tv Early Today NBC August 12, 2016 4:00am-4:31am CDT
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>> announcer: the following is paid for and furnished by hair club. this station is not responsible for claims made in the following program. >> i love my hair. >> i'm happy with the way i look now. >> i feel like a million dollars. >> i'm very satisfied with the way i look. >> knowing i look good makes me feel more confident. >> i look better today than i did at 40. >> i wasn't looking for a major change. wa hair. >> i got my confidence back when i got my hair back, and you can do it, too. >> i finally look like i'm supposed to look with my own hair. >> i feel great. >> the best part is -- i don't have to worry about losing my hair anymore. >> if you want to look better, if you want to feel better about yourself, hair club is the way to go. >> hi, everybody. i'm tom wainman. since you tuned in and are watching today's show, i'm guessing you're probably dealing with some hair loss. well, please know you're not alone. for both men and women, balding
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the bad news is that hair loss progressively robs you of your appearance and, in most cases, makes you look older than you really are. but there is good news. hair club has an ideal solution for you. hair club has proven, leading-edge solutions that have already worked for hundreds of thousands of satisfied hair club clients, including myself. i've been a hair club client for over 15 years. and as you can see, the results speak for themselves. for more than 30 years, hair club has offered hair-loss solutions that men and woman who are fed up with thinning hair, hair loss, and the low self-esteem that can come with it. hair club is the leading provider of proven hair-loss solutions in north america. hair club is not about one product, one shampoo, or a miracle cure. hair club is about all proven hair-loss solutions. hair club's staff include researchers, world-class hair stylists, and trained hair-loss consultants, experts. during this show, you'll meet these unique individuals. most important, you'll meet real clients who, like many of you,
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are you ready to do something about your thinning hair? if you're ready to act or even just find out more about hair loss, hair club is ready to help. stay tuned and you'll learn more about this unique company and the thousands of people hair club has helped to get their hair back. >> my life is so much better since hair club because it's given me a new lease on life. my confidence is back. i'm more energized. i take better care of myself. it's given me a second chance. >> it's an amazing thing to have hair and to know that it gives you confidence in the fact that >> it stopped my hair loss, it regrew the hair that i was losing, and most importantly, gave me my hope back. >> there are many factors that can cause hair loss -- stress, diet, and for women, misuse of certain hair products. but the most common reason is simply genetic. >> by far, the most common cause of hair loss is genetics. by age 50, nearly 50% of men have lost enough hair for it to be noticeable. it occurs due to a hormone
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commonly known as dht. dht causes a shortening of the life span of the hair follicles in these men. dht chokes the hair follicle and it eventually shuts down. >> my wife had made the initial appointment with hair club for me. and when i got home from work that evening, she said we were going to a new restaurant that was in town. we pulled up in front of some building, and they didn't look like a restaurant to me. and when we parked, she kind of looked over at me and broke the news that, "hey, i made that first step for you. i'm the one who called hair club, and i'm the one who and we're gonna go in, and we're gonna sit down, and we're gonna talk to them, and we're gonna see exactly what they can do for you. when i see a "before" picture of myself, it's not anything i even like looking at. it's not anything i want to remember because that wasn't me at that time. and when i look at myself now, when i look at an "after" picture and what i look like now, that's the me that i always thought i wanted to look and see. that's the me that, internally, i felt like. and now i not only feel like i want to feel, but i look like i want to look.
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generally more traumatic than it is for men. the psychological effects can be devastating. there are many different causes of hair loss among women. most commonly, it's genetically determined and can be somewhat diffuse in character. hair loss in women is also quite common in the postpartum period and during menopause. some hair loss in women is caused by styling, such as chemical relaxers, perms, tight braiding. >> i discovered hair club by a commercial, and then i fal called and went in for a consultation, and i signed up that day. the new helen is more confident. the new helen is not worrying about whether or not someone is seeing a balding spot in the top of her head. the new helen can walk outside and run and do sports and not worry about a stitch being seen from sew-ins or a hairpiece falling out from too much jumping around and zumba. but i just feel more confident. i feel more alive. i feel attractive.
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know what looks good and what doesn't look good. and it just killed me that i could not get the style that i loved. i started feeling unattractive. i didn't want to go out -- kind of hiding. it was so much of an effort to get ready in the morning for my day. i just -- it took all my spirit away. on the day i got my hair back, i looked in the mirror, and i just could not believe my eyes. it was so natural-looking. and i just -- i felt pretty i felt i got myself back. >> so, find the solution that's right for you. here's how. >> announcer: don't tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair...because now the solution you need to get a fuller, natural head of hair is just one phone call away. hair club is the world's leading provider of all tested and proven hair-loss solutions. because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss, call hair club now for this free educational booklet
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hair-and-scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the planet can make that claim. hair club has been the recognized leader in hair-loss solutions for almost 40 years, with centers in over 100 locations and over half a million satisfied clients. call or go online now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough educational booklet is yours free. this vital, new information can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with absolutely no obligation. as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free, private, and confidential trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis. this is a $150 value, but it's yours free if you call or go
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time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call or go online now and change your life forever. >> what's the hair club difference? well, the secret is in the science, like our trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis. >> one of our new technologies is the trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis. and what it does is analyze your hair and scalp, and it helps you better understand your hair-loss exclusive to hair club, the state-of-the-art trichoview technology utilizes multiple magnifications to illustrate the specific conditions of your hair and scalp. this proprietary technology also performs a density analysis and compares your healthy growing areas to your thinning areas. digital scans are then captured so you can visually understand the state of your hair loss and become educated about the cause. our experts will then explain your options for a customized solution just right for you. it's the first step towards having a natural, fuller head of hair.
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male-pattern hair loss using the norwood scale, which is a progression of hair loss from minimal recession of the hairline all the way to the back of the head and pretty much anything in between. and there's tremendous amount of variation from individual to individual, and this is why it's important to come in to hair club and have a hair-loss expert evaluate you with a trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis and a full exam. >> when it's time to look for a hair-loss solution, you obviously want to make the right choice, ho you about hair club than people just like you who have already experienced what hair club has to offer? >> looking back when i was suffering from hair loss, i didn't want to look at myself in the mirror. and it just wasn't a good feeling. i felt a lot older than i actually looked. i feel that i just became so frustrated. maybe between two to three years of the hair thinning is when i just said, "i can't go on like
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i went into hair club, and i felt fabulous afterwards. i felt like a movie star. i came out, and it felt so good. i had my self-confidence back. my family was ecstatic. they were so happy for me. they had their old mom back. my husband was like, "that's my wife right there." >> i first started losing my hair when i was about 20, 21. i panicked. i was -- i'm talking calm now, but at the time, i was very upset. i felt very self-conscious. and when i would be in a conversation with someone, automatically, i thought they were looking at my hair. i spoke to a good friend of mine, and he suggested hair club. the first time i looked in the mirror, it was a pivotal moment because it was the way i used to look, and they captured it. and that's what really made me feel fantastic. >> i trust hair club 1,000%. i really do.
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was really terrifying to me -- really terrifying -- and made it fantastic. >> if i hadn't found hair club when i did, i know that i would not feel the way i do about myself and about my appearance. it has definitely enhanced my appearance. i think that it's something that came into my life at the right time, and it's gonna be with me for a long time. >> it's hard to come to terms with the reality that you really are losing your hair. at first, you tend to ignore it or deny it's happening. unfortunately, on the average, it takes approximately seven years from the time hair loss is noticed for a person to actually start doing something about it. >> so if you're bothered by your hair loss, come on in, find out what your options are. the only thing you have to lose by waiting is more hair. >> so, find the solution that's right for you. here's how. >> announcer: don't tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair...because now the solution you need to get a
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hair club is the world's leading provider of all tested and proven hair-loss solutions. because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss, call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the pl can make that claim. hair club has been the recognized leader in hair-loss solutions for almost 40 years, with centers in over 100 locations and over half a million satisfied clients. call or go online now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough educational booklet is yours free. this vital, new information can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with
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as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free, private, and confidential trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis. this is a $150 value, but it's yours free if you call or go online right now. this offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call or go online now and change your life forever. companies offering a one-size-fits-all solution. the fact is, no one head of thinning hair is the same. so clearly one solution could never be right for everyone. that's why hair club is in a league of its own. we actually offer unique, advanced solutions to solve every hair-loss issue -- from the early stages of hair loss to advanced baldness. >> i would say that hair club provides numerous solutions based off of what your needs are. >> first, our non-surgical hair enhancement. this new-and-improved technique
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our strand-by-strand process to customize a look for your unique hair density, texture, color, style, and even facial features. >> ultimately, i chose the non-surgical solution. that's what they told me i was the best candidate for. and i've never looked back. it took my expectations and really blew them out of the water. for so long, i had thought about getting my hair back and what that would be like that when i finally did it, it was still more than i was really expecting. >> next is our hair rejuvenation program -- e.x.t., also known as "extreme hair therapy." >> hair o extreme hair therapy program, or e.x.t., which consists of an fda-approved medication for treatment of hair loss in combination with some really good quality hair-care products and the first fda-cleared laser comb. it is of benefit by stimulating the hair follicles to grow stronger, healthier hair, to repair damaged hair, and to slow hair loss. >> i mean, i was losing hair all throughout here. so the fact that i can sit here
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didn't have at one point, it's just -- it's unbelievable. >> e.x.t. is a great option to stay ahead of your hair loss. the sooner you get started on e.x.t., the more effective the results. in addition, hair club also offers microscopic follicular unit transplantation. using individual hair follicles that are resistant to dht and hair loss, your hairline is artistically restored to look natural. >> when you choose a surgeon to do your hair transplant through hair club, you can be assured that that surgeon does exclusively hair that's all we do. >> today, the technology is so advanced they're doing one, two, or three hair at a time place into your head. that gives a natural look. it can't get much better than a single hair placed into your head to make it look natural. >> if i look at myself side-by-side before when i had an extreme amount of hair loss versus now, night and day difference. >> i consider myself a really active guy. i go the gym a lot. i go outside, play volleyball, beach volleyball, and i love jet-skiing.
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handles and go through the waves and fall off and get back up and shake my head and have my hair look the way i want when i come out of the water is the best, best feeling. >> you have a natural hair line, and people cannot tell that you had anything done. and even the people i work with, they have no idea. and it's so -- it's wonderful. >> i'm passionate about what i do because i've lived it. i went through it myself. i lost my hair, i hated it, and getting it back was such a i never take it for granted. every single day, i appreciate the fact that i have hair. >> at hair club, we have all solutions -- something that's right just for you. >> when you choose hair club, you'll be in good hands. our staff is made up of world-class experts that have helped over a half a million people just like you. >> the best thing about my job is that, no matter who comes in, no matter how bald or thinning, we're able to find a solution for everybody. >> a lot of the times, i see a huge transformation in their personality and just the way that they present themselves.
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consultation with hair club, they get to find out a little bit about you, who you are, and then find out your expectations. and then from that, the really best part about it is that you have several different options, not just one. >> and that's my favorite, is giving them that hope, seeing that their whole demeanor has changed. they're lifted, they're more positive. and i feel like they open up and they can take a deep breath knowing that there is an answer for them. >> at hair club, we're constantly training. we want to make sure that our team is up on all of the hairstyles and all of the trends we're providing those excellent results for our clients so that they feel confident about themselves. >> everybody seemed like it was a team that was helping me get my hair back, and that's exactly what i was looking for. >> it was greater than what i had imagined. all the worries and concerns that i had, and i can imagine other people would have, they all disappeared. >> people were very friendly. they were very personable. >> when going to the center, it was nothing but professionalism.
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what they're dealing with is a personal item with an individual. >> as a hair club stylist, when i'm with my clients, i know the overwhelming feeling of emotion. and we'll start talking, and i'll start sharing a little bit about what's going on. their questions -- answer their questions. but i know in my heart what's going through their head. >> just looking at the client and seeing that whole change in personality and confidence really -- that is the most >> so, what we're giving you is not only your hair back again, but also your confidence and opportunities you didn't even know you had anymore. >> today, we're learning about the latest state-of-the-art hair-loss solutions offered by hair club, the recognized hair-loss experts for more than three decades. >> the thing that caught my eye specifically was the variety of textures they had for different nationalities. and that really grabbed me. i said, "that's the final straw. i have got to get to hair club." i called and made an appointment, and it was greater
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because of hair club, i feel fantastic, not feeling self-conscious. it's a great feeling. >> going to hair club was the best thing i could have ever done for myself. it has given me back my personal life, my professional life, and i am ecstatic. >> hair club's been such a positive change in my life 'cause my confidence level is extremely high now. >> it's true. you never get a second chance to make a great first impression. and let's face it. right or wrong, in our society, people judge you by your appearance. that's what's so exciting about hair club. finally, you get to go back to how you looked with that full head of hair. you owe it to yourself to find out more. call or go online now. >> announcer: don't tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair...because now the solution you need to get a fuller, natural head of hair is just one phone call away. hair club is the world's leading provider of all tested and proven hair-loss solutions. because no single solution is
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loss, call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the planet can make that claim. hair club has been the recognized leader in hair-loss solutions for almost 40 years, with centers in over 100 locations and over half a million satisfied clients. call or go online now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough educational booklet is yours free. this vital, new information can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with absolutely no obligation. as an added bonus, we'll also give you a free, private, and confidential trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis.
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yours free if you call or go online right now. this offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call or go online now and change your life forever. >> i'm 52, and i look better now than i did when i was in my 40s. >> i look younger now. >> becoming a member of hair club for men is the best investment in my career i've >> i swim, i play tennis, and it feels good. >> going to hair club was the best investment i've ever made in myself. >> when i found hair club, it gave me back my life. >> i think he looks 10 years young with his hair now. >> these days, there's no such thing as a bad hair day. >> i love it. i really do. it has changed my outlook on life. >> welcome back. today, we're learning about the latest state-of-the-art hair-loss solutions offered by hair club, the recognized hair-loss experts for more than
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of people just like you who now look years younger and feel more confident, thanks to hair club. that first time you see yourself with a full head of hair again, it's amazing. so, as we hear more hair club success stories, we invite you to imagine how great you'll feel when you regain your hair with hair club. >> when i got my hair, my best friend -- and she is a hair maven. she's just hair -- everything is about hair. and i knew if anyone would have a criticism for how this looked, it would be her. and she goes, "unbelievable. unbelievable. it looks absolutely fabulous and natural." >> hair club has been such a positive change in my life because it's given me a new lease on life. my confidence is back. i'm more energized. i take better care of myself. it's given me a second chance. >> it was pretty amazing to see all the hair that i had on my head. you know, to go in there with nothing and then to come out with a full head of hair and a
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worry about my hair. >> what i like about hair club is that it's not a one-trick pony. while they do offer hair-transplant surgery, they also offer the bio-matrix strand-by-strand non-surgical process as well as the extreme hair therapy, which i like to think of as having a personal trainer for your hair. >> the real impact of losing your hair varies for each one of us. many people report being less social or feeling less confident at work due to their hair loss. the specialists at hair club are that's why hair club's core values include empathy, confidentiality, and discretion. so, the question for you is -- once you become a hair club client, you have your hair back, and you're looking great, what will be the first thing you do? >> now that i have hair back, i've been able to do something i enjoy, which is image consulting. i love it. and that's opened up a whole different world. and something i never thought i would be able to do is do actually a little bit of modeling. and now that i have that
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it opens up so many doors, and the confidence level just goes through the ceiling. >> i can focus on exercising and enjoy it. when you get out of the shower, i don't have to worry about my hair because i can style it right there on the spot. i can comb it, i can brush it, i can curl it, and be ready to get dressed and leave. >> i have a bass boat that'll go 65, 70 miles an hour. man, i look just like everybody else out there on the lake with their hair flying in the breeze. >> it's so exciting to see how lives are positively impacted after coming to hair club. bu "is it worth it?" well, it's been said that investing in yourself is always the best investment you'll ever make. with hair club's proven results, you'll know what you're getting. i mean, you've seen the "before" and "after" pictures on today's show. the fact is, you'll look amazing after hair club. best of all, no matter what kind of hair loss you have, hair club has a proven treatment to fit your budget. the time is now to do something amazing for you. >> getting my hair back was the best thing that ever happened to me. >> he was a good-looking guy
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it's just this newfound confidence and there's a glow about him you just can't match. >> the hair club is the only thing that's gonna allow me to do the things in life that i want to do with confidence. >> i feel sexy, and i feel beautiful. >> it looks good on me. >> i look younger, i feel younger, too, and to me that's everything in the world. >> i am so much more confident. i feel so sexy with my hair. >> if i had known the technology was so good that it wod this natural, i wouldn't have hesitated a minute. i would have done this 20 years ago. >> technology is quickly advancing and at hair club, the process begins with our exclusive trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis, a leading-edge technology that can help solve your hair loss. >> the trichoview analysis helps us identify the type of hair that you have, whether it's coarse or thin or fine, as well as able to count up the number of hairs in a certain area. it also measures the diameter of
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vellus hair that's on its way out or whether it's a strong, healthy hair. >> digital scans are then captured so you can visually understand the state of your hair loss and become educated about the cause. our experts will then explain your options for a customized solution just right for you. it's the first step towards having a natural, fuller head of hair. >> perhaps you're someone with a hair-loss problem and planning on doing something about it someday. well, consider this. every day that goes by, you will lose more hair. ev that your hair loss becomes more noticeable, more worrisome. the sooner you accept your hair loss and take action, the sooner you can get back to looking and feeling like you did with a full head of hair again. over the years, hair club has worked with more than half a million individuals just like you. and the number-one comment we hear after they come to hair club and they get their hair back is... "why didn't i do this sooner?" >> the average person i found that comes in -- it takes them about seven years before they finally pick up the phone and call. >> i wish i had done this years
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commercial back when i was 21, i would have started it right then and there. >> really, i think it would have helped me if i had done it years ago. i wouldn't have had to feel so, um...less confident for so long. >> looking back, i truly regret not doing things sooner. >> let me ask you this. when you look in the mirror and you see your hair, do you love what you see? since you watched today's show, i'm guessing the answer is "no," and that's why you absolutely owe it to yourself to call or go about how hair club can help you. your appearance is simply too important to tolerate living with hair loss one more day, especially with hair club's options and advanced solutions. this is your last chance. do yourself a favor, and at least call or go online to find out more. i know you'll be happy you did. >> announcer: don't tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair...because now the solution you need to get a fuller, natural head of hair is
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provider of all tested and proven hair-loss solutions. because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss, call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. no other company on the planet can makeha hair club has been the recognized leader in hair-loss solutions for almost 40 years, with centers in over 100 locations and over half a million satisfied clients. call or go online now and get the facts. hair club's new breakthrough educational booklet is yours free. this vital, new information can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you free with absolutely no obligation.
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give you a free, private, and confidential trichoview hair-and-scalp analysis. this is a $150 value, but it's yours free if you call or go online right now. this offer is for a limited time only. don't tolerate hair loss another day. look younger and feel more confident. take on the world like your old self. call or go online now and change your life forever. >> announcer: the preceding was paid for and furnishy hair club. this station is not responsible for claims made in the preceding
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