tv Right This Minute NBC November 4, 2016 3:30pm-4:00pm CDT
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it's november 4th, time for great viral videos "right this minute". an angry banker, the moment he puts the nozzle down hard. >> wow. >> divers spot a turtle in trouble and think -- >> you know what, we can go help. >> how they fight an invisible menace to rescue donatello. >> all right. here we go. >> an into glacier bay on their boat. why this scenery's not the only thing that's unbelievable. >> plus, bonus give away day means your chance to win an ipad mini or flat screen tv as christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle break down the best from the web, including what a mom learns about leaving kids unattended.
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time. >> these videos i'm about to show you make your blood boil a bit. this first one is vietnam at a gas station. this man right here with the white shirt is said to be a banker and he's walking up to the attendant, holding the handle of a pump and accusing her of not putting the amount of gas that he paid for in his car. he takes the handle that she's >> wow. >> on the head. he hit her so hard, she's now bleeding. the banker walks back, puts his hands on her, then appears to put her in a head locke. >> kind of looks like he's pressing his arm against the forehead to stop the beating. >> she's going to be okay, but because of this incident the
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by this woman, but he did apologize to her and admitted that his gauge was actually faulty, so there was no way for him to know. >> i'm sorry, not my fault, it's the gauge's fault. >> yeah. >> that is a terrible excuse to abuse somebody. >> either way, she did end up dropping the charges against this man because of the apology. now over to the uk, i think we all can relate to this incident, because all of us order things. some of them are frage, extra care of them. this delivery person, though, check it out, grabbing packages and then just throwing them in the back of van. incredibly careless. the delivery company did see the video and they issued a statement saying we are conducting a full investigation and will take any necessary steps to ensure our high standards are maintained. >> i'm just laughing at the
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do? >> exactly. >> he's got to go over to the packages, where did they fall, i agree. >> not just the back of the van. they call this the big blue marble because we are a water planet. water makes up most of the earth, and there are creatures living in there that sometimes need our help, because let's face it, humans sometimes do things that affect the animals. in this instance, it's a turtle. this turtle is endangered to a long line and this turtle cannot get up for air, so these divers decided, you know what, we can go help, and help they do. first they got to go get the turtle. >> ironically, you're going to say it's a good thing human beings were there to help the turtle, but the other thing is, turtle wouldn't be in trouble if not for them. >> there were humans to clean up for the other humans that got the turtle into the situation in the first place. pretty soon you start to see the
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first thing they want to do is cut the line off. swims back down to the bottom. but i love this, waving, do a pat on the back of the shell and leave it alone. i believe that turtle is swimming along happily ever after, thanks to human intervention after human caused problems. >> this video from china, we've got a truck coming down the road, circles here. see did you see these go flying? not exactly a kabob truck. it's a construction truck that's hit the brakes quite hard and thrown its load into the bus. the bus has now been scoured by dozens of, what? >> bamboo. >> bamboo. >> that's what they use for building even the biggest skyscrapers in asia. they'll tie bamboo together
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construction site, clearly did not have the bamboo strapped down properly, and may have even been overloaded. >> the bamboo scoured the bus, what about people? >> luckily, the bus did not have many people on it. it was evacuated, and shockingly, no injuries reported as a result of this crash. now over to zimbabwe where another frustrating scene is unfolding on the streets. >> we've all been there. >> yeah. this guy has gotten a boot put in zimbabwe, apparently this clamping situation is worse than it is in the uk. >> how is he still driving? >> front wheel drive i'm assuming. >> it's not going to work. >> it's going to rotate and completely tears up your car. >> really? >> are you kidding me? >> he gets out of his car to see if maybe he dislodged it a bit, gives it a few tugs. many times there's no reason for
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aren't following the rules. guy gets back into his car and screeches all the way down the block, makes a right-hand turn and off he goes. >> watching us on new mexico cw is the latest winner of the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> keep watching and you could win, too. plus, today is bonus day, where we'll be giving away a flat screen tv and ipad mini. >> you're going to need friday's buzz rd a legal resident of the u.s. or canada. >> the "rtm" buzz word is coming up in just a bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> base jump, where you jump off a building or cliff and spend a couple seconds contemplating your own mortality, while hopefully everything goes according to plan. i have a video for you, doesn't quite go according to plan. pretty sure he does one, two, three.
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towards the ground singing. if something does go wrong, you don't exactly have a lot of time to fix it. as his chute opens, you see it's twisted. immediately brings him around headed straight towards that cliff. heavy on the handles, tries to pull himself away from the cliff. you can see he just -- >> oh, gosh. >> dragging down. fortunately, it doesn't get caught and he does eventually -- land on his back, looking up at just while that happened --:that mountain was like a giant cheese grater. couldn't have been anymore jagged. >> but he survived, i'm assuming. >> he's fine. guys at the top of the cliff were worried, so he lets them know. >> i'm okay! >> oh, my god. >> wow. >> we actually get a view from the guys up above that were watching, as well. you can see him right there. again you can see exactly what happened. a very, very lucky escape for
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>> you can imagine his friends are like -- imagine the next guy that's supposed to jump. >> i'm cool. >> yeah. a young mule's excited to strut her stuff. >> showing off, like look at me. >> see why she's not exactly light on her feet. and seems like a risky move the difference here is, this one is designed to drive through the water. >> why you'll definitely want to get onboard this ride. >> that's so cool. >> so cool. ow you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs
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this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. the ultimate surprise. for your eyes. new olay eyes ultimate eye cream. for instant results of the number one prestige eye cream, without paying twice the price. show your amazement, not your age. with new olay eyes. ageless. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth?. over 80,000 wisconsin jobs lost to unfair trade. but senator johnson sided with corporate interests, calling for even more unfair trade, voting for special tax breaks for corporations shipping jobs overseas, costing taxpayers billions. and johnson's been exposed for using
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closed captioning provided by -- keeping your skin hydrated. gold bond diabetics' dry skin relief. 9 out of 10 saw noticeable improvement in one hour. gold bond really works. look at raven the mule. she's only eight weeks old, but she's hopping around and proud, showing off. look at me, look at how i can jump around. >> that's so raven. >> i have to say, ten for the fall, but ten for the hopping around and getting back to it. >> lots of spunk. >> lots of spunk in this mule, but this husky, no spunk in this
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>> finally somebody's like, hey, let's check on the dog, so they mess with the paws. >> dog get into something in the house? did the dog find a stash? look at that, this clip you can see officially the dog is roused. that's when the dog realizes somebody is in my territory. >> wow! >> look like they woke the dog up. that dog is what i call a heavy sleeper. >> this video takes us on a pretty epic adventure that rob and megan are on. they are on their boat called "turning boat." they are in glacier bay in alaska, a place that john explored and they are there to honor the memory of john and to give thanks for his discoveries and his many journeys. they planned to travel the world
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celebrate on their boat, and you actually see rob pass that up, a very nice picnic on their boat. >> so jealous. they are in the middle of the lake in the middle of alaska with literally nobody around. it's just awesome. >> they turn right about here. when he tells her to put her cup down, and as she does, he breaks out the ring out of a box, gets down on a knee. >> really? for real? >> yes. helium? >> funny how people respond, right? most women start to cry, she's just overcome. >> is this the first woman that hasn't done sniffy fingers after the proposal? first time ever on "right this minute." >> you know how i feel about
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>> no fingers. >> amazing, congratulations to you both. a milestone in your life, but also on our show. >> get out the fireworks. it finally happened! you for one know you've got to spice up your workout if you want to achieve results, right? how's the first man to ever dead lift 1,102 pounds up the ante? like this. and up and down we go. >> how do you even do that? i can barely lift, like, ten pounds. >> look what he's doing. >> he's got two dudes on the side of him. at least they are not itty-bitty men. these are also fit men. not sure how much they weigh a piece. i'm going to go ahead and say, you go, boy. this video is going crazy viral. >> went up to the gym and picked up a couple of guys.
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saying. look like this. >> i'm going to say he kneads spotters, but he's kind of got them hanging from the bar. well, jeremy is a part of our "right this minute" team, he's got spotters. here they are right here. that's jamie and jackson. he's participated in the 22 push-up challenge, 22 push-ups for 22 days to raise awareness about suicide. and, well -- >> what it is, this is can't work out at home if you have pets. as soon as you start doing it -- >> it's like an invitation to play. >> at one point he's trying to go around them, but it's not working. they are playing away and he continues doing his push-ups. two teams, one crazy matchup. >> that's the greatest softball game ever. >> next "right this minute". and still to come, bumping into people leaves a mark on this prankster.
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my advice for looking get your beauty sleep. and use aveeno? absolutely ageless? night cream with active naturals? blackberry complex. younger looking skin can start today. absolutely ageless? from aveeno?. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ? special k nourish. apples, almonds, and raspberries. devour something different. special k nourish. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits.
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when coughing keeps your family awake. breathe easier with vicks vaporub. soothing cough relief that starts working instantly. if you can't shut down at promotional considerations provided by -- isom to fall asleep fast. unisom a stressful day deserves a restful night. pain strikes at the nerve level. and so does new icy hot lidocaine. desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. how many times we said don't drive your car into deep water. well -- >> that's usually a bad thing. >> how many times do we have to say it? >> people keep doing it, they think they can cross it.
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indian lake, lake view, ohio, little red car just driving through the water. but the difference here is, this one is designed to drive through the water. in fact, here it comes right up by the dock, but it doesn't need it, because it's going to drive right out. >> nice. amphibious classic, never seen one. >> money. james bond weekend car? >> kind of. it was built in the '60s from '61 to '65 by a only 4,000 were ever made, so if you see one, consider yourself lucky, because they are pretty rare. >> this wasn't modified? this is how they were built originally? >> this is how they were originally built and delivered. it was built for the u.s. market and you'll see collectors out there have them. it's a convertible. the engine is in the back. two propellers at the bottom there. >> so cool. >> it's got everything you could want. >> of course, it was built for the american market, because
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crazy enough to think that's cool and buy it. >> he may call himself the magic crasher, but i think he's taking that a bit too literally. you see, time and time again, pen in his hand, bang! bumping into people. what? white shirt, permanent marker. whoa! >> running into people. >> right. you see he's a little bit indignant. you have my shirt, i'll get yours. >> no. >> look. >> how? >> how'd he do that? how'd he do that? >> magic muster. >> exactly. >> i love you, that was a great one. >> oh! >> i want one.
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dropped. some of the guys right here. the mistification of all these people continue. then it's like -- dude. >> thas not fair, at least -- >> this last guy here really kind of understands how the magic works. it's pretty clever. one does have the effect on the guy. now he's kind of confused. the thing that sells it is not just the fact his shirt, there's more. >> dry erase marker? >> no, it's permanent. >> no. >> no. >> real pen. >> no. it's real. >> even smells like a marker. he's able to mess with him a bit more. it's on me? wait, it's gone. >> david and his face after he does it. >> as charity said, it is a pretty magic marker. in fact, he's actually running a
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one of these, so you could do the trick yourself. to get that information, watch his youtube channel. we'll put the link up on our website, it's time to give away another ipad mini and today is bonus day. we're going to give away an ipad mini and flat screen tv. >> to enter you need the buzz word, be at least 21 years of age and a legal resident of the u.s. or canada. >> head over to, click on win ipad. >> enter buzz word on facebook, twr, you can do on each every day. >> let's reveal friday's buzz word. it is zinger. >> get over to, click on the win ipad button and enter the buzz word, zinger. >> if you want to enter today, because this is bonus give away day. two winners, one gets an ipad mini and the other gets a flat screen tv. good luck, everybody. it's a hilarious video reminder.
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>> why a few minutes is all they need to make a big old mess. >> baby. >> exactly, the look on her i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, uy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember."
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what greases the gears in washington? money. and ron johnson fits right in. six years ago, johnson took a shady $10 million corporate payout, went to washington, then voted to protect $21 billion in tax breaks for the world's biggest oil companies. $21 billion. . that's ron johnson. that's washington. and he fits right in. end citizens united is responsible
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over 80,000 wisconsin jobs lost to unfair trade. but senator johnson sided with corporate interests, calling for even more unfair trade, voting for special tax breaks for corporations shipping jobs overseas, costing taxpayers billions. what looks like an offshore tax shelter for himself. ron johnson's just not for us. senate majority pac is responsible
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one you've ever had. there's one thing i know about parenting without being a parent, that's don't leave your kids unattended. >> you have to someti >> yes, they will get themselves into some trouble. in this case, this uk mom found her girls after being unattended for five minutes, she says, like this. >> what's in your hair? >> that's exactly, the look on her face, you see what i did? >> pretty. it's pretty. >> it's everywhere and it smells nice.
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>> oh! >> her 16-month-old sibling, little sister, is the culprit. >> she did it. that one that can barely stand up and is locked in a cage did it. >> mom, you're just in time. >> well, not going to have diaper rash for a while. >> on her face. >> she says she had left them in their room. she could hear them having fun, but just a few minutes later when she decided to go back and check in on them, that's what they looked like. >> when they get quiet. that's it, that's all. we'll see you on the next "right
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heartfelt apology from a family member, of a man involved in the murder of little laylah petersen.. next at 4.. the moving response in the courtroom, from laylah's family.. i'm charles benson. and i'm shannon sims.. live at four is next. putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room
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you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. today on live at 4... sentencing for one of the men involved in a drive-by shooting that took the life of a young milwaukee girl. five months behind bars. that's the sentence for one of the men convicted for his role in the laylah petersen murder. and as ann sterling reports,
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moving moment in court. 10.32. 58 she didnt have a chance in life and im so sorry. we are very sorry. i am soo sorry 10.33.04 an emotional apology from paul farr's step mother.10.33.11 ( let this breathe please) im so sorry.and in a spontaneous move -- some of laylah petersen's family stood up..... and hugged the grieving parent . 10.33 im sorry i don't want none of this to happen anymore. ( again let it breathe) 5 year old laylah was shot and killed while she was sitting on her grandfather's lap -- back in 2014.the li inside a home near 58th and fairmont watching tv -- when a car drove by firing numerous shots. police say the shooters targted the wrong house. 10.13.33 i want to say im sorry to everyone involved. everyone hurting. paul farr didn't have a lot to say in court this morning. he was the driver of that car. prosecuters say he wasn't the shooter but helped the 2 gunmen get away.farr struck a plea deal ...testifying against one of the shooters -- and was sentenced to 5 months behind bars and 5 years
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