tv Right This Minute CBS February 24, 2016 1:37am-2:07am EST
1:37 am
i hope what i set in motion today has succeeded on that front. spike: is thing goes on for 47 minutes. (siren wails nearby) jules: can you track the computer he posted that from? spike: no; he's transcoded the video - i can't get to the original file, and it looks like he put it up using a dummy account. it's totally anonymous. how do you know it was a dummy account? because he called it dummy, underscore, account. sam: did the email itself come from the same computer? spike: well, he's been so careful to cover his tracks, i can't see- (computer beeps) hold on a second. i think he slipped up. this publicity thing, he sent it from a smart phone. i can back-track that. i can get you a number. phone number is 555-0193. i might be able to get a location too. (computer beeps) no. he's turned off the gps, buwe can still get a name. winnie? the smart phone is registered to an anson p. holt. i'm sending his address to you now. ed! let's move, let's go! jules: boss? parker: yeah, jules, you stay off that leg. i need your help profiling. let's figure out who our "thought provoker" is, maybe we can figure out where his bombs are. copy. spike: ed, i'm on my way! boss, these bombs are a half hour apart.
1:38 am
parker: i know; eleven minutes till the next one blows. [male announcer] for our troops and their families, the military is more than a career, it's a journey. and every step along the way, the uso is there. it's an experience that soldier will never forget... for the rest of his life that's what the uso does. [announcer] from the time they join, to t time they transition out of the military, the uso is there, offering programs and support along the way. [army soldier] the uso has tons of programs. how to do a job interview, what to wear what not to wear. knowing that there was going to be a life after the military. [announcer] for over 70 years, the uso has continued to meet the needs of our troops and their families, standing with them wh it counts. we all got to watch pretty much his last goodbye, right before we were notified he w gone. without the uso, it wouldn't be possible for me and my children to watch jared tell us that he loves us. these are memories that we'll have forever.
1:39 am
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1:41 am
here in the city, parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. hello! here's the keys. and, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. hm, wouldn't mind some of that beef wellington... to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to ah! (car alarm sounds)
1:43 am
(door crashes open) spike: clear! ed: clear! sam: clear! leah: clear! ed: greg, he's notere. jules: boss, i think he sees this as taking a stand for personal freedom; the liberty of the individual against control - any kind of control. he wants to show we can all fight back by claiming our own personal autonomy. parker: cut the puppet strings. i get it, jules, but it's just general theoretical justification. jules: yeah, but look, he actually lists the forc he's fighting against. each one gets a graphic. what if each one is a target he's planning on hitting? the government federal building. bomber: just like a security blanket, the safety is all an illusion, d the child that depends on it will soon be forced to grow up. "communications" -
1:44 am
well, that's 911 - the people who keep us safe. jules: petty politics? spike: city hall. it's all lining up. spike: homany forces is this guy fighting against? jules: seven, eight, nine... we got ten targets. okay, we're onto this bastard. good work, jules. parker: but that doesn't tell us where the bombs are. "justice" can mean any courthouse. "media" could mean any television station. anson holt is a psychologist. go head, winnie. winnie: he's a professor at brookfield university. lots of publications, major research grants, lecture tours... and one of the highest student ratings of the faculty. (computer beeps) oh! correction. he was "let go" from the university five years ago. why? winnie: no reason anyone was willing to put on the record. all right, get me the head of the psychology department, and i'll get it out of them. winnie: day like today, boss, i'm gonna do my best, but- (snaps) winnie, just find them. sorry, boss, will do. (ed's phone rings) where the hell are you? clark: (gasps) dad...
1:45 am
talk to me. clark: (gasps in pain) can't move. clark? clark, you're at city hall? (clark groans) (voice hitches) are you in city hall? clark: (groans) yes... rush! okay, okay, stay with me. clark: can't... (grunts) ed: it's okay, just stay with me. clark: (groaning) i'm here. ed: call donna, tell her clark's at city hall. track his phone. i'm coming to get you, stay with . spike: boss, you copy that? yeah, i did, spike. boss, there was a false back on his office bookshelf. what was he hiding? sam: some pretty disturbing books. "embracing sadism." "the courage to dominate." he's got a private dvd collection, plain covers. jules: hey, guys, i think i found another target. he's hit communications, big government, petty politics. but his biggest grudge to date is education. listen to this. bomber: substitute "institution of higher learning" for "institution of conforming and crushing."
1:46 am
crush you where it began in that lab. i will be watching you. parker: his old workplace, where his grudge began. we need to find that lab. (siren wails, horn blasts, tires squeal) clark, let me ask you, do you feel any pain? clark: (groaning)eah, my side... it hurts. legs... legs are killing. ed: pain's good, buddy. it means your spine's okay. (honking) now, clark, i know this hard, but i need you to just slow your breathing right down for me. let's get that heart rate down, okay? it'll help you think straight, you're not gonna lose so much blood. i taught you sniper breathing, right, clark? (no response) clark? (laboured breaths) clark! i know it's hard for you to speak, but... clark, i know you can hear me. you are such a strong kid and i am so proud of you. now, i need you to stay strong. i'm on my way. (fighting tears) i love you, buddy. i love you.
1:47 am
monica butler. parker: that's fantastic, winnie! (horns blast) parker: professor butler? my name is sergeant greg parker. i'm with the police strategic response unit. i need you to answer a few questions. uh, yes, of course. parker: where's the lab anson holt worked before he was fired? uh, that was the old casey jeffers building, but that's not in use any more. why? parker: okay, just hold on the line. winnie? i want a citywide search for anson holt. anyone who's not at a bombsite is looking for this bastard. and which team is closest to the casey jeffers building right now? donna. team three. parker: great. donna, you hear me? donna: yeah, boss. (calling out) clark! parker: donna, i need you to get to that lab. there could be another bomb there. donna: i'm at city hall looking for clark. (calling out) anybody hear me? parker: donna, you're the closest team to that site, all right? i'll be right behind you. donna: i know protocol, boss, but this is ed's kid. ed: donna, i'm almost there. you gotta go. get to the lab - priority of life. donna: (calling out) clark! eddie, i'm right here! donna, i got it. donna: (calling out) clark? donna, thank you for everything. donna: jimmy, we gotta go.
1:48 am
donna, stay safe. donna: always, eddie. parker: everyone, you are the heart and soul. all of you, thank you. (sirens wail) soph, we know where he is. but listen to me... sophie, he's hurt. he's in one of the buildings. oh, ed... ed: look, i know you're scared and i'm scared too, but he's tough. sophie: (sobbing) ed: soph, he tou- (phone beeps) hold on, hold on, soph. i got ems. hold on, please. steve. steve: ed, we tracked his cell signal to the second level of the parking garage, but we haven't found him yet. hold on! ed! ed! i got the car. i'm sorry, ed, but uh... it's crushed under concrete. it's not looking good. okay, i'm right there. soph?
1:49 am
now you gotta believe that, 'kay? i'm gonna bring him home, okay, baby? (sobbing, devastated) donna: guys... i think i've got a positive id on anson holt. he's here at the lab. (siren wails) parker: all right, donna, there are bombs ticking down all across this city; no time for kid gloves. donna: copy. go. anson holt, put your hands where i can see them! team three: sru! on the ground! police! get down now! get down on the ground right now! get on the ground! donna: turn him.
1:50 am
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1:51 am
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1:53 am
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1:54 am
double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it. we're so confident you'll love it, we'll give yououble your money back if you don't. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that's always discreet. ah, a classic case of who dunnit? luckily, jay chews trident to help clean and protect his teeth, so he can claim his innocence with a convincing grin. that's it jay, they'll never know. trident. cherish your teeth. donna: you make one move i don't tell you to make, you get shot, do you understand? do you understand?! good! parker: donna, what's going on? donna: he's strapped to an m112 demolition charge, and he's watching the whole city carnage onis computer screens. parker: donna, i'm right behind you. professor butler, why did anson holt get fired?
1:55 am
sten to me, professor, in under two minutes, i'm gonna try to talk this man out of blowing up more innocent civilians. please just tell me what happened in that lab. he was fed because of a series of psychologically abusive experiments that he performed there on student volunteers. he was a sadist? yes. one woman downrange, the rest of you go. jimmy: somebody's gotta cover him. if he makes a play when you're working... donna: okay, okay. jimmy, stay. e rest of you go. you're gonna raise your arms, very slowl away from your body, into the air. do it. you're gonna talk to me, holt. you tell me where the rest of the bombs are! winnie! winnie: are you okay? yeah, we're fine. okay. (types furiously) ed: steve! steve! steve: ed! ed: where is he?
1:56 am
clark! clark! (starts shifting debris) clark! donna: spike, i got no timer. i got c4 and wires. this doesn't look like your 911 bomb. donna, if there's no timer on the bomb, then you can wait till i get there. donna: no! i can handle it. how many wires do you see? donna: uh... (counting to herself) eighteen. jimmy: armsp! okay, the bomb's exposed, that's good. now, just find the detonator. donna: i don't see any detonator. spike: no, there's gotta be a detonator. donna: i don't see it, i'm looking. is this the fastest way? sam: it's the only way. every on ramp and highway is jammed right now. we're going as fast as we can. jules: donna, how's our subject? donna: quiet, co-operative - could be the gun on his head. jules: boss, this make any sense to you?
1:57 am
why didn't he already do it? donna: this is your very last chance. tell me where the detonator is right now! right now! (breathing heavily) what're you looking at? parker: team three, i'm here. what do you see, donna? donna: i got a blinking camera in the ceiling. get outta there, now! (holt breathing hard) move! aggghhhhhhhhhhhh! (loud boom, glass bursts, debris crashes) boss! boss! i'm okay. (dean sighs with relief)
1:58 am
1:59 am
i vow to be true, always. i vow to always be yours. yeah! ed: previously on "flashpoint": parker: team, we're looking at another bomb at just went off downtown. we're looking at terror. ed: steve! steve: ed! ed: where is he? steve: phone signal's here, man, it's gotta be him. ed: clark! clark! donna, if there's no timer on the bomb, then you can wait till i get there! donna: no, i can handle it. spike: how many wires do you see? uh... (counts to herself) eighteen. jules: donna, how's our subject? quiet, co-operative - could be the gun on his head. jules: boss, this make any sense to you? if hwas gonna blow himself up, why didn't he already do it? donna: this is your very last chance. tell me where the detonator is right now! right now! what're you looking at? parker: what do you see, donna?
2:00 am
get outta there now! holt: (panicked breath ed: donna, what's happening? eddie... move! (screaming) (thundering explosion) boss! boss! i'm okay. all: (relieved sighs) lthoas wn't the bomber, he was the bait, eddie. shs gone, eddie. she was right in front of him. (gasps) sonofabitch! (voice hitches) sonofabitch! (rescuers shout)
2:01 am
steve, get in here! get the oxygen mask in there! clark! clark! let's clear the door! let's clear it! (rescuers shout) (debris shifts noisily) ed: pull up! get in there! (grunts of effort) clark, i'm here. you're gonna be okay, buddy, i'm right here. okay, you're gonna be okay. (whimpers) (gasps) clark? (clark coughs) (relieved laugh) okay, let's get a board! rescuer: i need a board! ed: okay, let's get that board! let's get that board down here! okay, i'm right with you. okay, okay. okay. all right. what... what happened? you're okay, you're okay. we're gonna take care of you, all right?
2:02 am
ed: guys, i got him. we're good. we're good here. parker: that's great. you stay with him, eddie. fireman: you gotta stay back. my people need to see if the structure of the building's compromised first. all right. okay? oh god... (chokes back a sob) hey! i need your cruiser, there's another bomb. (breathing heavily) (groans with pain) (indistinct radio chatter) (parker coughs) fireman: hey, i told you to stay outside! there's nothing you can do to help here. look, my people are still in there. fireman: i'm sorry. itas over in a second. supporting wall is compromised. it's not safe. i'll show you another way in. all right, boys, let's go!
2:03 am
okay, easy. we got you. we got you, okay. ed: easy, easy. steve: easy, guys. (cell phone rings) hey. he's gonna be okay. he's getting an iv started, and, you know, he's okay, he's conscious. tell me everything, don't leave anythi out. ed: soph, he's got a broken leg, a broken wrist. i think he's got some broken ribs. i'm telling you everything i know. is he okay? where are you taking him? i'll meet you there! no, no. soph, stay at home with izzie. just stay safe. it's not over, okay? i'm gonna take him to the hospital, we're gonna get him x-rayed, we're gonna check him out. everything's gonna be fine. sophie: just tell him i love him, okay? steve: ed, we're ready to move. ed: okay, soph, i gotta go. sophie: eddie, please, be careful. ed: i will, okay? i love you. bye. fireman: we have to get out of here right now, it's not safe! everyone out, now! we have to set a new perimeter. (breathing heavily)
2:04 am
we got a problem - a big problem. i got really high readings in there. te one, new deal. ed: okay. let's get you fixed up. you ready to ride? i'm gonna be okay? you're gonna be fine. you gotta go, dad. i'm not going anywhere. clark: no, dad, please! you gotta get this guy. steve: ed, coming or going? no, hang on, hang on. buddy, i'm not going- clark: dad, no, okay? you gotta do this! i'm gonna be fine. please? are you sure? yes. okay. okay, i'll see you at home. i love you. your mom and i love you. i love you too. (clark groans in pain) (bangs on door)
2:05 am
(sirens wail in distance) (brakes screech) (jules grunts in pain) what's happening? sam: we're not allowed to cross the perimeter. jules: boss, what's going on? parker: team, just hang tight. spike: boss! parker: no, don't! don't! stay back! jules: why? what's going on? exposed to radiation. it was a dirty bomb. (radiation sensor clicks) (tires screech, siren wails) parker: all right, guys, you know the drill. i've gotta go offline, get scrubbed, get blood tests. i need you to stay on task. do you copy?
2:06 am
now, someone dropped a trail of breadcrumbs leading us right here, leading us to the wrong man. he watched as this man died. someone hated anson holt personally. jules: holt was a sadist; sadists have victims. and he was arrested for abusive experiments- officer! i'm not done yet! they were performed right here. the manifesto said began here; we're looking for one of his students. what just happened? he just signed off. why? his headset's contaminated. he's gotta get himself cleaned up. we can't just drop contact. you're right. (siren wails) okay, guys, let's do this! sam, coordinate with the military.
2:07 am
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