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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  February 17, 2016 2:37am-4:30am EST

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(half laughs) thought it was a little hot dog for you. ed: raf and i will go to the last point of contact. sam, underground parking. spike, you watch those exits. every door, every window - he does not get outta here with parker, do you understood me? co, ed. let's go. and of course, here they come. listen, gil, buddy, whatever you're up to- shut it, decklan! gil? if we got stuff to work out, let's just focus here, okay? if you had let me work it out in the other room, none of this would be happening. what is happening, gil? plan b. let me ask you something. how's your hd-to-hand? think you can, ah... disarm me? no i don't. see, that's too bad. 'cause we're gonna go for a little walk, and i was really hoping that you would try. turn around.
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let's go for that walk. hi. thanks for coming. i'm jules callaghan, i talked to you on the phone. why don't you have a seat? you said this is about gil. is he in trouble? we're trying to figure that out. are you still in touch with him? he sees our son. but it's not easy between us. can you tell me why? for a while we tried staying in each other's lives - for jacob - but gil has so much anger. he blames me for the divorce. it... it just got toxic. when was the lastime you saw him? this morning. jakey, let's go. hi. gil...
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but today's an exction. can i just... can i just get 30 seconds? yeah. thank you. look, i don't wanna say too much, i don't wanna spoil it, but i... i got something going at work. that's good, gil. i'm happy for you. thanks. i know what you're thinking. and that it's been hard, and that's on me, that's my fault. but i just want you to know i've never been more proud of anything in my life than i am of you. you and jakey. and i know it's up to me to make you proud of me. again. for us. for us? (front door opens) gil: there he is! jake: hi dad! gil: hey, buddy! guess what? special day. i am walking you to school today. great! gil. please. you just love this, don't you? holding all the cards.
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ah, you know what, pal? i just remembered i got something i gotta do. so can i get a rain check? something to look forward to? thanks, buddy. have a good day, pal. come here, y. please. tell me what's going on, officer callaghan. does the name greg parker mean anything to you? yeah. gil talked about him all the time. gil: after you flunked me, i got my hands on my evaluation. go left. you remember what you said? no. six years of my life, thousands of hours on the range, in the gym, in the psych manuals... you don't remember what you said?
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gil: "good tactical. unfit to negotiate." gil, you have to understand, we get a hundred applicants a year, that's a lot of great candidates turned away. five words, parker. you used five words to ruin my life. move. move! ed: you all right? agh! which way did they go? up. (monitor beeps) there. sam, spike! two rifles, stadium floor, now! ed: stay here! deckaln: got it. (hand cuffs rasp and clank) down we go, boss. (sighs) gotta tell you, gil, i'm not crazy about heights. overcome it.
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(buckles clank) parker: you wanna tell me what you're thinking here, gil? it's tactical, parker. you wouldn't appreciate it. (panicked breaths) don't do it, gil. please, you don't wanna do this. (ropes rasp, buckles clank) guys, full hay setup up here. gil: oh... sprint shoot. my best drill. 200 yard dash, setup up their rifle, dead-center a target at a half-mile. let's setpup right here. go, go, go! let's go, let's go. sorry, parker. problem is they shoot me? they kill you too. (rifles click) he's gonna push him!
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raf: hold fire! hold fire! (gil grunts, parker gasps) we shoot him, he lets go of the rope. parker: (panicked breaths) what do you want from me, gil? thought it was obvious. i want a lesson. you got an agitated subject bent on revenge. so show me how it's done, parker.
2:44 am
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2:45 am
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later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched. i'm not seeing tac on this. spike: he's got vantage. distance. full control. anything we do, he drops boss. he's got every angle covered. jules, give me something, why's he doing this? jules: well, gil shows signs of narcissistic personality disorder - it's a preoccupation with prestige and power. attention. it's built on shame - fear of inadequacy. and when things go bad, when things feed that fear, troubled relationships, failure at work, people with npd they usually resort to "splitting". spike: splitting? raf: all-or-nothing thinking. white hats and black hats. jules: yeah, it's how he preserves his self-esteem; by ascribing his own failures to the actions of others a good guy under attack by monsters. can you get through to him? the psychology's really tricky on this. he's vulnerable, raw. it's a minefield. jules, we're running out of options here. i'm gonna call, ed. i'm gonna call. gil: so. assessment time.
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parker: hey, look... (gil's phone rings) sorry, that'll be, ah... that'll be your boys. excuse me while i get that. (pne smashes) they can't help you now. it's just you and me. i wanna have a conversation with you, gi but this- wha! ah! assess the subject. all right. you know what i see? i see a good man who's in a lot of pain. the sweet talk. , no, no, no... i see a guy who doesn't always have the easiest time fitting in. because what comes naturally for most folks, the day-today living stuff, just doesn't come so easy to you. you're wrong. you're wrong. i'll bet when you joined the academy, all that changed? right? suddenly you felt like ur life made sense for the first time.
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am i right? we gotta get up there. try him face to face. does he look like he wants company, spike? spike: so what're we gonna do? watch?! hope for the best? shockround. the electrical charge will keep his grip firm. involuntary muscle contractu. it'll gives us time to make a play. come down from above, and get a rope around boss. and then neutralize the subject. there's a thousand ways that can go wrong. it'll have to happen in, what, five seconds? raf: if that. sam: plus he's armoured. it's gotta take a perfect shot. raf: it's all we got. let's do it. sam, you take the shot. on my cue. raf? raf: i'll harness up. ed: spike? spike: okay, i'm on the mic. ed: i'll stay on sierra. i will finish it if i have to. parker: and i know, i know. i know how it goes, buddy. you put on a uniform, and all the labels get rewritten. "headstrong" becomes "dedicated". and "reckless" becomes "fearless". and all the stuff that you fought inside, all your demons... now they're assets. right? they're your assets. they're the things that keep you alive. they're the things that make you good.
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one... one cop to another, brother, that's how. (pants) gil: no. nice try, parker, you know. i see that you're trying to cnect. but i'm not some meth-head with a knife. you can't fool me! no, that's not what i'm trying to do. yes it is! it's greg parker to a tee. so smug s feet don't touch the ground until some nutcase picks up a gun. spike: ears are up. gil: ...but you know what? you're leaving out the most important thing. please, please tell me what that is. you took it from me! all of it! i aced every drill, but i wasn't good enough for you because some role-playing exercise didn't go the way you wanted it to! you've been gunning for me since day one, parker. just like today. determined to see me fail! so i push back. i told miranda. you know what i said to her? i said, "he's testing me. he's testing my resolve."
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i'm gonna try again. i'm gonna show him all. (buckles clank) (rifle clanks) gil: but you know what i didn't count on? everyone taking your side. my sergeant, my own partner, everyone. you poisoned 'em against me. parker: it was my face on that setback. i get that, gil. i get that. you don't get the last word this time. (gil grunts, parker yelps) i've got a teenage son. and he did the bravest thing i'd ever seen - he let his deadbeat dad back into his life. it's all i wanted for years, it's all i thought about. and guess what? now that it's happened, i wake up at night and i think, i say to myself, i should push him away now. push him away now so i don't do it by accident down the road. gil: stop talking. you're just gonna say anything to try and get outta this. parker: you think i'm gunning for you? let me tell you something,
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who depend on me. you know how i've repaid their trust? i've kept secrets from them, i've lied to them, i've bron protocol. that's right. that's right. lives and careers and relationships... they could all go down the tube, and that would all be on me. and you know... and you know why i do that? because i don't know any other way! it's the best i can figure out! no, no, no... you're trying to trick m you're trying to build empathy. parker: i'm not negotiating with you, gil! i'm saying my piece! you think you know me. you think i'm one kind of thing, well i'm not! i'm something else. i'm not after you. i don't even know you. i've got enough going on in my life you're not part of it, buddy. you misread this, you understand? you're wrong! on my word. parker: but if you let go of this rope, you'll become the thing that you hate. you'll become the thing that you think i am.
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so what's it gonna be? who are you? 'cause i'm done talking. on three. one... two... hold! hold! (pants) miranda was right. parker: gil... gil: parker, you're right. parker: no! gil, please don't. just stay here with me. no, i see it now. it's okay. parker: no, you made a good choice, gil. you just focus on that, buddy. you just focus that. introspection... parker: no, no, there's a way through this. you gotta build from this moment. you gotta move forward from here. you work though it from here. you're a good man!
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you're a good man... ...a good man... (somber music plays)
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what's in your han it's the audio drive. gotta get rid of it. ed, what boss said up there has no bearing on the case. (r it's not our call. (l he was torn wide open. he was fighting for his life. there's no reason why everybody's hear that. it could cost him his job, ed. i hear ya. parker: spike. give it to me, spike. boss, no one needs to know we used the parabolic. it doesn't affect the investigation in any way. it all goes in. every word. no more secrets. how you holding up? i killed him, eddie. greg, he was unwell. he killed himself. he was splitting. he set out to slay the monster. and i convinced him he was it. greg, he was trying to kill you. he was trying to kill you. you did what you had to do here, buddy. you did what you had to do.
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i got angry and i lost control. parker: why you want to be in sru? this one's easy. heh. um... you know how when you're out on patrol you meet a lot of people but you, you look... raf: um, just got word from the hospital. the hostage, roger, he's gonna be okay. uh, i've been thinking about this morning. the exercise. i think i know the solution. go on. there is no solution. the failure, it's... it's built in, you know. and it ain't even about beating the drill, it's not that, it's about... it's about learning to live with the choices you've made.
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boss, i want you to know that i am honored to be learning this job from the best. gil: so, uh... i don't know, you take all the things that i love about being a beat cop and all the things that i'm good at, and you muiply that by 10 and that's... it's sru for me. so, i mean, i don't wanna be greedy, but you know it feels this right to be a cop.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for lifelock, the best identity-theft protection available. identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. >> i started getting phone calls from credit collection companies. "you've opened an account here and here and here." ey wanted payment. and it was payment for things that i did not do. >> i was hit with 12 different cases of identity theft within three days. how did somebody get ahold of my identity and become me? >> you see those movies about identity theft and, you know, someone living an alternate li and taking over, and i was scared.
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my telephone number, she had my social security number, and she was able to make a purchase for $8,000. >> someone got ahold of my driver's license number and obtained tickets pretending to be me, giving my information to the police officer. my employer told me that i had seven days to clear it up or i would be unemployed. i had to prove that i was innocent because, to them, i'm oking guilty as if i have something to hide. >> in my early days with the fbi, the crooks would go into a bank with sunglasses and a hat, rob the bank, they probably get caught, face 10 years in prison. now they steal our identities. >> announcer: 1 in 4 people have experienced identity theft. your age and your income don matter to identity thieves. just having a social security number makes you a target. >> crime is changing. criminals have moved into cyber crime because they know the risk's low to them and the payoff is much higher. >> announcer: over 100 million americans have had their
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there's a new victim of identity fraud every 2 seconds. >> we're all vulnerable to identity theft, unfortunately. for savvy consumers who really want to safeguard their overall financial wellbeing, you have to be proactive and take steps to guard against this problem. >> announcer: in the digital age, our information is everywhere, making us all more vulnerable to identity theft. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. >> it was a very empowering experience for me to have lifelock on my side. >> they're helping protect my accounts and my social security number. >> lifelock made it so i can go back to my life. >> i feel safe. lifelock's there. >> i don't need to worry about this now. i can't tell you how happy that made me. >> announcer: stay tuned and meet top experts in the field of identity theft. learn some of the tricks identity thieves do to steal your personal information. >> so this is how easy it is to skim this card.
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about how lifelock detects fraud and helps protect you from identity theft. >> detecting fraud is a lot like squeezing jell-o. as soon as you stop it at one place, it squirts out someere else. and we've really devoted the last decade of our research specifically to identity fraud protection. >> announcer: find out more about what a lifelock membership means to you and meet some of the lifelock identity protection agents ready to answer your questions, to help resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch over your private information. >> you have this whole team of people on your side, and you know that you don't have to go it alone. i don't know what would have done without lifelock. >> when i first got the alert from lifelock, my reaction was actually, "ha ha, i got you." since i'd been alerted and lifelock was helping me resolve the issue, whoever was doing that wasn't going to be able to benefit. >> i was a victim of identity theft, and it wasn't fun. i was on my own. i had no idea what to do. and it was a terrible feeling.
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happened to my daughter, who was 7 at the time. somebody had stole her social serity number. i was furious. i was concerned about her future. and so i contacted lifelock because i had heard about them. i looked into what they offer, and it was the best thing i ever did. >> announcer: now let's join lifelock member tom jourden to learn more about identity theft, the fastest growing crime in america. with tom is former fbi agent and renowned speaker jeff lanza, an expert in fraud, cyber crime, and identity theft. >> jeff, thanks for being here. >> you're welcome. >> you know, 10 years ago, i didn't even think about identity theft, but then, unfortunately, i became a victim. and now we hear that it's the fastest growing crime in amera. why is that? >> a couple of reasons why it's the fastest growing crime in america -- number one, it's easy to commit, and the bad guys know that. the second reason is, it's very lucrative. so once they get your
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social security number, then it's easy to convert that into cash, to monetize that information. and once that happens, the problems. >> i think most people think if they have a problem, their bank or credit card company will just take care of it for them, right? >> well, it depends on what the problem is. if the problem is credit card fraud, someone used your existing credit card number or cloned your card, yeah, the bank will take care of that. but that's just one part of the problem of identity theft. there's a much broader problem, and that is when someone steals your identity entirely. they've got your i.d., they've got your social security number, they apply for these accounts in your name. you don't even know it's happening. you may not figure it out until you get a call from a bill collector, a cdit card company that says you're past due on a credit card that you don't even know you had. >> so when you're on your own, you're kind of just blind that this is happening 'cause there's no one out there looking out for you. >> that's exactly right. you know, we have our jobs, we have our family, we have our life. do you want to take hours out of your day, maybe for days and weeks at a time, to try to figure out how to correct the problems that the identity thief caused?
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don't know how much time it would take or even where you would begin to do that. you don't have the technology to do that. >> so, in general, the advice you would give -- what can we do to protect ourselves? >> the earlier identity theft gets detected, the sooner you can address the issues and stop it from getting worse, and that's where lifelock comes in. they deal with this every day. >> when jennifer learned a fraudulent account was opened in her name, she thought she could easily deal with it on her own. >> so here i am trying to call and prove that i'm the real jennifer, and they just don't believe me. i probably talked to six or seven people. each time i'd have to repeat my story. "i did not sign up for this credit card. i don't owe you any money." that person says, "well, i can't help you, but let me transfer you to this person," and it's just so aggravating. it's like, "just send me to the right person." i alst got to the point where i was like, "let me pay for this $400 and just close the account and let's be done," but the thing is, there were other credit cards out there. you just don't know how deep it goes. when my lifelock agent got involved, somehow she knew
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i never figured out that, but she knew exactly who to talk to. and she helped me take care of it. >> we work, shop, even pay bills almost anywhere. it's great, but it can also make more vulnerable to identity theft. jim stickley is paid to think like a hacker. he's been featured on investigative reports revealing where we're the most vulnerable to cyber crime. >> no one thinks they're gonna fall victim to identity theft, but check this out. in a caf\ like this, you know, people have this idea that they're safe when they're online. they feel it's being provided by the local caf\ here, so it should be safe. the reality is, though, that something like this -- this is a wi-fi device -- can be brought to a local caf\, set up right here in front of people without them even knowing it, and instead of them connecting to the wi-fi in the organization, they'll be connecting to this wi-fdevice instead. what if they type in login credentials? i've got them. if they type in a password, i've got it. if they type in credit card information, i'll get that, as well.
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captured by the criminal, and then they can use that theft. i do these scams to show people what's going on out there. criminals are continually finding new ways to rip people off. and the bottom line is, you need somebody in your court. that's why lifelock makes so much sense. >> these real lifelock members all volunteered to share their experience in this show. stay tuned to hear more true stories, learn more about how identity thieves work, and find out how lifelock can help protect your identity. >> announcer: identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you bank or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information is out there out of your control. just detecting the problem is
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how do you resolve an issue if you have one? >> i signed up for lifelock. we have someone in our corner to help fight that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our
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guarantee. >> every lifelock membership comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restoration specialists, the $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "free" to get the first month of your lifelock membership free. as an extra bonus, call right now and get this document shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift.
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your identity for their benefit. get your first month free when you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get your first month free, and a free shredder with annual membership. join now. protection starts in minutes. >> so, you might think that your credit card is safe if it never leaves your sight, but the reality is, in the wrong hands, all it takes is a second for it that'll be $7.49. >> great. >> skimming is when a criminal will take your credit card and device... so, this is how easy it is to skim this card. sorry about that. ...and then that device is gonna record everythinthat was on
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they can then use that information to go out and shop online or even make their own credit cards to make purchases in the next store they go to. i do these scams to show people what's going on out there. criminals are continually finding new ways to rip people off. >> it's something that's out of control. i can't protect my identity all the time with everything that i do. bad people are gonna get your information whether you want them to or not. i have really a teammate in lifelock knowing that they're keeping an eye out for things, things that i couldn't do myself, and having them on my side, and it really is that [sighs] i can just relax and take one worry off my plate. >> the technology behind cyber crime is extensive, but what about lifelock's technology to protect you? well, dr. stephen coggeshall, lifelock's chief analytics and science officer, is here to explain how lifelock's proprietary technology is helping fight identity fraud dr. coggeshall, thanks for being here. >> my pleasure. >>ell me about lifelock's
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>> well, we do a variety of things. and what we do is really cool. we go to our more than a trillion data elements in our data bank. we'll look at all the other things it's connected to in the world, all the other applications we see, we look at what's going on at the address, has anybody else used that social security number, is there something strange about that e-mail? and we gather all that information together and put it through some pretty complicated mathematical formulas, and we come up with a probability score, the likelihood that that's a fraud attempt. >> and then you alert me as a lifelock customer if you see something out of the ordinary? >> that's correct. if a member gets an alert, they have the opportunity to say, "oh, yeah, that's me." but if it's not them, if they're sitting home watching tv and they get one of these alerts, they can press a button and contact lifelock, and we start the process of shutting that fraud attempt down. lifelock started from the ry beginning specifically to protect our members from identity fraud. that's our reason for existence. >> my cellphone goes off at just past 6:00 a.m. and it's a text alert from lifelock.
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and social security number to open a credit card. they filled out an application online with a $10,000 limit. lifelock caught it, notified me, and we were able to stop that credit card from ever being issued because we caught it early enough in the processing phase. >> when your identity's been stolen, yowant a knowledgeable, trusted friend on your side to get you out of the mess, d this is the big difference between monitoring your own credit and lifelock. a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of identity-protection agents ready to watch for threats to your identity, to answer your questions, and to help resolve identity-theft problems. lifelock members like me get a dedicated agent based right here in the u.s. to help resolve any threats to your identity. meet identity-prottion agents daniel, pua, and sarah. they're part of a team of agents who address identity threats and help lifelock members if an identity theft occurs. what happens when a member gets an alert? i mean, when do you get
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>> once our members notify us that it was not them, that they believe it's identity theft, is when we get started. then you'll speak to somebody like me, and i'll call you and i'll assist you through the whole process. >> we know who to call, what documents are needed, and we get it done much quicker than a member ever could on their own. >> i know the questions to ask, i know the people to talk to, i know the numbers to call, and i can make it just so much easier for you. and i'm also willing to stay on hold for you if you need. >> wait a minute. say that again? >> yeah, i'm willing to stay on hold as long as it takes on your behalf if necessary. >> 'cause that is the worst part -- staying on hold. >> it is. [ chuckles ] but i'm happy to do it. >> you're happy to do it? >> yes. i am. >> now, sarah, i know that you are a veteran. you, i assume, work with a lot of veterans and people in the armed services. >> i do. up until a couple years ago, social security number was on identification cards. it's sad that people fighting for our country have to worry about that, but we are more than happy to help and see them
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and that way they can focus on the mission, and that's why i love what we do. >> and when you go home, sarah, at the end of the day, what makes you say, "that was a good day"? >> i love when i close a case. i love it. and every time i close one and i can't wait to call my member, it really is just gratifying knowing that taking the burden and helping them through the process and being abab to make that phone call, "hey, your case is closed" is priceless. i love it. >> what's impressed me most about lifelock is they're also gonna be there to help you afterwards if something happens. the credit monitoring agencies, they're just gonna go, "no, you had an issue. it's on you." whereas lifelock says, "let us help you." >> every single time the lifelock agent, if we've had to stay on the phone too long with the other company, the agent will always say, "let me take this, angela. i'll call you back when i get them back." and i just feel like they respected my time and me. >> they know everything that
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i don't have to think about, "how do i fix this?" i turn it over to lifelock, and they'll help me. >> announcer: identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you bank or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information is out there out of your control. just detecting the problem is not enough. how do you resolve an sue if you have one? >> i signed up for lifelock. we have someone in our cner to help fight that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membershipeans you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answeyour questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft
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the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection services, including 24/7ccess to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee. >> every lifelock membership comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access to
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agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restoration specialists, the $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "free" to g the first month of your lifelock membership free. as aextra bonus, call right now and get this document shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift. so don't wait until someone uses your identity for their benefit. get your first month free when you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get your first month free, and a
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membership. join now. protection starts in minutes. >> nearly 50% of american adults have been affected by data breaches. if you're notified of a breach, you're nearly 6 times more likely to be a victim of identity fraud than those who are not notified. and once your information is out there, it's out of your control. that's why you need protection. >> you know, i've always heard of these data breaches at retailers. you always think it doesn't happen to you. and it did. my information, as well as that of many others, had been breached during a christmas shopping season by this major retailer. and that's when i sa, "i have to protect my family." i called lifelock. it was so simple, and i actually was kicking myself that i didn't do it earlier. sometimes i even like hearing the ding, knowing there's an alert. lifelock makes me feel safe knowing someone is concerned about my future and that of my children.
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was part of a data breach, i got this letter, and they offered me identity-theft protection. i mean, what do you think about that from the company that just got breached? >> well, by the time you got the letter, it's already days or weeks have gone by since the company even realized it happened, and they don't usually realize it's happened until well after the breach has occurred. so the point is, it's too late. i mean, you've already had your information out there. it could already be a big problem. the point of identity-theft protection is being proactive. that's what lifelock does. it helps you figure out if someone's trying to steal your identity, and then if it does happen, they help to resolve it. >> i went to the doctor, and they told me -- i got a letter that there was a breach and that my information may have been compromised. i was very relieved that i had already signed up for lifelock. >> so, here's one scam that criminals will do. they'll buy an 800 phone number, which will actually forward to their cellphone, and then they'll call up and leave a voicemail to you telling you there's a problem with your banking account. they'll leave that 800 number in
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so you should have received a security i.d. when you got your voicemail. so, once they answer the phone, the first thing they're gonna want to do is they're gonna want to verify that you are who you say you are. for security purposes, i just need to verify your social security number. people are very used to that, so they'll say, "sure, my social security number is" whatever it is, and just like that, they havehat before people even have a chance to think, "maybe i shouldn't have given that out." yeah, no problem at all. you have a great day. thank you. bye-bye. and just like that, we have her social security number. >> protecting your identity is a smart financial move. personal finance expert, best-selling author, and journalist lynnette khalfani-cox helps her clients with their financial portfolios. here's what she had to say about identity-theft protection. >> you might be doing a lot of things right. you might be saving, planning for the future, investing. all of those things are great. but if you haven't taken time to protect yourself against the risks that are out there, the very real risk of identity theft, then you haven't really
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in a way that's smart. identity theft is a threat to your financial wellbeing because it not only affects ur credit rating and impacts your ability to get loans, it could also hamper you in everyday life, and doing things like renting an apartment, getting a mortgage, or even getting a job that you might need. the people w get financial help for any aspect of their lives, whether it's taxes, whether it's managing credit card debt, whether it's planning for retirement, they actually tend to do a lot better in reaching their goals, and likewise, the people who have expert help to deal with the problem of identity thef those folks also fare so much better because they have a team of experts who know the groundwork, who know what to do in a way that the typical person just doesn't know. lifelock helps alert you about potential identity-theft problems, and that early alert is crucial because you can take action and do something immediately to prevent the problem from getting worse.
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now since 2008, and i can't imagine being without lifelock any more than i can imagine racing down a highway without a seatbelt. i mean, if somebody breaks into your house, you can get a new lock. if your car is stolen, you can get a new car. but you only have one identity. you're not gonna be able to replace it. so protect it with the best. >> when your identity is stolen, you just feel so violated and just so helpless. but knowing that you have lifelock, it just -- you have this whole team of people on your side, and you know that you don't have to go it alone. >> we feel protected, and we feel like there's almost like a blanket of security ound us. >> it's just really great to know that they are there and we can call on them whenever we need it. >> i would compare lifelock to having that biolder brother walking side by side with you on the first day of school so that everyone knows "don't mess with him." >> choosing lifelock to protect
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decisions we've ever made. >> this is financial protection that you can't afford not to have. it's kind of like the people who say to me, "uh, i'm too cash-strapped and i can't afford to save." i say, "you can't afford not to save." likewise, you can't afford not to protect your credit health and your identity. >> the value of lifelock to me -- it's priceless. what's the value of your credit? what's the value of your family's credit? >> i've been attacked seven times since 2011. and each time, lifelock was there to help me. i'm gonna be a lifelock member for life. >> what is more important than making sure the only you out there is you? >> announcer: identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you bank or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are,
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your other personal information is out there out of your corol. just detecting the problem is not enough. how do you resolve an issue if you have one? >> i signed up for lifelock. we have someone in our corner to help fight that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection services, including 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated
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to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee. >> every lifelock membership comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restoration specialists, the $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "free" to get the first month of your lifelock
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as an extra bonus, call right now and get this document shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift. so don't wait until someone uses your identity for their benefit. get your first month free when you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or vit use promo code "free" to get ur first month free, and a free shredder with annual membership. join now. protection starts in minutes.
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presentation for lifelock. tt8c\5[hwsch]xra!s\e- @%57 tt(a < u\\ tt:c`5[hwsch*po*g^dx5d g0yq$ announcer: introducing the all-new tivo bolt, the unified entertainment system. it looks unconventional because there's nothing conventional about it. the tivo bolt brings all your entertainment together in a way that's simple, speedy, and personal. it plugs into your existing cable service or your hd antenna, records up to 4 shows at once, and delivers your streaming apps in the same experience. search everything in one click.
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no matter where it comes from, and it's instantly organized and served up for your binging pleasure. the tivo bolt was builtto get you to your stuff and through your stuff faster. all those interruptions? forget 'em. skip over the commercial breaks in your recorded shows with the press of a single button. you can even speed through slower-moving recorded shows 30% faster, with pitch-perfect audio. it's fast-forward perfected. combine skip mode and quick mode and your time savings really start to add up. oh, and if there's a 4k tv in your future, this is the x for you. it's compatible with 4k ultra high-definition content. makehe switch to a unified entertainment system with the proudly unconventional tivo bolt. tt(a l wy8 tt:c^5[hwsch*po*aktg@edb fmv announcer: skip mode lets you skip entire commercial breaks in your recorded shows at the push of a single button. now nothing comes between you and the shows you love.
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the skip mode feature is available on the top 20 most-watched networks. skip enabled shows appear in your my shows folder with the skip icon. while you're watching, just press the green "d" button when a commercial break starts, right before it begins, or at any time, and you'llkip over the entire upcoming commercial break and resume your show in the blink of an eye. it's the ultimate fast-forward button. cool, eh? no more mashing buttons, fast-forward guesswork, or overshooting into the next segment. just you and your favorite shows, with no pickup trucks, beer, or laundry detergents getting in the way. so go ahead, do some cartwheels. skip mode has arrived, and it's only available from tivo. tt(a \ w.4 tt>ch5[hwsch*p6*l2j6ni1@br"tw.08 tivo, hi there. everybody's using their tivos to binge watch "game of thrones." what's on your dvr? at the moment i'm tivoing, because i do have tivo,
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you can't see me at my house, can you,ivo? because when you suggest things that i want to watch, i feel as if you're there. that's so cute. i like that little guy. without tivo, we would not be able to do the show every day. we love tivo. i'm gonna tivo everything. tivo! tivo! yay! wouldn't it be great if they had like a box and you could like store all your favorite shows. imagine you could like click a button and the box would magically play your favorite show. come up with like a really crazy name. do you remember that band devo? i do. yeah. something around like 4 letters. sounds like devo. tivo. tivo. it's got a ring to it. tt(a l v7 tt
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but not for me, because i have a tivo roamio. i can take the shows that i usually wouldn't have time to watch, put them on my ipad, and then take them with me on my train ride. it seriously made my commute one of my favorite times of the day. sometimes i'll catch people looking over my shoulder, and i'll realize that they're just wondering how i'm watching tv on my ipad. so, i'll tell them that i got a tivo. the weird thing is, i watch less tv than i used to, but now i enjoy it more because i don't just watch whatever's on. i watch the shows i really want to see, totally guilt-free. i can go out, i can enjoy the night life, hang out with my friends, talk to real people, and i don't have to worry about missing anything good. i know roamio's taking care of it. people need to know about this. seriously, this is life-changing.
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tt(a ,!q)t tt:c^5zh=cd"''wvmx n@ebm@kd_$ this is my family, the o'neals, just your typical irish-catholic family. could you donate your tips to poor children in ethiopia? honey, don't be pushy it's her soul that's going to hell if she doesn't give you money. but we were about to go from this to this. we're getting a divorce. i'm gay. i'm anorexic! what is happening here? unfortunately, the acoustics in here are amazing. i made pancakes in the shape of jesus to get over his male anorexia. this is my fourth jesus. ohh! time for shenanigans! looking for anything special?
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we already have an adorable poof and it's his first day back at school. ha ha. i'm sorry. our son is gay and we're getting a divorce. dad, could you get me some crime scene photos? oh, i don't know about that, honey. it might be a little unsettling. ohh--[bleep] [retches] i made it in shop class. i'm gonna throw up. announcer: "the real o'neals." two-episode premiere wednesday, march 2, before and after "modern family," on abc. tt(a
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we're getting a divorce. i'm gay! i'm anorexic! what is happening here? i think kenny said he's gay, and it also soundsike you're getting a divorce. do you want this open or closed? i made jimmy pancakes in the shape of jesus to get over his male anorexia. this is my fourthjesus. ha ha. aah--uhh! time for shenanigans! they're coming for us! they're doing nothing! looking for anything special? we just got in these adorable poofs. we already have an adorable poof, and it's his first day back at school. ha ha. i'm sorry. our son is gay and we're getting a divorce you're grounded until you believe in god. aah! uhh! did you know kenny was gay? do these capris make me look fat? dad, could you get me some crime scene photos? oh, i don't know about that, honey. i think they might be a little unsettling. ohh--[bleep] [retches]
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i'm gonna throw up. "the real o'neals," two-episode premiere, march 2, before and after "modern family," on abc. corned beef! 1, 2, 3-- tt(a l!s[< tt
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don't worry, she's gonna be my responsibility. the last time you said that, we had a shotgun wedding. you're grounded until you believe in god. aah! aah! oh, no! i made it in shop class. i'm gonna throw up. "the real o'neals," two-episode premiere wednesday, march 2, before and after "modern family," on l!r5$ tt:c`5zh=cd"''kvesct8+r! i>8l soldier, keep on marchin' on now in production from abc studios and e network that brought you "scandal" and "how to get away with murder." do you? i'm him. joan allen stars in a riveting new series... the premise is, our youngest son was abducted 10 years in the past and has been missing and presumed deceased. how do we know it's him?
3:39 am
hi, adam. hi, mom. this is a personal family matter. the mayor will make a statement when the time is right. thank you. one of the really interesting things about the show is that no one is who they appear to be. exactly what was the nature of your relationship with my son? there's this ongoing mystery, and several of them. who abducted him, what hpened to their younger brother, is it actually him, or is it sort of like an imposter? from the moment we saw him at the hospital, there's just been something off about him. it's full of complicated characters. nobody's a villain, nobody's a int. alison: it is this family drama, but also a political thriller. how well do you know the people you love? secrets will be revealed. soldier, keep on marching o the doctor who verified adam warren's dna test,
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and? he doesn't exist. yay! i want a big piece. ouch. i want the frosting. yay! i want a big piece. i want the frosting. "the family," special premiere thursday, march 3, at 9/8 central on abc. tt(a !rb( tt:c`5zh=cd"''kves3bx0$"`my$h 10 years ago adam warren vanished. man: adam! then he found his way back. whdid you stop looking for me? i was waiting. forgive me, father, for i have sinned. what if it's not him? he is different. [siren] don't ever, ever say that again. "the family," special premiere
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tt(a ,"]/x tt:c`5zh=cd"''kves7=8;4"!#m.x yeah. see you later. watch adam. 10 years ago their son vanished. now he's come home. hi, adam. hi, mom. [crying] and one family's mysterious past will be exposed. he is different. what if it's not him? don't ever say anything like that again. joan allen. "the family." special premiere thursday, rch 3, on abc. tt(a
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i want the frosting. announcer: "the family." special premiere, thursday, march 3, on abc. tt(a l"_]0 tt:c`5[hwsch*po*g^dx5t"'6_]p announcer: introducing the all-new tivo bolt, the unified entertainment system. it looks unconventional because there's nothing conventional about it. the tivo bolt brings all your entertainment together a way that's simple, speedy, and personal. it plugs into your existing cable service or your hd antenna, records up to 4 shows at once, and delivers your streaming apps in the same experience. search everything in one click. find every available season and every available episode, no matter where it comes from, and it's instantly organized and served up for your binging pleasure. the tivo bolt was built to get you to your stuff and through your stuff faster. all those interruptions? forget 'em. skip over the commercial breaks in your recorded shows with the press of a singlbutton. you can even speed through slower-moving recorded shows 30% faster, withitch-perfect audio.
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combine skip mode and quick mode and your time savings really start to add up. oh, and if there's a 4k tv in your future, this is the box for you. it's compatible with 4k ultra high-definition content. make the switch to a unified entertainment system with the proudly unconventional tivo bolt. tt(a \"_*< tt:c`5[hwsch*po*ogkwx5d"j
3:44 am
could you donate your tips to poor children in ethiopia? honey, don't be pushy. it's her soul that's going to hell if she doesn't give you money. but we werabout to go from this to this. we're getting a divorce. i'm gay. i'm anorexic! what is happening here? unfortunately, the acoustics in here are amazing. i made pancakes in the shape of jesus to get over his male anorexia. this is my fourth jesus. ohh! time for shenanigans! looking fo anything special? we just got in these adorable poofs. we already have an adorable poof and it's his first day back at school. ha ha. i'm sorry. our son is gay and we're getting a divorce. dad, could you get me some crime scene photos? oh, i don't ow about that, honey. it might be a little unsettling. ohh--[bleep] [retches] i made it in shop class. i'm gonna throw up. announcer: "the real o'neals," two-episode premiere wednesday, march 2,
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tt(a "^d$ tt:c^5zh=cd"''wvmx$nbef8`dnw@ announcer: coming to abc, your typical irish-catholic family. what are you getting, kenny? e usually just orders for me. i'm gonna let her order for me, too, but then i'm just gonna turn it into whatever i want. say hello to the o'neals. 4 cards, please. you gotta go high, father phil. well, i took a vow of poverty. does your lexus know that? where father knows best. is dad wearing skinny jeans? yes, please. hey, can i get that for you? mother knows more. you know what's even brighter than those sparklers? e light of christ. but nobody knows this. we're getting a divorce. i'm gay! i'm anorexic! what is happening here? i think kenny said he's gay, and it also sounds like u're getting a divorce. do you want this open or closed? i made jimmy pancakes in the shape of jesus to get over his male anorexia. this is my fourth sus. ha ha. aah--uhh! time for shenanigans! they're coming for us!
3:46 am
looking for anything special? we just got in these adorable poofs. we already have an adorable poof, and it's his first day back at school. ha ha. i'm sorry. our son is gay and we're getting a dorce. you're grounded until you believe in god. aah! uhh! did you know kenny was gay? do these capris make me look fat? dad, could you get me some crime scene photos? oh, i don't know about that, honey. i think they might be a little unsettling. ohh--[bleep] [retches] i made it in shop class. i'm gonna throw up. "the real o'neals," two-episode premiere, march 2, before and after "modern family," on abc. corned beef! 1, 2, 3-- tt(a ,#y-\ tt
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by losing my cool. aah! aah! aah! you're grounde until you believe in god. announcer: the mother of all comedies is coming to abc. why do you smell like the devil's chowder? "the real o'neals," two-episode premiere march 2, before and after "modern family," on abc. tt(a
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now in production from abc studios and the network that brought you "scandal" and "how to get away with murder." do you? i'm him. joan allen stars in a riveting new series... thpremise is, our youngest son was abducted 10 years in the past and has been missing and presumed deceased. how do we know it's him? we ran a dna test. it's him. hi, adam. hi, mom. this is a personal family matter. the mayor wi make a statement when the time is right. thank you. one of the really interesting things about the show is no one is who they appear to be. exactly what was the nature of your relationship with my son? there's this ongoing mystery, and several of them.
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is it actually him, or is it sort of like an imposter? from the moment we saw him at the hospital, there's just been something off about him. it's full of complicated characters. nobody's a villain, nobody's a saint. alison: it is this family drama, but also a political thriller. how well do you know the people you love? secrets will be revealed. soldier, keep on marching on the doctor who verified adam warren's dna test, they called him this morning for comment. and? he doesn't exist. yay! i want a big piece. ouch. i want the frosting. yay! i want a big piece. i want the frosting. "the family," special premiere
3:50 am
tt(a \#[(8 tt:c`5zh=cd"''kves3bx0d#!#*a$ 10 years ago adam warren vanished. man: adam! then he found his way back. why did you stop looking for me? i was waiting. forgive me, father, for i have sinned. what if it's not him? he is different. [siren] don't ever, ever say that again. "the family," special premiere thursday, march 3, on abc. tt(a l#z1, tt:c`5zh=cd"''kves7=8;t#`m>k4 yeah. see you later. watch adam. 10 years ago their son vanished. now he's come home. hi, adam. hi, mom. [crying] and one family's mysterious past will be exposed. he is different. what if it's not him? don't ever say anything like that again.
3:51 am
special premiere thursday, march 3, on abc. tt(a #zf tt:c`5zh=cd"''kves/28k$$!#j>@ yay! want a big piece. i want the frosting. i want a big piece. i want the frosting. i want a big piece. i want the frosting. i want a big piece. i want the frosting. i want a big piece. i want the frosting. [overlapping voices] i want a big piece. i want the frosting. announcer: "the family." special premiere, thursday, march 3, on abc.
3:52 am
3:53 am
it's fast-forward perfected. combine skip mode and quick mode and your time savings really sta to add up. oh, and if there's a 4k tv in your future, this is the box for you. it's compatible with 4k ultra high-definition content. make the switch to a unifiedaientertnment system with the proudly unconvential tivo bolt. tt(a l$gq( tt:c`5zh=cd"''kves3bx0t$`m%)\ 10 years ago adam warren vanished. man: adam! then he found his way back. why did you stop looking for me? i s waiting. forgive me, father, for i have sinned. what if it's not him? he is different. [siren] don't everever say that again, "the fily," special premiere
3:54 am
tt(a \$g&$ tt:c`5zh=cd"''kves7=8;d$!#
3:55 am
announcer: "the family." special premiere, thursday, march 3, on abc. tt(a $fh< tt:c`5zh=cd"''kvesct8+$%[&o@, soldier, keep on marchin' on now in production from abc studios and the network that brought you "scandal" and "how to get away with murder." do you? i'm him. joan allen stars in a riveting new series... the premise is, our youngest son was abducted 10 years in the past and has been missing and presumed deceased. how do we know it's him? we ran a dna test. it's him. hi, adam. hi, mom. this is a personal family matter. the mayor will make a statement
3:56 am
one of the really interesting things about the show is no one is who they appear to be. exactly what was the nature of your relationship with my son? there's this ongoing mystery, and several of them. who abducted him, what happened to their younger brother, is it actually him, or is it sort of like an imposter? from the moment we saw him at the hospital, there's just been something off about him. it's full of complicated characters. nobody's a villain, nobody's a saint. alison: it is this family drama, but also a political thriller. how well do you know the people you love? secrets will be revealed. soldier, keep on marching on the doctor w verified adam warren's dna test, they called him this morning for comment. and? he doesn't exist. yay! i want a big piece. ouch. i want the frosting. yay! i want a big piece.
3:57 am
"the family," special premiere thursday, march 3, at 9/8 central on abc. tt(a ,%a!d tt:c\5[hwsch]xra#s\ez"e2 f7, [music playing] tt(a
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and explains how we, as christians, should respond to our changing society. join dr. david jeremiah for his series, "i never thought i'd see the day"
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... >> we decided to sow seed in the time of famine. and look what god did for us. >> all god wants is your obedience. so once you sow that seed, expect god to perform his word for you. >> utterly lost on the importance of sowing in faith for miracles. >> as a result of me planting that seed that night, god sustained me. [applause] is your host, david cerullo. >> thank you for joining us today. we have a very special program today and a very special guest.
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that before today's program is over your life will never ever be the same again. i believe it. get ready for god to do something special for you today. if you are looking for a deeper, more intimate, more powerful life-changing relationship with god, stay tuned. if you're looking for direction in your life, if you have a problem that you're facing, if you're asking god what should i do, stay tuned. if you're looking for physical healing today and you need the mirac will-working power of god to be released in your body, stay tuned. if you're facing a financial challenge, if your needs seem to be overwhelming and you need a breakthrough from god like you'venever experienced before, stay tuned. you might be saying david, how will we cover that in one program?
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man for the first time who i've known about for many years, mike murdock. he's written over 113 books and authored 5000 songs, but god has put a tremendous anointing upon his life to share keys of wisdom with god's people. mike put a book in my hand that has begun to change my life and i believe it will change your life, too. it is called "the three most important things in your life" it is not a book i could pick up and put down. i read it through cover to cover. i promise you it is not a book you will be able to pick up and put down. you will need to read it over and over again to absorb the wisdom god has given mike murdock to you. ne to the bible, next to the word of god, in these few pages, i received more wisdom from god to give me the keys tosuccess in these few pages
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i promise you it is changing my life and will change your life, too. i believe before today's program is over, your life will never ever be the same again. i asked brother murdock to cometo insp and to bring with him an important message. i know god s laid upon his life for us that can unlock heaven for you inour relationship to god, in our positive bodies, in our finances, in our relationships, in every need that we face there are keys at god has given us to unlock and we welcome all of you who welcome with me today on "changing the world," brother mike murdock. would you welcome him with me? >> just you and me tonight. i know the holospirit is here and i know the lord sent you with a message and word from him tonight. >> i know, you know there is times god has something special.
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i will say, i read sometime ago, brother david, if you take the all right "u" out of the alphabet, you lose 3000 words out of your vocabulary. you can bring your rolls royce, remove one tire and nothing else works. you can be doing 10 things right the 11th thing you are not doing destroys the benefit of the 10 you are doing rit it is not how many things you are doing right, but the thing you are missing that makes a difference. the seven wisdom keys and i urge you in a few moments, i will give you seven key that is have greatly affected my life and share with you some keys, one businessman got ahold of the things i am going to be sharing with you. it so affected his life that in 14 days he sent me a check
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for the teriol. >> wow. >> it so affected his life. the youngest bishop of the mormon church in salt lake city, utah got ahold of this material we will be sharing and it so affected him he called me. he wrote me and sent a check for $10,000 thanking me for making the material. i never heard of such a thing. that is how it changes you. you don't need a lot of keys to get in your car, just the right key. >> there is a lot of right keys in this book that will change your life. take your liberty and let the lord use you and speak through you and i know he will. >> thank you. good to be here. you know i will say this at your house. doesn't take god long to be something big. small keys open bank vaults. do one thing right and a
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if a few terrorists can cause such radical changes, i know today i was leaving orlando and i preached this weekend in orlando. i was coming through security and they check everything and look at my fountain pens like they are dangerous instruments. they take off your boots and everything like you almost feel guilty when you hadn't done anything by the way ey search you. but a handful of men knocked down three buildings and they have rewritten the entire earth. everything changed. if a few evil men doing something evil can create such change, a few righteous men doing something right can create change. if you were to ask me the most memorable daof my life, the day i would trade for every other day in my life, th first thing i'd tell you is
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1994, the day i fell in love with the holy spirit, the person who created me. he's called the spirit of adoption, romans and john, spirit of life, job 33 and 4, he created humans job 26:13. he's called spirit o knowledge in isaiah. called the spirit of wiom, wisdom, wisdom, the difference between season system your wisdom. the difference between prosperity and poverty is wisdom. i can't change your life until i change what you know. there is three belief systems on the earth, one says god is in control of everything that haens which means everything that happen system planned by god. we know that is not true. rapist couldn't be prosecuted ifeverything was done by god. some people think faith is in control. people wouldn't live today if
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331 times in scriptures he documents this, "if you are willing and obedient," isaiah 1:19, "my decisions have created my circumstances. i want to say something, you will never have a marriage problem your entire life. it will simply be a wisdom problem. you will never have a financial problem, it will be a wisdom problem. and the moment that you can understand the only difference between where i am and where i ant to be is a piece of wisdom. you can change your life. i wrote this love song to him, the one who created us. there is nobody. there is nobody. like you. there is nobody.
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>> sweet holy spirit. sweet holy spirit. there is nobody, there is nobody like you. nobody else, holy spirit, does wh you do. nobody else, holy spirit, does what you do. nobody else can ever take your place.
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saving grace. nobody else, holy spirit, nobody else, holy spirit, nobody else, holy spirit, does what you do. when i, in your presence, i change. i'm just not the same. i'm just not the same. when i'm in yo holy
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and i can't go back to yesterday. >> there is so many things, you know, god creates the seasons. god creates the seasons, but your discoveries schedule them. i would trade my ability to read and write for what i have discovered about the holy spirit. you can live a life time and not know a truth that can change you and set you free. the holy spirit is to us what jesus was to the 12. how important is the holy spirit? what peter did not become walking next to jesus for three and-a-half years, he became in a day when the holy spirit came. the holy spit is the only person you have to obey your
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i was talking to david before we came to your home a few moments ago and i told him something that was really big to me, just so big. i'm the kind when i make a discovy i go crazy with it, especially if it changes my life. the holy spirit is the only person in your life that you are capable of satisfying. nobody else has the software for it, the components for it. there is not another your life who has the ability to be contented with you. that ishy there is such agitation, constant movement. the holy spiriis the only person you will ever meet and there is four or five reasons for that i have discovered. he is the only person in your life who knows what he wants. the only person who can accurately articulate what wants. he is the only person in your life whose needs will never
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the only person in your life who will never require something of you that you can produce. the holy spirit, who by the way decided all the gift that is have entered you, if you go back to exodus 35, even the craftsmanship skills, all your gifts, i don't care if it is just painting, playing the piano, all my gifts were installed in me by the holy spirit who is the gift of the father us. he decides those gifts, get ahold of this. see it. he is the only person who knows what is inside you. he will never try to squeeze out of you something you ain't got. takes a load off of you, don't it? other people will ask something you can't produce. they don't know what is deposited in you. the holy spirit says, his commandments are not grieve us. i wrote this love song to him
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>> i'm in love, i'm in love, i'm in love. i'm in love, i'm in love, i'm in love. sweet holo-- holy spirit, i'm in love. oh, i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. sweet holy spirit, i'm in love. that's a little chorus. i have written 770 songs for the holy srit. i'm building my life, building all my dreams around you. not around your family, not even around your job. i'd only build my life around my ministry.
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i'm building all my dres around you. i want to spend all the rest of my days living in your presence, in the spirit ways, building my whole life, buildingll my dreams, holy spirit. around you. much. when i'm in your presence, i change. his presence is the only place your weakness dies. where you are matters. what is around you determines what grows in you, weakness or strengths, gifts or weakness. fish require water, birds require air. i'm just not the same. i'm just not the same. when i'm in your presence,
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and i can't go back to yesterday. >> just before i go and share this with brother david, there is seven keys. i want you to take a pen, short pencil is better than a long memory. i want you to write down seven sdom keys, seven wisdom keys. just need one key to get to the direction you want to go. they brought fish out my house, laid them upon the grassy slope beside my pond and the fish sort of looked stupid, gasping and looking idc. one by one we dipped them into the water and their genius. >> if you are looking ridiculous in your life, flailing, you are not where you belong. if you are where you belong,
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god puts something in you he didn't put in nobody else. he is a creator, never an imitator before. we will talk about your assignment because everything created solves a problem. my mouth speaks. lawyers solve legal problems. cpas solve tax problems. dentists solve teeth problems. everything created solves a problem. that is your assignment. your assignment is always to a person or a people. your assignment is always to a place. because where you are matters as much as what you are. even jesus didn't do good in places that. is where he left nazareth. there is a place where you are accurate and perfect for the assignment god has given you. your assignment is the only place financial provision is guaranteed by your crotor. money doesn't follow you, it
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place u belong. we'll get into that in a few moments. go get a pen and i'll go to the set with brother david. this is a day,if you have ever done something right, you are doing something right right now. i mean that with all my heart. then we will give you seven wisdom keys. nothing like his word, is there, brother david? >> there is not. brother murdock will be with us in just a moment as he is journeying from the piano to the set. i want you to get a pencil and get ready to write down seven wisdom keys that changed brother murdock's life. i believe they will change your life. i want you to mark your calendar for today, because i believe that from today forward your life, your life, your relationship with god, your finances, your physical body, your assignment in this life, what you do, i believe from this day forward is never going to be the same again.
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the x you put to watch "changing the world," with brother mike murdock and david cerullo. got put seven keys of wisdom in my life that have changed my life. welcome brother murdock back to the mic. mike, how about sitting over here and getting close. >> i'm excited about this. >> i'm so excited to have you here. >> it is a privilege. >> i felt the spirit of god before we started the service. god is speaking to specific people, not everybody, not everybody has ears to hear. i believe there are people watching right now who have ears to hear. not everybody's life will get changed from this point forward, but there will be people who have ears to hear anointed by the holy spirit that from this day forward their life is never going to be the same again. i believe it. >> we don't have to make big changes to create a little reward.
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rewards. you don't have to make a big change, just the smallest change. and it is just like it was incredle day in my life when i found out that my decisions had created my circumstances. if you think somebody else has created your circumstans you can become bitter, vindictive retalatory, but the moment you say, my decision have create my circumstances, i can change my decisions. the screpture that really is so big to me, proverbs 4:7, i live by it and ach from it everyday of my life. it is everything. it is quite simple, "wisdom is the principle thing." the reason he said that, everything else you want comes through wisdom. wisdom produces longevity. wisdom produces favor. wisdom produces wealth. everything we're pursuing is the product of wisdom. if you think you have a
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change your job. if you think you have a marriage problem, change your mate. when you recognize you have a wisdom problem you change your focus. that makes all the difference in the world. proverbs 4:7, wisdom is the principle thing. a lot of what i'm teaching is found in this book "the three most important things in your life," we will tell you about it later. i don't think there is another book in the world like it. it is a gold mine, discovers -- i can't tell you how important this book is, we want you to have it. i never teach everybody. i'm not called to everody. and i'll tell you later why. i believe god has sent me to 300 people. 300 people. ju like gideon had 300, i'm talking to 300 people. if you are one of those, wonderful. if you're not, that is horrible and i wish you could
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i want to give you seven wisdom keys that have greatly affected my le. the first one and i believe they will show it on the screen, what yocan tolerate you cannot change. what you can tolerate you cannot change. and i hope they leave that up until i come to number two. if you live with 6000 an hour, you will never make 7. we only change when there is a threat of loss. endurance creates longevity. if you come to the wisdom center, our headquarters in denton, texas. you will see a picture of rosa parks. to me she is a champion. >> yes. >> when they told her, i don't know all the story, but she was suppose tod give up her seat to another guy. >> yes, white one on a bus. >> white one on a bus 1955 or something like that. i don't know, rosa parks is my kind of champion.
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what is it about her? she wasn't going to tolerate that. that is when change started. today, you know, incredible season and we still got changes to go in america throughout the world on race. a lot of changes. but the fact is she stood up and saidno, i'm not going to take that. incredible. incredib to me. what you can tolerate you cannot change. if you can live with a husband at beats you, he won't quit. one woman came to me and said, my husband beat me for 20 years. i said obviously the damage occurred on the first beating when you stayed around for beating number two you qualified for the relationship. what you can tolerate you cannot change. you can only change when you hype the present. watch this. it is not enough to see canaan, you got to hate egypt. what you can tolerate
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spiritually, you cannot change. you must hate the present to qualify for a future. whatever you can adapt to, you have to. get ahold of that. i'm going to come back to that on another wisdom key. write this down. number two, what you respect, you will attract. not what you love, what you respect. i shared this a few weeks ago, what you respect you will attract. what you don't respect will move away from you. respect is different than love. to love something is to find it desirable. but to respect something is to find it valuable. you can only collect what you respect. >> you can only collect what you value. you will never collect something you don't value. for instance, in the body of christ, we respect healing. we don't respect health, we
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we will study healing books all night long. we will stand two hours in a healing line. we will stand outside a healing crusade for three hours, but we're not about to jog for 15 minutes. respect healing. we don't respect health, we've not been taught. see, what you respect will come toward you. thoughts have a presence. david, i can walk into a room and feel anger, i can feel love. i can walk in and feel confusion. because thoughts have a presence. >> uh-huh. sure. >> thoughts have a presence. i can walk into a room and thoughts repel or attract. everything y see was created by something you don't see. everything you see, is building, was created by something you don't see. somebody had a thought. have you ever seen it? no, you saw the results of it. have you ever seen a dream? no, gases, all of the things in the air, i can get a cell phone here, punch a number and
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yet, there is nothing connected. there is something i'm not seeing. so something you don't see is greater than something you do see. what you respect will come toward you. what you don't respect will move away from you. i can't sneer at a prosperity ministry and wonder why i stay broke. i can't laugh at someone who prays in the prayer language and wonder why the holy spirit doesn't come to my house. i was teaching a single's conference one time and explaining genesis 2:18. god says it is not good man be alone. adam never heard of a life, god could have given him a giraffe and he wouldn't have known the difference. a woman spoke up from the back and i was explaining everything god makes requires connection. got doesn't make anything complete. he is complete. evything he make system a part. my mind needs thoughts. i was explaining adam required another. a woman spoke up from the back
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need a husband. i've been single 14 years and i don't need a man in my life. i looked at her for a few seconds and said, whatever, do your own seminars. never cry a watermelon in a pea brain. she came up afterwards and asked if she could talk to me. nobody ever asks me out, shock, shock. i looked at her and said two things. number one, you are not fun. men require pleasure. number two, it would be pervertedfor a man to pursue pain. and i said what you respect will come toward you, what you don't respect will move away fromyou. i don't care if it is god, a miracle or a dog. what you respect will come towards you. whatever you don't have, is something you have not valued and get ahold of that.
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life is something you have not truly valued. how do you know if you respect something? how do you know if u don't respect it? if you are attempting to live without something you don't have high regard for it. i don't care if it is a financial planner and you are trying to live without one, you don't have a high regard. i love what warren buffet said, phenominal, 45 billion. i try to sit at the feet of men who are uncommon. he made a statement to nebraska students. he said basically that the habit of taking something out of every paycheck and putting it aside into a mutual fund or investment was more important thanhow much they took out of
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something out of every paycheck. bill gates in his great book "business at the speed of thought," said he was trying to get a paperless office. i was inspired to study computers. i'm not a computer guy. when i turn on one i want to be photograph me, videotape me. if i turn on a computer i want to be rewarded just for turning it on, you know. when i read where a man who is worth billions, the wealthiest man in america, had this insight, so what you respect, respect is the invisible attitude. got permits you to adopt, become equal with any human on the earth. i can make up in myatitude for what i lack in titude. i can get anywhere i want to with respect. example. i could be bornhe son of a wealthy man.
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discoveries and mentorship plummet into poverty. there is a fantastic book called "the millionaire next door," somewhere in there he mentioned something about only two percent of inherited wealth ever becomes more. because you can rarely increase what you didn't birth. now watch this. but a george foreman, one of my favorite athletes, i could listen to george talk all day, any day he wants to. use tod tell his mom, read his bock, "by george." he has george one, george two, george three. george used to tell his momma, momma someday i'm going to build you a nice home. his respect for a, achievers caused him to rise. today he is worth millions. whatever he lacked in intelligence or aptitude, of course he is a very smart made, but he made up for in
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some of the geniuses of the world today are broke, 40 percent of the bankruptcies are involved. have you ever wondered why many of the poor, who work for the wealthy, stay broke? three reasons. you can't learn from someone you resent. you can't learn from someone you envy. you can only learn from someone you admire. this is one of the reasons why many nations who have received billions from the united states and we are giving them, i think afghanistan needs 15 billion to rebuild. only us could blow up a nation and come back and say, now we are going to help you put it back together. i want to show you something here. this is very interesting. why do some nations who receive millions from us, hate us and despise us? why don't they change when we give them five billion? why does a nation change when


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