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tv   Morning Blend  NBC  December 7, 2016 9:00am-10:00am CST

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good morning today how to avoid holiday weight gain and start 2017 feeling good. plus a winter survival guide for guys. and affordable insurance for people with low income. >> also the prime rib to make a delicious sandwich next on the
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? ? i love that song. >> i tell you what the vet in milwaukee needs for christmas this year just some dessert. our friend doc has been on the show every year he's in his 29th year of putting on this huge party for veterans that make sure you give them a call at (414)218-3030 they come to you and pick it up. they make it that easy. christmas with the is the website. they really need those desserts. >> they will take cash donations too right? >> i'm glad you brought that up. they will take cash donations until the morning of the party which is saturday. they don't need volume up tears -- volunteers just need desserts and some other items.
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again (414)218-3030. i want them to have a great christmas so people can help which is super fun. >> we love you doc. >> we do. a good party for you of he's an awesome guy. why are kids are brats. >> promised this from yesterday. you know my theory. they get everything. >> that's right. >> including participation medals. let them lose. >> builds resilient. >> i don't want to read the ending before the when you say let them lose. all kids need to learn to eat porked chops with canned green beans once in a while it builds character. >> i kind of like that meal. >> parents we want our kids i'm going to say we, because we want our kids to be happy. we want them to have balance in life. we want them to feel special. all of these wonderful things we think build self-confidence. what happens is we negotiate. our kids want something so the
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>> right. >> it's like no you draw a line you say this is expected behavior is what they say. >> right. >> we clean his room. you get sick of seeing wet towels on the floor and dirty clothes all of that stuff. >> did your parents clean your room? >> sometimes my mom would help organization. organize? >> nope you know my story when i wouldn't clean my room my mom took my door off. she said if you don'tes own space. >> we carry their backpack. >> what who does that? >> so wrong. >> that's just embarrassing for your child. unless they physically can't carry it themselves. >> right i agree. you see a lot of parents carrying their backpacks their sports bags. >> what? >> oh, yeah we ask what they want for dinner. we just want them to be happy that whole mentality. we fail to give them chores and responsibilities.
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and bad behavior. they say if you have a teacher that says your kid doesn't have good study habits or your kid isn't interacting well with the students believe the teacher. don't argue with the coach or the teacher and make excuses for your kids. they make the point attention is good involved parenting is wonderful, but how attentive and how involved we are that does the damage. >> interesting. it was funny i was actually talking with a kid who lives in my building he is just such a good kid and he was talking can't get an a because they use these fit monitors and you have to get a certain level of your heart rate on the fit monitors he is just like i'm just in too good of a shape i can't get that high so therefore i'm not getting an a. i said well you got to figure out a way to do it. if that means instead of just playing what you are supposed to do get down and do pushups find a way. i'm like you got to work around it. he is such a good kid he is like i hadn't thought of that.
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good of shape. >> i think about my oldest daughter who had a mediocre 8 minute mile sometime and you made fun of her and she beat the team the next year by 2 minutes. >> she got a 6 minute mile? >> a little under 7 minute mile. >> i was like how did you do that? she was like tiffany made fun of me. [laughter] >> it worked. >> this is a great tip my friend margery sinclair she said this used to work when her son was little, and she said if you got living up to their potential or won't do an activity or pouting whatever, she said this only works under a certain age a really good thing to say is maybe you're just loo too littr this. >> i asked my kids to get out and rake leaves, some helped, some complained. the one that didn't want to help slammed the door and i took the rake away and i said you don't
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phone. do you regift presidents, not presidents, presents. a lot of you want to regift our president. [laughter] >> you can't give him away nobody else wants him. [laughter] just kidding. >> many people regift presents, 45% of us regift a present. tell us if you do. >> be honest everybody. we're cooking wth favorite is on the menu. we're talking of course about prime rib meat. it's a great holiday entree also delicious the next day. >> mike stigler is here to tell us how to use prime rib this huge chunk of meat to make a sandwich. >> glad to see you excited about the meat this morning. >> i love a good chunk of meat. >> it's a daunting piece, but i think we can handle it.
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onions go great with prime rib. >> we have delicious onions sauteeing up. we're going to put together a prime rib sandwich. holidays a lot of people are eating prime. we serve it in the restaurant every night as part of our dinner menu until it is gone and we also use it as part of a sandwich. >> a lot of times you have it on your buffet as well you carve it? >> sometimes for special occasions like mother's day and easter we put prime rib out there we try to save that for the specia and a little butter over here. salt and pepper on those. let those guys cook up. then i will show you my prime rib i have got over here. i have this delicious roast of prime which is all of the bones are cut out of it. we shave it really thin if you cook it and let it cool, it makes it a lot easier to shave real thin like that. >> how do you shave it? >> a peeler or something? >> a peeler? it's not a vegetable. >> you use a apple peeler. no. [laughter]
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>> that looks like it's hard to do. >> a meat advis slicer or a very sharp knife. >> how do you do it at home though? >> katie is yelling a knife come on. we're going to take this and put it into our aujus which is just beef juice. we're going to let that soak up in there for a quick minute. we're going to give it a little dunk. what that is going to do is rehydrate it put s liquid in there then we're going to lift it out and add it into our pan with the onions that's going to create a nice amount of steam and sizzle up then we're going to let that go ahead and cook together for a minute or two. >> that looks great. >> that's fantastic. >> we're going to start to build this on our bun which i will bring over here. >> the key to making it tender like that is slow roasting it, but it seems like the other key is not ever overcooking it. >> yeah i mean the way we like to cook our prime in the restaurant is to sort of nudge it along a little bit throughout the day.
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temperature so it gets nice and brown on the outside then from there you turn your oven offer let it sit in the oven for a minute and turn it on a really low temperature and bring it along real slow. when you are cooking the prime rib you don't want to do it fast. if you try to do it fast you will end up with meat overcooked on the outside and raw on the inside. definitely something you don't want. this is a roasted red pepper mayo i'm putting on there. mayo based with red peppers and a good amount of garlic which goes delicious on the bread even as is. going to be even better when we get the prime rib going on there. good stuff. we're going to put a little greens on here. just like a mixed greens with spring mix, then there is also a little spinach in there. we're going to go ahead and put this together into our pan, and what i like to do is line it in a way will go onto the bun.
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there then a couple pieces of swiss cheese. then i always travel with aluminum foil. if you forget a lid or something you can make just about anything out of aluminum foil. >> you can use it as a cook cooe sheet. >> you can use it as a cooking vessel. you can use it as a lid i never travel anywhere that i'm cooking without aluminum foil. there's your kitchen hack, travel with aluminum foil and chili some of those as well. >> because i am a hot food guy. >> a little steak it melts right up. >> that's the magic of aluminum foil. then from there because i'm a professional can i do this with my hands i'm going to grab this right here slide it onto the bun like so. drop the top on there put a couple of these fancy bamboo -- >> only on my side. >> that's right you don't like wood in your food. >> molly can't do wood in her food.
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hopefully it doesn't fall apart. you have that fantastic looking crunchy bread. look how fantastic that is. then you have the melted cheese. the onions a little crunch from the bread and we serve that up with a little side of aujus for dipping in if you are so inclined that is the thunder bay grille grill shaved prime rib sand wish available on the lunch menu today at thunder bay grille. gli'm going to let you taste it while i get information about thunder bay grille. with coworkers, friends and family and have a party. have you a beautiful bar, great appetizers at the bar great menu. hot hot hot. you can get the prime rib for dinner any night you can also get the prime rib sandwich. >> at lunch yeah. isn't that tasty? >> juicy. >> you see the steam. >> the juice and the stringy cheese. mmm. >> oh, yeah. >> yummy. good time to make a reservation you can call thunder bay grille they are located in pewaukee
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highway 164 in pew pewaukee. call to plan your party or make a reservation. thunder bay your christmas hours when are you open? >> we're open on christmas eve day. closed christmas day how about that, but we also have a fantastic new year's day brunch. >> still time to make a reservation? >> it's going to be auto good one. new year's day falls on a sunday this year it wo works out add a little sparkle how to light up a woman's face with jewelry gifts sure to be a hit
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la vie est belle. the eau de parfum, lanc?me.
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welcome back. take a look at this fun beautiful necklaces, earrings, rings, pendants. perfect for any girl of any age. we'll showcase jewelry at all price points so you can easily find the perfect present for the one you love. jackie anderson and cathryn favill are here from the jewelry center locations in brookfield and greenfield. they will cover some of your holiday shopping good to see you ladies. >> good to see you too. thanks for being here.
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your alex and ani. i'm obsessed with these. i collect them. these are the perfect gift to give. >> it is perfect they range from $28 and up. there literally is something for every single person on your list. one of the new things they just came out with is your soul number. i don't know have you heard about those? >> no, but i want to. >> what it is, you spell out your entire name and depending upon the vowel it has certain letters add those up and your soul number forms. >> so certain numbers according to the vowel letters. >> so if you have that one person that you don't know about that's really fun. they have a whole line of sports eyd birthstones, but even are really into it alex and ani finding your energy. >> are these the souls? >> these are the soul numbers right here. >> we were just looking at them there you go. >> these are them. >> those are soul numbers then
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>> they are all about the energy. so each individual charm has three energies. and then it represents you as a person, or who you want to give to. >> i love that. >> the big point is to just keep stacking. you stack some, i stack some. it's fun to add some bedazzle to it too. >> it's true. it's like, i think they are such a great i have gotten them for my mother, myself. molly and i wear them. here's one here. this is actually a dual one like there is three bracelets. >> for winter or christmas they came out with quite a few the snowflake is a limbed edition this year. >> can people still get the snowflake i know you gave that on black friday. >> we still have some available. it's the limited edition snowflake is still available. >> i love that. >> for many people on your list. >> i love it. talk about the tags because there is tags on these and each one of them talks about something.
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the u.s. which is very fun. it's from recyclable tear materl and they also have a tag for energy. it's like giving the energy from you to the person you are giving to as well as them using their energy for themselves. >> oh, i like that. >> it's really sweet. >> the whole idea behind it all the beauty of them the ease in stacking, what are these over here? >> this is their new chain collection so it's the necklace and then eachha so like those are initials they have. but the same they carry for the most part every single energy bead bangle they have in the charm collection as well. >> okay and you guys still do a facebook friday give away? >> we do. this friday, like the post, and it is the energy, or the numerology one. have you to fill it out and figure out your number you will get your number if you win for
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that is so cool. these little guys are these, what are these? >> this is called the kinderred court collection. so those are, they are all adjustable so that is really nice. kind of gets just something a little different look to your bracelet stack. >> i love mixing these in with medals and you know with um, watches different things like that. so this is actually a great stackable i might have to get one of these from you. moving on because you beautiful. this is part of your levian collection. i know everybody loves chocolate. these are all of the chocolate diamonds right? >> chocolate diamonds and la rose straw b strawberry rose ist popular. >> what is really fun with that is you know get a piece this christmas and then maybe for her birthday or an anniversary you can add to the collection. because they have sets so when
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pendant which i think is beautiful then maybe add the earrings or the ring to it. it's the gift you can keep giving too. >> keep stacking and building on in a theme. >> yeah. >> how many pieces do you have in the store do you have a ton of these chocolate pieces with the levian? >> hundreds. >> that's an extensive line a great choice for the holidays too. >> what do you love about it? >> i love the variety that there is something for everyone basically. it's so different. i think it g offering too i guess. >> not a lot of stores in the area carry it right? >> absolutely not. we're very fortunate to have the line. >> and it's beautiful. we're looking at some of the pieces close up you can see why they are so popular as well. one of the things obviously these are already made, but do you guys do custom poses in brook -- pieces in brookfield? >> uh-huh. >> we do a lot more custom pieces. that's our focus. we like to consider ourselves as
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people are finding us. it's a little difficult to find the location, but we really are in the heart of brookfield. you can easily find us around the corner of blue mound road and calhoon on the second floor of the tri-city bank. you know come along and visit us and we can create a piece or we have many beautiful items that are ready to be gift wrapped for the holidays. >> do you have a special event coming up on saturdat >> friday and saturday. we have our customer appreciation. at the greenfield and brookfield location. >> perfect. >> 10:00 to 8:00 on friday and 10:00 to 6:00 on saturday. >> make sure you stop in to the jewelry center. that location on lay ton avenue in greenfield, blue mound if brookfield. thanks for being here ladies. >> thank you. up next the very last day
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welcome back to the morning blend of medicare's open enrollment period ends today. >> it's time for insurance 101 with sovereign select and tom qualley is back from sovereign select with advice on what to do
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great to see you. really important deadline because today, there is still time to act and tomorrow, it's -- >> done. >> too late. >> today is the day. >> today is the day. >> december 7. okay. so, people are watching and they are saying it's confusing i haven't made decisions i haven't really taken a close look or maybe i have i haven't pulled the trigger on making a change or acting what should i do? >> funny we have heard a lot this week. today is the day. haven't, if people haven't made a choice or they haven't even reviewed their plan just call our stop in. >> you will even accept walk ins? >> absolutely. we have pretty much cleared our calendars today. we're not doing any formal meetings today with customers. we're just kind of there to float around and do and take care of walk ins and phone calls and just try to wrap up as many people as we possibly can because this is less about us this is more about helping the community and making sure that
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when 2017 hits. >> yeah. >> or when midnight strikes. >> yeah. [laughter] >> when the clock strikes midnight open enrollment ends. what that means is people who are new to medicare, or people who are currently on it have this window opportunity, to p.m. examinetheir plans and make cha. >> it's people currently on medicare they can review their plan for prescription drug plans and medicare advantage plans and see if they should make a change. at though is once this season is over, when open enrollment is done, people that are brand-new to medicare or turning 65, or leaving employer group coverage, they can actually still change their plan or enroll in a new plan going forward. even outside of the open enrollment period. if they are new to medicare they don't fall under the same criteria. >> those are people that would qualify for what you call a special enrollment period.
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year depending on life circumstances so turning 65 like you said. someone who has been disabled for a certain amount of time. other life changes that happen for people right? >> there is people if they are disabled and then they are qualifying for medicare losing employer group, retiree coverage or if they are qualifying for some sort of subsidy to help pay for prescription drugs or medicaid. >> okay. now, there are large number of people you mentioned turning 65. so say in the next year, you suggest that they do what? >> be proactive. so we're always talking about being proactive. and we really we actually focus a lot on education. hence the opener of the segment. so, we invite people to really contact us to get educated. doesn't matter if it is two years before they become eligible for medicare if they just want to learn a little bit we're here to help. we have those educational classes we're going to talk
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people can attend. no obligation we don't show specific products. what we do is we really focus on educating each person from a to d. >> d meaning the prescription drug plan. to understand the other key is saving money. it's getting the right coverage from you and making sure all of those areas are covered, but also, saving money and you have saved morning blend viewers thousands and thousands of dollars. >> yeah. this year is just for open enrollment i think we have saved people at which is really nice. >> that's incredible. on average when you review a plan you save people about how much? >> about $600. >> a year? >> a year. yeah. >> that's awesome. with the way we do business we're a broker. we have access to dozens of different insurance companies products we can really shop around and see what is the best fit for each person specific situation. so, there is really no one size fits all deal. you know everybody is different
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finances, doctors that they see, prescriptions they take. et cetera. we take that all into account when planning for each specific person. >> highly customized which is great. i'm glad you mentioned the educational component of it. you have medicare 101 educational meetings just because open enrollment ends today doesn't mean you're not going to keep doing these. they are educational in nature. not presenting different spots products or selling people things. it's free for you to review their plan and just people options. those are every friday at 10:00 a.m. at their office on 1 124th street in brookfield. can you get a no cost consultation. be sure to mention the morning blend you can receive a free golf towel and tom is saying hey today is the last day of open enrollment, but still time to act. give him a call today.
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today they will also make an appointment if you can't visit their office. sovereign select an important day for you, but also important moving forward as people consider their insurance options. >> very good. >> thanks tom great to see you. grbusy day for you i bet. >> oh, yeah. >> do you think a family gathering or holiday party would be a good time to start a weight loss plan? time. we're going to tell you how he lost weight quickly and how you
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welcome back to the morning blend. i know what you are thinking family gathering, holiday party, get together with coworkers it's the time we gain weight right? well keep an open mind our next actually the perfect time to start a weight loss journey. >> that's right jen mccommons is a health coach with 855-burn-fat. good to see you jen. >> thanks. good to see you. >> i don't believe it holidays are a good time? >> absolutely. think about how many people are gaining weight during the holidays. the average person gains 5 to 1t january. i gained this much during the holiday season. we can help you start the
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be ahead of the game. there let's talk a little bit about this. you think of a specific party you're really looking forward to or a big holiday gathering it might even be christmas day it might be earlier. you like to call those days as you can designate it a fat loading day which is the day to start your plan. >> absolutely. >> so two years ago i started program on thanksgiving day. that's exactly what i did. we have you load up on healthy fat. you can eat whatever you want. a big party a work event. and can you eat those things as long as you get in healthy fats. they help to prepare to dump the fat you are going to be getting ready of. >> get rid of it. >> 5 to 15 pounds. >> how much is that? >> 5. >> that's only 5. i got to hold that. >> that makes you feel better about losing 5 pounds. >> exactly. >> look at that.
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no 5-pounds is a lot. >> everybody says muscle weighs more it's not that it's about the density of how much space it takes. 5 pounds of fat that's a lot of space. 5 pounds of water or muscle is not going to be nearly taking up that amount of space. >> that makes sense. fat loading is how it starts on some of those days. then you move into losing the weight. how much weight do people typically lose during this time because you have said before what 20-pounds? >> we guarantee you're going to lose 20 pounds on our program. more than that. >> and people gain usually that during the holidays. >> i think i have a couple of examples of people who have done great on the program. >> i want to get to their pictures. talk about the no no list you have. >> santa has his naughty list we have our no no list. what that is we have no shots, we have no prepackaged food, no hormones, no exercise. you're able to actually eat real good food.
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nice side of a vegetable. you will have fruits you like. you're not eating these foods that are processed you are eating real food. >> some of the people you chatted with started out skeptical with this program including this guy mike. they think it's too good to be true. >> yeah so you can see the pie. hiked mount mount fuiji and he had a really difficult time doing it. so he made a promise to himself when he came back he said i'm going to get rid of this weight. in just over a month he lost 30 pounds, off his insulin and did an amazing job. he feels like his life is back and said it's the best early christmas present he could have given himself. he is doing another round and his sister was so impressed she is joining him.
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good to have a teammate. how about valerie? >> she had over the last few years gained 87 pounds. she was a fitness instructor she was teaching 18 classes a week. anybody would think you could lose the weight easily that way. she had a hormonal imbalance that was happening something we can address with this program. she was able to do the program and lost 37 pounds. she's going into the holidays a much healthier and happier person. and she can teach a lot more classes and now because she has better stamina a >> i love that. >> she's lost almost 40 pounds which is pay mazin amazing. no one every gets the same plan right it's fully customized? >> i think we had al and doory the last couple weeks that were here. they had different programs. they were doing it at the same time they were able to have an individualized plan. we use 21st techniques and are able to find out what your body
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list in essence right? >> we are giving you a food list that serve your body the best and things that will help you to be in a fat burning process. >> it makes it simple. you are like this is what i can have and that's it. so you pay attention. >> very simple. if i don't give it to you on your list you can't have it during that time. >> okay. >> and no one gets the same plan, but people can start right away. if people come in and visit your office get that customized plan they can they are that motivated. >> absolutely we do your evaluation, give you your information. you leave that day with everything you need. >> phenomenal i love that. consultations right now are free to the first 25 callers which is really, really exciting. be sure to mention the morning blend when you call 855-burn-fat right now. the first 25 people will have a consultation for free which includes that scan. it's (414)269-5683 you can go to
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their office is close it's right by mayfair mall in wauwatosa. the first 25 people that call will be very happy to get a free consultation. thanks jen. great to see you jen. affordable insurance options for people with low income and
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welcome book to the morning blend. today we're going to tell you about a healthcare plan that was created with certain people in mind and it includes medical, dental, vision and behavioral health coverage. >> the special healthcare coverage is for people who are disabled, frail and underserved. dr. linda ellis is the chief medical officer of icare or independent care health plan. good to have you here. >> thank you good to be here. >> i think a lot of people hear that and they think i need to know what makes eye care so special or unique for me? >> it's special because of our members and also because of our staff. our members all of them are at 100% or below the federal poverty level which means not only do they have a lot of healthcare concerns they also have a lot of social concerns too. that effects access to healthcare, what makes eye care really unique is that we have a model of care that focuses on the members. it is member centered and it is
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we have staff from social workers, counselors, nurses, nurse practicers and these are teams put together and they can focus on a member's needs whether it be health or social. >> what i think is wonderful about what are you doing and we kind of want to explain the partnership too is that, you know when we say that your focus is on the underserved your focus is on people who are often margin alized by society and thinking about them not getting the coverage they need and probably deserve. it's w kind of formed so what it includes, is partnership between humanna, the wisconsin health organization and the milwaukee center for independence which is nonprofit. right? >> that's correct. it began in 1994 as a joint venture between those three organizations currently it is humanna and ncfi.
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profit and a nonprofit that allows us to support our members. >> when you say under the poverty level is that a certain salary number? >> the federal poverty level is something that the federal government puts together every year. it does offer an income level where you would be eligible for medicaid benefits and medicare benefits and they use it for the marketplace as well. >> what about the rating you have the 4.5 medicare star i think it's a testament to how great our care management staff are. the 4.5 star rating is one of the highest you can have. what it really looks as is the ability of the plan to provide quality, and to perform to serve the members and so when we have a 4.5 star rating like icare does you're doing a great job. it shows our members are excited about our plan, in the star rating the members actually
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care that they are being provided is, and also the pharmacy benefits are. as well as how we deliver long-term care services and also how we support members for preventive health. >> i think it's great. how do people usually find out about yound what are the additional benefits that go along with the membership? >> well we have exciting benefits and for any additional information on that they can call our icare number and talk to our customer service representative. one of the things that excited to offer in 2017 is weight watchers. >> that's cool. >> yeah so our medicare members will have free vouchers to weight watchers. also silver sneakers which is a fitness benefit. so again that's promoting preventive health and we're also offering a chronic disease management program which if you have diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, cardiovascular disease very challenging diseases that our members face and a lot of people
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those are challenging when you have other social conditions to work with as well. our care coordination model mixed in with this chronic disease management program will help support our members for acute medical needs and also help prevent them from going to the emergency room, or having to go into an inpatient hospitalization. we're really excited to offer that for our members. >> it's exciting to think that is out there. i would think part of the challenge for you is just getting in awareness that you even exit. through all of these wonderful programs coverage as well as additional benefits that people if they qualify can take advantage of. >> oh, yeah. it's exciting and exciting to offer things like telle health and modeling that traditionally haven't been offered. they sometimes areargin alized and don't have access to care and icare is changing that. >> people can call to find out
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qualify. >> that's correct. absolutely. >> you can help them identify whether or not they are eligible for the program and the additional benefits which is wonderful. people can care icare to find out more toll free (866)939-9472. for more information. be sure to ask about the extra benefits available at icare too. you can visit them online too. icare -- wi .org. great to see you happy holidays. up the most enjoyable ways to relieve stress. we'll tell you about a new way to make certain bedroom
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welcome back. the holidays can be fun, but the stress adds up. >> here is a great list of helpful ways to relieve stress. healthier you this season. lifestyle editor clint carter says for starters keep stress at bay. >> the holidays maybe the most wonderful time of year, but for many they can also be the most stressful. are you dealing with travel and gift buying and heightened expectationses all around. >> other tips. >> set aside at least 30 minutes a day and hopefully an hour to focus on yourself. use it to work out or to medicate or go for a walk and do some deep breathing exercises along the way.
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difficult, you're just trying to vent off some of the stress hormones so you have the energy and clear mind to deal with everything have you to deal with. >> what else? >> one of the most enjoyable ways to relieve stress is in the bedroom. some studies have shown that sex can help reduce stress. >> for some stress can become stressful rather than fun if you are watching the clock. 89% of men want to last longer in bed and 80% resort to unreliable methods such as thinking about grandma or baseball. tricks and distractions and address the issue head on. >> don't be afraid to talk to your partner. it's all about communication with your significant other. being open can help reduce some of the anxiety that can make the problem worse. >> there is also a new product that can help. >> ky has come out with a product that helps men last longer it's called ky duration spray for men. it reduces over sensitivity so you can ditch the distraction
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>> visit to learn more. >> you will be assaulted with cookies and sweets this holiday season and those things can have a big impact on how you feel. so keep healthy snacks around to curb your cravings. now is a good time to introduce a daily afternoon apple or handful mixed nuts it will keep your blood sugar steady so you don't resort to junk food. focus on drinking more water. staying hydrated gives energy. since it takes up physical space it will make you be less hungry. >> these small changes can make a huge impact. >> also exercise try to get at least 20 to 30 minutes every day even if a brisk walk in the morning. >> finally carter says you must be your own health advocate. >> make sure you get regular physicals each year. odds are your insurer covers it and your doctor can spot problems long before youan. all right. scotty minute i wouldn't want
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[laughter] >> let's take a look at our art's cameras plus picture of the day. >> check this out. laurie sent this wonderful photo of her grandson leo. leo and his dad had been outside in the co cold. she had hot chocolate waiting for them in a nice big morning blend mug. >> looking good. to send your own photo email along with information we can share with our viewers.
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welcome back to the morning blend. [laughter] >> you can't look serious when you are wearing that. >> i'm not. >> guess what is on tv tonight? on nbc tonight. >> hair spray. >> hair [laughter] >> look at us. >> you got to watch it. >> you got to watch it. it's a live musical along the lines a lot of people remember seeing sound of music. people also saw [laughter] >> a lot of people saw it. tune in tonight to see the live musical happening on your television. >> responses so we asked do you
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brad says i have a box in fact for regifting. i love it. emily one of our favorite people on facebook she said guilty. >> uh-huh. >> conconsider to connie, totall them to save it i don't want it. >> you said something like half of people. >> 45% of people regift a present. >> what i read is 85% say it is acceptable. so they maybe don't do it, but 85% s a few guidelines if you would like to regift. >> i want to know do you have to tell the person you are going to regift it? because on facebook these days they might see someone else having it. >> you don't have to tell them that's part of this. the key is is the gift regiftable? you should never regift something that is handmade, like a morning blend ornament that somebody made especially for you or something that is a one of a kind item. that kind of goes, a friend takes time to make you a scarf
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keep going. >> i love this. what is the condition, should be new, unopen and in good condition. the other thing is that regifters use commonsense. don't regift a present to somebody who gave it to you. >> or in the same friend circle where they are going to see it. >> that's the key they said remember who gave it to you. [laughter] i love that. >> that's happened. >> yeah. watch nbc tonight for hair spray live. tomorrow on the show holiday entertaining tricks to bes
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this morning on "today's take" the top viral videos of the year. you won't believe who's number one. plus why the royal family has everyone doing a double take today. and the ultimate gift guide for all the special women on >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. it's a wednesday morning, december 7th, 2016. al, tamron, dylan all joining together. we have cookies on the table. >> yes. >> because yesterday we talked about a christmas cookie challenge. >> you randomly mentioned a christmas cookie challenge.


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