tv ABC 13 News 7 ABC February 10, 2016 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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best of me. next "e.t." gwen . it is obviously going to make it worse. >> temperatures are expected to drop even more tonight. overnight, what your kids should be wearing as they head out the door tomorrow. plus the deputy at the sheriff's office is speak out tonight explaining why officers didn't go to investigate claims of two injured pit bulls.
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are below freezing. most of news the 20s. coming up which nights will be the coldest. anytime, anywhere, award anytime, anywhere, award-winning coverage you can count on, there is abc 13 news. >> we are taking a live look over lynchburg tonight. it is clear but cold. temperatures outvied taking a nose dive for a few days. we want to get right to chief meteorologist george flickinger so you know what to expect tonight. george? >> george: danner, we are all going to see temperatures dropping into the teens tonight, so dress warmly. if the wind chill which makes it feel that much worse. if you are headed out this evening with a late dinner we are at 23 and this light blue number is the wind chill. that's how cold it feels. wind around 10 miles per hour and any wind at all below freezing that makes it feel thatch more miserable if you are out. virginia tech, blacksburg down to 18 with hillsdale at 16. also seeing 20s as you make your
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danville and south boston. this map shows how cold it feelsthis map shows how cold it feels. from the mountains, single digits and in roanoke at 8. temps will slowly fall a degree an hour, and by the time you wake up in the morning, you will be well down into the teens near 16. coming up a little later, how long we will have this colder weather. abc 13 has you covered to make sure your kids are protected at the bus stop tomorrow. whitney delbridge has more on keeping your children safe. >> reporter: danner, the biggest factor is length of exposure to the cold and most importantly the wind. when it comes to the school bus stop tomorrow, you definitely want to make sure that your kids are either inside a car or inside a building if possible until that bus pulls up. i spoke with dr. thomas epps. he said exposed skin can make children very vulnerable so layer something really importantlayer something really important. against the skin should appetiteagainst the skin should
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polyester, wool or thurmax. avoid cotton because it traps moisture and draws heat away from you. put on a second layer and an outer layer made of wind and water resistant material. dr. epps says protection for the body is important but one article of clothing parents should not ignore. >> the smaller the person, the more the danger because their body mass exposure in the head is so much more. so for little kids wearing a hat is much more important than it is for us older people. >> reporter: we want to know how cold it has to be for schools close. i am told here in lynchburg in the absence of snow and ice, that decision is made on a casethat decision is made on a case-by-case basis. last year students saw some cold weather-related closure because the wind chill got to nearly zero. danner. >> danner: there may not be ice or snow out there, but frigid temperatures could have an
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experts say ignoring this one sign could avoid real dangers on the road. the auto technician said the air doesn't leave your tire when it is closed, but the molecues may move slowly because of that lower pressure. the small pressure change may just effect your vehicle's ability, but a big drop could have dangerous consequences. >> i see cars that come in supposed to have 35 pounds per pressure and less than 20 for all four. very unstable. it go around the corn, it will roll off the rim and cause to you crash. >> you won't want that. experts say a lot of the customers are making a switch from tire nitrogen. drivers benefit franklin creased fuel economy of 3%. the shop here charges $5 per tire to switch air to nitrogen. and you have to watch your pipes when it gets cold too. new at 7:00, the lynchburg department of water has this advice for you tonight.
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may let out an icy blast to reach your pipes. don't forget about outside faucets. disconnect hoses, turn off valves to outside faucets and drive the water in the faucets. if your house has a crawl space located under it, close all air vents located on the foundation wall. this advice and all of our weather coverage right now at a murder investigation in north carolina takes a new turn in henry county. the rockingham county sheriff's office says 18-year-old daquari us martin and 18 zachary is charged with first-degree murder and first-degree kidnapping. benjamin david was found dead in his home and the suspects were arrested by the henry county sheriff's office. a man convicted of sexual assault three years ago will serve a reduced sentence. here is what happened here. the commonwealth attorney's
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howard wicher will serve six months in prison after a witness recanted testimony. he was originally sentenced to two years behind bars in 2014. he was found guilty of indecent liberties with a minor and sexual battery after police say he sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl in 2012. witcher will still have to register as a sex offender. final preparations are under way for two historical buildings at the batatech center. it is for an anticipated move next week. we have been following the story for you after a roanoke woman filed suit to keep the county from moving their historical buildings to another area. she claims her ancestors are buried there, but archaeologists did a check of the land and they say no slaves were found. more changes are coming to lynchburg city council. mayor mike gillette will not run for reelection in may. he announced this today to abc 13 news right in our newsroom.
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councilmember for 12 years and mayor for four. he says he is proud of all this has been accomplished but he believes there should be turnover in the office. he is ready to see some new faces and new ideas. >> i think it is important to -- to have evil imposed term limits so that's really what i am doing. not like i am chasing something else. i just think this is philosophically the appropriate thing to do. >> gillette plans to stay in the hill city and remain involved. vice mayor caesar johnson said he is not going to run again and he is plans to again run for treasurer. the halifax historical society has to change its plans for the crossing of the dan commemoration this weekend. the annual event of the revolutionary war draws in hundreds to the area. the heavy rain this fell last week flooded this area down by the river, and it is still public safety concern. so there won't be this re-enactment that historical evaluators say there will still
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>> we do plan to line up and parade to constitution square the gushtion milford drum group will be here providing their wonderful music. so the festivities will go on, maybe just in an aprevious 1998ed fashion >> the crossing of the dan event is saturday starting at 10:00. gops race for the white house is tightening. and new today, two candidates have suspended their campaign. plus 80% of democrats are
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and new riv valleyroanoke and the new river valley. >> danner: the former hewlett-packard ceo announced on social media that she is suspending her bid for the republican presidential nomination. carly fiorina said she will, quote, continue to fight for americans who refuse to settle for the way things are. sh finished 7th place during the new hampshire primary and failed to qualify for last weekfailed to qualify for last week's republican debate and in danger of missing the cut for saturday's gop date in south carolina. we are also learning tonight that new jersey governor chris christie is ending his bid for the candidacy as well. but democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders came out 20 points ahead of hillary clinton in the new hampshire primary. senator sanders is winning the hearts and minds of the young, independents and female voters. so why on capitol hill has the democratic establishment turned away from sanders in large numbers? kristine frazao reports. >> reporter: bernie sanders is no longer a novelty.
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candidate with progressive socialist leaning resonates with voters. >> we are doing something extremely radical. we are telling the american people the truth. >> reporter: truth be told, sanders challenge to hillary clinton has created an unsettled atmosphere for established democrats. in public, though, they would rather talk about bernie's nicetyniceties than why they are backing clinton. >> we like him. we respect him. we admire what he is doing, but those of us in the senate, we came to the senate for the same reason that bernie did, we were in our communities trying to help people. >> reporter: the feeling from many on capitol hill is that if bernie is in, some democratic lawmakers are out, as in out of the job the next time they run. >> some of these blue dog last hold-out democrats from these red or purple states do have reason to be concerned without a really strong moderate on the top of the ticket, their chances should be in peril. >> reporter: nearly 80% of house democrats and 39 of 46 of the senate democrats have endorsed
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and online political newspaper. >> can he win? and they have their doubts. >> reporter: veteran communication strategist jim pappa said we advise sanders to keep doing more of the same, because changing the establishment is too steep of a little to climb. >> they will endorse the candidate closer to their political views. >> reporter: the establishment says bernie is likable, just not as a democratic nominee. i am kr isine frazao reporting. the zika virus is expected to impact as many as 4 million people over the next year, but one university in our area is working to stop the disease in its tracks. many of us stay below freezing all day today. lynchburg, the high was 32 with
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coming up next earlier today by i mad today by i made out the weather forecast, i went to payne elementary in lynchburg for career day. spoke to 3rd, 4th and 5th graderspoke to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and the rule, if you are -- if you behave, if you ask great questions, then you get to take a serious question or you get to take a serious picture and you get to take a funny picture as you can see there. really some good questions from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grader from payne elementary. thank you for inviting me. the letter tonight looks like wintertime in virginia. it is going to be breezy and cold. temperatures are already in the 20s. and when you wake up in the morning, many of us will be in the teens, but that wind chill which is really going to be the factor and will feel like between zero and 10 degrees. right now we are cooling down about a degree an hour after sunset. the temp is now down to 23. this little light blue number is how cold it feels. that is the wind chill. feels like 16 and the wind is comingcome to coming in near 10 miles per hour.
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evening and a few areas of snow flurries toward the mountains, so right now we are looking toward i-81 near blacksburg near route 360. you see a little bit of snow trying show up through witt county you can see light snow in that direction. not expecting any accumulation out of it. and all of us are getting drier weather which going to build in. you will notice the cool weather for the next several days. and the very breezy conditions. it is wonderfuling around -- wrapping around a low-pressure system that is located to the north and west and going to continue to pull colder air into virginia throughout weekend. here is what it looks like as far as our wind chills. when you wake up on your thursday morning. maybe you are sending your children off to school. it will feel like between zero and 10 for most of us. single digit wind chills for your thursday morning and will feel colder in the mountains especially some of the higher peaks. wind chills in the teens toward south side. for your thursday, most of us will remain below freezewill remain below freezing all day. again this map shows the wind chills.
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will be in the teens. it is not going to be quite as windy as what we have seen today, but you will really notice that breeze coming in from the west. overnight tonight, we will see lows, 18 in appomattox. amherst at 16. altavista at 17. teens as well toward south boston. danville at 18. smith mountain lake at 16. during the day tomorrow, we will have lots of sunshine. we will see a west wind of 7 to at times gusting up to 20 miles per hour. most of us will stay below freezing. if you were watching us from appomattox, you may barely make it above freezing. roanoke at 31. 28 toward28 toward blacksburg. south boston at 36 and danville at 36. a check on your weekend show it is going to be frigid for both saturday and sunday and for your valentine's day, real good snuggling weather on your sunday morning. 8 degrees at 7 a.m. and highs only in the upper 20s. your seven-day forecast show the frigid weather through sunday and we will have to watch monday for you closely. looks like it will be a mix of rain and snow. it does not look like a major
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and keep you updated if there are any areas of accumulating snow. the bedford county sheriff's department is now responding to claims it didn't respond properclaims it didn't respond properly to two injured pit bullproperly to two injured pit bulls found at a random home over the weekend. priscilla kaiser sat down with the chief deputy at the sheriff's department today to get their response. >> reporter: tive right here, danner. it states that the woman who found the dogs told the animal control officer on call that the dogs' wounds were, quote, superficial and the officer wrote down that they did not require attention. major rickey gardner says that is why the officer didn't go to the scene. but gardner also said knowing now the extent of those injuries, they would have responded and cared for the animals. gardner says the officer acted responsibly with the information he had. >> when you -- when you have limited amount of information, that is the only information he had to base his decision on. but our animal control officers love animals or they wouldn't be
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and i would put our animal control officers up against any animal control officers in the state of virginia. >> someone else ended up taking the dogs to the lynchburg humane society where they are being treated for nonlife-threatening wounds we should mention the woman who called in told me she never told anyone that the dogs were suffering from superficial wounds. she plans on filing a formal complaint. major gardner says tries reaching out to her and has not heard back yet. also told me today that a dispatcher says a third caller reported seeing the dogs the night before they were found in the forest neighborhood and that they were fighting with each other in a nearby parking lot. the dogs are still at the humane society and no one has come forward to claim them. in the newsroom, priscilla kaiser, abc 13 news. the zika virus is still
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allergy and infectious diseases at the cdc held a hearing on capitol hill to talk all about the zika virus. it comes as researchers say the mosquito-borne virus may be linkmosquito-borne virus may be linked to eye abnormality in babies. they declared a health emergency over the virus. the declaration came amid birth defects and serious neurological condition that could be linked to that virus. >> we are committed to continuing to share information as quickly as possible with the public and with health care providers and policymaker so as that people can make the best possible decisions about health based on the most recent and accurate data. >> the who estimates as many as 3 to 4 million people across the americas will be infected with the virus over the next year. and the zika virus is just one of the latest emerging mosquito-borne. we have seen west nile,
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they have long tested flava viruses, the family of viruses that the zika virus belongs to and how they get past the mosquito immune system and human immune. it contains pathogens like west nile virus and yellow fever. virginia tech will begin work on zika virus. the development of the vaccine is paramount in helping with the public crisis. and new strategies for vector control. things like spraying. as we head to the break, a live look at wintergreen resort where they are definitely
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outside, people still have to work in these kind of conditionswork in these kind of conditions. courtney whedon sees how they stay warm at 11:00. they may have good advice for you. well, this is usually the sign that mardi gras festivities in new orleans are finished. police did their traditional street sweep at midnight after it came to an end. new orleans mayor mitch landreu joined the officers on horsebackjoined the officers on horseback. it is symbolic because bars stay open. a million people come to new orleans for mardi gras. i have been to the new orleans area before mardi gras but never been there for mardi gras. i lived in louisiana for a while, and they -- the whole state shuts down for mardi gras. >> wind chills between johnny depp's new movie playing donald trump. new janet jackson after her surgery. >> zoolander's 2, new york
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excl >> "e.t." tonight, the new trump movie? johnny depp doing a dead-on donald impression. >> this is the second best selling book of all time. >> best selling book of all time. >> we go behind the truth as trump unleashes his secret weapon. pregnant daughter, ivanka trump. >> you are good friends with ivanka. >> we talk about everything. >> "zoolander 2" takes over new york fashion week. >> entertainment to wow. >> "e.t." is front row for jen and justin's date night on the runway. >> this is how we always go to the movies. >> also tonight, i've never done
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