tv CBS This Morning CBS February 19, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST
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health line om purity products. i'm mark larson. i have to tell you, we have a fascinating show for you today. if you're like many people, you may have noticed that when you hit the age of 50, you kind of hit the wall. you know, between your joints, the heart, the brain, your eyes, your energy. you name it, you hit 50, you have to pay attention to your health. we all know that, so whether yore in your 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's or even older for that matter, our guest today says he's discovered something that can unlock the key to promoting your health at any age. it's exciting news! what is it? e at are wtalking about? well, stay tuned. dr. neil levin is here with us to talk about it on today's show. dr. levin is a chiropractor, he's a nutritionist for purity products. welcome dr. levin. it's great to have you with us today. this is a big story, isn't it? oh, absolutely mark. and let's cut right to the chase here. that discovery you talked about at the top of the show. it's krill oil because krill oil is simply amazing. it's great to support the heart, the joints.
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eyes. i mean, i have people coming into my clinic everyday and they want to feel better. they wanna stay healthy, energetic. they wanna feel strong. they want their joints to feel good. they wanna feel mentally sharp. and why not? i mean, we deserve it. and that's what we're going to be talking about today with this krill omega 50+ formula. with more krill oil, the highly concentrated, fish oil. all in one formula. okay, now we spoke about this before the show. krill omega 50+ isn't just krill oil. it is a combination of krill oil that's infused with a special type of fish oil, correct? oh ablutely. krill oil for all its virtues mark, isn't concentrated enough in omega-3's on its own. so what we've done with krill omega 50+, and this is so important, is we infuse the krill oil with the highly potent fish oil. this is the new material, mark. this is the good stuff. and we've really bumped up the levels of omega-3's in this krill omega 50+, so this becomes the best of both worlds. you've got the
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we didn't stop there, mark. for the 50+'s like myself, we added some vitamin d. we've increased the antioxidant power and again mark, we actually increased the amount of krill. which is so important for the joints and the brain. and now this becomes the finest omega-3 formula in the world as far as i'm concerned. this is very, very exciting. this krill oil sensation. i mean it's all over the news and dr. levin, there's some great studies out there too. a lot of research. many of these studies declare that krill oil is better than fish oil, so give us the low down on this krill oil. this krill omega 50+ formula. right mark, you know if i toldou there was this one tiny pill it supports the ints, the brain, mood, heart health. it maintains the arteries, circulation, the eyes. even the skin, mark. what would you say to that? i'd say hey, where is it? where can i get this stuff, right? and we have it. it's krill omega 50+. and we're giving it to everybody for free today. and that's really cool cause purity products wants everybody to try this. we know
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difference. but get this, mark. on top of that, if you're one of the first thousand callers, we're going to be giving away a second gift today. i just love this. you know when you're dealing with 50-plussers, like myself, hey if you're in your 40's, this is good for you too if you feel your energy levels are low. but for 50-plussers, we're giving away a bottle of b12 energy melts. mark, i demanded this because hey, when we're getting a little older we don't absorb the b12 as well as we used to. i wanna jack up those b12 levels for you today also. so that's important. two great free bottles today. great offer. an amazinvalue. you know doc, when it comes to your health this really is a win/win. it's amazing. i mean when you hear that, whose ears don't perk up? now how exactly does that happen? how does it work? right, right, well remember with krill omega 50+ this is a combination product. this is krill oil with the highly concentrated fish oil. so it's much higher in omega-3's than most krill formulas. and when you're dealing with the high omega-3
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support for cholesterol. it's great to maintain the circulation, heart muscle strength, triglycerides, healthy platelet activity. red blood cells that stay nice and soft and flexible so they can work their way through those little capillaries. so, so mark, krill omega 50+ supports the heart in so many ways. and bottom line, you know we need to think about this because as we're getting a little older, say 40, certainly 50's, 60's and 70's, it's decision time. i mean you know your body doesn't work the way it did in your 20's and 30's. you just feel it. so you need to make a decision. are you gonna take it lying down and just let yourself get old? or are you gonna do sething about it? are you going to stay physically active? are you gonna do the things you nd to do to stay healthy? mark, getting these omega-3's, the krill oil, the vitamin d, the antioxidants. this makes such a difference. this is a game changer for anybody in that 50+ age group. now doct, this absolutely great information. now, i know
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their cardiovascular benefits, but they're certainly known as brain food. now, we've talked about this in some of our past shows. would you take a moment and touch on the brain support benefits for folks out there watching us today. and tell us why supplementing with omega 3s isn't just a good idea for the brain, it's an absolute necessity. oh, it is. th is such an important point you're bringing up. because, due to modern ranching and farming practices, mark, we don't get enough omega 3s from our diets anymore. it's just not there. so absolutely, for the brain, we must must get these omega 3s back in there. and when you think about omega 3s, you really want to single out the dha component. that's the docosahexaenoic acid. you know, mark, you're brain is 60% fat by weight, and of that, 25% needs to be this dha. now, i use this anogy in my practice. because people understand this. they understand calcium and bone health. you know, if you don't have enough calcium in your diet and you're not supplementing with calcium, your bones can get brittle. they can get weak. you
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yah. calcium keeps bones strong. exactly. so we need calcium for normal strength and structural bone. now with the brain, it's the same. we neethis dha for normal brain structure. dha is a basic structural component of a healthy brain. and we use the dha for so many things in the brain. we use it for one brain neuron to communicate with another. so we must must get it back in there. it's so important. so now, with krill omega 50+, you're getting a full 130mg of dha per serving. and this is why this is so incredible for the human brain. now this is absolutely phenomenal. i gotta tell you though, during the last show about krill that we did together, you really shocked me doc. i remember this specifically. you said the studies show that krill oil seems to be able to promote joint comfort in just 7 days. now if the benefits for the brain and heart didn't perk my ears up then, that certainly would. if you touch, for a moment, on that study. tell us how does that work? right.
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wanna know about this. that's a great study. in fact, the reason i personally started taking krill oil about 6 years ago. now this was a study done. double blind and placebo controlled. exactly what you want to see mark. published in the journal of the american college of nutrition. now, participants got 300mg of krill oil or placebo. and the folks on the krill, mark, they got some amazing joint benefits. get this. in just 7 days they were starting to feel more comfortable. and the researchers didn't stop there. they also looked at joint flexibility. they looked at joint function. and all of them nicely supported in the krill oil group. that's what we call this. the krill oil advantage. you know if you're out there and you're just taking regular fish oil, well that's great. i mean fish oil's in here. it's super important. but what this study shows us, mark, is just a small dose of krill can deliver some big time joint benefits. on the other hand, if you're using just fish oil, you'll need a lot more of those big capsules and certainly takes more time. and
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50+ we've jacked up the levels of krill. we're using more than they used in this study, so in terms of dosage, this is fabulous. great for the joints. and again, mark, these capsules are so small and easy to swallow. they're so much easier to deal with than those giant omega-3 capsules. that is big, doc. hey let's face it. we get to that over 50 categoryi'm there. it's nice to have something for your joints. yeah, i was on purity's website and the testimonials about krill omega 50+. they're incredible. i mean so many people love this product. in fact, i've printed out a couple i want to share a couple with you here. here's one from believer. she's from georgia. rates it 5 out of 5 stars. and she says this. "this has helped. beneficial to my overall health both physically and mentally. i just feel better." here's another one from safety suzanne. she's in the 55-64 age group. she's in sacramento, california. gives it 5 out of 5 stars. and she says w
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fishy aftertaste, however, i've not burped it even once." and she says "i like it better than regular fish oil. the capsule size is smaller and it's easy to swallow." people seem to like that doc, the capsules being smaller. it's a big deal. oh yeah, yeah. i'm really glad that you picked that e from safety suzanne. she makes a very important point here. i don't think we've really harped on this enough because people do have trouble swallowing those huge omega-3. we call them horse pills they're so big. these krill omega 50 capsules, they're so tiny. they're so easy to swallow. at the same time, what's really cool, is that we've increased the dosage of krill. we've boosted the astaxanthin. vitam d is in there. we've supercharged the whole thing with the high omega-3 fish oil. so important for the heart. and mark, i've pulled a couple of testimonials myself. i want to read a couple. this one from blessed. she's into 564 age bracket. fort worth, texas. 5 out of 5 stars. she writes, "felt i was slowing down. puri was offering a free bottle. i've been taking it for
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experienced the difference in my brain and body." well good for you blessed. and you know what, mark? i'm not surprised because people love this product. i love this product. it's fabulous. my patients love it. take this, you support your joints. you nourish your brain. you promote your cardiovascular health, circulation, triglycerides. the list goes on and on. this krill omega 50+ is a remarkable supplement on so many levels. i fully agree doc. in fact, i started taking this a couple of weeks ago. i noticed the difference fast. that's a nice, important feeling. if you talk for a moment as well about the b12 energy melts. now you gave these away in our last krill show and well, the feedbacks been terrific. people love the energy, the support, the vigor they feel when they have their b12 levels bolstered with these. and now purity's gonna do it again. so 2 free bottles today for our viewers. talk about that if you will. yah, yah.i remember, first of all, all the viewers today th get that free bottle of krill omega 50+. amazing! so important for the
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joints, the eyes. but on top of that, we've boosted the antioxidant power. mark, we've added the vitamin d. so important. we could take about the benefits of vitamin d all day, but now on top of that. on top of all that, a free bottle of the b12 energy melts. i mean, so why they here. well, i said to purity, i said guys, we're dealing with the 50-plussers here. people in their 50's, 60's, 70's. and mark, that's when people start having a little trouble absorbing the b12. it just happens as we get a little older. and that's a big problem. think about it. b12 is criticalor our health. when you think about b12, i mean think about energy. b12 helps the body make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the tissues. it's so impornt for energy. b12 helps us burn carbohydrates and turn tm into energy. b12 for healthy, flexible arteries. b12 doeso much for us. so, these b12 energy melts are absolutely fabulous. so what do you do? you just put one of them on your tongue? they melt, right? oh exactly. you just put one your tongue. they taste
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gone. they melt in your mouth. what they do is they bump up your b12 levels and if you were low, you can really feel the difference. everybody's gonna love these two supplements. make sure you're one of the first thousand callers so you can get both for free. you're gonna fall in love with both of them. and mark. shipping. it's only $6.95. that's it. they come together in one box. none of that double shipping stuff that some people do. just $6.95. get both bottles for free. take advantage. you're gonna love you get the benefits here with both of these. and the other part of that too is the shipping is 100% refundable, so there's absolutely no risk. i mean that's right mark. and purity products knows you're gonna love these two. they want you to try them. they know you're gonna tell your friends, your relatives, your loved ones. this is how purity's been doing business for well over 20 years. so give these a try. give them a try for free. try them on us. you're gonna love them and you're gonna see some terrific benefits. okay, let's tell our viewers how they can get their free bottles right now.
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provider of cutting edge nutraceuticals for over 20 years has an incredible free bottle offer for you today on krill omega 50+. this is their amazing 3-in-1 super formula combining the power of krill oil with ultra pure omega-3 fish oil plus vitamin d. now, here's the deal. simply call right now and pay just $6.95 shipping and as part of this special tv offer, purity will rush you a free bottle to put it to the test. that's right, purity is so sure you'll love krill omega 50+, they want to send you a free bottle. it's that simple. even the shipping is 100% refundable. so there's nothing to lose. even better as a special bonus, if you're one of the first 1000 callers today, purity will also include a free bottle of their delicious b12 energy melts. it's like a shot of energy you can give yourself any time to just feel great. don't wait for your free bottle of krill omega 50+ and your free
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now. 1-800-200-6510. that's 1-800-200-6510. with 67% more krill, krill omega 50+ is the little pill that's power packed with big health benefits. each tiny soft gel combines the power of krill oil with the power of fish oil to dramatically support your cardiovascular system brain function, joint comfort, vision, circulation and so much more. don't miss out on this double free tv offer. make the call right now to get your free bottle of krill omega 50+ and your free b12 energy melts. this offer is not available in stores and it is not available online. only through this special tv order line. for your two free bottles, dial now before they run out. 1-800-200-6510. that number one more time. 1-800-200-6510 and we're back witdr. neil levin. i'm mark larson. now doc,
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seen these ads where they say that krill oil is stronger than fish oil. now is that true? does it make any sense? well obviously these are the krill guys talking but you know you could look at it the other way also, mark. a moment, but first, let's pat the official guys on the back for a second because you could say that the concentrated fish oil is better. and certainly there's more studies on fish oil. and it's typically higher in the omega-3's. the epa, the dha is so important for the heart, the brain, your eyes, the skin and so forth. so in one sense you could say that fish oil is better but in another sense i have to give it to the krill oil camp because in terms of antioxidant power, krill oil is extraordinary. that's because there's a molecule in krill oil that's called astaxanthin. and mar,, this astaxanthin. this is one of the most powerful antioxidant we've ever discovered. mark, get this, by one measure of antioxidant activity, it's 6000 times stronger than vitamin c. so
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krill. 6000 times the antioxidant power? that's huge! and you know what? it's really big when you're dealing with people over 50. 50-plussers like myself. because i'm 52 and we don't make as many antioxidants anymore naturally. it's unfortunate but our antioxidant systems, they're kind of slowing down. and unfortunately at the same time, we're producing more free radicals. now those are the bad guys. that's a big problem. and so, mark, we call this krill omega 50+ because it's got that extra antioxidant power that helps to neutralize those free radicals. and, let's not forget the extra krill. 500mg of krill instead of 300. that's 67% more. that's so wonderful for the joints, plus the vitamin d is in there that's so important in so many ways. mark, this is an incredible value proposition. i have patients. they were buying the krill separately. the fish oil separately. the antioxidants, the vitamin d, the b12. you could spend $90-$0
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you're not going to do that. today you get it all for free. all for free. and remember this krill omega 50+is the best of both worlds because we've combined the krill oil with the high omega-3 fish oil because it's not one being better than the other. they're both great. they're both in krill omega 50+ and that's why i call this formula the best of both worlds. you know, thank goodness for purity products. i'm serious because when you think about where our food supply has been going these days. where we are in our world. we have to have something that allows us to promote our health as we age. and we all want to age gracefully. so this is amazing to me. we look at all this coming together, doctor. talk about this. yeah, yeah i agree and that's why i love to give away these free bottles. because you know, mark, people can be skeptical. they should be skeptical. now, they can be skeptical but they can sll say to themselves hey, this sounds pretty good. this sounds important. and i'm going to give it a try because it's only $6.95. and they get it. try it out. and remember that study on
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what they start to see is wow. i'm more comfortable. i feel the difference and they realize hey, this is really important. they tell their friends and they tell their relatives and they tell their loved ones. and purity's been doing business like this for many, many years. now, let's look at one more testimonial i love. this is great. this really proves the point nicely. this is by gracie. gives it 5 out of 5 stars. she writes, "it works. i feel the difference in my joints also, you have the nicest staff." that's what gracie writes. the nicest staff. i love it. people appreciate doing business with purity products. fantastic company. and this is what i love. we put our money where our mouth is. we give our free bottles, so we can add more exnsive nutrients into our supplements. then you try it and like, wow. this stuff is great. you notice the difference. we'll be right back. purity products. a leading provider of cutting edge nutraceuticals for over 20 years has an incredible free bottle offer for you today on krill omega 50+. this is their amazing
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the power of krill oil with ultra pure omega-3 fish oil plus vitamin d. now, here's the deal. simply call right now and pay just $6.95 shipping and as part of this special tv offer, purity will rush you a free bottle to put it to the test. that's right, purity is so sure you'll love krill omega 50+, they want to send you a free bottle. it's that simple. even the shipping is 100% refundable. so there's nothing to lose. with 67% more krill, krill omega 50+ is the little pill that's power packed with big health benefits. each tiny soft gel combines the power of krill oil with the power of fish oil to dramatically support your cardiovascular system, brain function, joint comfort, vision, circulation and so much more. even better as a special bonus, if you're one of the first 1000 callers today, purity will also include a free bottle of their delicious b12 energy melts. it's like a shot of energy you can
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feel great. for your two free bottles, dial now before they run out. 1-800-200-6510. that number one more time. 1-800-200-6510. welcome back. let's talk about heart health for a moment doctor. this is probably the single greatest concern that we all face as we age. so anything we can do to support our heart health becomes really a top priority. absolutely. i mean, supporting the heart. this is what put omega-3's on the map. back in the 1970's doctor dyerberg discovered this correlation in his work with the inuit eskimos and that's really got the ball rolling on this. by the way, he's a wonderful guy. i got to have lunch with him a couple of years ago. great conversation. bottom line is this folks. omega-3's support the heart in so many ways. they're important for normal function of the heart muscle. they'rimportant for the arteries. they are so important for circulation. they maintain healthy blood platelet
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activity. they support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride so they do so much for the heart. so simply amazing cardiovascular support benefits when you're dealing with these omega-3's. this really is something doctor. the heart, the brain, the joints. the benefits with this combination of krill oil and fish oil are incredible. what are you hearing from your patients? i have people coming in all the time and i'm asking because everybody's on omega-3's. i say are you taking your omega-3's? are you still taking your omega-3's? mark, they're afraid to say no to me. i feel like the omega-3 police. so mark, take your omega-3's. it's that important. in fact mark, if there was only one nutrient i could take, honest to goodness. if there was only one nutrient i could take, hands down, it's omega's. it's number one on my list and krill omega 50+. i love the way it combines the krill oil with the high omega-3 fish oils. getting the best of both worlds. plus, remember, we have the vitamin d. we bumped up the power. as far as i'm concerned, this is the
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world. and with krill omega 50+, you get the krill oil plus the fish oil and the vitamin d and even more antioxidants. right? you hit the nail on the head. this is just a very comprehensive formula. we've bumped up the astaxanthin levels for greater antioxidant wers. so important for the 50-plussers. mark, when you supplement with krill omega 50+, as you just mentioned, you notice the difference and it doesn't take long. and that's what this krill omega 50+ is all about. it's about feeling great. because when you supplement with krill omega 50+, you're replacing what's missing. alright doctor levin, as you know, i take the krill omega 50+ and one of the things i absolutely love is we're talking soft gels that are so small, so easy to take. so much better than trying to take those big old omega-3 horse pills. i mean anybody can take these with ease. so tell us, how did yo supercharge this formula with all its power while at the same time, shrinking the capsule
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amazing. its actually a breakthrough mark. these soft gels, they are so tiny. they're so small. anyone can swallow these. my son cory, he has trouble swallowing pills. he gets these down like they're nothing mark. they're easy to swallow and now our lemon lock flavor system, which we didn't even mention yet. we didn't even talk about it. you open the bottle and you take a sniff. mark, it smells like lemons. it's delicious. so we're locking in the freshness. say it again. extra antioxidants for protection. more krill. plus the highly concentrated fish oil. vitamin d. easy to swallow. super fresh. plus the b12 energy melts. i mean, this is just a fabulous value. again, my patients before they met me. if they were buying all these, they could be spending $100 to get this combination. so get your free bottle of krill omega 50+. make sure you're one of the first 1000 callers. you also get the free b12 energy melts as well. two great supplements. for free today. amazing. now doc, just before i let you go, one
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energy melts. now my wife loves these. right, right. fabulous nutrient and for this show i demanded this because you know, 50-plussers like myself we may not be absorbing the b12 as much as we used to. and that's because we're losing some of the intrinsic factors in the gi tract that are responsible for absorbing the b12. it just happens as we're getting older. unfortunate, but it is what it is. so, here's what you do. you simply put a b12 energy melt on your tongue. they taste delicious. melts in seconds. and you can help boost your b12 levels. so what do you feel mark? if you were low on b12, you really can feel better. you can feel more energy because b12 makes the red blood cells that carry the oxygen to the tissues. that's so important for energy. it helps burn the carbs for energy. important for so many functions. mark, b12 is not a luxury item. it's a biological necessity. and these b12 energy melts make it so easy to replenish your body. so make sure you're one of the first
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get both bottles for free today. you're gonna love the benefits you get and again, just $6.95, even if you're getting both bottles. they're not putting them in two separate boxes and charging you double shipping. just one box. $6.95 shipping. that's it. give it a try. you're gonna do great. you're gonna feel benefits. within a week or two, you're gonna notice great joint benefits. you're gonna feel fantastic. don't miss out. get both botes for free today. doctor levin, time has just flown by. thanks so much for being with us today. oh, it was great to be here with you today, mark. all right, let's tell people how to get their free bottle of krill omega 50+ and the free b12 energy melts right now. purity products. a leading provider of cuing edge nutraceuticals for over 20 years has an incredible free bottle offer today on krill omega 50+. this is their amazing 3-in-1 super formula combining the power of krill oil with ultra pure omega-3 fish l plus vitamin d. now, here's the deal. simply call right now, pay just
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this special tv offer, purity will rush you a free bottle to put it to the test. that's right, purity is so sure you'll love krill omega 50+, they want to send you a free bottle. it's that simple. even the shipping is 100% refundable. so there's nothing to lose. even better as a special bonus, if you're one of the first 1000 callers today, purity will also include a free bottle of their delicious b12 energy melts. it's like a shot of energy you can give yourself any time to just feel great. don't wait for your free bottle of krill omega 50+ and your free b12 energy melts. call right now. 1-800-200-6510. that's 1-800-200-6510. with 67% more krill, krill omega 50+ is the little pill that's power packed with big health benefits. each tiny soft gel combines the power of krill oil with the power of fish oil to dramatically support your cardiovascular system,
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vision, circulation and so much more. don't miss out on this double free tv offer. make the call right now to get your free bottle of krill omega 50+ and your free b12 energy melts. this offer is not available in stores and it is not available online. only through this special tv order line. for your two free bottles, dial now before they run out. 1-800-200-6510. that number one more time. 1-800-200-6510. the preceding was a paid advertisement for krill omega
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been teaching home-style bible classes for over twenty years in iowa, oklahoma and texas. les feldick's unique style of bible teaching has made the books of the bible come to life. when les is teaching, it's so interesting that people say, 'time just seems to fly b' and now here is les feldick. les feldick okay, once again we're just glad have everybody in our taping session and we're in our 'number 4' i guess. for those of you out in television, maybe i should explain it again. this is our code now. we are in book or tape number 34 and we're in the third section of it and we are in the fourth part of number 3. so, that helps you kind of find where we are when you see it on the screen. all the past programs of course, are available in print, video, audio. i have
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much as i detest repetition, but we've got new listeners every day and every week. so for those of you who have missed all this from genesis up to where we are now, you can get them in past video. all right, this is a bible study and we'd like to get into it as quickly as we can, and so now we're ready for the other side of the coin. the flipside. we've been looking at all the wicked ramifications of the old adam, the flesh. and that of course, which was part and parcel of our past. but, it's still the mundane living style of the unbeliever. but now, verse 22. "but." a total flipside. boy, now if you talk about something that's a flipside, this is! this is just a total inversion of all of the activity of those previous verses and
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of the work of the spirit is "love, (i'll read them all and then we'll come back and make our comments).the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law." now there are nine fruits listed here and we're going to divide them into three segments of three each. all right, so the first part of the fruit of the spirit - love, joy and peace - is i think it's been well put, is the 'inner' result of salvation in the life of the believer. this is what we can experience just simply as a result of having believed the gospel. see, i've always made the statement; we aren't saved just as a fire escape. we're not saved just to escape hell fire. not at all. but we are also saved to do as jesus said, to have life but have it more
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going to see that in these nini fruits ofhe spirit, this is the abundant life. and that's why paul says, against these things there is nothing that can oppose them. there is no law that says, well now, there's nothing good about love. there's nothing good about joy. or anything like that. now way! these are all attributes of the life that enhance. now, i always have to look at it this way, wouldn't it be great to live in a community where everybody lived this kind of a life? as over living in a community where everybody practiced what we saw in the last program. well, we see it too often. and it's pandemonium. the police blotters are full of people who practice those things. you don't see people in the police blotter of verse 22. not very often. it probably can happen but it's just not a
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things listed above, that's what our poor - i feel sorry for policemen. have you ever stopped to think what it would be like to be a policeman and be confronted with this stuff? i never thought much about it but a friend of mine rode with a police officer, i think it was out in phoenix, oh this was years ago, so there's no connotation for the city now. but he said, he rode with that police officer during his eight hours of night duty. and he said, 'les, i never knew what those poor men have to put up with.' and i can about up with.' and i can about imagine. i mean, they're putting up with all of these things that we looked at in the last half-hour. they never have to put up with people who are in trouble because of the fruit of the spirit. okay, now here we go. love, joy and peace. the things that just simply come from within when we're e believer. we talked about the agape love in our first half-hour this afternoon.
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'seeking that other person's highest good.' can you imagine living in a family, let's bring it down, we know it's impossible for a whole community. but wouldn't it be great to live in a family where all the members of that family all the way down to the grandchildren and maybe even great-grandchildren, would all do everything with the idea that they wanted to bring about the highest good to their fellow family members. wouldn't that be something? you wouldn't find teenagers in the drug culture, because that doesn't bring about the families highest good. you wouldn't find teenagers dropping out of school. you wouldn't find teenagers getting into other kinds of trouble. or any segment of life as far as that goes. because love you see, when it seeks that other person's highest good, does nothing but enhance the things that are good. all right, so love is that agape love that comes
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indwelling and the outworking of the holy spirit and it's going to have an effect on our lifestyle. we're going to be fulfillers as paul says in romans, as we saw sometime back, we're going to be fulfillers of the whole law just by virtue of our operating love. all right, now the next one. joy. now we use the word to often times, flippantly. but you know the difference between joy and happiness? a lot of people think it's the same thing and it's not. joy is that which comes from within as a result of the holy spirit indwelling us. as a result of what god has done on our behalf. we have joy unspeakable because regardless of what may happen to us in this life, we have life eternal. we have the promises of all the things that god has prepared for us. now that
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joy. happiness on the other hand, is the result of our circumstances. in other words, if everything's going well and you're healthy and the bills are all paid and you've got a little money in the bank and you're driving a decent car and you've got a nice home and all these things that contribute to what? happiness. but see, they are just simply circumstantial. they have nothing to do with that which is in the inner-life. and so always remember that - joy is that which is within. whether you've got money in the bank or whether in trial and tribulations, you can still have joy. but you won't be happy. i mean that stands to reason. when things are all going wrong, it's pretty hard to be happy, but you can still have joy. all right, now there's one of paul's letters that is just packed with this concept of joy and 'rejoice.' who knows what
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let's go look at it. turn ahead a few pages to philippians. and we'll just skim through the letter because someday down the road, if the lord tarries, we'll be teaching it just like we are here, verse by verse. but, come into philippians and right off the bat in chapter 1. philippians chapter 1 verse 25. now i'm not sure that i'm going to be able to find all of them. no i see another one already. verse 18. philippians 1 verse 18, "what then not withstanding everyway, whether in pretense or in truth, christ is preached; and i therein do (what?) rejoice." now remember the things that he's talking about just ahead of this is that his adversaries were giving him a bad time constantly. this was not a
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paul, but he had what? he had joy. see? and so he could rejoice even though he had all that opposition. all right, now come down to verse 25, "having this confidence, i know that i shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and (what?) joy of faith." now listen, were these philippian believers living in a happy environment? no. they were under constant pressure. they were under constant persecution and yet paul could say that they had joy because of their faith. it was an 'inner' thing, see? all right move on to chapter 2 verse 2, "fulfill ye my joy that you may be
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love (see how all these things fit together).fulfill his joy by having the same love being of one accord and one mind" and so forth. all right, let's skip across the page, at least in my bible to verse 16 of chapter 2. now verse 16, "holding forth the word of life that i may (what?) rejoice in the day of christ, that i have not run in vain. neither labored in vain. yea, and if i be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, i (what?).i joy, and rejoice with you all." isn't that something? and the man himself was under constant pressure. now we covered that in i and ii corinthians, how he
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the gospel. under trials and tribulations constantly and yet the man was full of joy and was able to rejoice. now you see, we're spoiled. in fact, i have to tell the lord that every once in a while, 'i'm so spoiled.' and i think you are too. we've all got it so good. what if all of sudden the tables would turn and there'd be a knock on our door at two or three o'clock in the morning and someone comes along and says 'you're under arrest.' for what? for being a christian. hey, what would happen? i think we would all just almost panic that our world is coming apart, but listen, this was routine for these people. they were under constant persecution. and paul himself was. and yet the man could be full of joy. now remind yourself of that, if all of a sudden my little world should start falling apart, can i still be joyful? now i don't expect you to be happy but
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joyful, see? all right, verse 18 again, of chapter 2. "for the same cause also do you joy and rejoice with me." all right come on over to verse 28 in chapter 2 and he's speaking of timothy, no i think it was epaphroditus by now, but he said, "i sent him the more carefully, that when you see him again, you may rejoice." see? in spite of their circumstances that they could still have joy. "and that i may be the less sorrowful." well, then you come down into chapter 3. oh goodness, "finally my brethren, (what's the word?) rejoice. to write the same things to you to me indeed is not grievous but for you it is safe. beware of dogs (in other words, those that would
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workers, beware of the concision, for we are the circumcision who worship god in the spirit and (in spite of the circumstances, we what?) rejoice in christ jesus and we have no confidence in the flesh." well you can come all the way over the chapter 4 and i see them again. my, they just pop off the page, you can't miss them. chapter 4, "therefore my brethren and dearly beloved and longed for, my joy (now i've always maintained that paul had a special feeling for the philippian believers because you remember it was in philippi that he was sick in bed almost unto death and the philippian believers nurtured him and brought him through. and so i think he always had a real tender spot in his heart for the philippian believers. and so, he says,).my joy and crown,
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beloved." come down to verse 4. "rejoice in the lord always and again (he repeats it, see? now what have i always said about repetition in scripture? emphasis. emphasis. the whole emphasis throughout this book of philippians is that in spite of their trials and their sufferings they could still have joy. well, then verse 4, no i think there's another one in verse 10. "but (he says) i rejoice in the lord greatly that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again." and so there may be even others in here, i'm just looking at them as they kind of jump off the page. but, this is one of the fruits. now let's come back to galatians chapter 5. this is one of the fruits of the spirit. first we have love.
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with whom we come in contact, that which seeks the other person's highest good. and then we can have joy, in spite of adversity. in spite of persecution, we can have joy. and then the third one is what? peace. now, in order to understand that word peace, we've got to come back i think to romans chapter 5. romans chapter 5 because here again,his is why peace isn't listed up in the activities of the unbeliever. he has never experienced this. he can have no peace. and the scripture i think speaks of them as like the waves roaring, their lives are filled with turmoil. but, oh look what romans 5 verse 1 says, "therefore, being justified by faith." now remember what we said a couple of programs ago,
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was before the fall. god has reckoned the old sin nature dead and gone and we are now declared just as if we hadever sinned. all right, now since we have been declared just as if we had never sinned, and the slate has been wiped clean, now what do we have? "we have peace with god." see? so, "being justified by faith, we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ." now the unbeliever can never experience that. but see, we don't have to be in a constant turmoil - oh, is god going to zap me? is god all of a sudden going to disown me? is he going to cast me out? no! no. because we have that abiding peace of god, or with god here, and then in philippians, i have to go to that one next. philippians chapter 4. philippians chapter 4 and then we have the peace of
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brings about the peace with god. then we're no longer an enemy. we are now his. and we can enjoy his fellowship moment by moment. regardless of how well we've been able to behave, if you want to use that word. we still have that constant fellowship because of our justification which gave us the peace with god. all right, now in philippians chapter 4 we have the other peace that's spoken of and that is in verse 6 and 7. whenever someone calls with an urgent prayer request, give them. and you might be ready to do the same. if some loved on calls and says oh i need prayer, i need help. well, give them these two verses. the best two verses i think in all of scripture for someone in need. and look what it says. "be careful (or
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everything (whatever your particular circumstance, whatever your need).everything by prayer and supplication (and here's the secret) with thanksging (never ask the lord for something without thanking him for it in advance. that's one of the criteria of prayer. always thank him for what he's going to do with your prayer request. all right,).with thanksgiving, (now then you can) let your requests be made known unto god." the door is open. you've thanked him for what he's going to do, whether it's yes, no or maybe and now you can make your request and then verse 7. i always put it this way. whether he answers no or whether he immediately answers your request or whether he says maybe later. whatever. you have anmmediate answer in verse 7. the minute you get up from your prayer place
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answered because "the peace of god." now we've got the peace withod at salvation but now as a believer, and we enter into this spirit-filled walk, now we have the peace ogod, that under whatever the circumstances, god is there calming our situation saying i'm in control. now of course, we all know that i'm right down in the middlef this heat and drought and i'm getting ncerned about grass for my cattle and the only hope i have are these promises that i can have the peace with god and i can take it to him in prayer. in fact, one of my neighbors, i told him, i was sure it would rain before too long. and he said, are you praying? and i said, you bet i'm praying! absolutely. and i'm quite sure that god in his own time is going to answer. but whatever the circumstance, we have that peace with god. all right, reading on now, or "the
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all understanding." in other words, some of these things we can't comprehend how he answers. because sometimes he doesn't grant it. it may not rain. but, whether it does or not, what do i have? i have the peace of god that passeth all understanding. and what will that peace of god do? "it will keep our hearts and minds" as we go through these trying times. and so the "peace of god which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus." he is the constant. he never fails. he's always there. all right, now then let's come back to galatians chapter 5 a moment again and so now then, we have the love, joy and peace because of those two categories, the peace with god which we got at salvation and the peace of
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our trying times as believers. all right now then the next three are more or less an attitude toward our neighbor, or maybe our families. the people around us. and that is "longsuffering (which another word is patience,) gentleness and goodness." now what does that lead to? well, that leads to a pretty good happy family environment doesn't it? if all family members can exude these three particles of the fruit of the spirit, patience with one another, gentleness with one another and goodness with one another. my you talk about family. isn't that perfect. oh listen, what a beautiful family relationship we could enjoy if all members of the family would just practi those three fruits of the spirit. all right,
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are pretty much tied to our association with god, himself. and of course the first thing god looks for is what? faith. faith. oh, let's look at it again, we haven't looked at it in a long time. hebrews. hebrews chapter11. hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 and i think that's why it's listed first. and in i corinthians 13, the love chapter, how does he end it? 'and now abideth these three, what are they? faith, hope and love.' faith has to be the first one, see? all right, hebrews 11 verse 6, haven't looked at it in a long time have we? "but without faith." let's give my definition of faith again. what is it? taking god at his word. believe it. from cover to cover. now granted not all of this is written
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i pointed out to someone the other day, when leviticus 5 says, when anyone who has touched something that is unclean has to go through the rites of purification. has to bring a particular offering. hey, we don't do that. well, why not? it's in the bible. see, that's what people like to say a lot of times. it's in the bible. well, then you'd better go back and practice leviticus. well, then they don't know what to do with it. but you have to realize that the bible is all for us but it's not all to us. and that makes a big difference. but now, hebrews, "without faith it is (what's the next word?) impossible." in other words, there is no way you can get to first base with god, unless he sees faith first. now you say, what about a sinner seeking salvation? well, what have i said, just a program or two ago? the first article of faith for a lost person seeking salvation is romans 3:23. and we have to
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says, and that is 'all have sinned and come short.' that's the first step of faith. yes, lord i'm a sinner. i have fallen short. and then of course the next step of faith is to believe that he died, was buried and rose from the dead. but that's all taken by faith. and that is the key and without it, "it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to god must believe (and that's faith) that he is and that he's the rewarder of them who diligently seek him." all right, so now back to galatians, we've only got a couple minutes left and so i'd like to finish this chapter so we'll be ready for chapter 6 at our next taping. all right so now then, faith, without which it's impossible to please god, "meekness." now i'm raid a lot of people think to be meek is to be a 'milk-toast'. now i'm probably dating myself. you
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when i was a little kid, we had a cartoon on the funny pages, we called them, and that was the name of it 'milk-toast'. and the old fellow was always being walked on. you remember him? yeah, some heads are nodding. he was always being walked on either by his wife or the neighbor or somebody and he never had enough gumption to ever respond or anything. that's not what the word meekness means. the word meekness in scripture means, and i guess the best way i can explain it, is to look at moses. now was moses a 'milk-toast' who everybody walked on? no. moses was a leader. moses was a man who was highly educated in all the schools of egypt. he was a military leader. i think he was a civil engineer. moses did everything. but what does the bible call him? the meekest man that ever lived, see? well now it
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on him, but moses' attitude was such that god could use him. he was pliable. he was something that god could mold and moses became a great man because of it. that's what it means to be meek. to just simply be pliable. and to be useable. all right, now let's go on to the next one. temperance. temperance. you know what real temperance is? you know all we think of in america at least is the fight against alcohol and whiskey and so forth, that's being temperance. no. temperance goes across the whole spectrum of human activity. and it merely means maintain a what? a balance. that's all that temperance means. maintain a balance in whatever you do. and this is something again that is well pleasing in god's sight that we don't just flip over to the right, or you flip over to the left. but you just
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word of god you maintain a balance. okay, getting down to the end. and all of these as they're listed, all nine of these fruits of the spirit, paul says, "against such there is no law." who can fault - who can fault someone who is the epitome of these nine graces? well no one can and as i said at the beginning, you show me a man who has these nine graces and i'll show you a man who is to be envied. announcer thank you for watching through the bible with les feldick, a weekly bible study. if you would like more information about the les feldick ministries, or about this program, write to: les feldick ministries, route 1, box 760, kinta, oklahoma 74552. that's
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is coming down your way we've got a song to sing we've got something to say the raggs kids club band can you come out to play? the raggs kids club band is getting set to play yeah! >> good morning, razzles. it's not a good morning, raggs. look at all this mess everywhere! whoa! >> razzles, are you okay? >> not really. i tripped over trilby's tennis shoes. they were lying on the floor. >> oops, sorry, razzles. i was gonna pack them away, but i forgot. >> you're not the only one who forgot to pack things away. mmm, it looks like everybody's been too busy aying to pack away any of their toys. >> you're righ razzles. what are we gonna do about it?
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an all-work, no-games, pack-away day. >> no games? >> all day? >> better start packing away, then. >> or we won't get to play any games. >> but there's something we need to do before we pack away. >> come on, everybody! let's play! >> kids: [cheering] >> >> the lights are blinking somebody's thinking anticipation a new creation he's making gadgets and gee-gaws and widgets because i feel an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on yeah i feel an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming an in-ven-tion you know it's cool to make an... in-ven-tion
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and shakes a brand new thing-a-ma-jig we get the feeling this could be big oh yeah i gotta make an... in-ven-tion inventing's in my blood in-ven-tion i hope it's not a dud a wham-bam doo-hicky thing imagine all the fun it could bring yeah he feels an invention coming on he goes bonkers i feel an invention his brain goes zonkers i feel an invention his eyes get glazy it's really crazy he's making gadgets and gee-gaws and widgets because i feel an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on yeah i feel an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on
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i know i can feel an invention ming on my in-ven-tion the perfect synergy my in-ven-tion plasmatic energy a wacky diddily-doo but do you know what it's going to do it doesn't matter it's an in-ven-tion not meant to change the world an in-ven-tion for every boy and girl it's simply mean to have n to encourage everyone i feel an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on yeah i feel an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on oh yeah i feel an invention coming on yeah he feels an invention coming on >> kids: [cheering] >> right, there'll be no games until all the mess is packed away. >> what's the first thing that needs to be packed away,
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>> let me check my list. [gasps] trilby's tennis shoes. >> consider them packed away. now, everyone, guess where my shoes go? >> in the fridge? >> on that shelf? >> no, they get packed away in my sports bag. >>ext is raggs' building blocks. >> never fear, razzles. i'm the pa-away king! who can guess where my blocks go? >> under the couch? >> in the fridge? >> no, they get packed away in the toy box. >> then there's pido's chef's hat. >> master chef pido is packing away pronto. now, who c tell me where my hat goes? >> in the garden? >> in dumpster's basket? >> oh!
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in the kitchen cupboard. >> and last, but not least, b-max, you need to pack away yesterday's invention. >> that's easy to pack away. >> [wheelchair wheels zooming] >> i bet nobody knows where it goes? >> in the kitchen sink? >> under the rug? >> no, it gets packed away in my inventing room. >> [wheelchair wheels zooming] >> if those dogs are so keen on packing away, then why don't they pack their bags and go away? hmph! >> um, what about you, razzles? what are you going to pack away? >> i can't pack anything away because i'm the pack-away officer. >> what's a pack-away officer? >> the pack-away officer in charge of making sure everyone else packs away their mess properly. >> others: right! >> all right, enough chit-chat. pack-away officer says... pack away.
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everything away. >> oh, then why is this clubhouse still messy? >> how can we pack away stuff when we don't know who owns it? >> someone said you need to "pack away." what does that mean? >> it means that you have to put the toys up before you get out a new toy. >> when you're done with your toys, do you pack them away? >> yeah, you put them away where you found them. >> do your mom and dad ever tell you to pack away? >> yeah, my mom tells me to clean up my room, clean up my room. >> do you have special places you pack away your stuff, nevin? >> yeah. >> where do you pack your special stuff? >> in my special box. >> where do you keep your special box? >> in my closet. >> where do you pack away your toys? >> i pack...i have this big closet that i put my toys in. >> i pack my toys in like a trunk. a trunk is like in a car, but not that kinda trunk.
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it's like a big, white box that you can make and it holds toys, lots of toys. i have that. mine is white. >> why do you pack away your toys when you finish playing? >> because someone might step on it and it and it will hurt their foot. >> ow! i stepped on a toy. >> oh, like if somebody stepped on it with hard shoes, stepped on one of your favorite toys, they might break. >> i have to pack away my toys, but i think i'm gonna sell some of them at a garage sale and i'm nd of a packrat with toys. >> you have not seen our room. it is a mess. my mom can't even get through the obstacle course of our room. >> my room is really messy sometimes. >> your room is really messy? >> yeah, with clothes everywhere. >> who is more messy out of you two? >> uh, morgan. >> she's messy? >> no, i'm not. >> dumpster: [giggles] >> [giggli] tyler is the messy... >> morgan! >> no, you, you, you, you!
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>> [rocket ship roaring] (sfx: glass breaking) (sfx:footsteps running) music nice going spencer. i can't believe we broke old man hennessey's window correction dude, you broke. i just threw the ball. this is really bad. what are we going to do? we? go to the door and ask for the ball back. are you serious? it's my ball myrtlebeck! i'm so dead. i'd run away. yeah, to uruguay. kiss your life goodbye. sorr let's go. bye. see ya. remember me in your will. some friends you are! music oh. keep smiling, keep shining hi knowing you can always count on me, for sure tell him it was an accident and we can fix the window.
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>> >> the clubhouse is still a big mess. >> let's examine this pack-away problem scientifically. magnifying glass. let's e what things haven't been packed away. >> [wheelchair wheels zoom] >> aha! that dancing stick hasn't been packed away. >> [wheelchair wheels zoom] >> those dancing shoes haven't been packed away, either. >> [wheelchair wheels zoom] >> and that clipboard, pen, and big, long list definitely haven't been packed away. >> wait a minute. doesn't this belong to you, razzles? >> and the dancing shoes. >> and the dancing ribbon. >> oh, uh, ah... yes. >> looks like you didn't pack them away. >> and that's why the clubhouse is still messy. >> sorry, everybody. i guess i was so busy being
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to pack away my things, too. but don't worry, officer pack-away will pack all her things away. >> while you're at it, why don't you dogs pack away some of my stuff, too, like this fish bone, my scratching post, and my furball collection. impressive, huh? actually, this stuff's too good for those dogs to pack away. i'm gonna keep my stuff right here. >> thanks, everyone. now that everything is packed away, i declare this an all-day games day! >> others: hooray! >> paws up! >> see my box down here? >> both: yeah. >> see the box i'm sitting on? >> both: yeah. >> i use it to pack away all my special stuff. >> oh. >> do you have a special place you packway your stuff? >> i hold my books in like this bookshelf except it's shaped... it's for dollhouses.
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a dollhouse. but it's only for doll babies, but i use mine for books. >> what do you do when you clean your room? do you clean it with a hose? >> no. >> do you clean it with shampoo? >> no. >> do you clean it with a leaf blower? >> no. >> how do you clean your room? >> with my hands. >> oh can you hear that beat pick it up, pack away it's saying something sweet put all those toys away it doesn't like a mess unless i missed my guess it is the beat of neat yeah yeah the beat of neat it's something loud and strong it's the way you pick it up where you can't go wrong don't leave a ms it's wrong and it's a lean machine it is the queen of clean oh it's the beat of neat yeah yeah the beat of neat eah yeah the beat of neat pick it up, pack away neat has a real cool beat put it away after play it's easy to be neat just keep a tidy scene yeah yeah the beat of neat
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oh can you hear that beat pick it up, pack away it's saying something sweet put all those toys away it doesn't like a mess unless i missed my guess it the beat of neat yeah yeah the beat of neat yeah yeah the beat of neat pick it up, pack away neat has a real cool beat put it away after play it's easy to be neat just keep a tidy scene yeah yeah the beat of neat yeah yeah the beat of neat yeah ye the beat of neat pick it up, pack away neat has a real cool beat put it away after play you better move your feet to the beat of neat to the beat of neat yeah! >> ears up, puppies. time to finish packing away, so we can go to cousin rover's birthday party. >> i can't go to the party
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i packed it away and now i don't know where it is. now what am i gonna do? >> trilby, is your tiara really sparkly? >> yes. >> and very shiny? >> yes. >> then i know where you packed it away. >> you do? where? >> you packed your tiara away... [giggles] on your head. >> [giggles] oops. i must have put it away and forgotten about it. >> now that trilby has found her tiara, we can go to the party. >> all: hooray! >> hold your tails, everybody! we can't go to the party until everything's packed away neatly in a place where we can find it easily. >> you're right, trilby. tails up, everybody! let's pack it all away n. >> but, first, there's something else we need to do.
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>> kids: [cheering] >> >> hey now it's a happening there's never been now such a happy thing we're playing here for you there's nothing else we would rather do oh wow it's a happening the lights are brit now yeah it's time to sing we'll play our happy song if you like you can sing along every minute of the day >> kids: [cheering] >> a happening happens anywhere any time at all the vibe is outta sight you're gonna feel all right all you have to do is call hey now it's a happening there's never been now such a happy thing
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shake your caboose in a crazy dance oh wow it's a happening the party's here now yeah it's time to swing the good time never ends come along and bring your friends sway your body to the beat a happening wave your hands and stamp your feet a happening clap it, slap it shimmy down it's coming on it's coming on it's coming on it's coming on hey now it's a happening the lights are bright now yeah it's time to sing we'll play a happy song
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you can sing along oh wow it's a happening there's never been now such a happy thing we're playing here for you there's nothing else we would rather do every minute of the day hey now it's a happening right now it's a happening bow wow it's a happening there's nothing else we would rather do right now
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>> music runners on your mark! you're rolled out at the dawning of the day heart racin' as you made your little get away get set! it feels like you've been runnin' all your life but why? owhy? (sfx: starter pistol shot) so you've pulled away from the love that would've been there you start believin' that your situation's unfair but there's always scars, when you fall back far we lose our way, we get back up again it's never too late to get back up again one day, you're gonna shine again, you may be knocked down but not out forever we lose our way, we get back up again it's never too late to get back up again one day, you're gonna shine again, you may be knocked down but not out forever we lose our way, we get back up again so get up, get up
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>> >> ears up, everybody. we've gotta pack away everything so we can go to cousin rover's birthday party. >> where are we going to put all of this stuff, so we can easily find it again? >> i know--let's pack everything away on the couch. >> good idea, raggs. things will be easy to find there. >> >> hm, we have a problem. >> the couch isn't big enough to hold everything. >> what are we going to do? >> i think i feel a pack-away invention coming on. >> [wheelchair wheels zooming] >> i hope he invents something really useful for a change...
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dogs away. you just wave it over the dogs and, poof, no more dogs. >> [lightbulb beeping] >> [wheelchair brakes screech] >> what is it? what's your pack-away invention, b-max? >> i call it the pack-away master 2000. >> how does it work? >> you sweep erything into a big pile with this and then coveit with this. >> that's a great way to pack everything away. >> everybody ready to pack away? >> others: ready! >> one... two... pack away! >> it works. the pack-away master 2000 really works. >> now we can go to the party. >> all: hooray! >> there's just one, small, doggy problem. we can't g out of the house. >> do you ever pack up at school? >> yeah.
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>> when do you pack up at school? >> we pack up some things. our folders. >> you can pack up your lunchbox with lunch inside. >> i pack up my book bag when i put all my homework and my papers and my notebook and binder in there. >> i have a book bag and i pack away all my stuff. >> and you can bring the papers home. >> you can? >> both: yes! >> how can we go to the birthday party when there's aig pile of mess packed away in front of the door? >> why don't we pack the mess away somewhere else? >> we tried packing all the stuff away in lots of places, but it didn't fit anywhere. >> maybe that's because we weren't packing everything away properly. >> you're right, bax. let's put all the things back where they belong. >> what are you going to pack away first, trilby? >> the first thing i'm going to pack away is this fancy dress hat.
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a fancy dress hat is? >> the fancy hat box. >> and the proper place to pack away this picture book is? >> on the bookshelf. >> now that we all know what to do, let's pack all our things away properly. >> >> everything really is packed away now. >> so, let's all go to the party! >> all: hooray! >> hold your tails! my tiara--it's not on my head. i must have packed it away again. >> wait a minute, your tiara is sparkly, right? >> right. >> and really shiny? >> right. >> then i think i packed it away. >> where? >> in a very special place. >> of course. this is where the tiara belongs--on the head of
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lord of the clubhouse. >> all: [laughing] >> now can we go to the party, trilby? >> you bet. now that we've worked out the proper places for everything to be packed away, we can really party. paws up! >> paws up, everybody do the do wah day he raggs kids club band is coming down your way we've got a song to sing we've got something to say the raggs kids club band can you come out to play the raggs kids club band will play another day >> group howl! >> all: [howli]ha >> paws up, everybody diddy-doo-wah-day the raggs kids club band
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we got a song to sing we've got something to say the raggs kids club band can you come out to play? the raggs kids club band is getting set to play yay >> mm! that was the best egg-a-licious surprise you've ever made, pido! >> no problemo, b. max. it was easy, thanks to your egg-changer 2000. >> you sure are a super cook, pido. >> and you're a super-duper inventor, b. max. >> wouldn't it be great if we could change places? >> whoa! then i could be an inventor! >> and i could be a super cook. >> stand back, b. max, brain attack. >> have you got an idea, pido? >> yeah! why don't we play the "let's change" game?
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game? >> it's a game where we pretend to change plac. >> let's change! >> look at me! i'm pido and i like cooking, surfing and playing the drums. >> and i'm b. max, the inventor. and i can already feel an invention coming on. >> now that we've changed places, let's play! >> [cheering] >> some of the time maybe a lot i can have a little trouble figuring out the plot but when i do you know it's true i get enthused you better move 'cause i get into my drummer's groove and then it's stand back brain attack stand back, brain attack i think i know exactly
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stand back, brain attack i know exactly how to get my best mates through i'm no einstein but in my time i'm a legend that will last at least till lunchtime i get it and don't forget it you won't regret it i get ignited and i can't help feeling so excited because it's stand back brain attack stand back, brain attack i think i know exactly what to do stand back, brain attack i know exactly how to get my best mates through >> he knows exactly how to get his best mates through >> finding answers is so cool there's a key to every mystery
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and if you try what you need to know falls right out of the sky and then it's >> stand back stand back, stand back brain attack >> now all the time and that's a lot i never worry having trouble figuring out the plot but when i do you know it's true i get enthused you better move 'cause i get into my pido groove and then it's >> stand back brain attack stand back, brain attack i think i know exactly what to do stand back, brain attack he knows exactly how to get his best mates through >> i know exactly how to get my best mates through >> stand back, brain attack
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>> [cheering] >> >> pido? what are you doing in b. m's inventing room, pido? >> inventing things. i'm not pido the surfer anymore. >> you're not? >> i've changed places with b. max, and now i'm b. max, inventor of super great things! >> if pido has changed places with b. max, then where's b. max? i mean, pido. >> right here! i've been making lunch. >> o-o-oh! ew! >> yuck! >> that's the smelliest lunch ever, b. max. i mean, pido. >> that's because i've made dumpster his favorite lunch; curried stinky fish. here you go, dumpster. >> curried stinky fish? [sniffs]
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just like mom used to make. ah! b. max makes a better pido lunch than pido. [laughs] >> i want to change places, too. >> sure. all you have to do is say, "let's change." >> look out, raggs! i'm surfing the waves! >> surfing? but you're not a surfer, b. max. you're an inventor. >> we've changed places, raggs. now he's pido, and i'm b. max. >> and i've changed into trilby! anyone for tennis? >> if razzles has changed into trilby, then who's razzles? >> me! come on, raggs, let's dance. >> >> i'm confused. everybody's changed places. >> it's okay, raggs. we're playing a game. it's called "let's change." >> we're just pretending we've changed places with each other.
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now i get it. you wanna play "let change," too, raggs? >> you bet! can i change into you, trilby? i-i mean razzles? >> gr-r-r-eat idea! t's all change into someone else. >> let's change! >> hey, what does the word "change" mean? do you know that word? >> yeah. change is when, like, i have a toy and i'll--and i see this other toy but no one's playing with. but then, i switch it around and then i change it. so i want that toy instead of that toy. >> do you know some changes, cassidy? >> um, yeah. if i want to change my clothes, i can get the other clothes and put 'em on. >> do you change 'em over? >> oh, well, i take the other clothes off and then put 'em back on. [laughs] >> what kinds of stuff can you change? >> um, the potato head. >> you change a potato head? >> yeah. >> how do you do that? >> um, there's like--like these different holes and you put, like, eyes and, um, noses
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and, like, just different crazy stuff. >> tv shows change, um, you change. >> i'm changing? >> yeah. you--no, not like that kind of change. you change like you change your voice. you change your tone. you change your-- you change your act. >> you can change things about yourself? >> yeah. >> do you ever change yourself? >> [laughs] yeah. >> what do you change about yourself. >> we change our clothes. >> we change our shoes. >> we change our hair. >> we change, um, change your sh-sheets. >> change the sheets? >> mm-hmm. >> how do you do that? >> you can--when you change your seat--sheets that means they're dirty, so then you wash them. >> hey, zara, do you know the word--do you know the word "change"? >> you have to change your clothes. >> why do you have to change your clothes? >> because in the nighttime, you
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>> >> here comes a wave! and watch pido wipeout! ah, changing places is the best game ever. >> yeah! you get to do all sorts of things you wouldn't normally do. >> like playing air guitar like raggs! >> >> r-r-r-ight! leaping labradors! i've been having so much fun, i've forgotten who's changed into who. >> maybe we should all change places again. >> good idea! only i think i've changed places with everybody now. >> is there anybody left we haven't changed places with? >> well, there is someone we haven't changed into. >> who is it, razzles? >> dumpster! [laughs] >> i knew it! of course they all wanna change
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who wouldn't wanna change into a cat? [laughs] me-o-o-ow! >> meow! meow >> changing places with friends is a gr-r-reat way to learn new things about them. why don't you try changing places with your friends? pa-a-a-aws up! >> what does--what does "change your mind" mean? >> it means, like, when you was-wh-and you was planning on something to do and you didn't wanna do it, so you changed your mind and do something else. >> when did you change your mind, tayana? >> when i was--when i was going to go outside but it was raining, so i changed my mind and i stayed in the house. >> you changed your mind? have you ever changed your room? >> i've changed my room. >> what have you done to your room >> well, once it was messy and then i cleaned it up. >> and i moved--i moved my bed away from my sister.
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>> you move it all around? >> yes. i moved it to my perfect spot--is--which is near the window. >> man: change your clothes change your nose put some polish on your toes change your clothes and change your nose that's how it goes mixt up it's nice to make a change mix it up it's fun to rearrange mix it up who wants to stay the same let's play, let's play, let's play the changing game change your face change your space be a princess dressed in lace hange your face and change your space that's how you play
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it's nice to make a change mix it up it's fun to rearrange mix it up who wan to stay the same let's play, let's play let's play the changing game change is fun everything and everyone will do their thing and change, change, change mix it up who wants to stay the same let's play, let's play let's play the changing game >> >> eyes up, everybody. the garden's changed. >> you're right! the trees have changed. they all have new leaves. >> and the flowers have changed. they all have beautiful, new petals. >> why has everything in the garden changed?
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it's not winter anymore. it's changed to spring! >> speaking of change, isn't it time someone changed the sand in my litterbox? hoo! [coughing] >> hey, look! the pond's changed, too. all the frogs are gone. >> there's lots of tiny, wiggly, black fish instead. >> they're not fish; they're tadpoles. >> tadpoles? what do they do? >> they change into baby frogs. >> o-o-oh! baby frogs are so sweet. >> eyes up! lookhat i found. >> it's a teeny-weeny caterpillar. >> he's my new pet. i'm calling him "tiger" because he's got black and yellow stripes. >> what e you gonna do with tiger, raggs? >> we're going to have lots of fun adventures together! >> gr-r-reat! but before you do that, raggs,
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>> [cheering] >> the lights are blinking somebody's thinking anticipation a new creation he's making gadgets and gewgaws and widgets b ecause i feel an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming on yeah, i feel an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming in-ven-tion you know it's cool to make an in-ven-tion something that moves and shakes a brand-new thingamajig we get the feeling this could be big oh, yeah, i gotta make an in-ven-tion inventing's in my blood in-ven-tion i hope it's not a dud a wham bam, doo-hickey thing
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it will bring yeah, he feels an invention coming on he goes bonkers i feel an invention his brain goes zonkers i feel an invention he eyes get glazy it's really crazy he's makingadget and gewgaws and widgets because i feel an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming on yeah, i feel an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming i know, i know i can feel an invention coming on in-ven-tion the perfect synergy my in-ven-tion plasmatic energy a wacky diddly-doo but do you know what it's going to do
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it's an in-ven-tion not meant to change the wld an in-ven-tion for every boy and girl it's simply meant to have fun to encourage everyone i feel an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming on yeah, i feel an invention coming on yeah, he feels an invention coming on oh, yeah i feel an invention cominon yeah, he feels an invention coming on
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>> >> >> look, everybody! i've changed this shoebox into a new home for tiger. >> he looks really cozy in there. >> he's even got a little bed made out of leaves. >> i've had to change it a few times. he keeps eating all the leaves. >> he's eating them now. for a little guy, he's sure got a big appetite. >> just like me. that's why he's the perfect pet for me. i don't want tiger to ever change. >> but, raggs, tiger's going to have to change. >> he has to change? well, why does tiger have to change? >> because caterllars don't stay caterpillars forever. >> how do caterpillars change?
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let's show raggs how caterpillars change. >> okay, everybody. are we ready to hear the story of how the caterpillar changes? >> [squeaks] >> once upon a time there was a little caterpillar. >> wow, razzles! you've changed into a caterpillar. >> a very hungry caterpillar. anybody got any leaves i can eat? >> coming right up! some yummy leaves for a hungry, little caterpillar. >> thanks, pido. these leaves are super tree-licious! >> the hungry caterpillar ate up all the leaves, and when she was full, she lay down, wrapped herself in a great big cocoon and went to sleep. >> nighty night, little caterpillar. >> nighty night. [snoring] >> oh. >> while she was sleeping, the
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change. i wonder what she's going to change into. >> maybe she's going to change into a pirate. >> no, that's not what she's going to change into. >> then what's the caterpillar going to change into? >> a beautiful butterfly! >> and so the hungry caterpillar changed into a beautiful butterfly and flew around happily ever after. >> do the seasons change? >> yeah. >> can you explain it to me? >> it, like, goes, uh, summer and then it goes to fall and then winter and then spring, and then it keeps going in that order, and then again and again and again. >> what else changes? >> butterflies. >> how do they change? >> first they start like a
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chrysalis, and then they turn into a beautiful butterfly. >> are you still going to keep tiger now that you know he's going to change into a butterfly? >> i've changed my mind. it's too hard keeping a caterpillar for a pet. >> that's because they're always gonna change into butterflies. >> let's put tiger back in the garden. i wish you didn't have to change. bye-bye, little buddy. >> bye, tiger. >> i'm going to miss him. he was my best pet ever. >> oh, never mind, raggs. you'll find another pet. >>frog ribbits] >> ears up, puppies! do you hear that? >> this calls for an ear patrol! >> what's an ear patrol? >> it's like a sniff patrol only with your ears. >> [ribbits continue] >> i know what that sound is. >> what is it, pido? >> baby frogs!
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baby frogs! >> hooray! now i've got some new pets to play with. i bet there's lots of new and exciting changes happening in your garden, too. why don't you check them out? pa-a-a-aws up! >> paws up, everybody diddy-doo-wah-day the raggs kids club band is coming down your way we got a song to sing we've got something to say the raggs kids club band can you come out to play? the raggs kids club band will play another day >> group howl! >> all: [howling]ha call me the juice when i'm at a strip club i put down a hundred or a dub
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cuz when i leave the club, i'ma ... ride with the man and be giving up the ... little skinny, ride with ya, i don't even know your name there's a whole lotta room in the front of the range like barack obama said, it's time for a change pull over on the roll, on the back seat pop that body, now ya got me you'll find a chick kinda classy said her name was ten, now i'm grabbin' now she got a grip on the whip with her big round booty, with the silicone ... she bouncin' on my lap and she tryin'a own the six i whispered in her ear, yo, it's hard for a pimp yeah, happy birthday. come on, give it up for "b"! yeah. happy birthday, "b," give it up! yeah! happy birthday, "b." all right. all right, all right, listen up. i know tonight's about me, but i got something to say to these two artists on stage here. okay, true and heartfelt. (laughing): these two guys... hunter and 2by4. without ya'll, we wouldn't be here. (cheering) they're the cornerstones of center mass records, brought us a whole lot of business and attention, and man...
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