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tv   News 13 5  ABC  February 3, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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13-year-old's body in north carolina. annie andersen is live in blacksburg for us tonight. set the scene for us this evening, annie. >> reporter: well, the viewing has just started here in blacksburg, but already cars full of people are showing up to remember 13-year-old nicole lovell. out of respect for the family, we are staying across the street and out of the way, but you can see that the parking lot is starting to fill up to remember the teenager. as soon as she went missing, law enforcement from all over and groups from virginia tech like the army c offerings rps of cadet offered their services in the search. while this isn't the outcome that people pray from, people close to nicole are touched by how the community has come together. >> from this tragedy that has happened just to see the outpouring of support, the phone calls that we have gotten and the friends that -- that care about this family and about this -- this girl. that is just a testimony to her.
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13 years she was here. >> reporter: tonight's viewing will go on until 8:00 tonight, and the funeral will be here at the mccrory funeral home tomorrow at 3:00. live in blacksburg, applicant anne, abc 13 news. >> danner: thank you, annie. police say that nicole lovell was very act any social media with facebook, instagram and kick account. kick county has been active to help carry out the investigation. kick is popular with younger teens at kick's respect, they stopped advertising kick messenger for kids appropriate 9 and older in its itunes store. abc 13 is digging into new information on the death of a newborn found in a dumpster last night. this was in rocky mount. >> mark: i got off the phone 40 minutes ago from officials in rocky mount.
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come out at any moment. this is what we know this hour, police found the baby at the blackwater collection site off of 220. police got a call from carilion memorial hospital. a woman came in showing signs of just having a baby. katherine dell is she denied having a baby. they had clues that led them to believe that the baby was in one of the dumpsters where they discovered the body of a newborn baby. the baby and nobody its third trimester. a be shocking discovery for everybody in the area. >> scared me to know that i could maybe throw some trash in there on the baby. >> it just, it affects me, to know that somebody would do that. >> mark: police don't know if the baby was stillborn, died in that dumpster or died before being put in it.
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examiner finds, the mother could be charged with improperly disposing of a body or another crime. >> mark: >> mark, abc 13 news. a man involved in a deadly home invasion will not get a new lawyer. a judge denied eddie marshal's motion. marshal's trial for february 29. we are also closely watching the weather for you this eveningthe weather for you this evening. the rain is starting to move out, but in is what most of you saw at some point today as that rain came down heavy at times. chief meteorologist george flickinger is in the weather center with the latest. >> george: danner, the heaviest of the rain has ended but we are still tracking some showers and all of us have cool weather and patches of fog. use caution if you were driving home this evening as the roads will be wet and visibility is not going to be that good due to the fog. temps right now 50s to lower 60stemps right now 50s to lower 60s. if you were watching us from danville.
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you are at 62. upper 40s for roanoke. lower 50s in lynchburg. you can see the last edge of the area of rain gradually clearing its way across the heart of virginia. we are still seeing showers near brook neal, keysville and down to south boston and to farmville. that rain will continue moving east and away. for this evening, we will seat rain ending. a lot of us one to two inches of rain. coming up a little lather, we will show you the specific rain totals and when colder weather arrives. >> danner: thank you, george. it stinks to live in parts of campbell county right now. many residents say living by the region's landfill is unbearable and they demanding that supervisors do something about it. katie brooke has the latest on that tonight. >> reporter: danner nothing will happen any time soon. last night the board of supervisors heard from john hashedy, the president of citizens group concerned about the landfill. the campbell county landfill joined the regional authority in 2008. trash hauled in from appomattox
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trash coming in is called an extensive gas emission. >> used to be when you stepped outside but not anymore. >> the odor is getting to the point where it is actually coming into people's houses and it is to the point where people close to the landfill can't even go outside really and enjoy their yards. >> reporter: chairman eric bear lives half a mile from the landlives half a mile from the landfill and says the stench is unbearable. >> i am almost embarrassed at times have people come over. they step out of the car and your house stinks. they don't understand it is not my house but the landfill up the road. >> reporter: he says the frustrating part, the county has to live with the rotten air but their county vote makes up one of the four on the regional authority. plans for remediation is in the works and the county asked for the fix to be expedited. something todd hall says can't come soon snuff too much volume of solid waste. they are bringing in sludge. obviously the residents are
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>> reporter: hall has lived in campbell county all his life and lives two mile from the land fill. the president of first national bank, he believes the community could crumble if things don't change. >> too many residences, too many businesses, too many people located nearby that site. >> reporter: hall says property value, quality of life and health are all potentially affected. >> something has got to be done by that holder. >> reporter: he says there is still -- they are still a year and a half away from any real solution. a plan to install a system to help cover the smell. and there is also talk of a gas extraction.system to help manage those gas emissions as well, danner hopefully that can expedite any of those problems. >> and concealed handgun without a permit and now heads to the gop controlledgop controlled senate.
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the age of 21, those protected by a protective order will be able to carry a weapon for 45 dares after the order was issueddares after the order was issued. supporters say the measure would ensure people who are in danger to have the ability to protect themselves. some democrats are concerned of allowing people with no training to carry firearms. new tonight, brand-new equipment at the danville fire department could save your life. experts call carbon monoxide the silent killer. you can't see it, smell or taste it. now the department is outfitted with new equipment that can detect it fast. tola adamson got to check it out today. >> reporter: the danville fire department has eight new carbon monoxide detectors. the system fire chief tells me they are a lot more efficient than the ones they had before. >> reporter: fire fighters respond to ems calls, they bring this bag with them.
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device hooked on to it. >> we respond to ems calls every day. we respond to a patient who is sick. when we get through try to figure out what is wropingfigure out what is wrong with them and sometimes it may be carbon monoxide. we brought these meters to determine if the patient is sick but also protect us when we go in the house if there is carbon monoxide in there. >> if the meter reads zero, that is good news. but if it gets to 10 parts per million, it will do this. at 35 parts per mill, vibrate, flash and beep. the fire department says a lot more efficient than their old system where firefighters to go back to the truck, put the coback to the truck, put the co.desnris fresh air, let it warm up and then take it to the scene >> the batteries on this are a whole lot more expensive than that meter and you cut it on and leave it. >> reporter: assistant fire chief mike jefferson said their crews are on several call where carbon monoxide was making the
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>> a furnace, even a kerosene heater can leave off carbon monoxide. it is called the silent killer. it can be in the atmosphere and you don't even realize it without a meter. >> reporter: the fire department will be uses these new detectors starting friday. >> danner: thank you, tola. you can keep up with the gadgets and learn fire safety tips on their show fire watch. it shows daily operation of all seven fire stations and department's efforts to keep everybody safe. you can get highlights, yearyou can get highlights, year-round fire prevention program. fire watch takes you through their fire training exercises. search firewatch virginia on youtube. the survey says parents in lynchburg have different ideas when it comes to school. what lcs is trying to do to fix that. i will show you where the heaviest rain is falling and when you could be seeing snow. we will update you on the
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plus changes at targetyou can on. >> danner: i didn't even leave the building today because it was too rainy. i sat and say the at my desk. >> george: you didn't want to go out because of the rain. it was raining so hard at times. when you look outside, danner, you will probably not want to go outside either. >> danner: show us that view from the tower cam.
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lynchburg. >> danner: that is gray. >> george: visibility quarter of a mile. use caution because injure visibility is limitthe rain is winding down. look at the amount of rain. 1 to 2-inch totals are most common. also update these totals for you next hour as many of these totals are still going up as the rain is falling. just over an inch of rain in lynchburg. danville, heavy rain toward south side, over an inch and a half of rain, blacksburg, roanoke over south boston and in farmville, cloudy, you gray skies, visible is now actually down zero in lynchburg. and you quarter of a mile to near zero. use caution if you are driving because you will not be able to see very well if it looks like this across the heart of virginia. the temperature is 53 the warmest it has been all day and you may see the temperatures riserising a few degrees into the evening. if you were watching us from south side, you are running 10 degrees warmer in the lower 60s with the rain.
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and upper 40s and lower 50s from roanoke to blacksburg. this is the last edge of the rain. it is now making its way to the east, and once the rain stops, you still could see some drizzle tonight, but the measurable rain will be ending. so from now, we will say through 7 to 8 p.m., we will see all this rain moving out of the heart of virginia as it continues making its way toward richmond and toward the coast. there are some thunderstorms near the williamsburg area. you can see that area of heavy rain, for us, you have lighter showers left over from keysville and down toward charlotte countyand down toward charlotte county. at midnight, the rain well east of our area and you wake up tomorrow morning, the weather will be dry. we will have clouds for your thursday morning. fog will be possible, then we are going to see afternoon sunshine. so your outdoor plans will be okay for your thursday. friday looks good. we will see a lot of sunshine across the heart of virginia, no rain, so we will remain dry into your weekend. tonight's temperatures really aren't going to change very much from where they are now.
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40s. lynchburg, 42. altavista, 44. danville at 47. it is going to stay extremely humid for the evening. your hourly weather for your thursday shows for most of us, we are going to be in the 40s all day. upper 40s at noon to near 50 during the afternoon, and around the rest of the heart of virginia for your thursday, we will see some 50s for highs toward altavista. danville, 54. south boston, 55. appomattox, 53. and a touch cooler upper 40s toward amherst. your seven-day forecast, all eyeyour seven-day forecast, all eyes will be on the temperatures as we work our way to next week. upper 40s and lower 50s for saturday and sunday and look at monday and tuesday. we are going to see an increasing chance for snow on tuesday. we will talk more about that coming up a little bit later. >> danner: he said snow, yes, he did. lynchburg city schools are breaking down new numbers from a
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the bi respect, what does it mean? well, that is the topic of discussion right now with the lynchburg city school system. the school system has just released the results of a survey they conducted last fall on culture and climate within the
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perceptions between students and teachers and parents. suri crowe is at the lynchburg city school administration building to break it down for usbuilding to break it down for us. >> reporter: well, danner, the results are troubleresults are troubling to the woman in charge of student engagement that presented the results of this survey to the school board last night. ethel reed is the director of engagement and activity for lcs and says there is clearly -- there is clearly a communication gap going on. 2800 students took the online survey and 495 parent did and asked to respond to statements regarding school climate including statements on respect toward teachers, and here is where perceptions are wildly liferdifferent. 91% of parents agree that the statements that my child respects his or her teacher but 33 bernanke33% of elementary school students and just 20% of high school students agreed with statements like students treat teachers with respect at my school.
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telling -- is a tilling piece. we now have to figure out how to have the conversation. one of the things came up in the school board meeting is really who is talking to the students and the parents even. what -- how is it that you are telling me in your children are being respectful when in the schools the teachers and students are saying not so much. >> reporter: so now they have to define what exactly does the step mean in each of those school questions. an interesting conversation to be hour, danner. >> danner: thank you, suri. good news for those taking the ged in virginia. the minimum passing score went from 150 to 145 and 647 people got their ged because of it. the change affected those who took the ged in 2014-2015. officials decided to change the score after comparing the number of ged program graduates to high school graduates.
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new ged test will be adjusted once the test score numbers are added. we have some good news for you tonight.
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>> the first cvs pharmacy inside a charlotte opened in north carolina. the familythe pharmacy will be the first
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cvs agreed to pay $1.9 billion to acquire target pharmacies. now all of target pharmacies will be rebranded under cv s it will be open during the revamp and all records will be transfer from target to cvs. learning so much about the genetic form of neuroblastoma. we followed edy's fight after a trial drug helped put her cancer into remission. now four years later, edie has really good news she wants to share with the world. >> i went to the doctor's office>> i went to the doctor's office, and they told me i am no longer and thank you for supporting me
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>> danner: edie says she will focus on helping to raise money for alex's lemonade stand. the nonprofit helps fund pediatric cancer research, the same research that helped find a cure. so far edie has raised $24,500. $25,000 is on the line.
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golfer takes a so duke won at georgia tech and i am not sure anyone will remember after half time. pro golfer and alum sank a 94pro golfer and alum sank a 94-foot putt across the hardwood as part of the halftime show. the shot won $20,000 for a lucky student. he tweeted i am using this ball forever. live in roanoke with the first testimony from the kevin quick trial.
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