tv CBS This Morning CBS March 8, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST
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and it was payment for things that i did not do. >> i was hit with 12 different cases of identity theft within three days. how did somebody get ahold of my identity and become me? >> you see those movies about identity theft and, you know, someone living an alternate life and taking over, and i was scared. she had my home address, she had my telephone number, she had my social security number, and she was able to make a purchase for $8,000. >> someone got ahold of my driver's license number and obtained tickets pretending to be me, giving my information to the police officer. my employer told me that i had seven days to clear it up or i would be unemployed. i had to prove that i was innocent because, to them, i'm looking guilty as if i have something to hide. >> in my early days with the fbi, the crooks wod go into a bank with sunglasses and a hat,
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get caught, face 10 years in prison. now they steal our identities. >> announcer: 1 in 4 people have experienced identity theft. your age and your income don't matter to identity thieves. just having a social security number makes you a target. >> crime is changing. criminals have moved into cyber crime because they know the risk's low to them and the payoff is much higher. >> announcer: over 100 million americans have had their personal data exposed, and there's a new victim of identity fraud every 2 seconds. >> we're all vulnerable to identity theft, unfortunately. for savvy consumers who really want to safeguard eir overall financial wellbeing, you have to be proactive and take sts to guard against this problem. >> announcer: in the digital age, our information is everywhere, making us all more vulnerable to identity theft. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. >> it was a very empowering experience for me to have lifelock on my side.
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accounts and my social security number. >> lifelock made it so i can go back to my life. >> i feel safe. lifelock's there. >> i don't need to worry about this now. i can't tell you how happy that made me. >> announcer: stay tuned and meet top experts in the field of identity theft. learn some of the tricks identity thieves do to steal your personal information. >> so this is how easy it is to skim thicard. >> announcer: and learn more about how lifelock detects fraud d helps protect you from identity theft. >> detecting fraud is a lot like squeezing jell-o. as soon as you stop it at one place, it squirts out somewhere else. and we've really devoted the last decade of our research specifically to identity fraud protection. >> announcer: find out more about what a lifelock membership means to you and meet some of the lifelock identity protection agents ready to answer your questions, to help resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch over your private information. >> you have this whole team of people on your side, and you know that you don't have to go it alone.
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done without lifelock. >> when i first got the alert from lifelock, my reaction was actually, "ha ha, i got you." since i'd been alerted and lifelock was helping me resolve the issu whoever was doing that wasn't going to be able to benefit. >> i was a victim of identity theft, and it wasn't fun. i was on my own. i had no idea what to do. and it was a terrible feeling. but it wasn't as bad as when it happened to my daughter, who was 7 at the time. somebody had stole her social security number. i was furious. i was concerned about her future. and so i concted lifelock because i had heard about them. i looked into what they offer, and it was the best thing i ever did. >> announcer: now let's join lifelock member tom jourden to learn more about identity theft, the fastest growing crime in america. with tom is former fbi agent and renowned speaker jeff lanza, an expert in fraud, cyber crime,
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>> jeff, thanks for being here. >> you're welcome. >> you know, 10 years ago, i didn't even think about identity theft, but then, unfortunately, i became a victim. and now we hear that it's the fastest growing crime in america. why is that? >> a couple of reasons why it's the fastest growing crime in america -- number one, it's easy to commit, and the bad guys know that. the second reason is, it's very lucrative. so once they get your information, especially your social security number, then 's easy to convert that into cash, to monetize that information. and once that happens, the victim is left with a lot of problems. >> i think most people think if they have a problem, their bank or credit card company will just take care of it for them, right? >> well, it depends on what the problem is. if the problem is credit card fraud, someone used your existing credit card number or cloned your card, yeah, the bank will take ca of that. but that's just one part of the problem of identity theft. there's a much broader problem, and that is when someone steals your identity entirely. they've got your i.d., they've got your sial security number, they apply for these accounts in your name. you don't even know it's
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you may not figure it out until you get a call from a bill collector, a credit card company that says you're past due on a credit card that you don't even know you had. >> so when you're on your own, you're kind of just blind that this is happening 'cause there's no one out there looking out for you. >> that's exactly right. you know, we have our jobs, we have our family, we have our life. do you want to take hours out of your day, maybe for days and weeks at a time, to try to figure out how to correct the problems that the identity thief caused? if you were gonna do all that, i don't know how much time it would take or even where you would begin to do that. you don't have the technology to do that. >> so, in general, the advice you would give -- what can we do to protect ourselves? >> the earlier identity theft gets detected, the sooner you can address the issues and stop it from getting worse, and that's where lifelock comes in. they deal with this every day. >> when jennifer learned a fraudulent account was opened in her name, she thought she could easily deal with it on her own. >> so here i am trying to call and prove that i'm the real jennifer, and they just don't believe me. i probably talked to six or seven people.
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"i did not sign up for this credit card. i don't owe you any money." that person says, "well, i can't help you, but let me transfer you to this person," and it's just so aggravating. it's like, "just send me to the right person." i almost got to the point where i was like, "let me pay for this $400 and just close the account and let's be done," but the thing is, there were other credit cards out there. you just don't know how deep it goes. when my lifelock agent got involved, somehow she knew exactly who to talk to. i never figured out that, but she knew exactly who to talk to. and she helped me take care of it. >> we work, shop, even pay bills almost anywhere. it's great, but it can also make us more vulnerable to identity theft. jim stickley is paid to think like a hacker. he'seen featured on investigative reports revealing where we're the most vulnerable to cyber crime. >> no one thinks they're gonna fall victim to identity theft, but check this out. in a caf\ like this, you know, people have this idea that
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they feel it's being provided by the local caf\ here, so it should be safe. threality is, though, that something like this -- this is a wi-fi device -- can be brought to a local caf\, set up right here in front of people without them even knowing it, and instead of them connecting to the wi-fi in the organization, they'll be connecting to this wi-fi device instead. what if they type in login credentials? i've got them. if they type in a password, i've t it. if they type in credit card information, i'll get that, as well. all of this information can be captured by the criminal, and then they can use that information to commit identity theft. i do these scams to show people what's going on out there. criminals are continually finding new ways to rip people off. and the bottom line is, you need somebody in your court. that's why lifelock makes so much sense. >> these real lifelock members all volunteered to share their experience in this sw. stay tuned to hear more true stories, learn more about how identity thieves work, and find out how lifelock can help protect your identity.
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the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you uld be if you bank or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information is out there out of your control. just detecting the problem is not enough. how do you resolve an issue if you have one? >> i signed up for lifelock. we have someone in our corner to help fight that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membership means you have whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection services, including 24/7 access
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identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee. >> every lifelock membership comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restoration
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total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not havin lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "ee" to get the first month of your lifelock membership free. as an extra bonus, call right now and get this document shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift. so don't wait until someone uses your identity for their benefit. get your first month free when you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get your first month fe, and a free shredder with annual membership.
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protection starts in minutes. >> so, you might think that your credit card is safe if it never leaves your sight, but the ality is, in the wrong hands, all it takes is a second for it to be stolen. that'll be $7.49. >> great. >> skimming is when a criminal will take your credit card and they'll run it through a device... so, this is how easy it is to skim this card. sorry about that. ...and then that device is gonna record everything that was on your card. they can then use that information to go out and shop online or even make their own credit cards to make purchases in the next store they go to. i do these scams to show people what's going on out there. criminals are continually finding new ways to rip people off. >> it's something that's out of control. i can't protect my identity all the time with everything that i do. bad people are gonna get your information whether you want them to or not. i have really a teammate in lifelock knowing that they're keeping an eye out for things, things that i couldn't do myself, and having them on my
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[sighs] i can just relax and take one worry off my plate. >> the technology behind cyber crime is extensive, but at about lifelock's technology to protect you? well, . stephen coggeshall, lifelock's chief analytics and science officer, is here to explain how lifelock's proprietary technology is helping fight identity fraud. dr. coggeshall, thanks for being here. >> my pleasure. >> tell me about lifelock's proprietary technology. >> well, we do a variety of things. and what we do is really cool. we go to our more than a trillion data elements in our data bank. we'll look at all the other things it's connected to in the world, all the other applications we see, we look at what's going on at the address, has anybody else used that social security number, is there something strange about that e-mail? and we gather all that information together and put it through some pretty complicated mathematical formulas, and we come up with a probability score, the likelihood that that's a fraud attempt. >> and then you alert me as a lifelock customer if you see something out of the ordinary? >> that's correct. if a member gets an alert, they have the opportunity to say,
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but if it's not them, if they're sitting home watching tv and they get one of these alerts, they can press a button and contact lifelock, and we start the process of shutting that fraud attempt down. lifelock started from the very beginning specifically to protect our members from identity fraud. that's our reason for existence. >> my cellphone goes off at just past 6:00 a.m. and it's a text alert from lifelock. someone attempted to use my name and social security number to open a credit card. they filled out an application online with a $10,000 limit. lifelock caught it, notified me, and we were able to stop that credit card from ever being issued because we caught it early enough in the processing phase. >> when your identity's been stolen, you want a knowledgeable, trusted friend on your side to get you out of the mess, and this is the big difference between monitoring your own credit and lifelock. a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of identity-protection agents ready to watch for threats to your
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questions, and to help resolve identity-theft problems. lifelock members like me get a dedicated agent based right here in the u.s. to help resolve any threats to your identity. meet identity-protection agents daniel, pua, and sarah. they're part of a team of agents who address identity thrts and help lifelock members if an identity theft occurs. what happens when a member gets an alert? i mean, when do you get involved, and how does that work? >> once our members notify us that it was not them, that they believe it's ideity theft, is when we get started. then you'll speak to somebody like me, and i'll call yound i'll assist you through the whole process. >> we know who to call, what documentare needed, and we get it done much quicker than a member ever could on their own. >> i know the questionto ask, i know the people to talk to, i know the numbers to call, and i can make it just so much easr for you. and i'm also willing to stay on hold for you if you need. >> wait a minute. say that again? >> yeah, i'm willing to stay on hold as long as it takes on your behalf if necessary. >> 'cause that is the worst part -- staying on hold. >> it is. [ chuckles ] but i'm happy to do it. >> you're happy to do it?
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>> now, sarah, i know that you are a veteran. you, i assume, work with a lot of veterans and people in the armed services. >> i do. up until a couple years ago, social security number was on identification cards. it's sad that people fighting for our country have to worry about that, but we are more than happy to help and see them through it, to carry the burden, and that way they can focus on the mission, and that's why i love what we do. >> and when you go home, sarah, at the end othe day, what makes you say, "that was a good day"? >> i love when i close a case. i love it. and every time i close one and i can't wait to call my member, it really is just gratifying knowing that taking the burden and helping them through the process and being able to make that pne call, "hey, your case is closed" is priceless. i love it. >> wt's impressed me most about lifelock is they're also gonna be there to help you
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the credit monitoring agencies, they're just gonna go, "no, you had an issue. it's on you." whereas lifelock says, "let us help you." >> every single time the lifelock agent, if we've had to stay on the phone too long with the other company, the agent will always say, "let me take this, angela. i'll call you back when i get them back." and i just feel like they respected my time and me. >> they know everything that there's no way i could know. i don't have to think about, "how do i fix this?" i turn it over to lifelock, and they'll help me. >> announcer: identity theft is the fastest growing crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you nk or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information is out there out of your control. just detecting the problem is not enough. how do you resolve an issue if you have one?
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we have someone in our corner to help fight that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identity by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock. it's the best identity-theft protection available. the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection services, including 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-protection knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identy, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee.
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comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restoration specialists, the $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "free" to get the first month of your lifelock membership free. as an extra bonus, call right now and get this document shredder -- a $29 value -- as our gift. so don't wait until someone uses your identity for their benefit. get your first month free when
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with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get your first month free, and a free shredder with annual membership. join now. protection starts in minutes. >> nearly 50% of american adults have been affected by data breaches. if you're notified of a breach, you're nearly 6 times more likely to be a victim of identity fraud than those wh are not notified. and once your information is out ther it's out of your control. that's why you need protection. >> you know, i've always heard of these data breaches at retailers. you always think it doesn't happen to you. and it did. my information, as well as that
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breached during a christmas shopping season by this major retailer. and that's when i said, "i have to protect my family." i called lifelock. it was so simple, and i actually was kicking myself that i didn't do it earlier. sometimes i even like hearing the ding, knowing there's an alert. lifelock makes me feel safe knowing someone is concerned about my future and that of my children. >> you know, jeff, last time i was part of a data breach, i got this letr, and they offered me identity-theft protection. i mean, what do you think about that from the company that just got breached? >> well, by the time you got the letter, it's already days or weeks have gone by since the company even realized it happened, and they don't usually realize it's happened until well after the breach has occurred. so the point is, it's too late. i mean, you've already had your information out there. it could already be a big problem. the point of identity-theft protection is being proactive. that's what lifelock does. it helps you figure out if someone's trying to steal your
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happ, they help to resolve it. >> i went to the doctor, and they told me -- i got a letter that there was a breach and that my information may have been compromised. i was very relieved that i had already signed up for lifelock. >> so, here's one scam that criminals willo. they'll buy an 800 phone number, which will actually forward to their cellphone, and then they'll call up and leave a voicemail to you telling you there's a problem with your banking account. they'll leave that 800 number in hopes that you'll call them back. so you should have received a security i.d. when you got your voicemail. so, once they answer the phone, the first thing they're gonna want to do is they're gonna want to verify that you are who you say you are. for security purposes, i just need to verify your social security number. people are very used to that, so they'll say, "sure, my social security number is" whatever it is, and just like that, they have that before people even have a chance to think, "maybe i shouldn't have given that out." yeah, no problem at all. you have a great day. thank you. bye-bye. and just like that, we have her socialecurity number. >> protecting your identity is a smart financial move. personal finance expert,
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journalist lynnette khalfani-cox helps her clients with their financial portfolios. here's what she had to s about identity-theft protection. >> you might be doing a lot of things right. you might be saving, planning for the future, investing. all of those things are grea but if you haven't taken time to protect yourself against the risks that are out there, the very real risk of identity theft, then you haven't really secured your family's finances in a way that's smart. identity theft is a threat to your financial wellbeing because it not only affects your credit rating and impacts your ability to get loans, it could also hamper you in everyday life, and doing things like renting an apartment, getting a mortgage, or even getting a job that you might need. the people who get financial help for any aspect of their lives, whether it's taxes, whether it's managing credit card debt, whether it's planning for retirement, they actually tend tdo a lot better in reaching their goals, and likewise, the people who have expert help to deal with the
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folks also fare so much better because they have a team of experts who know the groundwork, who know what to do in a way that the typical person just doesn't know. lifelock helps alert you about potential identityheft problems, and that early alert is crucial because you can take action and do something immediately to prevent the problem from getting worse. >> i've been a lifelock member now since 2008, and i can't imagine being without lifelock any more than i can imagine racing down a highway without a seatbelt. i mean, if somebody breaks into your house, you can get a new lock. if your car is stolen, you can get a new car. but you only have one identity. you're not gonna be able to replace it. so protect it with the best. >> when your identity is stolen, you just feel so violated and just so helpless. but owing that you have lifelock, it just -- you have this whole team of people on your side, and you know that you
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>> we feel protected, and we feel like there's almost like a blanket of security around us. >> is just really great to know that they are there and we can call on them whenever we need it. >> i would compare lifelock to having that big older brother walking side by side with you on the first day of school so that everyone knows "don't mess with him." >> choosing lifelock to protect our identity was one of the best decisions we've ever made. >> this is financial protection that you can't afford not to have. it's kind of like the people who say to me, "uh, i'm too cash-strapped and i can't afford to save." i say, "you can't afford not to save." likewise, you can't afford not to protect your credit health and your identity. >> the value of lifelock to me -- it's priceless. what's the value of your credit? what's the value of your family's credit? >> i've been attacked seven times since 2011. and each time, lifelock was there to help me. i'm gonna be a lifelock member
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>> what is more important than making sure the only you out there is you? >> announcer: identity theft is the fastest gring crime in america. are you at risk? you could be if you bank or shop online, have health insurance or fill out medical forms, if you have a smartphone or use public wi-fi, even if you file your taxes online. no matter how careful you are, your social security number and your other personal information is out there out of your control. just detecting the problem is not enough. how do you resolve an issue if yohave one? >> i signed up for lifelock. we have someone in our corner to help fig that fight. >> announcer: a lifelock membership means you have a whole team of lifelock identity-protection agents ready to answer your questions, resolve identity-theft problems, and to keep watch for threats to your identy by monitoring more than a trillion data points a day. that's why millions of people have become members of lifelock.
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protection available. the minute you become a lifelock member, you have exclusive members-only protection services, including 24/7 access to u.s.-based identity-protection agents, real people with experience and identity-proteion knowledge to answer your questions, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring with a technology that detects threats to your identity, plus dedicated lifelock restoration specialists to immediately get on the case if your identity is ever stolen and to work with you to set things right, all backed by our $1 million total service guarantee. >> every lifelock membership comes with a $1 million total service guarantee. that means if your identity is ever stolen, lifelock will spend up to $1 million on experts to help set things right. >> announcer: lifelock memberships start at only $9.99 per month. and listen to this. through this special tv offer, when you call right now, you can get your first month free. you'll get 24/7 access to
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agents, proprietary lifelock identity monitoring, dedicated lifelock restoration specialists, the $1 million total service guarantee, and so much more. >> i feel like not having lifelock is kind of like not wearing a seatbelt in a car. why would you do it? >> announcer: join in minutes. protection starts immediately. use promo code "free" to get the first month of your lifelock membership free. as an extra bonus, call right now and get this document our gift. so don't wait until someone uses your identity for their benefit. get your first month free when you become a member today. with memberships starting at only $9.99 per month, there is a plan for everyone. >> with lifelock, i wanted to have somebody on my side who was helping us be proactive and protect our identity. >> announcer: or visit use promo code "free" to get
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oklahoma and texas. les feldick's unique style of bible teaching has made the books of the bible come to life. when les is teaching, it's so interesting th people say, 'time just seems to fly by.' and now here is les feldick. les feldick once again, prram number 4 and then all of you folks can head back out for home. and for those of you out in television of course, it's just another program for today or tomorrow or whatever. and we just appreciate your response. your lters and your financial help. and most of all for your prayers because we know there's a lot of satanic opposition whever you handle the word of god, ss`we do appreciate the prayers of everyone. and again, we
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that all the past programs are available on either videotape, on books and audio. so if you're interested in any of that why, you give us a call or drop us a note. we are encouraged by so many that are using this for home bible studies because after all let's face it, the church just doesn't have time. i mean, i don't blame the pastors, after all most congregations won't give him more than 20 minutes. and the poor guy doesn't stand a chance to teach like this in 20 minutes once a week. and even if they have a wednesday night bible study, so we realize thathere has to be more time spent in the home in bible study and we do appreciate so many that are using the video tapes and the books in home bible studies and that's not to take away from the church what so ever, but rather to enhance it and edify it. all right, now then, back to ephesians chapter 1 and we're ready for verse 13, i trust, and again we start right out with that same prepositional phrase, 'in whom.' see, all the way through, we've got this
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are 'in christ.' that's something that no where else in scripture do you hear of, of a group of people being actually in the godhead itself, in this case of urse the person of christ. speaking of the godhead, lest you wonder godhd, lest you wonder where i get that term. honey, i hate to throw you a curve like this, but turn up to colossians. colossians, we'll get there too someday, when we finish ephesians we'll go right on through philippians and then we'll come to colossians. but, colossians chapter 2 and i guess we have to read verse 8 in order to flow into verse 9. where he writes, colossians 2 verse 8, "beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit
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after the rudiments of the world, and not after christ." you see the danger? my you know, most of us have just been inundated wi tradition and tradition is all right as far as it goes, but we've always got to line it up again with the word, see? and so we a a not to fall through the philosophy of vain deceit and the traditions of men. but all right, verse 9 is the one i really wanted, "for in him (that is in christ) dwellethll the fullness of the godhead bodily." now that blows a lot of people's mind. who is the godhead? god the father, god the son, god the holy spirit, isn't it? sure. that's the godhead. but christ is the epitome of it
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godhead bodily, with that resurrected body that he left from the mount of olives and ascended into glory. see? all right, l me take you totonother verse, it just comes to mind and that's the way i flying through and then i feel we have to stop and look. isaiah. isaiah, in fact this even fits with the earlier the programs, i at one time thought i was going to go back to it and didn't have time. but here again, oh, this is the christ who died for us. this is the christ that keeps us today. this is the christ that's coming again, we trust real soon. isaiah 9 verse 6 and 7. and oh, this fits with these verses in ephesians. this is the christ 'in whom' we dwell. all right, ver 6, now remember this is the prophet writing to the r`tion of israel so the pronn 'u to the nation of israel.
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born. unto us (that is the nation of israel) a son is given. and the gernment (this thousand-year rule and reign when he'll be king of kings and lord of lords, see? and we feel we're getting closer all the time. we know we're getting closer, but i mean we're getting close! when he will rule and reign, all right that's what isaiah is talking about).and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called, (now look at these) wonderful, counselor, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace." so who have you got already entwined in this one verse?
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son, see? now that reminds me of john 14. what did jesus tell philip? philip if y've seen me, you've seen who? the father. now this is mind-boggling, but you've got to remember even though it's three persons, it's one god. all righan here we have it. here he comes as king of kings and lord of lords, to set up his kingdom here on this earth and "of his government (verse 7).of his government and peace." oh, the world has no idea what it would be like to live in total peace. "and of his peace there shall be no end." this thousand years will never have even a little brush-fire war. thousand years of peace under the rule and reign of the mighty god, the counselor, the everlasting father, the prince of peace. all right and where's he going to rule from? jerusalem. the throne of david and upon his kingdom, to order it, to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth even forever. and how's it
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and the power, that isn't in there, but "the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this." and in our last halalhour we were seeing the power of god. it'll bring it about. don't you worry about whether these things will happen. yes they will. because hey, we're all human. we're all human. we read these things and i know i do, 'is it really going to happen?' don't you? sure we do. i mean just - not that we're doubting it - but on the other hand we have to face reality, is all of this really going to happen? i couldn't help but think of it yet the other night and then all of a sudden the lord sent the thought into my mind, but listen, everything that the old testament prophesied concerning his first coming happened. and i imagine those people back 1500 years before christ they
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that all these things would happen. and i imagine they felt the same way. is god really meaning business with us? yeah he was, because it all happened. so don't ever lose heart. ways remember that god's word is sure. all right back to ephesians. chapter 1 verse 13, "in whom you also trusted." now remember who is paul writing to? believers. he's not writing to the whole world. he's writing to those who were now believers and so he's writing to you and i as believers today, see? now of course, as he writes to believers it's also going to have an effect on the unsaved person. but, he's writing to believers in our position in christ. and here is how again, we got there, "it was in him that trusted." now what's the other r rd for trust in the
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you can use either one of those. 'in whom you also believed.' 'in whom you also had your faith.' when? "after.after you heard the word of truth." now let these words soak in. i'm going to spend theest of the half-hour, i think, on just this verse. because o many people just glibly read this without really understanding what it says. that we trusted christ, so that he could place us into the body of christ, but when did we trust? after we heard the word of truth, not before. nonothat reminds me of verses in romans. i can't help it. romans chapter 10. romans chapter 10, oh let's just drop down to verse 13, we were just sharing it with someone here in the studio
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romans 10 verse 13 and then we'll take it on up through oh, verse 17 about. okay, romans 10 verse 13, "for whosoever (anyone) shall call upon the name of the lord shall be (what?) saved." now i had a nice conversation with on the phone again the other morning and he was wondering about the word 'saved' and 'righteous.' and he had a verse where they were more o oless in the same context. and i id, 'absolutely.' in fact, i read one time, a long time ago, it would probably be more appropriate for us to say today that we were made righteous, rather than to say we were saved. i'm not taking anything away from the word saved, but really when we're saved, what happens? we were made
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really more appropriate, i agree with them. it's almost more appropriate to say that i was made righteous, when i believed rather than to just simply say, i was saved. because that's exactly what god did. he imputed the righteousnesesof christ to you and i when we believed, see? all right, but look what had to happen first. we had to call upon him, know, i tell peoeoe verbalize it. don't just say, oh yeah, i believe. but you verbalize it. lord, i believe that you died for me. i believe that you were buried and that you rose from the dead. i believe that your shed blood is payment for my sin. i believe that. verbalize it. don't just assume that god can read your mind, although we know he can. all right, so "whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved." now verse 14, "how then
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whom they have not believed? how shall they believe in him of whom they have not (what?) heard?" so it takes the whole complex human being to bring all this into an experience. we have to hear it, we have to think about it, we have to comprehend it and then we have to use the mouth and what? verbalize it. all right, so "how shall they call upon him in whom they have not believed? how shall they believe in him in whom they have never heard? how shall they hear without a preacher?" now i looked that up one time in the greek and my own pastor used the same analogy and i hope he read my stuff, i don't if he did or not, but he used the same word i did. proclaimer. and i like that. that's really the better word in the greek than preacher. 'how shall they hear without a
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what whave to do; we have to proclaim the gospel see? we don't necessarily have to preach. you know, we've become victims of tradition a lot of times, we get the idea that preaching is getting all exercised and doing a lot of stomping and yelling and all that. no, thatat not necessarily the case. we proclaim the word of god. all right, verse 15, "and how shall they proclaim except they be sent? as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them who proclaim the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things." now you got the process there? god had to reveal the gospel, didn't he? and we know he did to the apostle paul. and the apostle paul was inspired by the holy spirit to put it down in print, so that
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front of us. but by and large, most people have to have someone to explain the scriptures. now i don't say it's mandatory. but usually someone has to explain the scriptures to an unbeliever and bring them to the place where he can believe it and understand it. and that's what he's talking about here. 'how can they y ar, unless god providentially sends someone to proclaim it?' now i guess that's what we were talking about at break time. does it take the providence of god? yes. absolutely it does. in fact, honey, can you find acts 16, let's go back and look at that one, it's one of my favote verses when it comes to this whole idea of bringing lost people to a knowledge of salvation. this is not something that we take glibly. this is something that i think, it takes the power of god, it takes the working of the
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it, none of us can amount to anything. my teaching amounts to nothing if the holy spirit isn't behind it. and so here's the whole ea. acts 16 dropping down to verse 14, and to me this is the perfect example of what we have to see harpen in whatever we're saying. whether it's you or whether it's i, or whether it's someone else. "and a certain woman, (verse 14. paul is of course up in northern greece, outside the city of philippi and he says).a certain woma2@named lydia, a seller of purple of the city of thyatira, who worshipped god (so she was religious. she was probably a jewess, luke of course is writing) whose heart (now watch this).whose heart (who opened?) the lord" did.
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the lord opened her heart. so that what happened? "she attended (or listened and comprehended) the things which were spoken of paul." now in this particular verse, who is the proclar@er? well, paul is. paul is simply speaking forth the gospel, but before this jewish lady in philippi could comprehend it, who had to open her heart?he lord does, in the person of course now of the holy spirit. and that has never changed. every person that comes to a saving knowledge of the gospel, has to have their understanding opened by a work of the holy spirit, which of course, is there for everyone. now one can ever say, well, the holy spirit never approached me. oh yes he does. the holy spirit is omnipresent. he's everywhere, he doesn't miss a soul. not a one. no one can every say, well, i was
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holy spirit. oh yes, they are. in fact, another verse comes to mind. come back to john's gospel chapter 1, and i think this again is just because of the omnipresence of the holy spirit; otherwise this verse would be total greek to me. john's gospel chapter 1 verse 9. john's gospel chapter 1 verse 9. it's speaking of christ in his earthly ministry, of course, and john writes, "that was the true light. (speaking of jesus.) which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."
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light of christ lighteth every man that cometh into the world. well how? through the omnipresent work of the ly spirit. now one, in fact on your way back to ephesians, stop at romans. romans chapter 1. no one will ever come up before the great white throne. and only lost people will be there remember. no one will ever come up before the great white throne and say, 'i never had a chance.' never. because the bible says they won't. all right, romans chapter 1 oh, let's start at verse 19. romanan1 verse 19, "because that which may be known of god is manifest in them; for god hath shown
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it's done. just like john 1:9 9 at 'he is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.' all right paul says basicallthe same thing. "for god hath shown it unto them. (now verse 20) for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and godhead (therere that word again) so that they (the whole human race) are (what?) without excuse." no one will ever be able to say to god, but i never had a chance. and i don't know the basis of it. in fact i've got another one. titus. titus. go on past ephesians for the time being and go on all the way back to titus. now that's in the 't's' remember.
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timothy's and then titus. chapter 2 verse 11, now some of these verses are just mind-boggling. i know they are. but the scripture does not lie. and so we have to believe it. titus, chapter 2 dropping down to verse 11. i'm tying all these together, john 1:9 that he is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. paul says that the "power of god is manifested in them, so that they are without excuse." and now look what paul says here. "but, the grace of god which bringeth salvation, has (see, past tense).has appeared unto (how many?) all men." all
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it is. i look at the people down in the jungles of south america who o feel haveever heard the gospel and then in the light of these verses, they're responsible? yeah. they are. they're going to come before the great white throne as lost as lost can be and without a word of excuse and yet god is going to be absolutely fair and just in his judgment and he's going to be able to say, you could have known. you could have known. and the only reason they didn't know, they didn't choose to, see? it's one of those things of scripture that is hard to comprehend and i'm the first to admit it. all right, back to ephesians 1. my we've got to go on in this one verse don't we? so, "in whom you also trusted (or placed your faith) aft you heard the word of truth." now i didn't even finish what i wanted in romans. did i? but i think you got the gist, that how can they
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the spirit sends them. okay, now here we come back to ephesians 1 t tn, so after these believers at ephesus or as paul writes to us today, we "trusted in christ after we heard the word of truth." and what's the word of truth? the gospel. see? the gospel. now a lot of people are still confused about the gospel. in fact, it is amazing that right here in the bible e lt, i have had untold numbers and jerry sits right here, he's heard them in one of my classes where they can tell me i have never heard this gospel before. i've got another couple back there. and they'll say it over and over. well, we've never heard this before and they've been church all their life. well, what's the gospel they've never heard? i corinthians 15: 1-4. and i tell people over the phone constantly, just
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rirst four verses. if you can believe that, you've got it made. i mean that's it. it's that simple. i corinthians 15 verses 1 through 4. i know i've said it on the program before, there is probably no simpler place in all of scripture where the gospel is presented than these four verses. this is so simple a child can derstand it. and yet, it's as much as you need. "moreover brethren (verse 1) i declare unto you the gospel." not 'a' gospel, 'the' gospel. "which i preached unto you and which also you have received and wherein you stand. by which also you are saved." or like i said a moment ago, were made righteous. right-standing with god, "if (conditional, of course) you keep in memory what i preached unto you
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vain." in other wos, i always put it this way, you have to know what you believe, don't you? ? u have to understand what you believe, that yes, christ the son of god, the creator of the universe, who called ititll into being, went to the cross. shed his blood. paid the pricecef redemption. rose from the dead. we believe that. all right, verse 3 where paul says, "i delivered unto you first of all that t ich i also received, how that christ died for our sins, according to the scripture." see? it was all in that predeterminate counsel that we read about in acts chapter 2, all right, so that "he died for our sins according to scripture (verse 4) he was buried and he arose again the third day according to the scripture." now that's the gospel! see? that's why
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says, "for with the heart man believeth unto salvation," and .let's look at it, i don't want to misquote it. romans 10:9. i don't want to misquote it. "that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus (see?) and shall believe in thy heart (well believe what?) that god raised him from the dead." let me read it again, i may have mixed it up. "that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thy heart that god hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved." what is that? that's the gospel see? that if you believe with all your heart that t rist died and rose again, thou shalt
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reason is, that with the heart we believe. all right, let's have another one in that same light, that paul is always bringing up, this death, burial and resurrection of christ. i thessalonians. i thessaloniananchapter 4. i thessalonians, oh my goodness, we've only got one minute left. we're not going to finish that verse are we? i thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13. all got it? i thessalonians chapter 4 dropping in at verse 13, where he writes, "but i would not have you to be ignont brethren, concerning them who are asleep, or who have died. that you sorry now, even as others who have no hope." in other words, if we have a loved one who has passed on and he was a believer,
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we're going to see them again. and here's the reason, verse 14, "for if we" repent and are baptized. no. it doesn't say that! it says, "for if we believe that jesus died and rose again, then even so those whoholeep in jesus god will bring w h him." so, that's the gospel. announcer thank you for watching through the bible with les feldick, a weekly bible study. if you would like more information about the les feldick ministries, a bible study in your area, or about this program, write to: les feldic ministries, route 1, box 760, kinta, , lahoma 74552. that's route 1, box 760, kinta, oklahoma 74552.
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ldick is viewer supported and your gift is appreciated. thank you and be sure to tune in next time for through the bibl e with les feldick. the lord says come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome i will give you rest join heart of the nation for the celebration of the catholic mass sunday 6:30 here on ion television. for more
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and that's what total gym does for me. it keeps me active. it keeps me positive. it keeps me focused. age is a state of mind. my results were fantastic. i feel fantastic. i'really ecstatic about the results. my goal was to lose 10 lbs. in 3 weeks, i lost 18.5lbs. in the 3 weeks i worked out with the total gym, i lost 16lbs and almost 16" off my entire body. i lost 14lbs. i've lost 13". it is insane. i can't' believe the results i got. i lost 15lbs and i tightened in the placei really wanted to tighten. i knew i'd feel results after only 14 workouts. but the difference in how i feel is absolutely incredible. after using the
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small improvement. after 2 weeks, i saw a huge improvement. and near the end of our total gym workout, i saw a completely new body. i liked everything about working out. nothing will keep you motivated like results. and the total gym gets you results. perhaps you want to lose weight, feel better, or just be as active as you were 10 years ago. if so, you're not ale. i look at pictures of myself like this, and i didn't like what i saw. it made me sad. it made me think what happened and how did i get to this point. i bought the total gym and realizing i needed to get into shape, get fit, and get my life back. i'm a busy mom with 3 children, and limited time. with the total gym, i can take 10-15 minutes, and it's right here in my house. i can go down and get that workout in and get back to my life. i feel fabulous. i feel
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that i haven't ever been able to do. my name is lanette, and i'm 41 years old. i lost 25lbs using the total gym. and i'm certainly in the best shape of my life. thank you total gym for giving me my life back. you know, i've been doing the martial arts now for 54 years, the total gym for almost 40 years. and you wonder, why have i been doing it that long? do i do it because i have to? no. i do it because i like it. i enjoy keeping myself in shape. i enjoy looking good. i enjoy being healthy. i enjoy being able to do the things that many men my age cannot do. when you hit here, that takes a lot of impact so you have to develop that strength, and that's what the total gym does. and that's what is so incredible about the total gym, is that it works the whole body at the same time, and that's why i can be able to throw these techniques with
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hyah! like that one. i was 70 yearold when i first started working with total gym. now i'm 74 years old. i started using total gym because i lost a lot of strength over the years. every day i feel blessed because i see other people who cannot do the things that i'm doing. i feel stronger than i did 10 years ago. i like it because it's compact, easy to use. you don't need a lot of room. my name is jimmy brown. i've been using total gym for 4 years now. i'm 74 years old. i use it because it works. there are so many things to love about the total gym. i love the fact that i can work my upper body and my lower body. and this is really fun. this is so great, for my entire leg. that is why the total gym is so great. because,
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keep it in my house, it's accessible, i don't have to get into my car and go someplace. i don't need good weather. i can just jump on it and get a good workout. like to put it in front of a tv too, so while i'm doing this, i'm watching the tv. personally, i feel so much better when i'm exercising. come right up here. work your shoulders, your chest. your biceps. i guess you can say one of my beauty secrets is the total gym. i mean, come on. how many machines can do that? over the last 20 years, seeing patients in my office, i've seen an overwhelming problem with obesity. i decided i was going to try to attack it through exercise andutrition. that's when i found the total gym. the total gym provided cost efficiency and ease of use, and these are two things that i patients would be looking for. i
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myself. i wanted to put together something that would be realistic for the average patient, so what i did was a 3-day, 20-minute workout. the average person said, that they could do. so, we started on august 18th. i weighed 173. and over the three-month course, utilizing just the total gym as my workout, i successfully lost the 20 pounds. to think th i could achieve, in three days a week, through 20-minute workouts, what i was doing six days a week in an hour and a half. once i saw the results, i knew that this was something i needed to recommend to my patients. i wanted them to feel as good as i felt. these are the "before" photos. i'm gonna show them to you cause i don't like looking at them. actually, when i got to my highest weight, i didn't even want my picture taken. i was motivated to start losing weight because i st -- i didn't feel good. knew i had to do something, so i found the total gym. once i found e total gym, i begged my husband
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started seeing a big difference. between that and changing my diet around, eating healthy, i lost the weight. it just started melting off. i'm not a fanatic. i train about three times a week. such a variety. so many things -- so many different things you can do on this just by changing the angle. i don't miss the gym at all. i'm in my 50s. a lot of people don't believe that. i feel like i'm in my 30s again. my name is darla rogers, and i have lost 60 pound using the total gym. we want to introduce you to 14 people, each one with a different goal. basically, my problem areas are my gut and my outer thighs. i haven't been able to lose that quitting-smoking weight that i gained. i'd like to lose it from my belly and my legs. what do you think of that? i think it's a little high. i'm hoping to lose about 15 pounds, to gain a bunch of muscle, and to be bikini-body-ready. they committed to 14 workouts in 19
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plan. let's see what happened. well, i'm out of breath, sweating. felt really good. yeah, we'll see results after this kinof a workout, for sure. you have to. so, here we are, combining strength and cardio, working the quadriceps, the front of those thighs, working your buttocks, getting into that nice, deep low squat. and because you're moving constantly, burning mega amounts of calories. workouts like that can't help to get results. i am gonna get my bikini body. what can total gym do to your body in only 14 workouts? i lost 14 pounds, i've lost 13". i've lost 5.6% of my body fat. it is insane. working out on the total gym was easy. it was a workout, but it was easy. i can't believe the results i got. i lost 15 pounds. i did not expect to see this type of result in less than three weeks. i feel fabulous. i feel young, i feel energetic, i feel sexy -- all things that you
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your late 40 when i do interviews, they'll say how old are you? i say i'm 39 years of age with 36 years of experience. and that's really how i feel. i can do things that many men my age can't do. if i didn't do the total gym, i wouldn't have these guns on me. now, for the first time, you can replace an entire gym full of equipment with the one piece of equipment that does it all. your total gym comes fully assembled. just open it up, and you're ready to begin. and this instructional dvd gives you complete programs for beginning,ntermediate, and advanced workouts. and right now, you'll also receive john carleo'svd with his amazing 6- to 8-minute-a-day total gym workout. and as a special bonus, you'll also receive trainer todd durkin's three-dvd series. todd
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your strength, stamina, and energy, raise your metabolism, and burn fat, whatever your fitness level. these videos will help you get into the best shape of your life faster and easier than you ever imagined possible. with total gym, you can work your major muscle groups simultaneously to get a total-body workout in a fraction of the time you could with circuit training or free weights. anyone can use the total gym, regardless of age or fitness level, because your own body weight provides the resistance. you simply raise the incline to increase resistance and lower it to reduce resistance. more reps at the lower cline slenderizes, firms, and tones for that longer, leaner look. while fewer reps at the higher inclines are ideal for bodybuilding. and look at this -- when you're finishe with your workout, just fold it up and slide it under a bed, up against a wall, or into a closet. and when you call, don't forget to ask about the all-new, revolutionary ab crunch accessory. the total gym is built to last, and it comes with a warranty. and now you can try the total gym, absolutely risk
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you can return it for a full refund. now introducing our newest total gym -- the total gym fit. its sleek, new design includes a new ergonomic bench for maximum comfort and support. it also offers twice as many resistance levels, giving you greater control of your workout while still providing the me great total gym results. take the total gym challenge today for only $14.95. call the number on your screen. this offer won't last forever. the thing about the cycle trainer, it feels great. so on days like today, when we know we need a combination of our strength training and our cardio, we get on the cyclotrainer. it doesn't' take much time. as you can see i'm already huffing and puffing. this is really really good for the bottom. keeps that tush of yours nice and tight. then we're going to go in and do some strength training on the total
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fit. i'm 52 years old, i'm a moth of 4. if i only had 10 minutes, know the total gym is going to keep me in shape. i'll never ever stop using the total gym. i was watching tv and realized it was time for a change. the total gym s the answer for me. i started to notice a difference in the way i felt, in the way my clothes started to fit. hi, my name is jenni walden and i lost 30lbs using the total gym. thank you total gym. i started calling myself the fat guy. i weighed 360 pounds. i was unhealthy, i wasn't fit, because i was fat. the total gym has helped me so much because it's so ey to use. it's right there. i can do a hard workout, an easy workout. it works into my day. this was me at 360 pounds. i keep this
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heavy i was and how i felt. but i'm not that person anymore. i'm this person. thank you, total gym. so one of the first places women notice a little bit of aging is in the upper arms. we're always concerned about this area right here. so total gym is the perfect anti-ager. you can do so many exercises without ever picking up a barbell or changmachines you just flow along. sometimes it's as simple as changing the position of your wrist. you never have to stop working. now, come on. what other kind of machine can you work your upper body, and work your lower body all at the same time? total gym. it's been 1 year since the total gym challenge. and the biggest difference i've seen is my
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about myself and i've never felt better. after the results i saw that the total gym challenge, it just motivated me to stay in shape and keep it going and keep working out. it's so easy to squeeze in a 45 minute workout on the total gym in the comfort of my own home. the total gym has mewhat changed my softball game. i think the biggest difference it makes is my endurance has changed a lot. i was always out of breath by the time i got to first base. sometimes i hit the ball far, so to make it to second was always impossible. now, it's pretty easy to pull off a double. this is one of my favorite exercises to do on the total gym is the chest press. it'very similar to doing a pushup, although i find it much easier to do a cht press on the total gym than a push up on the floor. this is another of my favorite ercises, the ab twist. it really works the obliques. it changed my life. i recommend the total gym to anybody. i'm getting ready to do a new movie.
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able to keep my bis and tris in great shape. of course, doing this here not only works on my bis and tris, it works on my shoulders and my lats. and then of course, my bis here. these are important to me, because when i walk onto the set, first thing people do is grab me by the arm. trying to find out if i really do use the total gym. and if i didn't do the tal gym, i wouldn't have these guns on me. being a personal trainer, i've come up with exercises that i feel are most important to my clients. if you're anything like most of my clients, you're often time starved for a great workout. you can get in dozens of different exercises, and these are some of my favorite exercises. we're going to work our biceps now. so we're going all of theay to the top. we're
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this is increasing the amount of resistance i'm using on my bicep curl. i love to work my back. start with a low pull, squeeze, chest up, back straight. and i'm pulling back with my thumbs up. feel it behind those shoulders and your upper back. everyday is a good day to work on the core. what's so great about this is you can transition it into your obliques by twisting through your hips. this slide will really elongate your torso, and start to work your lower, mid, and upper abs. fist, lunge. this is a great, sexy move. a nice leg press. all of the way down. the lower you go, the more range of motion you get, the more muscles you activate. feel that burn. you know, shoulder. we're going rear delts. over here. slow slow slow slow, pause. you want to make sure your form is good. you can really just focu on each arm independently. now going up. one more, stay up. tighten up that booty. so here we start to fire up the gluts,
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total gym is going to allow you work, live and play atour absolute best. oh wow. this is... this picture is from this picture is from a week prior to using the total gym. when i first started using the total gym, my co-workers -- they noticed a difference and they noticed that i was actually losing the weight and i was getting smaller. and they wanted to know what my secret was. and i told them i didn't have a secret, that i was using the total gym. prior to starting the total gym, my first goal was -- i wanted to complete a marathon. another goal of mine was to be able to fit into my size-5 jeans, which i've been able to. if i can do it, anyone can do it. my name is gena nelson, and i've lost 55 pounds using the total gym. look how high that's going. think i need to lose a
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looks like you're starting at about 186. yikes. my stomach is obviously a concern. my arms are a disaster. i'd like to tone them up. my goal is to make my back smaller. my waist smaller and for god's sake, get rid of some of this. i really like that pound does really high-calorie-burning, very excing workout. i liked that, if it was too intense, you could kind of back off a little bit. so that was great. it's really motivating to sort of be able to keep up with the rest of the group. none of my pants fit me anymore, which is great, so i ve to go out and buy all new clothes. cardio, strength training, stretching -- total gym does it all. and nobody knows that better than our participants. when i got into the challenge, i was very skeptil, actually. my goal was to lose 10 pounds. in three weeks, i lost 18 1/2 pounds. i definitely have muscle in my arms that you could not see
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the new arms. i lost 7 pounds, 10 inches all over my body, and i now can wear my bikini. lots of people at work noticed the difference, wanted to know what i had done. now, after using the total gym, after one week, i saw a small improvement. after two weeks, i saw a huge improvement. and near the end of our total gym workout, i saw just a complete -- it's like a complete new body. i liked everything about working out. at my age, i need a machine that really works. i still have a lot of things to do in my life. so, i don' have time to spend half the day in the gym. anif i didn't do this, i wouldn't look like this. and that's the reason why i use the total gym. now, for the first time, you can replace an entire gym full of equipment
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that does it all. your total gym comes fully assembled. just open it up, and you're ready to begin. and this instructional dvd gives you complete programs for beginning, intermediate, and advanced workouts. and right now, you'll also receive john carleo's dvd with his amazing 6- to 8-minute-a-day total gym workout. and as a speciabonus, you'll also receive trainer todd durkin's three-dvd series. todd will motivate you to increase your strength, stamina, and energy, raise your metabolism, and burn fat, whatever your fitness level. these videos will help you get into the best shape of your life faster and easier than you ever imagined possible. with total gym, you can work your major muscle groups simultaneously to get a total-body workout in a fraction of the time you could with circuit training or free weights. anyone can use the total gym, regardless of age or fitness level, because your own body weight provides the resistance. you simply raise the incline to increase resistance and lower it to reduce resistance. more reps at the lower incline slenderizes,
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longer, leaner look. while fewer reps at the higher inclines are ideal for bodybuilding. and look at this -- when yore finished with your workout, just fold it up and slide it under a bed, up against a wall, or into a closet. and when you call, don't forget to ask about the all-new, revolutionary ab crunch accessory. the total gym is built to last, and it comes with a warranty. and now you can try the total gym, absolutely risk free. if you're not delighted, you can return it for a full refund. now introducing our newest total gym -- the total gym fit. its sleek, new design includes a new ergonomic bench for maximum comfort and support. it also offers twice as many resistance levels, giving you greater control of your workout while still providing the same great total gym results. take the total gym challenge today for only $14.95. call the number
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last forever. as you noticed, jena likes to jog. i like to jump. this helpset the spring in my legs at the same time i'm doing my abs. i'll keep doing my abs at the same time. i'm doing my abs too. this total gym stepper it feels like when i run stairs, if you like running stairs, this exercise is for you. what a great cardio workout. it's easy and it's fun. hi. i'm rebecca joseph. after my pregnancy, i gained a lot of weight. a trainer actually recommend the total gym to me and told me how easy it would be. and he said it was the only at-home gym that he recommended. i just loved how easy it was. i could just jump on it and get
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pounds just come right off. people were like, "i cannot believe you just had a baby." i've lost 35 pounds on the total gym, and i've kept it off for six years. so, it was definitely a testimony to me that this thing works and it's wonderful. and i ould know. i've been using the total gym for 40 years. my wife jena has been using it for 20 years. i'm 52, i have 4 kids. my husband is 75 and being in shape is so important. you have so many things going on in your life, to try to get that exercise in is so difficult to do. and people ask us all of the time, what do you really use that machine and does it really work? and the answer is simple. yes, it works. and it's really fun, because i've been doing the total gym now foalmost 20 years. can you believe that? i'm telling. i'm giving away my age. when i work out my martial arts, this really helps me with my punching power.
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-- ask me -- "am i too old to work out on the total gym?" the thing is, you're never too old. when i look at those pictures, i can't believe it's me, and i can't believe i let myself get there. i was 285 pounds. i was very lethargic, fat, overweight, and just plain old, in my opinion, disgusting. people ask me, "how did you lose the weight? and how do you keep so toned?" and my simple answer is, "it's easy. you just get yourself a total gym, and you work out on it." 12 to 15 minutes a day on a total gym is all you need to do. these jeans are size 44, and these are the jeans i used to fit in before i started using the total gym. since the total gym, i'm now a size 32. i lost 100 pounds. thank you, total gym. when i first started using the total gym, i noticed how much better i lt, how much stronger that i felt. i've lost two pants sizes.
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total gym. and the reason i love the total gym is because it's so easy to use the total gym. a lot of people my age don't exercise. they don't want to exercise. it doesn't matter. i'm 62, and it makes me feel so much better. i work out to stay young. to stay in shape. to be able to do things that i wouldn't normally be able to do. and that's what total gym does for me. it keeps me active. it keeps me positive. it keeps me focused. age is a state of mind. do you want to make a change in your life? perhs you want to lose weight. feel better. or just be as active as you were 10 years ago. if so, you're not alone. with the total gym, i've lost 175
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very first month. now i've lost 80 pounds. i was unhealthy. i wasn't fit. i lost 150 pounds in a year. was a size 12, and i went down to a size 5/6. lost almost a whole person. and that's an amazing feeling. i lost 100lbs. nothing will keep you motivatelike results. and the total gym gets you results. in just 6-8 minutes a day, you can get into shape. and stay in the best shape of your life. lose weight. build muscle, tone up. or just feel better. total gym does it all. cardio, strength training, stretching. all ages, all fitness levels, one machine. it's the most authentic piece of workout equipment i have ever used. that's what makes the total gym so great. not only does it save you time, by giving you a complete workout in as little as 6-8 minutes, but the convenience
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you'll really use it. it's fast, fun and effective. and most important. the total gym works. the total gym is built to last, and it comes with a warranty. and now you can try the total gym absolutely risk-free. if you're not delighted, you can return it for a full refund. so what are you waiting for? now is the best time to get into the best shape of your life, with the total gym. take the total gym challenge today for only $14.95. call the number on your screen. this offer won't last forever. i'm really glad i took the total gym challenge. it changed my life. it's like brushing my teeth now. i'm used to it. i come do it. and i like doing it. i feel fabulous and when you feel good about yourself, you feel good about your work, and your marriage, and your family and your kids. in a month from now, i'll be 59
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better condition now than i have been in 20 years. i feel really good about the results i've achieved. the results were astounding. i wanted to be thinner, and leaner and stronger. without the total gym, i wouldn't be in the condition i am or feel the way i do. the biggest difference i've seen is my self-confidence. i feel great about myself and never felt better. i have more stamina, i'm able to walk further, run further. on the ice, i have a ton of energy. i skating faster than i was skating 20 years ago. it's amazing. i feel fantastic. i never had this much energy. to achieve the results is really amazing. i knew i'd feel results after only 14 workouts. but the difference in the way i feel is absolutely incredible. i'm so happy about my results. it
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who struggled with weight all their life. and i don't want my life to be about my weight. i thought that i would have a belly like this. i was always proud of my flat belly. so when i couldn't suck it in anymore, i was very ashamed of myself. but my goal -- to be healthy for girls. i'm a person. i want to eat real food! and i want it to taste good. i'm just ready. i'm ready to, uh -- to make things happen for me. [ record scratches ] [ male announcer ] are you ready? stay tuned to see amazing transformations in just 90 days. today, you'll learn how to lose three times more weight and three times more body fat than dieting on your own plus the secret to losing up to 10 pounds and five inches overall in your very first month. and now here's your host, kathy levine. [ applause ] hello, and welcome. thank you so much. we have such an amazing show for you today.
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some of you may cry. but all of us will be inspired by the stories we hear today. and who better to get it started than marie osmond? you know her. you love her. you grew up with her. please welcome a true inspiration, my friend, marie osmond. [ cheers and applause ] kathy! look at you! oh! -oh, my gosh. it's so good to see you. look at you! -look at you! -woman! oh, my gosh. you look just gorgeous. -oh, thank you. -and i mean, you -- women in their 20s would kill for your body. -[ chuckling ] no. -and here you are still looking... -oh, you're so sweet. -...unbelievable. -thank you. and you do it all, and you still look absolutely incredible. so, you're going to give the credit to nutrisystem? well, i feel good right now. [ laughter ] do you know what, though? honestly, absolutely, 100%, i give the credit to nutrisystem because there is no way i cou do everything that i do if i had those 50 pounds on me. that had to hurt.
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i mean, i spent years and years -- and i know you all derstand this -- doing that yo-yo-diet thing. -yep. -and it's crazy because i would lose weight, and then you would feel like you were doing pretty good. and then, all of the sudden, you put the weight back on and a little bit more. there's nothing worse for your body than to do that. and you get so defeated. you feel terrible. it's those ups and downs. they're just awful aren't they? they're terrible. and every time you gain weight and then it comes back on you -- i don't know how you felt, but i felt like a failure. mm-hmm. mm-hmm. "my fault." -i know. that's why -- peop say, "oh, you're still doing nutrisystem?" it is why i'm here to tell you about nutrisystem, because i have not yo-yo'ed in nine years. it taught me how to take control of my life and my weight, and it doable. it rocks. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] stay tuned to find out about the all-new turbo 10 and how you can lose up to 10 pounds in your first month and five inches overall. featuring the all-new turbo shakes
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last time i was in this chair, i was excited for a new adventure, but i was so ashamed of myself. i feel lighter sitting in this chair. nutrisystehas changed my life in many ways. it's made me healthier, which is what i was looking for. but it's also made me happier. before nutrisystem, i didn't have much energy. i just wanted to go to sleep. but now i do things with my daughters that i didn't do before. i'm there for them. you know, we go hiking, so i'm getting them healthy, too. she's happier, and she has more energy to spend time with us and play. as a mom, it's not just about you. you need to stick around. your kids want to see you live into nice, ripe old age. so, that means get healthy. wow, i mean, look at that. is that a transformation? that's incredible. [ applause ] isn't that awesome? [ kathy ] great. it is great. [ lahs ] and there is no substitute for looking and feeling good.
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that's right. they did all the work for you. look at this table. i mean, seriously, all you have to do is heat it and eat it. do you like ravioli? that's it. do you like brownies? do you like mac and cheese? have you tried the new turbo shakes? i haven't. okay, they're delicious. try it. i love it -- first-timers. oh, that's like pure chocolate heaven. it's so good. and you know what i like to do? and it's like ice cream. 'cause i like the chocolate milkshake anyway, so this one is just adding probiotics so it's getting rid of that... -the belly bloat. -...belly bloat. -yeah. -wow, that's terrific. it helps you in your digestion and everything. it's fantastic. so, here's the deal --should we pass them around? would you like to try them? oh, you have to try these. okay, you have to try them. they are so good. these are so good. [ applause ] yummy. yeah you're gonna love them. honest. how yummy are these shakes, everybody? come on! be honest. thumbs up. [ cheers and applause ] aren't they amazing? -they're delicious. -they're really good. -mm, they are so good. -they taste better to me than any kind of shake out there. it's like you're really having...
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yum. -it is so good. turbo shakes are nutrisystem's newest and biggest breakthrough. i just know you're gonna love them. i love the new shakes. i lost 12 pounds my first month. don't wait -- start looking and feeling great right now. [ male announcer ] are you ready to lose up to three times more weight than dieting on your own? then you're ready for the all-new turbo 10. lose up to 10 pounds and five incheerall in your first month. lose weight fast, have more energy, and get healthy. you'll love it -- money back guaranteed! [ kari ] i took the first step, and i'm glad i did. 48 pounds gone! [ mark ] i lost 37 pounds and 42 inches. this is the neme, thanks to nutrisystem. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have turned to nutrisystem, america's number-one home-delivery weight-loss plan. nutrisystem works! lose up to three times more body fat than dieting on your own. the cret is our nutrisystem nutrient mix. it's the perfect combination of lean protein,
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all perfectly portioned toelp stabilize blood sugar and fight hunger. order your 28-day plan right now. you'll get delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, even snacks for less than $12 a day! choose from over 150 foods that are easy to prepare, all with absolutely no artificial flavors, preservatives, colors, sweeteners, or high-fructose corn syrup. with nutrisystem, say yes to lean proteins, whole grains, smart carbs, and healthy fats. it's smart, healthy weight loss you can feel good about. [ karen ] i turned to nutrisystem because i love the food. i could talk about the food forever. the food is really awesome. and on nutrisystem, i could eat that and still lose weight. [ ma announcer ] nutrisystem is an easy plan for today's busy lifestyle. counting points, calories, weighing-in... ooh! not for me. [ male announcer ] call or click now to order your 28-day plan and we'll rush you the all-new turbo 10
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the free turbo shakes are designed to help reduce belly bloat. it's that uncomfortable full feeling that cses your abdomen to swell and distend. the free turbo shakes are specially formulated with 22 vitamins and minerals and packed with protein and probiotics to support digestive health, boost immunity, and help bust that belly bloat! jump-start your weight loss and blast belly bloat with turbo shakes all in your first four weeks. [ male announcer ] th's right, marie. that's why everyone who orders today gets turbo shakes free! bye-bye, stubborn belly fat. [ male announcer ] we'll also include our mega-popular nutricrush shakes to crush hunger -- free. act fast -- the first 500 callers will get this nutrisystem shaker bottle free. it's all part of our limited-time offer. but wait! call in the next 24 minutes and we'll throw in fedex shipping absolutely free. there has never been a better time to start nutrisystem. try us for two weeks. if you don't love your results, we'll give you your money back --
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call or click now to get your free turbo shakes, free nutricrush shakes, free shaker bottle, and free shipping. don't wait -- this exclusive tv offer is only available for a limited time. the phone lines are open, and the reps are standing by. call now. [ applause ] yep. welcome back. we are joined today by the fabulous marie. ooh, you're so cute. [ laughs ] -entertainer extradinaire. you know, there are so many people who have succeeded on the nutrisystem program -they really have. -let's take genie francis, soap legend star. -yeah, that's right. she's so sweet. i'm such a fan. [ laughs ] and look at her. -incredible, right? -incredible. [ applause ] weave more nutrisystem stories to come, including a really shocking surprise for several ladies who've had great success with nutrisystem, and so many more incredible success stories to inspire us all. and i have a little secret to share with everybody here and all of you out there at home. many pro athletes and many other celebrities are
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that's right. gendary quarterback dan marino lost 22 pounds on the nutrisystem program. -crazy. -and don't football players want real food? -they want real food, right? hey, dan marino! it's "danny" and marie. look!dan marino! hey, marie. looking good. me and marie go way back almost 10 years now with nutrisystem. i'm dan marino, and i lost 22 pounds with nutrisystem. 10 years later, and the food is better than ever. marie, you don't look a day over 29. it must be nutrisystem. thanks, dan! you're cute! [ laughs ] [ applause ] wow, well, joining us now are three incredible ladies, all nutrisystem success stories... -whoo-hoo! -...lori, vanessa, and kelly. [ applause ] hello, ladies. -hello. -hello. aren't you beautiful. look at you. they are, and we're going to have some fun
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about how you look. -right. it's about how you feel. but let's show our audience first what you used to look like before your big weight losses. take a look. so when you see that -- just tell me what you think. [ lori ] when i see that, i get emotional, because that's not me. it's not me. this is me, living my life, being there for my kids. we had kids much later in life, and i wanted to be the mom that was on the jungle gym, that was coaching their volleyball team, that was running around with them and dressing up for halloween. i didn't want to be the mom anymore that said, "no, honey, i can't go swimming with you right now", you know, secretly because i'm petrified to put on a bathing suit, you know? and now i'm present for them and for me. [ marie ] no more excuses. [ applause ] ahh. okay, so, i just -- can i just hug you? yeah. are you kidding? [ laughter ] are you kidding me? because i know -- don't you feel like life has just begun?
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i love that. what about you, vanessa -- when you see you before? [ vanessa ] when i see me before, it takes me back to -- i travel a lot for work. and it is a mortifying experience to walk on a plane and somebody look at you like, "oh, don't sit next to me. don't sit next to me." at my heaviest, i was this close to having to get a seat belt extender on the plane. and it's an uncomfortable feeling feeling like you got to suck it in just to put a seat belt on. so how do you feel now when you fly? [ sighs ] [ laughter ] it feels so good. i get on the plane, i sit down, and i put that seat belt on. and i stretch that sucker as far as it will go... [ laughter, applause ] so, i'm justike, "yeah!" how about beautiful kelly? when i look at those pictures, i see a sad person. i see a person who was hiding. i see a person who was comforting myself. my husband and i lost a child in my late 20s. and i was always a thin person before. so, i turned to comfort food.
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but i was never able to get that weight off. for 20 years, i couldn't get the weight off and i just turned to food. what do you think -- you give yourself a reason why did it. i know what loss is. i'm so sorry. thank you. sorry. and you always can find a reason to excuse yourself or to justify why you've done what made you say, "enough"? because you -- that's huge. after 20 years... -yeah. ...of being certain weight, what did that to you? well, it was a seri of things. i couldn't do the things i wanted to do. i didn't feel like the person i really was. and i also could see it affecting my children, who are now in college. and by the way, they've improved their lifestyle. my son has actually lost 10 inches
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how does that make you feel? oh, it's an amazing thing. -isn't it awesome? -yeah, it's awesome. and to hear my daughter tell me how proud she is of me, um...means everything, you ow? and so, now i'm able to just enjoy life. all right, so, that's so awesome. and you need -- let's do that fun thing. should we do that? -let's do it. you know why? -tell them. -because it's so easy to forget how much the weight was that you really lost. you lose perspective on the amount of 40, 50, 65 pounds, even 10 pounds. yes. so, we have this fun thing today. [ laughs ] it's awesome you're gonna love it. we're gonna love i.. -it's so gross. -...'cause i'm gonna watch. but we have this sled pull where each of you will be loaded with the amount of weight you lost -- both: real anatomical fat. -this was what was sitting -- -wow, that was good. we did that together. -that was very well done. we could actually dance, too. [ laughter ] and let me sw you, marie, what we have here. okay, so, check this out, ladies. this is a [grunts] a piece of fat. -look at that thing. -that's one.
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that sucker is heavy. hey, dan! whoo! [ laughter ] good catch! way to catch! [ laughs ] oh, hey, i used to be a wide receiver. now i' a tight end. okay! [ laughter ] so, should we do this? -let's do this. we're gonna ve each of you grab onto your sled with the weight -- -okay, so, come over here. -right. so, each of you go your weight. so, lori -- and you're going to pull your weight loss. come on, let's get them going here. go, girls. come on. [ audience clapping rhythmically ] yeah. -oh, my gosh. -give it a pull. you can do it! -[ laughs ] come on, girl! you're in training for a marathon. get out there and pull that weight. come on, give it a pull. -isn't that crazy? -you can do it. -can i try it? oh, my gosh. my heart is racing. [ kathy ] come on, marie, pull your weight. that 50 pounds. this is what i do for my brother in vegas every day -- i pull his weight. [ laughter ] but can you imagine with your dancing... -oh, my gosh. -...and all your rehearsals with extra 50? no, do you know what? i'm winded.
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imagine walking up the stairs with that 50 pounds on you. 50 pounds is huge. -and i'm in pretty good shape. -congratulations. -you guys rock. -yes, you do. -you're awesome. [ applause ] fabulous. [ laughter ] -group hug! -wonderful job. you all did a great job. [ male announcer ] are you ready to lose up to three times more weight than dieting on your own? then you're ready for the all-new turbo 10. lose up to 10 pounds and five inches overall in your first month. lose weight fast, have more energy, and get healthy. i'm anastasia, and i lost 55 pounds on nutrisystem. when i look in the mirror, it's like looking at a different person. i've not gone a week without losing weight in 11 months, and all i did was eat. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have turned to nutrisystem, america's number-one home-delivery weight-loss plan. lose up to three times more body fat than dieting on your own. the secret is our nutrisystem nutrient mix. it's the perfect combination of lean protein, healthy fats, and smart carbs, all perfectly portioned to help stabilize blood sugar
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order your 28-day plan right now. you'll get delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, even snacks for less than $12 a day, all with absolutely no artificial flavors, preservatives, colors, sweeteners, or high-fructose corn syrup. with nutrisystem, say yes to lean proteins, whole grains, smart carbs, and healthy fats. it's smart, healthy weight loss you can feel good about. you eat the food, and you lose the weight. i saw results fast. jump-start your weight loss and blast belly bloat with turbo shakes all in your first four weeks. [ male announcer ] call or click now to order your 28-day plan and we'll rush you the all-new turbo 10 with one week of our all-new turbo shakes free. the free turbo shakes are designed to help reduce belly bloat. it's that uncomfortable full feeling th causes your abdomen to swell and distend. the free turbo shakes are specially formulated with 22 vitamins and minerals
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to support digestive health, boost immunity, and help bust that belly bloat! we'll also include our mega-popular nutricrush shakes to crush hunger -- free. act fast -- the first 500 caller will get this nutrisystem shaker bottle free. it's all part of our limited-time ofr. but wait! call in the next 15 minutes and we'll throw in fedex shipping absolutely free. there has never been a better time to start nutrisystem. try us for two weeks. if you don't love your results, we'll give you your money back -- guaranteed. call or click now to get your free turbo shakes, free nutricrush shakes, free shaker bottle, and free shipping. don't wait -- this exclusive tv offer is only available for a limited time. the phone lines are open, and the reps are standing by. call now. [ applause ] welcome back. all of us can be a successful story, and we can reach our goals. i'm telling you. i'm here to tell you that this can happen for you.
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they're the best. they're the best. no question. now for our much-anticipated interview with gie francis. yeah, genie. the hardest thing for me about my weight loss was, at 14 years old, going to work at "general hospital," and they decided to put laura "on a diet". it was very hard for me as a very young girl to be put on a diet on tv, and that made me very insecure. that's how, you know, my body image, uh... how it began. i have been on every diet there is, every fad crazy diet. i've been in pain about my body and my weight all my life. i tried nutrisystem, telling myself, when i saw the food and all the things that i could eat, "this isn't gonna work." there is no way that i can eat all that food and have a dessert and lose weight. i'll do it. i'll do it just to prove you wrong, but, you know, it's not gonna work.
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it's crazy. i have never been that nice to myself with my food. i have always restricted food and really suffered with weight loss. i am not suffering here. i will never go back to those crazy diets. you can't change by thinking. you can change by doing. i am walking, living proof that nutrisystem works. if it works for me, it will definitely work for you. [ applause ] genie, thank you for sharing your story. isn't she fantastic? i love her. -she is absolutely amazing. -she really is. we have a lovely young woman in the audience who has lost 135 pounds. that is... -oh, my gosh. -...a whole person. -is that incredible? [ applause ] you? aah! come here. hug me. [ laughs ] -oh, tnk you. get up here. get up here. look at -- okay, tell me your name. -emily beth. -emily beth. look at emily beth. isn't she the cutest? -how beautul. -thank you, thank you. wait a minute, emily beth -- is that a southern name?
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aha, so, good food. -oh. -was that southern helpings of cornbread and gravy? at every family function, a casserole, a pie -- you know how it goes. -oh, my. -oh, yeah. [ laughs ] -so how old are you? -30. so, you're 30. so how long were you struggling with your weight? mostly when i got to college. you know, you start eating at 3:00 a.m. and studying in the middle of the night... oh, boy. ...and so, you know, you just don't care about those things. why did you decide to lose it? well, you know, my doctor said "you have high blood pressure." you know... -at 30. i was on high-blood- pressure medicine in my 20s, you know, so i was like, "something has to change." yeah. so, what was it that caused you to make that decision? my sister was getting married, and my mom was like, "let's just this. we can drop a few before the wedding, before you have to walk down the aisle." and i was like, "okay." i lost 60 by the wedding, and i just kept going. i had to, you know? -whoo! and look at this --before and after. isn't that incredible? [ applause ] [ laughs ] i have a whole new lease on life, a whole new life, yeah. -you're so beautiful. -thank you. but do you know what? to me -- and i tell this to everybody --
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-it's about being healthy. -yes. and to be able to participate in life again. -yes, it is. -you're awesome. oh, thank you. you guys are, too. thank you. -gorgeous. thank you. thank you so much. you go, girl! [ applause ] one step, the first step, and it can change your life forever. absolutely, and our next story is sure to inspire you. watch this. three months ago, i started nutrisystem. i have tried every diet on planet earth. i can't believe that was me. i lost 31 pounds with nutrisystem. after nutrisystem, i glanced back at the mirror. i walk away and look at myself, and i just can't believe that's me in the mirror. it looks like a -- i look like a different person. i'm overall just more energetic. i feel like i can do a million things a day instead of wanting to take a nap in the mdle of the afternoon. i was told recently that i looked hot,
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[ laughs ] after nutrisystem, sitting in this chair, oh, compared to when i first started -- sometimes, i walk past a window, and i don't even recognize myself. and m like, "when did this happen?" i would love to get back to a size 8. i'm amanda, and i lost 25 pounds and 26 inches on nutrisystem! i went from a size 14 to a size 8, and people almost don't recognize me when i walk into a room now. nutrisystem has absolutely made me a happier version of myself. i am a different person. i feel different. i look different and in a wonderful way. [ applause ] we're back with marie. and now let's take a few questions from the audience. -oh, boy. -who has a question? -i like questions. -you, what's your name my name is joy. and first i would like to say, marie, you have been a positive influence in my life for years.
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i just want to know -- is it easy to incorporate nutrisystem in one's life every day? oh, it's the easiest. that's the thing that makes it so fantastic is that, you know, you just pick what you want. i mean, you guys, i ate pizza. i ate pasta. i mean give me one of those ice-cream sandwiches at the end of my day... -love the ice-cream sandwiches. ...because even though they're versions of the real ones, you don't feel like you're on a diet. -mnh-mnh. -and that's why nutrisystem works. you know, you're not obsessed with weighing foods and doing all that other stuff. shopping it and counting it, like youaid -- that's the perfect word. you get obsessed with food, and you're gonna cheat. you're gonna go off your diet. all you have to do in the morning is say, "this is what i want. i want this," and then you're done. and they do all the work. it's fantastic. -it sure is. -yeah. -thank you. -all right, who else has a question for marie? yes, you in the purple. -hi, marie. -hi. my name's renee. my question is, is i'm 54 years old,
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all my life i've never had to deal with weight gain. and then, all of a sudden, boom, it hits. it just seems like you're fighting it all the time, and you're losing the fight. but what i want to know, is this nutrisystem something that you can really combat mother nature? yes, and it helps while your hormones are doing all those crazy things. and so, when you're having one of those horrible hot flashes, you can stand there and say, "hey, but i look hot." [ laughter ] [ kathy ] you know? [ applause ] you're all scute. okay, so here's the question for all of you. what are you waiting for? you really can do this. you can. believe in yourself. because i believe in you. kathy believes in you. nutrisystem believes in you. you are not alone. all you have to do is take the first step. nutrisystem, they'll do all the rest. it's that easy. get started with nutrisystem right now. [ applause ] [ male announcer ] are you ready to lose
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than dieting on your own? then you're ready for the all-new turbo 10. lose up to 10 pounds and five inches overall in your first month. lose weight fast, have more energy, and get healthy. you'll love it -- money back guaranteed! i'm marshall, and i lost 75 pounds with nutrisystem. bye-bye, belly fat. my name is victoria, and i lost 45 pounds with nutrisystem. i love fitting into my jeans. that's where it counts. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have turned to nutrisystem, america's number-one home-delivery weight-loss plan. lose up to three times more body fat an dieting on your own. the secret is our nutrisystem nutrient mix. it's the perfect combination of lean protein, healthy fats, and smart carbs, all perfectly portioned to help stabilize blood sugar and fight hunger. order your 28-day plan right now. you'll get delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, even snacks for less than $12 a day!
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all with absolutely no artificial flavor preservatives, colors, sweeteners, or high-fructose corn syrup. with nutrisystem, say yes to lean proteins, whole grains, smart carbs, and healthy fats. it's smart, healthy weight loss you can feel good about. my name is erica, and i lost 31 pounds th nutrisystem. i can't believe my results. [ male announcer ] nutrisystem is an easy plan for today's busy lifestyle. counting points, calories, weighing-in... ooh! not for me. [ male announcer ] call or click now to order your 28-day plan and we'll ru you the all-new turbo 10 with one week of our all-new turbo shakes free. the free turbo shakes are designed to help reduce belly bloat. it's that uncomfortable full feeling that causes your abdomen to swell and distend. the free turbo shakes are specially formulated with 22 vitamins and minerals and packed with protein and probiotics to support digestive health, boost immunity,
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bye-bye, stubbn belly fat. [ male announcer ] we'll also include our mega-popular nutricrush shakes to crush hunger -- free. act fast -- the first 500 caller will get this nutrisystem shaker bottle free. it's all part of our limited-time offer. but wait! call in the next 5 minutes and we'll throw in fedex shipping absolutely free. there has never been a better time to start nutrisystem. try us for two weeks. if you don't love your results, we'll give you your money back -- guaranteed. call or click now to get your free turbo shak, free nutricrush shakes, free shaker bottle, and free shipping. don't wait -- this exclusive tv offer is only available for a limited time. the phone lines are open, and the reps are standing by. call now. take it from me. i'm a real nutrisystem customer. i was sitting right where you are now, and i made a choice to do something about it. take action. i called nutrisystem, and i lost 50 pounds. and i know that you can do it, too.
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nutrisystem, they'll do the rest. [ male announcer ] the preceding was a paid advertisement for nutrisystem. the lord says come to me all you who are weary and find life burdensome i will give you rest join heart of the nation for the celebration of the catholic mass sunday 6:30 here on ion television. for more
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