tv Right This Minute CBS March 8, 2016 1:37am-2:07am EST
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i want to speak to a lawyer. no, you want to speak to us, okay? this is kidnapping, and you have a record. if we don't find those kids, things won't look too good for you. i've got nothing to say. sarge, we got jason wallace. no kids at the hotel. and this guy is not talking. keep trying. sorry about that. so two girls, boy-- they live with you? they live with their father? spike: boss, i just got off the phone with the uniform we sent to the kids' school to take helen home. yeah, spike? she was gone when he got there. and she's not at her house either. so helen isn't at the school, she isn't at home. this is interesting. where would she go next? she's got an older sister-- colleen. i got her address. sister colleen. leah... i want you to go to the house, see what the sister knows. copy that. amanda?
1:39 am
so why are you being so loyal to an ex-girlfriend? what do you mean? well, she said that you guys broke up two days ago. no, that's not true. apparently, she was willing to leave you if it meant she could hang on to the kids. where'd you get that? according to donald. yeah, he wishes. yeah, well, when helen saw the surveillance tape she freaked and she made you out to be a dangerous, angry guy who would take it out on those kids. she said what she had to say. why would she lie? because she loves those kids. she needed time. parker: how long you been working custody cases, amanda? a long time. 18 years. must feel good to win. what feels goois working on a settlement. letting both parents see the kids. mr. westfall always tries to do that. ed: but that didn't happen this time. donald was so bitter and angry, he just wouldn't listen to reason. well, how even-keeled was helen? she adored those kids. every mother loves her kid but they were everything. she gave up everything for them. she raised them practically alone.
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it just wasn't fair. it hurts to lose, doesn't it? i have a question to ask you. as you know, things will go a lot better for you if you tell the truth. she deserves better than to be a housekeeper to some guy who comes home late every night expecting dinner on the table. he won't even talk to her. okay, let's stick to the point, jason. we're not here because you had an affair. she loves to go dancing. she deserves to just be able to kick back and enjoy something foonce. okay, we get it, you love her. but do you really want to go to jail for this? because that's what will happen if we do not find those children. (sighs) i dropped them off with her siste helen didn't want the kids at her house in case donald came there. sarge, confirming that the children were dropped off at the sister's. thanks, jules. you knew things weren't going to go her way,
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amanda. i helped her forge a letter of parental consent. you need one to cross the border. i used signatures from donald. she deserved them. she deserved them. i didn't say she didn't. colleen lester? i'm leah kerns, sru. i'm looking for your sister, helen. is something wrong? her children are missing. but that's impossible. they were with me. she just picked them up. you must have just missed her. helen and the kids just left. they can't be far. i see her. and she's got the kids. (tires squealing) she's traveling north on spadina.
1:42 am
i'm in pursuit. (siren wailing) (tires squealing) okay, we're on our way. keep a distance; not to provoke her. let's move. take me with you. i want to make sure they're all right. it's a little late in the game for that, donald. oh, boss, come on, you're not going to take him. stressful situation for the kids. it might be good to have the other parent there. come on, if it was your boy, what would you want? you talking about my boy or your boy? follow us. spike: boss, the car helen's driving is registered to jason wallace. copy. you didn't tell us that you lent helen your car. you didn't ask. is there anything else you didn't tell us? if you find helen, don't hurt her. please. why would we hurt her? (sighs) there's a gun in the car.
1:44 am
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1:45 am
before fibromyalgia, i was active. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving me helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. te your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression
1:46 am
or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica. not yet. not yet! pull the peach!
1:47 am
1:48 am
(phone ringing) liam: mom, are you going to answer the phone? helen: it's just a wrong number. alice: can we play the beetle game, mommy? okay, i'm the only beetle in the world that can flifrom its back to its feet in one move. the click beetle. the click beetle. yippee. okay, i'm the one with the big antlers like a moose. the stag beetle. uh-oh, mommy, i spilled. hold on. that's okay. i'm the one that eats poop. dung beetle. yay. still following. looks like she's heading out of town.
1:49 am
(phone ringing) liam: mom, the phone keeps ringing. she's still not picking up. all right, we got to make a move. what are you thinking? there's kids on board. we got to take it easy. we can't use road spikes, we can't ram them. we got to do a rolling roadblock. eddie,he's got a weapon in the car. she's driving under stress. she's volatile. we start crowding her... she's not talking, boss. it's time to make a move. spike, spike, the make of her car-- any chance she's got one of those onboard emergency communications systems? checking, checking... do i get to say "bingo"? only if it's a yes. bingo. awesome. let's make this happen. what about the one tha can fly, crawl and swim? mommy, where are we going? remember how you guys said you'd really, really love to see ireland?
1:50 am
ha, so we're gonna drive a little bit, and then we're gonna get on a big airplane. (electronic chirp) parker: helen mitchell? hi. my name is gregory parker. i was trying to reach you on your cell. can you hear me all right? hi, liam, hi, alice. you guys doing okay? we're fine. they're fine. it's kind of funny, huh? a voice coming out of the car. it's actually a security feature in case people need help, and i'm a policeman. we're going to ireland. you are? it's so autiful there. it's so beautiful there. helen, do you think you can pull over so we can talk a little? (sighs) no. leave us alone. (engine revving) helen, helen, i'm just thinking of everybody's safety here. you think you can slow it down? liam: mom, i'm scared. all right, eddie, let's go for the rolling roadblock. jules, move in front.
1:51 am
uniforms are now diverting traffic. copy that. (tires squealing) mommy. it's okay. liam: but there's police cars. everything's going to be all right. (electronic chirp) parker: helen, it's greg again. i just want you to know what we're doing so you guys aren't worried, all right? everything's okay. these cars are just going to help you slow down safely. nobody's in trouble, all right? jules, i'm closing 15 feet. ed: start decelerating. it's okay. let's tighten it up.
1:52 am
(siren wails) irens wailing) come on, come on. hi, helen. get out, getut. stay away from us! come on. i'm greg. hi. helen: it's okay. it's okay. parker: hi, liam. hi, alice. how are you guys? i'm the man who was talking to your mom in the car earlier. ed: boss, you need a shield. mommy. what are you dng? why do you have a gun? how you guys doing? i'm scared, mommy. boss, wait for the shield. she thinks the system's against her, ed. she eds to see some trust. it's not... it's a mistake. but i know you got my back. right. good, eddi i'm good. stay close to me. (panicked gasp) that gun comes up... i have to take the shot. helen: nobody's going to hurt you. i won't let anybody hurt you, okay?
1:53 am
look at me, helen. look at me. i'm going to put this down okay? so we can talk. ed: boss... you don't want to do that. think you can do the same for me? please? no. what does she think she's going to do? e's not thinking. that's the problem. how do you reach a person who's gone primal mother bear? through her cubs. it's okay. you can just... just try to keep it down. how's that? hey, guys. i know your mom loves you more than anything. you know how i know that? because of everything she's done today. she's a smart lady. i'll bet you she's taught you to never talk to strangers. you're not a stranger. you're a policeman.
1:54 am
just let us go. let us through. i could do that, i guess. i'm not really sure where things go after that, though, so... you probably won't get through the border. even with those documents that amanda made for you. the airport, the mom's told you a lot about ireland, huh? i've been there once. you know what they say about ireland? it's true. it's really, really green. and your mom wants to take you there because she wants you guys to be able to stay together, right? they need me. i know. but let's say you guys got on that plane today. you'll never be able to come back. you know that, right? mom, what about daddy? it's not right. he lied to them. he told them i was malicious, unfit, irresponsible!
1:55 am
i mean, the way he talks about you... i'm not convinced he believed it himself. but then why... 'cause he loves you? and when he lost you, he got angry and he felt helpless and no one wants to feel that way. no one wants to have their kids taken away from them. people go to extremes for something they love, right? helen? yeah. okay, let's get the dad out. let them see him. i hear you. it's okay, kids. it's all right. no one's going to hurt you. no one's going to hurt your mom. it going to be okay. i promise, it's all going to be okay. daddy! daddy! alice: daddy! no! wait! helen, listen to me. you haven't hurt anyone. you haven't threatened anyone, and that's good. it means you'll be with your kids again
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but if you raise that gun right now, everything changes. so, please, please just put the gun down. (sobbing) don't you dare. don't make me go there. donald. what happened? what have you done? i thought i was losing the kids. losing you. (sobs) what have we done? thank you, helen. what have we done? it's okay. we get lost in pursuit of glory
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ego has no intuition we need headlines every night, yeah those mistakes you made don't make you half a man there is weakness where there's pride a broken heart don't mean... hey, that's great. thank you. they'll be able to stay with her sister colleen. when kids are involved, it's hard to see straight. it affects your judgment. yeah. yeah, i hope like hell they get a second chance. woman: yeah, that soundgreat. see you tomorrow. i'm talking about you here, greg. what are you saying? you were thinking about your kid out there.
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your choices were dangerous. you know what, eddie? all the calls have an element of risk. you want me to watch your back. boss, this is me watching your back. i'm just saying. and there is weakness where there's pride a broken heart don't mean a broken girl within it's not a sin to start again whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ooh whoawhoa, whoa, whoa
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2:00 am
have you been a politician for so long that you've forgotten how to tell the truth? i'm not gonna lie just to tell you what you want to hear. are you ready to die, ryan? pat. hey, dave. you see the bbms for last week? impressive. as always. yeah, well, number one in my time slot. as always. pat, no one's ever doubted your ability to bring in the numbers. any coffee in there? keep your ears open, dave. it's going to be a big one today. going to be a very big one. you know, cosgrove's not going to stick to the issues, right? oh, he gave us his word, nicole. have you been listening to him lately? he's been going after you like you're public enemy number one. that's his job, that's what people want him to do. well, i still don't think
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if he wants to tussle with me, i say bring it on. i got a job to do. okay. you're the councilman. nicole? yes? it's okay. it's radio. i'm going back to the office. i'll pick you up when you're done. good. i'll be listening. hi, ryan malone. pleased to meet you. (rock music playing on radio) late night? yeah, you can say that. blonde, brunette or redhead? one of each. didn't know you had the stamina. (changing stations) rock and roll stations only, wordy. none of this country and western stuff. come on. i'm putting on cosgrove. spike: we're working out. can we please have something with a beat? you've obviously never heard cosgrove. (over radio): you're with pat "the lion" cosgrove. this is cosgrove in the morning and i am joined here in the studio this morning by my guest councilman ryan malone.
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we are very, verlucky to have you here. although, i-i have to say, ryan, it has taken us a lot of work to get you on my little show. well, i'd hardly call your show little, pat. you're an institution in this town. oh, pat cosgrove an institution? well, i don't know about that. but i think there are definitely some people who probably feel that i belong in one. i just can't stand right. this guy. i know, his teeth are too white, huh? no, no, i'm talking about cosgrove. i'm talking about cosgrove. malone wants to put a hundred cops on the street, jules. a hundred cops. he gets my vote every time. yeah, the minute he gets his hands on the budget, he starts running those red lines through all the promises he made. yeah, well, you got to have a little faith, boss. a little faith. but i'm a realist, buddy. yep. like cosgrove. i calls 'em like i sees 'em. oh, come on, ryan, let's get re here, all right. wealthy land baron terry malone, and yes, folks, my guest is that malone, has been financing your campaign from the get-go. look, my books are wide open. (chuckles) so, instead of manipulating facts, and trying to play tempest in a teapot,
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yes. yeah. okay? because i came here today because i wanted to talk issues, right. cosgrove: ethics, you know-- ethics is an issue, you know. especially for you, ryan. okay, so you're just going to lob vague insults at me, pat? is that the best that you can do? oh, we, don't you worry. we'll be getting into specifics soon enough. you're with pat "the lion" cosgrove and this morning, listeners, we have something a little different, beuse this morning we are going to be putting councilman ryan malone on trial. yes, on trail for his great and multitudinous sins. okay, well, this is a new low even for you, pat. because today, folks, is judgment day. today, ryan, we're goi to be dragging all your skeletons from the closet. and once we are through here today, then you also will be through. smells a little bit like bourbon in here to me, pat. oh, that was-- are you going to lecture me on my bad habits when you got a whole pile of them over there all your own, counlman? you know what, pat? i think, uh, i think we're through.
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i don't think we've really gotten started. why don't you sit down. (gun cocks) i said sit... down. malone: what the hell are you doing? cosgrove: well, i got a lot more questions for you. malone put that away. cosgrove: stay with us, folks, because you are with pat "the lion" cosgrove, and things here are about to get real interesting. (gunshot) oh, you got to be kidding me. who-- is that for real? let's not wait for a call. you heard the boss, gu. let's go! let's go! let's go! (sirens wailing) (sirens wailing) (tires screeching) stainton: sru has arrived. they'll be on their way up in a minute. talk to me. we got one shot fired about 12 minutes ago. they're still in studio? yeah. well, as far as we know, they're on the second floor. radio station cprd.
2:05 am
man: i'm dave agonstini, the station manager. nobody gone into the studio, nobody's come out? no. how many entrances? uh, just the one door and the technician's booth, on the other side. security cameras? not in the studio. spike, we need blueprints. we got to find another way into that studio. tech's have a two-way mic into the studio. but he won't answer. i already told you. jules, take a look. these blinds only open from the other side? agostini: yeah. pat? this is sergeant greg parker. i'm with the police strategic response unit. how you doing? can you... can you hear me? there's somebody in there. what do you hear? jules: i hear labored breathing, but it's only one person. one person? yeah. eddie, aggressive entry. police! police! police! don't move! don't move! police! do not move! sam? got him. boss, get word to stainton, lock down the building. we got something.
2:06 am
yeah. where'd cosgrove go with malone? i don't know. bourbon before noon. that a regular habit? little bit more recently, yeah. who fired the shot? was it cosgrove? yeah. yeah, but-but he didn't hit anyone. parker: what happened then? it was just like any other interview. they were just talking and-and then pat pulled a gun. i ran in. and then he told malone to tie me up. anything else you can tell us? he moved fast. and he kept watching the clock. did he say where he was going? no. no, only thing he said was that he was sorry. okay. i set up the interview with mr. malone's assistant, nicole bennett. is she here? mr. malone came by himself. spike, we need to find nicole bennett. she's ryan malone's assistant. hey, sarge, this is heather wallace. she's cosgrove's producer. hey. she says she was in her office. i came out as soon as i heard the shot. and you never saw them leave? no.
2:07 am
usually cosgrove's on a 30-second tape delay. today he asked me to move it up to six minutes. they were out of the building before anyone would have heard the shot. yodidn't think a six-minute tape delay was a little odd? i mean, it's pat's show. you know, like, what he says... cosgrove (over radio): for obvious reasons, i am unable to share with you the details of my location, but i would like to say that i-i appreciat you listening. my guest here today is councilman ryan malone. what's going on? i have no idea. uh, well, ryan, why don't we start off by you sharing with the listeners just what it is that i am holding in my hand here right now. he has a gun. he is pointing a gun at me. yes, that is correct i am. and unless the councilman speaks the truth to me here today, unless he does that, i will kill him.
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