tv Eyewitness News at 530 ABC March 7, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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that attacker is still on the run right now. >> this victim was waiting at the bus stop on ashley road around 8:00 saturday night. just a half mile from her home. and right in front of a church. today reporter ken lemon spoke to the victim's mother about how she's doing now. >> reporter: that 25-year-old victim is due to give birth this week. she and her baby appear to be okay. she's traumatized by the beating she suffered at this bus stop while countless cars went by. >> an expectant mother days away from delivering her baby has wounds all over her face and scars that go much deeper. attacked and kicked in the face by a robber trying to steal her purse. the victim was standing at this cats bus stop on ashley road in west charlotte saturday night. that's when the robber tried to take her purse twice. he forced her to the ground. kicked her in the face several
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didn't end up stealing it. we found her at the same bus stop today. >> he should feel ashamed of himself to take advantage of a pregnant young lady like that. she didn't deserve that. she said this is a busy street. and she wonders why someone didn't stop to help the pregnant woman. >> she's a human being and deserves to be protected. >> i don't understand why anybody would do something so vicious to anyone much less a pregnant woman. >> reporter: everett is disgusted the woman was attacked steps away from a church. it wasn't open at the time. but everett said it's a symbol of love and what the attacker did was pure evil. >> why would you attack somebody so helpless, so obviously pregnant. that could have been your mother, your kids. >> reporter: that woman lives a
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it's a walk she won't make soon. she's getting much needed rest for herself and her child while police try to find the suspect. live in west charlotte, ken lemon, channel 9 eyewitness news. now to our other major story tonight. the race for the presidential nomination has officially arrived in north carolina. just in the last 20 minutes, former president bill clinton wrapped up an event at johnson c smith university supporting his wife hillary. hours ago, thousands came out to see republican candidate donald trump. eyewitness news reporter angela hong was there as supporters lined up for the chance to see him. people turned out in the thousands to be here at this rally today. some traveled from places hours away to be here as well. most of the people were in support of trump. some were curious. and others were here to protest. for a while, it felt like a party. donald trump supporters inside and outside the cabarrus county arena said this was a once in a
pick for president. >> history's being made. we wanted to be here to support donald trump. >> supporters wanted front row seats. many holding signs, buying scarves, shirts, and buttons to show their support. musician craig moss has traveled to several trump rallies. >> he addresses issues very direct. and he doesn't candy coat anything. he speaks from the heart. >> the rally wasn't without challenge. >> we have a protester. >> there were several anti- trump protesters in the crowd. many got thrown out before and even during the rally. >> we're trying to spread the message that he's just a hate- filled candidate. >> like this group of college students before the rally they held signs at the curb facing thousands of supporters. >> there are other options. other people to find hope in.
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>> investigators say the suspect and victim know each other. they haven't established a motive for the shooting. several mcdonald's restaurants in the foothills plan to raise money for the family of two managers who were shot and killed last week. outside the mcdonald's on highway 321 where the shooting happened, coworkers are asking for prayers for rochelle lale and cody watts. lale former boyfriend shot the two coworkers in the parking lot. he faced first-degree murder mcdonald's says collections boxes have been placed at a dozen of their restaurants. a homeowner lost two dogs this morning after a fire broke out in her east charlotte home. shamrock drive. they say the fire started in the downstairs part of the two- story home and it caused about the homeowner wasn't there at the time and investigators are trying to figure out what
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the state highway patrol doesn't expect charges. in this accident on i-485 that killed a good samaritan. the victim had just stopped on the highway to help a stranded driver near rocky river road. and the victim's sister told eyewitness news reporter mark becker he had just helped two other people earlier that night. mark? >> in fact, alison, she said he was the kind of guy who was helping people all of the time. but the highway patrol says what happened to him is a good example again of how getting out of your car on a busy highway can seem like the right thing to do, but it can be dangerous. it doesn't surprise her that her brother alastair stopped on this desolate stretch of i-485 early yesterday morning to try to help a woman he never knew. >> that's just something that my brother would do. he was just always trying to
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people the best way he knew how. he walked back to help a woman who pulled over to help a woman with a flat tire. >> she was parked close to travel lanes. at which time he was standing one foot or so in the travel lane. and the transit van hit him. >> sergeant jeff nash will have to wait for blood tests from the man driving the van before deciding if they'll charge him. but he's seen this scenario too many times. drivers killed or seriously injured when they stop to help someone on a busy charlotte road or highway. >> if it goes through your mind, this might not be the smartest thing, call for help. >> the sister of the latest one to drive here would like drivers to be more careful as well. >> people need to be more aware. pay more attention. if you're not going to stop to left, don't drive on the lane beside where the car is stopped. >> the highway patrol says they'll wait four to five weeks or so before the blood test to
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van and they'll take their case to the district attorney. reporting live in north charlotte, mark becker channel 9 eyewitness news. dozens of people have left messages for the victim's family on our wsoc-tv facebook page. you can too. just look for this story on our page. just into the breaking news center tonight, in the last five minutes, a jury reached a verdict in the erin andrews civil trial. she was awarded $55 million. espn sports caster filed a lawsuit over that nude video of her recorded by a convicted stalker, michael baret and then posted online. andrew's suit is against baret and the owner of the national marriott where the video was taken. she was asking for $75 million but was awarded 55. we have new details on an escaped inmate from rock hill and the crime spree police say he went on while he was on the loose. police say zachary reeves committed several burglaries and even shot two dogs at an animal hospital while he was in
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officers arrested him thursday in georgia. they say that he had a gun on him. that he's accused of stealing from the academy christian school in rock hill. police say he broke into the school hours after he walked away from the catawba prerelease center in january. this afternoon family and friends said their final goodbye to a west meck high school student killed in a crash last week. heaven died in the crash. a memorial has been set up at the crash site. the driver of the car, austin lock is still in the hospital tonight. police say he was speeding and charges against lock are pending. we're covering the carolinas county by county, the cabarrus county sheriff's office needs your help finding a missing woman who they say is possibly in danger, deputies say vonda barringer was last seen at her home in mount pleasant.
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sweatshirt, jeans, and denis shoes. deputies haven't found anything. if you've seen her, call 911. in iredell county, a petition to annex a former rock quarry into statesville city limits is going back before board members. community members protested and board members asked for more time to review that proposal. the board will talk about the an exation tonight at 7:00 if you want to go. in mecklenburg county the town of huntersville is voting on whether or not to allow alcohol at town events. it can't be sold at any official town event or town owned facility. if approved, people can apply for a permit to serve drinks at town events. wait times and lines are growing at airports across the country and it's about to get worse. the new game plan to make sure you don't miss your next flight. some sunshine, temperatures in the mid 60s. certainly took the sting out of monday with temperatures warming even more. i'll show you the one thing
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>> dramatic change that could we're staying on top of weaking news in north charlotte just outside of uptown. right now all of north tri on is closed after this fire at a large warehouse building next to the studios at channel 9 here. medic is on the scene in case anyone is hurt. but so far, no reports of anyone being hurt in this fire. you see several firefighters and fire administrators are there on the scene as we zoom in. it looks like trucks in the back of the building as well next to the channel 9 studios. it looks like they're checking this building out. stay with us for updates. children as old as 13 may be forced to sit in the backseat of a car. under the current law children can ride in the front when they turn seven. >> not everybody is behind this strict safety proposal. >> right now there are thousands of drivers hitting the road in south carolina. some of them with precious cargo in the backseat.
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carolina would create one of the strictest automobile laws in the country. with major changes including keeping children in car seats until they're seven. and keeping children out of the front seat until they're 13. jennifer bear is the mother of three young children. >> who i guess will be in a car seat longer than i planned. >> she thinks the safety laws in south carolina now are lax and could be tougher. >> i don't think i'd have a problem with it. keeping them safe as long as we can. >> some parents think waiting until 13 is ridiculous because at 15 you can get your learners permit and drive. >> it's a free country. that's the way things should be. >> he remembers sitting in the front seat as young as three years old. and doesn't think the government needs to decide when a parent lets their kids sit up front but the american academy of pediatrics agrees with the south carolina proposal. according to the aap, the risk for injury for kids under 13
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reduced 40 to 70% because of the air bag in the front seat. >> most of the time, they're pretty much playing on their phones or their, you know, their little hand held device. >> in fort mill, joe bruno, channel 9 eyewitness news. in north carolina children as young as five are allowed to sit in the front seat. right now south carolina lawmakers are delaying any action until other states are studying. also on the table, a height requirement would be considered instead of the age requirement. we want to know what you think about the push for the law. weigh in at wsoc-tv's facebook page. like our page and look for the top story. the wait times continue to grow at airports nationwide. the tsa is warning you they'll likely be longer this summer. not what you want to hear. a top official recently told congress the tsa is trying to enroll more agents in its new tsa academy but it's still short staffed and it's dealing
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travelers should plan on getting to the airport even earlier. >> it's an arithmetic problem. you have a lot of people traveling. you have more peek periods than we've had in the past. and you have a certain level of staffing. >> the tsa says you can speed up the process by enrolling in tsa precheck. that's the prescreening program that will let you skip the long lines. skip the lines, don't travel somewhere down south to miami. you don't need to fly any where in this weather. charlotte is where it's at. what a gorgeous day. >> and what's better if you didn't get outside today, no worries, we have all week to enjoy this. still 66 in charlotte, gastonia, 65 in wadesboro. also toward monroe. 64 concord, albemarle, mid 60s i-40 corridor. even the mountains are warm. 57 at boone. this is the first week of march. unbelievable. upper 40s up high at banner elk. forecast this evening, talking about temperatures slowly
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the over night lows. finally drop down to the mid 40s. this isn't much of a low given this time of year. most neighborhoods usually dip in the 30s. still during this time in march. you can still be in the 40s tomorrow in the high country. bus stop forecast early on, no worries, a couple clouds, mid 40s early on. no heavy coats necessary. we'll be around 50 by 8:00 a.m. as the kids get into school. as far as tomorrow goes, a few clouds first thing in the morning but even more sunshine than we saw during the day today as a stronger southwest flow takes over and that's really going to pump the warmth our way. here's a look at hourly temperatures for the charlotte area. our average high is 61. we'll be there by about 10:00 tomorrow morning. on our way to afternoon highs in the mid 70s. this is not a record. records this time of year in the 80s. but who's complaining. if you like spring, you'll love the next couple days. lower 70s in morganton tomorrow with a mix of sun and high clouds for page land,
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to the mid 70s as we head through the afternoon. threat tracker this week, if there's one thing that may keep you from enjoying it, it's al allergies and tree pollen continues to rise. until we get rain, we won't see much in the way of relief. that will happen as we head into the weekend. a couple showers. not a lot. five-day forecast, plenty of warmth between now and then. highs mid to upper 70s. over might lows in the 50s. incredible warmth for early march. but a chance of rain on saturday. that's the only flaw. >> this is not a wash out either saturday or sunday. at 6:00 we'll look at sunday's forecast too. thanks steve. a 9 investigation exposed a cluster of rare eye cancer cases in huntersville. two years later we've uncovered plans for environmental testing at a local school. when it could happen and who's paying for it. >> who's going to win north carolina? >> the presidential race arrived.
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campaigns say they're poised to mpaigns say they in 30 minutes governments across north mecklenburg county plan to send a strong message to the charlotte mecklenburg school district about the student assignment review. it's become so controversial towns like matthews and mint hill have even discussed breaking away from the democratic. new tonight, eyewitness news anchor brittney johnson found out these towns want a guarantee from cms. >> the mayor of huntersville and council members will meet here at town hall at 6:30 tonight and the mayor says they're all on board to pass this resolution to show cms leaders that they want every child to have a seat at a neighborhood school. >> it's starting to percolate. >> huntersville mayor says his
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on cms leaders as they review the district assignment plan. so far the board only laid out goals for the plan. among them, they want to reduce over crowding and break up concentrations of poverty. >> they forgot, or didn't include a guaranteed home school for every student so we felt it would behoove us to make a statement that we believe that should be included. >> other town leaders are calling on cms to guarantee each student will have a seat at a neighborhood school. >> i think it's very important they get involved. >> her granddaughter will enter the district soon. >> it's very important. all her friends will be going to the same school. she'll, you know, get a local bus to school. >> i don't have to worry about my kid being in a school that's in a neighborhood 10 or 15 miles away. >> resolutions aren't binding but leaders hope they influence the board's final decisions. >> i think people are looking for predictability and
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if you're not going to include a guaranteed home school, you kind of throw that out. >> huntersville and cornelius vote tonight, davidson tomorrow. they plan to present all three resolutions to board members before their meeting tomorrow. we'll have late thissest on the votes on eyewitness news at 10:00 and 11:00. for more information about the assignment review, go to we've posted our coverage inside brittany's story on the home page. a new recall from perdue could have you checking your freezer. perdue recalled more than 4500- pounds of chicken nuggets because of a piece of plastic. the recall impacts 8-ounce packages of apple gate natural's chicken nuggets. they have the number on the side, p 2617 inside the usda mark of inspection. some customers complained there were small solid clear plastic pieces inside the nuggets. we have more information online. they say customers should return those right away. back to the breaking news
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answer the cal now, from the news team that's covering the carolinas, this is channel 9 eyewitness news at 6:00. i love you. >> one week before the primary. >> i have a lot of property here. i love north carolina. the push for the presidency is here. >> for the first time since i left office, we can all rise together. >> the local crowds were large. the insults focused. >> that guy couldn't be elected
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>> the response to critics was clear. >> out, out. >> in the last hour, former president bill clinton wrapped up his rally for wife hillary and donald trump is headed to mississippi after a speech in concord. eyewitness news has team coverage tonight of both of the campaign stops many the charlotte area. reporter blake hanson was there for the packed trump event. for many, this was about more than the candidate's hour long visit there. >> reporter: erica, several supporters inside told me this is more than just being about the best candidate. they view this as a movement away from traditional politicians and into an era of trump donald trump strolled high above a sea of supporters, bringing on legendary nascar driver mark martin.
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jobs back to this country. >> job growth was a central thermoses trump addressed a crowd of mostly supporters. trump blasted an employer for relocating jobs to mexico. he'd tax a company 30% on products produced from mexico. >> i guarantee you carrier will call quickly and they'll say what, mr. president, we're moving back into the united states. >> trump's typical harsh language was the mainstay. it had protesters rising and interrupting every few minutes. >> we have another one over here. another single get out of here. outside, we found people who routinely protest his events. critical of his comments on immigrants and muslims. >> we're concerned about hate against vulnerable groups in
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