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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  July 30, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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breaking news tonight, the deadly workplace shooting inside a walmart.a gunman identified as a disgruntled employee opening fire at the store, killing two coworkers. a police officer saved by his bullet proof vest. >> you get to the car, hear pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. >> tonight why police say they were especily prepared. breaking ns out of north korea, new word tonight of another missile launch, the second in less than a week. we'll have late details. president trump's explosive new comments on baltimore. he says residents there are living in hell and he claims many have thanked him for bringing attention to the city he called a rodent-infested mess. ts hoping to run against him clash tonight in their second presidential debate. > outrage at a major
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u.s. airport. a noose found hanging in a baggage screeningar . two tsa agents suspended tonight. heart-stopping video, a toddler hanging from a balcony, plunging six st ies, but saved by some quick-thinking neighbors below. and the double hurricane threat gaining strength tonight. al roker is tracking it all. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. >> good evening. another american workplace has been shattered by violence. this time a walmart in porthern mississippi whereolice say a former employee opened fire, killing two store managers and hitting a policof cer who was saved by his body armour. the deadly rampage happening as the day began. our kristen dahlen has details. >> reporter: the shots rang out just before 6:30 a.m. >> you hear, pop, pop, pop, pop, p. >> reporter: shoppers and ploy ease running for their lives at a walmart just south of memphis. >> two people.
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>> oh, my god. >> a shooting at walmart right now. >> reporter: within hominutes police and injured the suspect, identified as recently fired employee bemartez a ram. but not before store managers anthony brown and brandon galz were killed. >> this ain't no joke. my partner. >> these people were doing the same thing you and i do every day. showing up for work in an attempt to provide for their families and v then becametims of a senseless violent act. >> reporter: one police officer was injured. his vest saving him. h the fact the town's police force just underwent active shooting training. >> it is no doubt that that training that they received two weeks ago saved lives today. >> reporter: tonight walmart offering its condolences. in> i'm going to be lookg 180 degrees around in case something like that does happen again. >> reporter: as another community grapples with violence and mourns. kristen dahlgren, nbc news. >> there is more breaking news tonight. word of another launch
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andrea mitchell is in washington with the latest. andrea, what do we know? >> lester, u.s. officials say north korea appears to have fired at least two short range ballistic missiles. the second launch in a week, the third since may. tonly hours after the presidragged about his relationship with kim june saying, we might be in a major war with north korea ow if hillary clinton had been elected. and the white house last week delivered photos to the north koreans, mementos of the president's meeting with kim at the dmz. tonight secretary of state pompeo said on asia, i t the north koreans are there, he is confide they would meet. lester? >> andrea mitchell tonight, thanks. now to president trump's explosive new rema baltimore. the president saying residents are, quote, living in hill. nbc's geoff bennett is in baltimore for us tonight. >> reporter: president trump firing off another shot today in his ongoing battle against congressman elijah the city he represents. >> baltimore has been very badly mishandled for my years. as you know,
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congressman cummings has been there for a long time. ron s had a very hand on it. it's a corrupt city. those people are living in hell in baltimore. they're largely african-american. >> reporter: words from the president that cut deep for people we talked to here. the president today said people who live in baltimore are living in hell. how does that make you el? >> it don't feel good, you know. it don't feel good at all. >> reporter: and about this point from the president? >> i've received more phone calls than i think on any other subject of people from baltimore and other ti ci corruptly run by democrats thanking me for getting involved. >> reporter: we didn't hear much gtitude. >> it really upsets me because that's not true. i mean, yeah, we have our problems here in ltimore, but everybody has problems. >> reporter: why do you think the president keeps attacking congressman cummings? head of the oversight committee. >> reporter: others suspect different motives. do you think president trump is racist?
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>> hands down, no doubt about t. >> reporter: tonight we kept hng the same offer, the president should come and see the city for himself. >> we can invite trump to come visit maryland and then he can make his own assumptions. he won't have to hear it from the news, he'll be here himself. >> reporter: president trump ss he's willing to visit baltimore at the right time. that could come in september. that's when congressional republicans are set to hold their annual policy retreat here. lester? >> all right, geoff bennett in baltimore, it is make or icreak for the democr020 hopefuls facing off in detroit in theirse nd debate. kristen welker is there and explains why this may be a last chance for some of the epandidates. >> rorter: tonight the stage is set. what toatch for, who will grab the debate spotlight and will they do it by going after joe biden. do you nee to go after joe biden to stand out? >> no, i need to tell what i stond sephora. >> reporter: kamala harris t at biden. >> do you agree today
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that you were wrong to oppose bussing i america? >> reporter: biden does notake the stage until tomorrow, but he is already bracing for new attacks. >> as long as you're leading you're a target. but i'm looking forward to it. >> reporter: another big question, who will grab the progressive mant, elizabeth warren and bernie sanders will be on fstage togetheror the first time. >> i'm not against anyone. bernie and i have been friends for ever. >> reporter: and perhaps the biggest question f democrats, who is best positioned b toeat president trump. strategists say evyone will be pushing the ele electability arg aument tonitht. president predicting who he thinks he'll face. >> i think right now it will be sleepyjoe, i think. e'll limp across the line. that's what i think. >> reporter: for most of the candidates on stage, this moment could b do or die because they may not qualify for the next debate if they don't shine tonight. lester? >> a big night in detroit. kristen, thank you. tense moments maoday at the confiron hearing for general john hyten. president trump's pick
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to be the country's second highest ranking military officer. he's accused of sexually assaulting an army colonel. today he responded to the allegation and his accuser was in the room. let's get more now from nbc's kasie hunt. >> reporter: tonight a forceful defense from general john hyt, accused of sexual a assault from former top aide. >> i want to say to you and the american people these allegations are false. orter: sitting just feet behind him, his accuser, army colonel katherine. >> he lied about sexually assaulting me. >> reporter: she didn't say anything until he was nominated for joint chiefs of staff. that's they investigated and couldn't substantiate the accusation. she said he went to her california hotel room in 2017, quote, pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips and tried to force himself on
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her. >> did that ennincident ?happen, general >> that didn't ever happen. >> the truth is general hyten is innocent of these charges. >> reporter:yten got back up from republican senator mcsally, an air force veteran who previously alleged she was raped by a superior officer. what do yo say to his accuser? >> i pray she find the peace that she is looking for, but you cannot do it by destroying another person. >> reporter: you're somebody who had almost been raped that evening? >> i was just devastated as a human bein>> reporter: but her emotional plea might not make a difference. defense officials we've spoken to said at this point there's conducting any more , investigationshat even after today's hearing they consider this case closed. at this point hyten seems on track to be confirmed this fall. lester? >> all right, kasie, thk you.
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and breaking news right now out of minneapolis, a delta pilot allegedly arrested for showing up at the airport under the influence. tom costello h late details on this story. tom, what do we know here? >> reporter: lester, good afternoon be or good eveninis appened this morning when the delta pilot showed up to fly the route from anminneapolis on to s diego. when he went to the tsa checkpoint, the officers there thought that he looked or acted as if he was under the influence. they had minneapolis airport police do a sobriety check and, in fact, he was found to be under the influence. we can tell you delta a short time ago released a statement. in it delta said its alcohol policy is among the strictest in the industry and it has no tolerance for a violation. the airline said it is cooperating with minneapolis authorities. the faas a zero tolerance on anybody who is showing signs of being under the influence. on a passengers plane, found another pilot and flew to san diego. lester? >> all right, tom, with that breaking news, thank you. we're tracking a i double threatthe tropics right now. two hurricanes with hawaii in the potential danger joan.
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al roker is here., alhere is the threat headed? >> lester, two hurricanes in the pacific. a major one eric is going to stay to the south of hawaii. flossie, a category 1, the atlantic of that whill bring it somee around hawaii early next week. so we're going to be watching that closely. in the atlantic we have an invest are 95-l, this right now a 10% chance of development over the next five days, but as it gets to the southeast of orida, could cause some problems. strong storms firing up in the northeast tonight. more tomorrow afternoon. airport delays from new england all the way down to knoxville. we'll be watching that carefully tomorrow as well. lester? >> all right, al, thank you. there are new developments in the case of two american teens under arrest in italy in connection with the murder of a policeofficer. investigators say today the officer was attacked immediately after a d deal went wrong the. and for the first time they reveal a murder weapon, a commando knife authorities say the suspects brought from the u.s. both of them remain behind bars tonight.
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g now to what's beinalled a cover up, a scathing new report says the olympic coittee, fbi and others failed to protect gymnasts from sexual abuse. now lawmakers are trying to prevent it from ever happening again. here's blayne eplexander. >> rter: the fbi started looking into allegations of abuse by dr. larry nassar in 01july of 2 but for more than a year, 421 days, the fbi, t u.s. olympic committee and usa gymnastics failed to act. just one of the stunning new findings from an 18-month congressional investigation which found the usoc and usa gymnastics knowingly concealed abuses by nassar. >> they, in effect, covered up massive predatory monster-like wrongdoing. >> reporter: now lawmakers are introducing sweeping niegislation to stop it from h again. the bill would make the usoc and the organizations that oversee each sport
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more lia failing to protect it would put more athletes in positions of power and give lawmakers the ability to dissolve the usoc board altogether. th usoc says it applauds the proposed legislation, but its ceo raised concerns that, in practice, it could result inun intended consequences for athletes. and in a statement, usa gymnastics said it has already made numerous changes to prevent abu in the future. nassar is now serving a life sentence after more than 300 young hletes accused him of abuse. >> there are some amazing steps that are in this bill that will iv change the l and safety of athletes. >> reporter: and all of this comes at a crucial time for the sport. less than a year away from the 2020 olympics. lester? >> all right, blayne, thanks. big trouble for one of the nation's largest credit card companies. capital one revealing personal data was
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stolen on some 100 million americans. one of the largest eaches ever. nbc's jo ling kt has what you can do to protect yourself. >> what's in your wallet? >> reporter: tonight many more could know what's in your wallet. credit cardiant capital one disclosing a massive data breach hitting 100 million customers in the u.s. official the suspect, 33-year-old software engineer paige thompson, to allegedly s customers' addresses, phone numbers, birth dates andredit history linked to applications for credit cards from 2005 through early 2019. she was arrested by the f in seattle on monday after bragging about it online, saying i've basically atrapped myself with bomb vest, dropping capital one's docs and admitting it. capital one insists no credit card numbers or log in information was exposed but admits 140,000 social security numbers were put at risk. cyber security experts say even ifou're
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careful, your personal da data is in the hands of any company that stores information online. so to better protect yourself, freeze your credit with all three bureaus. regularly check your credit on monitoring sites and beware of phishing scams. >> fraudulent users bad actors it will email you, call you trying to get other data from you pretending to be an authority or credit monitoring service. >> reporter: as for capital one, the ceo says, i sincerely apologize and i am committed to making it right. capital one says the issue in its system is now fixed and it will notify affected customers. lester? >> all right, jo ling kent, thank you. a new firestorm iser ting over college admissions. families reportedly transferring legal guardianship of their children in order to ge financial aid. it's totally legal, but there are critics who say it is unfair. nbc's ron motte has details. >> reporter: it works like this. families, some of whom live in million dollar homes with incomes
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well into six figures, go to court to have a legal guardian with fewer financial resources appointed for their college-bound students, giving them a better shott qualifying for need-based financial aid, and it's perfectly legal. according to pro publica illinois and the wall street journal, citing court records, the tactic has been used effectively dozens of times. >> they were filed by one of two law firms and many of them used language in the petition, such as the guardian would provide nd ucational financial opportunities that the parents could not otherwise provide. he> reporter: advocates of tegal maneuver argue that unlike the llege admissions scandal which has led to multiple criminal convictions, these students were fairly pted and are looking for a way to pay for it. as the annual cost of tuition and fees at the nation's colleges have skyrocketed, sing more than 150% over the pafst two decades, a bottom line increase of nearly $32,000 a year on average. >> they are absolutely cheating.
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>> reporter: still some critics contend these families and their students should endure the appropriate pinc based on their resources. >> this technique in particular is new and absolute deserves everybody's sor of shock and scorn. >> reporter: another wave of controversy cascading downn llege campuses, money once again at the center. ron motte, nbc news, chicago. >> we've got a lot more to tell you about as we continue tonight, including the shocking find inside th now has some tsa t agents suspended. also we'll tell you about a heart-stopping sight, a toddler holding onto a building for dear life and a rescue you won't want to miss. we hope you'll stay with us. let's go! ♪
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about humira citrate-free. here's to you. we're back now with a story of two tsa agents who have been suspended tonight after the discovery of an offensive and racist display at the miami airport. here is morgan chesky. a reporter: inside tsa work area in the miami international airport, a display two tonight has agents under investigation.
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a noose with two stuffed gorillas, the intended message reportedly a joke. highly racist. tsa union representative linda jones. >> this work force is very diverse, so i felt like that person must have some kind of psychological issues. >> reporter: three officers stumbled upon it last weekear a work space where agents screened checked luggage. a response tsa called it unacceptable,ization it doesn't tolerate racist or offensive behavior and those responsible will be held accountable for their actions. pro publica uncovered a borde patrol facebook group. inside they joked osbout migrant deaths andd vulgar comments about latino members of congress. miami dade mayor carlos jim thanked those who identified it, and adding, they lehave zero tonce for racism. the tsa workers will remain on paid administrative leave until this investigation is
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complete. lester? >> morgan chesky, thanks. still ahead as we continue this evening, still ahead as we continue this evening, ndhe e of the road with merate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, your plans can change in minutes. yod wants to do one thing, but your gut says, "not today." if your current treatment isn't working, ask your doctor about entyvio. entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. ask your doctor about th just for ulcerative colitis and crohn's.
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switch to xfinity and get. click, call or visit a store today. it is a tough week in the detroit suburb hef warren, michigan, as t candidates for president get ready to debate nearby. the old gm transmission plant, a main sta for nearly 80 years, is shutting down this week, and many are asking what now. here's annmpson. >> it's been a hard couple of weeks. >> reporter: in her voice, your the toll of gm's warren transmission plant idling. 177 president of united auto workers who must now relocate heo a gm plant anywhere in t country or lose jobs that pay up to $28 an hour plus benefits. if theconomy is doing so well, won't it be easy to find another job for you and your members? >> yes, g i cou out and i could get two or three jobs to make the wage that i make.t bu then i have even
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less time with my family. why would anybody want to do that? >> reporter: the last transmission produced last week, and already the ripple effect visible in the empty tables at david's motor city sports bar and grill. is this something you for?ned >> no, not at all. >> reporter: tough times for some, but not all. demolition contractor deick buchanan works 60 hours a week. >> right now for me and my family, it is great. >> reporter: they have no plans to turn on the democratic debat> ho is better for business, the tigers, the lions or president shalt politics? >> sports most definitely. >> reporter: likeany here he focused on the gm uaw contract talks thool zerm if the warren plant is resurrected or truly part of this area's past. ann thompson, nbc news, warren, michigan. >> up next, as we continue tonight, , terrifying momentsa toddler dangling from a balcony and we have the amazing rescue.
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finally tonight, about that toddler holding on for dear life, the dramatic moments and amazing au rescue all ct on camera. here is gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: it is a heart-stopping moment. there in the distance six stories up, a toddler dangles fm a balcony in china, clinging to life. this video, aired by china's state tv, captures the urgent leescue effort as peopather below holding a white blanket. seconds later the toddler loses his grip and plunges to the ground. he falls to the blanket and survives. my only thought was to keep him safe, one of the quick
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thinking on lookers who helped break his fall. if he had fallen seconds earlier, he likely would have been killed. instead tonight he's safe after suffering ri no injues. saved by the most incredible of catches now seen around the world. gabe gutierrez, nbc news. >> what great teamwork on the ground there. sglad thatoddler i
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