tv Channel 7 News at 11PM FOX March 22, 2016 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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are responsible. >> 7:59 i hear the first palm and which was a big blast. hear the second, see the second blast and then it's time for running. >> run they did. travelers in the brussels airport some just arrivinin offer checking into the flights as bombs exploded arosnd them. others huddle close hiding behind the luggage. stroller left abandoned. >> you hear screaming and l and war zone. >> it was not over. just an hour later a blast in a subway close to the europe union complex. inside survivors forced to walk through the dark. over the tracks trying to escape and outside medic race to save the injured. >> it looked lucky war. it's u uelievable. unbelieve. really hard. >> at the airport 4 americans among the injured.
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mormon church and these are the men investigators believe areresponsible. 2 on the left thought to be suicide bombers. the one on the right in the light colored jack it still at large. explosives believed to be in the luggage. >> two of them somehow detonate>> two of them somehow detonated the explosives inside the suitcases on the trolley. >> president obama along with un ambassador rice was briefed on the news as he wrapped up his historic trip to could you be a. he later discussed the bombinin watching the cub an national team play the tampa bay rays. >> the notion that any political agenda would justify the killing of innocent people like this is something at is beyond the appeal. >> authorities say that after the chaos died down they found and neutralize a third bomb at the airport. prime minister of belgium declared a three day period of mourning. in the satellite center, nicolein the satellite center, nicole, 7 news night team. >> as nicole mentioned one suspect is still believed to be on the run.
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picture of who they are looking for. sheldon fox with more on this massive man hunt. >> belgian police are hot on the trail of terrorists. they can tell you about the neighborhood from where the killers came. what they told their cab driver and what they lef behind but what the cops are yet to tell the world is where those killers are. >>reporter: it's an hour long mission in the belgian night to fine those responsible for europe's latest jihad inspired mass murder. the in the scar bake suburb of use else police said they found a nail bomb. chicals. and islamic state flag after being tipped off possibly by a cab driver who said he drove the spects to the airport from an apartment. >> if we tilt up you can see the apartment that the foreign sick workers are in right now. >>reporter: once at the brussels airport the men were said to be add minute to the cabie they wanted the bags left alon. >> they apparently when he got
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told him that they did not want him to touch their luggage. >>reporter: here they are say belgian police. two operate left each with black glove on left hand are thought to have been hiding detonators in their hands. suicide belts found in the debris at the airport. then there's the guys on the right. in the lighter jacket. 's thought to be alive and perhaps now among the world most wanted men. >> there's a guy or some sort of sniper with a rifle. >>reporter: intelligence agency have been on high alert for possible attack since friday arrest in belgium of accused paris attack cerebral palsycerebral palsytor. >> one of the most wanted foreign fight that's we are looking for. >>reporter: after his arrest friday he told authorities had he created a new network and was planning new attacks. officials had been after this man since november attack in france and his arrest wasn't the end of the search. monday french belgian officials announce the identity of another suspected attacker.
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setoff just one day after the release of his sketch. >> the sketch of that man hasn't officially been connected to brussels or what is happening tuesday night in cop heavy scar bake of brussels suburb. it's where the man hunt charges on. now after 4 in the morning in scar bake belgium and police were still in the street and centering on the department taking out bags of evidence with forensic team on site. live in the plex, 7 news night team. >> following the ter nor belgium here at home city step up security at public places as precaution. in the big apple mayor bill de blasio calling for extra security throughout times square and one world trade center. subway train stations and airports also have a heavy police presence. at boston logan international airport increased security also in place there heavivi armed officers and canine are on
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on the west coast lax also beefing up security. all of this despite the department of homeland security saying there's no specific credible intelligence of a threat to our country. team coverage continues now with brian who is at miami international. and has more on the stepped up security there. >> tuchling down in miami never felt so good. >> knowing that just behind you we just left people we didn't know anything of anything that happened. >porter: these passengers were some of the last to fly out of brussels. before the terrorist attack that shook the airport. >> it was just a few moments short and i was sitting in the same spot in the morning waiting for check in. >> greeted by extra security when they first touched down in orlando and then hours later re at mia. federal agents and police tactical gear bomb sniffing dog. random searches and tsa
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airport across the u.s. no threat but police aren't taking any chances. >> i think we left just a few minute short of when it happened so we were already had our cell phone off. airplane mode on so nobody was receiving anything. >> security also tight fort lauderdale hollywood international. >> in the event in brussels they raise our interest a bit and we have added a little more security a little more that you will see and more you won't see. >> beefed up security was a welcome site for the travelers from brussels. this wan draped in the belgian flag while she waited for her family. another mom and daughter reunited after hours of waiting and not knowing. >> i woke up this morning thinking that i put my mom on this flight because the bought her r cket and if she had gone today it was pretty much my ult so you know the something need to be done. these are innocent people. >>reporter: the plane loaded full of passengersgain then
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for belgium. it was supposed to go to brussels but instead will be landing in a the city about an hour away because the airport remains closed in brussels. at mia 7 news night team. >> stay with 7 news for continuecontinuing coverage of the rror in brussels. updates on air on line at this web site. historic visit to havana complete. commander in chief speaking to the cuban people. >> i have come here to bury the last republic nant of the cold war in the america. >> meeting with disdidn't anden gameing in a little baseball diplomacy. the nit team with complete wrap up of the president in cuba. >> we are live in havana as the president bid farewell to the island nation. craig joins us once again to break down his last day with the cuban people. caichlingt the president bell
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era and time to leave the past behind. after his short visit here one thing is abundantly clear tonight. cuba u.s. relations are head entered an entire different direction. >> president out of thes of america. barack obama. >> president obama took the stage at the great theater of havana. here he would highlight the u.s. and cuba painful past. what the president believes is a hopeful future. >> i have come here to bury the last remnant of the cold war in the america. >> the president had an audience of more than 1,000 people inside the theater but remark clearly aimed at the cuban people across the island. >> the the speech was broadcast live on government run television. mr. obama spoke of the 90 miles
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undertaken for a chance at frfedom. >> that short distance has been crossed by hundreds of thouounds office cuban exiles on planes and make shift raft. >> he emphasized in very permanent terms the length of the cold war era isolation. >> cuban revolution took place the same year that my father came to the u.s. from kekya. >> bay of pigs took place the career that i was born. >> the president didn't gloss overhe profound differences between the naichlingts he spoke of democracy and human rights and perhaps strongest terms sin the start of hisripterms sin the start of his trip. >> tibl citizens should be free to speak their mind without fear. the to organize and criticize their government an to protest peacefully. and that the rule of law should not include arbitrary detention of people who exercise those rights nishtion a striking moment the president directed his comments at raul castro seat entered the balcony in not so subtle nudge on free and fair election.
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cuba sovreignty and self determination i am also confident y yeed not fear the different voices of the cuban people. and capacity to speak and assemble an vote for the leaders. >> visioio the president presented for the future emphasize cuba youth. he spoke of cubanen gentlemen knew ty to the north in south florida. >> the united states we have a clear monument to what the cuban people can build. item called miami. >>reporter: but anger in the exile community over the trip runs deep. president did meet directly with disdidn't in the u.s. embassy tuesday. lead othersth could you be an civil society his comments to the media were brief >> all individuals around this table have shown extraordinary courage. people here who have been detained. some in the past. some very recently. >> in the time stop the president engaged in a little baseball diplomacy if you will first family arrived to grit fan fare inside the 55,000 seat stadium where the tampa bay ray played the cuban national tee.
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who won. he left the game early for t t airport. raul castro there to see him off. it was that first official public handshake with castro monday that stands out as lasting image on visit that inspired some an infuriated others. >> there is another big event that will be going on here in the city later on this week. the rolling stones are set to perform friday here. free concert. we your honor you totay with us 7 news reporter alex will be staying on here in havana to bring us coverage of. that but that will do itp for now from us reporting live in had a van a-cuba i'm craig stephens 7 news night team. >> grit job have a safe trip home. >> still ahead on 7 news at 11>> still ahead on 7 news at 11:00. police pounding the pavement hoping new clue will help track down a sexual predator.
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critical clue after woman sexually assaulted in a south florida neighborhood. police say he pulled her behind a tree while walking and then went on the attack. >> police hoping that sketch will get him off the street. walter morris reports. >> coral gables pd pounding the paveme. handing out fliers hoping some one will recognize this man. who they say robbed and sexually assaulted a woman last week. >> very traumatic because it's a surprise. >>reporter: all went down march 13. police say the victim was wawaing south on granada boulevard near benetia avenue before 7:00 a.m. when man jumped out and grabbed her. >> pulled her hyped a tree thensexually assaulted her in a manner where he's unwanted touching unwanted fondling of her. >>reporter: stole her stuff as he took off in a white van or suv. but she got a good look at her attacker.
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>>reporter: police tell members of the quiet community to be on the look out. he's described as 30 to 40 years old. 5 foot 7 to 5 foot 9 and about 170 to 1 80 pound. bald muscular build. less seen wearing a white t-shirt, blue jean with blue and yellow sneekers. >> i'm shock because this is coral gables. >>reporter: news of the assault not sitting well with neighbors like nadia and she's hoping police get that guy off the streets. >> i'm really sorry it happened but this is miami. so you really do have to make sure that erything is locked down and your house. >> if you think you know who the guy is police do want to hear from you call crime stoppers that number is here on the screen. you may get cash with theight information. 7 news night team. >> fbi trying to solve cash crime in fort lauderdale. agents release surveillance
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wearing a red shirt, ball cap and glasses. he strolled in demanding money from a teller then walked out. happened at the branch near south east 16 street and south federal highghy. no one hurt and here's one more good look clear picture right there call broward crime stoppers at this number on the screen. >> coming at ochblingt the cruel weather certainly a nice little change. >> how long is he going to be sticking around. pwren has the answer. >> i tell you we are in a little bit of transition phase right now inn south florida. and big changes are on the way. in the mean time rip current threat continues around the atlantic beaches. your forecast in a couple of minutes. >> then after the news. batman versus superman. ben afleck responds to the hero hater and one swears he'll never watch the movie.
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zoozoo. >> really just a beautiful night in south florida. a little on the breezy side at least for beach locations. temperatates today in the mid 70's. bouncing back after the colr air that we experience laid last night into this morning. and current temperatures running about 10 above where they were last ght. upper 60's except 72 this hour in homestead. notice the cloud cover beginning to in out. at least those higher vail clouds watching from the southern gulf of mexico, those are clearing the area and now we watch from the oakes as some additional patchy lower level clouds come in from the ocean. those are still running about 7 to 15 miles per hour. as they strengthen over the next 24 hours they could draw moisture. we are not expecting anything at least in the short-term anything more than a couple passing sprinkles. dotted showers or sprinkle
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west across the area tomorrow but most of you will stay dry. we head into theirs and that's when the door is open. for this deeper moisture. you see it here in green in the straits and especially into the caribbean. here's high pressure. that will send our wind more out of a southirection by thursday and friday. so the moisture increases. that will be the case over south and central florida and with that the rain expanding. temperatures too also getting a little bit more warm and we also n nice more humidity at the end of this week heading into easterean. boating forecast use caution. sea up to 5 feet and choppy in discontain bay and atlantic as well. small craft advisory in choppy waters for the keys and that's small craft advisory continues until 5:00 o'clock in the mornin. now temperatures will continue to be comfortable tight. steady. readings in the 60's. mild for this time of the year and tomorrow the average high is 81.
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>> heat are 12 gyms over 500 for the first time this season. althou it got interesting tonight at new orleans, heat in black first quarter miami o o the break. to stod mivrment he had 16 and 9 rebound. still in the first he lobes to it white side. part of a run. he up 14 after one. second quarter white side blocksecond quarter white side bloc drew holiday. joe johnson comes away. to wade. wade h hds nor. 25 led everybody. heat up by 19 at the break. further quarter dang to drag. for three. let led as many as 22 but the lead got down to 5. but the heat do not cave. wade to white side. white side had 24 and 10 of 11 shooting. 14 rebounds. heat win 113-nichbility heat stay in first in the division. off to the sweet 16. the canes left for louisville this afternoon. rodriguez taking selfie before they got on the bus to the
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third seed canes play second seed villanova thursday night. tonight the canes playing baseball in the hotel ballroom in louisville using a balance of cake. thursday the next game but the canes say it's not their last games. >> plaing just to go to louisville and. >> it will be a tough ballots like the first two b we are excited and we are ready. >>reporter: i'm excited too. nfl owner meeting in boca this week. they call them owner meeting but the nfl pig wig go including dolphins owner ross. dolphins were very disappointing 6 and 10 last season. that's far short of expectations. >> trying to do be. trying to win. i think we have a lot of great players. we have a fifth year quarterback you shun be rebuilding. >>reporter: that's for sure. thth's all i got. unless you guys want me to do more. back to you. >> no.
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biggest ours are here tonight. >> announcer: turkey stanley is having nightmares about his hosting gig. henry cavill says superman isn't having a super time. >> man: there are a lot of tricks going on, force is coming out him and from every side in this movie. announcer: now the most super show on television. >> man: deco drive. >> lynn: hi everybody i am lynn martinez. >> shireen: and i am shireen sandoval and this is deco drive. the show must go on and so must the premier. despite today's terror attacks in belgium and hehtened security across europe the london premier for batman versus superman went on. t not exactlas planned. the studio issued a statement saying it would not yield to terror. but they did cancel the red carpet which disappointed hundreds of fan who started
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the scheduled show. mariah carey is canceling her show schedule for brussels this weekend. her security team strongly suggested it, you know, do not do the performers for several regions. first she is one of the biggest are in the world. second she is on a millionaire. third, it is set on her birthday which is more of a high profilthan it normally would be. >> lynn: the kardashian sisters are all over social media as you know. but leaving out some very important to have gotten them out legal problem. they didn't to something that is a first. courtney, kim, and chloe are being ed for $180 billion by a company who invested in their makeup line. the company said they failed to promote their own keup line and trashed their financial backers. if only they would hashtag the name of their line while posting their cell-bed this
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