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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  September 19, 2016 1:30am-2:30am CDT

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>> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take
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financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. than and his team are currently looking for a small group of motivain to work directly with his team and learn the exact step-by-step system he's used to flip hundreds of properties over the past decade. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. so if you've always had the desire to get into real estate or you're already in real estate, this event is the perfect opportunity for you to learn than's system. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and
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>> just a few months ago, i attended one of than merrill's training events. since then, i've sold two properties, i have six houses under construction, and i have three houses under contract. in fact, the house behind me i just sold and made $38,000. i'm providing a better life for my daughter, and i'm absolutely loving life. now i'd like to introduce you to the man who changed my life, my mentor and friend, than merrill. >> if you're loo t your income, become less dependent on a job, spend more time with your friends and family, and ultimately have more fun and freedom in your life, then stick with me, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of those things and more by learning my proven three-step system for investing in real estate. i'm than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house." over the past 10 years, i've become a self-made multi-millionaire buying and selling hundreds of properties
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neighborhood. over the course of this program, i'm also gonna show you properties i've made money on in the past few months and take you to properties that i'm currently flipping right now, like this one. and i'm gonna show you how different your life could be using my system to invest in real estate. real estate has completely changed my life, and for the past few years, i've been able to share that passion through our live training events, and nothing has been more rewarding to me. thousands of regular, everyday people get started investing in real estate the right way, which has ultimately and dramatically changed their lives. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> now, you might be sittiti there thinking, "than, why real estate, and why right now?" well, what's currently going on in this country is really scary.
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i'm talking about people, maybe like you, who earn between $40,000 to $200,000 a year, who are losing ground. here's what's happening. over the last decade, middle-class families have lost 1/3 of their net worth because wages are falling and inflation is rising. you know, the old idea that if you work hard and you pay your dues that you'll get ahead might be giving you false hope, and sadly, for the first time in history, a lot of people are not nn parents. you see, the reality is if you're relying on someone else -- the government or a job -- you might be putting yourself and your family at risk. and it only takes something as common as a job loss or a divorce or an unexpected family health problem, and you could go from a normal, middle-class family to newly poor practically overnight. realize this could happen to you, and that's why it's so important for you to get a financial education and take the
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and the best way to do this is through real-estate investing. statistics show that real-estate investing is the most likely way to achieve financial independence, and more average, everyday people have become millionaires through real-estate investing than anything else. in fact, the irs reported that over the past 50 years, of all the americans who declared more than $1 million on their income tax returns, 71% of them were in real estate. you see, in college, they teach us how to get a job, but at my live events, i take pride in teaching you how not to be dependent on a job and how to take control of your own destiny. >> i always had a desire about real estate, but didn't know how to make it work. for me, i worked in corporate america -- 50 to 60 hours a week. no matter how much time and effort i put in, i still got paid the same pay. so i didn't get a chance to be rewarded for my efforts, and i was really frustrated working in
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of the education that you get. there is no environment compared to this. >> and they take it to another level. >> throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure that i got at a rock-bottom price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what i do every day, and this is what my students are out there doing every day. and this is something that can
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acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in the next few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know what you might be thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions. in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to deals that you find. >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for
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free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. >> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better place to invest than in real estate, and at the event, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed and have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling
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at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard using my system. and that's why these live events are so valuable, because you're gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to make money. right now, i'd like to give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step
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holding income properties. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide se cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full
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every real-estate investor needs to be successful. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeable rental portfolio and why i have 31 deals going on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. these five sources for deals produce the profits that you're seeing right now that i've flipped in two months alone. this is also one of the reasons why we have so many successful students around the country who have done thousands of deals. at the event, we're gonna
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them to find a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want to dip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. >> my name is jonathan "legacy" perez. i'm a professional dancer. i'm a b-boy. i was on "so you think you can dance" season six as a finalist. never in my life have i ever envisioned myself as successful as i am now in real estate, because i never felt that i had the capacity, and i'm happy that they saw what a gem i had inside of me in order to succeed in my real-estate career. >> another technique you're gonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area.
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paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. >> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chance to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and it is very refreshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level --su in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> and the system that you guys are delivering to us? oh, my gosh. it is priceless. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> right now, the middle class is shrinking in this
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wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who don't. a job does not mean you have security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for you, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. >> i'm so excited. i left my job a few months ago, so i've been pursuing this full-time, and it's awesome. and this event couldn't have come at a more perfect time. >> folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to retire on or are financially secure. and this is according to the
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money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always dreamed of. the reality is, if you keep doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this year. if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for yourself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking control of your own life financially. >> if you really want to have a
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different and you want to have a financial freedom in your life and be able to provide for your family and for yourself and do things differently than what you've been able to do before, take this vehicle and ride it all the way. >> at the event, we will also teach you the second way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the 31 properties i'm working on right now. here are the profits i made in two months alone just on properties i've rehabbed. [ cash register dings ] [ cash register dings ] [ cash register dings ] just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it
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to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at the event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to pick up a single paintbrush. >> as soon as i found out about this opportunity, i immediately called my dad, because i knew this was gonna be our way out. i'd been looking for a way to retire him, 'cause i know he's been the hardest worker i've ever been around. >> and at the time, i was saying i was a little too busy to come. so he called me a week later and said, "no, dad, you have to come to this." and then when he said to me, "i don't want you swinging a hammer anymore," i decided that i would come and see what it was about. got to tell ya, i was skeptical about it when i went to that meeting. but afterwards, i was amazed at
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that's what i really liked about it. that's the things i was lacking when i was building and selling real estate years earlier. >> we educate you on the process so you know the steps, who you have doing what, and in what time line. we also teach you exactly how to get the money for these types of projects. in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've bb stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 years. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywhere. they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real
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it's so refreshing to learn from someone that's doing the business at such a high level in today's market. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've just finished my last -- my first flip, and i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap of faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, t star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit,
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than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this
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your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> we'd been investing in real estate. we'd had some income properties, and we were tired of the rat race, the grind, so we decided that, "yeah, let's go take a look at this." we went to the one night. it intrigued us. the things that they were things that we had in our mind. we were like, "yes, yes, yes," and so we wanted more. it's been a godsend ever since. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have 31 deals going on right now, like the one
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teaching other regular, everyday people how to be successful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go onl reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> i've been a stay-at-home mom for a few years now. >> i used to be in the air force. i still am in the air force. i'll be retiring in a few months. >> i've always wanted to rehab, and i didn't realize how much i didn't know. >> to put it into a whole system that creates a business for you. i know the value of that, being in a military environment. they don't just tell you what to
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and how to build your business. and for me, that's what set them apart for every other real-estate investment company out there. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month. however, learning how to flip is only part of what we teach you at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there's only so many hours in a day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped.
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that produces money for you every single month, regardless of whether you're at work, on vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom is gonna give you peace of mind, it's gonna give you more free time, and it's gonna allow you to give back to those that you care about the most. >> after having two masters degrees and a doctorate, i was being laid off, and i was going to be looking for a job, and the same thing was likely to happen again in my life. i had actually maximized my earning potential with that education. and so i made the decision at that point that i was not gonna work for anybody else again. i never really thought about passive income before and what that meant. having some money coming in whether i'm actively renovating a property or not is now my main goal in life. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're
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now, or you're already in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. >> the fact that they've taught me to build systems so i can run it like a business -- before, i was not running it like a business. i was just going for it. i was making money, but now i'm gonna make big-boy money. >> i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now have their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like "flipping san diego" on a&e and "property wars" on discovery and "house hunters" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students. >> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing properties
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business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done andt accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a business that my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties. i'm building a legacy for my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and i'm doing something that i absolutely love. >> we introduced you to three powerful and little-known strategies for investing in real estate passively and earning high rates of return. in fact, one of those strategies you're gonna be introduced to,
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interest on your money, supported by united states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for yod your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or a tax-deferred environment. you see, working a job and just saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed.
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real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two more. >> it completely turned my life around from "a" to "z." that is, by far, the best thing that could have happened to me. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract. and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number right now to make your guaranteed reservation. this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever. i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life,
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i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at
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then we will enter the interview. is donald trump going to present the american public an explanation of how he will wall off his business so that there are not even illusions or any cloud that would hang over foreign policy decisions and his international business dealings? >> chuck, thanks for the opportunity to answer the question. his son -- one of his sons addressed this on a different network on friday. of course, we will consult with comply with the laws and what is needed. let me say, i hope the same question is asked of secretary clinton now. i mean, they have said they will shut down the clinton foundation or get away from it, the family will get away from it if she's elected. why not now? they were using the state department as a concierge for foreign governments who came in with cash asking for favors.
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dinners. you will see folks were dropping a friend of -- >> donald trump is going to make a pledge he will never do any business, even remotely related to the trump organization, while in the white house? >> i don't make pledges on behalf of him. we will ask experts at this campaign what needs to be done. we will follow the law. when he is president, he will be president for all americans and he is going to be -- it's going to be a full-time job for him. >> kellyanne conway, the good news is theories on our end or your end about that satellite blip. alex and katy who has been covering the campaign, maureen
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live television, it's all good. katy, i find it interesting donald trump over the last 48 hours has been a lot different than the donald trump you covered for the last three weeks. >> he was on prompter quite a bit. he has been off more. that campaign event or hotel promotion on friday was a lot different. he did try to give the cameras only no editorial presence a tour of his hotel. that doesn't jive with what he was off script when he was talking about robert gates over the weekend, trashing him, off script when he was talking about calling it a bomb in new york before the officials were calling it a bomb in new york. he has been going after people on twitter quite a bit lately. maureen, you know about this. this is the donald trump that we were seeing more in the past. i think it's because he is getting more comfortable with
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the three weeks and then suddenly you are like, there's old donald trump again. undisciplined donald trump. is he cocky? >> i don't think you are seeing that. you are see -- he is always going to be donald trump. there is no other donald trump. i think as we have learned in this campaign. but i still think this long-term tread has been longer than three weeks. donald trump is moving up in the polls. hillary clinton is moving down in the polls. donald trump is strength in an he is change where we're heading in the wrong direction. i think sometimes we get lost in the minutia of the campaign, all the small issues that aren't central to anyone in making a decision about picking a president. >> maureen, you know him a little bitter than anybody at this table, i think, even more so than alex. he loves members of the media. he does spend time talking to members of the media, even as he hates on them. what are you seeing from him?
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he made his first foray in 1999. so a lot is the same. because it's all his ego arithmetic. why would voters vote for you? because i got great ratings on larry king. because x number of men hit on melania. it was these numbers of his success. he said he was going to put his name x number of times on a building he had just built. in that sense, he is exactly the same. he is judging himself by these numbers. in another sense, he is completely the opposite. because he was this new york white rapper bling king and liberal and now he is an alt-right conservative, women should be punished for abortions, completely different guy.
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>> let me bring up the birtherism issue. does this -- what happened friday, did it put an end, as donald trump wants to say, or did it suddenly give the clinton campaign a way to motivate president obama more to help? than >> thanks for poking me with a stick with this issue. we have been tracking this since 2008, through the campaign. i'm going to be hawking a book next month myself. track sort of this would with racial and how it's impacted in the electorate. i'm not going to play nice games with this. this birtherism stuff is a soft place for racism to land. it's a soft place for racism to land, plain and simple. we have had a couple hundred years of presidents and none of them have had this attack on them. the making him not a real american, it is -- >> by the way, let me ask you, you were on the '08 campaign with obama. do you want to clear up what you
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campaign, if -- what did you believe? >> it's news to us that this was coming -- >> i don't think so. >> it's news to us. i was on the campaign. so for us on the campaign, we never saw this as something being driven by the clinton campaign. >> you never thought mark penn was trying -- you said -- mark penn wrote about other. did you think he was toying in that world? >> before you answer, i have it here. from his memo, which mark called lack of american roots in whi imagine america electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center american in his thinking and values. if donald trump said that in 2008, we would all be sitting here saying, that was the start of the birtherism. >> he has been saying -- >> mark penn said this. >> it never came from -- it never came from hillary's mouth. >> just her strategist. >> it's coming from your candidate.
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quite a while. >> it did come from hillary clinton on a "60 minutes" interview where he said he was a christian, as far as you know. the otherness of -- >> that's further -- >> answer that part of that, alex. when do two wrongs make a right? he did it for five years after the fact. how do you explain that away? >> i would explain it this way. being on the trump team that, i being treated very differently on this very issue. because this is something that hillary clinton's campaign started when it was convenient for her but the media covers it as if it is only donald trump who has taken the campaign -- >> alex, i have to tell -- >> that's not an answer. >> there isn't -- there's an answer here. i think the big question about obama is not where he was born or his faith. the big question about obama has been, has he been -- has he
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there is an otherness to this president. people have tried to exploit that politically in different way. the clinton campaign tried to exploit it this way. the way their strategist said by saying his lack of american roots is an issue. >> make what donald trump has been doing comparable to what -- that's not fair. it's not fair at all. it's not even close to being the same. >> you should take that up with mark penn. >> i can take it up with hillary clinton. it's not something she's it's not the same. >> i will pause the conversation here. we will come back, talk a little bit about the campaign and demographics after this. when we come back, in fact, it's headline like this one from "the wall street journal" that may be keeping the clinton campaign up
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her advantage dropped to over a five point lead now here in september. a fox news poll only has her up single digits among this group. you may know why democrats are worried. because both of these polls show her lagging far behind president obama's performance. he won them by 23 points in 2012. let's look at the state of michigan where a poll shows clinton's le under 35 plummeting. a 24-point lead in august, now just seven. not good news for her. president obama won voters under 30 by 28 points in 2012. look at wisconsin. a poll shows clinton's advantage under 30 dropping from 30 to 23 points in the month of august. this shows her with the same margin obama won by in 2012. but she can't afford to keep falling with that group. what do we learn from this?
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in many cases, it's gary johnson who has gained and those voters are moving to the undecided column. now clinton is trying to deploy surrogates across the country in an effort to try to yank the voters out and rebuild the obama coalition. among those is president obama himself. we will get to him when we come back in a moment. >> i will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy if this community lets down its itself in this election. those new glasses? they are. do i look smarter? yeah, a little. you're making money now, are you investing? well, i've been doing some research. let me introduce you to our broker. how much does he charge? i don't know. okay. uh, do you get your fees back if you're not happy? (dad laughs) wow, you're laughing. that's not the way the world works. well, the world's changing.
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let's bring back the panel. i think it was saturday "the new york times," maureen, had a lead that said -- interviewing upper west siders panicking. referred to it as the polls are showing a margin of panic for clinton supporters. describe this east have seen among the elite this week. >> right. my friends -- one of my friends calls it a national emergency. my friends won't even read any -- if i do interviews with trump. they won't read them. basically, they would like to sensor any stories about trump and also sensor any negative stories about hillary.
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free pass because as she said, i'm the only thing standing between you and the ability. democratic strategists are -- >> there is -- let's talk about the numbers behind this concern. i pointed out the millennial issue. you have noted some of your work appeared in the "new york times." you noted there's an enthusiasm issue with the obama coalition. its voters under 30, young african-americans, young latinos, what is the conc what hasn't she's addressed? >> obama was a great love affair for these voters. 62% of the voters were under 35. we brought in a cadre of new voters. that's part of why he won. they were obama voters. they weren't democratic voters necessarily. they are more with us than they are with republicans on the issues. in the frame of this
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yes. but at the same time, you see trump right now, he is going to get the lowest percentage of millennial voters of any candidate in the last decade. this is three elections where republicans have lost young voters in a way that does not bode well for them. >> let me show the importance of it. in 2012, barak obama lost voters over 30 in florida, ohio, pennsylvania and virginia but he carried all thundershor he clobbered romney with voters under 30. she's got an enthusiasm issue, but trump is not getting the voters. gary johnson is. >> trumps voters are excited. they are reagan democrats. the excitement is there. where is the excitement in hillary clinton campaign? usually, it's in younger voters, black voters in a democratic presidential campaign. it's not there. the democratic establishment
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if obama was a love affair, this is nanna clinton. nobody is excited about more of the same continuity in the democratic party. elizabeth warren, bernie sanders and obama can campaign all they want for her and they are pouring enthusiasm into a leaky bucket. it does not work. referred enthusiasm does not work in politics. >> quickly, i gotta tell you, two months out in 2012, we were wrng voters. a lot of my republican friends said you will never get the turnout. when you look at the issues that lock in where she is and he is, it's not a contest. >> they are not excited. if referred enthusiasm does not work -- if you were to ask me, am i excited that cornell is going to have sex with sophia
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to excite voters. >> there is excitement at trump events. but there is excitement -- >> there's excitement at trump event. i will say this about what alex is mentioning. we would see trump voters wait in negative 5 degree snowy temperatures to see donald trump at a rally. my question is, are they going to wait in line to vote for trump if they -- if there are long lines? i think so. are hry to take a day off work and wait in line? that's the big question. the excitement level is different on the trump side, because they are so enthusiastic about him. >> let me sneak in a little break. what makes running for president so different than it used to be? - this costs you money and runs on gas. this saves you money and runs on calories.
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ur budget.
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we are back now with end game. i did mention the great maureen dowd is here. you have a book. you wrote something interested covering presidential candidates. you yourself have come to the conclusion that there are different things that go into what makes a good presidential candidate. you noted the resume argument. just because you have the longest resume doesn't necessarily mean you are going to make a good decision. you were noting you thought this was not necessarily the best argument for president obama to make on behalf of hillary clinton. >> yes. well, i think we learned a
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donald rrumsfeld that you can still make a mistake. >> i wonder looking back on what we have seen with clinton and i wanted to bring this up in the last part of the conversation. has she spent too much time bashing trump? >> i think we will see from the clinton campaign a focus on turning her attention to talking about who she going to fight for. younger voters don't know her, they don't know her history and what she's fighting for. you will see a laser-like focus. >> it's september 18, man. >> we were nervous about the young voters in 2012. they came out, alex. >> it will be tougher this time. >> i guess -- go to, how does -- how does donald trump deal with


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