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tv   Early Today  NBC  July 31, 2019 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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ld trump disgraces the office of president every single day. >>ou don't know, that bernie >> i do know it. i wrote the damn bill. from health care to the president tshimself, democra didn't pull any punches in round two on the debate stage. the wiers and losers as the next wave of candidates prepare to square off tonight. those people are living in hell in baltimore. they're largely african-american >> president trump blast launching his most explosive comments yet we'll hear reaction from residents. a delta pilot pulled from a fully boarded plane in minneapolis. the man accused of showing up to
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work under the influence details on the stungning arrest. the king of competitive ting scos another jaw-dropping record. "early today" starts right now good wednesday morning i'm phillip mena >> and i'm frances rivera. democrats drawing battle lines debateir second presidential in night o of round two progressives clashed with moderates over the direction and the future of our cotry. candidates offering competing visions on everythingfrom >> medicare for all is comprehensi comprehensive. it covers all health care needs for senior citizens. it will finally include dental care, hearing aids, and eyeglasses >> but you don't know -- >> second of all -- >> you don't know that >> i do know it. i wrote the damn bill. >> nbc's tracie potts is in d.c. to bre it down for us. thnarrative tonight seemed to be the democratic party's left versus the center. here was aate where you could figure out if i'm a
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democrat where do i fall with these more progressive ideas of people like bernie sanders. you just heard him talking about his signature health plan medicare for all and elizabethth warren bo of them center stage. or are you a little more conservative as a democrat, a little morto the moderate side we heard it all last night and it clearly seemed that there were two sides of this party that haven't quite figured out yet which one is going to be most competitive against donald trump. >>wh i don't understand y anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the united states just to talk about what we really can't d shouldn't fight for. [ cheers and applause >> i think democrats winhen we run on real solutions, not impossible promises. when we run on things that are workle, not fairy tale economics. >> reporter: so if you're looking for a substantive debate, a lot of issues came out last night you just heard about healt
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care gun control. pete buttigieg talk about an assault weapons ban. a lot on immigration again, with the candidates splitting on some issues like whether or not to ease penalties for illegally crossing the border there were differences but the one thing they all agreed on, in fact twogr things d on, fighting racism and beating donaldmp tru >> we have got to take on trump's racism, his sexism, xenophobiaand come together. >> donald trump disgraces the office of president every single day. >> how somebody like donald trump ever gets withindiheating stance of the oval office in the first place. it doesn't happen unless america is already in a crisis >> i don't think anyone can justify what this presidenis doing. >> reporter: so can ten candidates down, ten more to go tonight, including the front-runner, at least according to the policy. joe bidewith another match-up
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with kamala harris we saw what happened when the two of them clashed inl miami es on that debate tonight. >> all right we'll certainly see what the narrative is for tonight tracie, thank you. the democrs are debating in detroit president trump is adding new fuel to his feud with baltimore. this time saying t city's residents are "living in hell. in a new interview with nbc civil rights icon reverend jesse jackson said that there's an underlying danger to these kinds of comments. >> not just specically baltimore. for example, aanta and st. louis is rat infested. it comes from maxine waters, she had a low i.q. division is the real conversation when we exhaust our best arguments about race and the pain and the danger is not
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discsed. enemies of the state, they can be killed. >> nbc geoff bennett is in baltimore with more. >> reporter: president trump firing off another h shot in ongoing battle against congressman elijah cummings and the city he represents >> baltimore's been very badly mishandled for many years. i do know congressman cummings has been there for a long time he's had a very iron hand on it. it's a corrupt city. those people are living in hell in baltimore they're largely african-american >> reporter: words from the president that cut deep for people we talked to here people who live in baltimore are living in hell how does that make you feel? >> it don't feel good. you know, iton't feel good at all. >> reporter: and about this claim from the president >> have we seen more phone calls than i think on any other subject of people from baltimore and other cities corruptly run by democrats tha fing me getting involved >> we didn't hear much
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gratitude. >> it really upsets me becauseat th not true. i mean, yeah, we have our problems here in baltimore but everybody has problems >> reporter: why do you think the president keeps attacking congressman cummings >> because he's the head of the oversight committee. r >>orter: others suspect different motives. >> you think president trump is racist >> yeah. hands doou no dbt about it. >>ngeporter: we kept hea the same offer, that the president should come and see the city for himself. >> we can invite trump to come visit maryland and then he can make his own assumptions he won't have to hear. he'll be here himself. >> president trump says he's willing to visitghaltimore at the time that could come in september that's when house republicans are scheduled to have their annual retreat here. phillip? >> all right geoff bennett for us geoff, thank you denuclearization thrown into disarrayth after n korea fired two more short-range ballistic missiles off its eastern coast it is the second launch in less than a week. kim jong un sending a warning to south korea and washington over
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plans for joint military exercises next month nbc's matt bradl joins us from hong kong. this puts yet another strain on u.s. relations with the north. >> reporter: that's right, militarily, technogically it doesn't really move the ball this is kind of a viergs ariati missiles that have already been tested by north korea. and it doesn't violate the pledge not to test nuclear missiles or ng-range missiles. but politically it's very significant. and as you mentioned it's the second time in just the last week that they've run a test like this of a short-range ballistic missile. and they've done this in just the month since president trump made a major diplomatic ride, literally striding into north korea, becoming the first sitting president to do so it goes to show these major diplomatic symbolic gestures like that really don't hold much long ongoing dispute with the north. these questions about military drills the u.s. have been doing wi the south koreans under the
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obama administration, under george bush, the north koreans hated them under every administration this isn't new and it goes to show if the u.s. really wants to go back to the negotiating stable with kim jong un, with the north koreans, then thha're really going to to change their own behavior. they're going to have to rein in some of these military drills with the south koreans frances? >> all right matt bradley for us. matt, thank you. the aclu is challenging the trump administraon's reasons for separating migrant children at the border saying the government has done this to more than 900 children since june of 2018 more than half of those separa e w ed were under 10 years old and 185 were 5 or younger. what's even more alarming are the justification ppz these separations often triggered for mething as minor as a parent not changing a baby's diaper or a traffic citativi for dring without a license. earlier thisonthcting homeland security secretary kevin mcaleenan said the separations were made only in thofe interests the child but the aclu wants to ensure
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that this happens only if there is evidence that the child is in genuine danger family and friends gathered for an emotional vigil in gilroy, california to remember 13-year-old keyla salazar, who was killed during the mass shooting ougat the garlic festil >> we think it's important that the community knows who keyla is and how important she is for us. she was our motivation and we're in pain that we lost>> her. keyla was remembered for being kind, noble, and caring. and we're learning more about the inve mass shooting.unday's where three people were killed officials are now clarifying that the 1year-old gunman used a rifle legally purchased in nevada but he illegally brought the weapon into california a delta pilot has been arrested for allegedly showing up to an airport under the influence. federal aviation officials say the pilot was taken into custody tuesday morninmiat the eapolis airport before a scheduled flight to san diego. officials say as the pilot was
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entering the security checkpoint tsa officers thought theedy dete alcohol on his breath the pilot was given a field sobriety test which showed a blood alcohol level of06 ., which exceeds the faa limit for pilots at that point the officials say the pilot was arrested in a statement delta says its alcohol policy is among the strictest in the industry. led it has no nce for violation. you've got to watch this video and this toddler in china is really lucky to be alive after falling six omories fr ab apartment balcony neighbors saw the child dangling for his life gathered down bew. look at that and then he drops. and they use a blanket to break the boy's fall after he lost his grip and plunged towd the pavement police say the boy was left alone at his home while his grandmother went out for groceries. the child was not injured. and so many things could havth gone wrong i case. but wow. >> i can't believe the kid was able to hang on -- >> as long as they didco
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>> yeah. so thed coordinate and get the blanket underneath let's hand it over to nbc meteorologist janessa webb >> dhant look like six stories >> i'm sure to him it felt like 60 stories >>ly exact let's check out what's going on weatherwise. we're dealing with the hot air in place across the midwest and northeast. and unfortunately we do have severe weather that's going to track to the east throughout your evening commute 31 millioner und that severe weather risk from washington all the way into new york. we could see damaging winds, also a little bit of hail. that's a look at the big weather storof the day here's a closer look at your day ahead. feel that warm air across near 100 degrees here. and still going to see that sunshine out and about the southeast unfortunately dealing with the rain. stormy day ahead across the so many people overt heat.antic. this cold front's going to change the game. >> that should be really, really
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nice out therethank you. joey chestnut is the undefeated champion of hot dog eating and now the greatest eater of all time is proving he is also the king of wings. chestnut dowd 413 wings during a marathon competition in georgia. the staggering feat took theam chp 12 hours to finish the national wing day event was put on bhooters. we all know it's all about the wings at hooters >> that's cool if it ends up in the jusmithsonian. st ahead how calora nts to use the polls to get president trump'tax returns. and cleanup on aisle 12 pa a woman arrested for what? plum, brighten, and visibly smooth wrinkles. in fact, just 1 jarhas thr of 5 jars of the prestige cream. for visible results without prestige prices, try olay regenerist with a money back guarantee. and complete your routine with the olay eye collection. brand power. helping you buy better.
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brand power. hesure you don't wantr. me i'm very sure.ou? 'cause i can... make good choices... you make good choices! delicious highiber raisin bran. oh, i am - fiber is good for digestivesteve.h. good choices never tasted so good. to if your mouth is mmaze, let philips sonicare give its care a raise. get a months worth of manual brushing in just two minutes. philips sonicare, next-level clean, next-level care. wa there's alys a way to make life better. philips sonicare. a lot will happen in yr life. wrinkles just won't. neutrogena® ir rapid wrinkle repa derm-proven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. making wrinkles look so last week. rapid wrinkle repair® pair with new retinol oil fo p2x the wrinkle fightinger. nerogena®
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(groans) hmph... (food grunting menacingly) when the food you love doesn't love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with ts smoothies. ♪ tum tum-tum tum tums leading the news, a new election requirement is coming toal cornia. governor gavin newsom has signed a law requiring presidential contenders to release their taxes if they want to appear on the primary bullet well, this move, which will likely face legal challenges, is seen as a direct challenge to president trump. however, if hes not faced with a credible republican challenger, the president could avoiese requirements by choosing not to compete in
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california's primary plannepad nthood and the aclu are suing missouri over its restrictive eight-week abortion ban. the grps argue the abortion ban violates patients' rights under the 14th amendment it penalizes medical professionals who perfm abortions after eight weeks into a pregnancy and does not include exceptions for instances of rape or incest. thatban will go into effect august 28th. apologies right now because the gross factor of this next story is beyond. beyond okay so what happened here is a woman, she's in police custody after they say she went to the bathroom inside a walmarin the produce section over some potatoes gross. police in pennsylvania say 20-year-old grace brown turned herself in after detectives identified her on store surveillance video a walmart employee reportedly spotted, you know, some of the urine on the floor in the produce aisle. walmart says iy t immediatel
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disposed of the affected products and sanitized the area. the woman has been charged with criminal mischief among other things, open lewdness, disordersly conduct, and also public drunkenness i don't care whastate you're in, the gross factor there is -- it's just no, no, no, nou >> do yomember when we thought the worst thing was licking that ice cream in texas? and now they've lowered the bar. >> yeah. >> hope that's the end oatf th just ahead, a new study reveals your diet's worst enemy. and glab a strieofs hop-aroni how the restaurant is taking full advantage of the city's grasshopper invasion (gasps) what? (laughs) ooh! woah... be♪ i just can't polite ♪ ♪ don't worry about me ♪ ♪ i'm doing good ♪ ♪ i'm doing great all right ♪ ( ♪ ) save your skin today. all sun care products are now 5buy one get one off.
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all sun care products are now with tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. fixodent ultra-max hold gives you the strongest hold evertu fto lock your denres.ld fso now you can eat toughd without worry. f fixodent andget it. we're going all in thion strawberries.ra, at their reddest, ripest, they make everything better. like our strawberry poppyseed salad and new strawberry summer caprese salad. order online for delivery. panera. food as it should be ed stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switcho miralax for my constipation. the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. miralax. look for the pink cap. just between us, cleaning with a mop and bucket is such a hassle. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. h and itelps prevent streaks and haze. stop cleaning. start swiffering
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z35wdz z16fz y35wdy y16fy
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you must take your placen the circle of life once again that it is king of the box officen less tharee weeks after the film's premiere it has now grossed over $1 billion. this is disney's fourth billion-dollar blockbuster of the year, along with "avengers: endgame," "aladdin" and "captain marvel." they're not even staggering these hits >> no. they've already announced not aladdin, "little mermaid" coming upoo >> bringing back all the hits. prince harry has opened up about his plans for more royal e prince can be seen here dancing with dr. jane goodall. he recently interviewed the famous conservationist and while discussion the state of the world he said he wants to have twoids x. the interview was for the september issue of "british
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vogue," which his wife guest edited so he's putting it out there one more to go >> that's it just one more. couples have plans, right? >> well, sometimes those plans there may be three down the line >> they're called blessings. the center for science in the public interest ou giving t its yearly extreme eating awards we have some of the delicious lowlights. heading off to the cheesecake factory? well, the cinnamon roll pancakes, they're more than 2,000 calories that's like eating 11 krispy kreme donuts feeling like eating at jimmy john essence this 16-inch giana gaan is equivalent to three subway cold cut foot-longs and finally sonic's oreo peanut butter shake, that is like downing 15 oreos blended with a half cup of rd >> what? i would never guess that, the sonic one. >> i'm sure itastes amazing. but you're just chugging lard. would you be able to try a slice of pizza with of all
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things -- some people put pineapple and that weerirds the out. how good grasshoppers? evil pie said what started as a joke with their stoner friends has swept the nation now the pizza is topped with garlic, lime, roasted grasshoppers, chorizo, caramelized onions, arugula. it's called the canyon hopper. they say it sounds nasty but it's pretty darn good. >> they're not dorng any favs for marijuana advocates. that's a great idea. the grasshoppers justhead, one hotel's ingeniouios promotn mixing puppies and prosecco we've got it all for you you're watching "early today." delicious. now, i've heard people say lactaid isn't real milk. ok, well, if it isn't real then, i guess those things over there cat actually be cows.
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must be some kind of really big dogs, then. sit! bad dog. om my m washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the so what does thwasher do? e cascade platinum does rk for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that's clean! cascade platinum. i used to book my hotel room on those traalways a was like somehow you wind up getting less. but now that i book at, and i get all these great perks. i got to select my roo from the floor plan. very nice... i know, i'm good at picking stuff. free wi-fi... laptop by the pool is a bold choice... and the price match guarantee. how do you know all of this? are hiu like some magical on fairy? it's just here on the hilton app. just available to the public, so... book at and get the hilton price match guarantee. ifweou find a lower rate, atch it and give you 25% off that stay. if you may have gingivitis. when you brush, and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath,
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receding gums, and psibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax.e leaveeding gums behind. parodontax. i wish i could t ml ya how i feel about aornin' like this. and that includes a good hearty breakfast. you need somethin' to kinda warm the whole body up and gets it going. it's a great way to kick off your day. ( ♪ )
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onenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol®. to celebrate national dog day next month the canhotel moniker in denver is offering a puppies and prosecco package it includes bottle of prosecco and a one-hour meed t angreet with a puppy rescue. 350% of the proceeds from the package will be donated to lifeline puppy rescue. >>eshat's ladi' night if i ever heard it. >> who decided that? great marketing. >>ar apptly. >> genius idea we are attracting this hurricane eric in the pacific. now 4.a cat 130-mile-per-hr winds. looks like it will stay just south of the island chain. you're watching "early today." we'll be right back.
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the in-laws have moved in with us. and our adult children are here. so we save by using ti which means we use less. and our adult children are here. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. #1 stain and odofighter, #1 trusted. anybody seen my nts?r it's got to be tide. sure you don't want me i'm very sur you? 'cause i can... make good choices... you make good choices! delicious high-fiber raisin bra oh, i am - fiber is good for digestive health. steve. good choices never tasted so good.
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good morning i'm aaron gilchr et. >> i'mn yang. next on "news 4 today," a child dangling from a balcony several storiesab e the ground. we'll show you how passersby bande together to save the boy. chuck? >> a possibility of strong thunderstorms during the afternoon and etly evening par with damaging winds and locally
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>> announcer: news 4 begins with a storm team 4 weather alert. good morning, everybody, just about00 a.m. now. i'm aaron gilchrist. >> i'm eun yang. welcome to "news 4 today" for wednesday, july 31st, last day of july already. >> see, i was thinking. finally
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>> no, no, no. no, no. >> it breaks the heat. >> that just means we're close to the end of summer. i don't like that. we're working for you. melissa mollet is checking on your commute with your first 4 traffic. >> first, though, chuck bell is here with a weather alert day today. what's going on, chuck? >> a weather front to our north and west is going to do its darnest to get through the next couple days but will take its own sweet time getting here. as a result, we'll be sort of in the prime area for strong to severes. thunderstorm even early morning thunderstorms there just across parts of southern pennsylvania. so pretty unusual to see thunderstormis time of the day in pennsylvania. so we'll let you know there's a lot of instability in the atmosphere to work with today and there's not much going on in the first part of the darks you get these temperatures which are in the 60s and low 70s now. we'll be back up near 90 degrees ain


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