tv Today NBC December 7, 2016 2:37am-3:30am CST
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello,verybody! it is booze day tuesday. it's december 6, and it's a good day, because not only do we have "sweet caroline" by neil diamond above us, we've got "sweet caroline" neil diamond in our kitchen. >> hi, neil. >> merry everything. >> same back. >> congratulations on the new
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>> the man is -- christmas, right? >> and the man is going on tour, baby. his 50th year. he's going to be at a city near you soon. >> if you haven't seen neil in concert, let's listen to you for a second. ? santa claus is coming, it's almost day chickens crow from midnight, it's almost day ? ? chickens crow from midnight it's almost day ? >> that song will get in your head. >> i would screw up that lyric. that's -- an unusuyr [ laughter ] >> what? chickens -- >> chickens croak at midnight -- >> it's almost day. >> we love you, neil. when do you start the tour? >> i start the tour in april. >> okay. some time to get tickets. >> and we're going to hit 50 cities. >> hopefully you take a little time off for the holidays before you get going on the road. >> yes. going to do that. >> you have a busy schedule. thanks for coming by to say hi. >> and sing for us, too. he's going to sing in our show. and how do you hint to your significant other you'd like a more sentimental gift this year?
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toaster, or an iron, or a bissell vacuum. >> or a razor. that's bad. >> or -- >> when you're the girl and he gives you a razor, it's not good. >> look at our panel. ah. >> hair removal. >> oh, my god. nair! >> that would be a nightmare. >> our guys, you're not going to learn a daggone thing, you guys, but you're going to have fun. no, come on. and guess what? >> what. >> our newlywed is here. >> yes, he is on the end. >> bob guinea. lasting so far. got the ring, the whole deal. >> so excited. >> two weeks. >> then it's the time of year when sweet treats and goodies are around every turn. talking about the dangers of food allergies and kids. one family shares their tragic story in the hope of helping others and what you should know if you know someone with an allergy and we'll show you how to use those epipens. >> that's important. >> a lot of people have them and don't know how to uses them. >> earlier today, grammy nominations came out, and it's a big one.
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beyonce leads the pack with nine nominations. ? hello from the other side ? >> beyonce leads the pock with nine nominations followed by drake, rihanna, kanye all have eight and beyonce, eight and adele, five. >> surprised she didn't get more. >> beyonce continues her run as "the" most nominated in artist in grammy history. >> unbelievable. >> categories, in case we're interested, which i always am. >> yeah, of course. >> record of the year category. let's figure out -- >> recognize the artist's performance as well as overall contribution of the producers, recording engineers. >> everybody. >> "hello." by adele. "formation" by beyonce.
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"work," rihanna featuring drake and "stressed out" by twenty one pilots. they air january 12th on cbs. lots of great nominations. kelly clarkson is nominated for a song. >> good, good. >> carrie underwood is nominated for the song "church bells." if you want to listen to -- it's like if "dateline" were set to music, it would be the song "church bells." you'll u >> understand it. right. how many grammys have you won, neil? you must be leading the pack. one? >> for what song? >> for a song score of jonathan livingston seagull back in 1971, and i take very good care of that one. i polish it every day. >> you only need one, because then you're a grammy winner. >> that's it. >> yes, but he deserves about 20. my gosh. >> thank you. >> by the way, everybody, if you've never been to a neil diamond concert. >> yeah. >> he's one of the greatest performers. you have such energy.
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you love every minute you're up there. don't you? >> i do. >> and still. yeah. that's great. >> and you cross all generations. ever saw the movie "saving silverman." ever seen that? great movie. neil's in that. funny how you understand different generations get to know neil diamond. >> do you find youconcerts are very intergenerational? >> it is. we're on our third generation. mothers bring their kids. mothers and daughters are the single most popular combination. >> and their third and fourth husbands. it's amazing, isn't it? [ laughter ] something for everybody at a neil diamond concert. we love you, neil. >> love you, neil. guess what? a new milano cookie flavor. >> how very exciting. >> i've been waiting for this one. it's kind of like a s'more. >> from pepperidge farms. these were sent to us from the milano folks.
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>> like a s'more in a biscuit. >> available at target, $3.69. other retailers on january 1st. >> the official taster, because you're the sweetheart around here. >> mm-mm. >> i like this because they're not too sweet. >> mm-mm. they are so good! >> really? you've been eating the last two hours. >> i can't stop eating. i'm not kidding. >> every time hoda walks by me. you having a growth spurt? >> my coat wasn't buttoning and matt said something about a feed bag and i think that stressed me out and i just kept eating, continuously. it's weird. >> so we had our ladies clothing sale today and participated. and the sale started in the 8:30 half hour. the dresses featured on the mannequins sold out. so thrilled. the sale is still active. the real, real, luxury consignment retailer, kathie lee is hosting the sale and you can go to our website and we'll link
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>> somewhere bought my dress? >> yeah! it's a cute dress. it's old now, but it's very cute. a cute dress. haven't worn it thlast four years. that means it's well loved. every dollar goes to -- >> you keep wearing it. you love that. sometimes you put it on and you love how you feel in it. look. it's even in my twitter picture. >> every mother counts is an organization that makes pregnancy and childbirth safe for women around the world. good for them. all righty. >> all right. >> we're going to do a little victoria's secret. show it, because we have to. a big day. two sisters, bella and gigi hadid walked down the runway. >> first time in history sisters have done it. >> sisters have done it. yeah. they were cute. adorable. >> well, they're gorgeous girls. >> this is bella walking by the wkd weeknd who is her ex-boyfriend. >> gave him a nice pat. that's nice. >> and gigi there, too, and
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>> they all took their ugly pills, didn't they? gosh, they're gorgeous. >> by the way, bella and gigi, first sisters ever to walk the show together and got kind of emotional when they went backstage. sweet. >> and gigi won the international model of the year last night by the british council of fashion. >> a big day the hadids. >> lady gaga sang and also, everybody, put your hearts at rest. some of you thought that taylor yesterday was telling the truth when he teased about he and me. right? >> dating? >> it was a joke, everybody. it's a joke! but thank you even for believing it for a second! compliment. what is he? 22? okay. listen, we are looking for another "everyone has a story." a quick shout-out for them. ? everyone has a moment ? >> not the only singer/songwriter, neil. we lost him. five minutes ago. if you have a story that is uplifting or inspiring, fascinating and want us to know about it. especially if it has something
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the holidays, go to and hit the connect button. >> and food allergies, what you need to know. >> how to use your epipen if you've got one, you don't want to miss this. right after this, everybody. arom lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. heads up! you know what, don't worry about it. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours?
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delsym helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. delsym. the #1 12-hour cough medicine. so, mr. harris, we have your fingerprints on the safe. a photo of you opening the safe. a post using the hashtag "#justrobbedthesafe" so, what are we supposed to think?
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chances are a child in your family or one of your child's friends has a food allergy. >> according to the food allergy and research educ but if your child or a child you're responsible for suddenly had an allergic reaction, would you know what to do? >> the debs family wants to make sure that never happens to you, what happened to them. take a look at their story. >> reporter: just two weeks ago, the debs family of west palm beach, florida, were excited for their thanksgiving day vacation. >> it started off amazing. it was a wonderful, fun trip. we were visiting my sister-in-law at her farm, and then on to maine for
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that was the plan. >> but the fun turned tragic when 11-year-old oakley, one of the debs twins, who suffered from asthma and a mild nut allergy ate a piece of pound cake covered in what he thought was chocolate. >> there was extract along with roasted walnuts on top of it, which looked like chocolate. >> we took our usual precaution. gave him benadryl. literally an hour to 2 1/2 hours later he cup >> i went to sleep. my uncle woke me at 4:00 in the morning. he said, we need to go now. i said, where? he said, to the hospital. >> that night oakley vomited and his parents called 911. the ambulance arrived but oakley had gone into anaphylactic shock. his airway suddenly closed and his heart tragically stopped. >> it feels like half of our life is gone.
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struggling with the fact that, you know, his life was taken so soon. >> i just was like, crying, because i knew that he was gone, and -- and i -- that was just not -- it was the worst day ever. >> i realize in my heart of hearts, my son was put here for a reason. he always was spreading his big smile and his athletic ability and his friends were all very important to him. and this is the way i can pay back the loss of my son is to teach other people not to be in my shoes. >> reporter: just days after their loss it was oakley's bright shoes that inspired the debs to start "the red sneaker movement. >> we need to figure this out, and use my son as a way to help promote awareness. we don't know the difference between anaphylactic shock and allergic reaction, and that's unacceptable. >> reporter: their hope is to
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of epipens. >> oakley always wanted to do good and we think he's looking down and every time i start feeling sad, i think about how this red sneaker movement is going to change and help other families. >> that family is so strong. the debs family has already received a note from a family in the uk thanking the debs for sharing the story about oakley, which helped saved the life of one of their own 11-year-old children. in honor of oakley, the miami dolphins will wear red shoes at this weekend's game. >> here to talk about serious food allergies, our medical correspondent dr. john torres. >> you hear about nut allergies and know they can be tragic but you cannot drive this point home hard enough. can you? >> exactly. you can't drive it home hard enough. sometimes people say, a child in a classroom with nut allergies, why worry about sending brownies with nuts if that child doesn't eat it?
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and people get concerned about that or worried about that because they want to have those nuts. even nut dust, the dust of nuts or traces of it in food. >> the smell of it. >> can cause people to have anaphylactic reactions. in this case, what happened and a lot of people don't realize, a delayed anaphylactic reaction that happens 15 hours later. seem fine, things great, all of the sudden deteriorate. when they start deteriorating, that happens very, very quickly. >> the true tragedy of this is these are wonderful parents who would have had an epipen if they knew the allergy he had was serious. years before he had had a mild swelling in his mouth and stuff and given him benadryl. it was fine. of course they would think benadryl would help the next time. >> how do you know when to use an epipen? >> i'm glad we and the family are talking about this. you need to use the epipen if they had a reaction before. usually those reactions end up getting worse and worse as time
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a mild one, next is moderate, the third could be severe. >> i didn't know that. >> anything around the mouth or lips, tongue or throat, a very, very worrisome talk to your doctor about carrying an epipen. >> can you show us? people do have an epipen and sometimes parents are in charge of other kids. >> when they go for sleepovers. >> right. >> the adult epipen, the yell loy, green for the child. 33 to 66 pounds. so it's a little bigger than a baby we're demonstrating on here. >> the green one. how do you do it? >> basically what you go is you pop the top. take it out of the top. when you look at it, the saying, a blue cap and an orange cap. blue cap up. take that off to arm it and orange cap ready to go. that's where the needle is. blue to the skies, orange to the thigh. >> blue to the skies, orange to the thigh. >> blue to the sky and orange to the thigh. not in the arm. it's in the thigh. muscle. >> the big muscle of the thigh. take off the blue cap, once you take off the blue cap, children, they just came out with a warning, they want you to hold the child's leg still, because
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put it basically -- hold it like -- >> look the child in the face and count. >> talk to them and make sure they understand what's going on. >> how long are you holding that in? >> used to be 10 seconds. most labels say 10 seconds. 3 seconds they came out with a few months ago. changed the time to 3 seconds. it's still a long time. >> especially in pain and wiggling. >> take it out, the needle retracts and goes away. >> and now what happened? >> call 911. >> the confusion, call 911 before? call 911 after? epip 911 after. >> how much time is there for a child to be saved or anybody to be saved once they go into the shock? >> seconds matter. seconds matters. do this right away, soon as you can. some people try to call 911 first, have 911 tell them what to do. give them the epipen right away. >> you can't do it wrong. right? >> can't do it wrong. >> got to go in the muscle. >> long as you -- >> blue cap. blue to the skies, orange to the thigh. do it on yourself.
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>> do it on your thigh. there's no needle in there. >> oh. >> show you how you have to hit it. >> yes, there is! no, i'm kidding. hold it three seconds. >> the main thing. >> okay, all right. >> if it's a child they're going to move. >> got to run. thank you. all great advice. thanks. >> we'll check in with our guys for some holiday advice. >> after this. >> boy, that's interesting. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. so i guess i can just check my credit score then? oooh "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit." sorry about that. delsym helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth...
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zone with children," the single author, chris manzo in the house. >> last, not least, previously divorced. >> many times. >> then longtime engaged and now newlywed! yeah! >> bob guinea. >> there's a picture of bob and his lovely bride. >> how did you talk that gorgeous woman into marrying you, bob? >> it wasn't easy. a lot of wine. a lot of vino. >> where was the wedding ceremony? >> mexico. >> across the street, kids. >> okay. >> hi, i'm lori from omaha, nebraska, and i just wanted to ask, my husband and i agreed we weren't going to exchange holiday gifts this year. do you think i should still get him something? >> yes. >> don't do it. he's agreed not to get you a gift. he's not doing it. don't do it. >> i always say no gifts and i always buy gifts. i want to be the one.
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>> that's the whole point of holidays. try to make the other -- >> the doctor says you're all wrong. >> at least something small. i can't imagine giving nothing. kind of cold. >> yeah. >> that's mean. >> the thing you hand them, a dinner reservation, something like that. >> ah! >> a promise of something. >> maybe kind of -- >> a loophole. >> i don't think it's necessarily cold. in my family we focus on the kids, and then adults, don't buy me a gift because you're going to be upset which don't get you a gift. i mean, everybody knows to give me a beef something or sausage. i'm happy. >> and a naked butt run! >> make christmas, oh, so bright! [ laughter ] >> just our little tease. coming back after the break. more from our guys. answering the questions. >> wouldn't learn a thing. >> who else is here? >> neil diamond's going to sing for us, everybody. you're going to love it.
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>> oh, it's a baby. >> it's also booze day tuesday. don't tell the baby. >> we're ready for round two of guys tell all. >> single dad larry burchett, married dad, a bachelor and a newlywed. >> it's a miracle. a christmas miracle. >> let's go across the street for a question. >> hi. beth from charlotte, north carolina, and i was wondering how long should you be dating someone before you take them home for the holidays? >> oh. good question. a great question. it's a big one. >> i will say this. i think there's a couple schools of thought. what i did, i took her home for new year's instead of christmas or thanksgiving.
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>> the jury was out on that. i was saying like two weeks. she was saying six months. a big problem there. >> i think it should be at a time when you're both agree that you're in a relationship so it's like, you know, i don't think it's a specific time frame. >> too soon for me and taylor? >> it is a little too soon. >> bring people home quickly, and i think it should be something meaningful, right? >> it's a stem >> it's a statement. >> when you're both ready. bob is saying, maybe too much to do christmas and the first meet. have you been introduced before? do they know your family? or is this -- doing both at once. >> what do you think, with your mother -- >> you can't start with a holiday in my family. you got to -- >> lucky to have sunday dinner. >> do like a family karaoke night. that's how we dit. it's like -- my brother used to have a karaoke machine. bring them over while everybody's having a good time, and then just let it flow.
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>> yes. >> a question from lisa from pasadena, california. now that christmas is upon us, how do we let our man know we would rather a personal or sentimental gift as opposed to something else? >> we don't want an iron. >> iron. >> how do you subtly tell your man that? >> just say -- >> just say, "don't want an iron." >> i think you have to say, do not give me a gift that means you want me doing some work. >> is it the same for you? if you got tools and you love brand-new, shiny tools? >> see, i don't love brand-new, shiny tools. >> does anybody here? it's only lou manfredini? >> ah, yeah! >> give me tolls every year. >> -- tools every year. >> the good doctor. >> bring me stuff to cook or bring me actual food. >> okay. >> i feel like this is one of the similar says we say in a lot of these. just talk about it. why can't you just -- >> people don't -- obviously bob and his wife don't talk. >> sometimes you don't want to ask for something. you want him to come up with
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don't you? if you say, honey, i want that bracelet. what's the point? that's not -- >> it's not your idea. >> show him a few things you like and then be surprised when he picks one out. >> i think it's something that develops over time. year after year you're getting gifts you don't like and it's, like, okay. christmas is becoming a source of tension and fighting, because you keep giving me stuff i don't want. >> socks. >> we got to have a talk. other than that, some people are simple. socks and underwear, i'm happy with socks and underwear. >> hi, i'm jenny from portland, oregon. something i really want for christmas, tell the guy directly or use subtle hints? >> no, but that's -- >> a starting point. >> still on the same vein. >> i like subtlety. i do like a little subtle hint but point me in the right direction. we're not mind readers. >> a little from column a and a little from column b. do subtle hints, do something that's cute but you want to make sure the message is in there.
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test to see if -- then -- >> go to somebody you think maybe that they love and are close to, and tell them what you'd like, and that person can subtly come up to you and go, you know what, larry? >> by the way, she just solved the whole thing. instead of going directly, feels not great. tell a friend. >> a messenger. >> tell a friend. >> a little birdie. >> kathie lee is the one answering the questions. it's exhausting! >> guy, thank you so much. >> we love you. happy holidays to all of you. if you have a question for our mane hoda -- this woman -- dotcom and hit the connect button. >> perfect dinner for your holiday guests. delicious, right after this. cheers, guys! i love that my shf the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm.
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for pain relief that can last into the morning. ? look up at a new day...? hey guys! now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. i really did save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. i should take a closer look at geico... geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico.
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in italian families like so many, sundays are spent in the kitchen preparing sunday supper using recipes handed down from generation to generation on little teeny scraps of paper. >> so three years ago after husband's passing, alissa, or is it alissa -- >> alissa. >> constantini was looking for something to turn her attention to try and fill the void of her loss. the help of her adorable son and co-author, gathered tried and trued recipes and turned to kick-starter raising $27,000 in 30 days to publish her debut cookbook called -- >> all: "italian moms: spreading their art to every table." >> we're so happy you're here. congratulations. >> how terrific is this? >> it's been a great ride. >> wow. >> were you able to raise the money quickly? >> the $27,000?
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kick-starter. her friend told me about it. within days, up to six, seven, then eight, then nine, eventually $27,000. 810 supporters. >> do they all get a free cookbook? >> a lot of them ordered multiple cookbooks. >> over 4,000 ordered. >> now we know your secret recipes. >> 11,000 sold to date. >> your secret recipes are out. right? >> yes. >> for the whole world. >> what are we going to make today? >> chicken. >> fill it up with prosciutto and -- >> and mozzarella. >> mozzarella, and some parmesan, some red pepper, parsley. this recipe came about later in life. when i went away to college, i'd come home and kind of complain, the same food. >> all the time a little bit. so i try to do something different. >> yes! >> she invented this chicken for
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>> let's make it. >> and so you made it yourself. what do you do? you take a piece of chicken. >> all of this, explain all of this. >> we got all that. so we pound the chicken. we like doing that. >> basically a paillard and then what? >> comes out nice and even. >> don't touch it! >> comes out nice and even. >> what do you put that in? >> that's chicken broth. >> theat >> gives it a bath. >> going to let it sit. >> let it sit. >> make our stuffing. so in here is we've got the olive oil. >> olive oil. >> bread crumbs. >> bread crumbs, olive oil. >> put this in for you? >> yep. that would be good. >> okay. >> hold it, and you can -- >> okay. you do it. >> she doesn't like anybody else in her kitchen! >> don't touch her stuff. >> that's true. >> safety zone when you're in the kitchen with mom.
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>> only putting half of all of that -- >> yeah. doesn't want a lot. >> and come down here and we'll make it. mama is doing it her way and she will not be rushed. okay, good for her. good for you! good for you, alissa. >> when you're done -- do you cook it? >> no. it's going to cook in the chicken. mom, you ready? >> mom, we got to move on. >> you got to move fast. >> you put it in the middle? >> put it in the middle. >> i'm watching what she does. >> i'm watching what she does. take a spoon, put it right here, in the middle. then you go like that, okay. and then you -- >> roll it and stick in the do-dads. >> look what she does. look what's happening. roll it, roll it, okay. like she does. >> take the plastic off. >> oh, you take the plastic off? >> look. i'm doing it like she did it. >> then you give it some toothpicks. that keeps it. >> say i did it. okay. all right. come on in the back. >> so you cook it, and let's taste it.
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>> beautiful! can we taste it? >> yes! >> yes. >> are you sure? >> one without the cheese. this is for me. >> that's hoda woman's. >> can i give you a taste? would you like to taste it? >> yeah. >> okay. okay. here. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> mm-mm. >> oh, my gosh. it's good. >> is it delicious? >> really delicious! excellent, and then tell us about the cake, quick. we've got to go. >> this is one of her cannoli cakes and pretty much got it done and usually just -- just usually give it is a quick >> beautiful. >> all of these recipes are on thank you so much. merry christmas. the one and only neil diamond is in our studio, right after this. >> oh, this is so delicious! "it's amazing out there" means to me the wonder and the wow of weather.
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it could be the smallest ice crystal, the biggest storm cloud. >> what does "it's amazing out there" mean to me? it means looking up and being inspired. even if it's just straight up blue skies. i mean how beautiful is that. >> that little burst of red that happens when the sun comes right over the ocean when it comes up in the morning. >> watching lightning streaking across the sky from one side to another. >> the role of thunder, it's just -- it's just one of the most amazing things. >> that's what "it's amazing out there" is and what it means to you mentally and the memories you take away from that weather >> and how that absolutely affects our lives, our day-to-day. what's in our stores, what are we going to wear, what are we going to eat, what is everything going to cost? to me all those interactions. the weather has real influences on. that's why "it's amazing out there." >> what it means for me is it lets the world know what's happening at the weather channel. >> i think what makes the weather channel's coverage
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we know what is going on with the weather and that makes a tremendous difference. >> somebody just walks up to you in the field and says, thanks for being there. we're so glad that you were here to take us through it. >> we have a charge, we have a responsibility. we have a drive to provide information to people to help them, help their communities, help their families stay safe. it matters so much. >> when you start linking the people side up to the weather and the science of the data, it starts to drive home the importance of what we do. >> i love weather. >> i do love weather. >> i love the weather. and, you know, i love working with people who love the weather and this is what we love to do. >> every single day is going to be something spectacular. it is truly amazing out there. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well.
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there's no end to the list of accolades for the great neil diamond, but if there's one thing we know for sure, the man is a living legend. >> and we are so lucky that he stopped by to create memories called "acoustic christmas." singing the song christmas prayers," here is our friend, neil diamond. for some people, christmas can be a sad, even painful time of year. when someone they love is not there to celebrate with them. this song was written for them. ? you're in my christmas prayers and in my christmas dreams ? ? in every christmas story told
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? don't need to read the book of life behind a veil of tears ? ? you'll always be right here with me ? ? and in my christmas prayers here in my christmas prayers ?? >> beautiful. >> that is beautiful, neil. love that. you can catch neil on his 50-year anniversary world tour which kicks off next spring. don't miss that. >> one of santa's elves is waiting behind that curtain with goodies to give our kids.
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delsym helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym. the #1 12-hour cough medicine. ? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal. ? ? better find a way to smooth things over. ? ? if only harry used some bounce, to dry.? ? yeah. ?
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we want to make this holid the kids across the country through our 23rd annual toy drive. >> and we are so grateful to all of our donors for making it possible so let's see who is behind -- >> who is it? >> both: kay jewelers. >> it's kim canary. >> two special guests from st. jude's children hospital. ? javon and jakayla, jakayla and javon ? >> hi, guys. >> how are you, guys? nice to see you again.
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>> tell us what you're supporting this year. >> weirdo naing $100,000 of these puppies and teddy bears available at kay jewelers across the country. >> did you say $100,000? >> i think she did! >> that is so great. st. jude is such an important organization. tell us why it is to you. >> absolutely. this is our 18th year partnering with st. jude. thanks to our customers and team members, we've donated and raised $53 million to date for st. jude for the services they provide for children like jakayla and javon. >>ow old are you? >> 10. >> and you? >> 15. >> what do you want for christmas? >> money. [ laughter ] >> a woman after my own heart. god bless y'all. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> don't forget to donate on the plaza or on our website has the details. >> you are funny. >> we'll see you tomorrow. >> connie britton will take us behind the hit show "nashville." >> had a ball with them and keeping it country way performance.
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personalized gifts from jill. >> have an awesome tuesday, everybody. see ya tomorrow! ? javon and jakayla ? >> announcer: the following is paid for and furnished by hair club. this station is not responsible for claims made in the following program. whether you have receding hair, thinning hair, or advanced hair loss, it's a harsh reality -- hair loss adds years to your appearance. but now you can change that with ha customized hair-loss solution provider in north america. hair club is dedicated to giving you more hair and more confidence so you look younger. >> i'm 52, and i look better now than i did when i was in my 40s. >> i look better today than i did at 40. >> i love it. i really do. it has changed my outlook on life. >> announcer: at hair club, we understand that coping with hair loss can be difficult, but finding the right solution should never be.
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