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tv   WSLS News at Noon  NBC  February 1, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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bye, bye. good afternoon... thanks for joining us i'm john carlin. i'm kristina montuori. today: scattered afternoon rain showers with highs in the lower 60s tonight: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.lows in the lower 40s tuesday: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.highs in the middle 40s wednesday: heavy rain likely with isolated storms possible.highs in the lower 60s thursday: increasing we're continuing to follow a developing story out of blacksburg this afternoon... as two virginia tech students charged in connection to the death of 13- year-old nicole lovell appeared in court this morning. wsls ten's dawn jefferies has been following this story closely... and joins us now live outside of the courthouse with the latest. questions... what have we learned? both david eisenhauer and
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their first court appearances this morning. the judge did not allow cameras inside. the judge appointed a lawyer for eisenhauer while keepers hired her own attorney. we have copies of arrest warrants for both. while there's not a lot of information other than what we've already been told... the warrants describe what little eisenhauer said when talking to police. documents relating to the abduction charge show eisenhauer told investigators... "i believe the truth can set me free." also here this morning... nicole lovell's father. a family friend tells us david lovell came here wanting answers. 10:36:30 "it's just been terrible to the family. the family is in shock. there are really no words they can say right now. they're at a loss for
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and she still is an angel." we talked to nicole's father david lovell... we'll talk about what he shared with me as well as more about what's in these court documents, tonight starting at 5. we're also continuing to learn new details about the two in the case. 18-year-old david eisenhauer ran cross country at virginia tech. the school announced his suspension from the team... following his arrest. before college.. eisenhauer ran track at wilde lake high school.... in columbia, maryland. he was a standout in the sport. meanwhile... we are still working to find out more information about the female suspect... natalie keepers. she's a sophomore engineering student at virginia tech. here's video of the area where keepers grew up. she's also from maryland.
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felony count of improper disposal of a body. extra counselors are available at blacksburg middle school today... to help students cope with the loss of their classmate. lovell was in seventh grade. special rooms have been set up for students needing extra time. students will start the day in "teams"... where they talk about what happened... and how to cope with loss. lovell's church held a special support. youth pastor--- josh blankenship--- says this investigation is a shock to a community that loved and cared for the 13-year- old. josh blankenship, youth pastor: 00:56:27 "everybody is in shock. you ask yourself why this would happen to such a sweet, innocent, girl nicole. she was the type of young lady that never, never met a stranger and was very faithful at the
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was very loved by her family." nicole participated in sunday school at auburn baptist church... riding the bus every sunday with her friends. this is a developing story... so stay with us on air and online as we continue to follow the updates. we'll also have more on this story coming up in our next half hour. # jury selection is underway for the jury selection is underway for the six alleged gang members... accused of abducting and killing waynesboro reserve police captain kevin quick. in january... attorneys for the six asked to have several gun charges thrown out... which the judge denied. quick was reported missing in february 2014. his body was found several days later. a federal judge in charlottesville declared a mistrial last may... after a defendant shared a list of personal information about
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the trial was moved to roanoke. # finally, the day of the iowa caucuses is here.. and with severe weather looming, it is time to see which candidates iowa voters want to see as their next president. meanwhile, the candidates themselves are criss-crossing the state in an effort to grab last minute caucus goers. tracie potts has the latest marco rubio this morning... visiting a diner outside des moines and downplaying expectations: sot: sen. marco rubio, r presidential candidate "we're the underdog but we feel good about it." he calls ted cruz iowa's frontrunner, but donald trump is leading the polls. trump tells the today show... he's not claiming a win just yet: sot: - on the phone, donald trump, r presidential candidate "everybody's a threat, matt. i think everybody in the race is a threat. you never know what's gonna happen. its politics." at this point, it's all about the ground game. keeping volunteers energized -- natshillary at campaign office "i'm feeling so energized because of you!" hillary clinton brought donuts
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sec. hillary clinton, d presidential candidate "we've got thousands of volunteers, we knocked on 125k doors this past weekend, there's just so much excitement." dr. ben carson tells me anything over 10 percent is a win for him. he's got people working tonight in all 99 counties. sot: dr. ben carson, r presidential candidate "they're gonna be saying look, uh, do you guys wanna listen to your heart or listen to the pundits? and i think it's going to have an effect." turnout is key. if lots of new voters show up - especially young ones, it could be a good night for bernie sanders. sot: aaron menick, sanders supporter "young people are really upset. we're just getting into the political scene, seeing a lot of things, how they're managed - and we don't like it." looking for change - tonight is their chance. the new montgomery county school dress code is officially in place today. the new policy bans clothing considered disruptive..
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board members voted back in november to revise the dress code-- after seventeen students were suspended at christiansburg high school for refusing to remove confederate flag clothing. interstate sixty- four has closed for emergency pavement repairs in rockbridge county. the closure just went into place.. and will last until five-thirty tonight. a detour is in place.. taking drivers down route 220-south to daleville.. and then back onto i- 81, it's a detour that is more than ninety miles.. so if you have plans to head that way throughout the evening-- expect delays. now for more on what we can expect throughout the evening and over the next several days lets check in with kristina montuori. today: scattered afternoon rain showers with highs in the lower 60s tonight: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.lows in the
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tuesday: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.highs in the middle 40s wednesday: heavy rain likely with isolated storms possible.highs in the lower 60s thursday: increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 40s friday: mostly sunny with highs in the middle 40s saturday: partly cloudy with highs in the middle 40s month... and while cardiovascular disease is a killer for both men and women.... for the past thirty years the death rate has been higher for women than men. the american heart association is working to identify why women carry more risk. it is the number one killer of women and is more deadly than all forms of cancer combined. nearly 50- thousand women died from heart attacks in 2014...
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prevention's national center for health statistics. a cleveland clinic cardiologist says that women don't always recognize the signs of heart attack, which could be part of the problem. dr. deborah kwon, cleveland clinic cardiologist "they don't necessarily have the crushing chest pain where it feels like an elephant is sitting on their chest," said dr. kwon. "but they may have something more like back pain, or jaw pain, and so it may not come to patient's forefront of their mind that they may be having a heart attack." the american heart association indicates in the past 15 years, there has been a significant decline in the number of women killed by cardiovascular disease... but say more education is needed. # trending at noon on this monday... the story of how google almost lost it's domain name. and just how much the company paid to get back "google-dot-com." and don't forget ... wsls 10 is teaming up with feeding america southwest virginia and kroger to help fight hunger. the annual "10 cares food drive" is this thursday.
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collecting food at the kroger in bonsack... cave spring... lynchburg... martinsville and
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many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday.
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works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher,
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weather closed captioning today: scattered afternoon rain showers with highs in the lower 60s & lower 40s & drizzle possible.highs in the middle 40s wednesday: heavy rain likely with isolated storms possible.highs in the lower 60s thursday: increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 40s
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highs in the middle 40s saturday: partly cloudy with highs in the middle 40s sunday: mostly sunny with highs in the upper 40s highs in the lower 60s tonight: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.lows in the lower 40s tuesday: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.highs in the middle 40s wednesday: heavy rain likely with isolated storms possible.highs in the lower 60s highs in the lower 60s tonight: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.lows in the lower 40s & drizzle possible.highs in the wednesday: heavy rain likely with isolated storms
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thursday: increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 40s friday: mostly sunny with highs in the middle 40s saturday: partly cloudy with highs in the middle 40s sunday: mostly sunny with highs in the upper 40s highs in the lower 60s tonight: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.lows in the lower 40s tuesday: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.highs in the middle 40s wednesday: heavy rain likely with isolated storms possible.highs in the lower 60s thursday: increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 40s
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saturday: partly cloudy with highs in the middle 40s sunday: mostly sunny with highs in the upper 40s highs in the lower 60s tonight: cloudy with light rain & lower 40s tuesday: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.highs in the middle 40s wednesday: heavy rain likely with isolated storms possible.highs in the lower 60s thursday: increasing sunshine with highs in the upper 40s friday: mostly sunny with highs trending at noon this afternoon... the story of how
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lost its domain name. the name was accidentally sold for one minute back in october. when the man saw google-dot- com up for sale for just twelve dollars.. he bought it. the company immediately realized the mistake and offered him six- thousand six dollars.. and thirteen cents-- enough to spell out the word google. he donated the entire sum to charity.. and google matched the donation. and check this out.. an underwater restaurant offering a panoramic view of sea life has opened its doors to food lovers in india. the "real poseidon" restaurant officially opens today.. giving guests a way to experience scuba diving-- without having to get wet. and the pants that had football fans across the nation talking
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carolina panthers players boarded the cam newton mixed things up. the gold and zebra striped pants had the internet buzzing.. and the 850- dollar versace jeans have already sold out online. almond prices are dropping for the first time in years... and while that means good news for grocery stores.. it's not such good news for farmers. more on the changes-- when we come back. frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? can't handle the side effects? botox treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go.
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and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox if you can't empty your bladder on your own or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, medications including botulinum toxins, antiplatelets and blood thinners, may increase the risk of serious side effects.
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(phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it.
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seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. malls are looking less and less
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more people are shopping online. according to real estate research firms.. occupancy at malls is declining for the first time since the recession. and online shopping is one of the biggest factors. with more empty store fronts.. market rents also appear to be slowing. after consistently climbing in price for the past seven years, the price of california almonds has declined sharply. the crunchy snack could be getting cheaper in the supermarket aisle... but what's good for consumers, isn't necessarily good for farmers. mario montalvo explains. almonds are america's favorite nut, surpassing peanuts in popularity in 2014. jenny holtermann, farmer "you eat the nut, but you also eat almond butter, almond flower. it's used for a variety of things in the confectionary industry." and while almond farmer jenny holtermann says almonds are highly versatile, their price is highly volatile. their popularity caused their wholesale price to soar to $4.70
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farmers jumped on the almond bandwagon causing a saturation of the market which has driven down the price to $2.60. defaults by traders in asia and the middle east created uncertainty for buyers which also contributed to lower prices. holtermann says she has yet to feel the effects of the price drop. if she does, she'll have to make adjustments. jenny holtermann, farmer "we may not buy as many tractors or as much equipment this year as may have in the last past years." she says some farmers with older orchards may have to take them out and replace them with younger, higher- producing trees. ' wust a few minutesom daytime blue ridge.. for more on what's coming up today-- lets check in with natalie and lindee.# coming up today on daytime blue ridge.. the big game is this weekend... i talk with ovee moo hay lee.. the former all pro player about his secrets for having a good time .... supporting his super team... and a little later.. we'll head
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find out the special event the fincastle vineyard and winery has planned this valentine's day.. we hope you can join us for daytime.. we're coming up in
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(singing) i just can't wait to meet you, sweet child you're on the way, i'm filled with expectation, and you're growing everyday...
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we're continuing to follow updates out of blacksburg... where two virginia tech students charged in connection with thirteen-year-old nicole lovell were in court today. both david eisenhauer and natalie keepers had their first court appearances. the judge appointed a lawyer for eisenhauer while keepers hired her own attorney. we'll have live updates on our website.. wsls- dot-com.. and tonight beginning at five p-m. today: scattered afternoon rain showers with highs in the lower 60s tonight: cloudy with light rain & drizzle possible.lows in the lower 40s
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sure to join us at 5 p-m for our
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