tv Today NBC October 18, 2016 7:00am-7:56am CDT
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>>goodor fi theinist to e peoat have died years ago still voting. donald trump defiantly sticks to his claims of voter fraud even as high-profile members of his own party say it is nonsense. melania trump adessing for ait trumand at hot m >> sometimes i say i have two boysthome i have my young son and i have my h while hillary clinton's state department e-mails bite back. did a state department official
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e-maener mto hked >>direct hit. coalitiorceslu the u.s. take out isis facility near mosul the size of city ?jsecond largestity rages on. is this october? a record warm-up all across theo y. temperatures set to soar into thand 90s. behwhat'sd it and howong will it last? >>and, what about bob? nobel officials announce they cannot finbob dyn after he won the nobel prize for literature. every effort to contact him failing. the award ceremony set for december. be there?ber 18th, 2016. th i"t" att d savannah guthrie, good morning, everybody. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. three tuesdays, it is going >> it se a ion day. long time coming. and it has bee
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decide, ofoue, the nex president. key senate races as well. let's get right to the state of the race today. melania trump speaking out defending her husband against those allegations by multiple women of sexual misconduct. she says this is all part of a media conspiracy and she also dismissed trump's comments on that leaked 2005 tapas talk."s mo juing, our latest nbc news/surveymonkey online tracking poll shows hillary clinton with an eight-pole voters. 51% to 43%. thatead was six points two weeks ago. >> once again, clinton ioff the campaign trail today preparing for tomorrow's final presidential debate. dorump hding west with two rallies in colorado. our decision 2016 team will eak it all down. we'll start with nbc's hallie jackson. good morning to you. >> reporter: hey there, savannah mor, goodng. donald trump making this westward swing before tomorrow's debate here in las vegas.
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attack against hillary clinton, en as he tes a jab at the nation's top republican and continues toake aim without evidence at what he calls a rigged system. >> reporter: instead of backing down in the face of fahecks out vor fraud, donald >> more than 1.8 million deceased individuals rht now e l >>te tt statfrom a rch 2012 rnter report with experts at the time finding "no evidha lead to fraud on election day." still, trump insists -- >> t?hi tmendvoter hopublicanrship doesn't see that is beyond me. >> reporter: the comments come as more republicans are speaking out against trump's claims, including his former rival, marco rubio. >>his tiot rigged. and i'll explain to you why it d in frida
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eachthown owh elections. i promise you, there is not a 67-county conspiracy to rig this election. >> reporter: trump, taking shots at his own party while campaigning in wisconsin, the home state of houseaker, paul ryan, suggesting ryan does not nt him to win the white house because of his own political ambitions. >> well, maybe not, because maybe he wants to run in four years. or maybe he doesn't know how to win. >> repter: the gop nominee also taking shots at his democratic rival pusis hing h latest line againshillar clinton. >> quid pro quo. >> reporter: trump seizing on from 2015. they suggest an ployee claimea colluo with a tostate departntl gainsifica 1tion of a "in exchange for marking the e-mail unclassifieotd, state wod reciprocate by allowing the fbi to place more agentsn cotrey are presently forbidden, ecifically in iraq." this is wn warg but we're going to putd en
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>> reporter: but both the state nd the fbi deny e co sno quid pro quo r took plac. the e-mail was never marked unclassified, and it was in fact fbi offiawho originated the question of placing agents overseas in a totallsepara discussion. thicans from ping. democrats calling it a non-story. but, still ary -ou from vgar audirecorded in hers in a 2005 >>was n li o, egg on, iv from t hos >> repor ter: tru nime for the first time ?png ph better. >> hs
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this alleged quid pro quo i' startith nicle.d anyt like is happened. sc?2 but what learngbo way the!g clinton te worked to lsen the fallt from these eails base what e he >> wel askede es last week abouhow l of the stories reinforces her essential cke beginning of the democric primary, was that people h aeeling that they couldn't trust her. sterdainhio i met with undecided voters. that is the burden that e carries. all politiciancarry bu that is hers. is story underscorest. if donald had ump e capacity for discipline, this could really be damaging for her. let me just flow up and say,o you dolievbethat the words clinton and e-mail have run their course in this election cycle >> not only have they not run
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cycle, but if she were running panst soo one the sustained disclined ca mpaign hansher, they rely cld proven fatal. but because she's running someone who steps on his own message every inutes, i don't think this wl evers ofin se nnin agnst meanwhile, mps abouth allegedpro quid he also going against paul ryanleers ofep pay obma mpleumber 1,50 i think in this campgn in a very uncomfortae lican er tiing , rc to make that choice, do you want to be h loyal to yr party's nomine and goery, ver vy fat on a limb on an issue, or do you to ay tnter to sortf
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2g u n see that clip you played from marco r??/.ios ma them squm, he is making them very uncomfortable. thpublicteo evidenome of e there, when they try to distance themselves from trump in the interest of helping themselves o t laig a, lania trum selfn twfrts, one saying he was eedn in thataped convsati with bush. he t have now come forwd cusi m of sexual misconduct are s that's the best way to put i it. >> yeah. >> did she help or hurter had husband with women voters last night? >> spousre always net spsiti. ses arusua harmle sor froevofhe dirtiest sides of their spouse caaign thinthat holds mostly true
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weekd at theape broke. t ten ut ihink we saw a poll that 90% of americans were aware of the tape or had seen the tape. i'm just not sure if sad the ability or potential to change hetsnd minds with her me e last night. a lit wa? >> let's do it >> we want to talk?dbo someing now. we've talked a l aol p withhree weeks to go until election day. so steve is going to help us out by looking back at some past presidential elections. we'll look at where the polling was three weeks out from that election, and where it ended up. start in 2012. >> the most recent election. look, three weeks out, barack jooll.?4news/"wall street what happened inhe election, etty much right ere. 51%-47%. basicalloure tt was e make up thr nds and threp usually doesn't change muc does the same hold truene ama? >>is atl haght noour poll in this race double digits three weeks out.ot if you look at the final result. so what you saw in the final xek some of those republican voters
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for in the homestretch here. >>'sba?bo lectio thatll talk about in s com000,push go ut we ha ahead six points. f thgg rg hdid ad wnch tere ing thing toememr -- this is forgotten e ofbecaushe recount -- in the final da of that race, there was that story t geabouge w. bush and a dui from years earlier. a lot people ink that's w re c thim inndn the popular vote.t the electora. >> there is possible there can be a late october surprise.r ea. >> steve, thank you ve much. savaah? thank you so mu, ma again,hen wednesy night, 9:0on nbc. we move on now to her news. at to reke ir s froond-t ci isis. one official therelready llg it turning point in the war against terror. nbc'ief foreign correspoent richard engel just south of mosul this morning.
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offeive to drive isis out mosul is w in its second day. haved on ken up.the village of has mtly been cler i isis had been holding own this t u r the last two years or so. been l this town still a small isis pree snips, se suicide bombers. that's why a wme rit ener, i oops amicommands thate've peak beeng to are quiat ey've en this is how the opislding. iroo advan to a nrees th tryo ear isis out of is vlage. theelhey it
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reservation system so th explains t problem. international flight affected and the airlines say this technical issue has now been fixed.d g sy running. this ones a lile bizae. an odd development in b dylan's nobel pre for literature. o t a't nd that legendary ?? muan.c's ir simmons has the latest othis. irnis the problem with rock ist wellrock sta. ac ar athe tend ther he will ceremony. >> bob dylan. >> reporter: when the surprise announceame, treere cheers a there were questions. b redyn t
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enough. dylan was on stage in las vegas en the announcement was made. he didn't acknowledge the accolade, ending his set wit sinatra's why try to change me now. that same da there were questions about whether he would perform at the ceremony. >> no. i think there will be a speech but i don't know. i haven't talked to him yet. p. reporter: now it seems heay orven ce tlothwi.?@ i guess mostldol w ine
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this certainly takes place. a go medal to go with i mightant tohe thyou ry m appriate w tins racki for otr dylan lyrics right now? > weound dylan.n t gs. >> i'm right here. i'lle medal. >> we'll take the forecast. >> which does look very, very nice. we have record breaking heat expected across the country again today. 44 places hit record highs yesterday. we'll do it again today. we'll do it again tomorrow. we've got just this warm air pumping in from the south. we've got this cold front that's going to slide in and eventually start to cool things down a bit. we a looking at perhaps more records breaking today. nashville, the forecast is 89. the record is 87. louisville should tie the record at 86. same goes for atlanta. in the mid-atlantic and across the upper northeast, we should tie the record in albany, new
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good chance we'll break the record with a forecast high of 83 degrees. same goes for baltimore with a forecast high of 84. tomorrow will likely crush records. in philadelphia, the old record is 80 degrees. we're forecasting a high of . and back across parts of the ohio and tennessee river vall s, temperaturesh well up into the 90s with the record being 89 degrees. weill start to see things cool down andecome re ssona which is reallfor th time of year by the end he week. that's the forecast around t?f? country. your lal fcomingp in 30 sonds to rewdson aois escriptions, it's easy to save big at walgreens. ??jutop by walgreens. ??xr?
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?d ? life can be messy... but with crayola color wonr... . don'yowishifcould be this mess-free? but with lor ola color wonr... . find iinhe crayola ais. seh e after 40 years of making soup at progresso, we've learned chicken is king. white brsteaken in aoukesoups. you're acting so funny, what's wrong, billy?
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they ctaous? i don't think so. contct the rnbow! taste the rainbow! i recommennature me vitamins because i trust their quality. they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. an independergiz strict qualitynd purity standards. the mberne prmacist. recommended vitamin and rasupplement ? i'm like a sponge for thufis st hi ayinshars drr you.that why aarp p.p.e th brain games.solid, 3n
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n,al stepd u hy?unbsiated claimhat th electn is ried us 20 suggest fraud is ting pce tve? othi g d ten y agotill voting. >> t proposed a -step ethics ree time to drainhe an unprecedented pposal fro donald trump, theocked by the white house. on monday press sq'o?retary josh earnes was asked what he >>st before tomorrow'sdebate. sms n oy thathe candidat who snorted his way thro the first two debates is accusing theerandidate of taki ugs? uruselopmentn the campaign. that's my reonse. ? >> are s now thatyo
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avemighteen related t- >> not sfa no response to thaday. from the tmp camp. as we mentioned, melania trump is now speaking out for the first time since several women accused her husband of misconduct. nbc's steanieosk is her with more on what she had t?? hi, good morng. >> good morning, guys. highlighted as her husband's bi accusers, themedia, a painting a picture o what her role will be in the white house. melania tmp speakingut and defendin her hband. he apologized. i accept his apology. i hope the american people will accept it. >> reporter: opening up in her rst interview since a 2005 audiotape came to light in which donald trump is heard making lewd comments about wome
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elieve my husbd.and. th was all organized fm po. >> reporter: the lest newalltreejo poll ? s htersary clion bede always?+ s to hi yo yoself, >> rorr: fmerod also shaderon a th taken earli were s splashed on theover o new york tabloid. i'm vy proud iid tse ot body. >> reporter: mrs. trump also shed what she h t lish airfighng negivitnd bulin
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people, they don'teally kw talk, melani don't feel sor ry fororme. f hdle everything. melania trump has kep a herump family,nc ae out inublici tomorrow nhthe candidatesace f off for their guys? very nd, you can t wtba reernn let' s it ove t cckth weather. >> morning, . talking ab recor breaking empe s not just in the south and northeas bow oss highs, toaulde co s some a of high pressure is settpg uanta anwinds. some gusts in the mountai a valleys could be up to 50 miles per hour. since it is movingothi ove
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real? why doctors say they actually fearful moons. ande areut to save you a little money on a new "rossen reports." >> hey, good morning, i'm jeff rossen. coming up,om spend so much money on makeup and people on tv. but is it worth it? can you get that fancy glamoro look for a fraction of the ice? th mornin w putting it to the test with ?? eat up, buddy. you'll get is time.
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back at 7:41 with more of our special "rossen reports" series, "is it worth it." >> on monday we put bottled water to the test against tap water. this morning the question -- should you splurge on makeup or can you still save and get a great look. "today" national investigative correspondent jeff rossen has been looking into this. >> straight out of the makeup chair myself. all right, ladies at home, and some men, too. some of you getting redsdy for the day right now and applying your makeup. you will want to stop what
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out there to choose from and we all know they can get expensive. women spend around 5,000 i th letime on makeupalone. buts it wth ? do you really need to spen tune lalooks isor?) sayhey haveette ingred gients t er anlast lotnger. allhatoney real y better look? or can up give you that glamorous look for less? to find out, we lied idenl hi. >> yep. those twins. frheom t disr commercial. >> awesome sauce. >> lisa? >> >> yjulie? sound ry different on the phone. >> reporter: today, something a ttleffent. you are going to be wearing the fancy stuff.
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you you are gng to be wearing drugstore makeup. cover girl. it is going to be the similar shades, the same stuff. yours only costs $60. so a real affordable wel see i pple onhedifferce, theynohih. youglam >> ah do it.ter: from their ey,o their li. >> i love this look. >> well,e' see who wore it better. >> reporter: our "today" show ke @ws iheir matching you're all set. >>you! penser: tell who we skeup awh s ore?sttell? that esi o the st wit hanulpe.'merotsohow.ks te "@wiing.oose he pricey
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>> wxpen ueentast t w the me ua y goes. so yes. >> reporter: some c'tl the diffence at all. >> they look the same though. >> the loohe to you. >> reporter: but the overwhelming majority- >>'moing to go with probabl the left. >> on left. >> yes.epor >> i like her tter. >> her look better. >> o left. tt'rurea!up. cost wo g. >> her. it's still very clean. >> they both loo gthough. >> well, the do. both look good. yeah. >> reporter: person after person. >> you chose the keep stuff. >> the cheaper the better. >> that's w i always say. >> reporter: picking the bargain brand. >> oh, i believe in that. totally. proving you don't have to spend big bucks to look like you did.
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>> we love saving money. by the way, we have mel and cc with st faces and their makeup fiesutner and which is drugstore. >> we've been staringt ust awkwaorrd them. i'm go sin y t >>'mng sayhe samething. inghi he designermakeup well,ho ? bookgorgeous. >> we can save nbc a lot of moy. >> a ton of money! just have it professional applied. >> is exactly. >> thanks, gu. >>hi are you? >> cheap stuff always. coming up, the price was definitely right. wait until you see the game show history that was just made.
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rescue during the campaign chaos. tamron will explain that right tamron will explain that right ?? americans are buying more and more of everythinl and so many businesses relthe n ited states postal service to get it there. because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country.
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i'll call you back. is this my car? state farm knows that for every on thoseom. what? this is culo th?#?rere's one these...sam, g? on thoseom. what? is is ri! is can't bppenin this can't be happening! oh, it's happening sweetheart. oh, it's happening sweetheart.u! shut up! that's why state farm is there, what a day...
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mron ove in the orange room for mr. da ge' ysth. canascrs thentnet arehlht of pth in tebout hataildh warm???is working again oenivtv. eske has to amicys, your passior exploration,nd esf scientific knowlee is a constt inspiration. emily wrote to america -- america, you gave the world cherry coke, the internet and the golden. girls n'tne anyoou youe not great. another one coming in. sharing an imagef roker's
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the caption, nuff said. evenmericans have taken to th hashtag to s thihat a great about the theer this one f chriaj part ng my great again? neivingecanada. soheted nt c thughe negativy of this election cycle and i loo ju notes oination.pos wouldn't say it is?g? about uplifting. whato uysink? i.ove ould take sh trip canadaitf mribs. that's great! >> they said they like us. they didn't say c >> i used to love that tourism ca had that said ericaordersn t which i thought was ?+?? ally ce. it magnificent country.
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tlikes to take its sweet time.s that's why we make them for you. my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. of inflammation thaty sy t ulak cle oalmost car, and maaw at . lower your ability to f infecon including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,
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wot >> it's hwe woic meet you. > it's8:n o "today." it's tuesday,ctober 18t a beauful y out onur plaza. i'm goi to say it feels like an october day but lsrtainl it is 67 rht now, gng up to ?? 82. >> like dn't have tuent a sqcoa. i have to squeeze in a t. comg up, y >> eat.ou- >>hey cook. what's thene gadget you can't live without in a kitchen? >> cast iron skillet. >> my buterknife. >> take-out menu. >> siri daley is in the kitchen, revealing her pick. then she will put it to good use. >> she loves us. >> but first, this morning's top stories. time for the "news at 8." we begin with the race for the white house. i'm kristen welker in washington
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final presidential debate. our latest nbc news/survey monkey online poll shows hillary clinton is leading donald trump by eight points, trump remains defiant ramping up is unsubstantiated charge, the fix is in fornclinisin mond, donald trp dblg down. >> we're competing in a rigd >> reporter: the gopom n vowing tcrack wn governmentptio corru and opening a line of attack over hillarylinton and h mail >> this is worse thanwateate, ng . >> reporter: giving trump fresh fodder, an e-ml suggesting a quid pro th allegeddeal, lower the e-mail classificatio of certain e-mail from clinton's private server in exchange for allowing fbi agents in countries where they are presently forbidden. >> the quid pro quo. in other words, a deal.
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say it never happened. >> any really assertion that this was somehow tit for tat or quid pro quo, exchange of -- in that manner really, frankly, is insulting. >> reporter: both agencies insisting an fbi official raised the issue of more agents overseas and the request was separate from the discussion over classification. >> it's not acceptable. >> reporter: meanwhile, melania trump speaking out for the first time since nine women accused her husband of claims trump denies and nbc news has not independently verified. on fox news -- >> that all the allegations should be handled in a court of ? law. >> reporter: also weighg in on cnn on that 2005 "access hollywoo pe. >> melania said this was okay. >> sai i to my husband that, you know, the language is unappropate. they were kind o a boy talk and
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from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. >> reporter: the audio recorded "aess hollywood, an nbc s by universal program. in an exclusive interview with kelly o'donnell, new jersey governor chris chrisendin by trump but also saying he was saoiy trump's lewd remarks. >> can't defend them and i ft that his apology was inadequate. i ahow of confidence, eing traditionlyis increasingly arizona, pouring $2 million into the state and sending first lady michelle obama the clinton tea believesinning big on election day would help blunt any trump's talk that the system isn't fair in she wins. tonighrentband first lady michelle obama host the 1th andikely last state dinner at the white use. 500uest have been invited to the event whichs italy's prime minister. the d wilinner beel
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be theook four-cours ough man.cuisineme er then stay out of, the 22ear-old forgot hiseys to b getk inside the house. he wastuor luckily forim a cr floor but the space was too tigh to squeeze through. >> that looks like a quite unpleasant situation. coming up,n unexpected accessory. why surgery masks are a must-have to go on these particular blind dates. then meet the qr?xnt who just?a spun their way to th most incredible moment eve right." and the college droput with an eye for fashion who is now one thest self-made
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ah from her you're not takin. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. woah, woah! you're not taking that. come with . you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't beat even when we're not there to keep the,m safe our subaru outback will be.
8:09 am
? me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card.
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we are back. it's 8:00 something. we're doing "trending" outside because the weather is so awesome. ?!?hbut e on thing that could make ieven better is that natalie moras is here! >> so good to see you guys! i miss the baby bump >> she tt used to always bump her when i tried top >> c good day, too. >> i know. >> matt has circled this date on his candar sevths on now. it is national meatloaf appreciation day, everybody. >> that's every day. >> and nothing says 80 degrees
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and mashed potatoes on the plaza. but when it comes to meatloaf, as we dive in here, do you guys believe in having ketchup on your meatloaf? >> yes. >> absolutely. >> yes. >> you like it plain? it's so dry that way. >> i don't like sweet meatloaf. >> this is really good, right? >> you know why it is extra good? >> why? >> because we eat the food and it is a little cold. but cold meatloaf is okay. >> and i think it reminds us of family and home. it's kind of that comfort food of family. >> and because the next day thinly sliced on rye toast -- with mayo and lettuce. > oan.nds here.y dance.hame themselveso be superstitious? me. >> yno people say about full moons, ghe baluck an to liedl nd be it is a silly superstition. right?take a look at this. street journal." hospitals and the people who work in them believe that bad things happen on a full moon. doctors and nurses tell the
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in weird things on those days like psychotic episodes, bizarre injuries and women -- and women going into labor under unusual situations. >> like during "trending"? >> mark your calendars. the next full mo legislated or slated for noer 14th. >> when? >> november 14th. >> when is your due date? >> we're two days apart, mid-december. >> i think it is interesting. the tides are all adjusted by the moon. think of how much water we're made up of. so i feel like the water kind of is unsettled. i think it just messes us up. >> dylan gave us the science explanation. how about this video from japan that caught our eye this morng. take a look. what do yothink these folks are doing? >> it looks like a hospital -- doctors convention. >> medical conference?
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not thoks. mis kt d of weird. mmunicable illssve a >> at least you know you won't get sick. >> how about "popstart!"? >> let tet's git. u ready, buddy? let's do ts. first up, speaking of "the working on the show. right now it is 11th season, but he just sent us some big news about what to expect in the
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ho a r will fill those four red chairs in the seasons ahead. you ready, audience? here who we'll see. adam levine. blake shelton. and they've been there since the beginning but there's also alicia keys coming back, marking her second season as a coach. and -- look who else is coming back. gwen stefani. she is back to coachin right now she's in the middle of her tour. as we just mentioned, she is performing tonight at the white house but gwen will be back on the show to kick off-season 12 in february. that's not all, ladies and gentlemen. so many people love seeing miley cyrus on the show. there's no reason to worry. miley has already signed to be a coach for season 13 which starts next fall. the other coaches for that season will be announced soon. reminder, "the voice" airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central here on nbc. i feel like the whole season will be about blake and gwen's
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>> the moon told us. >> are they engaged? >> no. i'm just guessing. love is in the a next up, speaking of love, someonall the ladies here ry.loowin ?? all one of the biggest ki woon on the nighttime ap "90ith 210" wcharacr defining t teenage boy? that landed luke plenty cors his last -- tt -- aarp. w"? >> i don't know. >> you were eating meatloaf. last week, luke turned years o.h? by the way, when luke played a high schooler the show, h was actually 24 years ol >> wow. >> and i had a huge crush on him. >> people often think you are named afr s character. >> mako se a dyl mckay when the show -- i was
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check out what happened when e madeistoryn mo's hes ,0 sotelyrazy. to $1 d third ntestas ey bhnd u $1. eason's first three-way tie for in its 45 season shyou spin $1.e mahew 0 i n't know why people can't do it all tim that happened on the eve of aleay?da did it really? >> a a full moon. >> and luke pey turned 50. magic in the air. cutting ge tod. women
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hi morning, we're talking about sophia amoruso. she went from hitch hikingnd odd a fashion empire online. it has made her one of the richest self-madhe e men world d the voe ofn empogenerati ?? >> nasty girl is a brand that really reprents fene, like wom jsing forem.>> rr:y r rolltyle, nasty gal is >> dcribe your customer. who is nasty gal? >> she's ambitio. she's oupoken. reps like a really cool girl. ter: but amoruso wasn't always the cool girl and didn't always know what she wanted. working all kinds of jobs. i've wor cleked aters scrubbing ring around the collar off men's shirts.?=? my first job was at subway. i was a gardener at one point.
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di 't knoed tw whatdo but i loved photography and i loved vintage clotng. >> and now here he are $280 million, valued, later, which is an incredible gs triches story. >> yeah. it's been a wild ride. >> reporte iont all star e-y whmoru was 22. started off sellinntage and sier ednd pshe sttoaphed each pie. her brand name, nasty gal, comes fralr she >> i guess i was inspired by her t i was choosing an ebay name, which i was 22 years old. didn't think i would be talking about nasty gal a decade later. epter: and iled to the nasty gal retail website in 2008.lize i'vt >> oh, man. i i'm think ilreing it. >> rorter: nasty gal has 5 million followers on social ew just sophia to 200 employees.
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up. >> reporter: amoruso also has her own nasty gal s well as two stores in los angeles. what does your family think of your success? >> my mom is very proud and very, very active on facebook. it borders on gloating, but i think moms are alled that. >> what challenges have you had to face along the way. there's been a lot of challenges. scaling a company for ten years is really tough. >> reporter: in 2015 she stepped down as ceo of nasty gal. d qualified, but it stasn't i w ted to spend my time doing. rengs.k g s i t to experiee that uso's firsthand.? som'shing i h in mi yound for >>h, thatso in right now. i love it! that's perfect. >>ool. maybe a jacket. >> yes! oh, i love it. that gives it sort othat nasty gal edge.
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>>ke here we go. trying it on. all >> you look amazing. wow lioding session. look at us. >> reporter: but she's more than about fashion. her rst book, "girlboss, a memoir launched a social mediave . irlbthe #gs used over 3 y gbo one of them.nt i really to inspire people to make decisions for themselves. i want people to be their own role models and compete with themselves. >> reporter: she now has a netflix series cing out next ear, "girl boss."dcd da which helps female entrepreneurs. and now a new book, "nasty wolaxy," featuring inspiring n, all of thy e of 32.?
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if you like what you're wearing, your day is different. m alys going to get up and try agn and try to inspire a generation of girls to do the same. >> she is such an incredible person and a woman. she's really ired this nasty gal movement. rl boss, women have really seized.?o >> i like that idea at she ew at some moment that this had potential to get really big and t oppoit >> she believed in herself which is something we need to be doing more. >> incredible. l she's done and she's 32. >> and tomorrow i hatherve ano incredible young woman named phoebe robinson, on the cutting-edge, also. bringing to the podcasting world. one of the top-ratedodcasters atie. be a hot one ck of the ather? thisrbantu out near the
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disturbae the next five days. aneye on, though as of right now it doesn't lk like it is >> a that's your latest forecast. hoda? all righ dylan, thanks so much. peciernow to ours "one sminl@ it is back. itl about the changethat can have a b impact on your life. this morning, e talking about exercise moves that are so
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our girl, emily sky, came all om ausia to show us h it's done. th more than 10 million oc??? it is your first time on the "todayshow? >>t ?; i'm ry to be here with u. >> emily. our i lovecent. therengs we can evy morning that willpned. thol &?st we're going to stt ment >> e're at the sink. at should we be doing? >> brug do some calf raises. 20 reps. or you can do one at a time like this if you nt more of a chalnge. >> will you all do it with us? up and dow t r it strengthens your calves and lot of is ebecause ?you are hiour two minutes
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bottle. ruian twts like this, come around to the side and down. >> what are we toning here? >> this is about strengtheni our core which is really important. >> how many of these should we be doing. o th.tim eimmer break or wait for the next one and do one each eak. it iabout how much you want to alyourself >>an you do it without? you've got a water bottle here.
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there's a new medicare plan in town. one where personal customer service is much more than just words. o, milwaukee. we're network health. and this is an actual member event where some of our 63,000 medicare members are getting to meet the friendly voices on the other end of the phone, in person. we're new to you, but we've been serving northeast wisconsin with a personal touch for more than 30 years. and, 9 out of 10 network health members are satisfied with their medicare plans. if you'd like to join them,
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it's 30 now on a tuesday morning, october 18th, 2016. playing hookie from the studio because it is so beautiful here in new york city. mid 80s today. we're taking advantage here on the plaza. >> remember when you used to ask your teacher, can we do class outside today? a movie classic that's landed on broadway, "holiday inn." and the cast will be here to perform a very special medley coming up. you'll love these two.
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is there anything better than tomato soup and grilled cheese? yum. siri's going to show us how you can take it to a whole new level. i don't know how you improve on greatness. >> we should mention when we decided to do tomato soup, we thought it would be 45, 50 degrees out there. >> and didn't know we'd have an appetizer of meatloaf. it is going to be more like late august than mid-october. that's for sure. record high temperatures from the northeast to the south. we are looking at lots of sunshine, too. couple of spotty showers and storms with that cold front that will help to cool things down back through chicago and up through the midwest. tomorrow we could see some isolated severe storms. there you see northernarkansas. southern missouri. could break high temperatures in southern californiaals the santa ana winds kick in. the pacific northwest, two to three inches of rain between today and tomorrow possible with
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>> that's your latest forecast. guys? >> all right, dylan. thank you. now to the "it" couple of reality tv, chip and joanna gaines. jenna caught up with the stars of the hit hgtv show "fixer-upper" to tk about the secret of their success. >> i went back to my home, waco, texas. it may not seem like the epicenter of one of most popular shows on tv, but each week up to
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unassuming city in the hopes of catching a glimpse of their favorite couple. and now mine. chip and joanna gaines. >> we're chip and joanna gaines. >> reporter: at first it seems like a picture-perfect movie. boy meets girl, starts a family and lives happily ever after. >> come on, mama! >> reporter: but this isn't hollywood. this is waco, texas. and this is chip and joanna's reality. as the star of hgtv's er upper," the show follows the couple as they balance flipping homes with raising their four young children. viewers are wowed wit stunning transformations. >> yes! >> yes! >> oh, my god! >> reporter: combining chip's construction job with joanna's distinctive designs and offering a window into their sometimes goofy -- >> wow. >> reporter: -- always loving marriage. >> i really love you, jojo.
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that. >> reporter: with more than 25 million viewers, it is the highest rated show in hgtv's history. >> people say, is this an improbable story? what would you say? >> i think really, it's bordering on impossible. >> reporter: their rise from home flippers to tv stars is the focus of their new book. "the magnolia story." the first time you met was at your dad's tire store. >> yes. >> super romantic. >> very romantic. he knew how to draw me out. i'm more introverted. i remember leaving t plan, a lot of that stuff was really thought provoking. >> i was a lot more superficial. i was attracted to her hotness. >> oh, right. >> then when she started talking, i was like, and she's got gorgeous lips. >> stop. >> i didn't realize that. >> reporter: chip and joanna got married and moved in. but their first home as husband and wife was in desperate need of some love. >> as far as design, i had no idea what i was doing. our first fixer upper together, we really learned how to work
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decided to open their own home goods store. at first joanna was hesitant but chip jumped in. >> i have a very high fear tolerance. when i think about starting a business, i would call that, on a scale of 1 to 10, like a 1. first thing that happens, you go start a store, it didn't work. best thing that happens, you go start a store, you are picked up by a reality television show, you become a multi-millionaire. >> oh, don't say that! >> and you move to the bahamas. massive success and it wasn't long before people wanted more, so the two started a business flipping homes. but like most, the housing crisis hit chip and joanna hard. >> we're just some sleepless nights. >> when you are tested at that level, i think the stuff that you learn and what you get out of it is i think the stuff that gets you to the long haul. >> reporter: they came out on the other side stronger. and then -- they got an interesting call. somebody came calling and said, we have a crew. let's shoot a show.
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he was like do not call them back. >> no way, jose. >> reporter: but joanna did call back and the rest is history. "fixer upper" is now a bona fide national hit and chip and joanna are quickly expanding to a full-fledged lifestyle brand, including an online store, furniture line, bakery, magazine, and more. but at the heart of all they do is the love for the town they call home. so within the last year, they purchased a landmark of the waco skyline. a pair of rusty they converted into their retail store, magnolia market. and the town has seen a revival from dallas to dubai, people from around the world come to the silos. with up to 35,000 visitors a week, it is quickly become the biggest tourist attraction in waco. >> when you see these folks, especially the ones that have traveled so far to get here, it is hard not to fall in love. >> want people to know that we're just a normal couple from waco.
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we really like each other. >> chip and joanna just wrapped up shooting season four of "fixer upper" which premiers in november. i have to say, it is quite addicting. it is a favorite show of mine. i will disclose, also my mother's. >> we heard. big family. you guys have really shown people how it's done. here's my question. what's it like to work together as husband and wife? because a lot of people might be could do that. >> yeah. we joke, it's not for everybody. we have just somehow -- the cards were dealt and jo and i love to work together. we love to be together. but we joke to some of our friends that if we hadn't have gotten so lucky, we probably would have killed each other by now. >> when you guys first started out, did your dad say to you, chip, like why don't you get a real job? you were just flipping houses and doing your own thing. >> yeah. it is really funny.
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what they referred to as "flipping houses" is kind of like a thing. i have become a rock star. i know y'all don't know exactly who i am. back in my hometown, people go bananas every time they see me. but back in 2003, nobody knew about flipping houses. that was a little bit before the craze. so my father-in-law thought that i didn't have a job. so for the first two years of our marriage, i owned rental properties, i was in a construction business, we were ro our own degree, so here he was asking me on a weekly basis, so, have you found a job yet? how you doing? >> joanna, you have four children, i think between 11 and 6. i'm going to go with five children because you also have to deal with chip who can be a little bit of handful. >> yes. yes. >> she calls me the triplets. >> you're off by two kids there. >> i would rather take all four kids to the store than just chip. for sure.
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we known be with you jenna? >> ten years. >> i've never seen you this animated over a story or a couple. >> i definitely have a major marriage crush. is that a thing? can you have a crush on a couple? >> i'm telling you, it is mutual. we met jenna for the first time a week or two back in waco, texas. since then, her nickname back home is long legs. >> you want to hear some of her nicknames around here? >> oh, look at the time. >> y'all, they town. waco is a totally different place because of them. i mean that's the best of america. >> i know it is near and dear to you guys, for sure. thank you so much. we're just getting started with you, chip and joanna. you'll be back in our next hour. we should mention, the new book is called "the magnolia story." you can also see jenna's full interview at coming up next, a comfort food classic. another one. siri is whipping up the ultimate tomato soup and grilled cheese
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welcome back to "today food." this week we're all about some of those kitchen tools that you can't live without. siri daly is here, she is a "today" contributor and creator of seriously delicious. she's going to talk about her favorite tool and make a great recipe. siri, good to see you. >> happy to be here. >> good to have you. immersion blender. that is your favorite. but this is it. it is -- i use it all of the time, especially for soups. i'll talk about it in a second. >> life changing. >> life changing. on this nice cozy day we're going to make tomato soup. >> it is 80 degrees. >> i'm going to make roasted tomato soup. super simple. five ingredients. tomatoes, onion, carrots, some vegetable stock and garlic. i love to use fresh tomatoes but canned tomatoes are fine, too.
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on-the-vine tomatoes. drizzle with some olive oil. salt and pepper. then we roast it in a 400 degree oven for half-an-hour. >> why is roasting so important bringing out this really yummy roasted flavor. 400 degrees for about a half-hour. in the pot, some onions and carrots that i just like to until they soften. then add some garlic. always garlic with tomatoes in my world. we'll only cook that for another minute or two because you don't want it to burn. then we will add our tomatoes. you want to grab that? then i'm going to add some vegetable stock. you can use chicken stock. this will keep it vegetarian. >> how long is that going to
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>> are you enjoying it? >> yummy. >> look how great this looks after it is simmered down a little bit. >> usually if you want to puree something you take it out, put it in the blender. that's kind of annoying. with this immersion blender, you can do it all here. stand back. sometimes it gets a little -- look at that. >> what's consistency you are looking for here sorry. i didn't even get him. >> i was too quick for it. i got out of the way. i'm not so sure our camera guys fared as well. the trick with the immersion blender is you keep it immersed. >> you keep it inside. you want like a little velvety texture. did you guys get it? thank you. i'm done. good night. >> we've got to move on quickly to the three-cheese grilled
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then when you butter the bread, it gives it a little salty crust. i like to add bacon. this is pancetta. then some mozzarella, and some cheddar. five minutes a side. i don't think i can make a mess with this. >> if anything explodes -- >> just until nice and golden. great thing to dip in your soup. >> lyle and wardrobe department always say, do you want to wear an apron? i say, no, it is siri. >> siri's things always have a little touch. the grilled cheese is real good. >> delicious, siri. >> i have to say real quickly, the soup is delicious. it is really good. siri, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> for these recipes and much
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. we are back with the cast of "holiday in broadway's latest hit, based on the classic 1942 movie, it starred bing crosby and fred astaire. it follows an entertainer named jim who quits the business and moves to a farm in connecticut. there he falls for a teacher named linda. they turn a farmhouse into a club. but jim's ex-partner, ted, steps in and threatens everything. former "high school musical" star is here with his co-stars. good morning to all of you!
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school musical." you're taking tap to the next level for this. >> i grew up tapping, i grew up watching fred astaire. when you watch him, he is just effortless and makes everything look so easy. i think that's what's really been captured within this incredible musical. >> i think it hearkens back to that classic broadway. is that what kind of attracted you guys to the roles? >> oh, absotely. >> yeah. irving b wroern these songs in 1942 when our world and our country needed an injection of joy. we felt like we wanted to bring that back to broadway. it is perfect time >> laura lee, looks like you're having an awesome time. >> it is a blast to sing these songs and dance with this fabulous ensemble, we're just so lucky. >> we're so excited. people loved the movie. hopefully if they don't know it, this will revive the interest. we're doing a medley. let's let you take it away. >> how would you all like to make a contribution to the fresh air fund? all you have to do is help me
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? blue skies smiling at me ? ? nothing but blue skies ? ? nothing but blue skies do i see ? ? blue days all of them gone ? ? nothing but blue skies nothing but blue skies nothing but blue skies ? ? unhappy news away ? ? if you are blue it's easy to shake 'em away ? ? i do not shake your body soul to and from with every shake a lucky break ? ? to chase our cares away ? note if you would lose your we
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harry connick jr. is back with us. dylan back with us. ethan hawk and more chip and joanna gaines. a packed house. >> we've got a lot. >> did you see the jump roping that just went on? >> dancing and jump roping. >> that's a new workout trend that we won't try. >> exactly. if we jump rope right now, the earth would quake.
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brian gotter...lets get a check of the weather.. a threat on social media got a local teenager arrested... the 15-yea fond du lac is accused of threatening students and teachers on snap-chat. students reported the post to police. "the student was identified, was taken into custody as he arrived to school this morning. he didn't have any weapons on him, there was no actual plans written or drawn up that we're aware of, he indicated that it was meant to be a prank." there will be an additional
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