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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  February 23, 2016 2:37am-4:30am EST

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(baby's cries echo, steady beating of a heart) dr. bell: ed? ed. i wanna help you, but you have to be honest with me. tell me what happened. he just wouldn't stop staring at me. (seagulls' cries echo) jules: harold, we're right here if you wanna talk.
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the hanon exercises - how... how did you know? parker: ed, his voice is lowered; he's personalizing. he might be transitioning to a lucid phase. ed: (quietly) i got the shot. parker: sam's covering, ed. if harold's reaching out to you, you reach back. ed: my son plays, harold. harold: the piano? and the cello. oh... the soul of the orchestra. (hums a few low notes of clair de lune) hi, princess. (continues to hum clair de lune) do you know that one? ed: i do. that's... (trying to remember) clair... clair uh... clair de lune. debussy. (whispering) that's right, that's right.
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and for a second, so did i. why do you think that is? (sighs) it made me think of clark. but that's not the point. we had to move fast and get into reality testing. find areas you agree on: "the sun is out, you are a man..." we're on a ferry. i'm a police officer. and that's a baby at your feet, right, harold? harold: yeah, yeah... it's... it's my suzy. ed: okay. harold, can i ask you how you know that's suzy? (baby wails) (short, erratic breaths) i know, i don't... wait. wait, stop! ed: no problem, harold. you okay? harold: between me and you, there seems to be a lot of people with guns around here.
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now, i kw that you don't wanna hurt anybody here, especially not that baby. harold: look at this. i did this, didn't i? ed: it's okay, that's why we're here - to help you out of it. i thought it was working. but... then he stared at me again, and this time... it was different. different how? he didn't seem cious... or interested in me. this time... he looked like he finally understood something. it won't ever stop. i'll go away and i'll take the pills, and i'll... i'll think that i'm better, you know? i'll just end up back here all over again. (sharp exhale) okay, he's bottoming out. ed, sam, watch for a shift to suicide. jules, if his attention is on himself, you get the baby. ed: harold, let me ask you, you were going over to the island, right? what's going on there? talk to me. harold i came to get my piano, they were... they were banging on the door and suzy was upset.
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all the noise, i just wanted it to be quiet, so i could hear. the music? yeah. when i... when i hear the music, it tells me that there's love inside me and everyone, and that we're all safe. and then i take my pills, and i listen to the doctor, and there's no music. it's just me. and all the things that i've done and the people that i've hurt - my jordana, my-my... my suzy... harold, i know you love your daughter, but what happened is in the past. but i need you to do the right thing now. no, it is not. it's... it's in here. it's in here and i can't make it stop. i can't! (baby wails) i'm so sorry... (baby wails) i think we should go now, suzy.
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are you sure of that's- that's suzy, harold? harold: yes! ed: okay. yes, it is. you don't think i know my own daughter? i didn't say that. you're a liar! parker: careful, eddie, he's splitting; he's making you the enemy. ed: harold! harold: liar! ed: harold, i'm here to help you! harold: no! ed: look at me! talk to me! harold: (screams with rage) no! i wouldn't hurt her! sam: drop it! harold: i would never hurt her! ed: put the gun down! ed: put it down! harold: i would never hurt her! (everything freezes) dr. bell: ed? ed, where are you? i'm right there... in the moment... the moment i kill someone. dr. bell: okay. describe it for me. ed: i use a four count breathing method to keep my heart rate at 40 to 50 beats per minute. i maintain light pressure on the trigger of my weapon. i aim for the center mass, in order to make the kill.
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i re somewhere that in world war ii, only 10 or 20 percent of soldiers actually fired at the enemy. the rest aimed above, to the side - anywhere but at the man. isn't easy, is it, to go against the fundamental instinct not to kill a fellow human being. i mean, that's why we train - to break that instinct. so that in the moment, we don't think. it's like a switch - on or off, black or white. "connect, respect, protect." or kill. it is my job now. this is what i must do. harold: (sounds distorted) no! i would never... ed: the imminent threat is clear. the target is clear. i have the shot... and i can't do it. (hear harold screaming in rage) then it all went wrong. i didn't take the shot. i think you're right.
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let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast-max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast-max. the only branded cold and flu liquid gel that is max-strength and fights mucus.
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boy: this is the story of a boy who was very sensitive to lights and sounds. so he built secret hiding places where nothing could get in. the boy didn't like looking people in the eye.
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one day, he found out he had something called autism. his family got him help. and slowly he learned how to live with it better. announcer: early intervention can make a lifetime of difference. learn the signs at you won't see these folksat the post office.they have businessesto run. they have passionsto pursue. hodo they avoid tripsto the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services ofthe post officright on your computer. get a 4 week trial,plus $100 in extras including postage anda digital scale. go to and never go tothe post office again. how do i go back now? i mean, what do i tell them? what do i tell my family? well, first, we need to finish. you didn't hear me? i am finished.
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harold: you don't think i know my own daughter? (breathing hard) you're a liar! ed: harold! harold: liar! ed: harold, i'm here thelp you! look at me! talk to me! no! (baby cries) (loud roaring as the screaming and crying swirl) (loud gunshot) jordana: what happened?! what'd you do?! parker: (over headset) what happened up there, ed? eddie! what happened up there? ed! ed! jordana: (screams hysterically) somebody tell me something, please! what happened?! what'd you do?
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no, please! ed: (breathing hard) sam: subject's neutralized. ed, what're you doing? gotta fix him up; his family's down there. hey. they can't see him like this. (quietly) ed, it's a crime scene. you can't do anything to his body, okay? ed: i couldn't stop...looking. at what? at the hole... where his heart used to be... when he was still alive. stainton: step aside. parker: who took the shot? sam: i did. stainton: braddock, you're sequestered, you have to relinquish your firearm. you know the drill, i'll take you to siu. the baby... jules: she's okay. she's on the dock with her mom.
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ed: jordana and the daughter? parker: what happed, eddie? stainton: parker, what're you doing? ed: i've gotta go. stainton ed, you're a witness officer; the team stays until braddock and i go. i didn't take the shot. spike: hold up, buddy, i'll ce with you. ed: i got it, no. (distorted murmurs, sirens chirp) (jordana's sobs echo) ed: i just drove. i got in the truck, the books were in the truck, and i just had to get here. i don't know why. i just had to get here. i blew the call. another person's dead. what am i gonna do? okay. you blew the call... not sure that's what i heard. cawe do a little bit of reality testing, see what we agree on, the two of us? ed: yeah. dr. bell: all right.
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ed: yeah. dr. bell: the passengers were saved. ed: right. dr. bell: you profiled your subject, in order to negotiate. when all other options were exhausted, your teammate was ready. whoever has the shot takes the shot. (gunshot echoes loudly) dr. bell: so it all went how it was meant to, based on what you tell me, and based on how you trained them. no, not them - not them at all. me. it's black or white; you take the shot or you don't. dr. bell: you kill or you don't. ed: yes! and if you kill, you're judged, you're blamed. yes. dr. bell: and if you don't kill, you judge, you blame... yourself. is this really about whether or not you took the shot? why are you here? to hear me tell you you're a monster? or to tell you why you can't talk to your son? dr. bell: what do you want, ed? ed: i don't know! dr. bell: yes you do. ed: i don't know! dr. bell: yes you do, and you have to tell me.
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(voice cracking) what's wrong with me? what's wrong with me? i see these people - everyone i ever... may dalt? ed: i'm up on a roof, i see her through my scope - every day, every night. let me ask you this: did your father ever talk about that? no. i mean, maybe that's what the drinking was about, the nights away... until my sixteenth birthday when he didn't come back. (clears throat) i try to look for him every once in a while, but, you know, so far... you know, maybe one day he'll come back and tell me what it was like for him. but so far, he hasn't had the courage. not like you. i couldn't do my job.that's not "courage." i'm not talking about your job, ed. i'm talking about you. why did you come here? harold said he was going to the island to be safe. maybe that's what i was looking for. no. harold was going to the island to escape.
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let me show you. come with me. (door clicks open) (ed exhales heavily) it hurts to do your job. it hurts to take a life. it hurts to be the one who stands on a rooftop - or a boat - and kills. even when it's right, it hurts. so you can quit your job, stop talking to your son, or run away from it all like my father, or harold, but none of that is gonna help you face the one thing you're actually running away from. (breathing hard) so the questiois, ed,
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(gunshot blasts) (breathing hard) (multiple gunshots) how? how do i face that? (mournful piano piece plays) unshot blasts) (sobs) she was eighteen... she was eighteen. she had her whole... she had her whole life ahead of her. i took it. i took it! (sobbing) i took it... she was... eighteen years old. she had her whole life ahead of her and i took it. how can i face that?
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you know what i see when i look in your eye? (sobbing) dr. bell: i see a cop, a father, a hero, a man. i'd be worried about you if you didn't feel like this. i'd be worried about you if you didn't come to see me today. but i'm not. you're gonna be okay. just remember, ed, the job is black and white, but how you feel isn't. that's... that's okay? yeah... that's okay. i've stood on so many of these rooftops. dr. bell: you want your son to look you in the eye, you need to tell him how it is.
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yeah, there's a few people i think i need to talk to.
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(piano music stops when clark stops) sorry, i can do this later. ed: no. it's okay. don't stop. it's beautiful. (chuckles softly)
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for lifelock, the best identity-theft protection available. identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. >> i started getting phone calls from credit collection companies. "you've opened an account here and here and here." they wanted payment. and it was payment for things that i did not do. >> i was hit with 12 different cases of identity theft within three days. how did somebody get ahold of my identity and become me? >> you see those movies about identity theft and, you know, someone living an alternate life and taking over, and i was scared. she had my home address, she had
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social security number, and she was able to make a purchase for $8,000. >> someone got ahold of my driver's license number and obtained tickets pretending to be me, giving my infortion to the police officer. my employer told me that i had seven days to clear it up or i would be unemployed. i had to prove that i was innocent because, to them, i'm looking guilty as if i have something to hide. >> in my early days with the fbi, the crooks would go into a bank with sunglasses and a hat, rob the bank, they'd probably get caught, face 10 years in prison. now they steal our identities. >> announcer: 1 in 4 people have experienced identity theft. your age and your income don't matter to identity thieves. just having a social security number makes you a target. >> crime is changing. criminals have moved into ber crime because they know the risk's low to them and the payoff is much higher. >> announcer: over 100 million americans have had their personal data exposed, and
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fraud every 2 seconds. >> we're all vulnerable to identity theft, unfortunately. for savvy consumers who really want to safeguard their overall financial wellbeing, you have to be proactive and take steps to guard against this problem. >> announcer: in the digital age, our information is everywhere, making us all more vulnerable to identity theft. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. >> it was a very empowering experience for me to have lifelock on my side. >> they're hping protect my accounts and my social security number. >> lifelock made it so i can go back to my life. >> i feel safe. lifelock's there. >> i don't need to worry about this now. i can't tell you how happy that made me. >> announcer: stay tuned and meet top experts in the field of identity theft. learn some of the tricks identity thieves do to steal your personal information. >> so this is how easy it is to skim this card. >> announcer: and learn more about how lifelock detects fraud
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identity theft. >> detecting fraud is a lot like squeezing jell-o. as soon as you stop it at one place, it squirts out somewhere else. and we've really devoted the last decade of our research specifically to identity fraud protection. >> announcer: find out more about what a lifelock membership means to you and meet some of the lifelock identity protection agents ready to answer your questions, to help resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch over your private information. >> you have thishole team of people on your side, and you know that you don't have to go it alone. i don't know what i would have done without lifelock. >> when i first got the alert from lifelock, my reaction was actually, "ha ha, i got you." since i'd been alerted and lifelock was helping me resolve the issue, whoever was doing that wasn't going to be able to benefit. >> i was a victim of identity theft, and it wasn't f. i was on my own. i had no idea what to do. d it was a terrible feeling. but it wasn't as bad as when it happened to my daughter, who was
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somebody had stole her social security number. i was furious. i was concerned about her future. and so i contacted lifelock because i had heard about them. i looked into what they offer, and it was the best thing i ever did. >> announcer: now let's join lifelock member tom jourden to learn more about identity theft, the fastest growing crime in america. with tom is former fbi agent and renowned speaker jeff lanza, an expert in fraud, cyber crime, and identity theft. >> jeff, thanks for being here. >> you're welcome. >> you know, 10 years ago, i didn't even think about identity theft, but then, unfortunately, i became a victim. and now we hear that it's the fastest growing crime in america. why is that? >> a couple of reasons why it's the fastest growing crime in america -- number one, it's easy to commit, and the bad guys know that. the send reason is, it's very lucrative. so once they get your information, especially your social security number, then it's easy to convert that into
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information. and once that happens, the victim is left with a lot of problems. >> i think most people think if they have a problem, their bank or credit card company will just take care of it for them, right? >> well, it depends on what the problem is. if the problem is credit card fraud, someone used your existing credit card number or cloned your card, yeah, the bank will take care of that. but that's just one part of the probm of identity theft. there's a much broader problem, and that is when someone steals your identity entirely. they've got your i.d., they've got your social security number, they apply for these accounts in your name. you don't even know it's happening. you may not figure it out until you get a call from a bill collector, a credit card company that says you're past due on a credit card that you don't even know you had. >> so when you're on your own, you're kind of just blind that this is happening 'cause there no one out there looking out for you. >> that's exactly right. you know, we have our jobs, we have our family, we have our life. do you want to take hours out of your day, maybe for days and weeks at a time, to try to figure out how to correct the caused? if you were gonna do all that, i don't know how much time it
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you don't have the technology to do that. >> so, in general, the advice you would give -- what can we do to protect ourselves? >> the earlier identity theft gets detected, the sooner you can address the issues and stop it from getting worse, and that's where lifelock comes in. they deal with this every day. >> when jenniferearned a fraudulent account was opened in her name, she thought she could easily deal with it on her own. >> so here i am trying to call and prove that i'm the real jennifer, and they just don't believe me. i probably talked to six or seven people. each time i'd have to repeat my story. "i did not sign up for this credit card. i don't owe you any money." that person says, "well, i can't help you, but let me transfer you to this person," and it's just so aggravating. it's like, "just send me to the right person." i almost got to the point where i was like, "let me pay for this $400 and just close the account and let's be done," but the thing is, there were other credit cards out there. you just don't know how deep it goes. when my lifelock agent got involved, somehow she knew exactly who to talk to.
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she knew exactly who to talk to. and she helped me take care of it. >> we work, shop, even pay bills almost anywhere. it's great, but it can also make us more vulnerable to identity theft. jim stickley is paid to think like a hacker. he's been featured on investigative reports revealing where we're the most vulnerable to cyber crime. >> no one thinks they're gonna fall victim to identity theft, but check this out. in a caf\ like this, you know, people have this idea that they're safe when they're online. they feel it's being provided by the local caf\ here, so it should be safe. the reality is, though, that something like this -- this is a wi-fi device -- can be brought to a local caf\, set up right here in front of people without them even knowing it, and instead of them connecting to the wi-fi in the organization, they'll be connecting to this wi-fi device instead. what if they type in login credentials? i've got them. if they type in a password, i've got it. if they type in credit card information, i'll get that, as well. all of this information can be captured by the criminal, and
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information to commit identity theft. i do these scams to show people what's going on out there. criminals are continually finding new ways to rip people off. and the bottom line is, you need somebody in your court. that's why lifelock makes so much sense. >> these real lifelock members all volunteered to share their experience in this show. stay tuned to hear more true stories, learn more about how identity thieves work, and find out how lifelock can help protect your identity. >> announcer: identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you bank or shop online, haveealth insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information control. just detecting the problem is not enough. how do you resolve an issue if you have one?
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we have someone in our corner to help fight that fight. >> aouncer: a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection services, including 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee.
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comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restotion specialists, the $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protecti starts immediately. use promo code "free" to get the first month of your lifelock membership free. as an extra bonus, call right now and get this document shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift. so don't wait until someone uses your identity for their benefit.
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you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get your first month free, and a free shredder th annual membership. join now. protection starts in minutes. >> so, you might think that your credit card is safe if it never leaves your sight, but the reality is, in the wrong hands, all it takes is a second for it to be stolen. that'll be $7.49. >> great. >> skimming is when a criminal will take your credit card and they'll run it through a device... so, this is how easy it is to skim this card. sorry about that. ...and then that device is gonna record everything that was on your card. they can then use that
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online or even make their own credit cards to make purchases in the next store they go to. i do these scams to show people what's going on out there. criminals are continually finding new ways to rip people off. >> it's something that's out of control. i can't protect my identity all do. bad people are gonna get your information whether you want them to or not. i have really a teammate in felock knowing that they're keeping an eye out for things, things that i couldn't do self, and having them on my side, and it really is that [sighs] i can just relax and take one worry off my plate. >> the technology behind cyb crime is extensive, but what about lifelock's technology to protect you? well, dr. stephen coggeshall, lifelock's chief analytics and science officer, is here to explain how lifelock's proprietary technology is helping fight identity fraud. dr. coggeshall, thanks for being here. >> my pleare. >> tell me about lifelock's proprietary technology.
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and what we do is really cool. we go to our more than a trillion data elements in our data bank. we'll look at all the other things it's connected to in the world, all the other applications we see, we look at what's going on at the address, has anybody else used th social security number, is there something strange about that e-mail? and we gather all that information together and put it through some pretty complicated mathematical formulas, a we come up with a probability score, the likelihood that that's a fraud attempt. >> and then you alert me as a lifelock customer if you see something out of the ordinary? >> that's correct. if a member gets an alert, they have the opportunity to say, "oh, yeah, that's me." t if it's not them, if they're sitting home watching tv and they get one of these alerts, they c press a button and contact lifelock, and we start the process of shutting that fraud attempt down. lifelock started from the very beginning specifically to protect our members from identity fraud. that's our reason for existence. >> my cellphone goes off at st past 6:00 a.m. and it's a text alert from lifelock. someone attempted to use my name and social security number to
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they filled out an application online with a $10,000 limit. lifelock caught it, notified me, and we were able to stop that credit card from ever being issued because we caught it early enough in the processing phase. >> when your identity's been stolen, you want a knowledgeable, trusted friend on your side to get you out of the mess, and this is the big difference between monitoring your own credit and lifelock. a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of identity-protection agents ready to watch for threats to your identity, to answer your questions, and to help resolve identity-theft problems. lifelock members like me get a dedicated agent based right here in the u.s. to help resolve any threats to yououidentity. meet identity-protection agents daniel, pua, and sarah. they're part of a team of agents who address identity threats and help lifelock members if an identity theft occurs. what happens when a member gets an alert? i mean, when do you get involved, and how does that work? >> once our members notify us
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believe it's identity theft, is when we get started. then you'll speak to somebody like me, and i'll call you and i'll assist you through the whole process. >> we know who to call, what documents are needed, and we get it done much quicker than a member ever could on their own. >> i know the questions to ask, i know the people to talk to, i know the numbers to call, and i can make it just so much easier for you. and i'm also willing to stay on hold for you if you need. >> wait a minute. say that again? >> yeah, i'm willing to stay on hold as longs it takes on your behalf if necessary. >> 'cause that is the worst part -- staying on hold. >> it is. [ chuckles ] but i'm happy to do it. >> you're happy to do it? >> yes. i am. >> now, sarah, i know that you are a veteran. you, i assume, work with a lot of veterans and people in the armed services. >> i do. up until a couple years ago, social security number was on identification cards. it's sad that people fighting for our country have to worry about that, but we are more than happy to help and see them through it, to carry the burden,
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the mission, and that's why i love what we do. >> and when you go home, sarah, at the end of the day, what makes you say, "that was a good day"? >> i love when i close a case. i love it. and every time i close one and i can't wait to call my member, it really is just gratifying knowing that taking the burden and helping them through the process and being able to make that phone call, "hey, your case is closed" is priceless. i love it. >> what's impressed me most about lifelock is they're also gonna be there to help you afterwards if something happens. the credit monitoring agencies, they're just gonna go, "no, you had an iue. it's on you." whereas lifelock says, "let us help you." >> every single time the lifelock agent, if we've had to stay on the phone too long with the other company, the agent will always say, "let me take this, angela. i'll call you back when i get them back." and i just feel like they respected my time and me. >> they know everything that there's no way i could know. i don't have to think about,
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i turn it over to lifelock, and they'll help me. >> announcer: identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you bank or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information is out tre out of your control. just detecting the problem is not enough. how do you resolve an issue if you have one? >> i signed up for lifelock. we have someone in our corner to help fight that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. the minute you become a lifelock
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members-only protection services, including 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee. >> every lifelock membership comes wi a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, whenou call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 accesso u.s.-based identity-protection agents, proprietary lifelock
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lifelock restoration specialists, the $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "free" to get the first month of your lifelock membership free. as an extra bonus, call right now and get this document shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift. so don't wait until someone uses your identity for their benefit. get your first month free when you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get your first month free, and a free shredder with annual membership.
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protection starts in minutes. >> nearly 50% of american adults have been affected by data breaches. if you're notified of a breach, you're nearly 6 times more likely to be a victim of identity fraud than those who are not notified. and once your information is out there, it's out of your control. that's why you need protection. >> you know, i've always heard of these data breaches at retailers. you always think it doesn't happen to you. and it did. my information, as well as that of many others, had been breached during a christmas shopping season by this major retailer. and that's when i said, "i have to protect my family." i called lifelock. it was so simple, and i actually was kicking myself that i didn't do it earlier. sometimes i even like hearing the ding, knowing there's an alert. lifelock makes me feel safe knowing someone is concerned about my future and that of my children. >> you know, jeff, last time i s part of a data breach, i got
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identity-theft protection. i mean, what do you think about that from the company that just got breached? >> well, by the time you got the letter, it's already days or weeks have gone by since the company even realized it happened, and they don't usually realize it's happened until well after the breach has occurred. so the point is, it's too late. i mean, you've already had your information out there. it could already be a big problem. the point of identity-theft protection is being proactive. that's what lifelock does. it helps you figure out if someone's trying to steal your identity, and then if it does happen, they help to resolve it. >> i went to the doctor, and they told me -- i got a letter that there was a breach and that my information may have been compromised. i was very relieved that i had already signed up for lifelock. >> so, here's one scam that criminals will do. they'll buy an 800 phone number, which will actually forwarto their cellphone, and then they'll call up and leave a voicemail to you telling you there's a problem with your banking account. they'll leave that 800 number in hopes that you'll call them back. so you should have received a
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so, once they answer the phone, the first thing they're gonna want to do is they're gonna want to verify that you are who you say you are. for security purposes, i just need to verify your social security number. people are very used to that, so they'll say, "sure, my social security number is" whatever it is, and just like that, they have that before people even have a chance to think, "maybe i shouldn't have given that out." yeah, no problem at all. you have a great day. thank you. bye-bye. and just like thatwe have her social security number. >> protecting your identity is a smart financial move. personal finance expert, best-selling author, and journalist lynnette khalfani-cox helps her clients with their financial portfolios. here's what she had to say about identity-theft protection. >> you might be doing a lot of things right. you might be saving, planning for the future, investing. all of those things are great. but if you haven't taken time to protect yourself against the risks that are out there, the very real risk of identity theft, then you haven't really secured your family's finances in a way that's smart.
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your financial wellbeing because it not only affects your credit rating and impacts your ability to get loans, it could also hamper you in everyday life, and doing things like renting an apartment, getting a mortgage, or even getting a job that you might need. the people who get financial help for any aspect of their lives, whether it's taxes, whether it's managing credit card debt, whether it's planning for retirement, they actually tend to do a lot better in reaching their goals, and likewise, the people who have expert help to deal with the problem of identity theft, those folks also fare so much better because they have a team of experts who know the groundwork, who know what to do in a way that the typical person just doesn't know. lifelock helps alert you about potential identity-theft problems, and that early alert is crucial because you can take action and do something immediately to prevent the problem from getting worse. >> i've been a lifelock memb
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imagine being without lifelock any more than i can imagine racing down a highway without a seatbelt. i mean, if somebody breaks into your house, you can get a new lock. if your car is ston, you can get a new car. but you only have one identity. you're not gonna be able to replace it. so protect it with the best. >> when your identity is stolen, you just feel so violated and just so helpless. but knowing that you have lifelock, it just -- you have this whole team of people on your side, and you know that you don'have to go it alone. >> we feel protected, and we feel like there's almost like a blanket of security around us. >> it's just really great to know that they are there and we can call on them whenever we need it. >> i would compare lifelock to having that big older brother walking side by side with you on the first day of school so that everyone knows "don't mess with him." >> choosing lifelock to protect our identity was one of the best
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>> this is financial protection that you can't afford not to have. it's kind of like the people who say to me, "uh, i'm too cash-strapped and i can't afford to save." i say, "you can't ford not to save." likewise, you can't afford not to protect your credit hlth and your identity. >> the value of lifelock to me -- it's priceless. what's the value of your credit? what's the value of your family's credit? >> i've been attacked seven times since 2011. and each time, lifelock was there to help me. i'm gonna a lifelock member for life. >> what is more important than making sure the only you out there is you? >> announcer: identy theft is the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you bank or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information
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control. just detecting the problem is not enough. w do you resolve an issue if you have one? >> i signed up for lifelock. we have someone in our corner to help fight that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to kp watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection services, including 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with eerience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case
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and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee. >> every lifelock membership comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access t u.s.-based identity-protection agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restoration specialists, t $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "free" to get the first month of your lifelock membership free. as an extra bonus, call right
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shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift. so don't wait until someone uses ur identity for their benefit. get your first month free when you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get your first month free, and a free shredder with annual membership. join now. protection starts in minutes. the preceding was a paid presentation for lifelock. they said a bottle was just a bottle. that no one would ever notice me.
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that one day, i would make people smile.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for cize, brought to you by beachbody. this is the end of exercise. >> get ready to cize it up. [ beat drops ] [ people cheering ] are you ready to dce? 5, 6, 7, 8! >> on my way in i'ma take it >> stop exercising, people. it's time to start dancing. welcome to cize. >> announcer: cize is the all-new dance workout program that's gonna make losing weight fun and easy. >> to me, it's not even exercise because i don't want to stop. >> announcer: it's simple -- dance, have fun, and get awesome results. >> it's just like one big party turns on. it's so empowering.
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torturous exercises. cize, 45 pounds down easy. >> it's just fun. i think that that's the key, is that it doesn't feel like work. ha to do. do. you won't believe what 30 days of cize will do for you. >> i feel the love >> it doesn't matter how old you lose. it's the first program for everyone. >> announcer: shaun choreographs six routines, and breaks them down so you can go at your own pace while still getng an awesome workout. >> i'ma break it down for you step by step. every movement in cize, you've done before. >> he relates everything to everyday life, like putting a sock on. >> you go to put a pair of socks on. that's all you're doing. sock on, sock on, swing, and clap. boom. >> shaun t. dance results, like, you can't get anything better than that. >> you're gonna be so focused on learning the choreography, before you know it, you'll be drenched in sweat. >> after each and every cize routine, i was drenched. >> literally sweat my butt off
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didn't feel like work because it was so enjoyable. >> i feel the love >> with cize, it's like a celebration. you don't realize that it's a workout. >> this is the end of exercise. but trust and believe, you will lose the weight. >> i push the couch aside, i crank up the volume, and i just dance. >> cize is it. you dance. you get results. >> being 52 and losing 62 pounds is shocking for me. i did not think i would lose this much weight dancing. >> everything i'd done in the past didn't work. cize didn't feel like exercise at all. i'm in my living room just having a dance party. >> where i am now, i've lost 74 pounds, and i'm definitely gonna keep cizing it u >> it's time to start dancing. no push-ups, no power jumps. this is the end of exercise. >> i'm feeling the love >> announcer: so keep watching to see why millions of people are saying goodbye to exercise and hello to losing weight the fun way with cize. >> i'm not going back to to. >> i finally found a program that i can do in my house, and it showed results.
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>> announcer: and also learn how you can try cize in your home risk-free fo30 days. >> once somebody does cize, they're gonna want to keep doing it. i don't want to stop. it's so much fun. i'm addicted to cize. >> stop exercising and start dancing. welcome to cize. >> time to make you sweat time to clap [ shatters ] >> when i first heard about cize, i needed to do something new and get my mind off of the weight loss, because it was so consuming that i couldn't even focus on anything else. and so this was my saving grace. >> are y'all ready? let's get it! >> ready to cize it up? >> whoo! >> i just wanted to get all the movements perfect. i know that's why i did lose the weight, is because i wasn't focused on losing weight. oh, god. [ gasps ] i've always been on the obese side of the scale. i lost 40 pounds in 90 days and completely transformed my body. if it wasn't for cize, definitely just would've been still looking at the tv screen, thinking, "man i wish that could be me."
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my life. there's nobody else i would ratherearn from than shaun, because he looks so amazing. but then you realize he's gonna teach you to look the exact same way. >> well, ladies and gentlemen, the man who is gonna make dancing accessible to millions of people, shaun t.! [ cheers and applause ] >> what was amazing about developing cize is that i walk into this program already believing everyone can dance. >> not being a dancer, i'm like, that." and then i'm smiling at the end 'cause i was able to do that. >> i was a little intimidad, but the way shaun breaks things down, by the end of the workout, i am totally doing it. it really is for everyone. all ages, all shapes, all sizes, all levels of dance and non-dance. >> you might be sitting there, thinking, "there's no way i can dance like this," or, "i've been sitting on this couch for so long." cize is that something that you can do. you're not being judged. you're having a good time. like, it's easy because you're gonna love it. >> i've learned six dances. the way that the movements are broken down is not that they're
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>> i shoot the ball. i shoot the ball. basketball. boom. all you're doing is walking. i always say if you can walk, you can dance. >> he would start with just the footwork. then he would add the arms. >> i'ma add some arms. take your arms up when you move this way. >> and then he would add some, like, flavor to it. >> and you can even lift that back leg a little bit as you move. >> you know, you're at home. dance like nobody's watching, 'cause nobody is watching. >> right. drink. again. >> it truly is the end of exercise for people as they know it. >> if i can dancand sweat and work out at the same time, especially while i'm at home -- that's the best part. >> over the past 30 days, i ended up losing 21 pounds. i didn even know i had 21 pounds to lose, but it just, like, kept melting off, and i was having fun doing it. >> i have a weight-loss goal. 10 to 15 pounds? i lost 30 pounds and 20 inches cizing it up. who does not want toork out and actually lose weight and actually have fun? my daughter would even cize it up with me. i feel like a sexy mom. >> i'm hoping to lose out 20
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i never considered that 36 pounds would be what i lost. i push the couch aside, i push the coffee table aside, i crank up the volume, and i just dance. >> get ready to cize it up. 5, 6! come on! and when you cize it up, that music comes on, you have to be, like, "i'm the [bleep]" like, "i'm the star right now." >> it feels like that's showtime. all eyes are on me. and magic happens in the living room. >> your living room is your stage, and you have to danceor your life. >> i'm out of breath. >> then at the end, he cizes it up, and he puts on the song. and i'm just like, "that's it! whoo!" i'm just going off. i lose myself in the music. >> when people talk about cize, they're like, "it's so fun. i learned this routine." and the last thing they talk lost. >> cize it up! >> that just happened. >> when i first started cize, i didn't believe in it. i've been a big kid my entire life. when i lost 19 pounds over 30 days just from dancing every morning, that was beyond my
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>> i've always struggled with my weight, and then i found cize. with cize, it felt like a reward. i did not do one push-up. this is dance. i think, for me, the results were better because i was having fun. >> there are people out there who are overweight, and they're looking for that one thing that they can do to get them started. with rachel specifically, this is something that started her journey. >> i have been overweight my entire life. when you're overweight, people see you differently. they don't see the person that's on the inside. what appealed to me about the cize program is that i could exercise and dance at the same time. because, you know, working out and getting a m membership, it's expensive. so, i'm excited to just work out and have fun, because the weight has always held me back. the first 30 days of cize have been a whirlwind. i lost 22 pounds. i am definitely continuing to cize it up. [ laughs ] i just completed three months of cize, and i have lost 57 pounds.
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it obviously is working. >> i am 74 pounds down, and i feel like a different person from inside and out. i couldn't be happier. cize worked for me because it freed my mind. i wasn't thinking about the scale. i was dancing. so i lost e weight faster. when i was at my highest weight, i was so limited to what i could wear. i was a size 20 dress, and i'm a size 10 now. i never thought that i would lose 74 pounds in such a short amount of time. to everyone that has a lot of weight to lose, i was one of those people. i didn't think i could do it, because it's hard when you have that much weight to move. you have to believe in yourself. cize will help you do it. if i hadn't found cize, i would still be trying to figure out why i couldn'take a commitment to myself. i saw cize and was like, "there'sothing to lose." except 74 pounds! [ laughs ] >> announcer: if you're tired of your boring cardio and strenuous workouts, then stop exercising
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end of exercise, and finally look forward to your workouts. >> i love it. i get so excited to work out and to dance every morning. >> announcer: in 30 days, you'll learn to dance to six awesome routines, and the weight is gonna fall off. >> i'm working out, and i don't even realize it. the dvd's over and i'm like, "okay, when can i do the next one?" >> announcer: you start with "crazy 8's." shaun teaches you his 8 signature moves in less than 30 minutes, and then you put it all together and get sweaty to "hands in the air." then you move on to "you got this," burning more calories as you cize it up to the song "treasure." >> that is what you are >> announcer: before you know it, the pounds will melt away as you continue to "full out," set >> it's nonstop. you get that cardio in without even realizing it, 'cause you're going all the time. >> announcer: and "in the pocket," set to "problem." >> there's a lot of energy inlved, a lot of attitude in that one. >> announcer: with the fifth routine, shaun changes up the style and pace with "go for it." you'll be drenched as you dance to this classic hip-hop track, "pass that dutch." and then you'll complete your 30-day weight-loss journey with "livin' in the 8s," a total-bo
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to the grammy-nominated song "chandelier." >> i felt like i was onstage. i felt like i had an audience. my head was back, my hair was going, my arms were up. >> announcer: and to help you get the best results out of the program, shaun is including four free bonuses -- you get the cize dance calendars that show you which routine to do each day. the good news is that this is the one weight-loss program you'll look forward to doing every day. you get the cize guidebook, which helps you track your progress and walks you through the program step by step. and accelerate your weight loss with "eat up!," a perfectly-portioned, easy-to-follow weight-loss guide that lets you eat all the foods you love and still get great results. >> the "eat up!" guide w a very important tool to my weight loss. it retrained me how to eat. i lost 30 pounds cizing it up. >> announcer: you also get "8-count abs," a choreographed ab routine to "headsprung." >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. i've never had that. >> announcer: imagine learning w to dance and losing weight right in your living room, not to mention actually having fun while doing it. that means no more gym
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workouts. just dancing with shaun t. and watching the pounds melt away. >> i lost 55 pounds. i look forward to cize every day. >> announcer: so pick up the phone and start dancing with cize, and get all six easy-to-follow dance routines and all the additional tools you see here for just four low payments of $19.95. but wait! when you're one of the first 500 callers, shaun will include these two awesome gifts for free. shaun preaches living your life, not sacrifice. so you get his "weekend survival guide," filled with tips on what to eat and drink when you go out on the town without sabotaging your results. and jump-start your results with the "7-day cize down." it's designeto help you lose weight a little faster. >> eight pounds! >> whoo! >> announcer: that's right, you get the entire cize program and these awesome gifts from shaun, a $450 value, for just four low payments of $19.95. but hold on, because this offer is about to get better. when you call in the next 18 minutes, we're gonna take one whole payment off the price. that means the complete cize
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three low payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one dance class with shaun. >> for 60 bucks, to get this result is a steal. >> announcer: and if you're not on the phone ordering yet, check this out. cize comes with a a full 30-day money-back guarantee. that's right -- try cize for 30 days, and we'll even let you finish the entire program, and if at any point it feelsike exercise or you don't lose the weight you want, just send it back for a full refu of the purchase price, no questions asked. but you can keep these gifts from shaun just for ying, so there is nothing to lose. >> even people who never danced before, i'm like, "thejust need to try this." >> announcer: and we want to make sure you succeed in all of your goals, so we're also including unlimited online support, where shaun gives you the answers to all of your questions, and even get a free coach to help keep you on track. you'll instantly become part of the cize community for all the support and motivation you need. and we know you're excited to get started, so now you don't have to wait two to three weeks for your product to arrive. call now and we'll also upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 value free, so you can start cizing it up in three to six business days, guaranteed.
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before-and-after photo and we'll send you this awesome "cize it up" tank top for free. >> i'm about to launch the biggest dance program ever -- cize. >> announcer: millns of people have been waiting for cize, and now it's finally here. but demand has been crazy, so don't wait. call now and get yours, because cize is gonna be hard to keep in stoc and when you call, be sure to ask your operator how you can stream all your cize routines to any laptop, tablet, or phone for free. that means you'll be able to cize it up whereveand whenever. but you must order through this special tv offer. it's time to lose weight and get in shape the fun way. please be patient if our phone lines are busy, or go online to take advantage of this $450 value for just three payments of $19.95. >> i created this program because i just want people to move, and not think about the
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one thing that is important that people need to know out there is that in this show, they're gonna see a test group of people that went through so many different emotions and feelings abo the program. but all of them have one thing in common -- they had to start. this is not an exercise class. yes, we're gonna lose weight. yes, we're gonna burn calories. yes, you're gonna sweat. but it's called cize, the end of exercise, because we are throwing exercise away, and we are gonna live. because the pounds that you lose are going to not only look good on you, but you're gonna feel like an enhanced version of you. >> my first 30 days of cize, i feel completely in a dream. you know, i'm 48 years old, never taken any dance lessons. i realized that in dance, thers no judgment. usually when you do other programs, you're so obsessed with the scale. this was just, like, showing up, having fun. and you're like, "oh! oh, i've lost weight?" i didn't even realize i lost that much weight. 13 pounds, that's amazing. and i was just dancing.
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they want to do it, and it becomes this big family affair. >> and when we say "cize," it's not about a 2/4 or 11/12 or a size-34 waist. it's aboutiving in the size that you have now so you can down. >> i am excited for cize, and i would like to lose around 15 to 20 pounds. i've never lost 42 pounds. i've tried a bunch of differt programs. i was at the gym, i was lifting weights, and nothing just seemed to work. i was stuck at a same weight. cize came along, and i didn't have to worry about "how many push-ups am i gonna do?" or "how many burpees am i gonna do?" i could just move. >> you have to get in it. go for it. i know you're tired, but that's the time when you can really live. come on. >> i've belonged to gyms. i've bought multiple programs. so, for the price that cize is, you're getting so much more. the home-based workout, and cize is just so easy to fit into my hedule. >> three months ago, i wasn't determined, i wasn't confident, i wasn't doing what i liked. burpees, doing mountain
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who could do that at 205 pounds? cize worked because it was a dance routine that was easy to do. but i didn't know at the end i would be 45 pounds lighter. i'm about to be a grandmother. [ laughs ] and i'm gonna be a hip grandma. >> if you home, dance it out. come on! come on! if i can go and dance and, like, have fun while i work out, yes. you can have fun while you work out. >> i pop in that dvd and start dancing away and give that hour to me. and i feel very sexy. >> it's time to live, y'all. hey! when you're waking up to do something you love every single day, why do you need to go step on a scale? because that's why people step on a scale. they're like, "i'm gonna step on a scale right now, and thiis gonna be the start of my day." but what happens if you start your day bjust moving and not worrying about the scale? >> my name is marcey, and i want to lose 50 pounds. i don't like working out, so
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insanity, when i did t25, it was so hard. i didn't stick with it. i know doing the dance workout is not gonna feel like a workout. this is perfect for me. and my goal is i will be able to fit into this jumpsuit by the summertime. before i started cize, i tried to lose weight plenty of times. i've done different programs. i wasn't satisfied because i don't like working out. until cize came in. i'm cizing it up. here we go. i don't look at it as exercise. it was just like getting up and i'm going to a party, and i'm gonna hang out with shaun, and we're gonna dance and do these routines. and i just ft so alive. i didn't realize how much the weight was just coming off so easily and so fast because i was enjoying what i was doing. being 52 and losing 62 pounds and 72 inches is shocking for me. i feel like i shaved 20 years
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for 60 bucks, to get this result is a steal. i got my mojo back. i can go out now and feemore confident. for those women out there in your 50s and up that let weight hold you back from life... get your life back. 'cause i got mine. >> stop exercising, people. it's time to start dancing. lcome to cize. >> announcer: cize is the all-new dance workout program at's going to get you moving and losing weight. >> it truly is the end of exercise. i have so ch fun. >> announcer: dance, have fun, and lose weight right at home with six awesome dance routines all set to the hottest music on the radio. >> "crazy 8's," "hands in the air," is a very simple structure, where you kind of get your body comfortable, and they're movements you're gonna see throughout the entire program. then you move on to "you got this." "treasure" is one of those songs, it's like this little groove. you're gonna love it. and then you go to "full out," which is the song "lose my breath." when the drums come into that
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it's about to go off. and then "in the pocket," but i'm actually making the choreography faster and more intricate. ba-boom, boom, boom and then, by the time you get to "go for it" and it's "pass that dutch," now you're like, "okay. i can dance fast, and now i'm hitting it." once you get to "chandelier" on "livin' in the 8's" and i slow the choreography dow and you have to live in the choreography a little longer, you're working your muscles in a different way. you have to milk the moves. i love it. >> announcer: and you may want to call now, because cize also comes with four free bonuses. you get the cize dance calendars, the "get started" guide, "eat up!" guide, and "8-count abs." cize gives you everything you need to lose the weight right at home, all for just three payments of only $19.95. >> for only $60, you couldn't even go to a couple dance classes for that. >> you have a dance instructor, one of the best, in your living room every day teaching you the steps. the value incredible. >> announcer: and since cize comes with a full 30-day
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complete the full program. and if this isn't the most fun you've ever had losing weight, send it back, and we will refund your money, no questions asked. but wait! call now and we'll upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 value for free, so y can start dancing in three to six business days, guaranteed. >> from the dvds to the "eat up!" guide, there are so many tools and resources in the program that allowed me to have the results that i had. cize is the end of exercise. >> announcer: and when you call, be sure to ask your operator how routines for free. cize is not sold in stores, so you must pick up the phone or go online now to get everything you see here for just three low payments of $19.95. >> initially, when i saw the commercials for cize, i was like, "oh, here we go. another dance thing." and i realized that inner voice
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insecurity, because i really have it ingrained in me that i can't dance. oh, snap. the thing that i'm most drawn to about it is the idea of having fun. i thought that maybe it was time to be in love with working out. you really can't compare cize to working out, because for me they're not even the same thing anymore. i'm not going back to exercising the way that i used to. >> continue to cize it up and do the best that you can do. >> you know, iidn't go into this like, "wow, i can't wait to lose all this weight i've been carrying." i came into it 'cause i wanted to learn how to dance. so, for me, the weight loss was the byproduct. in 30 days, i lost 21 pounds. i wasn't stressed about if was working hard enough or fast enough. i just had fun. i have never felt better in my entire life. and it just keeps getting better. >> when i hear the word exercise, i think hard-core work.
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>> gym memberships and machines. >> the gym is a little intimidating. >> burpees, doing mountain climbers. who could do that at 205 pounds? >> stop exercising, people. it's time to start dancing. welcome to cize. >> cize is not exercise. >> the feeling good happened right at the beginning of the workout. >> the dvd's over and i'm like, "okay, when can i do the next one?" >> it's dancing. it's fun. it's like having a party. and i don't think i've ever felt this good in my life. >> i'm gonna be dancing for the rest of my life, because this is what gave me this body. 44 pounds at age 44. i know for a fact i really don't look my age now, and i'm proud of that, too. 'bout to cize it up. whoo! it's just fun. that's the key, is that it's really, really fun. it doesn't feel like work. >> it had been a while since i had danced when i went to cize, being miss america and going to the transition out of miss america and gaining weight and feeling lost in general. with cize, i feel like i got back to who i am. i lost 15 pounds. >> i haven't danced for 20
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to be able to bring this part of my life back, i feel inside like i've been renewed. >> no push-ups and no power jumps. this is the end of exercise. >> no weights, no push-ups. this program is where it's at. >> shaun t. dance sults, you can't get anything better than that. >> in cize, i always look forward to the next day, which is messed up. [ laughs ] >> that's what cize does. your body doesn't have a choice but to burn the calories and to tone up. and you're not worried about the weight, because when you move, the weight's gonna come off. it's just that simple. >> before cize, i was 308 pounds. i really wasn't comfortable in my skin. i was even considering weight-loss surgery at one point. but thank god i didn't go that route, because cize was really the answer for me. ideally, i'd like to get rid of my stomach, tighten up my chest. to date, with cize, i've lost 62 pounds. it's an amazing thing for me. it's because i was doing somethinthat i really enjoyed, something that was fun. that's something that really baffles people.
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gym doing all kinds of crazy workouts, but i've been dancing, and i' been having the time of my life. the amount of money that was spent on cize is so much less than an unused gym membership. oh, my goodness. that person is unhappy. this is what 62 pounds looks like on me. i don't want to look like that anymore. i'ma continue to cize it up. >> announcer: if you're tired of your boring cardio and strenuous workouts, then stop exercising and start dancing with cize, the end of exercise, and finally look forward to your workouts. in 30 days, you'll learn to dance to six awesome routines, and the weight is gonna fall off. >> i finally found a program i can do in my house, and it showed results. >> announcer: you start with "crazy 8's." shaun teaches you his 8 signature moves in less than 30 minutes, and then you put it all together and get sweaty to "hands in the air." then you move on to "you got this," burning more calories as you cize it up to the song "treasure." >> that is what you are
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it, the pounds will melt away as you continue to "full out," set to "lose my breath." and then you're ready for "in the pocket," and you'll cize it up to "problem." for the fifth routine, shaun changes up the style and pace with "go for it." >> it's kind of like, if you were in a dance battle, you could use "pass that dutch" and beat anybody. >> announcer: and then you'll complete your 30-day weight-loss journey with "livin' in the 8s." >> i feel like i'm actually in a music video, so i'm like, "yes!" >> announcer: and to help you get the best results out of the program, shaun is including four free bonuses -- you get the cize dance calendars that show you which routine to do each day. you get the cize guidebook, which helps you track your progress and walks you through the program step by step. and accelerate your weight loss with "eat up!," a perfectly-portioned, easy-to-follow weight-loss guide that lets you eat all the foods you love and still get great results. >> it's all completely portioned out for you. as long as you follow that "eat up!" guide, you will see results. i have lost 74 pounds. >> announcer: you also get "8-count abs," a choreographed ab routine to "headsprung."
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never had before, and i feel awesome. >> announcer: so pick up the phone and start dancing with cize, and get all six easy-to-follow dance routines and all the additional tools you see here for just four low payments of $19.95. but wait! when you're one of the first 500 callers, shaun wl include these two awesome gifts for free. the "weekend survival guide" is filled wittips on what to eat and drink when you go out on the town without sabotaging your results. and jump-start your weight loss with the "7-day cize down" for faster results in your first week. >> eight pounds! >> whoo! >> announcer: that's right, you get the entire cize program and these awesome gifts from shaun, a $450 value, for just four low payments of $19.95. but hold on, because this offer is about to get better. when you call in the next 8 minutes, we're gna take one whole payment off the price. that means the complete cize program can be yours for only three low payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one dance class with shaun. >> for 60 bucks, to get this result is a steal.
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with a full 30-day money-back guarantee. try cize for 30 days, and we'll even let you finish the entire program, and if at any point it feels like exercise or you don't lose the weight you want, just send it ba for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. but you can keep these gifts from shaun just for trying, so there is nothing to lose. >> even people who never danced before, i'm like, "they just need to try this." >> announcer: cize also comes with unlimited online support, where shaun gives you the answers to all of your questions, and you even get a free coach to he keep you on track. you'll instantly become part of the cize community for all the support and motivation you need. and now you don't have to wait two to three weeks for your product to arrive. call now and we'll also upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 value free, so you can start cizing it up in three to six business days, guaranteed. and after 30 days, send us your before-and-after photos, and we'll send you this awesome "cize it up" tank top for free. >> i'm about to launch the biggest dance program ever -- cize. >> announcer: millions of people have been waiting for cize, and now it's finally he. but demand has been crazy, so
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call now and get yours, because cize is gonna be hard to keep in stock. and when you call, be sure to ask your operator w you can stream all your cize routines to any laptop, tablet, or phone for free. that means you'll be able to cize it up wherever and whenever. it's time to start dancing and losing weight the fun way. this is your last chance to order, so pick up the phone or go online now and take advantage of this $450 value for only three low payments of $19.95. the preceding was a paid presentation for cize, brought to you by beachbody. i see trees of green red roses too i see them bloom for me and you
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what a wonderful world music the colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of people going by i see friends shakin hands saying how do you do? th're really saying i love you i hear babies cry i watch them grow they'll learn much more than i'll ever know
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what a wonderful world music
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stand to your feet right now. let's worship the lord together. put your hands together and pray together. is he worthy to me? praise tonight. is he worthy to me? praise. oh yeah. sing this song with us. we have come worship. we have come time to worship worship we have come to praise him and bless his holy name we have come to worship and lift a hand of praise we have come to praise him and bless his holy name
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worthy to be saved worthy to be saved wanting to be saved so blessy his holy name he's worthy worthy to be praised he's holy worthy worthy to be praised so bless his holy name we have come to waporship and lift the hands of praise we have come to praise him we have come to praise him and bless his holy name we have come
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and lift up hands of praise we have come to praise him and bless his holy name he'sorthy worthy to be praised he's holy he's worthy worthy to be praised so bless his holy name he's worthy worthy to be praised he's holy only you can pray he's worthy worthy to be praised so bless his holy name >> put your hands together. we have come to worship the name of the lord together.
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we have come to worship him we he come to worship him we have come to wore hipship him we have come to worship we have come to worship we have come to worship we have come to woreship him he's worthy we have come to worship we have come to worship we have come to worship we have come to worship
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praise his holy name we have come to worship praise his holy name we have come to worship we have come to worship praise his holy name he is worthy he is worthy >> amen. say that tight whef wherever you're watching? we welcome you tonight those from literally around the world, here in the united states, internationally, from australia last night, we've already started getting calls from australia, and we welcome all of you who are watching from australia, from the united kingdom, our friendsnd partners there. we welcome our military who's watching in bas around the world.
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from circumstances of people's lives. get ready tonight, this is your appointment. tonight is your appointment for god to step into the circumstances of your life and your family and your finances barley harvest. so much we could talkuch we could talk about tonight about that but i want you to know that god has a harvest for you tonight. i want you to get that deep down in your spirit. god has a harvest for you tonight. in this place. you know f you don't believe it -- let me just say f you don't believe it, don't expect it to happen because it won't. you've got to believe god's word is true. when a man of god like dr. mike murdock, who's here with us tonight, stands and brings you the word. if you don't believe the word, if you have no faith to believe, don't expect to-t to happen. you have to wrap your faith with tonight.
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>> well, listen, let's welcome the southeastern university choir right now as they come back to minister and song and you get ready to worship the lord together with them and us
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amen amen an amen
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amen amen amen amen amen amen amen come on, give a shout to the lord in this place tonight. hallelujah. praise you jesus. praise you j you tonight, wherever you're watching around the world. i'm so grateful that the lord has sent dr. mike murdock here to us tonight. once in a lifetime special relationships come into our life, and his relationship and mine, i believe, is one of those special kinds of relationships. it's one that i treasure. so many things that dr. murdock shares have been such a mentoring and a mentorship in my
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he preaches, wisdom is the principle thing. and that god has anointing of wisdom upon his life. and i love to just sit at his feet sometime and drink in that wisdom that god has for us. i pray tonight that you'll open your spirit to receive the wisdom of god that he has to share with you tonight through his servient, dr. michael murdock. welcome him as he comes to share the lord with you tonight. amen, dr. murdo. >> turn to proverbs chapter 4. proverbs chapter 4. the ministry has been incredible tonight. all of it, all of it. i want to say about the choir, you're just not another choir, i'll tell you that for sure. i found you delightfully
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lord, you don't bore. thankful. and what i'm going to share tonight specifically will be very helpful to you where you are in your assignment as you're in preparation. really listen careful tonight because i feel like the lord will have a word for you. i really do. this has been -- i feel so strong, feel so strong about today and you're at your house. you're wise to give us the next 20, 30, 40 minutes of your life. the only part of the ble that works is the part you know about. the only part of the bible that works is the part you believe. good eyes don't guarantee great ears. a lot of folks see good and
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huh? so there's a part of the gospel you can know about. there's another part of the gospel you don't know about. you can never rise above your persuasions and repetition creates persuasion. truth doesn't. everything i say tonight will be truth, but that doesn't mean it will change you. billy billy graham has preached truth and many never walked the aisles. jesus preached truth and most of them rejected him. truth is not a changer. i wish it was. but millions hear truth and don't change. repetition creates persuasion. to some of you will i sow a seed. to others it will be repetitio
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into your spirit tonight truth. god doesn't decide seasons. he creates them. decisions decide seasons. it wasn't god's idea to heal the blind man. it was his idea, the blind man. are you really that slow? you know f you're that slow it's going to be a wasted trip for me. look at someone next to you and say, your ignorance is a burden to you, isn't it? go ahead and look at someone, right there in your house and say, your ignorance is a burden to you, isn't it? ver be afraid of a demon. be afraid of being stupid.
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destroyed -- pardon? are you serious? for lack of knowledge? i thought it was a lot of demon spirits? my people are destroyed for what? >> lk of knowledge. >> again, tell someone next to you -- it won't be a devil that put you down, it will be your stupidity. now, don't get mad this early. pace your anger over the whole evening. sort of spread it out. imagine the universe -- let's just throw a figure out there. imagine 17,000 mes of sky. imagine 50,000 scrolls hanging
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with knowledge. imagine those scrolls of knowledge being a through z. the "a" roll, imagine a scroll a thousand miles long. imagine the scroll saying angels and everything there is to know about angels. we know a few things. there's probably nine levels. you got the guardian angel, the warring angel, worshipping angels. suppose you move over to the blood and you see everything about the blood of jesus. we know the law of the blood. something must die for something else to live. it's the chain of life. the mosquito dies so the lizard can live. the fish dies so we can live. it's the law of blood. something has to die for
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imagine thousands of topics, the holy spirit, the only person capable of being contented with you. see, he's the only one that knows what's in you and what's not. the holy spirit is the easiest relationship you'll ever have in your life. incidentally, he's not a bird. that's going to shock you. that's going to really shock you. i don't mean to mess up your head. but he's not a bird. there's nothing wrong with a bird. but he's not a dove. tell someone next to you, say, you don't have to stay stupid. go ahead, look at them and say, you don't have to stay stupid. he's not wind. he moves like wind. and his entry into a room doesn't necessity exit from another. he's not fire. he purifies like fire.
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he cleanses like water. he is a person. is he the invisible jesus who walks on your right side. he has eyes, ears, sees, he talks. we're made in his image. so whatever your image is, that's obviously the way he is. he's a person. he's a person. he's not wind with an eyeball. he's not a cloud with a mouth. now, most people don't know that. woo, woo, what's that? holy spirit. he's a person. john 14, 15, 16 calls him the spirit of truth. jobe 34 makes it very clear, 33
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life, he's the one that create and designs humans. he's the one that designed serpents and elephants. a very intriguing person because he designed the squirrel and the dinosaur. so you know his imagination is fierce. just think the one who designed the rose designed the skunk. now, that's a wide spectrum. holy spirit's interesting. you're not going to be bored. i know we think heaven's a big place where everybody walks around in white robes. god has a long white beard. but he's fascinating. he's a person. imagine all theall the scrolls of knowledge, imagine going to a scroll over there and it's 1,000 miles long and the word atop is assignment, everything created contains an invisible instruction. everything created is a
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my watch solves a problem. my glasses solve a problem. everything -- a pen -- my ears hear. my mouth speaks. my mind thinks. my hands reach. my feet walk. mechanics solve car problems. dentists solve teeth problems. everything created is a solution. the fact that you're here, god saw something no one could solve, so he created you to solve that problem. there's never been you before. that's why nobody understands you. nobody like you has ever arrived. your assignment is decided by god and discovered by you. jeremiah 18 through 12, in your
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you don't decide what you are. you discover what you are. what you love, what you love to think about is a clue to an invisible gift. what you love to hear about is a clue to an invisible passion. your assignment is always geographical. you don't belong everywhere. you belong somewhere. even jesus didn't do well in places. that's why he left nazareth and went to capernium. where you are matters as much as what you a. can you be the right person in the wrong environment. they brought some fish to my property. they laid the gavening like fish do. i stared at the fish with many thoughts. can't walk, can't talk, can't fly, and my thoughts are, boy,
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i wish i didn't use that word so much, but it just comes to natural. when i dropped the fish into the water, the genius emerged. because when you are where you have been assigned, you have no rivals. nobody can compete with you. your assignment's always to a person or a people. if your name is moses, your assignments is to the israelites. if your name is aryn, your assignment is to moses. noeverybody needs you. your kitten, no. you're completely unnecessary to some people. you're not going to be misd by
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he says, i don't want to comeo this service tonight. no, you don't belong. there are folks that don't miss you at all. don't even need you. there's a -- you belong to -- you're assigned. one young man said, mike, i'm called to the whole world. i said, wow, jesus jr. you're not called to the whole world. if you are, the rest of us can go to honolulu. how do you know to whom you have been assigned? whose pain do you feel? whose tears affect you? whose enemies are you willing to confront? whose success consumes you?
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an enemy. enemies are glorious things. they're gates of your future. without an enemy, you dount don't have a future. in the kingdom the only people rewarded are overcomers. until a goliath comes into your life, you have to stay a shepherd boy. sheep is your future unless adversary. see, when you ask god for a future, he'll schedule an enemy. the difference between seasons is the enemy you're willing to overcome. so when an enemy walks in your life, get excited. that means god's used up the benefits of your present season. it's time for a change.
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doors to your next season. let's pull down another scroll. tonight that's the scroll i want to address. my father is an enter sesintersessor, never spent a day in the hospital, prays six to ten hours a day. there's a scroll he's never read. i want to talk to you about that scroll. there's thousands and millions of people that have dreams and goals, but no money to obtain them. there's pastors that want to build chumpbsrcs but don't have any money. many mothers go to bed at night wishing they could put their kids through college, but they don't have any money.
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prayed for money, you'd get it. but you haven't, have you? see, if prayer brings you money, then bill gates must be the number one intercessor on earth. richest man in america. did you know some of the most spiritual people on earth are broke? did you know it's possible to have a clean heart and empty hands? one woman came to me, she said don't you think if god wants me to have money, he'll give i to me if he don't, he won't? i said, that sureounds logical to me. if god wants to you comb your hair, he'll comb it for you. you know, my greatest fear of hell is being with all the fools at one time. i can take the flames.
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of the earth. forever and ever. now, that's hell. i can handle the flames. boy, just imagine being with idiots. and no exit. one man says, don't you think the lord gives money to people he can trust? if he can trust you with it, he'll give it to you. i says, oh, that explains why the mafia has it, missionaries don't. i want to tell you a little story of my life tonight. and i really felt impressed, and i get excited when god lets me because i don't get to do it too often. i'm one of seven preacher's kids. my father's a paster and has
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i have four sisters, two brothers. i'm number three. out of the seven i am the smartest, out of the seven, of the seven children. and you say, now, h would you know that? because i treat my mother and daddy better than all the other kids. that's how you know the smartest. whoever treats the parents the best, that's the smartest. you got six kids, one that treats you gd, there's your brain. the bible says if you honor your mother and father, it will go well with you all the days of your life. it is so easy to succeed, it hurts. all you have to do is be good to your mommy and daddy. proverbs 4, verse 7 is the theme of our ministry. out of the 800,000 words in the bible, takes you 56 hours to
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somebody said, what got so you craving wisdom, being so stupid? i made so many mistakes, it's unreal. it is just unreal the mistakes -- i can't hardly -- can't wait till tomorrow to see what i did stupid today. you're always doing something stupid. it's just a matter of when you find it out. i hate my mistakes but i make them. i try to avoid them, but they just are there. but proverbs 4:7 says something fascinating. wisdom is a principle thing. hold it, hold it, wait. i need help. no, wisdom is the principle thing. he didn't say faith was. he said wisdom. he didn't say money was. he said wisdom. he didn't even say the power of the holy spirit was. he said, wisdom.
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wisdom is the ability to discern difference. the difference in right and wrong. the difference between a good decision and a wrong decision. the difference in a moment. let me give you an example. the the fharacies got to talk to jesus. imagine talking to jesus, god on the earth, face to face. imagine having a minute to say anything you wanted to, ask him any question. imagine being face to face with jesus and getting to ask him anything you wanted. imagine that privilege of access. and here's what they did with that minute. why did you heal him on the sabbath sabbath? is that not unwise?


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