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tv   Morning Blend  NBC  October 17, 2016 9:00am-9:41am CDT

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? ? tf and i are going to be armchair quarterbacks in a little bit on this monday morning. that's what people do on mondays especially after as will right? you --fter loss rig?
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they hit their quotafinop complain more often on mondays. >> for se. it's got to be true think about it. >> they complain an average of s on any on a monday vers 22nu >> full ten plus minutes more. >> that's exactly the truth. so there you go. >> what do you complain about? >> i complained about everything already today i think. you know. >> that's what we do right before. >> i said don't take any closeups today i don't go until a.m.'m really tired.ther that's whae dore thehow we basi? complain about our hair and makeup. >> you wento the badgers game. wa thet itas raingidven youid.rounorh no they didn't do it because the 5th quarter was gone they didn't do it because there was severe weather so everybody had to leave. >> you have to go bac oh. wee going to talk aut t
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lavee. first i wanted to share ol? frie hacks with you.i read. alg with a lot of cash in myld purs which ratherly hns is e rr. >> you like an empty refrigerator? >> i love a empty refrigerator. >> come to my place anytime you wa to feel good come on over it's always empty. >> use square than round because they stack refrigerator.less room in >> i could see that and for more food. >> yes. square not round. the other thing left overs group them together you are more likely to use them up. you got the chinese food, you got the left over chili or rice whatever. i love this where do i keep my grocery list? i have a stainless steel fridge so i don't know that things
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don't. but a dry erase board and painters tape is awesome if you want to mark food in the fridge. >> i love dry erase boards. there is so much satisfaction with just erasing something instead of crossing it over it is gone fev. the problem is if you carry it around you actually nudge it and things rough off. you try to bring that to the grocery store you will accidentally rub it off. >> i didn't think about taking to the grocery store, but >> national boss's day. >> happy boss day. >> our boss wt ky. >> tiff when she first started. there sh is oh, we're getting a shot of her that's aweme. where is she? k.sta it., o d you're in the dark there we go lighten it up. >> when tiff first started working here our other boss greg she introduced him she was like this is my boss greg.
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her boss. >> it didn't go over well. >> it's national boss's day it started in 1958 and the person who started it actually it's supposed to be on the 16th which is yesterday, but today is this day because you're back at work, but anyway, she named it this day wheth when she registed because she was working for her father at the time and it was her father's birthday. that's the significance of why october 16, but today we're celebrating on the 17th. >> appreciate your boss day. ts wayne larivee being here. do you think the packers will make the playoffs? we want to know. it is a brett favre curse? >> we're asking you to look into your crystal ball and tell us what you think. if you're a fan of the packers if you're not saying yes there is a problem just saying. which leads us to this book it
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we're so happy to have him join us on the yellow couch on this monday morning your first time on the couch. >> not as happy as i am to be here really. this is great. >> thanks wayne. >> iatch you guys every morning because i have you, i an o in offe.ay show i have it urhow comes on at 9:00 it's there just locked in. came home to say hello to our tech producers said his voice is so smooth like butter.n did you know as a young child i know you used to go and practice play-by-play and record it and listen it back. >> i did that in college. i was fortunate. >> were you always told your voice is so wonderful for this? >> yeah i had a good a.m. voice that.fessional once tol me you have a good a.m. voice. i said i guess that's good that's where the money is at least at that time now there is no money at all. >> what is fascinating you grew
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you became a packers fan living on the east coast, and i think part of it has to do with wn yourew up inhe t 60s tse are some golden years. >> you're dating me now molly. now com on. it was the 60s those were the golden years. it was the advent of color tv and the packers were the biggest story. the lombardi packers. i have gotten a chance to meet and be with many of those guys it's always a thrill. >> talk about your book. this is a big deal. inside y s the scenes things including about favre which i think people are a little nervous about him, because when he has been at lambeau a lot of people are saying we're not doing as well. [laughter] >> yeah well, no.>> the favre c. >> that's it. >> i know. brt never comes back no.ine if not at all. 's, it's intesng becse know, a o thrett favre in thi its very diffio wte th?@ce msy
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>> he's just a great guy. he's the kind of guy you want to ovt down and tal for with a cple beers he's just that kind of a guy. his natureuts you at ease with him. there are a lot of guys especially supertars like that when are you theirnce you are nervous not brett just s esence w goiay a things puttashend his deanna jut erl opley l want to talk$? abo coming to the green bay packe.
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hall. he knows i'm a bears fan and people are like you trader. the first part ofour bk youing got a lot of blow back about leaving chicago because you were doing the cubs and the bulls and the bears and you were so well loved and a lot of people were like why would you leave a city with sports fan chicago to come to green bay and a lot of it was had to do with really fulfilling a lifelong dream you had. i'm sorry'm trouble in the hall. i was like you trader. [laughter] >> every time i run into somebody from chicago even my friends they give me trouble on that. no that was the kind of thing i didn't think anything of it. i'm not in business to get adoration or anything like that, but, when i started to bring this thing to fruition i talk about it in the book that you know i said if i ever got the chance to do the packers i
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so fast. by the time it came time to make that decision it became a real tough decision because of what you mentioned the people and the market. it was a tough decision in the end. >> you tk about a lot of those past stories including the origin of your original dagger call. there is your can you get shirts a ring tone. you can do all of these things with your dagger. where did it come from? >> it's a basketball term. when the scenes go back and forth and somebody would h three point shot in the final seconds and the other team didn't have a chance to come back that was the dagger. one day, the packers are playing baltimore and brett fav hits bubba franks with a touchdown pass puts the packers u u a i said the's you daggend
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rogers. you compared them to walter peyton and michael jordan. no great retires easily or walks away from the game. because their identity is so closely tied to their sport. >> it becomes who they are. and so, if they are not in the game anymore, then who are they? they struggle with that. michael jordan retired and unretired about three times you know. walter peyton was never comfortable or happy with his decision to retire and i think brett struggled with well.itehat l the game what they have done all of the lives and now it's over. it is easier for the typical playerhos going to be told, you're not coming back, we're cutting you, nobody is picking you up, that's actually easier than the super star who nobody is going to a to leave. >> did you feel sorry at that time for aaron rodgers and what do you think about his ability to take over where favre left off which i think is tough -- >> h was you know, he
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bad situationhaas none ofg in tf 2008. s h f a taking over for brett, he was ready. and we knew hwould be ready and i think the coaching staff did aselreat hing you here. >> great being her ladies. >> you want toeigh in on our? facebook question do you think the packers c the >>e.offs? s absolutely. what am i no course toy. becaun really hot this year. >> ie have mies ian't w. [lter] asked you on facebook first and foremost here is the book signing november 3 at 6:00 at the barnes and noble in appleton. you can get a copy prior or at the book signing otherwise visit triumph packers. >> we could have done the whole show with you. >> know.?4 >> thank you so much loved ha you here.
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jewelry desigowners h you can
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see an entire luxury fashion jewelry election. >-- collection. mary husar martin is here with lecil henderson the owner and designer of the henderson collection and the forensic collection. welcome and thanks for being here you guys. >> thank you. >> great to be here. >> glad to be here. >> perfect timing right before the holidays. >> what a coincidence. [laughter] >> it's so nice. think very rarely do you get to meet the designer behind a line. i'm sure that's a privilege you have of showcasing this work he has done. >> it brings another level to the line and he can talk about it because it is his. and it is his baby. so it is. >> and how often like tiff said if you have a piece and it's part of your own collection that you know the designer, you have had a chance to talk to him and the inspiration for it. these pieces are so beautiful i'm going to pick this one up. part of what makes them special is, the way they look, but it's also the way they feel and i
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comes apart so easily like that. i will do it again. here we go. >> there we go. >> see it's magnetic. >> very strong. >> it's very comfortable. >> i love that it goes into the clasp not just surface there. that seems to make a big difference in terms of the stability of it. >> very secure. very easy to put on, but very secure. >> i love that. talk about the collection. which one are we going to talk about first and what the inspiration was. >> this is our luka we design everything in charlotte, we make everything in florence, italy. it is all handmade. these are diamond cut white sapphires look just like diamonds. because we make it by hand if you want it 18 inches, 24 inches that's all possible if you want it in yellow gold, white gold. everything is possible. very flexible. all of the leather is from florence the finest leather you can get. it's very soft, flexible it comes in 12 different colors and
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lengths and additional pieces over here made from neoprine everything is natural and real and handmade in italy. >> why in italy. i have been to italy before i have seen the jewelry makers. i think the care and attention to detail they have in italy for jewelry is second to none. why do you love it? >> i study jewelry making in italy and i studied there because they have a true passion no one makes better jewelry than the eye tail yaps. yap -- italians. they love what they do. they truly enjoy coming to work every morning. every piece is a work of art. >> i love how there are so many different looks to this. you talked about the 18-carat yellow, the white, the rose gold. you find people now mixing them too. you don't have to be like i always wear silver, i always wear gold you can mix them and it looks great. >> absolutely. my mother said years ago son there are 234 no more rules canu
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two-toned on the other hand. whatever you want. >> you have so much beautiful jewelry and different things in your story why did you decide to carry this? >> when i saw this i fell in love. you can customize it and the colors are so vibrant. and, the luca feels like silk it just excited me. >> i'm a big fan of that gray wihe i think it's such a beautiful combo. you can like you said molly you can mix and match and wear it with anything in your closet. >> i love that silver there too. the clasp we mentioned how easy it is to put on the fact it is magnetic, but it's very strong too. >> it is. as you said tiffany the key is the clasp actually closes within itself so if you are knocking against a counter it won't come off. wherwhether you are 8-years-oldr
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>> what do you hear from women who buy your jewelry what do they say to you about wearing it? >> they love because it is versatile. people have active lifestyles it could be a young mom running between work and little league and soccer and ballet or you could be someone traveling and enjoying early retirement. you can dress this up or dress it down. it's great for a packers game, in a boardroom. it's very versatile. this piece you can wear longer or wear it every day. >> we're going to talk too about the lifetime warranty that comes with the piece which is fantastic because people can have confidence especially if they buy it as a gift for someone and they are like hey this is something i think you would like that they know it is guaranteed that way. what do you suggest if someone comes in they are not familiar with the line maybe the first piece they bought for themselves or someone else, where do you suggest they start? >> the nice thing is the luca collection is wonderful from a
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as $200 and goes to $850 it's a very wide range, but very affordable for self-purchase. i always suggest getting something that is very versatile. bracelets are great people can stack them. it plays with the other bracelets you already have. >> so much the leather ones like you said are so beautiful too. i love it. it's really great. we're going to come back and show you more as well. today only there is a trunk show now until 7:00 right on main street in west bend. screen we're going to come back with more information on that trunk show and a little more on the other side of the collection. >> i love this i'm going to try
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look as these bracelets oh, mix and match i have got the purple, the red and the turquoise and they are super flexible. you can take them off. look at that and look at this ring. >> beautiful. >> oh, my gosh. we're back with mary from husars house of fine diamonds. for one day only, lecil henderson is here in wisconsin to share his great collection we're ooing and aweing over. thanks for sticking around you guys. >> loving this collection. we're layering up because it is
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collection that you can actually mix and march and layer. so here, what we're going to talk about now is a little bit of your enameling and some of these bracelets have you too. talk about these pieces. >> the beauty of these bracelets they are made entirely by made. 42-inch links. it's very comfortable. there is 100 strands of wire that go through the center of it that's what make it is flexible. the best part is this beautiful enamel. it's the same finh that faberge uses. i can match any color. gives you 1400 colors to choose from tiffany. >> that's why you can make these all custom. >> that's correct. wider, shorter, wider, narrow, more diamondeds less diamonds chocolate diamonds, cognac diamonds we can do any of that. florentine finish. >> are these diamonds? >> those are diamonds.
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is the shape. you mentioned it is oval not round. part of that is to give it that flexibility and comfort in wearing it. >> my mother used to say son why do you guys make round bracelets we have oval wrists. and we're not all created equal. some of us are bigger some are smaller. can i make it just for you whatever you want. >> talk about the rings. we've got a whole bunch of them right here. i put on this one i think is they are just like the bracelets, rose gold, yellow gold, white gold. lo at that. >> uh-huh. >> we're going to lift it up. that's awesome. >> the beauty is everything is made entirely by hand. have you a one of a kind piece on aamethyst with black and whie enamel. >> describe it again. >> white gold with black enamel and a cushion cut amethyst. the beauty thing about our show
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you can see hundreds of different bracelets and earrings if you don't find something you are looking for we can custom make something just for you. >> what is your lifetime warranty? >> so many people say they are so rough on my jewelry. say are you in heavy construction no, but i'm rough on my julie. jewelry.the beauty everything ha lifetime guarantee. our jewelry is meant to be worn and enjoyed and comfortable. we don't wan about it. wear it every day don't worry if have you a problem bring it back to miss mary she sends it back to us and we fix it for no charge. >> it's so fun to wear it. i think it flatters people of any, whether they have a bigger neck or smaller neck or whatever i just think it's such a flattering way of wearing necklaces. >> thank you. everything is designed to be soft and comfortable. easy to wear. can you wear it to work or a game.
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different colors different textures it's the look for fall. >> talk about the enameling. we were talking during the break i have been to italy i have seen some of the enameling they do everything is done by hand. >> this is a glass based enamel that's why it has such a royal color to it. its translucent you can look through and see the striations. every layer is painted on by hand. we bake it then there is another be and another. there it ten layers on every piece weak >> i bet you have some customers that already have a piece or two and know this is happening and they are like it's a much do event because they want to have another piece in their collection. >> for sure. we put on the line early this year, and customers have just fallen in love and have come back and bought more and more and yes they are waiting for today to meet lecil and see all of the collection. >> that is fantastic. >> i want to know about these. >> this is the new infinity
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on. go ahead. >> is this your favorite too? >> i'm in love with these. they are like a bangal. look at that shine. that's so cool. >> is this rose gold? >> that is rose gold, yellow gold. we also do it in white gold. look just like a diamond. they are soft and comfortable you can stretch to make them longer or shorter easy to wear. so comfortable. >> it is so lightweight. >> that is gorgeous. >> that is so cool. >> i love the rose gold. >> see that goes with my outfit. >> i love it. >> thank you ladies. >> people can come and meet with you today. also if they have a special request they can make their own. you can accept special orders today only from now until 7:00 on main street at west bend at husars house of fine diamonds. phone number on the screen if there is something you saw here and want to call about
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the website for more. >> thank you. >> special already open. people can head over or make a call right now. >> come on in. >> great for people to meet you. >> looking forward to meeting everyone thank you for having us today. still ahead a halloween party for you and your four legged friend. looking your best lots of spa treatments to choose from. what is working best and the
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i'm russ feingold and i approve this message. you know, seven hundred thousand dollars in the scheme of things... is a pretty reasonable compensation level. ron johnson paid himself seven hundred thousand dollars a year. all told, he took a ten million dollar corporate payout then moved to washington. where he fights against even the existence of any federal minimum wage. senator ron johnson. for big corporate interests,
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tren?? u to consider at this tie we're plasc surgeryto te a b asscociation and plastic surgery asscociation. we are board cfied plaic
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justestf there.wee fullervi. we do skin, we donjectables weda onsite certified operating room. today we're going to talk a little bit about sun damaged skin and what w have available toatients in order to clear that up. >> now is the time that people are kind of looking in the mirror akay i had fun this sumr, was out in the sun maybe went to the beach, mae ha a vacatio and now it's time, this is a good time those treatments that rse >> we offer everything ande offer cca peels we offerare pro. weav lasers. ing sundamaged skin.ery veryteng >> we haveicture show the results people can expect. this is exciting. shall we start with the halo then? >> yup. the halo is a new take on a
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fraction ated treatment. it's a resurfacing laser. it wl help get rid of pigmentation marks from the sun. smooth fine lines and wrinkles and improve your collagen. its two different wave lengths that are going to increase that collagen production and create littl dow btissue to grow. for about a wee wreomefoliati and neweratio glowing betiful smooth skin after the treatment really nice. >> you know people are looking >>ever she had one of. our?3slong yo used halo?are wonde have >> absolutely. i was one of theirst ones to try it in the oe. we all like to practicn ehr so d bonus, but i have done theblheye yohful looking complexion.
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>> that is broadband lighted? >> yes. that's right. it invves intense lht treatments ewes broadband light. can you use different filter it is used for vascular problems, acne and hair remal depending reds and browns can getleared nd around the b s bbl forever young treatments a in, t your browns, get youredsd gete o mainteeatments andhathashhe skin really,ets reyo ruvenated a oks more youthful over time. >> net? foro=
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after thisanyreatme of the genes got turned bk on reallyd?t verificationhing. peop c take advantage of 15%
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wonderful membership at the s? at m plastic surgery associates. ople get lots of benefits including botox all year. a complimentary cosmetic surgery consultation and 10% off of any sile spa trement. that's a lot. >> pretty good. >> if anybody wants to try that bbl that' a great place to start with the membership. >> you canav membership which i awesome. this is a great time to call. great couple of months to get your face in sha fantastir holidays and alof those pictures you know you're going to want to take. it's the spa at plastic surgery associates. appointment or consultation. they can tell you what treatment is right for your skin (262)970-5600. you can also go? to cmec
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i love it when you're here thank you. >> thank you. up next on the show you won't want to miss it we've g pets on parade my favorite thing. i love it.
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? ? [ music ] ? ? i'm loving this segment it is time for our pet project and it is of course, costume time. do you plan to dress your pet for halloween? why wouldn't yeah? especially if thisare willing to let you dress them up. jennifer smieja is here with a 70s discow theme. disco theme. >> look at this guinea pig. >> show your face where is your face grace? there you are. i found you. >> that wig come on i'm adorable without it. >> i love that we're dressing up the guinea pig over here. >> guinea pigs p u with so much. >> do they? >> you are grumpy cat. >> you are so cute though. she matches your shirt though i love it. let's talk about thisntfr ayer 21. peop can, i love this there is nothing better than look athi guea p. [lter] >> oh, gra youot to putouring
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>> i 70s we dig i >>e couldauheleho time andot talk. t's talk about your staying alive disco party. >>?t? itur annual fall fundraiser. if you don't kwow disco eon't worryutt wehaveup to??tehn oh, nice. com come dress to boogie. we've got it covered we've got a play list that has allf o your 7go it'g to b a lig sn er s is just foreople you visit the pets and t likel r disco duds ao.etbout pserre. walkho we've g jennifer. >> okay we'veot johna holding is thanthe cat? >> just start wherever you want jeifer will follow along.
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taing a cat jim. there weo. [laughter] >> cameraman dave is not heree haveim fil in. [laughter] >> next to them we have suzanne who is holding well he is suppos toe zigy star dust, but h kind of ditched his wig. >> that's okay. >> he's not feelingt maybe he is tripping i don't know we're not quite sur >> maybe he is tripping. [laute >> n dust'sirlfrid, ngte>> slightly near s zigysr, coope is 7 months old and next to him is also 7 months old. there are all of these available for adoption? >> you bet. >> the next one she has that pup under control. >> the next one is harley he is representing three of the five village people.
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studded collar, but a construction vest on. she's ready and then finally we have frank who frank is a senior dog and frank is being fat elvis in the later years. >> fat elvis. >> he has his nice and his disco cin and, nicole was a good sport and also wore the disco chain with >> are all of these animalsadop bles? >> yes everybody is up for adoption. we open at 1:00 today if any look good come on over. ah. you're cheering up the grumpy cat. i like that. >> okay, so this is an event for people, not something to bring your pet to, but you're going to feate funky dci you've got groovy ctumes and of sight silent auction, rad food and drinks, dineo might adoptable pets.
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one of the things the fundraiser does is it brings in not just awareness to the cause, but something fun like this, but it does bring in great donations. those pay for things like all of our spay neuter services. they also help pay for the dogs you see over there they get to go through manners training while at the shelter. we have great programs like that to help them be a betternc go home they stay home. >> ts awesome. >> what about your silent auction what kinds of things there to stick with the harley theme with the biker over there we had this really great harley leather jacket. we had a packers leather jacket. we had some of the most beautiful prints, as far as, great nature prints and animal prints so great photography. we have a couple of staycation kind of things so, if you are looking for date night kind of things we've got dinner and night at some of the great hotels in the area. just also really fun things.
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>> i'm glad you brought up tickets this so cool. we have haws and haws loves us because they always bring pets in costume they must love us. get this today only, if you call, the phone number that we're going to give you and ask for jessica or jennifer, it has to be jessica or jennifer you mention that you saw these awesome pets on the morning blend admission is oy $55. you will save once t of a ticket to thisme aveso withveg goingbe s o a for geioul. friday october 21 from:00 to 10:00 p.m. ticksre a normally how much? ere 65 are gettg a $10 discount which will giveou more money to l of the good stuff. >> these great thirtst t everybody is wearing will b for sale too. >> peace, lov adopt. ank you so much. >> i the cuteness continues withplue of the day.
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this great photo of twin grand babies born in november. they are not quite a year old. this is their first pumpkin shoot together. totally adorable. we love that you shared it with us.
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welcome back.
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lifestyle consultant tia leslie is here with a easy way to whiten yr teethnd take years of of off of your appearance. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thanks for being here. let's talk about yelw teeth to start. a lot of us have yellow teetit is lifestyle, blueberries, coffee tea, whatever it is we eat or drink. oftentimes you say that makes us look older. >> absolutely. again have you to remember your smile is the first thing people see. so if you have yellow or stained teeth, you know, you really ne to put your best foot forward and that's what somebody sees right off the bat. power swabs can definitely whiten and brighten. it's a revolutionary new product, clinically shown to whiten your teeth on an average two shades in five minutes, six shades in 7 days which is unheard of. >> i love that. it really does make you look years younger what is the statistic there? >> the more you use it the whiter it gets. two shades in five minutes. x ades in seven days it's a
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i can show you how to work it. >> absolely lot. >> when you look at this picture it is digitally altered for the so much yo??u look >> she does. clinical studies have shn thatie appearance of looking up to 13 years younger and healthier. e lookibrant, more youthful and years younger with the whiter teeth. >> i think she looksbout0??u s o yeger she looks abt 60 innd 4ne ain the other. >> here's the deal i can't go in the morning without my coffee. >>i can't either. >> i t to ap ithea bu rlly hurt the color of my teeth. bs you areating a every day, i had mcoffee this morning so i get it. so it's a two system system, it's a two swab system. this is what you're going to do. the first swab is called stain out.
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tip. >> yeah. you swab it on. what this does two things it helps lift the stain first which is a game changing, lift the stain before you whiten and also helps you to rehydrate that enamel. it helps with that teeth sensitivity. a lot of people have trouble with that. >> especially with whitening strips or trays. >> absolutely. leave that on for about 2 minutes then you follow-up with the whitener and you swab it on. you can really get into the nooks and crannies. >> you're not covering anything up. just leaving it exposed. >> let it do its job and you're out the door five minutes you're done. with e p get we have something called the stainout. it's a quick stick it's like tide f your mouth. [laughter] >> i love it. so instead of getting a stain on your shirt you get a stain o your teeth and you know where that is. >> pop it your purs your briefcase, i used it this morning when i had coffee before the show it's an mazing way to whiten and brighten your smile on the road. >> you have such night white teeth. >> thank you.
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on here so i wonder oftentimes when i use trays or things everything gets white except for that tooth. >> power swabs can help whiten and brighten your teeth, but also if you have somebody in your household that has caps, crowns or veneers it will help restore them to their natural color. it's an amazing revolutionary new teeth whitening kit i swear by it. >> i love it. i told you our cameraman he has used it twice. he noticed a difference after two uses do you see changes right away? >> right away on average, two shades in five minutes. six shades in seven days. it's a seven day kit it really should last you about six months. you don't have to run to the dentist for the expensive trays or time-consuming strips. >> i love you don't have to use it every single day. peoples routines are so busy you just use it for that one period of time.
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of your beauty ritual in the morning. you will get used to it and you will really see a major difference. >> is it a lot different than the strip and trays so many people can buy? >> it is. here are the game changes effects with power swabs. you're going to lift the stain first, not a lot of teeth whitening kits on the market do that they just cover up the stain. lift the stain first, rehydrate the enamel so it really helps with that teeth sensitivity and works in about five minutes. it can work into works for men and men and you are really going to see a whiter brighter smile within minutes. >> i love that you can do it right at home. looking at that chart i feel like everybody can identify with their tooth is on that chart. >> absolutely i know. you know. >> you know everybody wants to be that si it changes the look of your appearance. people judge you on your smile. >> and it makes you look younger
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like this, in your beauty arsenal use it. it's amazing way for five minutes a day to really whiten, brighten your smile put your best foot forward. >> dave i think you look younger. >> thanks. [laughter] >> it's great. have you a huge special as well we want to share with morning blend viewer. here's how you can get power vantage of theorning blend. mention the morning blend you can get two get one free. buy two get e ee, those three free quick sticks you use right after you have coffee or power is the website to learn more. aga that tolle number the screen to take advantage ofhe special. thanks for being here tia. >> love to be here so ad to in
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this morning on "today's take," harry cnick j is leer. grammy winning musician is our special co-host. then trunk or treat. a twist on a halloween adition. plus "the biggest bob harper. secrets for losing weight and staying in shape during the holidays. coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome, ??every. thiss monday morning, wake up, wake up, wake up, if you're not rey up october 17th, 2016. i'm tamron, along with beautiful dylan. >> thankyou. >> al is recovering from knee surgery. i sent him a bitmoji every


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