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tv   Morning Blend  NBC  September 20, 2016 9:00am-10:00am CDT

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good morning everybody. today the dangers of sexting and a story every parent needs to hear. and the north woods meets the southwest as our tour of tosa continues. and pet fest this weekend at the summerfest grounds. and ds course live in our studio next on the morning blend.
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? ? you are always making me feel old. she is like the best dance music i love it. >> really good. >> ways to know if you are compatible with someone. these are subconscious things. is there anything that comes to mind where you are like, a cue that you know y with someone? >> i think there is a few things. you mean subconsciously though? >> just whatever. >> i think since of humor. if you think something is funny that someone else doesn't it is not going to work out. not going to work. >> i know a sense of humor is really important to you in someone. >> i was on a date once we were talking about plays and shows we liked and when i said something like avenue cue was one of my favorite shows which is like a edgy humor he was like i didn't
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never want to go on a second date. >> no second date there i was just going to say that. they talk about wouldn't it be great if there was a compat ibility detector. you would know. a lot of it has to do with the subconscious. there are three cues to see if someone could be the love of your life. i asked my 17-year-old daughter she got the second one on the list. the first one is do you feel relaxed arrange you feel nervous or scared. if you put a mask on you are not at ease with that person. >> nobody feels completely at ease. >> if there is c chemistry it is probably okay. the second one is does this person smell good to you. that's the one my daughter guessed. >> it's not about their cologne it's their natural smell. >> it's not about their perfume
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if they wear a heavy perfume or cologne how do you know if they smell good to you. they say close your eyes and visualize this person. the sense of style is really important they say. >> there are studies that show if you just blindly give female as white t-shirt that men had been wearing they will choose the man who is most compatible with them genetically. >> actually yeah. and it says, our sense of smell is a form of biofeedback it's a millions of years. >> yes. >> you want to pro create with someone that is opposite. >> you don't want a guy that smells like -- milk right? oh, yeah milk. [laughter] >> if they smell like milk they are out. >> we both broke up with someone once because they smelled like milk. >> do you find yourself really curious about that person. onions that's hilarious. >> there was another study that talked about if you greet
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friend, it could be just someone you meet at a party or are you compatible with this person? you raise your eyebrows as a sign that's a sign you're engaged. you put the effort in and people are drawn to someone when they talk to you they raise their eyebrows. i have a hidden talent because i can raise, -- i don't know if i can do it anymore. >> you just had botox on show so that might be a problem. >> all of the things that happened on the show for the anniversary everyone is like how was that botox did it hurt? >> thank you. raising the eyebrows is a cue people like. you said it comes from babies. >> it's a thing that mothers do with their babies. i think about whenever i talk to my kids i'm like hi how are you doing? it's like what you do? >> they also said st. patrick's
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you laugh. if you want to find out if you're your boss's favorite or your boyfriend, they will instinctually look at the person they like the most when you laugh. >> if you think about your dating life if there is someone you make a lot of eye contact when you are around them it's true. >> you have that connection. >> nervous habit real quick. because that's our soundoff today. there is a tip that you can help to use to fight nerves. if you're in a situation where you are nervous chew gum. becaus will think you are eating therefore it will think you are calm and you don't have a flight or fight reaction. it tricks your brain you are in a safe situation. >> a lot of people are nervous when they speak in front of people. i don't know if you should do it then, >> do it before. and mint too.
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news she would begin every newscast gripping the news desk with one hand and the other hand she would click a pen and dig her frinher fingernail into herg finger so hard. >> people think biting my fingernails is a nervous thing, but i do it when i'm bored or real happy. >> i do it when i watch tv. >> no i love it. we're continuing our tour of tosa with a cocktail. i love it. >> welcome back john klinzing. we're making a drink in honor of the camp bar north wood scene and this is called the buck. >> the buck. >> that sounds so masculine. there it is.
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and the new contract with the bucks. >> yeah. the camp bar is an official bucks bar this year. >> it is? >> yeah. >> you have locations in shorewood close to tiff and in the third ward now too. >> absolutely. >> tell us about the bucks. >> the buck is a cocktail crafted by central standard. these guys came up with a cocktail menu for the fall season for us. it's a simple cocktail. vodka, orange bitter and ginger ale. i will make >> let's have a sip. >> tiff's got to put her earring in. >> all right. syscentral standards rye vodka. >> you have a special right? >> you sure there is vodka in this? >> it's good. >> she wants a simple. >> it's a little more smooth because it is made with rye. it has a little fruitiness and spiceyness to it as well. >> it's really delicious.
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didn't know you could make a vodka rye. >> what is the special you have tapped out tuesdays? >> today $1 off all taps at all camp bar locations. if you like beer, stop by. >> you get a buck off. >> or get a buck. >> if someone asks for this -- [laughter] >> go ahead. >> you get a buck off. [laughter] >> now you're making>> if peoplt any of your they will get? >> this is what they will get a very good cocktail. >> you're usually in shorewood. >> every once in a while i go to tosa shorewood for the most part. >> we're talking about tosa so go to tosa take a visit they have a great patio. about 1,000 square feet with two levels and -- >> they have really good trivia too right monday nights. >> we all do yeah. >> paul is out there doing trivia you have to go on monday
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>> visit today it's a tapped out tuesday. get $1 off anything that is on tap. tapped out tuesdays $1 off all draft beers or ask for the seasonal drink it is the buck and it is delicious. north avenue and 66th street is where you will find camp bar in tosa. you can also visit them online at camp bar >> oh, johnny. >> thanks john. >> starting out the day with a cocktail. still ahead on today's show afterhe break we're going to have a warning for parents about sexting and what happened what happens to young people who get caught up in this dangerous new trend with their phone. a social media expert will join us on how to monitor your kids. good news for people confused about medicare. a special learning event for seniors. also ahead the festival season continues. this time for pet lovers. pet fest is coming up and in just a bit we'll put doggies to
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welcome back. here's a wakeup call for parents who wonder what their kids are really doing online and with their phones. about 40% of teens admit they have been sexting which is a message that means a sexually suggestive message or photo they are sending to someone else.
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nude or seminude pictures online. >> most say they did it as a joke. some admit it was to feel sexy others say they were pressured. almost half of the time those pictures or messages are shared with other kids. phil gerbyshak is a social media speaker, trainer and author here with ways to monitor your kids and he is the most well dressed dude we ever have on the show. >> woo hoo. >> you did a little race a roo i love it. >> this isn't my first >> i like it. >> this is really scary to me how many kids, these are just kids who admit to doing it. >> right. >> does it surprise you the reasons they are doing it. a lot of them say they do it as a joke the feeling sexy thing or feeling pressured? >> well i thought the pressure would be higher to be quite honest with you. i expected the pressure number would be be the number one number. the fact that they do it on their own accord and don't feel pressured scares me more. if they feel pressure i get
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can't be on until you're 13. i know parents that let their kids on as early as 10. teaching your kids to lie right away and say you are 13 really not a good plan, but whatever. 10 to 13, 15 they don't have any decision making abilities yet. but the fact they do it because they feel sexy, really? i don't remember feeling sexy at 16. [laughter] >> i don't remember feeling that this morning. i mean that's the thing. i got to that a picture of me naked is going to turn anybody on much less me. so why am i sending that? at 16 or 12 or 13 wow. it's just baffling. >> but it shocks me. i have a niece who has graduated high school she's in college. she talks a lot about starting in 6th, 7th grade this was a fairly commonplace thing that was done between guys and girls and it wasn't they weren't shy about it. it was something that was very normal. and i think that that is
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so parents need to understand, and have conversations about it. so how do you bridge that? you sent this great article, about it happening to a young girl who had sent it she said she trusted the boy. which i think is the case a lot of times they are boyfriend, girlfriend situation. they are dating somebody they like they are trying to 87 press. impress. >> he tells her you're beautiful i love you, i won't show anybody. >> t makes a game out of it she is mortified. she goes down this spiral that i think happens to so many young girls. where do parents start in this mess? >> well start early having the conversation. i think that's really important. understanding that certainly your body is nothing to be ashamed of, but it's nothing to share. it's very private. anything you send with your phone can and will be used against you. screen shots happen. you know we know snap chat remember i came out a couple
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that just let you share snaps with snap chat memories that saves automatically. people save it on their phone. we have to beware and have that conversation. that's the first thing. second parents can't be afraid of this they have to be on it. getting your phone from the kids, i don't care if they are paying for it or not it's on your plan. you are responsible. as a parent, you are responsible for your kid so you need to see that and third, is, you need to get those passwords and sweep because there towards hiding that stuff. >> that's what shocked me. in the article you sent us they were talking about there is a lot of kids use password protected drop boxes, private instagram accounts. apps described as calculators different things like that so they are savvy. >> they are and, they don't, they don't even have to be savvy. if can you use google, can you use binge, you can use a search engine you can find it. this morning just for fun i put in how to hide photos.
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them free, that can hide your pictures. 30 apps. yeah drop box. password protected, why are you not having your kids user name and password? it's really important. bottom line, they should have, it should be tied to a g mail county or email account you have access to and you log into periodically and check. >> how would your kids respond? >> they would hate it. >> too bad. >> it doesn't matte parenting i think this is really important. i think we're going to be the generation of parents who now when my kids grow up they grew up with this technology, they are going to be better parents of kids who have devices and all of this access. we are the pioneers and we're the generation that doesn't get any of this stuff. the thing is i'm not afraid of it i just don't understand a lot of it. >> if you have the user name and password, if you see hey my kid
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they download an app. you to have a iphones account to download on your iphone. if are you honest about how old they are, they can't buy things. without your permission. it's always says get your parents permission. don't give them the password. yes it's a pain in the butt. give me your phone i will type in the password to download this one app. >> uh-huh. >> are there ways to monitor them or is that what you are saying? >> that's what i'm saying. get the device. look to see what is there. open the app it looks like a calculator. show me how you use this. show me how you use this. what is there? and then you take the device and press the buttons. see what you get. oh, look it prompts for a password. put your password in what does this say? what do i see here? we're not talking about adults we're talking about children who should not have that level of access. >> and so many of them do. and the other thing that really
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70% of the kids who say they have done some sort of sexing it's with a boyfriend or girl friend. as we know, those relationships are very you know, come and go. so one day they are your boyfriend or girlfriend i love you whatever. the next day maybe not. if they have those photos they will use them against you. the girl in the article you shared kids were telling her online go kill yourself things like that and calling her awful names. >> the whole blame thing, there is no empathy. so, there is a naked picture of you out there, we have two choices we can either say wow that sucks can i help you or often the other way we shame people. how could you cou do that? you're so stupid. it is not stupid. you are trusting someone with something that could fall into wrong hands without trying. many of the international laws are different than the united
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have naked pictures. some countries do not have that. innocence you upload it to the internet you have lost that. you are throwing it out into international waters and saying i don't know what will happen, but i think it's okay that the entire world sees that. if you don't have that conversation with your kid they don't get it. no mom don't worry it's just a text message. oh, dad don't worry it's just a facebook message nobody will ever see that. here you want to look at my phone it's right there. oh, they deleted it. you know there are apps that do that. you know you can take screen shots you know it's there. kids know this. but they don't put the two together. as a parent you have to connect the dots. you have to say bad behavior plus the internet equals really bad times. >> disaster. phil thank you so much. have you a great website really
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where can visit him more online. you should put fashion tips on there too. [laughter] >> thanks phil always great to see you love it appreciate it. still ahead we'll tell you a shocking number. how many baby boomers do you think become eligible for medicare every single day? the answer is going to blow you away. up next we'll chat about pet fest. check this out coming up this weekend. we're going to put some of these dogs to the test on an agility course. stay with us. >> i love come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula
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frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold.
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welcome back. it is official the summerfest grounds have gone to the dogs. this saturday will mark the third year of the fromm family foods. fromm pet fest. >> it draws thousands of people with their pedestrians from all over for a day of family fund and pet centered ait here we're with bryan nieman from fromm family foods and katie oilschlager owner of think positive and they have merit with them who is going to do a little fun stuff today. >> great to see you both. >> this is exciting. pet fest coming up saturday september 24 from 10:00 to 6:00 rain or shine you do this. >> absolutely. we check out a couple of first few years, but this year is looking good. free parking. free admission you can bring your dog and cat.
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day. >> that's fantastic. the reason that you brought this agility course and you are demonstrating this for us today, is because if people visit you and it's on the summerfest grounds. if people visit they can see this kind of stuff for themselves in person right? >> they can actually do the agility themselves of they can give it a try. they can purchase a ticket and they can go ahead. my business helps go ahead and get them through the agility equipment so the dogs can try it. >> that's fun. >> w >> we are 38,000 square feet of indoor training facility. we train dogs to do agility for competitions. so we dabble in all the canine sports. we also have an indoor swimming pool for dogs to rehab and condition them. >> that's so cool. that is fun. you will be part of the event obviously people can see you at the agility course. this event now is in its third year. you draw thousands of people. every year. >> first couple years over 8,000 people.
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watching people come down to the festival grounds that my family and i grew up going to and now being able to bring our four legged family members. >> did you ever think it was going to be this big when you started it? >> i kind of hoped so. i think our goal is to be the world's largest pet festival. >> really? >> we've got people coming from all over the u.s. this year. we have retailers coming from washington and california. we've got people coming from hong kong that we have a relationship with. it's so people can it can draw. >> what i love is you have a costume contest. you can bring your pets in costume. in addition to that, i love?? seeing, my favorite is when you dress them up like a different animal. i think that is so good. >> this is a reason to go to pet fest right here. they will have an owner pet look alike contest. that is hilarious. >> it has been a big hit the first two years.
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>> it's funny though because owners often pick animals that look like them. >> they do isn't that funny? >> yeah. >> yes. >> it's one of my favorite things living in a apartment building so many people have dogs you get in the elevator you can see who picked an animal that looks just like them. it is very often. on top of the agility course which we'll showcase in a second you have lure courses, doggy dash, dock diving. >> this year we have a brand-new beer garden dog park where you can grab a brew dog play with a bunch of other dogs unleashed in an enclosed area a safe area. >> that is so fun. what great event. >> you could sit there have beers watch them play. >> exactly. do we want to have mary try the agility course again i would love to see it. we'll just step this way are we out of the way enough for you to demonstrate this? >> yes. >> okay. >> oh, yeah unleash her. >> yeah.
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[laughter] >> that's amazing. >> look at her. look at her how fast she can go. >> nice try ready. >> yeah. yeah merit. >> good girl. >> that was awesome i love it. >> how long does it take for a dog, it is really good for them getting their brain thinking it's like a game for them? >> it is mental and physical stimulation for the dog and for the human as well. so it's a great bonding exercise. it takes about a year to go ahead d equipment and develop that relationship and bond. >> so cool. >> people want to learn more about agility katie and her team will be on hand at the agility course. we also have pet fest university where we will have speakers from a dog communicator to teaching your dog to do tricks and a bunch of stuff. >> do you think all breeds can learn to do this kind of thing? >> agility yeah. any dog can learn it any age too. >> even a little chihuahua.
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>> free parking, free admission if you bring your dog you probably should have a leash on your pet. >> we require leashes. you sign a waiver to make sure you are caught up on vaccinations to make sure it is safe and fun for everybody. >> fantastic. this saturday september 24 pet fest on the summerfest grounds. you can find out more by going to pet fest it is from 10:00 to 6:00 again this saturday. great to see you guys. >> thanks you guys. way to go merit. impressive. >> thank yo >> all right still ahead we're going to tell you about a new
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welcome back to the in according to recent survey about three out of every four people say they have a fair or poor understanding of the medicare program. with baby boomers aging into medicare at the rate of get this, 10,000 per day you can see why there is an urgent need to teach people about this often confusing subject. >> joining us now with details about medicare is the ceo of the united healthcare medicare and retirement in wisconsin it is chris abbott. welcome back to the morning
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>> good morning to you. >> with such a huge number 10,000 a day this is a important topic to talk about and educate people about it is so confusing. >> it really is. not only do we have 56 million americans on medicare today, 10,000 a day turning medicare eligible that's a lot. here in the greater milwaukee area we have over a quarter million people on medicare. it is confusing and so this is why we have established national medicare education week. so we're coming up to it, but our biggest event is tomorrow in milwaukee. the goal being if you are on medicare if you're a biby boomer getting ready to turn 65 or a caregiver or family member here's an opportunity brush up on your medicare skills, get your questions answered because, 30 days from now begins the medicare open enrollment period where you can take action. >> why did united healthcare create national medicare education week.
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and urgent? >> as you noted at the beginning there, 70% of older adults we asked said wow i don't understand this as people are approaching 65 they go help. this is confusing i don't understand it. this alphabet soup, abcd, what do i do? that's why we stepped this. we can actually make it reasonably simple, so that you can make a good decision as an informed consumer. as an older adult your healthcare coverage one of the most important things going on big deal. that's why you want to make sure you have a good plan. the one that meets your needs. >> so get educated is part of this week and the event coming up this weekend, what do seniors and baby boomers what can they do during the rest of this week? >> the first thing is get out and brush up on the abc and d's. come tomorrow wilson park senior center 3:00. i will be there. we've got a health fair of other
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you can go online medicare made is a great resource to understand how things are working. another great place you can compare plans. you will want to start asking yourself questions. has your health status changed over the last 12 months? has your financial status changed? so both of those two things really important for the plan you would pick for next year. the other thing so many plans medicare advantage plans in particular are based on a network. a network of hospitals and physicians, who are providing the care. are those facilities you want to use part of your network? i think that's a really really important question. as is what medications are you taking? and as that information comes out, and frankly if you are on a medicare part c, med car advantage plan or part d plan today you are actually getting annual notice of change pact from your current plan. telling you about what is going on. don't use that as a door stop. don't put it in the recycling container take a look at it.
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continue to work for you if not, time to look around. >> the abcd these different parts are important for people to know. original medicare includes parts a and b. a provides coverage of inpatient care in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities and hospice and some home healthcare. part b is the coverage of the cost of doctor visits. outpatient hospital services, some healthcare services and durable medical equipment. these are important letters for people to know. what about part c and part d? >> part c is the other option for you to get your medicare benefits. medicare advantage plans offered by private companies like united healthcare we have a contract with the government. we go through this process every year. we put a and b into a single package. we typically bolt on medical part d. d for drugs. prescription and medical benefits in one program.
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medicare advantage we can add coverage for things traditional medicare doesn't cover. so, trivia question, does medicare cover glasses or hearing aids? >> no. >> no they don't. medicare advantage plans can do that. we can cover things like a fitness club membership, dental coverage. this is one of the reasons these are increasingly popular with consumers they can get all of that in together and typically at no premium or low premium amount. >> that was part what? >> part c. >> part c is include those i remember my mom wears two hearing aids and just getting anything covered for hearing aids for people is so difficult. knowing there is options for so many of these things is another reason to get yourself educated. when they come out i know when they are talking about comparing. when you compare medicare coverage options what should seniors be thinking about. does this all come down to price or does it come down to the specifics that fit them? >> really good question. a lot of times people look at one number and that's the premium. that is not necessarily the right number to look at.
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so premium is one part of it. but is there a deductible, are there copayments. what might you pay when you get care so the financial. the other part of that is again, what is going on with your health status, because medicare advantage, medicare supplement special needs plans those are based on your healthcare status. finally again, that network portion are the hospitals and doctors you want to use in the network, and again the prescription medications that you are taking are they on the rm part of the part d benefit. >> the best way to start understanding how this is going to work for you is to attend this wednesday, september 21 at 3:00. you can learn more about medicare options at wilson park senior center on howard avenue in milwaukee. call this number for more information. (855)434-4941. (855)434-4941.
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information. thanks for being here. here's the other website for you to write down to learn more medicare made >> thank you ladies. >> thanks. great to see you again. thank you so much. um c coming up the must have jewelry to compliment the wedding gown trends making headlines. after the break tiffany's favorite food group. tacos. we're going to tempt you with traditional handmade ones and tell you where to find them as
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welcome back to the morning blend. come with us as our tour of tosa continues. you know it's a good day when? finish the sentence. >> any someday a great day when there is -- any day is a great that's what is on the menu. delicious desserts and fun mexican cocktails. > >> hi guys. >> hi how are you doing? >> great to see you. i have heard wonderful things about your restaurant. so excited to have you here. what a beautiful display. delicious tacos, fresh made guac and look at these tacos it's
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but that's what we like to do. >> it is next to the mayfair collection? >> right across the street from whole foods. two other restaurants in the same building as us. it is taco tuesday we had to bring it. >> what happens on taco tuesday? >> we have seven of it's hard to pick like you try to choose your own child you can't do it. so i brought seven just really beautiful colorful tacos. the second one. char sue. >> nice. >> we have a gringo taco on the end we make our own hard shells. a beautiful mixture of different tacos, shrimp, seafood, beef, we have all sorts of styles of tacos. >> you got it going on. what is this right here? >> that's our valentine's cold brew ice coffee. >> nice. >> local company we support. we brew their coffee in house.
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>> all down the line. >> we have our aguafresco. this one is hibiscus. we infuse the flowers in water. we make a lime margarita in house we always have. we also offer those by the pitchers. i like to do like a different flavor every day we like to rotate. this one we have a predictley pear which often and the mango. give that pricley pear a try. >> that's good. just a little salt on the rim fantastic. >> what inspired you to do this casual taco concept? i think that's what a lot of people like these days is that sort of environment. >> absolutely. it's all about the fun, you know, it's about being quick, you know running in grabbing a taco or two.
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know for us as chefs it's something that is really like, exciting. >> yeah. we get to kind of think outside of the box. create new combos of flavor combinations and textures and it's just, it's fun and people seem to really love it. we got a lot of regulars already super encouraging. >> people like to say they are addicted. they come two or three times a week. >> can't wait for tuesday right? >> taco tuesday every day. >> what about the price point? >> approachable. most of our tacos are right between that $2.95, $3.75 price range. we have churos, chips and salsa. all geared to the get in and get out quick lunch or bring in the family, have a couple of tacos you're not going to break the bank. >> i love that. these are all good ones. it means the boss. >> i love that. >> i think that's fantastic. what a great atmosphere.
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it's fun. >> i got to taste your guac. >> to taste something really different. i think the fact you are using two mexican recipes it is authentic, traditional i love it. >> it's really cool. all over the walls we have the candy stalls we have a couple here on the table. just turquoise, orange, super bright. loud mexican music it's a great environment. >> it's a very fun place. it's a fun place. all of the skulls are hand-painted mexico. what we have in house that sets us apart we have similar to like how gyros cook. the pork and the chicken. we use for our chicken quesadillas. we also have our chicken tacos we have $2 every tuesday. so taco tuesday deal. but yeah it is cooked traditionally with a pineapple
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>> that's great people come in and mention they saw you on the morning blend they get something for free right? >> absolutely we're going to give away free churos for anyone that mentions they saw us on the show today. et cetera still the end of ten days in tosa so a lot of cool features going on. >> eljefe. mention the morning blend get a free order of end of the month. check it out. that guac is awesome. i judge your restaurant by the chips and guac. >> and we keep it warm in house. >> come every day. all right. >> bring tacos. a milwaukee institution which helps people through their toughest times just went through renovations. we'll take you on a tour after
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come on... dogs just won't quit. neither does new frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy!
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welcome back. let's take a look at today's art's cameras plus picture of the day. >> thi is a fun one, joshua is a 17-year-old striving photographer who says he is just trying to capture the best in life and nature especially. >> look at the color. >> i think he captured it here. saving his money for a fancy camera, but for now he is just
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cellphone. >> no way. >> captured this on a family trip to the boundary waters in northern minnesota which is one of the most beautiful places on earth. >> it is. used to go there every summer coocanoeing. >> i think he needs to save up and buy his camera at art's camera plus. warm fall flavors like amaretto, pumpkin and carmel fill our hot steep & brew coffee cups this time we get out of bed sometimes for that first sip of our favorite brew. >> once a month we deliver coffee on us to a deserving nonprofit. >> you sat down with amy she's been on before. and her staff to see inside their newly renovated shelter on 13th and mckinley which provides 86 beds for the
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the guest house is entering its 35th year of providing innovative solutions to end homelessness. >> the guest house provides shelter, housing and education to those without home and seeking to transform their lives with dignity and purpose. in addition to their shelter beds they provide case management for nearly 400 apartment units, for men, women and families who were former homeless. >> across the street is a one the men can learn basic skills while giving back to the community because all of the produce harvested is used in the shelter or donated to local food pantries. >> everyone who rings the doorbell at the guest house receives a sandwich lunch. volunteers are always needed to help make these meals. if you would like to learn more about the guest house visit them online at guest house of milwaukee .org. >> if there is a nonprofit doing good you would like to highlight
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click on contact us. >> great place. >> i like their mission. >> stay tuned we'll have your responses to the soundoff
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welcome back to the morning blend. wedding season seems to go strong from summer to fall.
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some of the hottest trends in new york city. showcased the latest styles from forever mark diamonds. >> i'm kristen bridal and jewelry expert at forever mark diamonds. >> i'm at a top secret location in new york city where the fashion elite are about to preview all things sparkly. we're checking out the must have jewelry to compliment the wedding gown trends making headlines. these days itll breaking the bridal rules. the modern day must haves topping the list a unique engagement ring from emerald and cushions to oval shape. fancy shaped diamonds are having a major moment. next up wedding bands. saying goodbye to matching rings and bands and hello to distinct distinctiveness. >> another hot trend the i do
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separately from your engagement ring. classic diamond necklaces are perfect for bold skin bearing choices. oversized bows and bold florals also rule the runway. when pairing jewelry with these big looks, less is more. go for sleek simplicity by pairing classic studs like these or add to the statement with an on trend ear cuff and finally what is better than a diamond? two diamonds. newest and hottest trends this season. talk about adding to the allure. less than 1% are worthy of the forever mark inscription. the unique number purchasing. supports the advancement of women. visit forever to see more. >> pretty.
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>> linda taps her foot. but she does that when she is annoyed too not just nervous. katie our producer bites her tongue. >> that sounds painful doesn't it? and our director erika does plays with her hair like twirls it. >> my mom does it she's a twirler. does it all the time not just when she is nervous. >> i tend to talk more. >> when i get nervous the only thing i do is procrastinate. >> we have some great news. with at&t, the bundle price you sign up for is guaranteed to stay the same for two years. call at&t now and bundle directv, home phone and high speed internet for just $89.99 a month for two years. guaranteed. with directv, watch shows you forgot to dvr from the last 72 hours or restart a show already in progress.
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10:00 am
this morning on today's take, jeffrey tambor is here fresh off his emmy win. all that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is today's take with al roker, tamron hall, and billy bush. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning, september 20th, 2016. got to put the year in there. in case you forget. >> you still write checks? >> yeah. >> really? >> yeah.


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