but guess what?re we'et to see those temps rise all over again, folks. doug's here with a look ahead and sounds like tomorrow is going to be the day to be outdoors, right? >> yeah, as we head toward the weekend that's when the heat wave gets und way. our average temperature is 88, that's where we were today. about where we expect to be this
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time of year. 88 in d.c. and richmond. plenty of sunshine but not a lot of humidity. 88 was comfortable especially if you had the chance to get in the shade or the pool. i was out in the pool atl lit bit earlier today having a great time. temperatures going up over the next couple of days. we'll talk about hot how and how long that one lasts. looking a rather dry. we don't have much in the way of rain chances pretty much into late next week. >> okay. thank you doug. newonight, parents are fired up over a potential change in where their kids can go to school. >> fairfax county is consid iing altering school boundary policy. >> as news4 darcy spencer shows us, some parents are concerned that he district wants to promote social justice. >> reporter: thousands of children attend fairfax county public schools. now some of their parents e speaking out against the school board's plan to revise the
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policy on school boundary adjustments. >> so, here we are in july of oa 2019 and this has tried to fly under the public's radar and radically rewrite policy on school boundaries. but this time our public woke up. >> reporter: a school spokesman says policy changes are being considered address overcrowding and other issues. process with four meetings since last year. but some are taking issue with some of the draft language. it says schools identify for boundary adjustments shall adhere to the p one fairfaxicy and have a variety of elements examined including socioeconomic osand/or racial compion of students in the affected schools. one fairfax is a joint social and racial equity policy of the board of supervisors and school some cs are calling the itoard. draft language social engineering. >> i beg you to identify and address current hspots of overcapacity now and stop this ridiculous attempt to manipulate
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our schools to reflect your idea of social ustice. >> reporter: the school board chair said in a statement the board is not planning to decide on a new boundary policy in september. the board has requested the superintendent to hire an oukide consultant to w with the board to identify best practices and engage the community if the had discussion. a school spokesman i says th not social engineering. a vote on the proposed policy changes has not yet been scheded. darcy spencer, news4. >> now the board chair says tonight there'seen a lotf misinformation out there. for exanole, there's been discussion of crossinown buss of students to schools outside their communities. we'll keep you updated as meetings are held in the future. >> we're workingor yourealth tonight in the last two weeks maryland's department of health has seen more thann three doze cases of intestinal illnesses caused by the parasite
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cyclosupport rah. you could become infected after eating food or drerking wat contaminated with the parasite. it's the same illness that's been spreading in virginia. 40 cases have been reported there since the start of may. three workplace cafeterias are part of this investigation. yocan see here that icludes twon mcclain, one in the capitol one building and one in the pvialoark building. i symptomsnclude weight loss, ea.mping, and na >> we'veta got new deils tonight he wood stock's 50th anniversary, t celebraheon of t festival could rock maryland instead of new york. howard county leaders told our nbc affiliate in baltimore that talks are under way to bring the event there. the cethree-day pea love, and music festival would take over the meriwether post pavilion. hundreds of thousands of people
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flooded new york but up state new york passed on hosting the celebration and organizers have struggled securing another venue. be>> we're excited to ble to have a conversation with the promoters of wood stock, with meriwether, about the opportunity of celebrating wood stock 50. >> the festival is supposed t happen in just three weeks. "the new york times" says the line up still hasn't been finalized. they better get busy. >> yeah. stillhead. our flier beware series continues. >> tonight we take a closer look at tsa precheck, passengers who pay for speedy security rerouted because they're in wheelchairs. >> it's extremely inconvenient, definitely not what i paid for. >> our iteam investigates the extra bumpy ride disabled fliers face. >> trainingff camp kick o today, what you missed fromt the firs
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working for you when you travel this summer. >> yeah, millions pay extra money hoping for a t quickerp through security at our airports. but in tonight's flier beware report, some passengers tell or news4 iteam they're not always getting what they pay for. >> but the fact there are issues at washington, d.c.'s airport is shocking. >> well, like this traveller, 20 million americans have some type of mobility issue. scott mcfarland and the iteam show us traveling by aire can b a rough ride for people in
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wheelchairs. >> reporter: for millions of travellers, it's a travel time saver. >> i'm the rare person who loves to fly. >> reporter: like john morris a who's been over the world and often uses tsa precheck to get through fast. >> all these people walking by have a stor to tell. >> reporter: but his story changed six years ago when a car accident left him in a wheelchair. and so too changed his flying >>experience. the tsa precheck lane is not wheelchair accessible. and so for that reason, people with disabilities are directed to a standard lane -- >> reporter: which means at reagan national he doesn't get the benefits of most precheck passengers. >> now you have to remove the items that, you know, you're supposed to be able to leave in your bags. it's extremely inconvenient. definitely not what i paid for. >> they start telling me because was in a wheelchair iad to go through the regular line.
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>> reporter: jonathan fant told the news4 itm he gets to the airportiswo hours before h flight because he never knows t whato expect. >> was it once they denied you. >> three. >> three times? >> three times. >> three different airports. >> three different airports. >> reporter: this is the first travel season since new policies went into effect offering operson screening for explosives. but a tsa spokesperson told us items in the bag must be removed. >> pat downs can be pretty invasive. >> reporter: heather hears from members that the new rules aren't always fun. >> we find that that's no often translated. everybody is just trying to get through and they really don't care that you're saying i have the right to have thispre-check experience. >> reporter: she says more training for tsa officers could help travellers like john who gets the patdown. >> it's frustrating to be the one to educate the tsa officers
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on the policies. >> reporter: that's not the only challenge hefaces including this day he flew in when he discovered the wheelchair ad been damaged while being stored for the flight. how often does that happen for you? >> so far this time, ten times, around ten times. >> reporter: the department of transportation showed 950 mishandled wheelchairs or scooters. that's less than 2% of all the devices put on flights. >> we can see by airlines where there may be organizations. >> reporter: that's something ing to ganization is lo provide to the public. >>sa lity has 24 hour open enrollment. you might not need those features today, but tomorrow you might. >> reporter: it's working with disability groups and wheelchair manufacturers to better reduce the incidents of damage. john morris says it's a step in the right direction to make sure travellers can focus on the excitement of whe they're going and not how they're getting there. >> i have an immense joy that
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comes from taking off and landing. >> reporter: a spokesman for reagan national says new or larger tsa check points are being constructed and will be able toe accommodat wheelchairs. >> if you see a problem with traveling, the iteam should be investigating, reach out to them by goingo the nbc washington app and clicking on investigations. you can call or email them withf the imation you see on your screen right there. well, today was a perfect day for a dip in the swimming pool. that's how doug spent his day with a whole lot of new friends, young new friends at the stone gate swim club in silver spring for backyard. >> what were we doing struck in the studio while you were havith all fun today. you were in a swimming race and diving? we got some video here. it was so fun. i was in lane three. you see there. there's myartner who did the butterfly. she was a quick little butterfly
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swimmer. >> talk about quick. look at you >> oh, man, out of the gate i was great. but by the time i gothe to t end ifts ready to stop. >> they've been practicing all summer. >> these kids were fantastic. i loved going out thereto stone gate. then we took the front flip or can bonn ball. i can't believe cannon ball won. >> i can. that was my vote. >> jackknife. >> that was no cannon ball. we had to insist on a doover. >> i got scared. i started to go and was like oh my gosh, i got a lot of air. i admit. it did get better later. if you want me to come to your backyard, i can do live in your backyard. we've g a couple left. go ahead and email us and find us nbc washington. >> the full cannon ball, the one you nailed, put that online for people. that was pretty good. >> okay. it is online. >> oh, it is. okay. >> it was good but boy did it.
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hu >> it's been a minute since you did one of those. >> it's been a long time since i did one from th height and it hurt my -- anyway. >> we're glad you survived all that. >> me too. outside right now looking good as we make the way through the tonight.he night temperature-wise we're on the cool side in most areas. downtown warm. 78 degrees the with calm winds. suburbs down to the 6 #. os 67 in hunting town. we' we did see the boundary, the bay breeze coming across the region. gave us showers downtown. mt of us remained on the dry side. that's what you can see for tomorrow. you can see this here. watch what happens. see this over towards new jersey, delaware, our area too. this is a bay breeze coming in. this is the bay breeze coming off thec atlantiocean.
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this is the atlantic sea breeze. that's what you get. these breezes come through and produce shower ativity. that's what we had yesterday. could see that again tomorrow. we have similars scenar to what we're dealing with outth ere today. all in all really nice weather ut oss not just our area across the country. we've got one little storm coming through places like iowao and chica but not a lot of storms with that one. and temperature-wise, these were the highs today. look at this. only one 90-degree temperature, in savannah. okay. in denver is warmer out west. really nice across parts of the east although we are going to see things heat up over the next couple of days. we expect to see another heat wave starts saturday 70 degrees tomorrow. 82 by noon. 89, maybe isolated shower, can't rule it out, at 4:00, but most of us dry. 87 degrees by 7:00. i really think a nice night for the bulk of the area if you're getting dinner outside on your
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friday night. we hit 90, that will be the start of the next heat wave because i ink we get there easily sunday into the 94 degre on tuesday and looks like good chance for showers and thunderstorms wednesday, thursday, and friday. we are well above average as far as rain is concerned here, but most of that coming from that one dayere we had 3.4 inch of rain. so, this dry spell here going to hit us hard as far as the ake sure concerned so you're wateringou yr plants. you're wateringou yr plants. >> coming up, how darius not all water is created equal.
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this is the xfinity sports desk. >> day one of training camp. we've already got our eyes on a
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few names at least. >> i thought it was a big deal until i saw doug's diving. everything else pails in comparison. i'll try. red skins training camp 2019 is more than just three quarterbacks competing for the starting quaerback job and one missing left tacklnt treon williams. it is also about darius guise. >> red skins are getting back what they hoped will be one of their top offensive weapons, running back darius guise returns from tearing his acl and turning devastation to motivation. one player is adrianet pson, the two of them walking in stride out to practice, doing drills, and having fun on the first day of traing camp together. >> ap is ap. he tells you things to teach you uff. we all looked up to him growing
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up. it's like a son watching they father. it's the same thing. we watch everything he do. so, he don't have to say nothing. we respect him that much because we know he's a goat. >> alex smith also in richmond n day one as last year's starting quarterback was driven out to the field. there are three quarterbacks fighting for that starting job. our first chance to talk with them ill be tomorrow. from richmond, news4 sports. >> all right, at least derrius guice didn't call him grandad. this is a streak of double digit stke out games. skip to the 6th. nats down 5-3. 2 on for para. he takes bun to right center. heads to second, 200 double for him. ties the game at 5.
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dug outloving it. does some damage. smack. fernando rodney is off deep to center. that's gone. desmond ties in a few batters. murphy puts them ahead. bottomf the 9th, nats down 8-7. man on. goes down swinging. rockies avoid the four-game sweep. they get onde in washington a beat the nationals. the washington castles. venus williamsplayed for the castles tonight. very news taking o taylor towns end. look at that backhand. that's going toen help. s staying alive. later on venus doing everything she can. check out this line shot. venus williams. yeah, is keeping the castles in it. but in extended play, townsend serving with match point and venus sends it into the net.
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freedoms ends up winning this one 24-17. >> love that rooftop venue though. that is so cool. >> we could do backyard tennis. >> that is cool. got the city open. >> right here ion the nati capitol. >> and andy murray is going to be playing. >> that's right, playing doubles. you may not be at work for three weeks. >> i'm taking off. >> second we ofek
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we're the slowskys. we like drip coffee, layovers- -and waiting on hold. at we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party...'t
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uh, didn that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not.
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>> hey news4 caught up with monet davis tonight. >> that name might sound familiar. does to a lot us because she
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took the bworld storm a few years ago. you'll remember, she became the first girto pitch a shut out in the little league world series. >> tonight she introduced a league of theire own at th library of congress. it was shown tonight as part of the library's summer movies on iee lawn ser >> i'm a female who played baseball on an all guy's team. it shows sowtrong women are and how strong women can be. i think it's a movie that every female baseball player should watch. >> she grew up. >> she did. >> if you missed tonight's showing, there's a chance to see it. itlosed saturda also there are movies on e lawn until august 15th. >> she made history. but can she do a cannon ball, that's the question. >> clearly i can't do a cannon ball. that's the problem. let's take a look and show you.a if you're hng to the pool, ah, do it. it is looking perfect the next couple days. tomorrow the best day.
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that's why i like calling friday fantastic friday because the teather is nice and we have one. i know i didn'o it right. >> we've got it, right? we're going to show it again?e we're going to show it again?e th
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big health insurance, inc. how can i help you? we're going to show it again?e th hello, i'm calling because i've been paying more for my medicines in dicare and i hear the may be discounts. sure, we work with middlemen called pharmacy benefit managers to negotiate discounts. oh, great! so, i can get those at my pharmacy? nope. that's not the way it works. so, you get discounts on medicines, but you're not passing them on to us? [hangs up] hello? hello....?
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yeah. you got yyeah?omework? hey, give me a kiss. th announcer: what's e role of a car company? [ kisses ] announcer: to take your kids to and from school? don't forget your scienceroject. announcer: we think it can be something bigger. everybody take your seats. announcer: ts summer, volkswagen is supporting america's teachers. announcer: visit your vw dealer to learn how you can join in. announcer: now during the volkswagen drive bigger event, get a $1,000 purchase bonus oni 2019 jetta, an, and select atlas models. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from 30 rockefeller plaza here in new york city, rr's "the tonight show stag jimmy fallon." and now, here he is, jimmy fallon


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