tv Up to the Minute CBS January 20, 2016 2:37am-4:00am EST
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done, walking them through the entire process, and giving them finance options so that they can afford dental implants. it's all about taking control of your dental health and joining isn't it? you more. it really is. you mentioned fear. fearful. they've had the fear of having a bad smile, the fear of not being able to really show their teeth in public. they don't feel like they've had any control over what their smile looks like, any control over what all these expenses have cost them and their family, both in time and money. and while we do help these patients regain their dental health, and we do have to talk about implants and we have to talk about teeth, really, at the end of the day, it's not about any of that at all. it's about freedom -- freedom from dentures, freedom from worrying about your smile again, the freedom to walk into a restaurant, order anything that you want, the freedom of getting
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>> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, please stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life and can never increase. did you get your free information kit in the mail?
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this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have called about this plan with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and because full benefits are not paid in the first two years your acceptance is guaranteed. you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit.
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human, the papayas became immune to ring spot. one of the final field tests was on perry's farm in 1997. in these photos, you can see the dead and diseased trees surrounding the healthy genetically engineered trees. >> and it grew beautiful. absolutely beautiful. and even to this day, there has been no breakdown of resistance. >> reporter: today american farmers grow about 10 different gmo crops including more than
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most are engineered to ward off insects or to resist weed-killing herbicides or both. that means, farmers can dramatically reduce insecticide use and when they spray for weeds, the herbicide won't kill their crops. and most of us eat gmos every day in processed foods like soda, cereal, chips, and cheese. and in november, salmon joined the list. it is genetically engineered to grow faster. and there are more foods in the pipeline. among them, a peanut, without the toxin that triggers deadly allergies. bananas, the main source of food for hundreds of millions of africans, that would become immune to diseases now decimating those crops.
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>> reporter: so given all that, why are so many people so owe posed to gmos? >> as a mother, and a scientist who has been looking at these, use for some decades, i am increasing concerned at the way corporations have gained more and more control and influence over our food system. >> reporter: she is a senior scientist at pesticide action network. genetically engineered seed are responsible for an enormous increase in the use of pesticides primarily herbicides. weed killers. people have a healthy skepticism to corporations telling us that their products are perfectly safe. we have seen that with ddt and tobacco for example. >> reporter: a lot of the opposition to gmos directed at the world's largest seat company, monsanto. the scientist says she is troubled that when farmers buy
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from monsanto they're locked into using large quantities of monsanto produced herbicide as well. and there is something else. farmers who buy monsanto's patented gmo seeds must sign an agreement promising that they will use them for only one harvest or be sued. farmers have done this since the beginning of farming. they raise their crops. save their seeds. and plant them the next year. so why push farmers not to replant seeds that are patented by monsainto from this year to next year? >> we spend a billion and a half dollars a year on research and development and there need to be some way of seeing a return on that. >> reporter: hugh grant its the ceo of monsanto. he says if farmers want to take their business elsewhere they have plenty of options. >> the grower has very little loyalty, very little from the best possible seed that produces the best possible crop.
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getting harder to sell. as consumes say they dent want gmos in their food. >> i want to say, no to gmo. and yes to healthy foods. >> we have no idea what potential health complications arise from eating diets richt in gmos. >> reporter: and some companies are reacting. chipotle, hershey, and whole foods, have or will soon ban or require the labelling of all gmos. the big question is -- is all of this fear justified? >> researchers are only just beginning to investigate the myriad of potential adverse health effects. >> reporter: like what? >> from gmos. the issue is we don't have the long term independent studies to be able to answer these questions fully. >> reporter: and this its the great divide.
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think gmos are unsafe to eat. but consider this. safe. and, prestigious scientific organizations, amok them, american medical association, the world health organization, and the national academy of sciences, all say hundreds of peer reviewed studies confirm, gmos pose no danger to health. a plant geneticist, and her husband is a certified organic farmer. >> reporter: has any study shown even as much as one person who has been harmed or died from eating food that was genetically engineered? >> there is not a single instance of harm to human health or the environment using genetically engineered crops.
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farmers have been genetically altering food for thousands of years using techniques like grafting, hybridization, and cross-breeding. look at corn for example. >> this is modern sweet corn. this is the ancient ancestor of modern corn. this corn produces 100 fold more grain than ancient ancestor which is not used anymore. nothing we eat has been engineered by nature. everything we eat has been genetically altered using human intervention. >> reporter: still the vast majority of americans say, gmos are different and should be clearly labeled. >> since the food are not labeled, we have no way to really ascertain what are the kind of impacts that people are having who are consuming gmos and those who are not. americans have a right to know what is in our food. and a right to know how it has been grown. >> reporter: and she has an
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the ceo of monsanto. >> we have been for voluntary labelling for quite some time. >> reporter: i am surprised i would think if there is one company that didn't want people to have gmo on a label when they walk through a grocery store, it would be monsanto. >> if we are going to be transparent we should really open up. to me that makes sense. >> reporter: what no one disputes is this. the controversy over gmos is creating an ever-lengthening approval process in countries around the world. take vitamin enriched golden rice which could help 250 million children who have a sometimes fatal vitamin a deficiency. >> we have to have food that is safe. what has been put into the golden rice, a pigment we should eat every day in carrots. as we impose regulatory hurdles that are not placed on other crops, many children are dying
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>> reporter: faced with increasing anti-gmo public opinion, the push to ban them is accelerating in rich countries. where there is so much food that obesity is a major health issue. yet their biggest impact could one day be in the increasingly delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information,
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your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now
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it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. it was 25 years ago this
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first rained down on baghdad. operation desert storm wrapped up in just six weeks when iraqi forces gave up kuwait. david martin looks back now on the lessons of the war. >> reporter: in retrospect the first gulf war seemed so simple. starting with this definitive statement from president george h.w. bush four days after saddam hussein invaded kuwait. >> this will not stand, this aggression against kuwait. >> reporter: after a build-up of 500,000 american troops in saudi arabia, president bush issued the execute order that turned into one of the most lopsided victories in military history. >> i was able to guarantee president bush that we would succeed because the iraqi army was sitting there in kuwait like a golf ball on top of a tee. >> reporter: colin powell joint chiefs of staff. >> our strategy to go after the army is very simple.
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then we will kill it. >> reporter: is it ever going to be that simple again? >> don't think it is. it is not lech that with a single guy with an army easy to defeat. >> reporter: do you think desert storm created unrealistic expectation as but what military force can? >> it may have in the mind of some. it didn't in my mind. i understood the nature of the war, how limited it was. it wasn't a model of what we can do in every other conflict that comes along. >> reporter: victory in the desert followed by parades. a new biography of president bush quotes his diary as saying "i have no elation." >> we had hoped that after dez rt storm -- desert storm, saddam would be weakened, taken down or quit. that didn't happen. that was a great disapin thement to president bush. >> reporter: at least the president said the united states military had finally risen from the ashes of vietnam. it could fight and win a war overseas. >> thank you, very, very much.
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glen frey co-founder of the eagles passed away monday. he leaves behind a remarkable musical legacy. anthony mason is outside the nightclub in west hollywood california where frey and his legendary band mates got their start. >> reporter: the troubadour is where the eagles were born, where glen frey connected with don henley in 1970 and the friendship would form the basis of one of the most successful american acts of the rock era. as front man and co-founder of the eagles, glen frey would help create one of the most
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music. take it easy take it easy >> reporter: with their blend of country and rock, the eagles scored four consecutive number one albums and sold 150 million records. >> we were serious about the songs and serious about where we wanted to take the band. but along the way, we really rocked and had a good time. >> reporter: a detroit native, glen frey met texas drummer don henley signed to the same label in l.a. and the two soon joined linda ronstadt's backup band as henley remembered when i spock to him last year for "cbs sunday morning." we wanted our own band, especially glen. he wanted to put a bond together that had four guys in it who could all sing. you can't hide your lying eyes
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>> reporter: formed in 1971, the eagles would become the best selling band of the decade. but the cost of fame proved too much. the eagles broke up in 1980 and frey began a successful solo career. the heat is on desperado >> reporter: then in 1994, the eagles reunited with the album "hell freezes over." the new kid in town >> reporter: and had been touring off and on ever since. will she still love you when you're not around steve croft talked to the songwriting duo in a 2007 interview for 60 minutes. are you guys friends? >> yes. >> yeah, yeah. >> complicated friendship i take it? >> a little bit like brothers. >> you know we are in business together.
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forever be associated. we might as well get along. >> that's the "overnight news" for wednesday. for some the news continues. for others check back a bit later. for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm michelle miller. trump gets his biggest endorsement less than two weeks before the first votes. also tonight -- demands for the resignation of michigan's governor over the water crisis in flint. >> we are all affected and infected by this. and they need to pay for this. a big winter storm is in the forecast for much of the east. and -- reinventing the carpool. by adding sound track. we could have had it all >> announcer: this is the cbs overnight news. 12 days before the first votes of the presidential election republican donald trump
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closest rival, ted cruz. trump won the endorsement of vice presidential candidate and alaska governor sarah palin, a favorite of tea party conservatives. it's the same trump who once questioned the patriotism of john mccain, palin's one time runningmate and former p.o.w. here's major garrett. >> governor sarah palin, special, special, person. thank you. >> reporter: donald trump's endorsement from the 2008 vice presidential nominee was a blow to texas senator ted cruz's bid to establish support in iowa. >> are you ready to stump for trump? i am here to support the next president of the united states, donald trump! >> reporter: palin backed cruz's 2012 senate bid to. day he took a conciliatory tone. >> oh, listen, i love sarah palin. sarah palin is fantastic without her friendship and support i
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regardless of what sarah decides to do in 2016 i will always remain a big, big fan. >> reporter: trump got a boost in iowa when terry brandstead declared he wants to see cruz, "defeated." >> i know the governor made a big statement that was appreciated by many. that was amazig. >> it is no surprise that the establishment is in full panic mode. we said from the beginning that the washington cartel was going to panic more and more as conservatives unite behind our campaign. >> reporter: cruz's attacks will have a tougher time sticking with palin at trump's side. trump reminded iowa republicans they haven't picked the eventual if he doesn't win iowa they will have picked quote, another loser. >> major garrett for us. thank you. residents of flint, michigan went to the state capital in lansing today to protest tonight's state-of-the-state address by governor rick snyder.
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up the lead that has poisoned the water in flint. a city of 100,000 predominantly african-american. here is adriana diaz. >> what do we want? >> clean water. >> reporter: governor snyder's address competed with this. [ chanting ] inside, he said the state can and will do better. >> i know apologies won't make up for the mistakes that were made. nothing will. but i take full responsibility to fix the problem so it will never happen again. >> reporter: it all started back in april 2014. when flint switched from detroit water to water from the flint river to save money. within weeks residents began complaining about the smell, taste and appearance. a year later, the city found slightly elevated lead levels in the water but said there was no cause for alarm.
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doctors found that the number of children with dangerous lead levels had doubles. leeann walters -- >> we were told by the state nurse, it is just a few iq points. not the end of the world. >> reporter: dr. mona hannasattica led the study on children. >> reporter: when you first saw the results of your study? >> right. >> reporter: what went through your mind? >> i think my jaw just dropped. how could we do this? and what was most disturbing was that it was entirely preventible. >> reporter: five days after her study was released, governor rick snyder, for the first time said publicly it appears that lead levels could be higher or have increased. a week later, he called for flint to go back to detroit's water system. in december, the governor's task force blasted state department of environmental quality which oversees water. the task force complaints by flint residents were met with aggressive dismissal,
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discredit individuals involved. today the governor asked state legislators for $28.5 million for water bottles, upgrade to school plumbing and a even a school psychologist. >> adriana diaz, thank you. lead poisoning is especially harmful to children and it is irreversible. dr. jon lapook has more on this. >> reporter: the parents of children in flint, michigan, have good reason to be worried. >> there is real danger that the injury is going to be permanent and lifelong in them. health at mount sinai school of lead since the '70s. >> the problem here is no level of lead is safe. even low levels of lead, especially if exposure continues over months will lead to brain
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>> reporter: exposed children are at risk for a number of problems, lower i.q. scores, developmental delays and behavioral, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. even after lead exposure stops, the effects can last for years or even be permanent. in flint michigan, a challenge will be identifying which children are at risk and then tracking them for years for evidence of injury. >> these children are going to be injured for life. they're going to need remedial education, educational enrichment programs, there are kids who may be prevented from functioning at their full level. >> reporter: there are no known drugs to reverse environmental damage caused by lead. a therapy can remove lead from the body, but so far it has not been helpful in treating the behavioral or neurological problems caused by lead. >> dr. jon lapook. thank you, doc. >> the water crisis in flint
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campaign. and nancy cordes has that. >> it is a civil rights issue. >> reporter: hillary clinton started sounding the alarm last week sending two top aide to flint. >> we would be outraged if this happened to white kids. and we should be outraged that it is happening right now to black kids. >> reporter: her opponent, bernie sanders called on michigan's governor to resign over the state's slow response. >> a man that acts that irresponsibly should not stay in power. >> reporter: most of the gop candidates have been reluctant to criticize a fellow republican. >> i'm sure he will manage this appropriately. >> reporter: that was ohio's john kasich. this was donald trump. >> you know, i shouldn't be commenting on flint. >> marco rubio professed ignorance. >> that's not an issue we have been focused on. ted cruz broke from republican opponents this afternoon. >> a failure at every level of government. a failure of city officials, the county officials, a failure of
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the muted response from most republican candidates shows they're disconnected. republicans said it is a state issue. and accused democrats of milking the crisis to score political points with the african-american community. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options
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less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase, guaranteed. this is lifelong coverage that can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, guaranteed. and because full benefits are not paid in the first two years your acceptance is guaranteed, you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and read about this rate lock for yourself. you'll also get a free gift with great information both are free, with no obligation, so don't miss out. call for information, then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee. don't wait,
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new hampshire will hold the first presidential primary three weeks from today. and have a look at this. in the democratic race there, sanders now leads clinton nearly 2:1. the new poll out today has sanders at 60%. clinton at 33%. sanders is the senator next door in the state of vermont. forecasters say 50 million people in the east could be in the path of a powerful winter storm later this week. eric fisher is the chief meteorologist at our cbs station in boston, wbz. eric, how bad might this be?
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significant storm up and down the east coast. watching the energy ashore on the western united states, producing rain and snow here. it will travel across the country over the next few days. by friday, we will be watching snow developing across the mid south, as far south as northern alabama and georgia. then the storm really starts to wind up off the mid-atlantic coast. peaking during the day on saturday. band of heavy know up and down the eastern snow board stretching toward northern new england, slowly moving eastward out to sea. a long duration event, friday into saturday, sunday for eastern corridor. here and below, the highest impact zone. the philly area done to d.c. suburbs, into virginia. we'll get a better idea of the exact totals by tomorrow. it looks like isolated amounts could be over two feet. the other thing to take into consideration here, we have a full moon saturday, high tides. strong onshore winds. so, scott we could see coastal surge here comparable to some
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anyone near the coast needs to >> we will be following this cosely. eric fisher, thanks. to date united states supreme court said it will rule on a showdown between president obama and congress. in 2014, mr. obama by passed congress and issued actions that would shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation such as parents of children born in the united states. the court will decide by summer whether the president overstepped his power. the americans freed in a prisoner swap with iran have not stopped smiling. today, "the washington post" released video of reporter jason rezaian sharing laughs over an internet video. and former u.s. marine, amir hekmati shared his thoughts on being freed. he had been arrested on espionage charges. while visiting his family in iran. liz palmer at the u.s. military
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where the former prisoners were being treated. >> reporter: meeting reporters, amir hekmati looked relaxed and healthy. >> i hope to get home soon. i really want to see my family and be back in the land of the free. >> how are you feeling yourself physically now? >> right now, i feel great. i have so much energy. like i said, this, i feel alive >> reporter: his sisters are with him here in germany. but he is anxious to see his father in the u.s. who is too freedom says hekmati, still feels surreal. >> sort of accepted the fact that i was going to be spending ten years in prison. so this was a surprise. they just came one morning and said "pack your things." did you believe them? >> no, absolutely not. >> reporter: but it was true. and in just hours he was on a swiss government jet. >> as soon as we got out of iranian airspace, the champagne bottles were popped. >> reporter: hekmati, former marine, and high value prisoner
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iran's evin prison in conditions that were in his word, inhumane >> i didn't want to let my marines, fellow marines down. and the reputation of the marine corps. so i tried my best to, you know, keep my head up. >> reporter: scott, amir hekmati knew he could rely on support from within the military, but he was thrilled and also a little humbled when he discovered how many other people from across the u.s. and around the world have lobbied to help set him free. >> elizabeth palmer in germany for us tonight. thanks, liz. match fixing will not be tolerated at the year's first grand slam tennis tournament in australia. officials made that unusual vow after an investigation was made public that said over the years some players had thrown matches
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don dahler is following this. >> reporter: as the the australian open began, talk was about a different kind of racket. eight unidentified players competing there are on the list of suspects who allegedly threw matches. that list was compiled by an investigative unit within association of tennis professionals and leaked to the bbc and buzzfeed. atp acknowledges their investigation discovered rigged matches going back years. but executive chairman chris kermode insists there has been no cover-up. >> tennis has invested over $14 million to address this issue of corruption. and it is constantly being reviewed. >> reporter: world number one, novak djokovic says he was offered $200,000 in 2007 to throw a first round match in russia. >> i was approached through people that were working with me at that time.
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and of course, we, we threw it away right away. djokovic made $21 million last year. tennis officials say most of the players involved earn far less. more than 70 are suspected of throwing matches. vast majority have not and will not be disciplined because their alleged offenses took place before an anti-corruption rule was established in 2009. since 2010, the atp disciplined 18 people including a lifetime ban for five players. none of the names in the report has been made public which top rank players say is a mistake. >> i would love to hear names. then at least it is concrete stuff. you can actually debate about it. >> reporter: because the the atp its not a law enforcement agency it is limited in its evidence gathering abilities. scott, investigators interviewed players and witnesses and analyzed betting and phone record to uncover the foul play. >> don dahler, thanks. the tax man has a warning about the con man. there are new cases of the mosquito born violence linked to birth effects. and the sun puts on a show. the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. seriously? where do you think you're going?
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it's taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. the more you move the more you sweat degree's motionsense technology keeps you fresh with every move. it has unique microcapsules that contain fragrances. friction breaks the capsules... ...releasing bursts of freshness all day. whether you're meeting a deadline... ...grabbing a bite... ...or heading out for the night. motionsense, protection to keep you moving. degree, it won't let you down. today you can do everything in just one click,
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introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness flush. lysol. start healthing. yeah, click it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it.
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that mother had traveled from brazil. tax filing season began today with a warning from the irs. and here's our kris van cleave. >> you need to pay the internal revenue service. >> reporter: the scam will start with a threat from some one money. >> i need you to pay -- calls reported every week. among those receiving one, cbs pegues. >> i should not send a check to the irs. >> no sir, at this point in time you need to complete the procedure outside of the courthouse, that is the reason. >> soon as they get you on the
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>> reporter: with the treasury department. he is featured in a new psa released today. >> fraud is real. hang up on fraud. >> reporter: warning about the fraud. >> the safest thing to do so you don't get caught up in it. hang up the telephone. >> reporter: the treasury department received nearly 900,000 reports of irs scam calls since october of 2013. at least 5,000 victims have paid out more than $26.5 million. >> they don't care about anything other than trying to intimidate you into paying them money. >> reporter: one tip-off is the phone call itself. if you actually do owe money, the irs will contact you by mail first. jeff pegues confronted his scammer. >> i think you're a scam artist. and we're going to track you down and have you arrested. okay. you are going to tell somebody to go to the bank and get cash. hello? >> reporter: actually tracking those people down isn't so easy. many of the calls are coming from overseas. treasury was only able to tell us about one recent arrest. scott, many victims are asked to wire money through western union, or moneygram. don't do it. >> kris van cleave, thank you very much. a few choice word about some
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welcome to cbs this morning. >> no trains because that's the derailed cars. >> on the front line behind me the police have fired stun grenades. >> the wind is pushing the flames up the hillside away from the highway. >> this was so devastating, charlie. >> how you doing, mom? >> i'm doing okay? >> happy your kids are okay. >> the largest storm ever to hit the united states. >> just one of the many areas that will likely be lashed by sandy. >> what do you think the country in the next four years. >> everything takes longer than you like.
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>> i will never forget the last 48 hours. >> you said a strong centralized government is in the dna of russia. >> the president of syria, the president of iran, and the prime minister of israel, who does he think he is, charlie rose? >> i got you. >> among the fear and panic another. >> good morning from the top of the new one world trade center. >> we are going to give you the first look at the spectacular views from the tallest building in the western hemisphere. >> people always say they love their fans. but there really is something special about you and your fans. >> you and i have been friend for a while. good. >> welcome back to cbs this >> i said it was going to be a good morning. >> best ever. love being on the show. >> no one had a better year. >> we are very good. >> that's fantastic. >> i will be here every day.
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>> whoa. >> cbs, everybody. >> hello. >> cbs in the morning, so y'all keep watching. beginning overnight some neighbors will make a rare joint appearance. if you look toward the south, mercury, venus, saturn, mars, and jupiter will line up just before dawn every night for a month. years. and it will be visible to the naked eye. nasa sent us video of a series of eruptions on the sun, a cascade of magnetic particles to the surface. and what on earth were these folks thinking?
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their online password. it tops this year's list of the most vulnerable pass words. number two, is the word, password. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options
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less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase, guaranteed. this is lifelong coverage that can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, guaranteed. and because full benefits are not paid in the first two years your acceptance is guaranteed, you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and read about this rate lock for yourself. you'll also get a free gift with great information both are free, with no obligation, so don't miss out. call for information, then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee. don't wait,
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the vice president of the from washington. >> the economy has gotten worse for many americans. california here i come from >> the ricardos and the mertzs may have invented carpool karaoke in a 55 pontiac, but james cordon has taken it to the next level on the "late, late show." here's mark phillips. [ applause ] >> hello? >> stop me if you have seen this one before, many have. >> i was wondering if after all these years you'd look to meet. >> reporter: the script a steal from the lyrics of adele's megahit "hello."
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adele. we could have had it all >> james cordon's carpool karaoke segments are a signature feature. >> you are looking fine right now. seriously. >> reporter: and the latest one with the hottest thing in pop music has become about the hottest thing on the web. >> do you mind if we listen to music? hello, can you hear me >> reporter: cordon's car borne conversation and crooning with adele has set a new record. more than 45 million hits in less than a week. >> that was amazing. >> reporter: why does it work? hello from the outside at least i can see >> reporter: maybe because singing along in a car is what
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what could be better than adele. i know you love me >> reporter: or justin. as long as i know >> reporter: the carpool karaoke when he was planning the show a year ago when a walk along the river showed he was already a popular show business figure in britain. >> they recognize me. >> don't think it was for me. more for the camera. >> reporter: it was for him. and the popularity seems to have stuck with him. >> every now and then in your career there is one thing, few and far between in most people's careers where critically and audiences go, wow. you know? >> reporter: maybe it was the rapping adele that made 45 million people go wow and counting. mark phillips, cbs news, london. >> and that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new
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morning. >> the united states is intensifying the fight against isis. >> intelligence officials blame common smartphone apps for helping the terrorists. >> announcer: this is th "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm michelle miller. protests and lawsuits in michigan over the poison water crisis in flint. embattled governor rick snyder asked for patience in the state-of-the-state address where he unveiled proposals to provide health services to kids and prevent water shutoffs if people decide not to pay their bills. meanwhile the mayor of flint was
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adriana diaz has the story. >> reporter: tony palladeno and his wife were among hundreds to boarded buses. >> we are all affected and infected. and they need to pay for this. >> reporter: it all started in april 2014 when flint switched from detroit watt tire water from the flint river to save money. within weeks residents began complaining abut the smell, taste and appearance. a year later the city found slightly elevated lead levels in the water but said there was no cause for alarm. then in september, a group of doctors found the number of children with dangerous lead levels had doubled. leeann walters noticed physical and developmental delays in her kids. >> we were told by the state nurse it is just a few i.q. points. not the end of the world. >> reporter: dr. mona hannas attica led the study on children.
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results of your study. what went through your mind? >> i think my jaw dropped. how could we do this? what was disturbing was it was preventible. >> reporter: five days after her study was released governor rick snyder said for the first time publicly it appears that lead levels could be higher or have increased. a week later he called for flint to go back to the detroit water system. in december the governor's task force blasted the department of environmental quality. which oversees water. the task force said complaints were met with aggressive dismissal, belittlement and attempts to discredit the individuals involved. today, the governor asked state legislators for $28.5 million to to school plumbing, and even a school psychologist to help with developmental needs. the tax filing season has begun. scammers are burning up the
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trying to rip you off. chip reid has the the story from irs headquarters in washington. >> reporter: since we first told you about the irs phone scam the number of people contacted by the scammers has almost tripled to nearly a million. >> the irs is calling me? is this for real? >> reporter: the treasury department today issued this public service announcement to warn taxpayers about phone scammers who claim to be irs agents. >> hang up on fraud. >> reporter: a deputy inspector general at treasury which oversees the irs. who are the people making these calls? >> just ruthless criminals. and they really don't care about people. they don't, they don't care about anything other than trying to intimidate you into paying them money. >> reporter: north carolina pastor al kaden told us last year she was so scared he couldn't think straight. it started with this threatening
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>> delay in calling us back may end up into a legal matter for you. >> reporter: he did call back. >> this woman gave me her name and badge number. said that she was informing me that they were filing a warrant for my arrest. rip a warrant for your arrest? >> yes. for tax fraud. >> reporter: he did not believe he had done anything wrong. but the stakes were too high. so, over the next seven hours, he made multiple withdrawals from his bank. and sent the money to the irs impersonators with prepaid debit card. the total $16,000. and kaden is far from alone. in march last year, 366,000 people had been called by the scammers, now it's more than 900,000. the number of victims who lost money has gone from 3,000 to more than 5,000. and the total amount of money stolen has grown from $15 million to more than $26 million. what should tip people off this
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>> the tip-off is, if you don't pay immediately you are going to that is the tip-off. the irs will never make a telephone call look that. >> reporter: if you do get a call look that, he says you should simply hang up. don't say a word. hang up again. by the way the scam started in india, it is so profitable. there are now call centers all around the world where people are calling people here in the united states. >> there was a major upset down tennis tournament. unseeded player in a marathon five hour match. only the second time in his career, nadal did not make it through the first round of the grand slam tournament. meanwhile some of the biggest names in the sport are demanding to know the name of those accused of throwing matches. investigators say they have evidence that at least 16 top gamblers. mark phillips in london has the details. >> reporter: while the problem with tennis is how do you prove
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ball went long or who put a volley into the net. still the reports say more than a dozen players ranked in the top 50 regularly lost matches under odd circumstances. meaning they were the subject of suspicious betting patterns. the allegations have overshadowed the opening days of the australian open. the first stop on tennis' grand slam tour. >> that's bad, obviously if something has been going on. but you hope that, know that it's -- in public that, you know something may be, will get done about it. >> reporter: the anames of alleged cheaters have not been disclosed but the reports leaked to the bbc and buzzfeed are based on documents that identify more than 70 players suspected of throwing matches. but which players. i would look to hear the name. love to hear names.
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you can debate about it. >> reporter: the core group of alleged cheaters is composed of 16 men including grand slam champions. gambling syndicates in russia and italy have reportedly made big money by placing suspicious bets at tournaments including wimbledon and the french open. >> tennis integrity unit and tennis authorities absolutely reject any suggestion that evidence of match fixing has been suppressed for any reason. >> reporter: the tennis corruption police, so-called tennis integrity unit say they have taken disciplinary action in 18 cases including banning five players and one official for life. others have admitted being approached to throw matches. even the world number one. when he was just starting out. >> i was approached through, i mean, not me personally, through people that were working with me
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only mucinex dm relieves both wet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. by some estimates, 80% of all processed foods, cereals, baby formulas, canned soups and more contain at least one gmo. genetically modified organism. whether they should be listed on the label has touched off a bitter food fight. barry peterson reports. >> reporter: dalen perry's papaya farm on the big island of hawaii may be a bit off the beaten path but smack in the middle of a worldwide debate about one of life's essentials. the very food we eat. his papayas like almost all of those now grown on the big
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genetically modified organisms. i'm sure the first question is, is it safe? >> you say, of course. i've been eating it. my kids have been eating it for 20 years now. >> reporter: 20 years ago the big island papaya industry had been thriving. growers were shipping 60 million pounds of papayas a year. but then insects began spreading a devastating virus called ring spot to nearly every papaya tree on the island. in about three years, the trees were dead. fields were barren. the industry literally wiped out. but a hawaiian born plant
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new york came to the rescue. >> we had a technology that could help develop a virus resistant papaya. >> reporter: along with a team of scientists pulled off a feat of genetic engineering. they took a dna strand from the destructive papaya virus and inserted it into the dna of a papaya seed. just as with a vaccine for a human, the papayas became immune to ring spot. one of the final field tests was on perry's farm in 1997. in these photos, you can see the dead and diseased trees surrounding the healthy genetically engineered trees. >> and it grew beautiful. absolutely beautiful. and even to this day, there has been no breakdown of resistance. >> reporter: today american farmers grow about 10 different gmo crops including more than 92% of all corn and soy.
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insects or to resist weed-killing herbicides or both. that means, farmers can dramatically reduce insecticide use and when they spray for weeds, the herbicide won't kill their crops. and most of us eat gmos every day in processed foods like soda, cereal, chips, and cheese. and in november, salmon joined the list. it is genetically engineered to grow faster. and there are more foods in the pipeline. among them, a peanut, without the toxin that triggers deadly allergies. bananas, the main source of food for hundreds of millions of africans, that would become immune to diseases now decimating those crops. >> hell, no, gmo!
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>> reporter: so given all that, why are so many people so opposed to gmos? >> as a mother, and a scientist who has been looking at these, use for some decades, i am increasing concerned at the way corporations have gained more and more control and influence over our food system. >> reporter: she is a senior scientist at pesticide action network. genetically engineered seed are responsible for an enormous increase in the use of pesticides primarily herbicides. weed killers. people have a healthy skepticism to corporations telling us that their products are perfectly safe. we have seen that with ddt and tobacco for example. >> reporter: a lot of the opposition to gmos directed at the world's largest seat company, monsanto. the scientist says she is troubled that when farmers buy herbicide-resistant gmo seed
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into using large quantities of monsanto produced herbicide as well. and there is something else. farmers who buy monsanto's patented gmo seeds must sign an will use them for only one farmers have done this since the beginning of farming. they raise their crops. save their seeds. and plant them the next year. so why push farmers not to replant seeds that are patented by monsainto from this year to next year? >> we spend a billion and a half dollars a year on research and development and there need to be some way of seeing a return on that. >> reporter: hugh grant is the ceo of monsanto. he says if farmers want to take their business elsewhere they have plenty of options. >> the grower has very little loyalty, very little from the best possible seed that produces the best possible crop.
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getting harder to sell. as consumes say they dent want gmos in their food. >> i want to say, no to gmo. and yes to healthy foods. >> we have no idea what potential health complications arise from eating diets richt in gmos. >> reporter: and some companies are reacting. chipotle, hershey, and whole foods, have or will soon ban or gmos. the big question is -- is all of this fear justified? >> researchers are only just beginning to investigate the myriad of potential adverse >> reporter: like what? >> from gmos. long term independent studies to
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questions fully. >> reporter: and this its the great divide. polls show 57% of americans think gmos are unsafe to eat. but consider this. 88% of scientists say, gmos are safe. and, prestigious scientific organizations, among them, american medical association, the world health organization, and the national academy of sciences, all say hundreds of peer reviewed studies confirm, gmos pose no danger to health. a plant geneticist, and her husband is a certified organic farmer. >> reporter: has any study shown even as much as one person who has been harmed or died from eating food that was genetically
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>> there is not a single instance of harm to human health genetically engineered crops. >> reporter: she points out that farmers have been genetically altering food for thousands of years using techniques like grafting, hybridization, and cross-breeding. look at corn for example. this is the ancient ancestor of this corn produces 100 fold more which is not used anymore. engineered by nature. everything we eat has been genetically altered using human intervention. >> reporter: still the vast majority of americans say, gmos are different and should be clearly labeled. >> since the food are not labeled, we have no way to really ascertain what are the kind of impacts that people are having who are consuming gmos and those who are not. americans have a right to know what is in our food. and a right to know how it has been grown. >> reporter: and she has an
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the ceo of monsanto. >> we have been for voluntary labelling for quite some time. >> reporter: i am surprised i company that didn't want people to have gmo on a label when they walk through a grocery store, it would be monsanto. transparent we should really open up. to me that makes sense. >> reporter: what no one disputes is this. the controversy over gmos is creating an ever-lengthening approval process in countries around the world. take vitamin enriched golden rice which could help 250 million children who have a sometimes fatal vitamin a deficiency. >> we have to have food that is safe. what has been put into the golden rice, a pigment we should eat every day in carrots. as we impose regulatory hurdles that are not placed on other crops, many children are dying
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>> reporter: faced with increasing anti-gmo public opinion, the push to ban them is accelerating in rich countries. where there is so much food that obesity is a major health issue. yet their biggest impact could one day be in the increasingly hungry third world. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. you get a cold. you can't breathe through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. a mouthbreather! how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers.
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it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. here in the city, parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. x evening, sir. hello! here's the keys. and, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. hm, wouldn't mind some of that beef wellington... to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to zah! (car alarm sounds)
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first rained down on baghdad. operation desert storm wrapped up in just six weeks when iraqi forces gave up kuwait. david martin looks back now on the lessons of that war. this will not stand, this aggression, against kuwait. >> reporter: after a build-up of 500,000 american troops in saudi arabia, president bush issued the execute order that turned into one of the most lopsided victories in military history. >> i was able to guarantee president bush that we would succeed because the iraqi army was sitting there in kuwait like a golf ball on top of is tee waiting to be hit. >> colin powell was chairman of joint chiefs of staff at the time. >> our strat jae egy to go after the
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first we will cut it off and then we will kill it. >> will it ever be that simple again? >> it is not lick that any more. not a single guy with an army easy to defeat. >> do you think desert storm created unrealistic expectation as but military force. >> it may have in the mind of some. it didn't in my mind. i understood the nature of the war. how limited it was. it wasn't a model of what we can do in every other conflict that comes along. >> reporter: victory in the desert followed by parade. a new biography of president bush quotes his diary as saying "i have no elation." >> we had hoped after desert storm, saddam would be so weakened that he would be taken down or quit. that didn't happen. that was a great disapin thement to president bush. >> reporter: at least the president said the united states military had finally riz in from the ashes of vietnam. it could fight and win a war overseas. >> by god, we have kicked that syndrome once and for all.
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glen frey co-founder of the eagles passed away monday. he leaves behind a remarkable musical legacy. anthony mason is outside the troubadour nightclub in west hollywood, california. >> reporter: the troubadour is where the eagles were born where glen frey first connected with don henley back in 1970. that friendship would form the basis of one of the most successful american acts of the rock era. running down the road trying to loosen my load i've got seven women on my mind >> reporter: as front man of the eagles grown frey would help create one of the most
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music. take it easy take it easy with their blend of country and rock, the eagles scored four consecutive number one albums. and sold 150 million records. >> we were serious about the songs and serious about where we wanted to take the band. but, along the way, we really rocked and had a good time. >> reporter: a detroit native, glen frey met texas drummer don henley signed to the label in l.a. and the two joined linda ronstadt's backup band. as henley remembered when i spock to him spoke to him for "cbs this morning." >> glen wanted to put a band together that had four guys in it that could all sing. you can't hide your lying eyes a room at the hotel
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>> reporter: formed in 1971, the eagles would become the best-selling band of the decade. but the cost of fame proved too much. the eagles broke up in 1980. and frey began a successful solo career. the heat is on desperado >> reporter: then in 1994, the eagles reunited with the album, hell freezes over. the new kid in town >> and touring off and on ever since. we talked to the songwriting duo in a 2007 interview for 60 minutes. >> are you guys friends? >> yeah, yeah. >> yes. >> complicated friendship i take it? >> little bit like brothers. you know. together. >> yeah. >> business, we will forever be
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