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tv   Today  NBC  December 8, 2016 2:37am-3:24am CST

2:37 am
the winning powerball numbers. the powerball is 20, and a power play times two. >> john? >> it'll start out cold, 20 degrees and not get much warmer, a couple of flurries are possible, not accumulation until
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cold air sticks around all week, and into the weekend, and several inches of snow saturday night. >> just enough wind to feel it. >> definitely, colder next week. >> remember the warm fall. >> it was great. >> warmest on record. no windchills. >> second warmest on record. >> but it's over. >> i like that you're paying attention. >> i always listen for you. >> great football weather. >> >> such a nice guy. >> everyone's perfect guy. deacon is. and somehow jill talked us into wearing robes again. >> i'm not getting into a bathtub. >> not getting into a bathrobe. even for jill, who i'd do pretty much anything for. >> and the celebrating "hairspray" a fun edition of "who knew?." >> and sho'srazy. >> i love seth. i cannot wait for the musical, guys. it's live. it's got an audience, it's going
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do -- i don't know why, do really, really well. >> would you like some "words of wisdom." >> i think we are ready for some. >> if you make your business about helping others, you'll always have plenty of work. >> hmm. so true. never run out help. >> tt's chri-- he's french. >> allegedly. >> allegedly. >> what about jennifer aniston? what is it? >> jennifer aniston suffered a wardrobe malnction this we. she was screening. the paparazzi caught her with her coat and a tag on it. >> good for her. she's just human like the rest of us. >> and her placer is by celine, it's a european zeour calculato. u.s. size 6. >> which she n. shs much smallerhan that entlng owdith eure. tinier.
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so theyanetn. >> meaning joann lamarca. t ?3 >> or teet >> watch joann try t she'we k.?7 jimmy -- too late. >> doesn't do it are. >> she doesn't do it anymore. a guy named milo ventimiglia. i h sdt right.
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is us." he proved he's one buff guy. >> there's a scene in the movie, he's supporting his adopted son. pushdoing ps with his son on his back, anit was a bonding father/son experience. sohen he was on "ellenhe told ellen, i can do the same thing to you. so she said, oka >> put him to the test. >> let'se a look. >> just put my legs on the ground. you can float them. here we go. ready,et? t meo ke wan going? [ ch am o mi. b[?g >>he tried tre vor. tk >> fir of al s did two that >> oh, my gosh. r
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does kind of look like justin when he was just signed. so -- we understand that he's dropped a single. >> cruz released his first single, it's a christmas song called "if every day was christmas." keep in mind, he is 11. take a look. ? what i can run to when i'm feeling down ? life is all good when you're around ?
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and from the passes beating you right now i'll take you home ? >> girls are already swooning. >> you know those 10-year-olds. >> it's happening. >> good for him. his mom victoria posting videos of his singing on instagram like most proud mommies do. >> so amy schumer is fighting back. >> and she knows how. >> over it. i love this. she is over it. she's been chosen to be barbie in the barbie movie, upcoming barbie film. a bunch of haters went on social media to pound her. iconic doll. she posted a bathing suit shot of herself, this is not the one she posted because we couldn't get the rights, but another one. this is her in a bathing suit. >> too expensive. >> thanked everyone for kind words of support and writes this -- my deepest sympathy goes out to the trolls in more pain than we will ever understand. >> uh-huh. yeah. i want to thank them for making it so evident that i am a great choice. it's that kind of response that
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we know that. and we all need to work together to change it. >> she adds -- she'll continue the fight for anybody who's been bullied. >> the thing, the whole point, she is a different looking, doesn't fit in barbie world and goes into the real world and discovers she has great value as an individual. so it's got a great teaching moment, but -- >> sure. >> who was -- i think -- somebody used to say, don't worry about it. hurt people hurt people. a nice person's never going to things to -- so you can always feel compassion for people that are hurting. >> right. >> you know? and they lash out by trying to hurt other people. >> and i was conflicted whether or not you should call out people saying that kind of stuff, because i watched someone we love retweeted something and i not going to say who, retweeted a mean thing saying i feel sorry for you. why are re even listening to those people? acknowledging -- >> empower them when we listen to them.
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>> she says we need to laugh at haters and sympathize with them. >> yep. yep, yep. >> all right. an important question. >> yes. >> is it okay to keep certain things from your partner? secrets? so spoke to a psychotherapist and broke it down this way. anything you would not keep from your best friend, you should not keep from your significant other. >> so they're looking at it the opposite direction. you're best friend, your husband, boyfriend, that's an issue. a list of things is okay to hide from your partner. >> you think somebody's cute but no intention on acting. >> totally agree. >> nobody's business. or someone hit on you, but you did not reciprocate. >> totally agree. >> agree. >> both will make your partner unnecessarily jealous and create a problem if you happen to run into that person and stuff. >> you did not rebuff, you were not interested. why would you point it out? okay. what if it was your husband's good friend? or your boyfriend's really good friend? then would you say something? >> i would. >> i would, if it was that.
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i don't know. every situation -- >> depends. >> try not to criticize parents, wisdom. if you don't like his mom's lasagna or dad's never-ending stories, let it go. >> eat the lasagna. >> eat it anyway. >> don't reinforce insecurities. for example, if they're bad at karaoke, don't need to keep pointing it out. always losing everything, you know? like, i know. >> and don't have to point out their best friend from childhood is annoying. they probably know that, too. >> exactly. >> all righty. we want to give a big, quick "everyone has a story." ? everyone has a moment ? >> no. is this a standing up moment? >> depends on how much of the song they're going to play. ? in that moment ? nothing will ever be the same ? again ? >> and if you have a story that is uplifting or inspiring or just fascinating we do want to know about it. especially if it has something to do with sharing kindness and
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we have to do it quick, beauhav thing. go on the website and, please -- >> we should point out "this is us" airs on tuesday nights on nbc, not thursday. i did say thursday? >> once in a while we get something wrong. >> every now and then. not often. heading down to the bluebird cafe. >> we had such a good time. we catch up with the stars of "nashville," and guess who's joining the cast? we are! >> right after this. ??the itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. down came the rain and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep numberetting is 25.
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nce. manolo! you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? it's dry... your scalp? mine gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and... ...keeps youp to 100% flake f??ree so good! my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. ess u why take medines that onh la12 hours? let'is. why take medines that onh oh, how was the open house? did ap oh, do it lateropen house? mue am ing. my creree.
2:49 am
edit karma. give yourself some credit. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ? look up at a new day...? hey guys!
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it's not secret i've been a huge fan of the show "nashville" for a very long time. i was bummed after the thing was canceled after four seasons. >> we have good news. come january, nashiesl get to see a new season of the show and on cmt. we were invited behind the scenes and got appear in an upcoming episode. >> before we show you what happened in "nashville" get you
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connie britton plays rayna james. >> fabulous. >> veteran superstar, returns around the record label, highway 65. who's next? >> that's deacon played by charles esten, singer with a heart of gold, sometimes can not escape his sordid part and he and rayna just got hit. >> and playing maddie and daphne. >> adorable. >> maddie is deacon and rayna's love child. don't worry. everybody knows about the secret and daphne's daddy is in jail. used to be the mayor and then he died. >> lastly, scarlet and gunner, played by claire and sam, called the exes. >> you know why? >> because they broke up. >> yes. >> scarlett dropped the l bomb. >> love. >> on -- >> on gunner again. so now we've got to wait to see what happens. >> got all that? take a look at the trouble we got into down in music city. ?? >> look at this. >> oh, wait a minute. is this it? >> world famous -- bluebird
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original. doesn't it? >> it really does. said it's an exact replica. >> says the best songwriters in the world pass through this door. darn right. >> there you go. >> you guys have been singing together for how long? >> since, honestly -- >> so long. >> so long you can't remember. >> always just sang together. >> we're in the bluebird. >> yes. >> the famous bluebird. >> and feel we should be sitting here watching you two, sing. >> yeah. come on. >> okay, fine. ? i belong with you, you belong with me you're my sweetheart ? i belong with you, you belong with me ? [ cheers and applause ] >> whew! >> hoda, you must be freaking, you're such a huge fan of this show.
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oh, wow. how about rayna? sniffing flowers. >> you want to be rayna. >> there's a lot of -- >> and why don't you put your finger in a pear? something fun. >> by the way it is kind of cool. the whole kitchen. >> rayna and deacon are getting along these days? >> yes, they are. >> that's good. is his temper under control? >> yes. i think they've made out here many times. >> deacon, tell us -- >> oh. >> hello. >> going through our kitchen. >> yes. hoda, look, left a thumbprint in one of the pears. i apologize. >> no. was that you? >> tha >> we're doing a scene with mazy stella not long ago and could not resist putting our thumbs in though pears. so how soft -- mush. so -- you're not the first. >> mazy. >> they are awesome. first of all, we're so happy you're back on tv. >> cmt themselves said that "nashies" like you are why we brought back. it wasn't even close.
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>> you and connie have crazy chemistry. right? >> well, you know, it's so funny, because -- >> either that are or great actors. >> she's a great actress. she's amazing and i was a fan before i even met her. ? you surrender to me ? >> unlike other shows, where they watch the show, done, remember it. with us, they get music they get to take with hem. >> so intertwined so creatively. >> uh-huh. >> i've always agreed. never a thing you're doing a scene and now here's the song. never like the button on the fabric. woven in. >> for my character, the thing where, maybe not, he doesn't want to say too much. so, but you put him behind a guitar and -- >> exactly. you hear his heart. >> hey, guys. >> there she is! >> hi! >> how are you? >> oh good to see you. >> nice to see you, too.
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>> i do believe you're in nashville. >> when you were cast for this, singing was obviously a part of your job. did they say, okay, connie, let's hear you sing before we say yes? >> no. if they had, i probably wouldn't be here right now. >> that's not true. they knew you had done regional theater stuff. >> yes. i had a really honest conversation about it and i said, i used to sing but it was a really long time ago. i haven't sung in probably 20 years. but i would, you know, i would love the challenge of that. i think it would be a really, really ein do. and they were both, like, let's take a chance and let's see. >> artists she can count on. >> she can count on us. >>y you guys will be in our show? in your show. >> yes. >> any pointers for interviews, you two crazy kids? >> like scarlett seems so weird. ah, don't look at me, most of the time. >> expect many takes? >> yes. >> i would guess.
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>> not really. >> pregame. >> and -- go. >> okay, everybody. let's get ready for rehearsal. >> how do we do it. >> all: day after day? >> they're going to have to wait to see us, hoda. don't want to spoil it showing our entire cameo, but you'll get to see it a lot sooner than later. we can't even say when. >> "nashville" starts back january 5th. so glad they're back. >> and celebrating tonight's "hrs knew?" right after this. whatcha doin'? just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhhhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it. just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. huh, so i guess i could just check my credit score then.
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credit karma. give yourself some credit. sorry about that. delsym helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working.
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it is wines day wednesday
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she's in the orange room with today's viewer question. who's it from this week, joy? >> this week the question is from jen in massapequa, new york. she writes if i'm stuck eating at the food court while shopping at the mall what is the best choice? jen, i have simple solutions coming up in a few minutes. so definitely stick around. and now, back to you, ladies. >> all right. we got -- i can't wait to hear the food court food. going to be good, joy. all right, see you later. if yiou have a diet question for joy go to and hit connect button. back to you, kath. >> a performance by the hottest new name in country music, kane brown, hoda. >> and get out your gift list. jill has presents for the person touch for the person with everything. >> and brush up on your show tunes. >> why? >> celebrating the best of broadway with a game of "who knew?" >> after your local news.
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oh, it's actually... sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) i'm being so serious right now... i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... sfx: (balloon squeals) hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah. happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours?
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it's wines day wednesday and we're ready to play our weekly trivia game "who knew?."
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"hairspray" live on nbc. to get you in the song and dance spirit, that very loud music, we thought it would be fun to test your knowledge of musicals. hoda's across the street at the shop at nbc studios and 30 rock ready to hand out $100 to anyone who gets the questions right. for those who don't, guess what? even better if you don't you get a signed book set. and here with me is broadway host extraordinaire, one of the nniest guys on the planet, seth rudetsky. straight to ho. >> what is your name? >> carol from orlando. >> you watched the first "today" show, when? >> january 14th of 1952. >> our original viewer. here we go, honey. what movie is the highest grossing film adaptation of a broadway musical? "sounds of music," "greece" or "chicago"? >> i hate this, but i think it's "sound the music." >> "sound of music." is she right?
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oh, yeah. i would have said that, too. but it's wrong. what is it, sweetie? >> it's "greece," a mega hit and inside scoop for you, before john travolta got the role, do you know who was offered it? henry winkler. turned it down, too much fonzie and -- >> right. back to you, hoda woman. >> your name, sweetie? >> chris. >> from -- >> >> this year musical "hairspray" about young tracy who wants to dance on tv. who does harvey firestein play? tracy's father, mother or brother? >> if i answer it right, i won't get your -- book. it's his mother. >> his mother. yes! [ bell ] [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. harvey's the best. a little damage. more scoop for you. who did the movie, do you
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i -- >> john travolta. >> yes! >> before even that happened. the first practice audition, nathan lane. inside scoop! >> there you go. only seth knows all this stuff. hoda? >> your name? >> madonna. >> perfect. you've got to finish a lyric. ready? to this famous pop tune featured in the broadway show "on your feet." ? what's happening to you ? and before this night is through ? ooh, baby ? >> rhythm is on the beat! >> the rhythm is gonna getcha! come on, baby. >> too nervous. ? rhythm is going to get cha ? >> i love the way hoda chooses any key. i love that. >> what was worse? the lyrics or hoda's singing? >> hoda sings fine. sings fine. just pick as key she likes. >> bravo, hoda. you still got it, in quotes.
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because she got "the rhythm is." >> she got it? >> right. >> it's. ? the rhythm is going to get cha ? ? >> next one? >> what's your name? >> spencer. >> okay. according to billboard, which had the highest chart debut? "le mis," "sound of music" or "hamilton"? >> i'm saying, "le mis." [ buzzer ] >> yes, yes! >> they're excited because they're getting a book. >> you can buy a book with the money! >> that's true. they could. >> all right. so the answer is -- "hamilton." >> of course. "hamilton." "hamilton," first musical with rap. what was really the first musical with rap? 1957? ? well you got trouble with a capital t ? >> "music man." >> yeah. so, so great. sorry, everybody over there. he was so great. come on back, hoda. >> i love you to pieces. a great show on sirius xm. and catch "hairspray" tonight
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give your friends and family something special this year, jill has personalized gifts for everybody on your list, whether they're naughty or nice, right? >> right! i love that my shop if the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid for pain relief that can last into the morning. ? look up at a new day...? hey guys! now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
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let sinus symptoms because you've got a lot of cheering to do! get fast sinus relief...with vicks sinex. and get your head back in the game. sinex. the congestion, pressure, pain
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with 2 1/2 weeks until christmas and hanukkah, you probably still have a lot of people to shop for. >> personal gifts are always appreciated. >> here with a shopping bag full of fun ideas the one, the only -- >> all: jill martin! >> hi, darling. >> i'm so excited about this segment. i feel like you could get the best gift. i'm really excited. start with the robes.
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these are pottery barn. just faux fur, comfy cozy. all kinds of different iterations of it. i want to take a nap. fabulous. pan down. this is a splurge item. had to show these. $199 but handmade. if i could have a picture of blake, hoda's dog, you've seen a million pictures of. blake has been turned -- you know what i mean? into slippers. so it's funny. we were talking before about how he'll react. >> freak and start growling but i love them. >> and then bambino. >> this is bigger than bambino. >> yes, they're bigger -- >> little bam. >> how much are these? >> 199. they're a splurge, hand made but i had to. >> and shutter fly.
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top moments from 2016. >> oh, my gosh. >> the whole family and moments we took often your social media. not to sound creepy, and then put them in the book and told a story of them. they have all different ones. grandma's brag book, for your mom. >> oh, my gosh. going to love that. >> fantastic, jill. and still not, too late to get these? >> no. everything delivered in time. one of my favorite gifts in this memory game. >> i can't. >> which i made cassidy and cody, a little old for his this, but hannah and ellis, you have to match up, match up the pictures. >> adorable. >> so cute. >> that is next level. jet set candy. make any price point you want with this. look at your wrist and neck, which you didn't realize i put them on, probably. it has everything that represents you that i know about you. dubai, a tag. a tag for l.a. wine, obviously. >> obviously. crab for annapolis, maryland. >> oh, my gosh, jill. >> and do one charm. send the charm for someone to
3:14 am and under $200 for uncommon goods. what i love about mom. a mini book. fill in the things you love. >> fill it in yourself. >> i'm humbled by your -- you learn different things about your family you wouldn't normally know. >> that's great. >> you can't see up there, but these are doormats. [ laughter ] they're music. so i have kathie, i have joel and hoda. the kotbs. >> i love ella, side one. adorable. >> i can't handle this. >> connect four, that's personalized. >> what? >> look. your names. >> and ella and hannah and cassidy and cody. connect four, need to get four in a row, personalized. is that fabulous? >> oh, jill, john, g.d. and marty. oh, my -- >> wondering, i think that's her family. >> yeah.
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anyway. and this has everything that represents someone's hobby. there's lipsticks, there's -- look at all the different things here. >> candy? >> it's chocolate candy. >> all of it? >> yeah, and delicious. so there's all different price points, comes in a beautiful box. it is the ultimate gift for a foodie. >> you are the ultimate gift for us! >> yes, you are. >> you know what? is there more? >> no. i'm so happy. with all -- with everything i brought for you. >> these are awesome. thank you, jill. >> he's become one of country music's fastest rising stars with five number one hits. >> a performance right after this, kane brown. >> come on, kane. >> bring it, bring it, kane! ? everything she does she does
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jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick onto the shag carpeting... ...and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll.
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because all his belongings went up in flames. jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. visit and see how affordable renters insurance can be. delsym helps control the impulse to cough for 12 hours. which means, you're controlling your cough on your morning commute. and later when you're joking with beth... even when most cough medicines stop, delsym is still working. delsym. the #1 12-hour cough medicine. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies.
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi.
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un newcomer and you're about to see why. >> we love our kane brown, whose performances racked up more than 100 million views. and his debut album is called, what else? "kane brown"! >> had to work hard for the name. >> yeah. >> great name, might as well get it out there. >> it's a self-titled album, if you listen to it, you learn about me and learn about my, the biggest many home town and what you're sing about now? >> yes, ma'am. >> you're heading out on tour, too? let people know. >> i'm on tour. always post on my facebook where i'll be. >> go out and see kane brown and
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? mr. jackson cuts his grass after church on his tractor listening to the country countdown ? has three-chord sessions giving lessons never guessing, we go from dive bars to so cal ? he just smiles can't help but grin when he turns that dial on the f.m. ? here's an old friend he can't believe it ? ain't that what it's all about, what it's all about, yeah ? all i want to do is make my hometown proud, make them turn up proud waiting for it to go down ? all i want to do is make my hometown proud, going to give them that sound ? everybody's talking about ? that same old same old southern poise ? still got that same old, same old southern poise ? we're singing now, all i want to do is make my hometown proud, make my hometown proud, make my hometown proud ?
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the fashion and the tears, man, it paid up a ? all the places that we see all the people that we immediate it feels like a dream we're living on ? it ain't the lights and fame it ain't the smoke and flame ? it's that sweetheart that's on my mind ? all i want to do is make my hometown proud, they can turn it up loud ? put them windows down ? all i want to do is make my hometown proud going to give them that sound ? ? everybody's talking about with that same old, same old, same old southern poise ? still got that same old, same old southern poise ? we're singing now, all i want to do is make my hometown proud, make my hometown proud ? make my hometown proud ? we're singing now, all i want to do is make my hometown proud, make my hometown proud ? make my hometown proud ? ? every song, every way and every move i've ever made ? >> that's right. northwest, georgia! where y'all at?
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move, everybody babe ? >> the "today" show! turn it up! come on! ? all i want to do is make my hometown proud ? make them turn it up loud with rolling those windows down ? all i want to do is make my hometown proud ? ? going to give them that sound, everybody's talking about ? give them the same old, same old southern poise ? still got that same old, same old southern poise ? ? we're singing now, all i want to do is make my hometown proud, make my hometown proud ? ? old mr. jackson cuts his grass after church on his tractor only after listening to the country countdown ?? >> whew! yeah! >> yes! hometown. >> kane brown.
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>> go out and see the guys on tour all over the country. makes you want to crank it up! right? y'all are awesome. does all that holiday shopping make you hungry? >> joy's got your snacking solution and diet s.o.s. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> that was awesome! so catchy.
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it's time to get answers l?auti wt]an to know wha they're
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>> they're waiting for joy's diet s.o.s. questionf the week. >> joywhat's som vierey'rs n ea shoppingre tifanhepi head overo ve ?< liforn pizchen. th ve.ped witt ofh a lo two ic?x you could paio b bi grigeden chiad. pizza, panda express, grilled teriyaki or beef and bccoli or there u . y g y,> iv wles ot gs donor -- ll: drum roll,lee. >> it's ura monan d r kids. >> denny and mckenna. hi, ki. >> y guys e liklph lauren a >> yes, you do. >> what have you donated today? >> we are donating over $150,000
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?n >> it really is. thoseinds of gs -- p >> why is it so important for of year? >> we fe i int for families to have safe transport for their children. >> and how abo your tes? higu?? >>. youdy for christmas, the lidays? >> y >> do u knowt ntyowa christmas? >> aaptop to do my schoolwork
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>> nice talking to you. >> thank you, guys. >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the hurricane spin scrubber, brought to you by bulbhead. cleaning the tub is a backbreaking chore, and you can scrub your tile, but it always needs more. there has to be an easier way. from the makers of the best-selling hurricane spin mop comes the all-new hurricane spin scrubber, the new cordless and rechargeable power scrub brush that cleans faster and easier. even t d no match for spin scrubber, blasting right through the grime, sparkly and clean every time. it makes quick work of calcium, soap, and hard-water stains. clear and clean in seconds. the secret is the rotating brush spinning at 300 rpm. the incredible torque can bust through any caked-on crud with ease. so forget harsh chemicals. now restore the shine and luster of any surface in a flash, and you'll never need batteries, because it comes with the latest rechargeable technology. coming up, you'll see


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