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tv   Morning Blend  NBC  October 19, 2016 9:00am-10:00am CDT

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good morning today the one indian spice you will want for cold and flu season. are you ready to meet your child's teacher. also painting the town purple. >> the significance of the color coming up next on the morning blend. ? ? [ music ] ? ? ? ? good morning everybody. one of my favorite questions we have ever asked men on a show. >> what do you notice first about amen? >> because it catches them off guard. you can see the gears shifting
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i really notice first about a woman or do i say her eyes or her personality. >> didn't we ask father tim and pastor bill? >> no we were going to, but we didn't. we spared them from that question. >> next time. we did ask robin yount i think that was our favorite response ever. >> ever. >> take a look. >> what is the first thing you notice on a woman. >> oh, wow? [laughter] >> seriously? their butt i guess. [laughter] >> it never gets old. >> it never gets old. i could watch that a thousand times and he is like their butt i guess. i'm like wait how is that the first thing you notice? because that's behind them. [laughter] >> i love it. he is so genuine and wonderful. i love robin yount. i love that honesty there. women's health magazine did a survey what they noticed first about men. here's the reverse.
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first. can you believe it? >> that's not what i would say. >> they say first his eyes, his smile, his height, his hands and then his style of clothing. i would say i first if i'm really being honest i first notice his height and then i notice his hair second. >> that's exactly what i was going to say. >> really? >> >> yeah. >> 100%. >> yeah girl. >> that's an honest answer. but you notice their height, right cameraman dave? he knows this is true. [laughter] >> you notice their hair. [laughter] >> and what is funny about that do you remember the chinooks players here, all of these 20 something guys all super cute. the first thing they noticed about a woman because they are looking at girls in their 20s is their hair. >> they did say their hair. >> i look at my daughters 17 and 12, and i can see why guys notice their hair.
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hair from their perspective, but guys notice, think it's true guys in that age group notice their hair. [laughter] >> honest truth. >> what do you think have you ever cried i don't mean just like alone or something, but have you cried at work in front of coworkers or your boss? >> you would know that answer. >> yeah i have. >> but it was after my aunt had passed away i cried at my desk. it was a difficult time yeah. >> what do you think about crying at work? >> i think it's awful. i don't personally, i'm n that anyway. our family isn't. like at my own father's funeral i barely cried, i don't like to cry in public. i don't like crying in front of someone. >> you're a pretty cryer because i have seen you cry. you are compared to me very pretty. >> nobody is a pretty cryer. >> yeah some people are. some people are. [laughter] >> here's stats on this. survey shows 74% of people say the last place they cried was at
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41% of women admit to crying at work. almost half. >> that's a lot. >> only 9% of guys. what do you think is the number one reason people report crying at work? >> just overly stressed overly worked. >> you think it's work related ? >> no i think, i think something at work will snap them, but i don't think it has anything to do with work. i think it's an amount of stress or emotion or hormones that is built-up in your own personal life and something at work sets it off. >> yeah stress from home. something personal. who do you think is more sympathetic to crying at work men or women? >> men. >> absolutely. do most people think it hurts your career to cry at work? >> yes. >> yes i thought that was interesting. here's our soundoff get. i like this it's a great transition to our next segment talking to our girl maria. >> home remedies. >> what do you do at home. you know what my answer is to
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live demonstration of her netty pot on the show you must post something on the facebook page. i want you to say we want to see molly do a live demonstration of the netty pot. we want to start a campaign. >> my kids if i'm doing it will walk into the bathroom and be like oh, and back out. i will do it on the show i feel like i will change lives by doing it on the morning blend. i'm going it keep people from getting sick. plus picture of the day. mary sent in this adorable photo of her grandson hudson i love that name. the 7 month old appears to be enjoying his first trip to the pumpkin patch. his smile indicates he may have found the perfect pumpkin. his grandmother has ever reason to be proud of this little pumpkin. >> some are already dealing with the hacking, coughing, runny noses it's that time of year.
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wheezing. >> holistic health practitioner and nutritionist maria viall is here to help us get stacked up with what we need to survive cold season. >> it sure is. a lot of people whether you have kids or don't, it doesn't matter age wise you are susceptible to getting colds or flu head cold of some sort right now. >> let's just address the netty pot thing first of all. you know what it is right where you drain your sinuses with saltwater. >> i wouldgr something i would talk about on here, but i think people would be like she's crazy. >> you're a fan of it right? >> of course. >> do you want to see molly do it live? >> yeah i would attend. i would support i would like help hold the >> nety pot. >> [laughter] >> i'm a true believer. i have sinus infections at least one or two a year my entire adult life. once i started doing this i haven't had a sinus infection
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>> it's a holistic approach. >> sure. >> i want to make sure we hit everything. vitamin d. what is your vitamin d3 specifically what is your point? >> vitamin d3 and vitamin c are big immune boosting vitamins. d3 3 we usually get from the su. now that we're not getting as much sunshine and the temperatures drop vitamin d3 you can get it from free range eggs and shitoki mushrooms. some people find it best to supplement with it. you just want to make sure it is vitamin d3. >> different than the vitamin d in your milk. >> yes that is usually vitamin d2 that is more of a synthetic form. make sure it is d3. vitamin c we think about oranges and orange juice which i'm going to ask people to kind of broaden their horizons here.
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so sometimes they make your situation worse. when you are looking for c look to the b's. you got broccoli, berries, bach choy. >> i like that when you are looking for the c look to the b's. >> to you suggest a certain amount? let's say you want your daily intake of vitamin c do you need to eat all of this? >> yeah and maybe a little more. for prevention if you can get to like 500 milligrams a daynd c in things a safe supplement for people to supplement with. >> 500 milligrams how many milligrams are in this cup of berries? >> like roughly? >> i mean i would say probably close to like 100 milligrams. >> okay. >> but this is something you can easily get and you can supplement with and i have more information on my website about that. but vitamin c try to get that if you are feeling like you're coming down with something
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vitamin c doesn't necessarily help as much. >> it can still help, but you almost need to take more. your body will use up what it needs and flush the rest of us. >> you can't overdo it on c? >> you can get maybe a little bit of diarrhea which is a good sign of you getting -- >> diarrhea. [laughter] >> just a little. [laughter] >> you're pretty safe that is like 5,000 milligrams. >> i get you. >> what is up with ginger honey and turmeric? >> we're not there yet molly. >> which one is turmeric. >> turmeric is the orange one. this is it in its root form. people are used to seeing this in the dry form for cooking. these are great antiinflammatory. so, a nice cold flu tonic take raw honey. >> this is the raw here?
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>> because it's not gooey. it's watery. >> you add lemon and grated ginger in there. you can take when you feel like you're getting a sore throat or cold take a table spoon of it or you can add it into hot water and make a tea out of it as well. so really soothing to the throat. kids can take this, super safe. so, it's something that helps when you are starting to feel like you're coming down with something. this is already mixed up correct? >> correct yes. >> mov something to do with apple cider vinegar which i wish wasn't good for us because i hate drinking it. >> it tastes like dirty feet. >> yeah. >> we're taking a little sample. this is fire cider. >> you know what dirty feet smells like that's what you can imagine it tastes like. >> you can buy this at health food stores, but so much easier to make. >> you know what this smells like it is like the stuff you
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[ coughing ] >> i would rather be sick. [laughter] >> just kidding. >> you're terrible. no this is a great home remedy. it's garlic, onion, ginger, hot pepper, black pepper. >> this is horrible. >> turmeric, honey and apple cider vinegar. >> it makes me nauseous to have one sip of it. >> woo. >> okay guys at home it is not that bad. [laughter] >> woo. >> i'll try it again. >> this is something can you take prevent spoon in the morning and a table spoon at night when you are sick it will knock your cold out. >> we're out of time you have to go really really fast. >> water, hydration you need to hydrate. i know that might seem like you know that, but more dehydrated harder to get water when it's cold. >> i need glasses. >> everything is on the website. >> what is this guy? >> it's soup. look for more warming foods.
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cold foods. you want warming foods to nourish the body keep your temperature warm. and it's the season as well. so squashes, sweet potatoes, soups lentils those types of things. so much easier for you to digest. >> warm things like fire cider. >> i'm telling you folks, the recipe is at home and it is honestly it works like a charm. >> when do you drink it real quick? >> you have to let this, you drink it you have it one table spoon in the morning one table spoon at night for prevention or when you're have three table spoons a day. >> dare yeah. >> maria [laughter] >> this is hot. >> okay. good stuff thank you maria really good information. [laughter] >> our producer in our ear just goes she's never going to come back. >> oh, no, this is one of my favorite things. >> yeah. >> i love it. >> keeps me on my toes. >> and her brother is a bachelor got to say that every time too.
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your cold and flu. >> thank you so much you're such a good sport i love it. up next whether your student struggles or makes really high grades we have advice for you on how to navigate the parent teacher conference. i suggest, parents do all of the talking. don't listen just do all of the talking. >> best way to go into any meeting.
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a lot of parent teacher conference are happening right now so our next guest is perfect perfect. >> judy cohen has been through a lot of conferences on the other side. a teacher for 30 years now an academic coach, business owner and author. she does it all. my best tip is go to a parent teacher conference as the parent do a what do you think about that? >> not. >> totally kidding. >> let's talk about what a parent teacher conference is. it's now in the fall and then again in the spring. it's a meeting and let's treat it as a meeting. any meeting you go into you need to be prepared. so parents, prepare yourself for these meetings. >> how do you prepare? >> you're so bossy today. >> what a great question. >> isn't that a great one? >> thank you for asking that. >> you're welcome judy. >> parents we set it up and you knock it down.
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>> parents go in with a notebook. in that notebook i want you to right specific questions you want to ask that teacher. >> like what? >> why did my child fail the egyptian civilization test? not why is my child failing tests? but before you do that let's have a discussion with your child. is there something you would like me to discuss with your teacher. specific details. i tell all of my student when is they write, details, details, >> i have a question for you i think a lot of parents want to ask, but most don't. gets a little off your topic we'll get right back on. all three of my kids have said this if i say what do you want me to ask your teacher what do you want to know? they will say i want to know why my teacher doesn't like me. >> i love that. >> what? >> my teachers loved me. >> right. [laughter] >> we know. [laughter]
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they are teachers they are authority figures. a child needs to give them respect and professionalism to their teacher. it's not that they don't like that child. they have a job to do and it's a very important hard job. >> is it an okay question or not? >> absolutely. >> is it a common question? >> all the time. >> all the time. >> kids will come home and say i don't like this teacher i know she doesn't like me. look where she put me to sit. then the parent gets a little bit angry, and then the parent walks into the conference and puts a little blame anger, absolutely not take that out of your conference behavior. that wouldn't be my top question to ask the teacher. [laughter] >> okay so what about older kids too. because, you know we had a guest on yesterday that was talking about not being overly involved in your children's performance in school and this and that. and there has got to be a little point where you do take your hand out of it and make sure the responsibility is on the child. how much do the parents need to know? >> that's a whole another show. >> gotcha.
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disablement. remember that. there is a point where a parent has to step in, and see what is going on. >> so it is good to ask the question. >> you are still the parent. you still are controlling your child's future up to the point where they leave home. >> balance. >> i do think, balance is a word between advocacy where i sometimes have to do that for the kid and having self-sufficient kids. a couple specific points. you say no general comments. >> no general. do not paint specifics. my child failed the last fraction test. can i see the test? sometimesteachers are not sending home tests. you don't know where the child is going wrong. ask the teach tore see the test. better yet, email the teacher before you go into the conference and say, here's what i want to talk with you about. like any business meeting, education is a business. let's treat it with respect, professionalism, and treat it as a business. you wouldn't go into the google
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say hey bud i'm here let's talk. >> right. >> schedule this is an appointment you have a very short time frame. >> what is the time frame you get? >> it all depends on the school or grade level. it could be 15 minutes, it could be 20 minutes you could see one teacher you could see five teachers let's beware of that time frame. >> you always say be courteous of the allotted time. don't be afraid to ask for more time, but set it up at a time that is convenient for the teacher. >> you haven't resolved the issues you came to talk about make an appointment there and then. however you're not going to walk in at 8:00 to have a conference or come in at lunch or 3:00, 3:30 when the kids leave. to you an appointment where everyone can attend, and have a great conference. so that means they may have to have an administrator there, a speech therapist. >> we're running out of time.
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kids in the class? >> absolutely not. >> is it okay to cry, blame or bring your younger children or pets? >> huge one. no crying. please say the crying for home. no dogs. no pets. i have seen it no dogs or pets. >> and no small kids. >> if you have a small child please bring a baby-sitter for you because it's hard for your teacher to talk about that child when the toddler is climbing the bookcases. >> what about bringing a treat or sandwich? >> not a problem. >> i think it's a phenomenal thing to do. >> i was joking about doing all of the talking. i think listening this is your chance to learn about your child and how another adult feels your child is performing. >> let me tell you your child probably performs differently at school than at home. listen first before you start getting angry or condemning or blame. leave that somewhere else. >> yeah. >> you'll have a a great time. it's your child let's make it successful. >> there you go. >> what is your website?
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welcome back to the morning blend. medicare open enrollment is underway. right now, that is the case so what are your next steps? class is in session it is time tore insurance 101 with sovereign select. tom qualley is back from sovereign select to break it down for us. great to see you. >> thanks for having me on. >> important busy time, complicated for a lot of people they have been getting all of this mail probably and now it is d time it is decision time. >> you know what you could you take all of that mail, throw it in the garbage and call us. >> that makes i because you sort through it all you don't represent just one specific company or product. you help people see all of the different options you're not working for any one company. people really are going to get a customized plan that works for them, that covers what they need and at the best price. >> oh, yeah. we like to say we work for the customer. we have access to represent a ton of different insurance companies, but at the end of the day, we're not beholdent to any
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that customer. we want to educate them, breakdown their needs and custom fit them with a program that works specifically to them. >> and save people money. >> ultimately the goal yeah. and we do that very successfully. >> that's fantastic. people on medicare during this open enrollment period they are shopping around their medicare advantage plan as well as the part d prescription plan. >> openenrollment started october 15 we're well u people on medicare, whether they have a medicare advantage plan already, they have a medicare supplement plan, a part d prescription drug plan they can review all of that and look around and say hey is there something else out there that might work better for me or is it going to save me money? they have a limited window of time. all the way up until december 7, to make those decisions. >> and it's free to do those comparisons for people. the part d prescription plan as
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people is that what you would say it is about comparing plans? >> it depends on the person. specifically, we're huge on education. we're big on making sure that people are being proactive in contacting us and really looking at their options. so we want to make sure we give people all of the information that they can take home, or look at and compare so that they can really make a decision that is best for their needs. >> talk about these group events you have starting with the first type of event which is the ca meetings. these really are a way for people to see the variety of what is available right? >> yeah so this year is, this year smecifically out of the last five years, is really the year where, there is really an explosion of new medicare advantage plans that are coming out on the market. new prescription drug plans that are coming out. that people really should be taking a look at. these meetings specifically, go over what is out there. you know a lot of people have been with the same plan for year
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fine. there has been stable plans, but then there is also some new plans that hey, the new competitive plans that might work really well for people and their situations. >> great for people to just get that updated information to see those options like we said. so the dates for your meetings for that specifically are coming up october 26 at 3:00 p.m., absolutely free. then november 3, at 10:00 a.m. people can find out about other dates and available times if they visit sovereign select which is your website. you do suggest people reserve a seat? >> yes. >> what about the educational meetings these are your 101 educational meetings. >> these are specifically designed for people brand-new to medicare. whether they were turning 65, disabled and becoming new to medicare or retiring losing some sort of group plan or just want to compare what their options are outside of what a group plan can offer or a retire ye plan. this is really just going to
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is, a, b, c, d and supplements and how they all work and how they work together. >> fantastic. in your office, again free, you want people to reserve a seat just so you know have you enough room. this is more educational by nature though, rather than having an agent there who is going to hook you up with a different type of plan. >> this year because we do the sales meetings the ap meetings we have more seating so with the educational meetings it's okay if people just walk right in. >> i knowou to meet clients in their home, visit them where they are or they are welcome to come to your office which is great too if that is comfortable and convenient for them. the medicare advantage group meetings, two dates you will want to know october 26 at 3:00 p.m. then november 3 at 11:00 a.m. there are other times if you want to check our that i website. you should reserve a seat you can do that by calling or check their website to find out more about that. then the 101 the educational
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every friday at 10:00 a.m. they do these meetings, this is educational by purpose, no specific plan information is actually shared at those. every friday at 10:00. you can reserve a seat, find out more or have them come visit you by calling sovereign select their office is in brookfield, on north 124th street. (262)641-4111. or sovereign select >> one of the easiest phone numbers in the world. how a woman who is almost 50 revved up her metabolism and lost 20 pounds. we'll tell you her story and next why it's a smart move to
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welcome back milwaukee home t-shirts. thee awesome shirts are bringing attention to a very serious topic. milwaukee home is sponsoring domestic violence awareness month in partnership with the sojourner family peace center. carmen pitre is the president and ceo and melissa thornton is the founder and creator of milwaukee home. this is little foley your new little one. >> how old is he? >> he is 7 weeks old. >> oh, we're glad you are here.
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there foley. >> oh. how sweet is that? he's just taking a little snap. that's okay. thanks for being here you guys. this is such an important topic i think to talk about openly and get people supporting and that's exactly what you are doing with these purple shirts. >> exactly. foley represents what we want for every child in our community. it's an urgent issue as you know. homicide dv domestic violence. we all know someone who is trapped or has had an experience as a child or grownup. milwaukee home we're honored to participate with them. dv month is about remembering the people we have lost. honoring the people who survived and celebrating the people who do the work. we're very excited about the partnership and this beautiful purple shirt. >> so purple is the color that represents domestic violence awareness. >> right. it means peace and courage and it is the color we selected
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conversation. >> why did you guys get involved at milwaukee home? i mean everybody knows your brand. everybody knows milwaukee home products why was it important for you to support domestic violence? >> they reached out to us. we are such a small company, people think we're super big -- >> they do because everybody wears your stuff. >> because everybody wears it, but we wanted to find ways to give back to the community. that's what milwaukee home represents. it's the community of milwaukee. we did two other organizations last year and this year it just seemed like a really good fit. it's time to make our community better. and if we can give back by just doing a shirt to help, then we'll do it. >> and they are great shirts. >> they are so soft. >> they are beautiful and soft. it's important that we work together in partnership, companies, people, everybody in our community has a role to play and elevating the conversation about the issue.
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carmen is a little bit about what domestic violence looks like. i think there is always confusion when someone is in a situation they don't feel good. they think this isn't violence, i'm not maybe being hit. what is domestic violence? >> it's a pattern of coercion and control that can include physical, mental, spiritual, emotional violence. victims are incredibly isolated. you don't often see it happening and when you do see it, we have a lethal situation because the perpetrator doesn't care about social norms. most of it happens in private. if you see someone with inexplained injuries seems like they are being controlled. stops coming around. can no longer be with their family. that may be a warning sign they are in a problematic situation and you should figure out a way to say i see you it's not your fault i will help you. >> do you thunk most people reach out for help or keep it
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responsibility, these shirts say you can talk to me i'm a safe person. >> when somebody buys the shirt do they also get something with it? >> yes we have partnered with a couple different businesses, lake front brewery, leah's boutique. wear your shirt and go in you will get a discount. can you find out a list of the companies supporting us on the website. >> it's really nice the whole community came together with that. >> i think that's great. it does it shows support for people who are going through this issue that they are not they can get out of the situation, and there is a process and ways to do that. what other activities do you have so that maybe someone can grab their friend and say hey come with me to support this issue, and learn a little bit more. >> tomorrow is wear purple day. we're asking people to wear purple, take pictures of themselves and post it on social media. next week we're having on the 26th a panel conversation about different perspectives related to domestic violence. i would say you can always go to
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that you think might be struggling with the issue. >> and where do people get the shirts? >> so you can get them online at mke or we have a store in the third ward. it's across from the italian community center by summerfest. but we do have a location there. >> that's great. i love it thank you guys for being here. i think it's a great message. foley was the best representative ever. [laughter] >> here's where you can get one of your shirts milwaukee home store is located on north jackson street in ward. mke is the website for more and sojourner peace center. here's where you can learn more about them as well. family peace center .org/get involved/promotions to learn more about this specific shirt and the domestic violence going on. 414-76-1911 or mke peace when you are wearing your purple tomorrow as well.
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>> thanks foley. up next, a woman almost 50 yet has the metabolism of a 20-year-old. sounds good right? what she eats and how she lost more than 20 pounds you won't
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we all know it gets harder to lose weight the older you get. she is almost 50, but has the metabolism of a now 20-year-old. she lost almost 20 pounds. >> jen mccommons is here to share the story of that incredible woman. she's with nutrimost and 855-burn-fat. she's here on how this customized approach to losing weight works and product the pictures to prove it. this is great story to share nice to see you. >> think it's a really great story. so many of us can relate to being in that tim we say we're not going to lose weight anymore. have that last 20-pounds to lose no matter what you could do it doesn't happen. >> and to be almost 50 in her case her name is tracy. to now have the metabolism of someone in their 20s. >> right when your metabolism isn't working correctly you can do everything you want you aren't going to lose the weight. >> how does it work? >> so our 855-burn-fat technology we have the ability to look at what is going on in your body what is happening with 2800 different biomarkers.
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out of balance in your body that is causing your metabolism to act older. we have a special way to measure what your metabolic age is. we're able to identify the age and what to do to correct that issue. using supplements and all natural things and let that metabolism reset so you can have the metabolism you had 30 years ago. >> it's just like stepping on the scale at your office which is fantastic. we'll talk about that more in a second. let's share more of trace yes, she felt like she tried everything and couldn't lose the weight. >> she heard her friends talk about the program. she had a number of friends that did the program at our office. they kept talking about the success. she finally came in to try it. she couldn't get off that last 20 pounds. she was having a problem with sleeplessness, low energy, feeling a littledy pressed. she was surprised she could lose the weight so quickly and most
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felt like she did 10, 15 years ago. >> sometimes the symptoms going away is worth it in itself and you know the biproduct is feeling great, looking great. in fact she looks wonderful. take a look at some of her before and after pictures. i think when you see this you really see the difference too. >> right. >> these are before pictures and how she was feeling i'm sure she's told you obviously there were symptoms before. but how did she feel about herself? >> well i think like any of us do, we feel like we're not able to do the person we want to itmakers you sluggish. sluggish. everyone wants to look good i don't care if you're 20 or 90. >> you want your pants to fit comfortably sometimes. >> you want to bend over and tie your shoes and not feel like something is there. getting rid of feeling fatigued and degreesed. le-- depressed.and when your clt how many of us go into the dressing room and go i don't
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it changes your outlook and take on everything in your life. >> let's look at tracy after. this is what i think, look at her. >> i know right. >> she was hovering around 142 pounds which isn't a lot depending on your height. for her it was that last 20 pounds. look at the before and after. she looks like a whole new person. >> you have to look at her face. look at that. >> she looks so much younger. >> the puffiness. the inflammation. we address all of those things and most of that is dietary related. >> speaking of that fat burning. this is how you get to the customized approach. with these scans you do you know which foods are going to be best for each individual person. so her foods, tuna, beef, lobster, ground meat. all good for her. vegetables asparagus, mushrooms, broccoli. in the fruit category, apples, blueberries and pears. so this gives awe very specific list of the great proteins to
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and vegetables. >> like the ground meat. a lot of people think have you to cut that out. >> you can add spices and make it delicious. >> we know those foods to her will promote fat burning. we're not saying other foods are bad. that's just a part of a large list. we're also going to identify foods that will promote fat storage. a lot of those things are people will eat on a regular basis. >> that you think are healthy, but for her it didn't work. eggs will make you gain weight, but now you know. those foods were bad for her and promoted fat storage. >> think that it is important to state, that these are individualized results. so for you eggs might be okay for you. they might be bad for me. but, and when i say that that's during the weight loss phase. these are all amazing foods and good nutritional foods, but during that fat burning phase we
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fat burning and best results possible. >> that information is priceless. >> yeah. >> we showed a tuna melt and a delicious salad. those are examples of things that did work for her. >> those are recipes we have. you're not eating processed prepackaged food. you're not eating chemical laden food. >> if someone walks into your office they visit you in your beautiful spa like place inwa same day. >> absolutely. we can see you get you scanned with everything you need to do and you pick the day you want to start. so you can go home and prepare and be ready to make this lifestyle change. >> i love that it is whether you have 5, 10 or 100 or 300-pounds to lose you work with everyone at all sizes. here's the information. so you can start with 855-burn-fat.
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right in tosa is where the office is located. thanks so much jen. >> thank you. great to see you. thank you jen. >> coming up a new bar room is the best reason to celebrate the season. we'll have fall cocktails you won't want would you say no to a lot more money? [excited scream] no thanks. nice balloons, though! or no to more vacation days? janet, i'm giving you an extra week's vacation! oh, ah... nooo. what? no way. who says no to more? time warner cable's all about giving you more. like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day. call now. and don't forget the free tv app. get ultra-fast internet with secure home wifi
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shed. >> the machine shed is celebrating their remodeled bar room and today we all benefit. >> kevin is back to mix up yummy seasonal cocktails like the one we have right here which is a smores martini. who wouldn't want that? >> mmm. >> he has like the toasted marsh mallows on top and the gram crackers. >> it's like dessert. >> start with are you doing the white russian first? >> smores first. >> what is in it? >>e' syrup if i can get it out. >> that's the easiest thing to do, but it looks so fancy. just putting a little chocolate on the rim. >> you are starting with a little chocolate sauce on the glass. >> i'm just going to rim it. >> what did you rim it with? >> this is a little corn syrup. >> so graham crackle crust. >> looks good already. >> i know already has a nice
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>> what does whipped vodka mean? >> whipped cream vodka. >> get the cocoa one out. >> nice. >> uh-huh. >> then what? >> your chocolate liquor. godiva. >> godiva. that stuff is so good if you have ever had it. it is so yummy. >> about half and half. >> okay. >> shake her up. >> shake her up. >> i love this you have so many of these. the smores obviously martini which you a there is a bacon bloody mary, red sangria bunch. carmel apple martini. cranberry margarita. we're going to make another one i'm not going to tell you yet. spikes root beer. >> you have a newly remodeled bar where people can go and enjoy a cocktail like this. look at that. >> it smells so good. >> you top it with the marsh mallows. there is a picture of your bar it's a really nice space isn't it kevin? >> it's all opened up.
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on it. >> we've got to get a shot of this. he is going to torch it. >> hold on. woo go for it! >> woe. woe. >> okay. look at that. >> there you go. >> it's roasted marsh mallows. >> toasted. i love it. >> should we taste it? >> i would like to taste it then breathe at that thing after can we do that? >> that is crazy good. >> i will go out on the other side. there you go. >> let's talk about the next in a white pumpkin russian. isn't that good? >> that's really good. >> that's like a whole dessert in a glass. it's so good. >> vanilla vodka one and a half. >> mmhmmm. >> c kalua. >> nice and short. >> and then pumpkin spice. >> yum. >> does that have alcohol in it? >> yes. >> yeah girl. >> pumpkin spice liquor. then a little cinnamon stick.
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>> there we go. >> look at this. before i taste it i will let them get a shot of it. doesn't that look good has the little cinnamon stick in there. all right i'll taste it. >> i want to taste your spiked root beer with ice cream in it next time. >> that is good. there oh, my gosh is that good. have you to head out to the machine shed. have you a newly renovated bar. wonderful bar menu now too. it's all of these great foods. >> happy hour men eye. we've there. nachos, wings, fries, everything. >> it's great. >> it's there. >> time for pies as well. you got to order 24 hours in advance, but great pies at the machine shed. here's where you can find out more machine or just stop in in pewaukee. in appleton, but check out that new remodeled bar and get yourself a white pumpkin old fashioned or smores martini. thank you kevin. delicious fantastic.
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best remedy for a cold you sounded off on our facebook page. bob does two shots of southern comfort even snow blowing he can get through that.
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and honey. if under the weather she will drink it three to four times a day she says it will knock out a cold in a couple days. tubing rim, ground pepper, chili disgusting, but it works. if you want it warm warm water and dissolve honey in it. >> lisa says zinc i just can't stomach it. >> blackberry and warm water
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this morning on "today's take" we'll pump up the volume with christian slater, who's our celebrity guest host. guess who else is in the house? hugh laurie taking a chance on a new medical thriller. then we'll scare up creative halloween costumes for the entire family, coming up right now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, october 19th, 2016. in the commercial break, dylan and i were talking about cornbread. >> i just chowed down on bobby flay's cornbread, corn bread


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