tv Morning Blend NBC November 16, 2016 9:00am-10:00am CST
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good morning today why the holidays are the perfect time to lose weight. plus the signs and symptoms of dry eye and why it may be more serious than you think. a milwaukee holiday tradition now bigger and better than ever before. it's a brand-new production of a christmas carole. christmas carol. we have a live performance next on the morning blend. ? ? [ music ] ? ? ? ? i want that to be our new theme song. >> every day. >> i love that. >> pump you up. >> got it going on. >> yeah. >> i talked about that navy
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commencement address. he said the first thing you should do every day so you have a sense of accomplishment is to make the bed. >> of course a navy commander would do that. >> 30% of people who don't make their bed in the morning feel guilty about it later in the day. >> do you make your bed? >> not really. in terms of like putting the pillows on and making it presentable no. do i pull up the sheets and covers yes. >> well yeah. >> i wake up and my bed is like i must not move a lot there is small movement in the bed. >> i don't move a lot either. >> i can just pull it back up and it looks the same. >> if my kids would just do that i would be happy. >> i only do it because i have a cat otherwise he sleeps on my pillow. so it's protective not really, you know. >> more a preventive measure. i get that. there is an article about how nurses avoid getting sick. because you always think you know washing your hands, getting a flu shot some of them will
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stay healthy? >> that's a good question. i always wonder that. i was just at the doctor's office the other day i would think they would be catching stuff all the time. >> i totally agree being around sick people all the time. one thing they do they pack their own lunch. there interesting. >> part of that is because they say if are you eating food that other people prepare, whatever, more hands, more germs or they also have an issue sometimes with like, going to you know, store where there is food out and you scoop it up. >> yeah i suppose you think about all of the lateles you're touching okay. >> the other thing they wipe down shopping carts. there were studies i'm not going to say what was on the handles of shopping carts it will gross you out, but there are some nasty things on the handles. [laughter] >> just in case you didn't know,
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>> cameraman dave is like thanks tiff. >> two things i thought were fascinating they take their vacation days. they talk about the benefits of rest and relaxation. most of us don't. only 25% of people in america take all of the time off. >> i'm in the 25%. [laughter] >> i know our boss is like she's trying to get more. i believe very strongly in work life balance. >> me too. vacation. that's also bad. >> i don't do that at all. >> i should be a nurse. [laughter] there here's something you do though, they say talking about feelings is helpful, people who see a therapist or who journal, because according to research, from the university of texas in austin, regular journaling can strengthen your immune cells and journaling can lessen the symptoms of even asthma and
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really? i would think it would be opposite for arthritis. >> picture of the >> fully potty trained and even helps with mom's homework. his smile can win anyone over she said. >> he is potty trained. isn't that cute. >> a super cutie. pretty soon that picture will transform into a snow picture. if there is someone special in
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story and a photo at >> that's a good idea. send that picture when he is in snow we'll put them side by side. cute. >> that would be awesome. >> first up this morning get ready to be transported back to the heart of victorian london. this year the milwaukee rep is taking a holiday tradition and made if big it bigger and betten ever. it has the same traditional story and your characters new sets, new costumes, script even a new scrooge. >> jonathan wainwright is the 112th actor to play the scrooge for the milwaukee rep. people have seen a lot of you this year. >> yes. >> in a good way. you are phenomenal. anybody who has gone to the rep will recognize your face this year. >> good i'm glad. >> this is exciting playing scrooge. how do you feel about that? >> i feel great. i'm having a really good time.
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are wonderful so. >> that's great. >> i think your diversity as an actor for people who have seen you is really going to be so different in all of the roles they have seen you. how excited are you to be the 12th scrooge? >> very. some people that i really respect have been the other ones like jonathan and jim, jonathan daily and lee these are people i have respected my whole time as an actor in milwaukee. to be able to step into that is just, it's just really cool. >> yeah. >> it' that they are doing a fresh take on this. because this is supposed to be the biggest and most elaborate set in rep history. right? so the best biggest ever. >> yes and i haven't been on it yet, we start that tomorrow, but just playing with the model and rehearsals is great fun. >> i bet. i bet i see. it's kind of like a miniature version of it there. >> exactly like a fun little doll house. [laughter] >> for sure. >> is it hard to play scrooge.
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such a happy smile. is it hard to play it? >> no not at all. not at all. [laughter] >> you can go to work and be in a bad mood right? >> sure use it. it's great fun, because, it's a journey, you don't stay in that place. it's a journey and where you end up is you know where we all want to end up i think. >> and snow too i heard. how exciting is that? >> what a cleanup that will be. >> look how pretty this rendering looks. >> i think that is fun it makes people feel like they are part of it in the set. >> yes. exactly. >> one of the things that people
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see this and it is a little different. there is even new music this year. that's something exciting. talk a little bit about the music of the show. >> well john tanner once again because john tanner is a person who originally did the music for the one we've been doing for about 15 years. he has stepped in again and the music is just beautiful. which you will hear in a moment. wonderful amazing people over here. >> carolers right? >> yeah. the music is wonderful. i don't sing because i'm playing scrooge and you know he doesn't break into song much. >> not the most joyous caroler. >> but the music is great you will love it. >> what about being at the pabst is it a place you like to perform? >> sometimes for me it's like stepping back into childhood. when i was a kid growing up in georgia i grew up singing in the
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in high school we performed joseph and the amazing technicolor dream coat. it was really amazing so i have memories there. >> speaking of kids this is great for kids ages 6 to 106. come out and see a christmas carol. susan kim will be the walk on guest this year december 9. this is the at the pabst theatre from november 29 to tickets can be purchased at the milwaukee or call. otherwise can you go to their office right on wells street as well. and now, we have some carolers
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welcome back to the morning blend. most of us wouldn't be a little surprised if around the holidays we put on a pound or two or more. >> that's right that's why our next guest says right now is the perfect time to start a healthy new lifestyle. we're joined by 855-burn-fat health coach genuine and al may a nutrimost graduate. he lost 50 pounds. this time of year i really do in christmas is the perfect time to do a health kick because you start the new year off right. why do you say this is a good time is that what you think too? >> i absolutely agree. that's how i started. i didn't want to gain the 10, 1g this time of the year. a lot of us think we can let go and when january 1 comes around -- >> you feel awful. >> you do. this is a way to get a jump on
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my mind you actually lose ten more pounds because you didn't gain that 10 pounds. >> check out al heading into the holidays you are doing that 50 pounds lighter congratulations. that's fantastic. we have some of your before pictures. tell us where you're at and how you found out about nutrimost. >> i actually found out i met a customer for lunch and i called her for lunch i said do you want to have lunch, she said i need a steak, a salad and some beans. i'm like steak, salad and beans i need to hear. they said i will tell all about it. she explained what she was doing, she lost a lot of weight on the program. at the end of the day i was like i need the number to contact. it was wednesday i went in friday afternoon i started monday i lost weight from day one. >> that's amazing. >> fantastic. think it's great too. one of the things think is tough people always think my lifestyle or job isn't conducive to weight. you were in sales eating out was
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had fast food and sugars i had ice cream to stay awake, chips that was my job. then i packed a lunch. i never have packed a lunch. i grilled out, you prepare your meals you plan ahead. i need two meals today because i can't make it home. >> right. >> that's what hi to do. -- i had to do. >> being organized so huge. if we take a look at before and afters and side by side how do you feel when you look at these pi before and the after. >> what do they say picture is worth a thousand words. pictures don't lie so that was the big change. >> yeah. were you surprised you didn't have to work out during the program? >> i didn't work out because of time, family, commitments, weekends were rough, weekends were busy. no time. the weight just literally every day you watch your weight you hold yourself accountable. >> it's wonderful. >> that's part of our program no
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anything. you are eating real food it just melts off of you. there i think that is really exciting for people to think they don't have to exercise and can still have the kinds of results that al has had and in terms of food, jen just mentioned. >> look how flat your belly is. >> yeah check you out. >> i think that's where you really notice it the most is in your stomach area. >> and the neck area look how much had come off of his neck. >> look at that stomach it's flat. >> and your neck you look like two different people. >> that >> that was in 40 days you lost 50 pounds that is incredible. >> you are an avid hunter, fisherman. how is the hobby, how have your hobbies changed with your weight loss? >> that's what i do every year i take a trip and i want to lose weight more that trip, hike the hills, mik hike the mountains ot warm front. west. this year i wasn't winded i enjoyed my trip.
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woe. >> that was like week four. >> that's incredible. >> talk about your wife there is something she's really excited about right? >> yeah so, one aspect that happened to me because of the weight loss, is at night i had more energy, and i stopped snoring. >> really? >> i stopped snoring. >> completely? >> yeah. >> that's phonal. phenomenal. >> i stopped the breathing you have sleep apnea you nd in. >> so more energy? >> that is awesome you don't snore anymore. >> part of that is the weight. >> we target the visceral fat which is the fat around the organs the neck the torso area. you always hear about the apple verses pear. the apple tends to have more visceral fat. we know your risk of diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver, stroke, colon cancer all go up when your visceral fat goes up to a certain number.
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you come in and see us and it comes off. you saw his pictures how much of that visceral fat disappeared. >> it's really a body reset isn't it? you look at metabolism too. that's part of the scan you do. it's resetting your body's metabolism among other things. >> we have different nutrimost techniques we can use that are going to help to individualize the program for you, and we're able to customize it for you. >> i think it's great. i bet your family is excited. are you nervous about the da comfortable because the metabolism, the reset of the metabolism i can tell what foods i eat you go through that too you learn what foods you can eat. what foods you can't. what puts on weight what takes off weight. i'm okay with it. >> you even brought your food journal. you kept track of everything you ate i did. part of it is daily you record your weight, you keep track of your foods that you eat, and it's part of my preprogramming
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had shrimp, scallops. mahimahi. >> going into the holidays 50 pounds lighter that is incredible. if someone wants to get started with 855-burn-fat, you can do that, have a customized plan made for you meet with coach. can you go to, their office is located on west mortgage avenue in wauwatosa -- west north avenue in wauwatosa. some people who have die eyes learn to deal with their condition, after the break, a couple of doctors explain why it may affect your vision in the long run.
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welcome back to the morning blend. many normal every day situations can lead to dry eyes. things like sitting in an air conditioned or heated room, riding a bike or looking at a computer screen too long. it is annoying, but can also lead to something else. dr. singh and dr. sanka are here with treatment options from eye centers of racine.
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scrubs. >> it was a tough game to watch last weekend, but we're still proud packer fans. >> i like that sporting the team. that's good. i have dry eye. it wasn't until i kept thinking why are my eyes always so dry i thought it was allergy related, but it's a very common thing right? >> it really is. we talked about quality of vision and quality of life with laser floaters and cataracts. dry air in the surface of the .light has to hitt first if it's not smooth it's bumpy and dry it will cause the light to reflect off. a lot of symptoms are not just scratchiness or irritation it is fluctuating vision or quality of vision. it's such a prevalent condition a lot of people don't realize they have. they say my contacts aren't working. until they realize that they go see their eye doctor.
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>> it can be. there are also other conditions that can cause it as well. let's talk about the signs and symptoms. that scratchy feeling. feeling as if you need to blink a lot. sort of that irritation that a lot of people feel. think you can feel it whether it is air conditioning, or heat, both seem to be irritating for me at least. >> yeah. absolutely. one of the biggest symptoms is tearing. people say doc how can i have dry eye if my eyes are always watering. any irritation to the eye, if it is windy outside, keep your eyes open and stare it will make it water, that watering is not a lubricant it's a reaction. it's a tear filament. dr. singh is going to talk about that can coat the eye and help protect the eye. >> we're looking at this diagram these are the different layers right? >> yeah your tears are covering the surface of your eye and
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the film is made of these layers. each layer is made by a different gland on the eye. if there is any disfunction in any one of those glands can you lead to disfunction of the film overall and cause dry eyes. when are you blinking with each blink the oil is on the top layer of your fear film is refreshed with each blink. as you can see right there and it coats the eyeball and provides protection, and lubrication and helps to it as well. >> is it over time those layers wear down? >> the glands that make those components can wear down and be affected by inflammation. a lot of times when you are having dry time it is because there is inflammation on the surface of the eye. that can be effecting the glands and causing them to not work as well and lead to the symptoms. >> if you examine someone's eyes. say they report the symptoms you suspect they probably have dry eye because they have the
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looking at it through an instrument or some type of scope whether they have dry eye or the additional problem of inflammation. >> a lot of times can you diagnose someone, but you can see dry eyes like in in picture. typically would you have a nice smooth green ting. here you can see speckled dots of green on big indication of severe dry eye that needs to be addressed in order to help their symptoms and quality of vision. >> what are some of the treatment symptoms you like? >> inflammation as dr. sanka mentioned is bag part of dry eye. use a antiinflammatory drop. these are all drops that can help calm the inflammation going on to stop that cascade of
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there are also lubricants and ointments. a way to keep the tears in the eye longer. we can help increase the gland production and open the pores up. it's a lot more that we can do depending and tayloring the type of treatment depending on what type of dry eye they have. >> that's what i use is drops over-the-counter. if you are using those and still not getting the expect that is a reason to have your eyes checked and have you look at the inflammation and some of the other things you mentioned. >> artificial tears will help you feel better, but don't cure the underlying problem causing the dry eye. >> do the medications cure the problem or is it something you have to continue to use? >> sometimes they can, but a lot
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will come back. >> that's wonderful. thanks you guys so much. i know a lot of people have questions about dry eyes. it's important not to ignore dry eye and symptoms you are having. you can call the phone number on the screen. their office to set up an appointment for dry eye with any of the doctors there. the phone number for that appointment is (262)637-0500 or go to amazing that website has more information there. great to see you guys. >> thankou up next medicare advantage plans more options this year than the last five years. after the break how to find a customized plan right for you. from traditional music and dance to world artisans and food. we'll give you all of the
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welcome back. everybody loves a little friendly competition right? when it comes to healthcare plans competition is your best friend. in order to get the benefits with lower costs. so class is in session time for insurance 101 with sovereign select. tom qualley is here to help make the medicare enrollment process easy for everyone. welcome back tom. >> real easy. >> this is the time of year people get a little nervous because medicare enrollment is in full swing until what
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this is the time to do it. so this is the time to take action, get in touch with us, you know they can call us, email us, to stop by our website and request information or read about things. now really is the time to do it and thanksgiving is coming up next week. >> yes next week. i know people have to get on it you're going to get busy and people are going to forget the date. for people who are on medicare, what does it mean for them? >> you know people that are on medicare, people need to really think about their rights. >> uh-huh. >> this is their right to shop around, and make a change to something that may put them in better situation. they might also be right where they need to be, but it's good to get confirmation on that too. >> absolutely it can mean money in your pocket. >> absolutely. when you mention competition there is competition between health insurance companies, but
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have to compete because we're a broker. so we have all of the different companies that are out there, >> over 30. >> over 30 and we can really sit down with a person, compare them side by side, and really just give them a non-bias opinion and option focused on their needs. >> i think that is so important because i like what you said about being your right it's your right to find the best plan for you to save the most amount of money and get the best medicare program for you. independently working with 30 different places if somebody is new to medicare, you really focus on education as well because that is something you feel very strongly about. >> yeah you know, education is power. you know so, what we do is when a person is brand-new to medicare, whether they are turning 65, retiring and losing some sort of group insurance benefits or leaving a group insurance plan, or retiree plan
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insurance plan from their previous employer and they are like i should shop this around because it is getting a little expensive or if they are disabled and becoming new to medicare because they are 24 month waiting period is ending and they are finally going to get medicare. we're going to either sit down with them or they can come to one of our group meetings you're going to discuss and we can educate them from really, a to d. okay. >> because there is medicare a, b, c, d. >> so we'll of that, and show them how their options work, how you know give them some pointers on how to make a decision and then from there, we can actually meet with them one-on-one and really customize a program that works for their specific needs whether it is financial needs, prescription drug needs, health needs that kind of stuff. >> when you talk about prescription drug needs think this is a really cool thing that you do for people is you will do a free part d plan comparison. so what people need to do for
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right and will you go through the plan that they are on, as well as other options. >> to make it even easier they can just email us a list of medications and say hey run this. just put your phone number there so we can call. it's really simple. it's one of those things people overlook, a lot of people think well hey, you know, a lot of people on medicare they don't like change you know so they think i have already set up my plan i'm good. i'm not going to change. but what they don't realize or maybe they do, but they insurance companies they change the plans every year. insurance companies love change even if the person doesn't. so they might have they might be on two medications, but one medication might cost twice as much next year. so, but if they change to one other to another company, they might actually save money on that one medication. so it's always worth taking a look and we do it absolutely free. >> i think that's one of the wonderful things you do is a lot
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year that there are so many changes this year, that sometimes it could be the exact same coverage, but the difference is you are saving 600 or $1,000 a year, and that money can be put to really good use when you are on a fixed income. you have these great events coming up. you have a medicare 101 educational event on fridays, this is every friday at 10:00 a.m. in your office in brookfield, and you really talk about the different options and educate people. you don't go into specifics there, this is educational only. friday, at 10:00 a.m. then you also have the medicare advantage meetings as well. people can register for these events by giving a call to your office or sending an email, but these you really do need to reserve your seat because seating is limited there is no cost for the event, but there will be a licensed agent being tom, present with sales material and enrollment application. tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. and november 22, at 3:00 p.m.
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your seat or schedule an appointment with tom or one of his licensed agents at (262)641-4111. or visit online at sovereign select ins for thanks tommy. >> thank you. >> good to see you. still ahead great holiday pies and thanksgiving dinner made easy. and after the break why water is playing such an important role at this year's holiday folk fair international. we share all of the information
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welcome back. tomorrow the state fair park turns into a celebration of cultural heritage of the people living in southeastern wisconsin. it has music, food, dance and the arts and it is truly a weekend full of fun for the whole family. >> sonia riecan is a long time folk fair parpa theme for this year's fair. great to see you. >> thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> this is so fun. you were just telling me it's the 73rd annual international folk fair which is very exciting. what is the new theme this year? >> this year's theme is the culture of water. every year they pick the theme based on the u.n. themes for the country. so this year all of the booths
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very interesting. what is the folk fair represent? we kind of mentioned it represents all of the people of southeastern wisconsin, but what does that mean? >> everybody all of our cultures all of our diversity, it really is the melting pot of the united states. >> what is going on that families and kids can see and do and experience? >> first and foremost friday we have an education day that thousands of children are bussed in and they have a little passport they get stamped and th l in the nationality. >> cute. >> then they are able to learn something we make in every booth, and then they can taste the different foods at each booth. and then watch the dancers of course. >> oh, the dancing looks phenomenal. so bright and colorful and fun. what about for you what do you do as the folk fair and why is it so important to you? >> i have been involved since i was 4-years-old. i'm 100% slovak. my whole family is slovakia.
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dance group. i dance in the holiday folk fair and i run the cultural group and represent a chek organization in milwaukee. >> what is the word they learn? >> they don't tell us they get a stamp. >> i love that you are on the poster that advertises the holiday folk fair international. that's fantastic. >> thank you. >> really the dancing is a big part of it. you were talking about visiting different traditional dances i would think is a big part of it. >> it's amazing. there is a children's show on sunday. if kids want to watch kids dance and there is a all of the adults perform on the main stage which is wonderful and then the music pavilion. >> what are so much the new things this year? exciting stuff that is different? >> actually every year it is different because of the theme. we have to prepare differently
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group coming from germany to 36. we have a japanese exhibit. we have bonsai trees. we have a wall of fame which are different honorees so it's fabulous. every dance group does a different dance each year. we're not allowed to do the same dance every year. if you have been there the year before you will see something completely different and different ethnic dress. >> talk about your outfit is this something particular to being slovakian? >> yes. slovakia. >> it was made there? >> yes. >> so really it's very traditional and authentic. >> yes it has 300 pleats it symbolizes the wealth of a woman. i would be considered a good catch because i have a lot of embroidery. >> a lot of embroidery equals good catch i like that. this ribbon means i'm single. >> really? >> yes. >> so for the women who are dancing if they are wearing a
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they are taken? >> in cheque and slovak culture. >> i am single and i'm wealthy and i'm a great catch. so fun. ink it is so important for milwaukee to have this event? >> every place it is important because of diversity and culture, but because to understand ethnicity to understand diversity you need to unde understand others. i think if we in general would understand each other's cultures better things would be so much more peaceful. >> agreed. i think it's such a cool opportunity for parents to have a conversation with kids. saying this is part of our family history and then, visiting the different areas and these are you know other diversities as well and other different histories. i think it's such a neat conversation to have maybe even going with your grandparents your parents.
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adults grandparents alike right? >> my entire family has been involved. my mom has been a director of the dance group for years, that's how i got involved with it and my grandparents, being from slovakia i grew up in the culture right away. >> so cool i love it. right now benefiting the salvation army of milwaukee county, people if they bring in two nonperishable food items they get $2 off the regular price of admission. super fun up priced admission tickets can be purchased with a discount off of each one of those tickets. this friday through sunday at state fair park is the holiday folk fair international. tickets are just $10 for adults in advance, or $12 at the door. you can call (414)225-6225 to find out more you can also visit them online at folk fair .org. kids under the age of 5 will be admitted at no charge.
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thank you for bringing these tickets to us. we have a family four pack for callers 7 and 8. call us right now. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you very much. >> appreciate it. here's a tip the easy 69th t way to have a stress free thanksgiving dinner let someone else do the work. how to get all of the trimmings with none of the ?? attention medicare beneficiaries living in these... milwaukee area counties. now is the time to review your current medicare coverage. whatever your health coverage needs, call now and let unitedhealthcare help find a plan that could give you the benefits and stability you're looking for...
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it can combine medicare parts a and b... which is your hospital and doctor coverage... with part d prescription drug coverage and more... all in one simple plan for a $0 dollar monthly premium. if you live in these milwaukee area counties, this medicare advantage plan offers you... visits to your primary care doctor for a low $15 co-pay. there's more. you can get routine vision, hearing and foot care coverage, and an annual physical and most immunizations for a $0 co-pay. for prescriptions, you'll pay the plan's lowest price, whether it's your co-pay or the pharmacy price. or pay zero dollars for a 90-day supply of your tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, delivered right to your door. open enrollment begins october 15th and ends december 7th.
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for a $0 monthly premium, you'll get unitedhealth? passport, coverage that travels with you... and unlike original medicare, this plan has an out-of-pocket maximum to help protect your savings. for over 30 years, we've been helping people live healthier lives. call and see why so many medicare beneficiaries choose plans from unitedhealthcare. don't miss your opportunity. medicare open enrollment ends december 7th. call now and see if the benefits of an an are right for you.
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welcome back to the morning blend. check out this, turkey, ham all of the side dishes you can imagine. if this doesn't get you pumped for thanksgiving i don't know what will. >> we're cooking with the machine shed it's all about making your thanksgiving day dinner easier. >> chef kevin dahlen is prepared to make your holiday meal for you. >> great to see you. >> look at this spread. >> you guys are making dinner for people if they want popreorder a thanksgiving dinner. >> what is included walk us through. someone calls and they say i want you to do the whole spread for me. i want you to purchase thanksgiving dinner rather than having to make everything. what is included in that?
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people. family of four you get to pick baked ham or roast turkey. you get stuffing, mashed potatoes, your candied yams, your greened bean casseroles and one of our huge pies. >> do you choose the pies or get all of those? there you can choose from corn casserole or regular corn. green bean casserole, regular green beans, everything else. >> you get the potatoes the potato, the green bean casserole. all of those things are absolutely included and with every dinner you get cranberry relish. dinner rolls and you get to select a pie. >> absolutely. >> this is fantastic. get this, here's the deal dinner for four is only $64.99. >> uh-huh. >> can't beat it. >> that is a great price. to think you could eat dinner for four. >> it's huge portions too you are not going to find it
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>> you're not going to be hungry. >> 8 ounces of meet and all of those sides you're not going to be hungry. >> there is no way you can feed four people for $65 anywhere else. and a thanksgiving meal that is phenomenal. >> what kinds of pies do people get to choose from? >> some of our famous cream pies, banana cream, chocolate cream, traditional fruit pies, apple, blueberry, red cherry. pecan. pumpkin. >> mmm. >> when do you have to order it did you say that? >> give us 2 24 hours notice you can get whatever you want. we go right to christmas. people want this for christmas or for catering, holiday parties. catering. >> so for thanksgiving then, when do people pick that up? >> whenever they want.
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it up the day before. >> on wednesday. >> like aluminum, tins and we give you heating instructions. >> so they pop it in their oven and it is all set for thanksgiving. >> this is so good. >> you don't even have to tell people that someone else made it. >> that is not required ? >> it doesn't even have the lumps like grandma's gravy. >> no offense to mom, but our gravy is better than mom's. >> maybe not better than mom's, but -- >> it's so good. >> that is really great that you can do this for people and everything is ready to go. you have the reheats instructions. so the point that you made too is it's not just for thanksgiving. this menu and the ability to put on a spread like this you do for christmas as well. >> uh-huh. >> okay same choices? >> same choices. you can modify if you want to add like an extra pie or you want something extra, you know more stuffing or more something or different type of gravy if
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let us know you can modify and -- >> it's great. >> can people come in the restaurant for thanksgiving too do you have indining or are you closed? >> we are closed for thanksgiving. you can come the day after we have turkey, ham on the menu. >> you have to order it before. you have a great gift shop. can you pick up beautiful things for your table at your gift shop. >> brand-new gift shop. a couple things over there. yeah. >> tha >> something to be thankful for. >> make it easy for yourself on thanksgiving, but make sure you call now to order because you should do that at least 24 hours in advance. locations in pewaukee as well as appleton. you can order your thanksgiving meal, pick it up the day before reheat it they will tell you how to do it. you can enjoy this all with a pie too. >> so good mix it altogether. stay tuned to find out what
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delivered before thanksgiving. >> a flocked one? what color are you doing? >> pink. >> uh-huh. cute. >> i never had it, i never planned ahead enough to have it before thanksgiving. it's always after and i'm scrambling. >> do you get disappointed if it's not a white christmas if there is not snow everywhere? >> no. >> i do. >> i get that. >> tomorrow cooking the perfect holiday appetizer. and the travel mom shares
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this morning on "today's take" harry connick jr. returns for an encore as our celebrity co-host. then colin ferrell works his magic in the new harry potter prequel and we'll take you on a the biggest stars. all that and more, coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, november 16th, 2016. that's your lottery number for the day. >> that's a lot of 16s. >> i'm tamron along with dylan and look who's back on the
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