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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 2, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST

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welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump domtsinates his super tuesday battle. donald trump turns his attention to hillary clinton hillary clinton after key victories in the key states. >> is phil collins ready to come out of retirement after calling music his enemy? a rare interview with the music star we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. instead of building walls we are going to break down barriers. >> when we unify, there is nobody, nobody going to beat us. >> trump and clinton dominate super tuesday. >> bernie sanders argues 35 states to go but gets more difficult after tonight. >> we are going to take our fight for a world of peace! i'll do anything it takes to keep donald trump from being our nominee.
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and provide conservatism. >> the conversations of that would be catastrophic. >> this is totally new. is the party coming apart? what is going to happen next? stay tuned is all i can say. >> at least one confirmed and two other potential tornadoes hit alabama. late yesterday, apple filed a second appeal in its dispute with federal investigators. >> we are asking apple to take the vicious guard dog away and let us pick the lock. >> scott kelly is returning to earth the first american spending a year in space. >> a second day of shedding tears on the stand for erin andrews. >> i am so screwed up. >> all that. >> jeb bush spent his super tuesday at home ironing and reironing his tommy balm shirts. >> any words of wisdom there? >> his friend chris christie was trending on twitter. >> it was like -- >> and all that matters.
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teams. >> norah and john will be back in a few hours. >> we hope. >> calling the super tuesdays electric. >> super tuesday is followed by holy [ bleep ] trump won everything wednesday. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off. soledad o'brien is with us. voters on super tuesday on pointing the way to an epic presidential matchup. donald trump and hillary clinton are now the clear favorites to meet in november. they won most of tuesday's primary and caucus elections by wide margins. democrats gave seven states to clinton and four to bernie
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she won 490 super tuesday delegates. sanders won 302. >> trump also won seven states on super tuesday. ted cruz won three. and marco rubio got his first victory of the campaign in minnesota. that gives trump 234 more delegates compared to 199 for cruz and 88 for rubio. clinton now has more than 40% of the delegates she needs for the democratic nomination. trump is more than one-quarter of the way to the republican crown. our political team is ready with the results from super tuesday. and what they mean for this campaign. and we begin with major garrett in palm beach, florida, showing us how trump's victories has shaken now the republican leadership. major, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. if this was a typical presidential campaign, donald trump and his party would be moving together toward the nominating convention but trump and his republican rivals remain at odds and some want to block trump's path to the nomination.
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resolution no one can predict. >> it looks like we could win six or seven or eight or nine. >> reporter: donald trump used the ballroom at his gaudy resort as a backdrop to celebrate his super tuesday romp. >> it's only too bad winner didn't take all because if winner took all, this thing is over. >> reporter: trump did not repeat claims that ted cruz was a liar. instead, complimenting his two victims and long before marco rubio secured his first and only victory of the campaign in minnesota, trump declared him the night's big loser. >> he hasn't won anything and he is not going to win very much. but i do congratulate ted because i know how hard ted worked on texas. >> i voted for myself today. >> reporter: cruz won at home in texas and neighboring oklahoma and declared trump unfit for the presidency. >> america shouldn't have a president whose words would make
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repeated them. >> reporter: cruz also had this message for rubio, john kasich, and ben carson. >> for the candidates who have not yet won a state, who have not racked up significant delegates, i ask you to prayerfully consider our coming together. >> we have real problems. >> reporter: rubio remained combative and argued his harsh new attacks slowed trump's momentum. >> five days ago, we began to explain to the american people that donald trump is a con artist. >> reporter: after the speech, rubio told cbs news that gop would never rally around trump. >> you'll do anything it takes to keep donald trump from being our nominee. >> reporter: trump at times counseleded conciliatory likely dividing a divided party into a general election. >> i think we are going to be more conclusive and unified and a bigger party and i think we
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>> reporter: survey of voters in six states show that 90% of trump supporters were looking for an outside and 50% were angry with the federal government. under two weeks, trump and rubio square off here in florida. rubio trails trump by double digits digits. hillary clinton took a big step toward the democratic nomination beating sanders in 7 of 11 states with the overwhelming support of black voters and older democrats and women. nancy cordes is in miami where clinton celebrated last night's victory. hey, nancy. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. clinton really cleaned up last night, winning a couple of hundred more delegates than bernie sanders. she did it by winning some of the largest states and winning those states by landslide proportions and putting her nearly halfway to the nomination. >> thank you all so much. what a super tuesday! >> reporter: how super was it?
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30 to 60 points, including delegate-rich texas. she pulled off an upset in massachusetts and began to position herself as the anti-trump. >> we know we have got work to do, but that work, that work is not to make america great again. america never stopped being great. >> reporter: sanders won oklahoma, minnesota, colorado, plus his home state of vermont. >> it is good to be home! >> reporter: he said he would soldier on, even if the delegate mass is daunting. >> this team states will have voted 35 states remain. >> reporter: cornerbacks exit polls show clinton outperformed african-american voters and older women and voters over 45. >> i believe what we need in america today is more love and kindness.
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white men and voters under 30. >> i know that secretary clinton and many of the establishment people think that i am looking, thinking too big! i don't think so! >> reporter: clinton is now one step closer to making history, as the first woman to head a presidential ticket for a major party. a thrill for supporters who watched her front-runner status slip away eight years ago. >> she cares about women, she cares about uniting us. >> i think women get things done and i think her place is rightfully in the white house. >> reporter: clinton chose to celebrate her super tuesday wins here in florida because the state's primary is coming up and because the state is always a key battleground in the general elections. if she is going to be going up against donald trump, she need to start laying the groundwork now because as you know, norah, he is practically a local and
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way called mar largo. >> major is getting to know. >> the possibility of a clinton/trump contest is huge concern for the republican leaders. they do not like trump's chance against clinton. one shows clinton eight-point lead over donald trump. ted cruz said he should be the gop leader even though the party has a problem with him. >> here is perceived reality and you tell me if you differ with it. the republican establishment does not like you that much. >> i think that is fair to say. >> and you need them to beat donald trump. >> well, we need to unify the republican party and all of this primary is about willows it done. >> reporter: cruz said he may be the only option at this point.
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you seem to be suggesting at the convention or before the convention to stop donald trump from being the nominee. >> short of a major scandal, probably not. if marco doesn't win florida, i don't know how he goes forward and if kasich loses ohio. ted cruz is not my favorite by any means and i don't wish him ill. i was making a joke we have to rally around ted cruz to stop donald trump and i'm not so sure that would work. >> you recommend that behind short of rally behind ted cruz? >> i can't believe i'm saying yes, but yes. >> "face the nation" moderator john dickerson is here and columnist peggy noonan. john, the scenario is what possible scenario could stop donald trump from wrapping it up before the convention? >> well, somebody would have to deny him in the delegates in a contests. now, whether that is marco rubio himself or it's a combination.
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say rubio and kasich and rubio in florida and kasich in ohio and keep winning down the line to keep trump from getting to the delegates he needs. if he falls short of that, then the republicans all go to the convention and have a big fight who the nominee is going to be. >> peggy, you said we are watching the republican party shatter before our eyes. trump did well in the north and conservatives and evangelicals in the south and he said he is creating a bigger party and turnout is way up. he has a point. >> turn-out, i think, reached in certain areas, historical levels. look. we are at an amazing point where the leading nominee for athe party's nomination moved forward decisively as seen by all as the front-runner. if he were not donald trump, would be celebrated as the
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front-runner and what did it do last night? it started a civil war in the party. it had been building for a few days, but last night, certainly on this air, we really saw it. marco rubio said, trump gets the nomination and it will destroy the republican party and split it. this is serious stuff and unchartered territory. >> is there anything that trump could do to heal the breach? >> you know, there were things along the way that he could have done. i think he made a fatal mistake, whatever it was, it was a mistake when he did this david duke/kkk stuff. that really, i suspect, blunted his progress in places like northern virginia. what can he do? you know, he tries to make steps forward. last night, he was serious and sober and adult and presidential sort of in his big acceptance speech. and then at the end, he got a little tough about paul ryan because he can't help himself.
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>> it was a little weird to hear him basically threaten the speaker of the house as sort of the leading candidate. >> yes. a little weird is one way to put it! >> so i guess do you think there will be establishment folks who come in and start supporting trump? will we see more of the chris christie, say, that they are willing to go? >> as peggy mentioned, the difference now is people were moving to acceptance. they were starting to get on board. then when he didn't move at all to condemn the kkk and white supremacist, that put republicans in a position they said, wait a minute. he is going to be the person desk our party defining our party and how are candidates in tough races answer for every unpredictable thing he did. it sent a message of unpredictablibility unpredictableabilty. represents will be on their own and clashing with their nominee. the threats to the future of republican office holders that also made them pause.
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last night, though, we did see the late deciders did break from ted cruz and marco rubio. does that suggest that things are turning when we look toward the big states coming up? >> if owesomehow they can stop to trump looking double digits and attacks happened and late deciders went to marco rubio. that is the potential template. there is a whole lot of people voting for donald trump. you can't, for the scenario where he gets stopped at the convention, all these votes that are going to him and all of this energy going to him has to just stop. >> voters count. >> yeah. yeah. they count. one of the things that is turning them out is the idea that the establishment can rush in and go do something. so every time they try and stop him, they are going to create more energy to propel him. >> thank you john. thank you, peggy. bob schieffer talked with gop officials. bob explains why they are going through the five stages of grief.
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morning." a shorthanded supreme court this morning hears arguments in a major abortion case. senate republican leaders yesterday repeated their view that the next president should nominate a replacement for -- should not nominate a replacement for antonin scalia. they met with president obama in the oval office. the meeting produced no breakthrough. they say the president is narrowing his list of possible apple is escalating its legal battle over the fbi over unlocking a encrypted iphone. it's acting out of, quote, an abundance of caution. the filing comes after fbi director james comey acknowledged that investigators accidentally made it harder to access data on the gunman's iphone. his admission came yesterday during capitol hill testimony. >> there was a mistake made in
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the attack where the county, at the fbi's request, took steps that made it hard -- and possible later, to cause the phone to backup again to the icloud. >> apple's ceo tim cook said he is willing to take the fight all the way to the supreme court. >> more than 12 million americans this morning face a a powerful system in the south is pushing towards the east coast and could bring damaging winds and thunderstorms. one tornado was reported on tuesday near alabama, alabama. four people were hurt and dozens of homes were damaged and thousands lost power, including some super tuesday polling stations. the american astronaut who spent nearly a year in space is back on earth this morning. scott kelly landed safely in kazakhstan overnight after 340 days aboard the international spais space station. the longest an american has ever traveled in space. mark strassmann it he is johnson
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is next for the astronaut. mark, what a historic day. >> reporter: inside building nine, this is a mock-up of the soyuz space capsule that took kelly back to earth and think about it. kelly has orbited the earth 16 times a day a year now. that is 14 million miles or about the distance between earth and mars. >> scott kelly, back on mother earth after 340 days in space. >> reporter: he's back. after nearly a year living in earth's ultimate pent house apartment. about 220 miles above the rest of us. >> folks here in mission control houston letting out a very big cheer. >> reporter: nasa will now study the 52-year-old for the impact of long-term weightlessness. what happens to the human body after 340 days of too little gravity and too much radiation. they will also assess the
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in such cramped alien quarters. >> it's not necessarily uncomfortable but harsh environment having no running water. it's like i've been in the woods camping for a year with regards to, like, hygiene. >> and liftoff. the year in space starts now. >> reporter: the goal to help future astronauts to survive longer space missions like the three years it could take to get to mars and back. >> it's tough for a lot of different reasons. >> reporter: astronaut reid wisman spent nearly six months on the international space station in 2014. >> from the medical community, there are thousands of things they will be looking at. what is going on with his muscles and bones? what is going on had business eyes and fluid shift and how is the brain working. >> reporter: nasa will analyze changes to kelly's genetic structure by comparing him to his identical twin brother former astronaut mark kelly. in hundreds of extraordinary photos from space, kelly has invited his social media followers along for the ride.
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memorable selfie of his first spacewalk. >> i believe in the importance of flying in space and the research we do. i believe in exploration. and i will miss being on the front lines of that endeavor. >> reporter: kelly says the hardest thing about his time in space was missing his friends and family, but he'll see many of them when he returns home to houston tonight. >> congratulations to him! thank you very much, mark.
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says she is poiraranoid wheneve republican insiders are digging up dirt on their own front. >> inside, gop efforts to put up roadblocks on donald trump's past. the news is back here in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by
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good morning, it )s 7:27. i m blaine stewart.
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time for a check of your first warning traffic with kristen crowley. here )s myles henderson with your first warning
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now for a quick check of our top stories: the 7- eleven on granby street in norfolk was robbed early this morning just after midnight. two armed men walked in and robbed the plce. no on was hurt. jesse mathew junior is expected to plead guilty to graham, and virginia tech student morgan harrington. if face the death penalty -- accepting the plea deal would spare his life. look for those updates on newschannel three at dot com. virginia primary - with 35-percent of the votes. on the democratic side -- former secretary clinton dominated with 64-percent of the votes. full coverage of super tuesday -- is on w-t-k-r dot com.
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cable channel 7. the guy the establishment republicans are counting to take
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>> donald will not make america green. he'll make it orange. >> that is my time. good night. don't forget to tip your waitress. rubio is not afraid to aim low. >> he is taller than me. he is 6'2" but i don't know why the size of his hands are like this. you know what they say about men with small hands. >> that is too far! huh-uh! no way! no! >> what are we in store for the next couple of days if that is presuper tuesday. pwhat is next? >> lower and lower and lower. welcome back to "cbs this morning." this half hour, gop donors are trying to block donald trump's path to the nomination. show you the big names who are
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billionaire. defense attorneys say the hotel where she was secretly intermediate is not responsible for a stalker's actions. plus andrews gives new testimony about the emotional toll. that is ahead. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" reports how the capture of isis operatives could pose a problem for the united states. commandos caught a key militant recently in iraq. the pentagon must now decide whether to hold such captives. the treatment of prisoners became an issue during the iraq war. the defense department says any detention of captives would be short term. the philadelphia inquirer reports on bill cosby's sexual assault case on temporary hold. he is accused of drugging and assaulting a temple university student in 2004. they have decided to halt the trial to listen to dismiss
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a video was recorded inside research partnership high school. it's believed the young man is a student and it is not known what led to those slaps. the officers were reassigned. the chief of baltimore city school police is on administrative leave. "the washington post" reports on the ivy league's potential ban on tackling in football practice. all eight ivy head coaches agree to the change and expect formal approval. the plan addresses concerns about brain trauma and other injuries. dartmouth scaled back contact in practice six years ago. they have a remotely-controlled dummy instead of tackling one another. six new jersey newspapers are calling for governor chris christie to resign.
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arrogance, has pockk hypocrisy. they had some fun last night with his facial expressions last night. one said it appears he is appearing in a hostage video. another one day why they didn't send the navy s.e.a.l.s to rescue christie and about his possible regret about backing donald trump. there was talk he looked lining the political spouse that didn't want to be there in an uncomfortable announcement. >> it was awkward. a major effort is under way inside the gop to stop donald trump. the front-runner is charging toward the number of delegates he needs for the nomination. julianna goldman is here with how big donors are stepping up to derail trump. >> reporter: good morning. anti-trump super pac is planning a two-week ad blitz in the next round of states and they claim new research unearth a trove of dirt on trump.
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those who support and endorse him. >> i think we are going to be a much bigger party and i think we are going to win in november. >> reporter: as donald trump pushes toward enough delegates to secure the republican nomination. >> it takes a lot of courage to run for president. >> reporter: the gop establishment's identity crisis has reached a fever pitch. >> the math is completely in trump's favor. >> republicans will be committing an abortion on their own party. >> unless there is an explosion in thursday night's debate, donald trump is going to be the nominee. >> we have actually expanded the party. >> reporter: with 300 delegates in his hand already, one super pac is trying to stop trump in his tracks is upping the game. >> i'm a conservative but a common sense conservative. >> he is not a lifelong conservative and not a consistent conservative. he's a fraud. >> reporter: tim miller was the communications director for jeb bush's campaign. now he is the senior adviser for our principles pac which says, so far, no one has tried to stop donald trump.
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what he thinks they want to hear whether it's on immigration or abortion or gun control or taxes or health care. >> reporter: the super pac spent millions on ads in iowa to prevent a trump caucus win there. >> i don't know what you're talking about with white supremacy supremacy. >> reporter: and focusing on the primaries with caulk us in march 8th and march 14th. ricketts family and majority owner of the chicago cubs and meg whitman and paul singer. >> tonight is the beginning of donald trump bringing the republican party together. >> reporter: whitman was chris christie's former national finance co-chair and blasted his support for trump as opportunism. >> you'll never convince me that
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it will tear the party apart. it will provide conservatism. >> reporter: some say it's too little too late. for one attacks haven't hurt trump and the time to try new messages was months ago and furthermore risk hurting the party whole and not lending support to the presumptive gop nominee and actively working against him. >> they are going to work on trump's billion affairs like trump university. >> the consensus it's too little, too late. tennessee, for a hotel operator could call more witnesses today as they fight a lawsuit by sportscaster erin andrews. they suggested the leak of a nude video in 2008 may have helped andrews career. she is suing for 75 million after a stalker intermediate her through a peep hole. >> reporter: nearly eight years after that nude video was taken,
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because of that, erin andrews says she will always need to seek treatment. still, she told the courtroom she doesn't think she will ever recover from the emotional fallout. >> i think the thing that has really hit home for me and hurts me the worst is when girls, high school, college, they tweet me and they say, i want to be erin andrews, except for the marriott stalker thing. and i can't control that. and it's every day. >> reporter: in her second day on the witness stand, tv sportscaster erin andrews said she is haunted daily by the secret video taken of her in 2008. the incident left her so shaken, she is now obsessed with taking extra precautions wherever she travels. >> i instantly cover the peep hole. and then i do check of the room. i look everywhere. >> reporter: andrews claims this nashville marriott was netting
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access to her. he booked a room next door to her. a lawyer for the hotel highlighted andrews career of success since the incident. >> you got a contract with fox sports, right? >> yes. >> and that was a better contract than you had [ inaudible ] the espn one? >> yes. >> since july of 2009, you've also done endorsements. right? >> yes. >> reporter: but the sportscaster told the jury her career was her escape from the ordeal. >> i feel like if i can do the top nfl games and if i can work the world series and i can pass out the trophy, then people will forget. >> have you been able to forget? >> no. >> reporter: lawyers for the hotel maintain that barrett is solely to blame. the jury is expected to hear from more witnesses for the defense today, including a
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expert and a former espn coworker. >> what a brutal story. anna, thank you. some crowd funding is actually crowd frauding. up next, how a neighbor took advantage of a family's struggle. if you're heading out the door, you can watch us live through the cbs all-access app on your digital device. you won't want to miss our rare interview with phil collins. we will be right back.
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lawmakers are takeing a closer look at potential fraud by some people who organize crowd funding campaign. gofundme and youcaring are often used to solicit charitable donations sometimes after a tragedy or a hardship but the people who should get the money don't always wind up with the fund they deserve. don dahler is here with how trust can be exploited.
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especially kind of troubling fraud here. experts say these sites are largely unregulated and some say they are raising money for a worthy cause and nothing from them pocketing the cash themselves. tyry king was killed by a drunk driver last summer near his home in springfield, ohio. the next day, the 13-year-old's parents say they were consoled by a neighbor they had never met before. the neighbor offered to set up a you cruding fund me website to fundty tyry's funeral. but the neighbor pleaded guilty to fraud after the parents accused her of pocketing more than 1,000 of the $3,000 raised. >> for her to play on a family and use their kid for that reason, you know, is just -- it's crazy.
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>> reporter: youcaring daniel sa saper. >> the vast people coming to the site are good-natured people who have real needs here and now. >> reporter: sights like youcaring and gofundme are popular ways to raise money for people who need help from everything from medical bills to adoption fees and even college tuition. crowd funding sites raise an estimated $2 billion in 2015, profiting themselves usually through fees or percentages of donations. but this multibillion dollar industry is largely unregulated. tyry's father complained to ohio senator brown who is taking his cause to the federal trade commission. in a statement to cbs news, senator brown said families should never have to face seeing their deceased loved ones connect to fund-raising scams.
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problem to ensure that grieving families are protected. >> it's only when people are soliciting money and you don't know who they are that it starts to get suspicious and more difficult to enforce. >> reporter: gofundme also issued a statement to cbs news insisting that fraud is something that happens less than one-tenth of 1% of the time on its platform and says any campaign that displays suspicious or untrustworthy behavior are removed immediately. >> don, raising big questions. thanks very much. first on "cbs this morning," facebook sheryl sandberg defends the price that businesses pay to boost recognition. plus, he broke a world
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one colder air moving in.... expect cloudy skies with announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" for the past 27 days, four men have outlasted authorities by making their getaway in a prius. this game ends now. to catch a prius, you've gotta be a prius. guys, what's that? oh, man. toyota. let's go places. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's,
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that's not fair, he should give you your rollerblades back. anddddd, she's back. storm coming? a very dangerous cheese storm. so you have 20 more bags. mhm. my yoga instructor calls it the death spiral. i call it living the dream. american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. see you tomorrow.
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[ speaking in foreign language ] >> by the looks of t american sprinter justin gatlin broke a world record in the hundred meter dash. he beat a record set by a legendary runner usain bolt. but you can see gatlin has some help so the time doesn't count. fans provided tail winds up to 20 miles an hour to give him a boost. of course, this is all interesting because gatlin is expected to be bolt's main competition at the summer olympics in brazil. that is one of the main story lines, their competition, their rivalry there. >> if he can just get the fans but none for usain bolt. >> usain bolt is great. >> he is. super tuesday is a triumph for hillary clinton and donald trump. bob schieffer is in our toyota
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he says i'm chris bosh. when i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung, it was serious. fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. treatment with xarelto . hey guys! hey, finally, somebody i can look up to... ...besides arnie. xarelto is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there's limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions... don't get me started on that. i didn't have to. we started on xarelto . nice pass. safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling.
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while on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto , tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you know xarelto is the #1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. that's a big win. it is for me. with xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto ... ...was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto . [ female announcer ] most of the time it's easy to know which option is better. other times, not so much. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love and cook deliciously.
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someone's hacked all our technology. technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. there's only one egg that just tastes better. fresher. more flavorful. delicious. with more great nutrition. and 25% less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. my opioid pain medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. that's opioid-induced constipation, oic, a different type of constipation. i'm really struggling to find relief... paint a different picture. talk to your doctor about oic
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i m blaine and i m jessica larche.
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warning traffic with kristen crowley. here )s myles henderson with
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jesse mathew junior is expected to plead guilty to murdering u-v-a student hannah graham, and virginia tech student morgan harrington. if found guilty at trail, he could face the death penalty -- accepting the plea deal would spare his life. look for those updates on newschannel three at noon and on w-t-k-r dot com. and donald trump won the virginia primary - with 35-percent of the votes. on the democratic side -- former secretary clinton dominated with 64-percent of the votes. full coverage of super tuesday -- is
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good morning. it is wednesday, march 2nd, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this
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there is more real news ahead, including the clear front-runners after super tuesday. bob schieffer shows us what republican leaders could do to stop donald trump from a potential matchup in november. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. clinton really cleaned up, winning a couple of hundred more delegates than bernie sanders, putting her nearly halfway to the nomination. trump and his republican rivals remain at odds and some forces within the gop want to block trump's path to the nomination. >> it started a civil war in the party. this is serious stuff and unchartered territory. >> for the scenario where he gets stopped at the convention, all these votes that are going to him, all this energy going to him has to just stop. >> voters count. >> yeah, they count. >> any about it. kelly has orbited the earth 16 times a day for almost a year now. that is 143 million miles or about the distance between earth and mars. erin andrews says she will always need to seek treatment.
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she doesn't think shelly ever recover. >> experts say these sites are largely unregulated. someone could say they are raising money for a very worthy cause and then there is nothing to stop them from pocketing the cash themselves. the 14th and final batch of over 52,000 e-mails on hillary clinton's private server was released yesterday and it was probably all worth it to her, just to see this -- oh, so nice! oh, getting is that zero is so nice! i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and soledad o'brien. gayle is off. the results are in from the biggest day of the election so far. it was a super tuesday for donald trump and hillary clinton. clinton won all six democratic contests in the south and she upset bernie sanders in massachusetts after winning four states, sanders said he would march on even if the delegate math doesn't go for him.
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last night and sanders won 302. but she leads by more than 600 including her other wins and super delegates. >> trump won seven states from arkansas to vermont, showing the broadness of his support. ted cruz won three states, including delegate heavy texas. his home state. minnesota went for marco rubio. the only state he has won so far. trump added 234 delegates and 35 more than ted cruz and trump leads by 100 delegates overall. hillary clinton is now closer to becoming the first woman in history to top a presidential ticket. instead of targeting bernie sanders last night, she focused on the republicans. >> the stakes in this election have never been higher. and the rhetoric we are hearing on the other side has never been lower.
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us and them is wrong and we are not going to let it work. >> clinton didn't specifically mention trump, but she did position herself as the anti-trump candidate. republican leaders are also looking for an alternative to trump talked who talked last night about the establishment's growing resistance to his candidacy. >> i've already won five, but maybe it could be six, seven, eight, nine. could be nine. i could win nine states tonight. if i'm going to win all of these states with tremendous numbers and if i'm going to come in the worst as second in the two or three that i might not win, i think, you know, we are a democracy. i think it's awfully hard to say that's not the person we want to lead the party, right? you know, it's very hard. >> ted cruz said last night that trump's nomination would lead to a catastrophic outcome even one of cruz's toughest critics senator lindsey graham said he would support cruz in order to stop trump.
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trump, he is doing something right. he is saying something that the republican voters are saying yes. a lot more than they said yes to lindsey graham. >> absolutely. i got beat like a drum so take what i say with a grain of salt. but 35% of my party believes that barack obama is a muslim born in kenya. here is what i think is going on. they say in trump anti-obama, a strong man that can't be bought and successful man fix a broken town called washington and doesn't owe anything to anybody and a guy will tell our enemies get back in line and we will change america and make it great again. what i see is a demagogue. somebody has solutions that will never work. >> senator, you seem to be saying that hillary clinton will beat donald trump. >> no, i'm not seem to be saying it. i am saying that. like a drum! >> cbs news contributor bob schieffer is talking with republican leaders and others
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our retired chief washington correspondent and former host of "face the nation" is here and we are glad about that. bob, good morning. >> the only thing he didn't say is like a rented mule! rented mule! i was ready for that. >> you know washington. what is going on in terms of mounting some kind of stop? >> let me preface this by saying i have never, ever, seen anything like what we saw last night. i mean, i think the republican establishment is going through the stages of grief. first, there is denial. they never thought this was going to happen. then there is anger. then there is bargaining and then there is acceptance. i'm not sure they are to the acceptance stage yet. they never thought last night would come. they did not take donald trump seriously in the beginning and now they realize what they thought would never happen has happened. and, frankly, they don't know what to do about it. do they run away from him? do they come together and run with him?
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alternative? one of the most stunning things said last night by a republican was lindsey graham who said, i might support ted cruz. that is the first member of the united states senate that i've heard say that. >> can we talk about trump's support? he did very well among those who make less than $50,000 a year. he continues to do well among noncollege educated whites. and, yet, he stood there last night at his multimillion dollar home in palm beach in a room made to look like the east room of the white house. with chris christie stands there.there standing there. what did you make of that imagery? >> i'm sorry for chris. >> i've seen some endorsements in my time. but let me ask you this, charlie. have you ever seen someone endorse somebody and it backfired? >> no. backfired for them. >> six editorials in new jersey papers saying he should now
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the manchester union leader who endorsed him in the primary said, sorry, guys, we were wrong. they took it wrong. trump puts him on the ticket and make him attorney and he gets elected president. >> twitter was light up saying maybe the navy s.e.a.l.s will come in and rescue chris christie. >> somebody said what is that pork standing behind him. it was just awful. as i say, of all the things last night, i've never seen someone endorse someone and have it backfire. >> trump says he is inclusive, he is the unifyierunifier. how do they deny trump a victory? >> there is no question. he has touched a lot of bases. i mean, his support, i don't know how deep it is, but i know it touches many parts of the republican party, how far he
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does go somewhat beyond that. but you know what worries people -- you heard lindsey graham talk about it last night. he is building a wall between the united states and mexico? or he is building a wall around the republican party? i mean, you cannot elect somebody president if all you get -- if all you appeal to is guys that look like me. there is just not enough of us around, a white guy. i've said it ten times during this campaign, mitt romney got a larger percentage of the white vote than ronald reagan got in 1980. the demographics of the country are changing. the numbers are just not there. you got to get part of this minority vote if you hope to be elected president. you just can't get that much of a white turnout. >> we said at this table before, that is -- after the election of barack obama's re-election, republican party looked inside
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do and get an outreach promise. it got totally lost in the nominating process. >> that's why republicans are so, for want of a better word, kind of confused about where do they go from here. i talked to republican leaders yesterday who said maybe our best course now is to try to figure out some way to have an open brokered convention. we have got to figure out some way to stop donald trump from getting to the magic number that majority. >> only other option. >> i've never heard leaders of a party say what i really want is an open convention. they always say, you know, we want to sew this up and have peace and harmony when we get to the convention. now they are saying unless we have an open convention, in their words, we may be stuck with donald trump. >> bob schieffer, great to see you. how many hours of sleep did you have? two? >> i logged in two but at my age, you got to get up early any way. >> you look fantastic.
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ahead, we reveal u.s. news
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best places to live first on "cbs this morning," facebook reveals a status update of its own thanks to small businesses. >> what brought you into the store today? >> the 2 dollar cupcake deal. >> two dollar tuesday. how did you find out? >> i found out through facebook. >> our mission is to connect all over the world and a big part of that is connecting with small businesses. >> ben tracy talks with sheryl sandberg how some people feel cheated because of paid ads. you're watching "cbs this morning." the flame is out... the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude... your mother... antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it's not working. campbell's microwaveable soups.
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i have a resident named joyce, and she kept complaining about all her aches and pains. and i said "come to class, let's start walking together" and i said "and i bet you money you'll be able to do that senior walk". that day i said "ok it's me and you girl, me and you!" i said "if you need to stop, there's a bench we'll just hang out in the shade." she said "absolutely not! we are going to finish this race!" and we were the last ones in, but you know what? we finished the race. and she goes "desiree, i'll never quit walking. ever" mastering irresistibly smooth. the lindor truffle ... from the lindt master chocolatiers. hard outer shell... smooth, luscious center. unwrap. unwind. with the lindor truffle. from the lindt master chocolatiers. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of...
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the power to feel better. bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r).
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we are almost a decade, small businesses have been asking people to like them on facebook. that is a free way for them to connect with customers. in 2012 facebook announced a new feature companies could pay to put their posts on to more people's newsfeeds. first on "cbs this morning," the tech giant is revealing that 50 million small businesses now have pages on facebook.
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3 million of them are paid advertisers. 50% increase the past year. ben tracy is showing how small businesses are paying social media in hopes of boosting their bottom line. >> reporter: at her bakery in berkeley, california. >> can i get two of the chocolate? >> yeah, sure. >> reporter: lyla owens is selling cupcakes like hot cakes. she says many of the faces that show up in her shop is because of her facebook page. >> we use facebook almost every day. we need discounts. new flavors. we are posting them on facebook and i pay a xup dollars to boost beyond my current reach, so people who aren't even following us will get the information and that is what is helping us even gain more customers and exposure. >> reporter: as we were talking, this college student walked in and prove lila's point.
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>> the 2 dollar cupcake deals. >> reporter: how did you find out? >> i find out throughbook. >> reporter: this is where the facebook magic happens? >> this is it. sit here and mark sits there. >> reporter: sheryl sandberg is facebook's facebook's. >> a big part of that is connecting people to the small businesses. >> reporter: what service are you providing for them that they would not be able to do? >> the service we provide for small businesses is the ability to reach people in a really cost-effective way, particularly on mobile. >> reporter: twookfacebook says it has connected 1 billion people worldwide to one small business. including this store near the company's headquarters which employees single moms. facebook is helping small business, but small businesses are also helping facebook's bottom line. they account for the vast majority of the company's paid advertisers.
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criticized for makingeing it increasingly for facebook followers unless they pay to boost their post. that can cost from 1 to several hundred dollars per day, depending on how many people a business wants to reach. some people do say the organic reach is not what it used to be and these businesses have to pay a lot to actually reach the people they are trying to reach. >> anyone in the world can set free. and then feptthey want to, they can pay for their messages to reach more people. >> reporter: a recent survey by manta, a small business directory found that facebook is the top social network used by businesses. but 59% say they don't see a return on their investment from their overall facebook media efforts includingbook, linkedin and twitter. facebook's dan levy says 50
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on facebook if it wasn't worthwhile. >> they are coming tobook not to build a social media presence but to build their business. we feel they are doing something to help them when they are continuing to return whether to invest their time or money in facebook. >> i can go on my phone. within five minutes i've reached 10,000 people and how else could i have done that without social media? into for lila owens, that are those great results. >> thank you, see you tomorrow. >> that is what people are reading, their facebook pages. it's different from the newspaper pages. >> can we talk about how good those cupcakes looked? >> i've never been a big fan of cupcakes. does that mean something is wrong with me? >> you like sweet things. i know you do.
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>> whew, all right. moving on. a facebook page leads to the gift of life. we have an update of a kidney transplant patient who found her donor through a media campaign. for a healthy future. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients ... ...from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's ... ...complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and magnesium to help support healthy blood pressure. one a day. is she after our liquid gold? oh, she better not be. our claim runs straight down to the glut'n free stuffin'. it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. soil is the foundation... for healthy plants. just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair toothpaste. it helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair.
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with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free. hurry, join by march 3rd
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hi. >> thank you.
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saw only on "cbs this morning" yesterday. kidney transplant surgery between a maine woman and a stranger who saw her plea for help on facebook appears to have been successful. linda d dimming used everything to find a match. >> it literally boils down it's the right thing to do. from the moment i knew i was a match, i knew this would happen. >> i still don't know what words i can say to her. i mean, i can say thank you, but that just doesn't cover it. she has given me life. she has given me my life. >> a photo from dimming's
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spir look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious.
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good morning, it )s 8:27. i m blaine stewart.
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time for a check of your first warning traffic with kristen crowley. here )s myles henderson with
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now for a quick check of our top stories: the 7- eleven on granby street in norfolk was robbed early this morning just after midnight. two armed men walked in and robbed the plce. no on was hurt. jesse mathew junior is expected to plead guilty to murdering u-v-a student hannah graham, and virginia tech student morgan harrington. if found guilty at trail, he could face the death penalty -- accepting the plea deal would spare his life. look for those updates on newschannel three at noon and on w-t-k-r dot com. coming up on wgnt 27 - cox
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california primary doesn't happen until june so there is no way that anyone here could have cast a ballot in person. but did that stop them from
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let's find out. >> what did you think about the new voting system that is here? where you could vote by blinking your eyes. >> i wasn't too fond of that. >> who did you vote for this morning? >> you want me to be honest? you want me to be really honest? >> donald. >> of course, of course. >> did you get an i voted sticker? >> i did not. they ran out. >> would you like one now? >> i would love one. >> great. >> hopefully, that is not the way they answer the questions in our exit poll that we use for analysis. >> wait until their friends see them this morning. welcome back to "cbs this morning." this half hour, first on "cbs this morning," u.s. news and world report unveils its ranking of the best places to live in america. we are going to show you the results, including a surprising place on the list for the nation's biggest city. the revealing conversation
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the music super star talks with anthony mason about rethinking retirement and rebuilding his personal life, and becoming an unlikely lightning rod for pop culture critics. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" reports on lawmakers in italy cracking down on olive oil fraud. earlier this year, "60 minutes" showed house extra virgin oil has been diluted. now italian lawmakers are calling for harsher punishment. the government is going to consider forcing repeat offenders to stop production up to six months. ktva reports on snow shipped
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anchorage broke a record for consecutive days without snowfall. the "miami herald" reports on the rolling stones extending their lattin' america tour to include a stop in cuba on march 25th. it will be the first performance by a british rock group in cuban history. the band will donate musical estimate and instruments to cubans. the makers of this hope it will be popular with athletes. the drone can swerve or stop when its cameras stop obstacles. there is a return to home button that brings it back safely. the "los angeles times" is reporting on the world's fastest production car. it unveiled its new model at a show in geneva. the car can reach 260 miles an hour. engineers put limits on the engine to stop it going even
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the car costs 2.6 million. charlie, what color do you want? >> red. >> of course. >> where would you drive it is the problem. >> anywhere you want but very fast and carefully. "fortune" reports chris rock's multimillion dollar boost for the girl scouts cookie campaign. he urged fans to buy cookies while he was hosting the oscars on sunday night. analysts say the free plug brought in 65,000 dollars right away. cbs los angeles reports a new tourist attraction in downtown l.a. about 1,000 theater. a glass slide will let people zoom from 70th floor to the 69th. they say it will cost about $25. first on "cbs this morning," u.s. news and world report reveals its list of the best
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states. it ranks the country's 100 largest metropolitan areas. colorado springs, colorado, comes in at number five. raleigh-durham, north carolina is fourth place and fayetteville, arkansas, is number three. austin, texas is number two and denver is named the number one place to live in america. brian kelly is editor and chief content officer at "u.s. news & world report." big thing has to be quality of life. what exactly does quality of life mean when someone is looking for a place to live? >> so we took a number of factors that people valid as important. we survey people across the country. things like commuting, crime, education, health care. the basics. and certainly things related to environment and taking care of the community. those become really important factors for folks. not the only factors. we have seven different facts we
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but that was really probably the dominate one. when you look at all of these cities that was the pattern we saw. >> look at colorado. two cities in the top ten. >> yeah, yeah. now i don't think it's the marijuana but other things about colorado that are appealing. i'm sure you've been there. that epitomizes quality of life for a lot of people. the commuting issue that you have in many of the big cities isn't so much there. you've got the natural beauty. you've got very progressive politics. it's a combination of things that really just work very well. >> good summer sports and good winter sports? >> exactly. >> also they are near great universities too. >> that is one. raleigh-durham, charlie, you might be slightly familiar with that. the tech triangle there. duke, unc. >> north carolina state. >> that is a big factor. when you look at these cities a combination of tech and homes. something like fayetteville, arkansas, you might ordinarily think about but a university is there.
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des moines doesn't do badly on this list and grand rapids, michigan. some cities are not what you call big hip cool plays and then there are the big hip cool places. >> and culture too. people who want to work also want to have a place their kids can have a full life. >> i think, except the highest culture, so new york city does really poorly and los angeles doesn't do very well. >> maybe because of other factors? >> value is a big factor. one of the things we looked at is desirability. where do you want to live and then we said where can you afford to live? how much does a house cost and how much are you making? you may love the concept of living in manhattan but it's not happening for mostpeople. that really was -- we tried to balance it so it was realistic. >> median age is 30. >> millennials you talk about quality of life. they are focused on quality of life and a lot of these are young cities and austin, texas,
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people are flooding there. the highest people moving in any of these cities and same with colorado springs similarly. the young folks look at those quality of life factors. often the smaller environment, austin versus dallas. these are things very important for younger folks coming up. maybe education isn't as high on the list because they don't have kids yet. that is one of those things people change. >> i was glad to see that washington, d.c. made the top ten. >> being somewhat from there and i know you are. >> georgetown grad. >> georgetown grad, yeah. it's kind of a hip place these days. it really has changed. people city think of it as a government town but it's a lot like a denver if you go out on a saturday night downtown. a lot of young people there. the education, of course, being a big factor with d.c. too. >> how about fayetteville, arkansas? that has like a low desirability but does well. >> it's a beautiful place. they have one large employer there called walmart, which has really helped the place expand.
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university of arkansas is a good institution. it has a very powerful influence. it's kind of up in the hills there. it's pretty nice. a lot of people remember theretire there. fayetteville very high value. >> is climate a factor? >> we didn't look at weather. weather is too complicated. weather is everybody's own personal, you know, favorite. depends. some like it cold and some like it hot. >> brian kelly, thank you. up next, a music superstar dominated hit music around the world, then he apparently disappeared until now. >> the great phil collins is re-releasing all of his solo
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>> here is the face behind the
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expect cloudy skies with you'll be in my heart yes you'll be in my heart >> with hits in the '80s and '90s like "you'll be in my heart" phil collins sold about 150 million albums. that makes him one of the top selling artists of all time. now he is reintroducing some of the classics and guess what. he spoke with anthony mason about what it means for his future in music. anthony, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's been a long time since we
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abruptly announced his retirement five years ago. since then, he has wrestled with depression and divorce, and a neck injury that prevents him from playing the drums. but, now, he is back -- well, almost. give me one more night just one more night >> reporter: with seven number one hits in the '80s. >> reporter: phil collins became a global superstar. his music inescapable. the back half of the '80s you were everywhere. >> i know. i'm sorry. no. i do feel like i have to go out because i didn't realize it. i can feel it coming in the air tonight >> reporter: collins is now re-releasing those solo albums with additional tracks and updated cover photos. so this is the new you? >> it's a new me, yeah. >> reporter: it's a small step
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for the singer who hasn't released an album of new material since 2002. no i can't stop pregnant loving you >> reporter: are you still writing music? >> i was just fed up with it. >> reporter: you were fed up with what part of it? >> i can't describe it. i fell identify love with music a bit. >> reporter: did you really believe people would not miss you? >> i did. i don't know. i can't explain it, but that's what i felt and i started to feel that music was the enemy. living in just one mind >> reporter: after collins ruled the air waves in the '80s as a solo artist. tonight tonight tonight genesis. he suffered a backlash and
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called him one of the most unfairly and inexplicably >> why do i read it? because someone tells me it's there. i don't go looking for it. >> jack nicholson and i are happy to be standing in front of phil collins! >> reporter: collins seemed to at that time blame of the musical excess of the '80s and providing a concord across the atlantic to play both legs of live aid in '85. and for a much malaligned performance there. open your arms >> reporter: with robert plant, jimmy page and john paul jones. >> it was part of the led zeppelin that wasn't quite so good as it might have been, and
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>> robert was not ready -- he wasn't a match fit, you know, to sing that stuff, you really got was dribbling. >> reporter: jamaicaimmy was dribbling? >> i knew that was dangerous when i saw that. >> reporter: you want to explain that term 230 me? >> you know, coming out of the he was in another place, put it that way. i can feel it coming in the air tonight >> reporter: but as contemporary artists have paid him respect, collins has emerged from the shadows. he is also back with his family. and with your wife? >> yeah. ssh yes i am. we realized we made a mistake. >> reporter: reuniting with his third wife orian means he is back with his two youngest sons,
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who is 11. >> matthew said the other day on his birthday he just wished this would happen. >> reporter: what did you think when he said that to you? >> i was very moved, you know? >> reporter: yeah? you view it as a second chance? >> it's simple. we missed each other. why do you want to make me blue >> reporter: and his children has helped collins reconsider his career in music. >> the kids google me on youtube and watch some of the clips. i think that is good. i look over their shoulder and that was great fun. >> reporter: that guy wasn't too bad? >> yeah. he is starting to -- >> reporter: you know if you went out on tour with all of those songs, you know you'd sell out? >> oh, yeah. yeah. people have stopped me on the street and say that. i really am touched by that. i can smell it and i can imagine it. >> reporter: we might see you play again? >> yes.
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yes, you might. >> in fact, collins has announced he will perform at a benefit for his children's charity in march. it will be his first concert since 2010. >> he is going to be back on tour? >> i think he wants to be back on tour. he had back surgery in october little bit. but i think he is ready. people want him back. and i think he can feel it. >> the love between he and his >> yeah. it's nice to see. >> classic music. i was singing every song. >> you know them all! >> singing. >> you know them all. >> i can't let this go without saying how nice you looked in your suede leather jacket. >> thank you very much. >> you know i love it when you wear that. >> thank you very much. i'm deeply touched. >> it's what we are here for. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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take take me home what a night and what day. that does it for us. >> we made it, charlie! we made it! nap time! >> good to see you too. >> thank you. >> be sure to tune into the "cbs evening news" for scott pelley
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and for news any time good morning - its now 8:57. i m
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time for a check of your first crowley. here )s myles henderson with
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our next newscast is
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wayne: who wants to look fancy? - go big or go home! wayne: you've got the big deal! but you know what i'm good at? giving stuff away. jonathan: it's a new living room!
9:00 am
- that has to be the biggest deal of forever! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal!" now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america, welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. three people, let's go. (cheers and applause) the graduate, the graduate. the hot sauce. the clown, let's go. everybody else, have a seat for me. graduated cylinder, i get it, right over there. how are you doing, jennifer? nice to meet you, so you are a graduated cylinder, very nice, i like that, so what do you do? - i'm a chemist and also in nursing school. wayne: you are a chemist, chemistry... in school, chemistry was the bane of my existence. all of the compounds, you have to put it together. jonathan was amazing in chemistry though. (cheers and applause) and who are you-- he's over here. jonathan: whooo!


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