tv Morning Blend NBC December 13, 2016 9:00am-10:00am CST
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good morning. today gifts that pair perfectly with books. >> plus teaching the kids the joy of giving. the best option for retirement, but there is a catch. how the right plan can provide a tax free stream of income next ? ? [ music ] ? ? ? ? it's like a holly day. we got holly filling in today for molly. good morning. >> happy holidays everybody.
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before. >> never. not once. >> ever. >> good to have you here again. >> thank you very much. >> it's kind of fun every time you are here we talk about fitness because you are teaching all of these great classes and helping people get fit. this time of the year that's all people are thinking about is staying on track. >> besides the food that is throwing them off the track. >> the food the gifts all of that. molly had found this a while ago and we saved this for you. these are myths on the best and i wanted to run them by you and see what you think. it's something you have, show off the guns have taken pride in. there again here we go. >> the first one they say, the best way, you want the best or the worst first? >> let's start with the best. >> the best way they say is to train like an athlete. they say really have a purpose to everything you're doing. >> that's very true. i think you have to have a goal and you have to have a goal that is measurable and a goal that is
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you never want to compare yourself to anybody because we all come built differently and have different performance levels. >> it's so hard you see one you want to look like you are going i'm doing the same thing why don't i look like that why is that? >> because you didn't come with their genes. >> doing what you love. doing a routine you like will be the reward itself verses the meal afterwards. >> absolutely. if you're rewarding yourself with the thing you are trying to beat, then you are ultimately wa if the thing that you love doing is a reward in and of itself then yes you are always going to want to keep do it. >> the best thing is to eat the cake don't cut out the things you love. >> eat the gosh darn cake. always. first of all, find moderation. that's rue true about exercise. you don't want to exercise overly this time of the year you will just make yourself sick and unable to fight off viruses, but you want to make sure you are
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of time. don't take away the things that are meaningful for you that you enjoy. >> especially when you are enjoying those with friends and family. >> they say here are things you should not do. >> okay. >> no pain no gain. they said sometimes if there is pain you should know it's not good for you. >> yes and i always tell my students know the difference between pain and burn. there is a very big difference. your body will tell you this is not right you should stop doing this. >> and listen to it. >> exercise to lose weight. >> n exercise to be fit. exercise to be strong. do not exercise to lose weight. that should be a benefit of feeling good and being able to make your life better. >> i have so many friends that say i work out so i can eat blank. like i work out so i can have pizza or i work out so there is that kind of i guess it is finding balance. >> it is finding balance, but also you don't want to lose weight anyway. you want to wear those jeans that's what you care about.
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weight that's not true. there are ten exercises that burn more calories than running. if you are not losing weight work harder work at the level suitable to your body so you can lose weight. >> soundoff today do you paint your toes this time of the year? reason being there is a percentage of us that do not. and we'll share that a little later in the show. before we move on with the show let's take a look at our art's cameras plus picture of the day. this adorable photo comes from viewer cindy schmidt. from the wisconsin humane society ozaukee campus. she is only 6 months old and loves the christmas tree. >> cutie petooty. >> can cats and christmas trees coexist i saw that article the other day. if there is someone with two legs or four you think would be need to see on tv email us at
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gift the person who set going the gift pretty much knows it's a book. this is a book. >> for years our next guest has been coming up with creative ways to pair other gifts that coordinate that book you are wrapping and everybody knows it with giving. english professor, author, book reviewer extraordinary carole barrowman is back. this is one of my favorite segments i look forward to every year. >> it's getting harder and harder to be creative, but it's onof i start saving things like now for next year. that's why i have actually got a lot of the props we were looking at while you guying were chatting. >> i like it. >> i love to do this because, it seems like everybody loves a good book, but it's just really nice to get that extra thing. >> you do feel like it's just not enough. >> i know. >> and it should be, but you feel like it's not. >> it further personalizes it too. it says i know you would like
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about you too. >> the first book is really for you tiff. >> thank you the children's book? yeah. [laughter] >> i feel like i have read this in someone's bathroom before. >> you may have. i snagged this last year and i thought i am keeping this for tiffany. [laughter] >> this is the bad little children's book. >> keep that shot. i also want to show you the other titles on the back. >> is t she throwing u happening? >> the back of the book is my first boob job and the little grandma. >> my grandchildren would never put their grandma in a trunk. [laughter] >> oh, my gosh. >> actually these are hilarious. they are really really funny. and of course i paired this with my favorite t-shirt every year i too to have a t-shirt. this is why it's a children's book.
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i know things. >> there is another version of this. >> yes it's from the game of thrones. yes i asked for it for my stocking. >> i drink and i know things. >> it's a line from game of thrones. i like to have a t-shirt i have signed that is a really good t-shirt. >> that's clever. you can wear that more places than the other one. >> that's probably true. that's my first pairing for someone that is a reverent in your gift list. >> that would be great for a gift exchange. >> i'm not your manic pixie dream girl? >> this book is really really cool. it's a young adult romance, but if anybody else viewers like romance it's funny and it's smart. and you will feel really hip because look at that title. i did not know that a manic pixie dream girl was a stereotype. a thing. >> i never heard of it. >> it's a thing.
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i'm imagining one of the like some of the young girls like your exgirlfriend only not her. right? >> uh-huh. >> the opposite of her. i picked that and i paired it with this lovely little necklace i found and actually this is really cute because it could work for a young adult. it also works for anyone you know that is a book lover and you can personalize it and put their initial on there. >> that's really cute. >> where did you find that? >> it's on your website. we always list all of the websites i found these things. so viewers can find them that way too. >> that's cool. the next one the bad ass libraries of tim buck too. >> bad ass and librarian alone is great. this was nonfiction.
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librarians. it's a true story of real bad ass librarians. >> that is awesome. >> how many times can we say bad ass in the mortgage? -- morning. >> it's an amazing story. here the perfect gift i found for this. can you have name desk plates or anything made out of scrabble letters on this site. >> that is cute. >> that is really cute. >> you can have your name made.o say bad ass librarian. there's four times. there really quickly in the company of women this is more of a picture book right? >> this is my coffee table book. in the company of women, this is the stories of a number of women entrepreneurs. >> show how thick this is. >> you are going to be so inspired by these women. what i would pair this with is a
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artist and buy something from a local woman entrepreneur and pair it with this book. >> that's really smart. a great idea. >> that's a really neat idea i like that one a lot. >> it's beautifully photographed too. every walk of life, every career is covered in this. if you're not inspired by this book then you're not a bad ass librarian. >> no way. >> we were talking this morning about every day is a new day. if you can pick this up and read about inspirational every day. >> seinfelda. it's the back story about seinfeld. i paired it with seinfeld monopoly. >> great idea. >> the puffy blouse is a little figure. it's one of the little game pieces. >> oh. >> that would be good for my husband even. >> those are great ideas thank you carole. do you like getting books as gifts? >> it's my favorite thing. >> even when you have all of these books that people give
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intimate personal book you can give if you picked it and thought about it because it means you really know me this is the perfect book for me. >> like when someone has read it and passes it on. i still like that as a gift too. >> barrowman you have a give away right? >> three christmas mysteries that publishers said to me. why should they stack up on my table. i'm going to let a viewer call in and win all three. >> caller number 7 will win. (414)799-4444. those three mystery books could be yours. do you still make your tree out of books? >> i have, but not this year. we're not going to be home this year. thanks carole. you're welcome. we have a lot more coming up. how many miles do you think the average person walks by the time they are 50-years-old? coming up we'll give you the answer and discuss the importance of your foot health. whether you are 25 or 65 we'll tell you about something you should be doing for retirement right now.
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it is specifically designed to provide toys for kids who otherwise might not receive anything on christmas. it's a huge undertaking and this year they expect to collect 20,000 toys. >> that's right the program also teaches very important lesson teaches kids how to feel joy by giving to others. here with us now are two students from port washington high school, cordy larsen and sara grover and sophie dimmer. good morning everyone. >> good morning. >> thanks for being here. this is exciting i love when you guys are her the coolest programs. just give me a overview. we talked a little bit about the fact that it is kids giving to other kids talk about the program how it started and what exactly it does. >> we're in our 11th year. proud to have been doing this for many years and really two goals of the program one like you said is to teach children the spirit of giving and the other is to reach out into the community to those less fortunate, help the kids that don't have a shining christmas and make it easier for their parents. >> you know what is great too,
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young women asthma as, mature ae kids. you have been, student drivers of this program for quite a while. talk a little bit sophie first about what the experience has been like for you. >> i actually started last year it was amazing. i just jumped right in. it is really cool to see all of these kids giving to everyone else who are less fortunate. it is so much fun on the day of to see it all come together on their faces it's like the actual north pole. >> oh. >> say someone, somebody wants to come out be part of the event they want to bring a gift. what do they experience on saturday? it's going on this saturday. >> this saturday, that is actually one of our favorite parts is going in and that day they will get to see like six or seven different rooms that are all set up and themed differently so there is a zoo room, a doll room. all different themes and the boys as they get donated get
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looks like christmas everywhere. it's so exciting to walk around and see their faces and see what is happening in those different rooms and they can also expect some live entertainment on that day. we have some different choirs and bands coming from area schools so, there is cookies that are somehow always warm. i don't know how they do it. but the cookies are always warm. so, that's kind of what you can expect that day. >> i saw a reindeer on santa or reindeer there? >> this is not santa's domain this is the community bringing the toys in. but we have live reindeer, ice sculptures. hay rides, arts and crafts care choirs from the area. at 11:00 there is a convoy of first responder vehicles that comes from all around the area and they partner with businesses, and their groups to bring in thousands of toys themselves. that is really cool then they
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in that's a pretty cool thing to watch. >> are you telling me there might be a fire truck because my kid would be so into that. the whole first responder thing that's his big deal right now. he's a little boy. so the history of the toy drive this has been going on how long? >> 11 years. >> obviously bigger and bigger every year. so 20,000 is what we're hoping for, but we're hoping to knock that out of the park. >> we need to push this over people. come on. we've been doingea 20,000, but with over 80 businesses and schools participating we just got it push it. we have to get 25,000 this year. an easy way to do that we have set up a new website which makes it really easy for people that maybe can't bring a toy to the martinnizeing dry cleaning or culvers location they can make a donation. we'll turn those dollars into toys. we'll shop for you it's so easy. the girls have done this for you they have gotten a couple hundred dollars and they go out
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>> you get to shop? >> yeah i'm telling you volunteer it's good. >> can they drop off something as simple as a deck of cards or what are you looking for? >> the toys range in different types. we have some things that are as simple as a deck of cards or a match boxcar or something. other things that go all the way to bikes or big toys like that. so, we'll take all of them. it's not about what type of toy you bring, but just, we said teaching the value of kids and people in our community and being able to see our neighbors and our friends receive those toys. >> that's great. >> it's a great opportunity too to teach your child in the process of shopping for those toys. because they are not shopping for themselves they are shopping for somebody else. i know with my son that is going to be a barrier to breakthrough, but if we can do it that's a lesson they will carry with them which is obviously something you are looking to impart having done this 11 years. >> what about volunteering.
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i want to help out i want to shop for other people. >> sure and volunteering that's how these girls got involved. again the website. >> you are looking for kids. >> we are looking for kids. that's it. >> 18 and under you consider kids? >> kid, kid at heart. >> we take groups too. we have girl scout groups, sports teams that come in. it's not just the day of this whole week we have thousands of toys coming in from locations. your schools and different go to the website it's a simple click at to kids toy volunteer here. >> that's the number 2. kids 2 kids toy drive. >> this saturday the 17th. kids 2 kids toy a couple dropoff sites culvers and martinnizeing dry cleaners. >> thank you so much for being here guys. >> thank you very much.
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all right welcome back to the morning blend where we transforming your health with columbia st. mary's. did you know by the time you reach age 50 here's the answer ready, you will have walked about 75,000 miles on your feet. >> what? >> some of us will experience some kind of foot pain at some point of our lives, but when does it become an issue that requires a doctor's visit. dr. mitch hulbert is with going to address that very thing. >> the whole mention commerciali have been hitting up dr. mitch for information and i got to tell you he is already a wealth of great stuff. but you know a lot of people put off their feet because, i don't know why, it's one of those things it's a thing we use every day it's got to last us our whole life, but we tend to deal with the pain. talk about some of the actual
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and you see effecting people. >> we treat everything involving the foot and ankle from fractures, sports injuries, number of diabetic problems that come up from ulcers to just pain and neuropathy. >> a lot of people just have pain in their heel or in their foot so that could be a bunion, it could be like plantar fasciitis. >> yes. >> you will tea treat all of t? >> being in the fitness industry i see foot issues a a lot of times you don't have to be an athlete to deal with these things, but you do see it a lot in athletics, but what about numbness or swelling of the feet what is that attributed to? >> it is a lot of times different. it could be a cardiac problem. it could be an injury, a fracture, a tendon rupture or retention of fluids from too much salt intake. >> for diabetes and
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they end up impacting your foot care. >> a lot of times those things will starts with the feet. from the numbness in the diabetics. swelling in the feet and ankles that can signify some sort of cacardiovascular problem. >> what about arthritis. this is something i teach a lost seniors i see a lot of issues with arthritis. >> arthritis basically when the cartilage goes away between the joints and that bone on bone rubbing is causing pain. in nonsurgical patients a lot of titimes you can use an or thoughtic. >> that can be as easy as an insert? >> yes a lot of times can you get an over-the-counter one. we can take an over-the-counter
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something that can really help the patient. >> how about athletes. you want to be fit, you want to be doing things active in your life, but what can you keep into consideration to reduce foot problems in the future for yourself? >> we talked a little bit about no pain no gain before and that burn. if you have a foot pain that doesn't go away with rest, ice, compression and elevation you should see somebody. >> say that again i heard from a foot doctor yesterday, rice therapy stands for? >> rest, ice, compression and elevation. >> that's such a important thing to remember for someone. give that two days. if it gets worse in that time or not getting any better then it's time to see somebody about what is going on. >> okay. >> you talked about getting into wears heels and things like that which we have questions about,
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with kids teenagers, i know my brother grew up with flat feet and we didn't realize it until he was playing sports in high school later it had a huge impact on his knees so it might be something to evaluate. steaking of that, wearing heels should we not be doing it at all? >> some people can probably wear them their entire life and not feeling anything. but other people if you feel the pain, you are altering the biomechanics of your foot. the muscles are pulling from your leg and things are altered and might cause a deformity leading to pain and arthritis. >> that's such a bummer it's a societial norm for women to wear heels and to know it's not realistic not healthy that's a good place to start change. how about sandals. i always think about in the summer even if you go on
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flip-flops are so flat. there is never anything you are wearing a wedge that has any support. >> regular flip-flops that are floppy and you can bend them over with your hands anytime you are evaluating a shoe if you can take your fingers and twist it easily it's not giving any support to your foot at all. >> you're basically barefoot. >> yup. >> and also wear shoes that fit your feet. this is something in athletics it's really a major problem people buy the wrong size shoes for whatever they are doing. >> investment you don't want to get rid of the shoe so you deal with the pain that can lead to a bigger problem. >> i think some people don't see a podiatrist because they don't want to wear those ugly shoes that you think of, but inserts have come a long way. there are certain ones can you wear with dress shoes. some you can wear with any shoe besides a sandal.
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>> can foot pain lead to other problems like holly alluded ankle, knee anything else back. >> it can. it doesn't always. the foot itself has a lost different movements available, but when you take those movements away it goes up to the ankle, knee hip then the back. >> a good reason to see dr. mitch hulbert. here's the information so you can get an appointment with a podiatrist at columbia st. mary's. call 414332 docs or at columbia -- st. mary's .org. i'm going to hit you up for more info in a bit. after the break many financial advisors consider it the best option for retirement savings. up next we'll tell you about this tax free stream of income. and we'll take you to a secret location in new york to
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my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear,
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ight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists.
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starting to hear it if they are not doing one, they understand they need one. what exactly is a roth ira? >> a roth ira for example, a traditional ira, once per year you can take $5,500 and put that into bucket over here. when you take that out at retirement that is taxed. with a roth ira, what you can do with that you can take money already taxed like i go into my wallet put the money in there. money that is already taxed. you take that money put it into a roth ira that growth tax out it is not taxed it is never taxed. the taxes are done. so at retirement even at 70.5 when you have to pull your other money out the roth ira that doesn't apply you can pull it out when you want. >> one thing i heard that depending on your age, that's how you choose a roth verses a traditional is that true or not true? >> not really. why say that's more for like social security things like that. for roth ira i always want people to start earlier.
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example if you were to graduate from college and only do a roth i ra until 65 you would have $.1.7 million. when you pull that money out that's $1.7 million you have there is no tax. >> so you want too to keep all f your money. unlike other retirement accounts you do have access to the money in traditional you don't. >> at lot of people have their put money in there, but you're not very due diligence. all of the sudden there is nothing in there. with the roth ira we're putting money in every year, but you do have access to contributions at any time. so say, five years from now i needed access to my big lump sum of cash i can take money out of that roth ir my contribution not the growth or the interest. the contributions you can pull out at any time. should something happen that you need to pull that money out you can do it. >> you can do it. >> what about how long you can
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retirement accounts at age 70.5 you required to stop putting money in. >> correct. >> how does this differ or does it not? >> it does differ. for this you can continue to put money in. a lot of people at retirement when you have your i call it the go go then the slow go and then the no go years. >> the what and the what and the what? >> go go, slow go and the no go. >> what am i in? >> you're in the go go. >> before those years when you are growing towards your 80s and 90 money too much. you can still put money in as long as you have that earned income. if you are doing an advising job on the side or whatever it may be you can still put money into that roth ira. >> can everyone do these accounts is this for any age anyone with any amount of money? >> there is two things. if you are single it's about
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if you are married about $190,000. >> what does that money mean? >> income per year. between you and your husband, if you make over $198,000 per year, they say you can't do it. okay. >> gotcha. >> there are kind of -- >> i don't make over $198,000 a year. [laughter] >> eventually if you get to that point there is a way we can get around that. >> okay. [laughter] >> always consult a tax advisor, but there is once per year can you do a conversion. by doing that conversion you can still put that into a roth. >> it sounds like regardless of how much you make you can help people. >> or somebody has ira's or 401(k)s you can do conversions in roth before retirement to set up that tax free income at retirement. >> here's my issue. it's confusing. >> it is confusing.
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whether you are really good at numbers or know nothing about investments can you do it with as little as $100 a month or $20 a month or up to whatever you can contribute? >> as long as you are putting something away i like clients to get going earlier. whether it is $100 we can make monthly contributions towards the roth ira. >> so no judgment there. >> the hardest part is getting people in my office then we have that conversation. >> anything to give so why should i do it? >> it compounds quickly. >> six advantages of a roth ira are you get tax free income and retirement, roth i ra's offer flexibility. you can contribute after age 70 and a half, your children benefit, >> your children benefit. if you work with the estate planning attorney i refer you to, paul i will give him a shoutout.
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that money on one of the tools we use. >> highest earners have that backdoor entry and many advisors consider it the best option for the roth ira. the best way is just contact you right? >> just contact me. call me. shoot me an email. that's less intimidating. my wife always wants me to say that because it's less intimidating to send that email. >> think so too. here's the phone (414)332-2137. if not email matthew at matthew.holbrook at country you can find matthew there, he will make it easy, break it down he will stop and answer questions. if he is talking too fast just tell him i don't get it go over that again and he will. he's great like that. up next these hollywood stars are wearing the hottest trends if jewelry.
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us there is no shortage of sparkle. >> they revealed the ultimate jewelry gift guides check this out. >> hey milwaukee it's that sparkly time of year again. award season just around the corner and holiday shopping and engagement season in full swing we're talking about the it diamond jewelry on everyone's list. >> i was behind the scenes at forever gift event. we're going undisclosed location in new york city. this is what made the cut. trending right now in hollywood two stone diamond jewelry. we saw the look on claire danes and tatiana at the emmies. now you too shine twice as
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piece with a hint of sparking. give that special someone a head start by building their jewelry collection with the classics. go for every day studs, tennis bracelets, eternity bands and dangling earrings. what do you get for the person who has everything? being unveiled tonight for the first time, forever mark black label collection. certain to light up that most extraordinary person in your life. these diamonds are optimized for light performance and symmetry. they sparkle more than any o diamond. what so special about forever mark diamonds they are incredibly rare and responsibly sourced. less than 1% of the world's diamonds are worthy of the inscription. a unique number also identifiable as your very own. since we're on the topic of sparkle it is engagement season why not pop the question with one of these spectacular engagement rings. that is what i call the ultimate gift.
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visit forever all right after the break, a quick way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and it works in just minutes. >> stay tuned we'll be right back. if you're living in wisconsin, and covered by medicare and medicaid, here's something important to know. now you could get even more health benefits than you already have. it's the unitedhealthcare dual complete lp plan. and since you have both cards,
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its and medicare gives you some, too. but a dual complete lp plan can add even more benefits and features compared to original medicare. you'll have lots of doctors and hospitals to choose from, prescription drug coverage, and other important benefits. like routine dental exams and cleanings for a $0 co-pay, $1,500 in comprehensive dental care, and rides to and from your doctor or local pharmacy. you'll even get a health products catalog, , like vitamins, oral health items and first aid kits. and best of all, with this plan, there's no additional cost to you. remember, if you live in wisconsin... and have these two cards, chances are, you could get a dual complete lp plan. so call now to talk with us and learn more. or ask to have a licensed agent visit your home
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unitedhealthcare can straighten things out. with over 30 years of experience, you can count on us to be there all along the way. with a dual complete lp plan you'll have a wide choice of doctors to choose from, prescription drug coverage... dental care, and rides to your doctor... all at no additional cost. you have medicare. you have medicaid. you may be eligible for dual complete. so call the number on your screen now from unitedhealthcare. welcome back. we're always looking for ways to
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>> earlier molly had the chance to talk about a relatively new product to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles under your eyes without surgery or down time. check this out. >> there are lots of reasons for us to get dark circles under our eyes not enough sleep, allergies for some it may even be hereditary. they can make you tired or older than your age and look that way. here with revolution ways to treat the dark circles is lifestyle expert ski. we're actually going to be seeing a realtime lapse video it is untouched and it demonstrates how this new product called plexaderm writes. >> it's so great. what it does is pull moisture to the surface of your skin while it tightens your skin. that's why those bags we're getting rid of them. it's very exciting. >> what we tell people is anything on your face you are worried about a line, a crease. the bags the puffiness.
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moisture to the surface while it tightens your skin that's how it gets rid of those and works throughout the day. you put it on once during the morning and you're good to go. >> how long before you really see the results of it? >> we have ritchie applying the cream. we can show you through time life how it works. you dab it under your eye clean dry no prep work which is something i like. men as well as women nothing to think about put it directly on your skin. you will feel it working immediately. the reason i like the time lapse it ritchie his struggle is the undereye bags. he has the physical bags under his eye. >> that's what i have too. >> it's frustrating it doesn't matter how much moisturizer or makeup they are still there. that's the issue. the great thing about this when you asked how quickly it works can you feel it working right away. within a minute you can see it decrease. go >> for sure. the eye on the left is exceptionally different from the eye on the right where you still see large bags.
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people like really ten minutes tops is when the full spectrum happens. we say put the cream under your eyes your creases forehead lines whatever you want and dry your hair, brush your teeth. if you are a guy you don't want to moisturize don't. if you're a woman and want to go ahead. make sure you use a moisturizer without oil. we offer serum if you want that in addition just make sure you are >> then can you put makeup over it. >> yes because who doesn't want to do that. i don't want it get rid of my bags and not wear makeup i don't go to my mailbox without makeup. it's at the ten minute mark where it is the full impact of whatplexplex does. plexaderm does. you just put it on your skin and let it do its thing. >> this video i have seen go
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product and people have tried so many different things. tea bags some people use ice. one thing that is important for us to note this does not involve a doctor visit, it does not involve injections of any kind. >> yeah. it is very exciting this is brand-new technology they have been working on this for a while. they actually took some of ingredients from the shell rock, clay from the shell rock and that's how they formulate it and that's how it works. pulling up the moisture which is really important. >> that's why you have there. >> that's why i have the rock to show where it comes from and why it does what it is doing. the distinction is the formulation of being able to pull the moisture to the surface while it tightens it that's why those bags go away. we're not covering them up. >> here's the cream right here. we're going to explain the serum in a moment. >> exactly. what i really like about it there is no prep work, no doctors no thinking about. they have been working on this for quite a while.
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because it works that's what we like to do that time lapse video so people can see remember not just the undereye bags lines, creases, forehead lines anything you want to fill. >> taking a look at the video again you can see after several minutes it has diminished even more so it looks perfectly healthy. >> that's the other thing too. remember because you are pulling the moisture to the surface of your skin that's why no everyboy needs lotions. that's the issue i my skin is super dry. we want to pull that to the surface. the other thing about ritchie he is a friendly guy, but we asked him not to smile and the reason he did because we want to see the face exactly the same as before and after. >> okay. >> because obviously if you smile it changes the effect. we want you to see it how that bag has gone away because that's really important we're not covering anything up. >> let's look at before and afters. other demonstrations of this product plexaderm really working
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>> can you stand it i know. >> he has huge bags that looks like almost impossible. >> huge. yeah. >> same with this woman and dark circles. >> every kind of skin no matter what your issue is remember we're doing the same thing at the same time, pulling the moisture, tightening the skin. that's what you want and you want it done in a natural way. that's what is exciting. >> could you do it on the eyelid? some people have puffy eyelids too. >> anything bothering you that you feel like you want and see what works for you. for me i don't know why the lines bother me so much. they shouldn't. that's my thing. for people with bags that's a really important. >> you do that one more time. >> this is me this is my thing. this is what i worry about we all have our things. i didn't like the big indentation i just wanted it so be softer. >> beautiful. the serum we mentioned is the one with the hyaluronic acid which is something you would recommend if people want to
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the under eye cream because it doesn't have oils in it. >> yes. put this on clean dry skin and if you choose to use a moisturizer stay away from the oils we don't want it to dilute the effect of what plexaderm is doing. everything has a 30 day money back guarantee so yeah. >> special offer too. this is exciting thank you so much. moisturizing the skin is easy too. getting under the eye bags crows feet, wris disappear from view is remarkable. that's exactly what that does. this morning blend special for plexaderm is happening right now. you get the plexaderm and moisturizing serum 40% off plus if you buy two, you get the third for absolutely free. call toll free right now (800)865-8214 or you can go to great to meet you. >> great to meet you. >> thank you so much. all right thanks molly. after the break we're going to
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leg shaving not so much. >> i love what linda said she's like remember how your mother always told you should wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident. this is the same theory you want a doctor or emt to find out you have bad toes you have to have the pretty toes. >> emily does it for herself i still have to look at them while putting on my footy socks. >> shave your legs too. >> skip both of them. >> thanks holly for
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this morning on "today's take," want to get your hands on a hatchimal? we're giving away the hottest toy of the season. stay tuned to win. and presents for you understand $50. and fun with the tv icon henry winkler our co-host. perfect! coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this "today's take," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, welcome to a tuesday morning, december 13th, 2016. we are so happy that henry winkler is back. i even made some more cold brew for everybody. >> yes! cheers! >> good morning. and to you. >> yes.
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