tv ET Entertainment Tonight ABC March 12, 2016 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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plus, only "e.t." is behind the scenes of the new "captain america movie." >> are you the bad guy? >> i'm not the bad guy. >> what our cameras caught on the set. and new dolly parton. hear her take on break and gwen hooking up, and why she's stressing about her legendary curves. >> you think oh, my belly looks big, everybody's looking at my belly. this is entertainment tonight. >> and this weekend america is remembering one of the most influential first ladies in the nation. >> nancy reagan died last sunday of congestive heart failure at the age of 94. 1,000 people were invited to her funeral friday. and after days of public viewing, the former first lady has finally been laid to rest next to her h hband president ronald reagan. >> today we honor a woman who really just provided so much to our country.
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about nancy reagan? >> well, on the personal front, she was always so gracious and welcoming to me. but i also remember her strength and her resolve following the attempted assassination of her husband. you know, she really helped to guide our country through that time. >> when my father was shot, and my mother rushed to the hospital, they at first wouldn't let her see him. i have to, she said. you don't understand how it is with us. >> the first lady's service was packed with celebrities. >> i remember a lot of stuff. she was just a good friend. >> tom selleck, angelica houston, mr. t., melissa rivers. and arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver. >> she did love a party. and she would want this to be a party. this is not a tragedy. this is a celebration. >> the first lady was also remembered for her grace and style.
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renta were great friends. >> nancy adored de la renta. >> this is nancy reagan's beautiful evening dress from the early 1980s. you notice the beautiful details of the beautiful silk flower and this very simple, elegant collar. amazing grace >> but nancy's greatest bond was with her beloved ronnie. >> most importantly, she will once again lay down beside the man who was the love of her leave. the one she loved truly all her days. they will watch the sun drop over the hills in the west toward the sea. my father will tell her that the lights below are her jewels. >> they just were madly in love, i think, from the very beginning until i'm sure the very last minute. >> you know, the former first lady often said that her life began when she married ronald
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i think we all have that goal, to have that kind of relationship and love. and, you know, march 4 would have been their 64th wedding anniversary. >> she will be missed. now we get to more headlines, inclusion the new cast of "dancing with the stars." and hey, since we are the resident dancing alums, we should handicap that leader board. we have our eye on five cast members, starting with the donald's ex-wife. >> marla maples! >> can you believe it's real? >> it's totally real now, and there is no backing out. there is no going home. we are in it to win it. >> the x factor, questions about trump off limits. married from '93 to '99, their daughter tiffany has been on the campaign trail and marla is rebooting her life.
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my daughter's getting out of college. >> wildcard reporter geraldo rivera fires back. >> i can't imagine what marla maples' life might be like. i solute her courage. >> and the former "facts of life" beauty who's mother of two boys. >> we might have a couple of surprises from my actual family. >> i like it. >> we told you last week, jodie sweetin was aboard. she's scared about dancing live, because on her sitcom, she gets doovers. >> what are you scared about? >> the live show. i'm used to working in front of a live audience, but a live audience to tape. if you screw up, it's like oh, we'll do it again e. >> and they have plenty of words
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will be returning this season after the trial with her convikted stalker. >> we're rooting for her. >> that was a difficult time for her to go through. so my hat's off to the jury for awarding her that. because the amount of damage probably couldn't even be mafbssked by that. >> and moesha barton might be the come back kid. she was busted for dui, spent time in rehab and a psych ward. >> previous years didn't fit into my schedule and everything else going on in my life, and this year it does. >> and she doesn't know what a busy schedule is yet until she stars dancing. >> bindi irwin turns 18 in july. will a walk down the aisle be next? later in the know, we ask.
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she has plenty of time. stay tuned, though. this week millions were glued to tuesday night's number one show on cable, "the people versus o.j. simpson" for an episode that focussed on marsha clark. we talked about it being on tv and what it was like to be the tabloid favorite. >> this is a fake, right? >> no it's real. my ex-husband. we were on vacation. >> what did you learn about being in the center of the most watched and talked about thing in the world? >> before you get involved, make sure there's no nude pictures. >> this is the topless photo that caused a firestorm. marsha in 1979, smiling, wearing nothing but bikini bottoms. she was on vacation in san
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she can laugh about it now, but back in 1995, there were tears. this episode showed this intermitt moment between her and darden when he admits yes, it did happen. >> if it helps, you do look mighty good in that picture. >> what about rumors that the co-workers had an affair? >> marsha said it's ridiculous. but according to darden's book, wine and dancing was very real. he even used the word relationship, he spent one night in marsha's home nodding off. >> we were trench mates, and he kept me from utter depression so many days. and he would be there to say, it's okay, it's going to be okay. he was a great partner. we stayed in touch a little bit. i went over here and doing what i'm doing. it's just life. >> what do you really want, marsha? >> something different. softer. >> all people want to talk about
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>> i thought it was absurd. i thought it was just ridiculous. if i paid attention to all of the criticisms, all the critiques, the hair, the clothes, the makeup, you can get shrivelled up and roll into a corner, so i didn't. >> you need to go back and whisper into marsha clark's ear before or during that trial, what would you whisper right now? >> you won't believe what's going to happen. >> "e.t." has been in contact with chris darden. he told us, i have retired from life and blank. you can quote me on that. these breathtaking stunts. later, we are with dolly parton. now hear what she really thinks about her goddaughter, miley cyrus getting back together with liam hemsworth. >> she's been through a lot.
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but first, a family of late mob wives star, big ang. >> she's doing better than me. >> yeah, i'm, i think i'm still in shock. >> vh1 reality star big ang died last month after a long battle with cancer. >> i have stage four. >> what was the final days like for her in the hospital? >> i want to go home. >> she split with husband neil murphy before her death, but he says he remained by her side. >> i was there for every procedure, even though she conditions want me there. >> who was with her when she passed away? >> we all were. >> it was a moment of serenity at that time, when she finally took her last. she said i'm okay to die. i lived my life. and my kids have their i'm jerry bell the second.and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up.
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definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting! what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts,
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any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. welcome back, everyone.
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right here. the first two movies in the series made more. and the new installment is chock-full of the same action magic. >> it's also full of strong female characters leading the femme and another strong female, michelle turner got to hang out with all of them for an exclusive round table conversation, and she hit the set. >> how many of you -- >> i went to the shooting range to get ready for this movie. >> that's pretty cool. >> yeah, there are explosions, careening down cliffs. >> action! >> one against two entanglements, but today it's a wall, a giant wall that would make donald trump yell. >> probably 700 feet. it's so high. >> actually, it's 80 feet high. tough enough. >> we did this bit where shae
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>> i was holding on to his shoulder like it was the last thing. >> three, two, one, go! >> my whole costume got torn up yesterday. this is a new one. by the end of the day, it will get totally torn up. >> you had to run in those? >> yeah. these are my shoes. these are my action shoes. >> they spent six months shooting outside of atlanta. for her, it meant traveling time. >> i got to go. it's too hot here. >> speaking of hot, that would certainly describe the careers of this cast, letpretty much unknown only three years ago. >> people say oh, you're miles teller. before it was like, did we go to high school together? >> we're saving the city. >> after the film was finalized, michelle got together with the cast for a little sit-down. >> we are in charge and running things. kind of cool. >> also it's like strong, but
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everybody has different layers. >> shailene is the leader of the divergence. >> christina, we have to make a stand. >> take over for me. >> naomi watts is the self-appointed leader from inside, joined by octavia spencer. >> it does help that the women are pretty bad-ass. can i say bad-ass? >> yes, you can. >> who are the women who are the strong role models in your every day life? >> mom. >> definitely mom. >> it's funny, because you think i'm not going to be like mom. >> naomi is mom herself. she has two kids, 7 and 8. >> do they know the divergence series yet? >> not yet. it's a little scary for them. >> do they even know what you do? >> oh, they do now. there was a long time where they
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work in a trailer. [ laughter ] >> we come home with cuts and bruises. >> go! >> who are the important female role models in your every day life? >> i got to say it, but it's true. my mum, she's a very strong woman. she brought up five kids and had a career job as well. i have sisters as well. so i have lots of female role models that are right there. >> so everybody kept you in shape then, huh? >> they did. they definitely did. >> mom and grandma. i was raised by women, not that my dad was -- obviously he's working a lot of the time. so i had women with spunk. coming up, we are with super heroes, iron man and captain america. >> we are on the set with chris evans and robert downey jr. don't look me in the eyes. then the see get to "my big fat greek wedding."
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this family. >> what do you mean you don't eat no meat? >> that's okay, i make lamb. but first -- you may know mike moezier for his 2010 hit "cooler than me", but it's a new song that has him rocking up the charts and giving him a second chance. >> hilariously ironic, because i wrote this song. i'm just a singer who already blew his shot. and then the writing of that lyric and that song that it's part of has in essence given me another shot. like i'm in this chair now. a year ago i wasn't.
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american workers brought us back from the crash. now, let's move forward. we need jobs that providedignity and a bright future. new penalties to stop companies from moving profits and jobs overseas. for businesses that create manufacturing jobs, a new tax credit. and let's invest in clean energy jobs, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of her first term. we've gotta create new jobs andindustries of the future.
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turner visited the set. it's a 13th film in the franchise, and she hung out with the gang, including iron man and robert downey jr. and mr. captain america himself, chris evans. >> watch closely, because the fight choreography, the super stunts, it was "e.t." who had them for you first. >> we have opposing views. >> you seem a little offensive. >> and it results in a little conflict. >> i want to punch you in your perfect teeth. >> it's team downey versus team evans, and it's war. >> did you just meet captain america solo? >> i will take all the help i can get. >> of course heading team evans is captain america himself, joined by anthony mackie war veteran falcon. >> nobody's head has been, you know, filled with the idea of being a celebrity of the one
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>> are you sure? >> look me in the eyes. >> see, wow! >> the energy. >> also on team evans, former baddy, recently converted to the avengers, elizabeth olsen, the scarlet witch. and scarlett johansen. >> i want to know what it physically feels like to do those things. >> do you feel like new kids? >> i feel less like the new kid. i feel far more comfortable this team around, yeah. >> i feel like, you know, little olsen, we bully her a lot. >> i am planning on taking you alive. >> taking the high fall, another
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assassin, winter soldier. the competition for best stunt work is fierce, and after work in atlanta, the competition for best dance moves is easy to do. >> not trying to brag, but i can break an ankle. i can break an ankle. i can break an ankle. don't be tacky out of my mayweather. you don't want the drama. you don't want it. all right. >> speaking of dancing, this fight scene was choreographed. >> can we get in his face? because there are bruises all over. were new a fight? >> i spoke about something having to do with civil war. i wasn't supposed to. and don touched me. it hurt. >> you just started a war. >> it's funny. you don't have a scratch on you. >> no, i'm looking good. i'm feelin' good. >> not for long, according to
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around 400,000 youtube views in just the first hour after its thursday release. >> what's wrong about you? >> war machine may be damaged goods for now, but he's still fighting the fight on team downey. >> it feels like old home week. >> old home week? >> i don't mean our age, although that's appropriate, too. >> that's why i'm here. >> are you the bad guy? >> i'm not the bad guy. >> i think she meant in real life. >> look, as long as we're not against each other, i don't care what happens. >> i'm not the one who needs to watch their back. >> robert was lucky. scarlett also joined team downey, because the black widow could have gone either way. >> you are good friends with iron man and good friends with captain america. how do you fit? >> i just flip a coin. >> i would like to know when the last time was you guys had
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because you really went from. >> that's actually my, i go with no sleep. >> and check out anthony and jeffrey russo's newest addition to team downey. >> everyone. >> those guys look like they having a blast on that set. what a fun movie. it is the most lucrative franchise to be part of, because marvel films have grossed more than $7.5 billion. that's more than the eight harry potter films, the seven "star wars" and the 24 james bond films. >> that's crazy. when you put it like that, you get a sense of how incredibly popular these movies are. now to the sequel of a comedy that was made for just $5 million and brought in 73 times that at the box office, we're talking about "my big fat greek
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and we have a look behind the scenes 14 years after the original. >> you don't want to see this. >> of course we do! >> thank you. >> the wedding is on! >> since the first movie came out, what surprises me is how everyone sees their family in this family. >> the screenwriter on "big fat wedding two." john corbett, joey patone and rita wilson has a role. >> when my mom saw the movie the first time, she was like, oh, ho, ho, i love that, they are not like us. i was like, no, mom, not at all. >> i would have people coming up to me saying this is our story. >> ian is a vegetarian. he don't eat meat. >> what do you mean he don't eat meat?
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>> fast forward, now paris who is their daughter, is grown-up, basically graduating high school, going into college, trying to pick her college. >> but i'm approaching the screenplay, i try to pull from my real life. >> my family showed up. to be background. >> here you go. >> i know now what it's like to be a mom, and i could write about all the angst of wanting to keep my daughter close. even though i'm taking a step back, i always be right here. >> and get this, nia convinced the makers of the movie to allow her not to wear makeup in certain scenes. they said they wanted her not to, but she wanted to be authentic. bindi irwin takes a moment looking at this moment with her father. and is she thinking about getting married? >> he's a huge part of my journey in life.
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fortifying the gravity-defying... friend-connecting... day-seizing... strong... you. new special k nourish. multi-grain flakes with quinoa, apples, almonds and raspberries. new special k nourish. fortify. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses.
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such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera,
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if you're just joining us, here's this week's top five stories. number five, selena gomez, trapped in an elevator. >> open the door like that. >> selena live tweeted the incident, via social media. number four, cuba gooding jr. goes wild. the people versus o.j. star was reportedly more than a little tipsy, his shirt on his head. eyewitnesses say he was flirting, having a good time, even eating a cell phone. number three, congrats to adam levine and his wife, a source close to the victoria's angel says they are expecting their first child.
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versus naked king. >> i suggested to kim, i will happily step in and buy you some clothes. kim said i should stay off ashley madison website because of the kind of activity they do on there offering to buy women clothes for the 35 year old mother of two children, a little desperate. >> kim blogged about her choices, and the daily mail wrote a column with this message. >> be dignified, be graceful and put your clothes on. and the number one story this week, nancy reagan laid to rest. >> she was not afraid to die. she said i don't want it to hurt. i'll see ronnie again. >> patti davis spoke out. >> i'm happy for her that she's with my father now. >> go to "e.t." for the latest.
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>> that is the moment bindi irwin conquered america, the "dancing with the stars" champion, but how much has life changed for her? she went back to australia where she found the new love of her life, i'm talking about this adorable puppy. the guy that we saw her dating during "dancing", they're still going strong. >> we had a quick visit, and it was really fun. >> oh. >> he's so funny. who do you love more, me or my family? they're always stealing him away, we're going to go play. he's such a kind and genuine person that i'm really, really blessed. >> so with that quickly grownup statement and these adorable make out statements, we have to ask bindi, could chandler be the one? >> he's a huge part of my life. at this point in my life, i'm
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i'm going to be 18. there's so much on the horizon. >> that is one very well-worded answer for someone who doesn't turn 18 until july. that is so bindi. she puts us all to shame with houma tourw mature she is. >> i think i'll be celebrating in a very wild way, with a cup of tea and some take-out chinese food if i'm lucky. we'll rent a movie, i may have two cups of tea and be wild. >> she's still working at the australia zoo and still talks to derek hough often. >> i felt like a car being painted a different color, and
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>> the reason she is so down to earth is because of the close bonds with her family and the relationship with her father. we showed her a video. this man is still teaching her little girl. >> life's what you make of it, mate. you got to have fun. you can't waste one minute being sad or angry. you've got to try and have fun. have fun. >> i haven't seen that before. that's really sweet. >> i'm going to be just like my daddy. >> yeah. i reckon you are. >> you're a little beauty. >> oh, that's so funny. oh, how wonderful. that's amazing. because i still say that. when i grow up, i want to be just like my dad. after leaving him, it was quite a journey to try and find that happiness again. because life is short. you have to do what you love now. and you have to do what just brings you the most joy, and dad
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>> indeed, your dad would be so proud of you. bindi will be at a gala in her father's honor. olivia newton-john andwill host. now the debut of a backstreet boys son. we're with proud dad ryan for opening night of his son's show, disaster disaster, here is our father and son flashback. >> what was your reaction when you found you landed the part? >> like father like son. 13 year old bailey is kind of a new generation backstreet boy. we knew bailey had the performance gene when we covered the performance at his parents' vow renewal.
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bailey, that you toured with the backstreet boys. >> i asked him if i could. and then he said you can sing a couple songs, and i was like, wait, did he just say yes? i loved it. >> bailey already has stage door fans. a healthy teen today. when he was younger, he suffered from a serious medical condition that inflamed the blood vessels around his heart. you battled kawasaki disease. how did you come through all that. >> i think it gave me a lot more strength and courage to know that i handled that, and i remember i walked out of the hospital in a batman costume, and i was like i walked out of here, and everything's going to be amazing, you know? i never want to hear you say >> at the heart of his back street boys fame, ryan also had a scare. >> going through open heart
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being a parent in a helpless situation like that, our faith in our life has always been our foundation. >> ryan and wife leanne moved the family to new york to support bailey's broadway dreams. rosie o'donnell and tina fey attended the opening night. and the word got around took up a collection just to get it to the mainland and the world's going to know your name >> what's your name, son? >> rosie's having a great time. you never know what she's going to do. >> hamilton is addictive. i listen to it non-stop right now. and the reality sensation,
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how do they keep it pg? there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of goingto college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will bea birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an americawhere after a lifetime of labor, there is timefor rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values,
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and i ask for your vote. wendy hates dirty lawn furniture. that's why she uses scottsoutdoor cleaner plus oxi-clean. it cleans all of wendy's lawn furniture without damaging any of wendy's lawn. scotts. it's good out here. just be careful. >> woo! that's a look at the new season naked and afraid airing on discovery this weekend. a lot of moving body parts, and sensoring them cane er censoring them behind the scenes can be a tough job.
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home the bacon. >> we are allowed to show things like butt and butt crack. >> our own standards and practices won't let us. so we will be blurring their blurs. we're talking about the naked part of the show that has two complete strangers trying to survive in the wilderness. >> kind of a do or die thing today. >> i'm hungry. >> people wouldn't go on the show unless we could assure them that their private parts would not be shown on national tv, so we have to take it extremely seriously. >> the general mandates is to make the blurs look as natural as possible and still cover up as much as possible. generally, it's like try them make as look as much like a barbie doll as possible and not, you know, just as far as making the blurs clean and almost like they're not there. you always have to keep a look out, because things will pop out or, you know, there's always the
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>> it's the job of these graphic artists to go through every frame of footage, mark all the um, side boob and cover them up. >> when people start running around, then, yeah. things are flying everywhere. we have to track that. the more action the shot is, the more difficult it becomes. >> once guys have blurred the episode, we review the whole show. we get like five guys and a woman sitting in a darkened room hoping not to see a nipple or a piece of crotch. >> be careful. >> the whole editing process takes a week for each episode. but these people would rather blur. >> appreciate what they do. i like to hang out on the couch. >> yeah. i'm with you on that one. that last graphic artist, his wife is also a member of blur man group.
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have when they get home from work. hey, money, how was your day? still to come, dolly parton on her weight loss schedule. >> i used to be a lot heavier. >> also what she thinks about blake's new song. you're getting over him and i'm getting over her >> we talk to tv docs operating on their own wives. >> breasts done. and the entertainment birthdays, which star once studied to be a veterinarian? is it emmy rossum? but first, we with neil patrick harris with his husband. they have their hands full raising harberper and gideon. >> you have to stop being nervous about them going down
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our kids run up and down them. they go down on their stomachs. >> don't suggest that. >> i do. >> they head up the wine and food festival, food a big part of their family lives. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate tosevere rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower yourability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events includinginfections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervoussystem and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone toinfections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have beentreated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever,bruising, bleeding, or paleness.
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he came here to forget. >> blake said his new music was going to really be personal, and boy, he wasn't kidding. it's pretty clear that he's talking about gwen stefani and both of their divorces. looks like it's just me and you fall in love just enough to get us through what we're going through >> country legend dolly parton knows all about sharing her life in her lyrics, michelle got her reaction. gettin' even with her and with him >> i think they look great as a couple. they have they've both been through a lot of things. she seems very sweet. but i love miranda also. i just, you never know what happens in people's lives, but they're all great people. i just wish them all the best. aside from blake and gwen,
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separation to another couple we love. she's godmother to miley cyrus. she's back with liam again. >> she's a talent. she's deep. she's smart, she's sensitive, and she's gone through a lot. she's been put through a lot. and she's put herself through a lot. >> are you grad they are together. >> yes, i was glad to hear they're back together. and i did it all in the name of love >> dolly knows about relationships. in may, she'll celebrate her 50th anniversary with her husband dean. they plan to take a second honeymoon in the rv. how do you keep the love going? >> he's a loner. he likes his time alone, his space. the fact that i'm gone a lot, it suits him fine. he likes it when i'm home, he likes it when i'm gone. it's the same. we have a wonderful relationship and understanding about that
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>> this june, dolly will start her 60-city pure and simple tour. it's her first major tour in 25 years. she's 70 years old and looking amazing. workin' 9 to 5 >> what is the staple in dolly's dressing room? >> well, cough drops, water. i have to drink water. chips and dip. >> okay, first of all, do not come in here looking like you look and tell me that you eat dip and chips. >> i used to be a lot heavier. >> really? >> oh, yes. back in my early days in country music, when i was eating everything that they put in my dressing room, yeah i gained quite a bit of weight. any entertainer will tell you nothing worse in the world than going out and trying to entertain and your clothes are too tight and everybody's
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>> she calls it double d. >> it's there. it's the name of it. and holly never had any qualms about a nip and tuck. and neither did the women in our next story. because their husbands are the ones holding the scalpel. beneath the surface, it's not always so pretty. >> i think marrying a plastic surgeon is every girl's dream. >> their husbands do face-lifts, nose jobs and lipo. this doctor has done over his wife hailey. >> i've had botox, fillers in my lips, my ears done. my breasts done. >> you do operate on her? >> you know, i hate it, but she's the boss. i'm limbedited to -- >> he does a lot of face work. >> you have had some things done. >> i've had a few things done.
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me being a patient, him being the physician, and i have to say it did not go smoothly. it's the classic thing when people say you should not treat family. we understand why. it did not go well. >> i don't look forward to ever doing anything again. >> but for jessica and dr. david amron, there's nothing like the perk of a little free work. >> a little subtle, natural contouring to her cheek area. >> celebrity plastic surgeons streaming on netflix takes up the lifestyles of the doxcs. >> he's known as dr. 90210. >> when you guys see this show, you were going through a rough patch. >> we're going through the roughest part of our marriage. >> it's the roughest. >> we were actually talking about divorce. >> how did you come out the other side. >> we had two options.
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separate ways or try to make this work. i'm angry at him all the time and resentful, so we decided to spend more time together and rebuild our marriage. >> basically all marriages are difficult. it's the last lesson of life. >> one doctor on the show is a cosmetic dentist. >> your smile is everything. it's the first thing people see when they talk to you. gets you that better job, that better date, better acting jobs. >> you look at the before and afters, and it totally makes sense why many stars choose to go fake with veneers, but it's definitely not cheap. >> here in beverly hill, the price of my mouth is nearing $100,000. >> meet susie feldman, cory feldman's ex-and a former playboy model. after battling anorexia and a drug problem, she went from this to this. >> i had an eating disorder, smoking cigarettes, a nightmare
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and that was really deteriorating to the teeth. i couldn't show my teeth. i couldn't smile. >> helping with susie's transformation is dr. kevin sams. he's connected to many famous smiles. the 33-year-old has 21 veneers. >> not sedated, completely awake. no pain medicine, i'm sober. so it was very, i was very aware, very raw. >> and the results? well, they're very emotional. >> why are you crying? >> because it's beautiful. >> you're beautiful. you're going to make me cry. look, we've got a homeless. we've got beverly hills. park bench, park place. >> well, dr. sams is very close
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actually, his mother wa there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of goingto college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will bea birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an americawhere after a lifetime of labor, there is timefor rest and grandchildren.
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but no longer carriesso much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask for your vote. travel considerations provided by look at all those stars celebrating birthdays this weekend. james taylor is 68.
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and neil sadaka is celebrating. which star once studied to be a veterinarian? william macy who is 66 this weekend. and blake and gwen's family weekend with her kids and inside ben's bachelor rose drama. >> we're almost out of time, but for all the late-breaking hollywood news, go to our website. but check out this video for tracy chapman. we all know "fast car." it's been transformed a little bit. >> nearly 30 years later, a re-mixed version. >> love that back beat. enjoy it, and enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone. traveling in your car
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if you're doing everything rightbut find it harder and harderto get by, you're not alone. while our people worklonger hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economyand democracy that works for all and not just the powerful few. the powerful few.
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presentation of espn on abc. you know, it's not just oracle arena. how about at&t center in san antonio. basically impossible for teams to win there, especially thanks to kawhi leonard having a career season. you know who else is? russell westbrook, another career season. overall lots of questions about the thunder. we're getting into it. thunder and spurs next on abc.
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