tv Today NBC December 15, 2016 2:37am-3:31am CST
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getting up into the single digits. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. it's wines day wednesday. it's hump day. it's -- >> all of those things. >> december 14th. "perfect illusion" by lady gaga. i think her mom is with us later. >> cynthia, here with us. doing so much to spread kindness.
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the more -- lady gaga is becoming the more you know, the more you like. joining us in a game of "who knew?" >> and sang like an angel op america's government talent" six years ago. now jackie evancho is a global superstar. she's 16 years old now, so precious. taking the stage today with il volo, the italian singing sensation. >> earlier, a surprise announcement. we won't tell you now but let her tell you later. >> very exciting. if your kids despise getting dressed up for the holiday, love. >> that's later. >> and ever wondered from the salvation army kettles go, we're going to show you. it is part of your book. >> remember the good books, i think it's coming -- forgot to bring it up. there it is, kristy. thank you so much. remember the last two seasons? something i self-published and it's -- it's all about my home
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somebody told me that nobody would ever want a book like this. i self-published it because i wanted to give every penny to the salvation army. thanks to you, raised more than $1 million 500,000 for the salvation. good news. still have about 150 of them and i have 50 at my house. i am willing to sell every single one of them. $65, every penny goes to salvation army. make is a nice, clean 100 for the salvation, but we'll accept $65. >> by the way, it's a great book. not only do you learn more about your life, it's also, awesome, recipes and stuff. stuff andy's cooked, joy bauer. >> scripture and about celebrating your life while you have your loved ones with you. >> on that note. words of wisdom. shall we? here we go. the bad news is -- time flies. the good news is, you're the
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>> how about that? >> just talking about that. >> we were just -- funny. you know how -- >> i said to our friend, it's going too fast. i said, but -- slow it down. >> you are at the controls. you are at the controls. >> or are we? we all age one second at time. the same rate, but -- >> yeah, yeah, we do. >> sad this morning to wake up, speaking of, like, sort of surprises. you guys have seen by now. >> yes. the passing of alan thicke. he was 69 years old. one of these people, been on different shows as of late. you keep seeing him on "this is us." they did a reboot of their show, all of the -- and a bigger than life personality. always filled the room, didn't he? >> yeah. >> a multitalented guy.
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they say he was one of the great, great dads, television dads. >> no kidding. >> yeah, yeah. >> said he loved that role, wrote a parenting book years ago, great advice for kids. said he was playing ice hockey, he loved, one of his passions with his son, 19-year-old son carter and he endeup know, love them while you have them. >> yes. >> in an instant, someone can be gone. not forever but temporarily. >> yes. all right. >> and we are going to have a little contest. i guess we'd call it, a little wine bot. >> a little wine bot, yes. >> a moment this week the internet went crazy when two ryans were photographed together. ryan reynolds and ryan gosling. you never see these two together. >> two fine specimens. >> both at the critic choice awards. >> both had a little facial hair happening. >> okay. so, ryan reynolds beat ryan gosling in best actor category. "deadpool," gosling for "nice guys." fans debating, who do you prefer? team gosling or team reynolds?
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>> i said reynolds. >> i did, too. >> we're both -- okay. here's what we'll do. read what it says in the thing. it's klghoda gosling or klghoda reynolds. thatow while we're watching the wine flow, okay? we're going to talk to you about the two different ones, because ryan -- >> they're both really accomplished guys. >> what's the difference, do you think, between the two? >> i don't know ryan gosling. never met him. that i know of. i think i would remember it, although at my age, not so sure. when you meet ryan reynolds you never forget it. >> facts, both canadian, ryan gosling, younger, 36. ryan reynolds is 40. 36. both actors have two kids. each in a committed relationship. >> uh-huh. >> ryan reynolds, he's the one on the right, he has the highest grossing, higher grossing films with "deadpool" $360 million worldwide. >> gosling critically
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globes. >> gosling red and ryan reynolds is white. >> and ryan reynolds is -- winning, but not necessarily -- it's early. >> not by much. some people like -- ryan reynolds seems like the funny, george clooney-esque kind of guy. gosling, more serious, in a sexy kind of way? >> i wouldn't kick either one out. >> exactly. >> a big winner on "the voice." 37-year-old country soul singer sundance head. >> his name, sundance head. >> and runner-up, billy, turned aspiring pop star. >> very talented. >> blake shelton. >> he's on fire! >> his fifth time. >> his fifth time, and sundance joined onstage by his wife, three kids, mother and father. dad is texas musician roy head. but be their rear last night. and back in 1965. >> big hit. >> you weren't even born.
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like -- kiss loves the other head. i mean -- they all are into him! by the way, he won 100 grand and a record deal. >> the first of a lot of money. >> the guy with the beard that's braided. >> and with us tomorrow. >> i love that. >> can we just see -- i didn't -- >> let's see bruno mars performed last night. >> let's see. ? look out now, oh, showtime, showtime ? guess who's back ? again, put your -- get up players only, come on ? ? move ? >> oh! >> hoda knows every word! >> i love -- >> a fine, fine, fine musician. >> oh, my. >> promo, check it out, a cross between "fuller house" and "friends." >> gwen stefani returning. take a look. [ laughter ]
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turn it around for you ? promise to see you through ? >> simpler times. oh, carson! ? turn it around for you ? >> "the voice" returns on nbc. >> genius. >> a simpler more incident time when shows were like that. >> yes. >> neil patrick harris, showed you how son gabriel -- gideon, excuse me. his christmas list to santa. >> asking if you count mine sending in your kids' christmas lists before they went to the north pole or take a picture. we got a bunch. a couple we picked out. christina, her son the brody's list wants big robots but we also love he asked for a stuffed dog for his baby brother. >> good. already learning how to share. that's sweet.
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asley's christmas list. >> asked what santa wanted and asked for these things. >> then a lot of it. [ laughter ] >> or these -- soothing spa for your feet. hatchimals. huge, a cartwheel. >> oh! >> and then peace on earth. >> or peach! >> and end of the letter, wrote, "go gators!" >> we'll share more tomorrow. okay. all righty. wh >> the most talented singers in the world, in the world, taking our stage. jackie evancho and il volo, a christmas classic for us. can't wait. >> all grown up there. our children -- oh! the hashtag "#justrobbedthesafe" so, what are we supposed to think? switching to geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance.
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geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance woo! because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, straight years, and it's still recommended today.
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generation. >> so talented. jackie evancho wowed the country six years ago at the 10-year-old breakout star on "america's got talent "and releasing platinum and gold records ever since. >> and late effort album "some day at christmas" jackie teamed up with our favorites, italian singing team, il volo. >> and gianluca, piero and boy." >> what they'll sing for us. >> hi, everybody! >> first, jackie, you have an announcement to make this morning, don't you? >> yeah. so i was asked to perform by the president-elected to perform the national anthem at swearing-in ceremony at the inauguration. >> that's a little tiny -- >> what a -- >> wow. >> 22 billion people watching. >> wow! that's -- what did you think when you got the call? >> i was very nervous.
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>> but you know what? i'm really excited. i am so honored and i can't wait >> she makes a habit of performing for presidents. you performed for president obama. >> the smartest combo. >> i know. right? >> so long to think of this. this was good. >> are you guys -- discovering that more and more young people are discovering classical music and starting to become fans of it? >> this is good, because this is what we always, it was our goal. to carry on the tradition, and also to bring our music and around the world, as we are doing with our latest album, a tribute domingo. >> here they are singing "little drummer boy."
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[ applause ] >> not a dry eye in the place. >> what just happened? what just happened? going on the road. >> all righty. latest album -- how do you say it -- [ speaking in foreign language ] >> that's what it says. >> the three tenors out now and back with another song on december 23rd. >> plus catch jackie on "america's got talent" holiday spectacular december 19th right here on nbc. so proud of all of you guys. oh! >> it's official. >> august. >> thank you. >> first row? >> on the stage. >> on the stage. >> uh-oh. about to drum up great stocking stuffers for kids. >> get out your naughty and nice list, santa! drastically. ?? i tried hard to quit smoking. ?? but when we brought our daughter home
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ve nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq? every great why needs a great how. ? ? ? this is the time ? ? the time for harmony ? ? let love be the song ? ? that everybody sings ?
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? it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ? >> santa, in case you're watching, we thought you might need help for the stocking stuffers are boys and girls and all the treat they love? >> here with ideas for little kids and teens with good housekeeping, lori -- >> like my holiday present. you say my last name. love it. thank preschoolers, little kids and then teens? >> yes. i'm going to pull these out and hand them to each of you. these are from ta-da. >> ta-da! >> ta-da! >> bobby slides. they come in different days of the week. $8 at target and the other thing we love about these, when you
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united nations foundation's girls charity called girl up, which empowers young women. >> that's great. >> $8, getting something super cute and doing something good. >> a great cause. great. >> excellent. >> okay. >> this is for boys and girls. >> boys and girls. >> hand these out. these are snow markers. you're little and made a snowman, did you ever wish you could color it? >> oh, my gosh! >> now you can. >> what? >> right. >> i never had anything as a child. it was so long ago. >> and put the powder in, shake >> all good for the environment. >> yep. all good. you're going to love these. >> why? >> partially because they're called, schwings! >> shoe wings start at $5. you put them on your shoes. >> on your shoes. >> little kids, you can be like a little superhero and they have these for adults. >> look at the lightning bolt.
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>> now we're moving on to big kids. we have the splendid nail dryer from qvc. >> go for it, hoda. >> adorable. >> $14. >> then for the boys, these old navy plush slippers, in their monster feet. how fun! >> those are cute. >> right? >> and then we love these lush bath bombs. if you guys want to open one of those up. >> yeah. put them in the tub. >> $5. the thing we love about these, is that they are not synthetic. all-natural vegan, and great for the ba >> getting older yet? >> and teens. getting older. statement rings. i was -- these are statement rings, available at abercrombie, teens love to wear bling. really fun. >> cute. >> this, i think you'll love. >> what is it? >> which is -- acts of kindness cards. you can see, i'll hold one up. buy a stranger a cup of coffee. hand them out then record yourself doing it. upload it so everybody can share and see. then pass it along. >> very sweet. >> i bought someone a cup of coffee.
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>> you got it. >> i did it. you got it. >> then go on to -- do you guys know the cards against humanity game so popular with adults? it's appropriately inappropriate and now for teens to get teens off of screens, talking to their parents. >> ah! >> funny, awkward conversations, like we have blank makes me have nightmares. my allowance is going to -- blank. start chatting it up. >> thanks, your little dudes and dudettes. >> oh, after your local news.
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rockefeller plaza, and handing out a signed cd if you don't get the answer right and $100 if you get it right. sending a holiday card to a deserving stranger, for instance. here with me, i'm very excited, co-founder of born this way, lady gaga's mom, cynthia germanotta. congratulations everything you've done. traffic is heavy and kathie's over there. i think she's re >> 20,000 people. >> kath, me and lady gaga's mom are ready. >> all righty. look at this beautiful family from virginia beach, virginia. which hit song did lady gaga sing the following lyric, promise i'll be kind but i won't stop until that boy is mine. from perfect illusion, paparazzi or born this way? >> "born this way." >> no. but that's good, because you get the cd!
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>> the correct answer, cynthia, is -- "paparazzi" yeah? >> yes, it is. it guess on to say i'm your biggest fan. i'll follow you until you love me. there's not always a great relationship with the paparazzi, and i think she wanted to show that one could be built. so it's, i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me. >> do you have a favorite lady gaga song? >> hard to say. i have to say "born this way" she talks about our discussion in the beginning. >> across the street to kath. >> according to forbes, which couple hasiv money for charity, bill and malinda gates and the zuckerbergs or furstenberg's. >> a.? >> yeah. a lot of money. >> she's right. correct answer, bill and melinda gates. how much do they give? >> they have donated over $32 billion to charities and organizations. they gifted $28 billion of their own monies created the bill and
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what i love is that they partner with organizations around the world to deal with very serious issues of health and impoverishment and are an extraordinary foundation. >> awesome. kath, across the street to you. >> lovely girl from georgia. finish the lyric, please, to this tim mcgraw hit. listen. ? say please, say thank you, don't steal, don't cheat and don't lie ? i know you got mountains to >>? humble and kind ? ? >> yes, honey. good for you. there you go. >> that's a great -- i have an idea. what about tim mcgraw and lady gaga singing that, a duet? >> she loves tim and faith nap song, a number one hit in june. and my favorite part is that the lyrics were actually developed, i think it was lori -- mckenna who actually wrote it. >> she wrote that song, yeah.
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wanted her children to know and so what great values to instill in your children? i mean, we should all be singing "humble and kind." >> gorgeous. kath, over to you. >> from huntsville, alabama. this 1987 movie stars eric stoltz and lea thompson. a kind of a funny story. cruel to be kind, some kind of wonderful. >> number three. >> yeah! >> oh, my gosh! all right. "some kind of wonderful." >> yeah. >> i think it was a wild guess. >> i think so, but it worked. >> congratulations. this film, a teen love triangle.
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on the inside than the outside, and i think that is so important, to not judge people by what you see, and beauty really coming from the heart. >> sure does. you taught that to your daughter and you guy, teaching that to everyone. >> my mother taught that to me. >> congratulations on the efforts and great work you're doing. we love you. come back and see us anytime. wait, does this mean you're going to have to get a job where you like, tuck in your shirt? and carpool to work with people who are all like, and go to meetings where you pitch brilliant ideas and win the respect of your peers? and have to try to fix that annoying copy machine? dude! did you check your credit score? yeah, i signed up for credit karma. see. but i was thinking... if we both work on our credit, we could by our own record shop. so down! so down. credit karma. give yourself some credit. ziploc presents: cafeteria chaos. school lunch can be difficult. one little struggle...
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>> how are you? >> excited. we have the cutest kids. >> can we start with velvet? >> yes. come on out. >> we have ashland and alana and little sammy. >> hi, guys. >> they look fantastic. >> they do. velvet is so great. you can take a simple piece and make it look really special. we have ashland wearing a purple vet velvet coat and little sis >> darling. >> i can't handle it! >> tammy's little girls. >> they are. this is $33, you guys? >> what? >> and bargains now and then we have sammy, who is looking dapper. >> hi, sammy. >> a velvet blazer and velvet bow tie, slim fitting pants. blazer from zara and found cute shoes at zara, velvet sneakers. >> stop it!
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thank you, guys. bye! >> you did a good job. >> bye-bye. >> awesome. next trend is metallics. asher and molly. >> yes. metallics are so hot now. i love them. you can go really big like we did with molly wearing a gold, sequinned romper. $50 from mini bowden and paired it with a velvet cape from dill ard's. and from zara, $50. kept his outfit simple. all eyes on thco >> and look at, tie's undone, totally cool. >> i know. a lady's man. okay? guys, thank you. >> thank you so much. >> now we have suede and leather, hot, right? >> suede and leather. come on out, guys. >> who's next? >> the big girl my beautiful daughter audrey. >> very pretty. >> when it comes to suede and leather, doing faux with the little kids. a look for a lot less money. >> esla and cole here, too.
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>> audrey is wearing faux leather leggings, $20, to $30, paired with a t-shirt from gap and a cozy pink sweater and a faux leather skirt. $17 from target, you guys. >> that's adorable. >> so cute. >> paired it with a sweater from the gap and patent leather shiny shoes. >> how cute of those? >> shiny patent. >> from zara. >> hey, cole! >> over there, cole, might not be able to see, wearing suedes. >> got a runny nose. >> i do, too. >> we all do now. >> i know. it's okay. it happens. >> put him in h & m pants and a cute shirt and then cool leather bomber jacket. >> wow! >> cool. >> i love your outfit, cole.
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>> now we have -- grandson mack and the lovely rayna are here. come on out, kids. >> these kids are too much. they are absolutely adorable. >> hey, mack. >> this is a tone on tone look. >> i can't. >> physically layering the same color makes it easy to shop for these guys. aren't they cute? >> adorable. can't handle it. >> the dimples on mack are killing me. >> old navy, $12, you guys. another pair of really cool sneakers from zara and layered on gray button downs. love this look for him and rayna is looking so gorgeous. a zara plaid burgundy dress layered with a fur vest and popped on accessories, good to go. >> can everybody come out? we need another look. everybody come out. yeah! >> shop all of these looks you see here, head to >> you did a great job. >> all right. how one family of seven got their christmas wish when the salvation army stepped in. >> their incredible story. you don't want to miss this. will really inspire you, right
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home for the holidays is created with our sponsor the salvation army doing the most good. they certainly do. this time of year the salvation army red kettles are familiar sight on street corners across the country. >> ringing their bell, collect donations from generous people like you and do it in style here in new york city. >>e dollars travel to after they drop in the kettle you're about to find out. >> thanks to you. all of you and our sponsor one family spends christmas together in a place they never thought they'd be. their own home. >> reporter: a few months ago they could never dream waking up in their own home. the family had been bouncing
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to shelters. but now the family's enjoying life in this two-story sparsely furnished townhouse. it's not perfect but this transitional home has gotten them closer to the life they had before things fell apart. >> we were born in california. i met her in high school. had our first child, which was ricky. i started working at target as a cart attendant, from there got another job, video distribution, worked about ten years. >> we were a very outdoor family. the beach, disneyland, hiking. everything you can think of. >> in july 2014 living in california the family faced an unexpected turn ricky lost his job it sent the family into an emotional tailspin. >> from there we just -- the situation got very hard and we were staying from hotel to hotel.
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it was -- christmas was like -- really difficult for us, because my kids, i always was giving them everything and it was just a really sad christmas. >> we really haven't had a christmas in two years. >> christopher said this wasn't fair for us. he asked for, his christmas gift was to get a house. yeah. i'm sorry. >> after two y motels and even living out of her car, six months pregnant, they moved their family from california to phoenix and stayed with extended family and then a local shelter. a few months later things finally started looking up. >> i got a call, a phone call today before i actually gave birth from the salvation army. >> we have a list that comes out daily that shows all the
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name there and i called them, and she was ready to come in to a shelter. >> basically we had all our basic needs, like hygiene, clothes. they provided us with a crib and actually this blanket. it was pretty good. >> but with just a twin bed, crib and sofas it was clear the family needed more. we sent the family for a reunion with their case worker back at the shelter. while they were away, team salvation took over through its adopt a family christmas relief program. the family was in for a big surprise. >> we took over your house and did some things inside that we think you're going to like and enjoy for this christmas season. come on. follow me. here we are. >> oh, yes! >> oh, wow! >> you go into the kitchen and take a look there. >> oh --! my god!
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>> thank you. >> i don't know what to say. i'm in shock. >> what do you think? >> we're so happy! >> you pinch me? >> and we're actually going to have a christmas. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. oh, my god! >> so the great news is, ricky got a job as a chef's assistant and the family's next goal, open up their own restaurant because they love to cook and the christmas wish for the kids to be happy. >> okay. the most beautiful story ever. the salvation army is amazing. >> they're unbelievable -- so much good. please support them in your local area, please. i'm a mess. and deserving families and kids, right behind that curtain. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> oh, my god. that was beautiful. i really did save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico.
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and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. credit karma? why are you checking your credit score? you don't want to ride the 13l forever, do you? [woman laughing] credit karma, huh? yeah, it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns.
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do a quick check of the wine bot who your favorite ryan is. ryan gosling red, ryan reynolds white. >> ryan reynolds wins -- >> by two glasses. >> you know what? we love them both. >> yes. reynolds better. >> if ryan gosling would come see us. >> yes. >> thanks to everybody helping spread christmas cheer through our annual toy drive. >> who is it today? >> ryan clark from conagra brands and his little helper charlie. hi, guys. >> nice to see you. >> good to see you. what are you donating this year,
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$250,000 worth of food. >> what? did you say -- >> both: $250,000? >> worth of food. >> right. to the boys and girls club. it's a great day for us. >> sometimes we just think about gifts but there are necessities. people need to eat, too. >> there's a real need for hunger relief in america. one in eight families go with the year, please think about your time and treasure and charitable to go towards relief. it's a big thing for america. >> and merry christmas, sweetheart. >> okay. >> and don't hog the conversation. >> and happening until december 23rd. to donate on our plaza or online, find out more on our website. >> tomorrow, who's here? zach. >> and barefoot contessa. >> and our ambush makeovers. have an awesome wednesday!
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show. >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for tai cheng, brought to you by beachbody. >> wow, joy, look at these people! they love you! [ cheers and applause ] thank you! it's regis, joy, and i've got big news for you. if aches, pains, and poor balance are slowing you down, keep watching this show because we're gonna tell you about an incredible new program that's gonna fix everything. yeah! >> announcer: the facts are frightening. 1 out of 3 people over 65 fall each year, resulting in expensive hospital stays, loss of independence, or worse. >> i broke my hip. "oh, my god. what in the world am i going to do now?" >> announcer: the major cause -- aches and pains, which lead to immobility and poor balance. >> i am really afraid of falling again. >> announcer: but falling and losing your independence doesn't have to be a fact of life.
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